#karina garcia
karinyosa · 9 months
CALIFORNIA!! if you’re planning on voting for claudia de la cruz and karina garcia this 2024, they’re going to be running under the peace and freedom party. if you want to vote for them in the primaries, you’ll have to register under the peace and freedom party before february 5. they posted a video about it on their instagram here.
in my state, you can change your party very easily online, as long as you have your address and social security number on hand. not sure if it’s the same case for california, but i would try that first
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black-is-beautiful18 · 10 months
Stop making excuses! We got options y’all! Claudia De La Cruz and Karina García are one of them!
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delilahmidnight · 10 months
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tamlindudley · 10 months
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padawan-historian · 5 months
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@sfs_ucla “But what about Trump?”
Tens of millions of people across the country are deeply concerned about the prospect that Donald Trump will return to the White House. Faced with this profoundly troubling possibility, many feel like they have no choice but to view the election purely as a referendum on whether or not Trump comes back into power, regardless of who his opponent is.
But for people who want to defeat the racist, pro-corporate, anti-women, war-mongering and planet killing politics that Trump represents, this would be a big mistake.
Read more about combating the “lesser than two evils” rhetoric on votesocialist2024.com.
🍉 Claudia de la Cruz // Karina Garcia
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aeonsaeons · 1 year
I have no idea why I’m not seeing anything about this anywhere, but I’m wanting this video to really blow up. At least show people there’s more than 2 options nobody really wants. The working class can work together and allow for a viable third option. I really think this is possible this election!! Everyone’s pissed!
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jetblkhotelmirror · 10 months
i just found out about Claudia De la Cruz and Karina Garcia and i am SOLD
they are running for president and vp in the 2024 election for the Party for Socialism and Liberation
their platform is all about giving back to the people and uplifting the working class while dismantling the capitalist systems that are actively killing people both inside and outside of the us
both claudia and karina have boots on the ground for palestine right now and have been active in organizing and pushing for big change since they were teenagers
do your own research, of course, but finding out about the psl and about claudia and karina has given me so much hope for the future and for this election
they are the kind of people the world needs right now
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mrkimmy-101 · 11 months
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breadtangle · 9 months
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(VoteSocialist2024 Illustrated Tee)
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intersectionalpraxis · 8 months
Have you checked out Jasmine Sherman and Brittany Jones? They’re both third parties and honestly I checked some of their policies out and it looks very promising. Between them and Claudia De La Cruz I feel hopeful about possible candidates. I just hope one of them wins and are actually able to do what they say they want. Because I know the senate and the house would push them back as hard as possible.
I didn't know about these candidates, so I had to look into them a little first! There were a few other people that sent me messages about them, so I'm going to link some resources below for folks to learn more about and potentially support if you like their platforms/advocacy/movements:
Jasmine Sherman
Brittany Jones (of which I could not find more specific information about, but this is their website)
For voters in the United States, who aren't aware here is a little information to start. Many socialist parties are something both conservatives/republicans disdain, so I am sure there would be push back, but I am socialist-leaning myself and seeing candidates like Jasmine Sherman is really amazing -I'll have to look into them more. Thank you to those who alerted me about them.
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volupptuouslatinas · 2 years
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itsbansheebitch · 4 months
As we get closer to November, we need to make sure we are recognizing everyone's humanity & not spreading doomerism.
To help out, I'm sharing some resources you can use.
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black-is-beautiful18 · 8 months
A reminder that Claudia De La Cruz and Karina Garcia are running for President and Vice President. And before any of you loser leftists come on my blog, AGAIN, this is not a safe place for you. I do not care if Biden is the best option, cuz he’s not, I’m not voting for him. We warned y’all about him 4 years ago and now y’all are seeing him for who he is. Deal with it, put your vote towards someone and something that actually matters, and get over it. You wanna make america better??? Gain a spine and do what’s actually going to help us. Voting for the man who is actively funding a genocide and bombing Yemen with no warning is only gonna make things worse.
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nicecurves · 2 months
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blackros78 · 1 year
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Karina Garcia
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poisonousquinzel · 7 months
As we've entered into the 2024 election year, I Beg you all that feel disappointment and rage at the disgraceful excuses for politicians we have in the US rn to look into the campaign of the two women shown in this video.
Claudia de la Cruz and Karina Garcia are running for President and VP in 2024. Here's their campaign video, as I can only include 1 vid per post. And here is their website.
I implore everyone who has the ability to vote in the November US election to read up on them.
Claudia De la Cruz (Presidential Candidate) is a mother, popular educator, community organizer and theologian. Being at the nexus of many different projects, organizations and social movements, Claudia connects different groups of people to link and merge struggles together in the overarching fight for justice. Born in the South Bronx to immigrant parents from the Dominican Republic, she was nourished by the Black and Caribbean working class communities of the Bronx and Washington Heights in the 1980s and 90s. At an early age, she was already questioning the conditions of poverty, violence, and oppression in her neighborhood, and what she saw and experienced served as her first entry point to understanding working class consciousness. When she was 13, Claudia began her political organizing work at her home church—Iglesia Episcopal Santa Maria (later the Iglesia San Romero de Las Américas–UCC), grounding her work on principles of liberation theology. She actively participated in campaigns to free political prisoners; to get the U.S. Navy out of Vieques, Puerto Rico; to end the U.S. blockade against Cuba; for the freedom of Palestine; against police terror—to name a few. In high school, she became a peer educator, conducting workshops on reproductive health and safe sex at community hubs and progressive churches, particularly for youth in the Bronx. It was through this work and her experiences as a working class Black Caribbean young woman that she understood there was only one solution to our collective problems: to fight for a better future, a socialist future
Karina Garcia (VP Candidate) is a Chicana organizer and popular educator who has been fighting for a better world since she was 17 years old as a high school student in California. From El Barrio in New York City to the border areas of Texas, she has helped lead campaigns against landlord abuses, wage theft, and police brutality, as well as fights for reproductive justice, immigrants rights and student financial aid reform. She is a founder of the Justice Center en El Barrio in New York City and is a member of the Central Committee of the Party for Socialism and Liberation.
Karina’s father migrated to the U.S. from Mexico when he was just 16 years old, and the will of working-class immigrants like him to survive and thrive inspired her to take on life with determination. This served her well when Karina received a full scholarship to study at Columbia University. She moved across the country by herself, knowing that she had to seize upon every opportunity to give back—a single year of tuition was the equivalent of her family's entire household income. As soon as she arrived, she joined every conceivable progressive organization on campus. She led struggles to expand financial aid for low-income students, for immigrant and worker rights, and to speak out against the Iraq war. In 2006, her activism received national attention when she led a campaign to confront and shut down the anti-immigrant fascist militia, the Minuteman Project. When Karina took a semester off to do a speaking tour in California, she met with high school and college students to keep building the movement for immigrant rights. That same year, she joined the Party for Socialism and Liberation. Graduating with a degree in Economics, Karina went on to become a New York City high school math teacher. After school, she advised a student group that protested against budget cuts, the Iraq war, police brutality and anti-immigrant laws. In 2012, she moved into a national organizing position for the National Latina Institute for Reproductive Justice where she worked for nearly a decade training immigrant women and working-class Latina activists in New York, Texas, Virginia and Florida.
[Taken from the About The Candidates section on their website.]
Understand that despite the mainstream medias desperate attempts to make us believe that our choices are really just Biden and Trump that that is not true.
We have other options.
We have better options.
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