#dragon quest rose
satanslittlepup · 9 months
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romancemedia · 7 months
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The Passionate/Badass Cartoon Battle Couples (2)
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sarybomb · 1 year
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Happy 2 years of life to Rose Quest!! 🐉🌹
Today's been two years since I started this comic, what an amazing experience was making it... And how intense people was for the characters... I'm glad 😈
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themunflower · 7 months
Psaro and Rose Cannot Enjoy Lunch
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Rose: "... ... ... Should we... Should we do something?"
Psaro: "Ignore him, we do NOT want to teach him to beg."
Fun fact: That's Cherry Slimeade, from here.
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Dragon Quest VI/ Dragon Quest Monsters 3 au where Psaro just kidnaps Solo the moment he sees him in the village and takes him to Nadiria
Not to kill him, but to show him that not all monsters are bad and that not all humans are good. Solo and Psaro begin traveling with each other and Rose around Nadiria while avoiding human towns and villages due to the danger they would represent to Rose.
Needless to say, this was not what the Zenith Dragon had meant!
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soloavengers · 4 months
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‘twas a busy week
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dannytornado · 7 months
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ピサロ & ロザリー
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myfandomincolor · 2 months
Alright I gotta stop scribbling on this one and get it out of my WIPs 😆
Jethann from The Blooming Rose in Kirkwall but in That One Outfit.
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Screenshots that made me this way below the cut
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You're gonna tell me Jethann wears this when he could be wearing this:
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t-mere · 8 months
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Draw Psaro and Rose in the rain. Have I played the original game they’re in? Pftt- no. I played DQM TDP and got inspired. Have no idea if the ship ends up healthy or not, don’t really care, I think they’re cute and I need more straight ships under my belt.
Plus they’re both pretty elves, I am but a simple creature who gives into their manly desires-
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dndhistory · 1 year
166. Rose Estes - Endless Quest #2: Mountain of Mirrors (1982)
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Another fun entry in the Endless Quest series, coming out in the first batch of the series which included the first four volumes, this time you get to be an Elf. Remember that we are following D&D logic here, not AD&D, this means that an Elf is a class in and of itself, basically a kind of ranger class. 
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Your hometown of Aralia is not getting their usual trade caravans come through it, which means that you, Landon the Elf, are sent to investigate what the heck is going on now that the snows are coming and the passes will soon be impassable. You go south to the mountain of Shanafria where you soon find a Frost Giant and a White Dragon pup... oops. 
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So, that's probably what's holding up the caravans, that and the enslavement of Elves and Halflings that is going on in the mountain. On the way to solve the problem you will find some fun and quirky NPCs, from Ice Cube guardians and talking doors to Nigel the blink-lynx! Another page turner and nostalgia fest for any 80s kid, it's really easy to find yourself lost in the story even if you are way past the target age group for the book. I know I did. 
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yeshallbeasgods · 1 year
So does anyone know why Rose, an elf, is (mis)treated like a monster at the tournament but Psaro, who looks almost indistinguishable from an elf, can just wander in as a contestant? How is Psaro passing so easily while Rose needs to hide away from humanity in a tower just to live peacefully?
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puncromancer · 10 months
also dragon quest monsters the dark prince fucks severely game of the century
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sonicasura · 2 months
A Bone Rattling Encounter
For a stow-a-way to have gotten in to Rose Tower when they made the jump to Kafka's world, that stow-a-way would have to be an incredibly cunning person.
Or in this case an incredibly cunning Monster
Why is it when ever Psaro went shopping, that's when trouble started to show itself. He just wanted to have a nice evening with Rose in the Market place, picking out ingredients for a picnic they were planning when the unknown stow-a-way decided to make there prescence known.
????: Gahaha, finally found you little princeling or well I should be saying soverign now, shouldn't I?
Psaro immediately whipped around to face the person that said that. The source of the voice came from a man who looked to be in there late 30's or early 40's. Looking to be of Jamaican origin along with sporting a Jamaican accent, walnut brown skin, long black dreadlocks complimented by a fuzzy beard and piercing red eyes, the man's height was a staggering 6 ft and 5 inches and his outfit consisted of one of those old white victorian string shirts, paired with black cargo pants, a big belt, and a long black Admirals coat, with and all too familiar insignia on it.
Psaro: Silverbones?!?! How did you get here?!?!
Standing infront of Psaro and Rose was the notorious leader of the Thunderous Plunders, Captain Long John Silverbones. A ruthless treasure seeker and a treasure seeking rival of Psaro. As when Psaro was around 11 he went off to explore the mysterious Isles of Draconia, which Kafka ended up joining him for, too find a way to break Psaro's curse. That is when they first crossed paths with Silverbones, but that adventure is a story for another time.
Silverbones: Gwahaha, why I just hitched a rider on that fancy lookin' Tower you go to so much. I just couldn't resist after all those rumors and stories of a New wo-
Psaro: Be quiet!!! In case you haven't noticed were in a busy market street and some people are starting stare!!!
It was true, Silverbones boisterous voice had drawn the stares of a few people. Thankfully Psaro and Rose had glamour spells active to mask there appearence and Silverbones thankfully knew not too walk around in his true form either and cast his own glamour spell. So the decision was made to move to a more private location to talk, a dinner that Kafka often visited with his Co-Workers called Bonniy's.
Thankfully the Dinner was mostly empty and no ones gaze lingered on the trio.
Silverbones: Ahhhh, this drink is quite tasty, along with the rest of this food.
Silverbones had insisted that they order some food before the conversation, more socialable when there's food and all that. Ordering a huge plate of burgers, fries, onion rings, with all the works they could give for the meal, Rose had simply opted for a simple fruit salad, and Psaro simply had a glass of water as he sat there looking like an angry cat who had just been given a bath.
Rose looked on in concern for Psaro, before taking charge of the situation and asking the first question.
Rose: So... a Mr. Silverbones, um... Psaro has spoken a bit about you but I'm still foggy on some of the details. Can you please explain how you know each other.
Silverbones: Ay, I be happy to lass, It all started when me crew and I crossed path with the little princeling and the one with a big gut.
When the explanation was over, with some chime ins from Psaro, Rose was enraptured by the adventures of her love and soon to be father-in-law.
Silverbones: And ever since then fate kept maken us cross paths
Rose: Wow, what an amazing adventure, though.... why are you so upset Psaro?
Psaro: I'm upser due too the fact he sent us flying off of a waterfall, twice might I add, the fact that he locked us inside a cage in the snowy plains, and how he kicked Mogsworth out of his crew, while calling him the most useless treasure seeker he's ever seen.
Rose went wide eyed at that and turned to meet Silverbones, who simply sipped from his drink akwardly.
Silverbones: Ayy listen, I know we had some sqaubbles, but listen I followed ye here, because I wanted to offer ya deal.
Psaro couldn't help but raise an eyebrow, but stayed silent which Silverbones took as a go ahead to explain.
Silverbones: Alright listen, me crew and I are actually gratefull that ye made our home actually livable again, a lot of us had to flee Nadiria when things started to get worse. That and also ye have quite the nose for treasure, so I want to propose a partnership, me crew and I will support you in whatever way we can and in return we can explore the six circles and sail the high seas of Terrestria to our hearts wish lookin' for treasure. So are ye willin' to seal the deal.
Psaro was in deep thought over the partnership idea and it's potential. Though it was risky due to the fact that Silverbones was a wildcard. Psaro just sat there in silence until Rose asked that she talk to him alone for minute.
Rose: I feel you should give him this chance.
A surprising decleration from the elf, however Psaro knew she didn't give her stamp of approval as easily as one may suspect she did.
Psaro: Are you sure? Silverbones is a wildcard, he priortizes wealth among all else.
Rose: My love, since my journey with you I seen how both people and monsters can change if one put's there hope in them and gives them a chance. Remember the Bernie, Ash, and Blaise?
Psaro: Yes, I do, alright I will put my faith in Silverbones.
Back In The Diner
Psaro: I will except the partnership
Silverbones: Yessss-
Psaro: However you have to accept my terms, first no treasure will be taken, if it comes to harm anyone if it's lost, that means no stealing special treasures from villagers, second I expect you to be kind too both the denizens of Terrestria and Nadiria, and to only fight aganist other that engage you or endanger others.
Silverbones: That's it, HAHAHA-
Psaro: And apologize too Mogsworth
Silverbones:...... Ay ye run a hard bargain, fine I will apologize
Psaro: Good, shake
Silverbones: Shake
With that a deal was made in hope of a better tomorrow for there world and all who live within it.
So listen, I changed up Silverbones, to be a bit more goofy, in this he's just someone that needs to learn to reel back their obsession with treasure and learn a bit more empathy, so expect to see him helping out from time to time.
Also Kafka nearly jumped him, when they crossed path at the Tower
Lmao I can only imagine the shenanigans Silverbones is gonna get into after this deal. Kafka honestly would jump the Captain at first before thinking maybe Psaro knows about this and ask his son. Plenty of different monsters with questionable backgrounds do work under the cambion's rule after all.
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umbrasdoodles · 1 year
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Finally in the demo queue: Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince! The whole thing is obviously kinda like a Dragon Quest version of Pokemon but our protagonists Psaro and Rose remind me of two Pokemon protagonists in particular...
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sparkykitsune · 1 year
(PM)DQM: TDP versions of Psaro and Rose 🩸🌹
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Psaro is a Poochyena here but he's a Mightyena by the time of DQ4's events, while Rose is an Eevee here but she's a Sylveon by the time of DQ4's events. I did want to make Psaro a Rockruff (later midnight Lycanroc) but I decided against it as I needed to chill from using too many Lycanroc. The "lore" regarding humanoid creatures like demons and elves (ie Psaro and Rose here, and Malroth's human form in DQB2) for my PMDQ AU is that they may appear to be regular Pokemon at first glance but don't let looks fool you, they are not ordinary Pokemon.
Needless to say, that I am HYPED for this game in December! Way more worth hyping than Pokemon Scarlet and Violet's DLC (I don't care about that and it's not really my money's worth).
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vernalloy · 5 months
Saw III was wild. There is no crucible!! There is no magic switch, no suffering that will redeem you!!
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