#claudia de la cruz
fafefae · 2 months
the american voting system is NOT EQUIPPED to support a 3rd party without ranked choice voting. and until we get RCV, it's one or the other. and it WILL be one or the other.
a lot of 3rd party candidates sound great, but they do not have a realistic chance at winning. be realistic. you know who does have a chance at winning? the household names, trump or harris.
splitting the vote by going 3rd party is what made trump happen in 2016, it was hillary clinton's downfall. it was USED by state sponsored internet trolls to spread propaganda, destabilize and divide the left. it was endorsed by trump himself, he tried it in 2020 too, and he's doing it again now because he knows it might be the only chance he has at winning.
be VERY wary of anyone telling you vote 3rd party. it's trump or harris. it won't be stein, de la cruz, or sherman, or fucking anybody else ive never heard of, because nobody is talking about independent candidates, and EVERYONE is talking about trump and harris.
it will be trump or harris for president, and it will be trump if you vote 3rd party. and ill tell you as an anarchist, i would rather have kamala harris and all her flaws in office over the fascist donald trump who would see me and my queer siblings and my friends and family of color dead.
do not split the fucking vote.
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The language (you can read it in full here on congress dot gov)
Resolved, That the House of Representatives— (1) reaffirms the State of Israel’s right to exist; (2) recognizes that denying Israel’s right to exist is a form of antisemitism; (3) rejects calls for Israel’s destruction and the elimination of the only Jewish State; and (4) condemns the Hamas-led terrorist attack on Israel.
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House Bill 888.
Posted December 3rd, 2023
All 435 house seats are up for grabs this election.
34 seats in the Senate are up for grabs.
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karinyosa · 9 months
CALIFORNIA!! if you’re planning on voting for claudia de la cruz and karina garcia this 2024, they’re going to be running under the peace and freedom party. if you want to vote for them in the primaries, you’ll have to register under the peace and freedom party before february 5. they posted a video about it on their instagram here.
in my state, you can change your party very easily online, as long as you have your address and social security number on hand. not sure if it’s the same case for california, but i would try that first
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serethespider · 3 months
if you live in the usa and want to stop trump from taking office there's a candidate we can all rally behind that isn't wholeheartedly supporting genocide and is running on a platform of actual leftism and liberation!! IF THE LEFT CAN UNITE TO BACK BIDEN (and people on here scolding and berating people for not voting for him certainly believe we can and should) THEN WE CAN UNITE TO BACK SOMEONE ELSE. VOTE CLAUDIA DE LA CRUZ
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black-is-beautiful18 · 10 months
Stop making excuses! We got options y’all! Claudia De La Cruz and Karina García are one of them!
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dicapiito · 6 days
A starter guide for how US politics work
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🗳️ More below 🗳️:
Legislative Branch:
House of Representatives is GOP controlled. Want bills passed? There needs to be 218 in favor of said bill and since the House Speaker is Mike Johnson; he and the GOP are up Trump’s asshole
Senate is Democratically controlled. However, for bills to pass there needs to be a 60 Senate Majority and the Senate is 51-49.
Executive Branch is self explanatory. That said, no the President can’t do whatever they want when it comes to bills because this isn’t a monarchy but a democracy
The Judicial Branch:
SCOTUS. A 6-3 Conservative majority with three seats that will be replaced. Vote so Roe V Wade can be restored and protected. Also want the court expanded and 18 year term limits? Vote Kamala Harris and vote Blue down ballot.
Also all those pesky ass judges that keep helping out their fellow pervs and assholes in the states? Vote Blue and make sure to check out your local elections.
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And once again a reminder about third party candidates:
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And let’s stop the cycle as to why things don’t get done
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peoplevsbirds · 4 months
i’m so sick of these spineless fucking liberals not even pretending to withhold their vote for biden. instead of even trying to make him sweat, trying to leverage their voting power to sway him to support different policies*, blue maga is just proudly supporting a colonizing genocide facilitator.
i always knew those 99% Hitler vs 100% Hitler jokes were accurate but it’s still surreal to be berated by self described “progressives” for not wanting to vote for a man who has given bombs to Israel, lied multiple times about October 7, and actively helped Israel murder 37,000+ Palestinians
Sorry, i won’t be voting for that ghoul and there’s nothing anyone could say to change my mind
*yes i know that even if joe biden made promises to stop supporting Israel he likely would walk back on them but this is literally bare minimum shit guys omfg
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guavagyal · 3 months
anyway, I'm voting for Claudia de la Cruz. I'm tired of this white madness.
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delilahmidnight · 10 months
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tamlindudley · 10 months
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Libs and Dems love using that "leopards eating my face party" meme to poke at Republican women and queers but like
Youre asking us to vote for man committing genocide overseas because you think he wouldn't do the same to you. Even though it's him opening the wallet for it to happen and he didn't give a shit when you protested and called and marched for him to stop, did he?
In fact let me see here, what he did was *checks notes* tell the collective USA to get fucked cuz he's gonna keep supporting Israel committing war crimes. Which is currently causing a massive party divide. Headlines from today:
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Oh right and he did this.
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After he did this already
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And hows your healthcare look? Your rent? Your gas tank? Groceries? Your paycheck? Winter is coming up for the USA and how often are you gonna worry about paying the electric bill?
And he wants to use more of your taxes to keep committing war crimes, knowing full well that you're already struggling.
And you think that guy will protect you from Republicans and Fascists?
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Him? He's gonna protect y'all from fascism?? The dude cutting educational funding and student work programs for this?
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bonesashesglass · 9 months
Please look into Claudia De la Cruz! She's a 2024 USA presidential candidate with the Party for Socialism and Liberation and she is actively trying to help Palestine and to improve conditions for working class people. If you like her, please help spread her name!
Hi! I was actually planning on voting for De la Cruz in the election! But you’re right more people need to spread the word about her. I think the reason a lot of people still want to vote for Biden is because they don’t want to vote for Trump, and don’t realize there’s another option.
Yes it’s an uphill battle, but nothing is going to change by playing into the same lesser-of-two-evils two-party system that has always screwed us over.
Claudia De la Cruz for 2024 and Free Palestine! 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸
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walks-the-ages · 2 months
plain text: Harris, Trump, Sherman, Stein, De La Cruz, West, Kennedy, Other, None.
please reblog for further range :)
But! Just note:
genocide-apologism/denial tags or comments, including anything along the lines of "But x would be worse..." gets you an immediate block.
If you claim that third party is useless you will be blocked.
If you demonize people who do not vote you will be blocked.
Make your own polls if you want to spout that crap.
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padawan-historian · 5 months
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@sfs_ucla “But what about Trump?”
Tens of millions of people across the country are deeply concerned about the prospect that Donald Trump will return to the White House. Faced with this profoundly troubling possibility, many feel like they have no choice but to view the election purely as a referendum on whether or not Trump comes back into power, regardless of who his opponent is.
But for people who want to defeat the racist, pro-corporate, anti-women, war-mongering and planet killing politics that Trump represents, this would be a big mistake.
Read more about combating the “lesser than two evils” rhetoric on votesocialist2024.com.
🍉 Claudia de la Cruz // Karina Garcia
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black-is-beautiful18 · 11 months
If you’re unsure of who to vote for next year, cuz Trump nor Biden will ever be our saving grace, look into Claudia De La Cruz. I just learned of her but lemme tell you something. I’m liking what I see and hear so far.
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dicapiito · 11 days
Leftists need to study this map and realize that their third party candidates will not get the required 270 Electoral votes for their leftist candidate. Not like they were trying to win; they’re just trying to grift and help Trump win
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If Kamala Harris doesn’t get to 270 electoral votes; it becomes a House decision and then a SCOTUS decision which = Project 2025
Third party candidates are not on all state ballots and they do not have nearly enough states to even entertain that number.
Exhibit A:
🤡 West.
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At most , which is a long shot; he gets to 166 electoral votes.
Well 156 because no way is Walz’s state going to screw him for any third party candidate
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De La Cruz AT MOST could get to 227
Oh wait. 55 of those electoral votes are California and Harris is from California so that state is out. Same with Minnesota since Walz is the Governor.
227-55-10=162 AT MOST which she will not get
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And last but not least. The leftists favorite white lady.
Technically she does have enough states as of now to get to 270.
Remember, California alone is 55 electoral votes; those votes will go to Harris, and Walz in Minnesota with 10 electoral votes, she’s already down 65.
Add that red states aren’t entertaining her bullshit just like blue states; she would never remotely reach the required electoral votes needed to win.
Voting for her and all third party candidates = a vote for Donald Trump
Also fun fact as to why many leftists are never on the ballot in all states?
Now which leftist would be getting to 270?
Answer: NO ONE
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California always goes Blue. North Carolina might actually go Blue along with Florida since DeSatan is a dipshit.
The Midwest states are definitely not voting for a leftist and places like Mississippi are always nearly Blue and don’t have time for leftist candidate bullshit. There’s too many communities that will be affected by Trump and Vance
And vote Blue down ballot.
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