James in the afterlife seeing Harry fall in love with a confident, popular redhead and his funny best friend with a dog patronus: “you yo daddy’s son”🤭
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honeydukesheroine · 3 days
Chapter Update - The In-Betweens (6th Year)
Chapter 27: Five More Minutes (Harry/Ginny)
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Start from the beginning here.
Chapter 27: Five More Minutes
He pulled her inside, shut the door and turned to beam down at her. The only source of light was filtering through the clock face several inches above them. For as many times as she’d imagined Harry Potter pulling her into a scantily lit barely-what-you’d-call-room, she thought she’d be more cool and collected. Alas, her daydreams had failed her now that nearly all of her was pressed up against him and his hands moving along her waist, sending her heart was barrel-rolling around her chest like Arnold after having that sip of Phoenix Surge (“Rise like a phoenix and fuel for flight with the Wizarding World’s most trusted energy drink!”).  “Sorry about this morning,” he whispered. “I wanted to kiss you properly, but -” “How long do you think it’ll take them to notice we’re gone?” Ginny said, head spinning because his hand was now on the side of her face and he was leaning forward.  “At least halfway through breakfast,” he whispered back, grinning and the next thing she knew, his lips were on hers and everything else became irrelevant.  What she would come to appreciate most about kissing Harry wasn’t just how warm he tasted, or the thrill of his hands exploring her or the soft sounds he’d make. It was that he became completely present, and honest in a way he couldn’t always be with words. He didn’t care about shit like the perfect technique or seeking reassurance from her. Instead, he gave her an intimate surrender to the moment that she would’ve never expected from him.
Thanks to @fizzyginfizzfor the beta read and encouragement, as always!
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starlingflight · 2 days
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Please address your hate mail to my AO3 comments or my inbox.
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I leave you guys for a few months I have to come back to the most ridiculous things going around about hinny and Ginny
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wishingformoredogs · 9 months
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I will not be silenced.
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“How do you know you ship them?”
When I see them together, a noise comes out of my mouth and it sounds like a dying horse.
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Half-Blood Prince is like:
Hermione: I wish Ron liked me back
Ron: I wish Hermione liked me back
Lavender: I wish Ron liked me back
Ginny: I wish Harry liked me back
Dean: I wish Ginny liked me back
Seamus: I wish dean liked me back
Harry: I wish Ginny liked me back
Draco: The only way to save myself and my family is to kill Dumbledore which will end the rest of the entire wizarding world, Snape and Harry won’t get off my back, and i have no idea how to fix the magic cabinet but if i fail GrayBack will kill me and my mother
Snape: I wish Lilly liked me back
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blvnk-art · 1 year
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A life together.
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the-original-gays · 8 months
Ginny: You know that voice of morality and reason in your head?
Ron and Harry simultaneously: You mean the one that sounds like Hermione?
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hxuse-xf-black · 11 months
[Deathly Hallows] Hermione: Harry- Harry, sighing despondently: Ginny used to call me Harry. Ron: Because it's your fucking name.
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teaforthotxxx · 8 months
Do you think Regulus regularly makes fun of Sirius because Harry got into Slug club but Sirius never did?
Sirius: It doesn’t matter! I couldn’t give Merlin’s hairy ass about that pureblood-loving suck up.
Regulus: (smiling) At least some purebloods want him. You couldn’t even get through the door.
Harry: I did it dad! Draco and Ginny are both slugs! I got in so now I’ll definitely have a chance!
James: That’s my boy! I’m so glad you and Ron don’t have to use the invisibility cloak like we did. Stalking Moony at Sluggy’s was so difficult!
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atheonora · 1 month
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(...)And without hinking, without planning it, without worrying about the fact that fifty people were watching, Harry kissed her.
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corneliaavenue-ao3 · 1 month
Being a hinny stan is so funny because what do you mean the canon endgame ship between the main character of the largest book series of all time, just isn't popular?
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starlingflight · 2 days
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Bathilda Bagshot's garden path was more than a little hazardous to traverse, owing in no small part to the large cracks spider-webbing the paving stones, most of which were overgrown with stubborn clumps of weeds.
The exterior walls of the house were likewise overgrown; most of the walls were covered in a thick tangle of ivy, out of which peeked grimy, water-stained windows, and a door with rusted hinges and a tarnished brass door knocker. Trepidatiously, Ginny lifted the knocker and released it, wincing against the loud thud that rang out into the dark night as it hit the door and a few flecks of peeling black paint fluttered to the ground.
“How old is this woman?” Harry whispered. His eyes scanned the decrepit house dubiously.
Ginny shrugged, given her current circumstances she didn't have the luxury of being judgemental. “I've never met her – she's your next-door neighbour.”
✧ continue reading chapter 7
✧ read from the beginning
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thegirlwhowrites642 · 5 months
The idea that Harry wants to keep Ginny safe because he does not consider her capable and not because he's an overprotective git who considers her family and has severe abandonment issues is one of the worst possible takes on Harry's character.
It's basically defamation.
Ginny could've had Dumbledore's magic skills and Harry would've acted in the same way.
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bentknife · 1 year
my boss walking into my office: hey i know you’re really busy today, do you have a moment?
me who’s been reading fanfiction for the last 4 hours: uhhh i think i can spare a few minutes
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