#ed mention
cutecipher · 8 months
fat people shouldnt have to walk on eggshells around people with eating disorders and take their fatphobia without response especially when we have eating disorders ourselves
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fatphobiabusters · 7 months
That person the other day who said they love seeing photos of thin people holding up 3XL jeans to show all of the "hard work" they put into living "the life they want," there's so much I could say about that.
I could explain that any fat person you see has almost certainly put in that same amount of "hard work" to become thin and then watched as their body refused to stay that way.
I could explain basic, unbiased weight science proving that weight loss is only temporary for the 4 millionth time.
I could explain that fat people are human beings who deserve to be treated with dignity, respect, and humanity, again for the 4 millionth time.
I could explain and explain and explain, but I'm tired of explaining to people who don't listen and pull their views out of their ass. So instead, I think we should applaud photos of fat people holding up the jeans they temporarily wore as a thin person.
Let's celebrate the fat people who once were a size small. Let fat people hold up their old tiny jeans in celebration of:
Beating an eating disorder
No longer experiencing food insecurity
Recovering from an illness that had caused weight loss
Accepting their fat body instead of abusing themself to become thin again
Leaving an abusive family/living situation where they were starved and/or forced to conform to prevent abuse
Having the genes of ancestors who survived famines
Knowing that there is not a single scientifically-proven method of weight loss
No longer wasting time fighting their body's weight gain from health conditions that cause weight gain, like PCOS
Accepting their body that changed due to pregnancy
Accepting their body that changed due to puberty
Accepting their body that changed due to transitioning
Allowing themself to take the medicine they need to treat mental or physical illness no matter the weight gain side effects
Not listening to harassment from bullies, friends, family, or anyone else who demanded they be thin to deserve peace from mistreatment
Literally just getting older and having a body that has changed with time
Loving themself despite the entire world believing that fat people do not deserve love
Existing, because fat people do not need to justify their body and existence to anyone
And so much more
-Mod Worthy
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aropride · 5 months
i know ive said being like 14 and on tumblr in 2023-2024 would've definitely fucked me up, just in a different way than i was fucked up by being 14 on 2016 tumblr, and i stand by that . but i'm so so glad that younger teenagers are growing up on a site that has started celebrating weight gain and fatness and eating rather than demonizing it . genuinely would've changed my life to internalize that instead of the 2010s proana culture when i was younger
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sgayassistantrants · 6 months
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Pics not mine! Dm for removal
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bloodycorpz3 · 2 months
The anorexia leaving my body because someone told me to "just eat"
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transboysokka · 7 months
I love Zukka food conversations?
Zuko HAS known hunger but he’s also had all the food he’s ever needed served to him on a silver platter for the majority of his life
Sokka was responsible for feeding his entire village from way too young an age
Zuko has dealt with ARFID/autism-related texture issues his whole life and feels extremely guilty because of his “privilege to be picky” (he’s rarely been fully healthy regardless)
Sokka teaching Zuko to fish and hunt because it’s super important to Zuko not to be helpless while on his own again
Sokka expressing his own guilt to Zuko of the winters when there wasn’t enough food for everyone to go around. How he felt responsible. How he gave almost all his food to Katara so she wouldn’t have to know what real hunger was
Both of them getting a bit of chub as adults because they are finally in a position where they CAN
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one-time-i-dreamt · 1 year
not a dream
my aunt and uncle were planning their wedding and then the pandemic happened and they postponed it and just started talking about it again and my aunt mentioned they're planning something for late summer and
I just started exercising again the moment she told me this
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my summer goal will be to, in a healthy way, start feeling better about myself and my body by exercising and eating healthily, and I'll try to fit into at least one dress by then
my goal is also to correct my disordered habits and stop bingeing altogether
wish me luck I'm about to do a complete lifestyle change
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wastelesscrafts · 1 year
How to build a wardrobe for a changing body (Leena Norms)
For more ideas, check out my post on fluctuating sizes.
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descentinto-hell · 11 months
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fatphobiabusters · 9 months
As unhealthy as you perceive any food to be, it is much more unhealthy to be scared of the act of eating.
-Mod Worthy
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aropride · 2 months
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i'm so happy i've been eating that i got a treat. whoever said "food tastes better when ur skinny" you're a cunt. WAYYYY better to still eat. maybe get up and get snacks? ily.
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onlytiktoks · 2 months
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sgayassistantrants · 7 months
Ana girl (im actually not a girl but you get it) breakfast!
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bloodycorpz3 · 3 months
"Write something real"
"Something raw."
I cling onto ana because I am nothing without it. It's always there, stuck in my mind. There is no healing or recovery when I am a walking wikipedia page of tips and tricks and a catalog rattled with nutrition information on every single thing I've ever eaten.
An apple is never just an apple, it is 103 calories, and that is my curse.
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fictionalseraph · 1 year
Less depressed, more blessed
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Yes I've used this meme template twice now, suck it
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Mealspø 🥰
(I'm mentally ill)
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