#i may or may not be accepting constructive criticism at this time
ineloquent-tumbling · 4 months
I have finally gotten around to reading the second arc of the Mistborn series, and my main takeaway so far is thus:
Lady Steris Harms is an autistic queen and deserves the world.
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theghostofashton · 1 year
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physalian · 2 months
“How do I know if my story needs work or if I’m just being hard on myself?”
As I sit here accepting the fact that at 70k words into Eternal Night’s sequel while waiting for my editor for Eternal Night itself, that I have made an error in my plot.
Disclaimer: This is not universal and the writing experience is incredibly diverse. Figuring this out also takes some time and building up your self-confidence as an author so you can learn to separate “this is awful (when it’s not)” and “this is ok (but it can be better)” and “this isn’t working (but it is salvageable).”
When I wrote my first novel (unpublished, sadly), years ago, I would receive feedback all over the chapters and physically have to open other windows to block off parts of the screen on my laptop to slow-drip the feedback because I couldn’t handle constructive criticism all at once. I had my betas color-code their commentary so I could see before I read any of it that it wasn’t all negative. It took me thrice as long as it does today to get through a beta’s feedback because I got so nervous and anxious about what they would say.
The main thing I learned was this: They’re usually right, when it’s not just being mean (and even then, it’s rarely flat out mean), and that whatever criticisms they have of my characters and plot choices is not criticism of myself.
It did take time.
But now I can get feedback from betas and even when I hear “I’d DNF this shit right now unless you delete this,” I take a step back, examine if this one little detail is really that important, and fix it. No emotional turmoil and panic attack needed. I can also hear “I didn’t like it” without heartbreak. Can’t please everyone.
The only time I freak out is when I'm told "this won't need massive edits" followed up by, in the manuscript, "I'd DNF this shit right now". Which happened. And did not, in fact, require a massive rewrite to fix.
What might be some issues with your story and why it “isn’t working”.
1. Your protagonist is not active enough in the story
You’ve picked your protagonist, but it’s every other character that has more to do, more to say, more choices to make, and they’re just along for the ride, yet you are now anchored to this character’s story because they’re the protagonist. You can either swap focus characters, or rework your story to give them more agency. Figure out why this character, above any other, is your hero.
2. Your pacing is too slow
Even if you have a “lazy river” style story where the vibes and marinating in the world is more important than a breakneck plot, slow pacing isn’t just “how fast the story moves” it’s “how clearly is the story told,” meaning if you divert the story to a side quest, or spend too long on something that sure is fluffy or romantic or funny, but it adds nothing to the characters because it’s redundant, doesn’t advance the plot, doesn’t give us more about the world that actually matters to the themes, then you may have lost focus of the story and should consider deleting it, or editing important elements into the scenes so they can pull double-duty and serve a more active purpose.
3. You’ve lost the main argument of your narrative
Sometimes even the best of outlines and the clearest plans derail. Characters don’t cooperate and while we see where it goes, we end up getting hung up on how this one really cool scene or argument or one-liner just has to be in the story, without realizing that doing so sacrifices what you set out to accomplish. Personally I think sticking to your outline with biblical determination doesn’t allow for new ideas during the writing process, but if you find yourself down the line of “how did we get here, this isn’t what I wanted” you can always save the scenes in another document to reuse later, in this WIP or another in the future.
4. You’re spending too long on one element
Even if the thing started out really cool, whether it’s a rich fantasy pit stop for your characters or a conversation two characters must have, sometimes scenes and ideas extend long past their prime. You might have characters stuck in one location for 2 or 3 chapters longer than necessary trying to make it perfect or stuff in all these details or make it overcomplicated, when the rest of the story sits impatiently on the sidelines for them to move on. Figure out the most important reasons for this element to exist, take a step back, and whittle away until the fat is cut.
5. You’ve given a side character too much screentime
New characters are fun and exciting! But they can take over the story when they’re not meant to, robbing agency from your core characters to leave them sitting with nothing to do while the new guy handles everything. You might end up having to drag your core characters along behind them, tossing them lines of dialogue and side tasks to do because you ran out of plot to delegate with one character hogging it all (which is the issue I ran into with the above mentioned WIP). Not talking about a new villain or a new love interest, I mean a supporting character who is supposed to support the main characters.
As for figuring out the difference between “this is awful and I’m a bad writer” and “this element isn’t working” try pretending the book was written by somebody else and you’re giving them constructive criticism.
If you can come up with a reason for why it’s not working that doesn’t insult the writer, it’s probably the latter. As in, “This element isn’t working… because it’s gone on too long and the conversation has become cyclical and tiring.” Not “this element isn’t working because it’s bad.”
Why is it bad?
“This conversation is awkward because…. There’s not enough movement between characters and the dialogue is really stiff.”
“This fight scene is bad because….I don’t have enough dynamic action, enough juicy verbs, or full use of the stage I’ve set.”
“This romantic scene is bad because…. It’s taking place at the wrong time in the story. I want to keep it, but this character isn’t ready for it yet, and the vibe is all wrong now because they’re out-of-character.”
“This argument is bad because…. It didn’t have proper build-up and the sudden shouting match is not reflective of their characters. They’re too angry, and it got out of hand quickly. Or I’m not conveying the root of their aggression.”
There aren’t very many bad ideas, just bad execution. “Only rational people can think they’re crazy. Crazy people think they’re sane,” applies to writing, too.
I just read a fanfic recently where, for every fight scene, I could tell action was not the writer’s strong suit. They leaned really heavily on a crutch of specific injuries for their characters, the same unusual spot getting hit over and over again, and fights that dragged on for too long being unintentionally stagnant. The rest of the fic was great, though, and while the fights weren’t the best, I understood that the author was trying, and I kept reading for the good stuff. One day they will be better.
In my experience beta reading, it’s the cocky authors who send me an unedited manuscript and tell me to be kind (because they can’t take criticism), that they know it’s perfect they just want an outside opinion (they don’t want the truth, they want what will make them feel good), that they know it’s going to make them a lot of money and everyone will love it (they haven’t dedicated proper time and effort into researching marketing, target audiences, or current trends)—these are the truly bad authors. Not just bad at writing, but bad at taking feedback, are bullies when you point out flaws in their story, and cheap, too.
The best story I have received to date was where the author didn’t preempt with a self-deprecating deluge of “it’s probably terrible you know but here it is anyway” or “this is perfect and I’m super confident you’re going to love it”.
It was something like, “This is my first book and I know it has flaws and I’m nervous but I had a lot of fun doing it”.
And yeah, it needed work, but the bones of something great were there. So give yourself some credit, yeah?
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itsphoenix0724 · 1 year
Promises Pt 2 (Rhysand x Reader)
Summary: You don't argue with your husband often, and never anything as serious as this. However, some things may be too hard to come back from. But, you can certainly try.
Part 1
Warnings: none
Word Count: 2k
A/N: Hi loves! Thank you for all the love on Promises! I'm so so happy everyone liked it, and I got a lot of really positive feedback and interactions! Here is the awaited part 2! I hope you all enjoy where I've decided to take it and the ending! As always constructive criticism is welcome!
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You found Mor when you arrived at Athelwood. You had reached out to her mind to mind and she came right away. You spent an hour crying collapsed in her arms cursing the world, the mother, the cauldron, and your husband.
You didn’t leave your bed for another two weeks.
Mor tried to convince you to eat, but you rejected the offer every time. All you did was stare grimly between the gap in the curtains. 
Mate. One word, four letters. Who knew such a small word could rip your heart to shreds?  
You couldn’t stop replaying your argument with Rhys over and over. “She is my mate and I don’t know what to do.” and “It's just more complicated” rattled against the walls of your brain like a twisted symphony. You could only shut your eyes and turn away from the dying sun to try to drown out the noise. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
The Night Court was in absolute shambles. It had only been a few weeks, but Rhys quickly realized how greatly the absence of his queen was felt across the entire territory.
After his return from Amarantha’s rule, you had shouldered the majority of the workload to give him time to recover. Theoretically, it made sense. He was out of practice and you had been ruling the court for 49 years by yourself. However, he was just now realizing how out of practice he was.
Rhys had never been a particularly good diplomat.
He was a good leader and a fantastic battle strategist, but he needed more patience for paperwork and meetings.
You always did say he could win a war before he understood the workings of city planning.
Now, there was a pile of letters on his desk asking him when the services the Queen had usually provided were going to resume.
He didn’t realize how much you did daily. How much improvement you made over almost 50 years of ruling by yourself.
You had established a grief counseling service for the war, there was a refugee center you helped run for Illyrian women who needed shelter, and you and Cassian even made biweekly visits to almost all of the Illyrian Camps to ensure they were upholding the new laws about wing clipping. You were even fielding talks with Keir in the Court of Nightmares.
You always did hate the way Rhys chose to handle that.
It was the way his father had taught him and his grandfather had taught his father, and even though you hated Keir, you hated seeing the rest of the court punished.
You had established an exchange program of sorts. Apparently, you had allowed a select few merchants to come to Velaris almost monthly to sell their goods, and you had a group of 20 children that would come attend schools in the City of Starlight. The work kept piling up, he had so many letters marked urgent on his desk that he was starting to go cross-eyed.
The only thing that he could think of was that he failed you. He failed his court, and there was nothing but deep unsettling loneliness clawing its way through his ribcage and straight into his heart. The only thing he had been trying to do was reach you. He had been trying to talk to you through your mind but he was met with cool obsidian walls banning him from entry. 
Then, there was the matter of the unanswered mating bond pulling in his chest. 
He never wanted Feyre. At least not in the same way he wanted you.
He never intended to accept the bond, but he wanted to help her. She had brought him back to his family. To his Queen. He refused to let her waste away in Spring. He thought he could use the mating bond as an excuse to get her away from Tamlin, and once she was settled he could break it off and set her free.
He had made the stupid mistake of not being honest with you in the first place.
He didn’t want you to scent the mating bond and get the wrong idea, so he stayed away for the week until he could finalize his plan.
Instead, he made the mistake of not telling you and it seemed like he was having an affair.
It had been a fair assumption to make, given his piss-poor excuse for an explanation, but the thought of being with another person made him sick to his stomach. Running his fingers over the band of your ring he knew he had to fix this. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You distantly felt Mor sit down on the bed. A soft caring hand brushes through your hair as she calls your name softly. You turn, and blink up at her with weary eyes.
She sends you a sad tight-lipped smile before telling you why she disturbed your hibernation. 
“We need your help.” She says it so softly you almost don’t hear her, “Please. The Court is running itself into the ground. Your people need you,” she pauses again like she doesn’t know if she should say what comes next. “Rhys needs you.” You bury your head back into the pillow and allow yourself to relish in the darkness a minute longer. 
“Winnow us to the House, and then give me an hour.” Mor’s face lights up with a blazing victory as she reaches out to grab your hands, and then deposits you in the Oueen Suite at the house of wind.
You flinch at the bright light and want nothing more than to crawl back into bed and wallow in the crushing sadness. 
But you are Queen of the Night Court, and you made an oath to your people before anything else.
You refuse to let them be punished for the mistakes of their stupid High Lord.
The House had run you a bath, and you sink into the boiling water trying to scrub away the remains of the previous two weeks. Once you’re done you sit down at the vanity in your room and go through the motions. You brush your hair, apply some makeup, and put on all the pieces of jewelry that mean the most to you like armor.
It feels like you’re suiting up for battle to go see your husband. The floor-length black slip you chose might as well have been made of steel.    
You do your best to pointedly ignore your bare ring finger. 
You stare at the crown you never quite thought you were worthy of. Of course, the cauldron would make Feyre Rhys’s Mate. She was the curse-breaker and Rhys was the most powerful High Lord in history. 
What were you?
You push the negative thoughts away and rest the crown on your head. You need to focus on your people. They were the important factor here. You stand up and find Mor in the hall, She looks over you with immense approval before winnowing you down to Velaris.
You walk around the city before you face Rhys at the townhouse.
You visit your favorite bakery, you visit all of your charities, and you walk along the Sidra greeting the townspeople as you pass. It fills you with renewed vigor as they greet you with their warm smiles. It makes you feel like you deserve to be here. 
This is your city, nothing can take you from it. 
The door to the townhouse opens for you, and the first thing you smell is the stench of old wine. You wander through the house and find that Rhys hasn’t moved any of the things you made in the kitchen before you left. You found Rhys leaning over his desk. He must be out of it because he doesn’t hear your approach.
He looks tense, the muscles in his back are as taught as a bowstring. His hair looks run-through and ragged even from behind, and you bet if he turned around there would be dark purple half-moons under his eyes.
You clear your throat and Rhy’s head shoots around to look at you. You’re expecting anger, regret, and maybe even resentment to reflect in his eyes. The only thing you see looking back at you is palpable remorse. He pushes back from his desk so hard that his chair knocks over. He rushes over to you and looks like he’s going to wrap you in his arms, but he drops them at the last second. Rhy is staring at you like he doesn’t believe you’re real and his violet eyes have taken on a glassy tint. 
“Hi,” you mumble carefully, not quite sure if you’ll spook him into triggering another argument. You not knowing how to act around your husband is an unpleasant foreign feeling. Rhys clears his throat and lets out a teary sort of laugh
“Hello my darling,” he tries to smile and fiddles with his hands in a way that is so uncharacteristically like Rhysand it makes your heart lurch for him in your chest. “I’m assuming there’s a lot you want to talk to me about.” You nod and Rhys casts his eyes downward before he nods at you in encouragement. 
“Do you want a divorce?”  It’s the first thing you blurt out, but you’re not sure if you want to know the answer. You have to know, you need to know before you can continue on further. If Rhysand was going to rip out your heart again you’d rather him just get it over with already. Instead, he looks up at you with the most alarmed look on his face you’ve ever seen, and he reaches out to grab your hands in his.
He opens his mouth and then closes it again before he drops to his knees before you. 
“No love, I do not want a divorce. I never want to be separated from you ever again,” He presses kisses into your knuckles “Please, let me explain myself.” He looks up at you in permission and you give a subtle tip of your head. “I never wanted Feyre. Ever. I only needed the mating bond to help save her. I was always going to reject the bond after she was safe.” You hesitate, and he can see the trepidation in your eyes. “Please believe me,” Silver lined the bottom of his violet eyes
“But why,” your voice cracked, and the sobs you’ve held in through you’re entire time apart came rushing out of your chest like hot lava. “The cauldron gave you a mate that matches your power. I’m just me. I’m nothing.” Rhys rises from his knees and holds your face in his hands.
Claiming and steady so he can soothe your sobs. 
“Damn the cauldron. I love you to the end of this earth, and the next earth beyond it. I made mistakes, and I handled this situation completely the wrong way. I am so sorry Darling. I am lost without you, when you’re not here I am missing half my heart. Please, come home.” Another sob bubbles up from your throat and your husband pulls you against him, rubbing soothing circles into your back and apologies into the crook of your neck. Once you both calmed down he pulls back from you and offers you your ring. The sight almost makes another sob bubble in your throat. “Well? Could you forgive me?” 
You nod and Rhy’s whole body almost sags in relief at your words as he slips the sapphire back onto your finger. It’s like a void in your soul has been filled.
You and Rhys certainly still have a lot to talk about and a lot to work on, but you know you’ll do it together.
Just like you always have. 
“So, I heard the Court is falling to pieces without me?” You look back at Rhys’s desk in question and he sends you a guilty look in return. He scoops you up in his arms, despite your shout of protest, and starts walking you toward your shared bedroom. 
“Love you don’t even know how lost I am without you, but we can get to that after I’m done thoroughly apologizing to my Queen.” His voice sends a shiver of dark promise down your spine, and you have the settled feeling in your stomach that everything will turn out just fine.
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mithrilhearts · 1 year
Fanfic is supposed to be fun first and foremost.
The amount of disrespect I have seen lately regarding creators is both shocking and disgusting, especially when coming from other creators, and I honestly can't stay quiet about it any longer.
Maybe I'm looking at a lot of this very closely considering I've recently taken an indefinite break from one part of creating I once really enjoyed due to such disregard for my time and effort (rip gif making), but to see such careless comments and treatment for fic authors too??? BY OTHER FIC AUTHORS???
Isn't the world already cruel enough? We should be inviting in positivity and appreciation for the works of others. To celebrate the victories and accomplishments around something that is already nerve wrecking enough as it is. We should not be cultivating a circle where tearing authors apart is acceptable, regardless of if you liked a story or not.
Would you want it done to your works???
Fandom spaces should be fun. Fanfic is a free thing, typically done in what little free time we writers have, and shared with other people for the sake of having FUN. We are not professionals. This is not our full time job. We are not paid for it. Yet to treat fanfic like a professional literary circle is just...wrong. Criticism (constructive only, and when asked for it) is fine, and if you want to shit talk in your DMs to someone else, go for it, but to outright tear someone apart for their FREE fanfic that they wrote to HAVE FUN and ENJOY the fandom with other people in a public space for all eyes (including the author themselves) to see?
We are all from different walks of life, and have different experiences that impact why we may or may not go about fic a certain way. Some of us don't speak English as our first language, and some don't go about having a beta reader, or are on a time crunch for an event, etc. You don't know someone's life, and have zero right to talk down another creator because they don't meet your small narrow-minded criteria of what is “good”. What's “bad” and “tear apart” worthy to you, may be a gem of a story to someone else.
There is no room for “if you hated xyz's work, come talk about it with us!”, and if this is something you feel is welcome in any community, fandom, social setting....DO BETTER.
 And do not interact with me.
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f1daydreamers · 1 year
𝐌𝐲 𝐌𝐮𝐬𝐞 [𝐎𝐏𝟖𝟏]
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gif credits: @u-u-piastri81
Pairing: Oscar Piastri x Fem!Reader
Summary: Oscar is a visitor at your first art exhibition – not exactly his scene – but it's one that he contributed to financially to help you out, an upcoming artist he's taken a bit of a liking to.
Warnings: criticism but not always constructive, fluff, Reader and Oscar being cute, this man in a suit (audience may faint from the gifs), angst, maybe Oscar is a little out of character but I just upped his rizz by a solid 20% because I love him but he's way too shy to do any of this methinks :)
A/N: I know nothing about this profession icl but I got major black tie and exclusive event vibes from the gifs so this is what came out of it. I did a ton of research to make sure it wasn't too unrealistic but experience beats knowledge so if you guys read any things that need some correction, lmk!
Yeah, I never expected this to be so long but once I got to writing, I couldn't stop so hey, enjoy!
Word Count: 4.6k words (17 mins reading time avg)
Safe to say, this wasn’t Oscar’s scene.
Standing among collectors, art enthusiasts, curators, and industry professionals meant feeling a little out of place was a tad understated.
But he wanted to be here tonight. Of course, being invited is one thing but accepting the invitation comes with a whole new world of formalities he hadn’t prepared for.
You hadn’t noticed him yet, busy greeting and socialising with what looked like a few critics and journalists.
The notebooks in their hands were a dead giveaway but your hand drumming on your leg was another. You were anxious.
Oscar took a sip of his drink, the one he was offered when he received an entry pass coming through the venues' doors. He knew how much this evening meant to you, both in the months of planning and the dreams that preceded it.
Initially, the idea seemed farfetched, but as you dove straight into creating the collection, photographing it, staying up late to create statements that wholly captured the essence of your creative process, the once exciting prospect of submitting it to a gallery felt somewhat dissatisfying.
In a few conversations with Oscar, you’d shared your aspirations of seeing your portfolio bask in the limelight. However, the reality of organising a self-funded exhibition in a rented space would blow your budget out of the water.
You don’t know at what point but he’d made the decision to donate a significant sum of money to your artist fund, covering a major portion of the exhibition's expenses.
It helped you realise all those curious questions about possible venues, dates, and basic costs weren’t just to fuel his enthusiasm, but to sincerely offer his support.
You were grateful beyond what words could describe, and the least you could do was ask him to be here today.
You were nervous partially because you had critics and community leaders alike wandering around the space, conversing about your work you’d spent years dedicating blood, sweat and tears to.
But you were also nervous because he was here tonight.
Even if you’d drawn a squiggly line on a blank canvas, Oscar would marvel at it like it was the most beautiful thing on this planet, but tonight was when he was finally seeing your work in all its completion.
He brought your vision to life and the last thing you wanted to do was make him think his investment was a waste.
Last you’d checked, you hadn’t seen his brown wavy hair anywhere around the venue, his innocent smile playing on your mind even when you were entranced in conversation with fellow artists.
You stepped in front of a painting no one else currently seemed to be trained on, focusing on inhaling and exhaling your breaths, fidgeting with your fingers by your sides.
Tonight, was the most important day of your career by a mile.
“Excuse me.” Someone spoke up behind you and you inhaled a deep breath before whisking around to greet them. But your eyes grew soft, and your smile grew amicably at the man glancing downwards back at you.
“Do you know where I could find the host of the evening?” He asked, his smile mirroring yours, fiddling with the stem of his wine glass.
"Oscar," you breathed out, and the F1 driver had to force himself to disregard the palpable sense of relief that accompanied the utterance of his name.
The way it effortlessly rolled off your tongue, it left him wanting to hear you say it repeatedly.
“You made it.” He nodded his head, “I did.” Initially, he had doubts about attending, but considering the venue was conveniently located close to his hotel near Silverstone and his flight to Budapest wasn't until Monday evening, he managed to find the time to come.
You drew in a breath, "you look good." Your compliment was genuine, whenever you'd met up with Oscar or came across photos on Instagram, he was either in racing gear or in casual outfits. To see him in a suit was different. A good different.
"Thanks. Pretty sure I should be counting my breaths though." You chuckle as he looks down at himself, the shirt was a little smaller than he would've liked.
A testament to how life in Formula 1 was like and that his neck size had grown exponentially.
"Each one could be your last," you joked, adding on and he nodded.
"Exactly." His laugh culminated into a final chuckle, melting into a warm smile.
When you looked away, seeing the waiters you'd hired tonight refilling cups as people wandered around, Oscar took the opportunity to let his eyes drag over your figure.
"You look beautiful," his compliment drew a smile from you.
You briefly cast your gaze downward before lifting it to his chest then finally up to his eyes. "Thank you, Oscar."
He responded only with a curt nod; his eyes trained on your face before he tore them away to have a look around him.
"How's it going?"
You hummed, thinking about your answer. "It's okay. There's a few paintings that are getting lots of attention, others a little less."
"Did you expect that?" He asked and you reasoned, you knew when you began this collection that people would naturally gravitate more towards some pieces anyway, that's the advice you were given everywhere you went.
"Yeah, I'd be lying if I said I didn't." Oscar took a sip of some liquid courage before pointing at the painting you'd just been standing in front of with the rim of his glass.
"I like this one." You turned as he took steps towards it, his shoulder grazing yours. "This is the last one." You mentioned as he skimmed over the statements planted on the wall next to the artwork.
"I think it's an elderly couple, and the mirrors all around them are portals into a specific memory of their relationship." He said undisputedly. You look up at him, your mouth parting slightly in surprise.
"Yeah, how did you figure that out so quickly?"
"It's almost like you were brainstorming ideas to me on call a few months ago." You scoff, rolling your eyes but ultimately impressed by his memory.
He hadn't spoken much during that phone call, so you'd assumed he wasn't paying much attention to your endless rambles.
"I never realised you were actually listening." You softly said and Oscar turned his head to look at you.
"Every word." He reassured, and a warm feeling encompassed your chest at his affirmation.
His gaze traced over the painting once more. While he had never hesitated to express his belief in your talent, seeing your artwork displayed in such a way stirred a whirlwind of emotions inside of him.
He was proud of you and excited for you, knowing that you had undertaken this journey for your own sake, garnering an array of artistic admirers. It's no mean feat to organise an event like this, take a risk so early on in your career.
"I don't know how I'll ever be able to repay you." You snap him out of his thoughts, turning your body towards him, standing a few feet away.
Oscar mimicked your movements, turning so he was facing you, and placed his now empty glass on a bar tray that a waiter had extended to him, refusing a refill.
"Why do you think you need to repay me? Remember, it was a donation." He said matter-of-factly. You let out a sigh.
Despite his repeated assurances that he expected nothing in return, you couldn't shake off the feeling of indebtedness that lingered in your thoughts.
You found yourself dwelling on the late-night conversations, wondering if your eagerness to discuss your plans had inadvertently conveyed desperation.
Your gaze drops and without hesitation, he reaches his hand out and gently slots it into yours, his thumb caressing over your skin in a soothing gesture. Your heart skips a beat or two, the warmth of his hand was relieving.
"This is the best way you can repay me. Living the dream." He smiles and you nod, finally lifting your eyes to meet his. His voice was a calming anchor amid your thoughts.
"I'll never forget how you made it possible though," a small smile graced your lips, and he let out a chuckle.
"Yeah, you never miss a chance to mention it," he quipped, his eyes dancing with amusement. You playfully rolled your eyes, a good-natured sigh escaping you as you did.
Oscar's hand retreated to his side, and a subtle longing for his touch flickered within you. Nevertheless, you mask it with a smile that grew as you exchanged a couple more jokes.
He courteously held the door ajar, giving a nod to a man entering the bathroom who appeared to appreciate the gesture. Letting the door close behind him, Oscar took out his phone to check the time.
Absentmindedly, he began scrolling through his notifications: a mix of sports updates, a message from his mum, one from Mark. Yet, none seemed particularly urgent.
Just as he was about to tap on one of the notifications, his attention was drawn upward to the sound of your voice.
You were engaged in conversation with a man, his journal held in his hands, and sunglasses perched atop his head. Oscar's gaze briefly went back to his phone screen; he made no overt effort to eavesdrop.
Despite this, fragments of your conversation found their way to his ears anyway.
"I must say, your work is quite disappointing. The lack of technical skill is evident in every piece." Oscar's eyebrows furrow as he observes openly, a marked departure from his earlier disinterested demeanour.
You clear your throat as you try to collect yourself, bringing your fingers up to your mouth to hide your quivering lip.
You had previously cautioned yourself that not everyone will like your work, but experiencing such candid criticism directly was far more destructive than you could have expected.
"Um, okay. What sort of things did you not like about it?" You asked, trying to find some sort of valuable insight from such a respected critic in your community.
"The colours are garish and clash horribly. It's clear that you have no understanding of colour theory or composition." You nod, gathering some form of strength to just take his words on the chin but you were failing rather miserably. Your stomach was sinking, and your eyes were watering slowly.
"It's a shame that your efforts have resulted in such subpar creations." Your jaw tightens and as you scramble for the right words to respond with in your mind, a hand presses into your lower back from behind.
"Excuse me. I want to purchase a piece, but I can't seem to find your sales assistant." The accent is unmistakable, and you muster a smile as you turn to face him.
"I'll help you." Your voice is unsteady, your emotions deflated.
"Thank you," Oscar responds, though his gaze carries a hint of concern. He moves to follow you but before he can do so, the critic extends his hand to grasp his arm, waiting until he's certain you're out of earshot.
"Coming from a collector, don't bother." He smirks, his conviction clear. Yet, the F1 driver's face remains impassive.
"Sorry, I don't remember asking you. Now, if you don't mind." He looks down at the grip on his arm, his fist clenching by his side. The critic seems taken aback at the blank expression looking back at him, devoid of any gratefulness.
He swallows before loosening his grip.
Oscar rounds the pillar just as you press down on the handle to the fire door exit at the distant end.
He contemplates whether he should grant you some space, but he wonders if doing so will only make matters worse.
Pausing briefly, he contemplates his choices before deciding to make his way toward the fire exit anyway. His hand firmly grasps the handle, and he proceeds to push open the door.
With your back turned towards him, you're unaware of his presence. Your palms are pressed against your face as a means of stifling your sniffles hence the closing of the door registers faintly, the sound hardly penetrating your thoughts.
It's only when the crunching of gravel beneath someone's shoes reaches your ears that you realise you're no longer alone. But oddly, you know there's only one person who it could be.
The combination of embarrassment, distress, and sheer exhaustion was what left you feeling so overwhelmingly emotional.
Aware that you don't want Oscar to witness you in this state, you quickly swipe at your cheeks, hastily erasing any traces of tears from your face.
You whisk around, smiling up at him and nodding your head. "I'm good Os. It's not always going to be a perfect score, right?" His heart swells at the nickname you called him, very few people did so, but hearing it from you felt special in a way.
"He's a dick," the F1 driver bluntly responds, his tone carrying a hint of anger.
You chuckle softly, but the sigh that follows is slightly shaky. A wave of heaviness crashes over you again as the critic's hurtful words echo in your mind, your stomach sinking in response.
Oscar picks up on the shift of emotion and his eyes soften at your teary and lowering expression.
Without a word, he opens his arms and pulls you into an embrace. You don't resist; instead, you bury your face in his shoulder, your shoulders trembling as silent tears escape your eyes.
His arms encircle you tightly, offering a comforting refuge as your emotions spill over again.
His chest rises and falls with each steady breath, the rhythm providing you with some comfort despite how irritated you're getting at yourself for letting one conversation bother you this much.
As he holds you, his chest aches both for your vulnerability and the anger he feels towards the critic who provoked it. You reluctantly pull away after a minute or so, a mixture of gratitude and sadness in your eyes.
But in the moment, you can't help but feel that the money he donated for the exhibition might have gone to waste, that your efforts fell short.
Disappointing your clients is business but disappointing him felt personal, he was the reason you even had a chance to do this, and it'd turned out horribly.
"I let you down," you say quietly, and Oscar's eyebrows knit together as he studies your expression.
"How? Every piece I love, Y/N." He responds, placing his hand on your forearm, his touch warm. It sends a flurry of goosebumps over your skin which you're sure he would've picked up on considering his attention to detail.
He positions his index finger under your chin, forcing you to meet his eyes which you do. Your legs suddenly feel like they're incapable of keeping you upright, your face warming under his gaze.
"You didn't let me down." He whispers.
Oscar's concern remains palpable as his hand doesn't fall back to his side. His eyes hold a depth of emotion, the colours in his eyes becoming more distinct.
The connection that you can sense increases, and it's as if the unspoken understanding between you becomes more profound in that moment.
His cologne surrounds you but it's his gaze that flickers to your lips, a fleeting but unmistakable gesture. You realise that he's leaning in closer and there's a fraction of a second when it feels like the world around you fades.
The possibility of his lips meeting yours feels tantalisingly close.
But just as the moment deepens, you're both interrupted by one of the assistants, their voice breaking through the charged atmosphere.
"Sorry," the assistant interjects, sounding somewhat hurried. "There're a few clients waiting to speak with you Y/N."
Oscar slowly pulls back; he tucks in his bottom lip between his teeth and his expression shifts from one of intimacy to one of polite neutrality.
He offers you a subtle smile, the connection lingering between you even as the assistant's words redirect your attention.
"Of course," you reply, your voice steady despite quite the hurricane of emotions storming inside of you. You look to the assistant, ready to face the responsibilities of the exhibition once again. As you move away, you steal a glance at him, his gaze locked onto you for a moment longer before he nods.
That damned connection between you and Oscar remains, but now only punctuated by unspoken possibilities.
"Thank you, ma'am." you say with a warm smile as the elderly woman clasps your hand, offering kind words about your artwork while draping her shawl over her shoulders.
Once she'd left, you looked around to see if there was anyone else remaining in the space. Oscar had left a while ago considering he was on a flight tomorrow to Budapest.
Though a tinge of disappointment lingered within you, you understood and bid him goodnight.
You wrapped up a little later than you would've liked, a couple of your pieces had sold so you had to coordinate transport for them.
For the remaining few, you'd wrapped them up, gathered the papers for each one before loading them into the van to have them delivered back to your studio.
Oscar eventually made it back to the space he'd rented on Airbnb, staying in a hotel for a week definitely wasn't something he was fond of doing, a neatly packaged box of takeout planted on the small table.
He threw the crumpled paper bag into the bin and settled onto the couch, his phone in hand. He opened Instagram, scrolling through his feed to pass the time it'd take for him to get sleepy.
As he tapped through the stories, your profile picture caught his eye. He felt a smile tug at his lips as he watched it whole. The familiar scenes of the exhibition unfolded before him – videos capturing the venue, the artwork.
His gaze lingered on the art as if he hadn't been there tonight, his mind wandering into the world you had created. It wasn't just the work itself that interested him; it was the glimpse they offered into your mind, your perspective, and the emotions you poured into your work.
The admiration he felt for your creativity was intertwined with the growing fondness he was developing for you as a person.
Once you'd reached home, you dropped on to the couch with a sigh of relief that the day was done.
So, when your phone started vibrating besides you, you groaned and brought it up to your ear, not bothering to take a look at the caller ID.
"Y/N," you closed your eyes and waited for the other person to respond. They stuttered first before speaking up, "should I - should I reply with my name, or do we just get into the conversation?"
You lightly gasped, chuckling and straightening up on the couch. "Oscar, sorry. I'm still in work mode I think." You rubbed your forehead and the F1 driver poked through his food with a fork on the other end.
"No harm done. You back from the venue?" He asked and you stretched your legs out in front of you, fiddling with the hem of your dress.
"Yeah, only just. Perfect timing, Piastri." He smiled at your response, "I pride myself in that."
"I'm sure you do." You joked teasingly and fell back on the couch again. The similar onset of warmth and goosebumps from earlier bubbled up again inside of you.
"I thought you would've knocked out by now." Oscar hums, swallowing his food as he traps his phone between his ear and shoulder, throwing the now empty box on to the coffee table in front of him.
"Yeah well, I needed to eat. Luckily for me, there was a long queue at every takeaway place tonight." He retorted sarcastically and you scoffed, "typical London."
He agreed wordlessly before shifting his body horizontally, propping his head up on the armrest, his legs splaying over the leather sofa.
"What did you end up getting?" He made a humming sound as he reached for the receipt he'd tossed carelessly aside, bringing it up to eye level.
"Caribbean chicken curry." He said slowly, squinting to read the half-printed letters. Your stomach rumbling beneath you helped you remember that you too hadn't eaten for majority of the day. Your last meal was breakfast with a few snacks you always have on hand.
"Sounds good. I'd kill for some chicken curry right now." You mumble and Oscar's head turns to look up at the clock hung on the wall above the television.
"How 'bout I bring some?" He asks nonchalantly and your heart skips, you stutter in your response, glancing at the digital clock blinking at you from the corner table.
"You'd do that?" You say, a little more high-pitched than you would've preferred.
He smiles, refraining to say something corny. "Yeah, well I mean it's not my bedtime for another hour so..." He trails off thus leaving you to make the decision.
You don't even care about the food anymore, your stomach is doing somersaults from the mere thought of seeing him twice in one day.
"Only if it's alright with you. If you need to sleep, please sleep." You insist and there's a pause, you could swear you hear keys jangling on the other end of the phone before Oscar confirms.
"I'll be there in a bit."
You're changed into some slightly more flattering pyjamas than your regular animated giraffe ones when you hear a knock on your door. Taking a deep breath to steady yourself, you walk the length of the hallway and reach for the doorknob.
Giving it a couple of moments, you open the door to find Oscar standing there, a warm smile on his face that mirrors your own feelings.
He's holding a paper bag up and you smile, "my saviour. Come in."
He slides past you, toeing his trainers off and pushing them up to the wall so they weren't in the direct pathway, allowing you to lead him into the living room.
He places the bag on to your wooden dining table and you sigh in delight, the smell of the food faintly wafting out of it.
"How much do I owe you?" He shakes his head, letting you take the box out of the bag.
"Only your eternal gratitude," he replies, his lips curving into a smile as he takes in the sight of your light expression, your eyes lit with appreciation.
"You already have that." You chuckle.
Eventually, you begin eating, all the while holding a conversation. With each passing minute, a subtle worry creeps in - that he might decide to leave soon. Not that you're against him getting his rest, but your own enjoyment of his company is growing stronger by the second.
The idea of the evening ending prematurely becomes less and less appealing. The warmth of his presence, the humour in his words, the hesitance you initially felt about him leaving transformed into a silent plea for him to stay, at least a little longer.
"I'm going to go up and use the bathroom, head over to the couch, make yourself comfortable." You insist and Oscar nods. His feelings he was aware of when he reached back to his place had tripled since he'd got here.
His leg had been bouncing the entire duration he'd been talking, he was nervous but albeit not understandably. He'd visited your place a few times now, he'd known you for nearly a year.
Nothing about the fluttery sensation in his belly, the excitement prior to seeing you, the attraction, the thoughtfulness, made any sense to him.
But at the same time, they made perfect sense. He likes you. A whole lot.
Realising he was getting a bit warm, he pulled the hoodie over his neck to reveal just a plain white tee underneath.
Tossing it on to the dining room chair he was previously sat on, he plops on to the couch, bringing the calf of his right leg up to rest on the knee of his left, his arm outstretching on the back of the couch.
You eventually return, having brushed your teeth since the aftertaste of the curry wasn’t a very pleasant one in your mouth.
“Do you piss for that long?" Oscar asks curiously, locking his phone and sliding it on to the table.
You scoff and feign offence as you sit next to him just a few inches away. "I don't actually, even if I did, what's it to you?" You tease and he shrugs, his lower arm draping off the couch casually, his fingertips brushing close to your shoulder.
"I was bored," he admits, his explanation falling a bit flat.
You raise an eyebrow, a mockingly sympathetic expression on your face. "Poor Oscar, suffering from boredom in my humble abode. My heart aches for you." He smirks, his tongue poking the inside of his cheek as he shakes his head at your antics.
His eyes sparkle with amusement, "Well, I must say your empathy is truly heartwarming."
"That's just me, a paragon of compassion," you quip, a mischievous glint in your eyes. His proximity has your heart racing, and you're acutely aware of the playful tension that's building between you.
He tilts his head, his gaze holding yours as he leans in slightly. "You know, I was half expecting you to beg for my forgiveness."
You roll your eyes, your gaze locked on to his, you didn't mean for them to glance down to his lips, but it didn't skip past his notice either.
Your heart was hammering in your chest and the silence that followed afterwards definitely gave Oscar enough time to be able to pick up on it.
"Please forgive me Oscar, please?" You reduce your words to a whisper and he smiles, refusing to waste another second and he instantly ducks his head to catch your lips in a fervent kiss.
His actions catch you off guard, the sensation electrifying and sending a jolt of surprise through your system.
Your thoughts scatter as the world seems to narrow down to the point of contact between your lips. The kiss is eager and filled with a mixture of longing and curiosity, as if both of you have been dancing around this moment for far too long.
Your heart continues racing, and time feels suspended as his touch sends shivers up and down your spine.
The sudden intimacy of it all is exhilarating, and you find yourself responding without hesitation, your fingers instinctively finding their way to his arm, your body moving a fraction closer to his.
A soft moan escapes you, and Oscar slides his hand beneath your top, pressing his palm against your waist. A squeeze of your skin hints at you to move back slightly, creating the room needed for him to push you down on to your back.
Your lips detach for a moment as he positions himself over you, lowering his head seconds later to press them together again.
His face was level with yours when he eventually pulled away to catch his breath, and let you catch yours, his arm propping him up besides your head.
"Isn't it your bedtime?" He chuckles softly, his fingers toying with a few strands of your hair.
"I'll just have to use the plane's naptime feature." You laugh, bringing your hand up to push his hair out of his eyes.
His gaze flickers across your face, capturing the traces of your faint smile lines and the tiny beauty mark adorning your skin.
He leans in, planting a tender kiss on the mole. Meanwhile, your fingertips journey to the nape of his neck, exploring the contours of his hair.
He grins boyishly when he picks his head up again. "I think I could stay here forever," he admits, his voice a soft confession.
You playfully raise an eyebrow. "Oh really? What if the plane's naptime feature gets jealous?"
He chuckles, a low, melodious sound. "Well, I guess it'll just have to deal with a bit of competition," he remarks before his lips find yours once again.
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animehideout · 9 months
Hiiii could you please add INTP for your MBTI series? 🩷🩷🩷
Your MBTI, Your Relationship With JJK Characters Part 6
Check out Part 5 here
check out part 7 here
a/n: Thank you Anon, @tojiiismyhusband @system753 @venus-xxoo for requesting INTP. Also thank you @suchasecretiveninja for reading 🫶🏻💕 I hope you enjoy these headcanons.
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Gojo Satoru = Fiancé
As an introvert who relies on the power of mind, I think you'll be fine having a loud extrovert as your partner; Gojo Satoru. INTP appreciates an open-minded partner who is willing to engage with them in intellectual conversations, challenges and debates, and Gojo is the one. INTP has a unique sense of humor that couldn't be understood by everyone, so with Gojo being witty, he'll find no problem in matching your vibe and continuing with your jokes even in serious situations, making the relationship even more enjoyable. Gojo is egocentric, so your wittiness would humble him everytime. INTPs prioritize logic, but also crave emotional connection which is the case for Satoru, he's so affectionate with you, and willing to satisfy your emotional needs. A balance between intellectual discussion and emotional support. Also both of you value independency so none of you feels restricted in the relationship. Let's not forget that Gojo is an ENTP so you're basically his introverted version.
Megumi Fushiguro = Friend
INTP values friendships that align with intellectual curiosity, and with Megumi being an intellectual himself with smart ideas, you'd totally become hooked. You would engage in deep existential conversations, debate and explore abstract concepts, while at the same time you respect each other solitude and independence without forcing your opinions on each other. Megumi is an honest person and honesty is something that INTP values. You are a fan of constructive criticism and feedback, you accepted it as long as it makes you grow mentally. Despite being logical most of the time you still have warm emotions which is the heart of your friendship.
Toji Fushiguro = Has a crush on you
INTPs are determined despite being a huge procrastinators. Toji likes how logical and rational you are and how you neglect your feelings when taking decisions and life choices. Despite being an introvert you engage well in conversations in public making you look like as if you are an extrovert. You are good at making your voice and ideas heard and understood. Toji appreciates your self-confidence even though you hide a lot of anxiety inside of you. He is also charmed by your mockery for situations that others may find scary, but you manage to find a humor in them, even though your humor serves as a coping mechanism. All these qualities made Toji drawn to you.
Ryomen Sukuna = Love hate relationship
Sukuna loves you but hates you at the same time. Despite him seeing humans as inferiors, he can't help the attraction he has for your badass side. He is attracted to your analytical thinking and overly logical mindset. As the king of curses, he sees human emotions as a weakness and burden so seeing a human who actually relies on their mind and neglect feelings intrigued him. Your unique and controversial thinking is also another hook for his interest. Your witty side completely swept him off his feet, you're kind of similar in this. Having a mocking and quirky kind of humor is kinda relatable for him. But at the same time he hates your resistance. INTPs worship independence and freedom, they completely oppose submission to someone else and don't accept forced rules. Let's not forget that Sukuna is an extrovert so extroverts that want to forcefully dominate introverts for perceiving them as shy individuals who are unable to defend themselves is a type that INTPs can't stand and that's how the tension / hate between you too was born.
Aoi Todo = Boyfriend
ESFP is a lively and affectionate partner you, totally match Todo energy. Your presence keeps him recharged, your energy and enthusiasm are infectious. Despite him being strong both physically and mentally he still needs your affection to function properly. INTP infuses excitement and passion in the relationship. Given that both of you and Todo are extroverts you thrive on social interactions and enjoy spending time together doing fun and spontaneous activities. You also have similar love languages. Both of you are also sensors so you have an awareness of each other's discomfort which brings a huge understanding between the two of you.
Geto Suguru = Rival
One thing that was able to make you consider Geto as your enemy; lack of emotions and empathy. ESFPs are highly emotional individuals they are expressive and very sympathetic towards others. Geto's ruthless side clashes with your nature, effortlessly creating a hurdle. His behaviors choices and mindset go against your principals and values leading to a significant conflict. You can connect with trustworthy people but with him there's no connection, you believe that empathetic individuals can't be trusted as they only care about their own desires without taking into account other people's well-being. On the other hand, Geto sees you as weakling and a burden on society for simply being an emotionally oriented.
Kamo Noritoshi = Source of comfort.
As someone who has dealt with a lot, lacking the families' warmth in his life, he always find himself indirectly dependent on you for some comfort. ESFP excels at expressing empathy through both words and actions Despite Noritoshi skills at hiding his emotions, you as a sensor you can sense his troubled spirit and provide for him a safe space by acknowledging and understanding his feelings without judgment and serve as a listener when he's ready to open up. Aside from comfort you also radiate a contagious positive energy that can break through the toughest walls. It makes ESFPs happy knowing that they had a positive impact on people around them.
Thank you for reading, remember this piece of writing is just for fun, also IMO so it's not necessarily accurate ✨
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head-empty-just-ace · 11 days
PART II: Dates & Kisses! w/ Sanji, Nami, & Robin
If you haven't read the first part containing Ace, Luffy and Zoro— here's my masterlist as a guide. Reader will be gender neutral. The third part with Yamato, Usopp, and Jimbei will coming up soon! (Quick disclaimer: its my first time writing Nami and Robin. So, if there are any OOC moments, feel free to comment abt it. Constructive criticism—not destructive.)
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CW: None. Pining, dates, kisses, and fluff.
Word Count: 2.6k
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Dinner at His Place
You didn't like him. The constant smoking, flirting with every woman he sees, and him acting like a pervert at times. However, it wasn't like you hated him. You had a begrudging respect for the way he stuck to his beliefs no matter what.
Would it be cliche to say he loved that? Maybe, but it's what happened. There was something about the way you rolled your eyes at his attempts. How you scrunch up your nose when the smell of smoke on him becomes too much.
Your confidence. The way you presented to yourself. How you truly saw him as a person beyond those flirtations of his. You sat beside him in silence when he found out that the woman he'd been seeing was just using him for money.
You didn't say anything. And that was more than what he thought he needed. Your soothing presence beside him as tears cascaded down his cheeks.
Since then, he couldn't get his eyes off you. Oh, he was flirting with another girl again when you passed by? His eyes are following you without even realizing it. The conversation with the girl before him forgotten.
All he wanted after that was to be close to you. He'd follow you around with flowers in tow. Buying you gifts you knew you liked. Barely ever paying attention to anyone else. Even smoking a bit less for you. Focusing all his time and effort in pining over you.
Sometimes, he'd write you letters. Leave you notes where he knows you'll find them. Ofc, he'll make your favorite snack/drinks whenever he can to surprise you.
He had a shit-eating grin on his face when you agreed to come over to his place to let him cook you dinner. Let out a loud whoop over it.
It was late into the night. Candle-lit dinner left by the table— it was delicious. What else could be expected from Sanji? All of it was your favorite meals cooked just the way you loved them. His preparations could beat any 3-star Michelin restaurant. The conversation. Oh, how he loved talking to you. Your genuine interest in him. The way you talked about your passions and hobbies. He could feel his heart race whenever you smiled at him. His eyes were practically shapped like hearts as he listened to you intently. After a lull in the conversation, he gets a small idea. Sanji gets up from his seat and walks over to a record player. Setting up a vinyl and letting it play, soft tunes echo in the area. A romantic and languid pace and tone. He walks back to you with an affectionate smile, his hand reached out for you to accept. "May I have this dance, amour?" He asks with a soft smile tugging his lips. You place your hand in his and he places a soft kiss on it before helping you up. Oh, he could listen to that giggle of yours on hours on end when he twirled you before holding you close. Both of you sway to the tune of the music. One hand holds yours while the other is on the small of your back. He leans in to whisper sweet nothings against your ear. Lips press a kiss against your temple while his thumb brushes over the small of your back gently. You lean into his touch. Savoring the feel of his warmth against your skin. Giggling at his sweet words before he presses kisses against your skin and hair. He buries his face into your hair, breathing in your scent. "I'm falling for you, mon amour." He whispers into your hair. His hold tightening for a moment as if he's afraid those words would shatter the moment away. "You don't have to say it back. Just let me love you. Holding you like this." He pulls back to meet your gaze. His hand cupping your cheek as he brushes a thumb over it. You wrap your arms around his neck before leaning in for a kiss. His eyes widen for a moment before immediately melts into the kiss. Oh, did he love the way your fingers run through his hair. He chases after your lips even as you pull away. Sanji holds you close. Savoring the moment best he can. "I love you," He whispers against your hair. His voice trembles slightly, and he squeezes you just a bit tighter. You had the power to put him back together and make him fall apart at the seems. And he'd gladly let you have that power.
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Fancy Restaurant
• You and Nami flirted like there was no tomorrow. Tension thick in the air that it made a few others groan in annoyance. There were no labels or commitments. Just two gorgeous beings flirting without biting.
What did Nami like most about you? (Your credit card.) I mean, you personality and capabilities to keep on par with her. Matching her attitude and fire with your own.
Both of you met at a bar. Some random guy was bothering her, and you tried to intervene to help her out. Oh, you thought you were the knight and shining armor? Nah, not with Nami.
She stood her ground and even scoffed at you. The way she handled the situation made you so drawn to her. You apologized for assuming she needed help and offered her a drink.
That's how the two of you got along. It wasn't just the flirtations but the way you could stay with each other's presence and act as though you understood what the other needed. May it be comforting words or just a shoulder to lean on.
You and Nami went shopping at a mall one day. She tried on a gorgeous dress that made you shift in your seat with how mesmerizing she looked when she left that dressing room.
Unable to help yourself, you said that it looked great on her. That all was left was a date and a fancy restaurant to dine in.
She smirked at you. Teasing you that you should be the said date. Though she'd only agree if you bought the said expensive dress and pay for dinner.
You said yes. Obviously.
You knew damn well that you were punching a hole right through your wallet when you said yes to Nami. But a dinner date with her in that dress? Worth every beri. Reserved seats in the finest restaurant in town with a breathtaking view of the city. Despite the relaxed and confident expression she wore, you knew she was impressed by it. Even more so by your casual response to her ordering some of the more expensive items on the list. Her gaze meeting yours as she tells the order to the waiter while you casually wave a dismissive hand. "Someone's in the mood to induldge." She says, leaning against the table with the palm of her hand resting against her cheek. "Can't resist showing off to lovely company after all." You chime, winking at her with a smirk. Oh, how your heart skipped a beat when she bit her lower lip at that response. A shiver runs down your spine as you lean back against your chair. Food, drinks, and conversation flowed between you two. By the end of it, both of you were fairly tipsy from the wine you drank. It was time to leave, and you thought it would be a nice to go for a walk— if not to just savor her presence beside you for a while longer. While walking, rain pours from the clouds unexpectedly. Soaking you two as you dashed through the streets for shelter. Amd the closest was a cramped telephone booth. Your bodies pressed together intimately while both of you tried to catch your breaths. You couldn't take your eyes off her— and neither could she to you. Feeling a little bold from the wine, you raise a hand to brush damp strands of her hair behind her ear. Thumb brushing along her cheek as you gaze into her eyes. Not shying away herself, she wraps her arms around your neck. A small smile now tugs both of your lips upward. Your hand placed on the small of her back. The warmth of it sends a shiver running down her spine. With a tug, you pull her closer, and your lips inches away from hers. "Gonna let me kiss you? Or should I pay for that as well?" You couldn't help but tease. Nami chuckles as her fingers twirl over the ends of your hair as she leans in. Her lips brushing against yours as she speaks. "Consider it as a tip for all the service you've done." Nami mumbles before leaning in to close the distance between the both of you. The kiss is heated and passionate as you melt into it. Wild patters of the rain and wind against the glass panes of the booth become a soft hum as you lose yourself in the softness and taste of her lips. You chase after her lips when she pulls away. She chuckles at the dazed look on your face. You simply hold her close and press another chaste kiss on her lips before meeting her gaze with a sincere and warm look in them. "Maybe we could go on a less expensive date next time?" You ask, a slightly hopeful look on your face. Nami presses a kiss on the tip of your nose, craddling your face in her hands. "Just don't be cheap on me, alright?" She muses. A mischievious glint in her eyes. "Never." You say confidently before leaning in for another kiss that she gladly reciprocates.
Nico Robin
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Impromptu Indoor Date
There was a certain library that Robin liked to frequent at, and you were the librarian of that said library. You'd always spot her by her usual spot near the windows with a book in hand. It was close to where you were stationed.
At first, you found yourself captivated by her beauty and how she carried herself. Your gaze following her and occoasionally sneaking glances at her while she read. Oftenly making her card a bit more prioritized than the others.
The two of you barely ever interacted. A warm smile, casual waves, conversations of the books you've both read, and a few laughs shared.
One time, you were so distracted staring at her with obvious longing in your eyes that you got scolded by another person in the library trying to inquire about a certain book. You hurriedly apologized and attended to the said person.
When you finished, you risked a sheepish look at Robin. Only to find her chuckling at you and waving a hand. A warm smile on her lips and that playful glint in her eyes that made your insides melt a bit.
Slowly gathering up the courage, you'd slip in notes between the pages of the books she borrows. It starts from small greetings, compliments, and even flirtatious comments. If you've already read the book, you'd underline (puting a transparent sticky note first to preserve the book) certain dialogue and comments on the pages.
Sometimes, she indirectly brings it up and teases you a bit. Other times, she'd return the book with a reply of her own on a sticky note.
Finally, you decided to recommend Robin your own favorite book. It was tabbed and annotated by you personally. Although you did slip in a small note asking, 'Would you like to go on a date with me?'
And much to your delight, she reads through the book the handing it back to you with a note of her reply: 'Yes'
Truthfully, you had the date all planned out. You were meant to take her to a nearby open-field garden. Go around the garden while talking. Taking the chance to get to know her better apart from all the lingering gazes and casual smiles. And for a while, you did. Getting to know more about her likes and dislikes, finding her a lot more playful than expected from her easy-confidence, and adoring her intellectual sides. Robin found herself enjoying your presence as well. She found your viewpoints on various subjects interesting and there was something about you just made her feel at ease. Finding it easier to smile and even laugh with you. Though it was cut quite short. A heavy downpour fell on the both of you. Ushering to the nearest shelter, it didn't seem like it would let up any time soon by the looks of it. Plus, you and Robin were soaked to the bone by the sudden rain. "Listen, I...uh..." You start of sheepishly. Sheeks flushing at the thought of your own offer. "My place is nearby. If you'd like, I can take you there so you can warm up." Unable to meet her gaze, you look away for a moment and clear your throat. "I'd rather you not catch a cold from this." It suddenly dawns on you how that must've sounded. Which in the end made you even more flustered, you're stumbling over your words that you didn't have indecent intentions. That she could take a bath, borrow your clothes, and leave right after if that's what she wanted. Although you couldn't really help but offer her to stay a while. Even if to talk a bit more, watch a movie, or even read a book. Robin chuckles at your flustered state but eventually reassureed you that she appreciated the offer and even accepted it. And there the two of you went to your place. When all was said and done, both of you settled in the living room couch. She spotted the books on your shelves and helped herself with one before settling back down on the couch beside you (and you were slightly panicking happily on the inside bc of how she looked good in your clothes). At first, there's this space between you. But as the minutes and hours went by, the two of you drew closer to each other. Sometimes, you'd get up to grab some snacks or drinks and sit down an inch closer to her. All up until Robin sat beside you, your shoulders brushing a bit. Taking a bit of a leap of faith, you wrap and arm over the back of the couch behind her. She leans against you with her head resting against your shoulder. Casual touches of skin and the comfort of each other's presence. Every now and then, you'd find yourself glancing her way. Indulging how peaceful she looked beside you. Her gaze glued to the page of the book she was reading. You fingers reached out to play with the ends of her hair absent-mindedly. Robin lets out a soft chuckle and turns her head to face you. A playful smile on her lips as she meets your gaze. The sight makes your heart skip a bit. Your faces inches away from each other. "You've been staring for a while now. Is there something on my face?" She asks and it sends your heart racing in your chest. You sheepishly shake your head before responding. "You just looked...pretty." You compliment with a nervous chuckle on your lips. Robin leans in just a fraction closer to you, her breath fanning against yours. Unable to resist, you lean in close enough that your noses are now brushing. Your thumb now tyracing along her cheek, gaze flickering down to her lips. A playful smile tugs Robins lips as she leans closer to you. Her fingers brushing against your cheek. The shiver that runs down your spine at her touch makes her chuckle. You lean closer, eyes searching for any hint of hesitation in her eyes. When you find none, you press your lips against her lips. It was a tender and languid kiss. A warm smile on your lips as you look at her affectionately. She leans in for a chaste kiss that has you chasing after her lips. Both of you exchange quick pecks while chucklinh and giggling to yourselves.
Let us all hope that I can post Part III within this week. The extras will be next week! (i think)
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ruris-world · 2 years
。・゚゚・ My sweet oblivion. 。・゚゚・
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➳ pairing: yandere!charlotte katakuri x fem!reader
➳ summary: you adapt to your new life, and your husband shows you his biggest insecurity, your reaction surprises him.
➳ content warnings: mention of previous non-con, male mastrubation, inappropriate use of devil fruit, uhh..voyeurism? dubcon,fluff, insecurity, kinda of dom!reader/ sub!katakuri, uhh, emotional breakdown [?? idk, lol ] ooc katakuri, err marriage kink?? [ i seriously don't know ], oh! a bit of a breeding kink, a smidge of a size kink [ i mean come on, he a big boii ], emotionally vulnerable katakuri doesn’t know how how to deal with feelings, a smidge of food play, I guess implied virgin!katakuri, reader is shy yet shameless, handjob, blowjob, pussyjob, no mention of aftercare, kind of rushed ending, also first time writing actual smut
➳ word count: 8.7 k [ 8,751 ]
➳ author note: i have katakuri brainrot, and he needs some love, so it's a win-win situation. also unedited and kind of a rushed ending. Please mention any warnings I missed. Inspired by this ask. English isn’t my first language, and I accept constructive criticism and any advice :)
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»»———- ♡̩͙ ———-««
It has been a while.
7 months since the wedding, maybe.
you aren’t allowed out often, the few times that you are out you are attached to him, your husband, quite literally by his mochi.
you find it ridiculous, a power that is so powerful due to its user, you saw him fight once and it wasn’t a fair fight, if you could even call it a fight.
days tend to blend in each other, especially if its spend in just one room, sure it’s a huge room even while not compared to your ‘normal’ sized body, but there isn’t one to really keep you company.
sure, servants come and go to bring you food, clean and organize, but they don’t speak
well, not to you at least
which you also find ridiculous, you find a lot of things are quite ridiculous.
the first month was spent crying, thrashing, and escaping, trying to at least, he would always find you, or one of his siblings would.
you stopped trying to escape when he emerged from a literal mirror
the second month was just spent…existing?
you were, are scared of him, you just spent it in a haze, you guess, you don’t remember much but you do remember the time you almost caught him with his scarf off.
It was by accident really, but before you could even glimpse at what was hidden you passed out, and woke up with an aching head, and flowers with a bunch of donuts on your side of the bed.
you didn’t really care what was under the scarf to be honest, but after that incident you went out of your way to avoid him if you even thought his scarf was off.
the third month…, was when he ‘forced pleasure’ on you.
you guess he is a man after all….
he never did anything other than use his fingers, but even that was too much for you, if you would compare it, its like using a human cock.
well, that’s a lie…
he did use his cock once, just not his real one.
can you even consider a mochi finger shaped as one, a real cock?
you don’t want to think about it.
he never force himself at you, at least not in that sense, even when the budge in his leather pants looks so tight it may just burst.
he makes sure you are cleaned on clean sheets, then he gets off in the bathroom, and sometimes he doesn’t.
the fourth month, is when you got invited to his mother’s tea-party, it was…nice, to go outside that is, the party itself was chaos.
believe it or not, you tend to fall into routine once you are kidnapped and aren’t allowed to get out of the room being held captive in.
so it was a breath of fresh air when you were let out of your room, and into the tea-party, and yes his siblings are a handful, and you are scared half to death from half of them , but it’s nice.
nothing much happened during the month, you don’t expect much.
…except that one instance.
he makes sure to come back at night, no matter how late the time is, he is always back, and he always gets up early, his side of the bed messy and the distant smell of him still present in the morning.
most of the time you are asleep when he gets back, sometimes you are not.
it was in the latter end that it occurred.
it was late at night, can borderline be considered a morning, no one is supposed to be awake, but you are
you were on your side, glimpses of a well-rested sleep taunt you as the door to the room opens, you don’t get up, you already know who it is, and you’re too tired to entertain his bullshit.
when you hear him call out to you, you don’t respond.
you would’ve called yourself foolish, if not for the fact that he doesn’t use his future-something-haki when he’s with you.
evident by the time, someone walked in when he was pleasuring you, and you never saw that servant again.
there is a rustling present, and it almost lures you back to sleep, except that he calls out to you again
you are annoyed, and very much on the verge of snapping at him, but you ignore it since you aren’t stupid, that is until you hear it
“darling, fuck—j-just like that”
is he…?
he wouldn’t…
“ah—you’re s-so—shit—so good”
would he?
“mmhm, you’re—hah—so sweet f’ me”
what are you supposed to do? do you turn around? talk? pretend to be asleep? ignore?
his pants continue mixed in with a couple of curses and groans, most of them are stifled and you hate that his voice alone sends blood rushing to your face and awaken a second rhythm within you.
you shift to test the waters, he doesn’t make an attempt to stop based on his noises, maybe you shouldn’t…
you ignore that part of you that says you shouldn’t, as the ‘squelnch, squelench, squelench’ drowns your thoughts.
you just wanna see, peek at his tip, see what the obscure sound is, surely his hands and cock aren’t the only thing that can produce such sounds, and bring him such pleasure, right?
it should be fine, right?
you’re his wife, it’s ok, right?
you slowly shift your body, trying not to make such ruckus that you do stop him, and his pleasure from escalating any further.
‘fuck it’ you think as you lay on your other side, eyes closed and make a sleepy sound, you hope it won’t deteriorate him or the situation.
his grunts don’t last another second, as everything around you stills, and silence fill the air, the sound of your deep breaths, and his harsh ones are the only thing present, seconds pass by and then-
hands are on your head, they trail to you cheek, and you feel one of his fingers trace lines on your cheek, and then they let go.
you don’t feel or hear anything after that, and you worry that you caused him to stop, and not reach his end.
not that you should care if he does cum or not.
that thought is interrupted by the noisy sound of slapping of his skin against something that continues, only this time faster and louder.
you are afraid to open your eyes, but that fear disappears when you hear his next words
“i’m going—fuck going to b-breed, you, be -hah- be a good w-wife and take it” accompanied by a loud moan.
all caution is out the window, as your eyes fly open, and what you see leaves you breathless and dripping.
there he is, charlotte katakuri, sweet commander, cold, merciless, the perfect brother, the man who brought you here, your captor and husband, fucking his fist.
his mochi fist, that looks like a cushion and is suspiciously moving along with his hips.
you don’t dare look up, eyes transfixed on his hips moving in and out of the cushion, his cock looks so big and you can even see its imprint —despite the dim lighting— from inside the makeshift cushion, his other hand is gripping the mochi with a death-grip, and you can only imagine what his face looks like.
you hate what the image does to you.
you hate the fact that you can feel your slick drench your panties, even more and then it occurs.
holy shit.
you think you can cum from the image of him cumming alone, his hips stall in their movement as he cums, his thighs tense, yet shakes, and his cum spills into and out of the makeshift cushion or fleshlight or whatever; no other thoughts enter your mind other than that you want that thing to be you.
you almost scold yourself for the thought, but then he starts moving again and he do so with a whine you can’t watch it, you wish you could but you honestly think you would cum if you would do, so you take a deep breath and close your eyes.
that night you sleep to the sounds of him panting, and wake up to the same messy sheets with no evidence of the night prior other than the drench in your pants and an almost un-noticeable tear in his pillow.
it’s also the month when he starts to become least present.
sure he sleeps at your chambers with you, but he doesn’t visit or stay or talk, not like he used to, and you find it ridiculous.
you find it ridiculous that he makes you crave his presence, you find it ridiculous that he makes you miss him, you find it ridiculous that you cry yourself to sleep twice a week because of him.
the fifth month, you snap.
he comes in one day, it's midday if you would assume, there are no clocks in your shared room so you have no way of telling, you are reading a stupid romance that can’t catch your attention, when the door open and the ‘clink, clink, clink’ of his steps appear.
you look up at him, as he shrugs off his jacket, and wanders to your shared closet.
you would have admired his back, if you weren’t so blinded with rage, you look at the mirror, think twice, shake your head then get up from your place.
you stalk towards the closet doors in the big room, and come face-to-face with his leg, oh what did you even expect?
you look up at him, as does he look down on you, he speaks first “darling? do you require anything?”
you stare, and stare and stare, a million thoughts rush into your head, a million more you want to scream at him, in the end just tears fill your eyes.
you sniff, gather all your strength and hit his leg, he may punish you but you don’t care, you are hurt.
“why did you leave?” another hit
“who do you think you are?” another hit
“you can’t j-just—just leave me like this!” another
“what? you can’t even spend time with me?” and another
“you’re so so…selfish!” another, and another and another, and then he bends down, and you break.
your eyes are closed, sobs recks your body and fills the air, your tears fall to the ground, and you probably look like a mess right now, but you don’t care.
your breath escapes in gasps, and you feel yourself being picked up, you’re so tired you can’t even yelp.
he brings you up to him, and when you open your eyes, blurry vision can barely see past his scarf, sobs, snot, tears, and even a bit of drool are falling all over his gloved hand.
god, you are so pathetic.
before you can wallow in more self pity, his other hand come to wipe at your face, and trying to save yourself from more humiliation, you go to help him, he doesn’t let you, and you don’t have the power to fight him.
your face is flushed, and you try to calm your harsh breathing that is broken by a few sobs.
once you have calmed down enough, he speaks, voice filled with an unknown emotion “I apologize darling, I hadn’t quite thought of how my actions may affect you”
you look up at him and hold his stare, after a few moments he pats your head.
you stare off at his scarf and decide to just spit it out before you chicken out “w-will you stay with me?”
his eyes soften, and you feel your heart flutter as the words “of course, my dear” are whispered into the air.
the sixth month is…messy.
your relationship is improving somewhat, there are still awkward moments, not that you are the one to blame; after all it's not like you asked to be kidnapped.
it’s the month he lets you out the most, he takes you on walks, and strolls, he combs your hair once, well at least he tried, he makes you sleep on his chest that month, you refused at first, but he didn’t care and either way you both know that you can’t do anything about it.
you think that his chest is warm and smells like mochi, and you had asked him to take you with him when he went to do his work, surprisingly he did.
he makes you a mochi bed thingy, which you quite enjoy as it is very comfortable and bouncy. You stopped asking for it though, since he would become red in the face almost every time you did ask for one, and would sometimes leave you alone in the room.
you find being left alone ridiculous.
you find the fact that you miss him, more so.
you find yourself catching feelings, the most ridiculous fact of all.
the seven month, this month is…
you are in your room, getting ready for bed, he isn’t here, however you find comfort that he would be in the morning, after all tomorrow is your anniversary, and he had made sure that he got the day off, well half-a-day but it’s better than nothing.
you are in your nightgown, about to get under the covers when he enters the room, and locks the door, which he doesn’t normally do, unless he leaves you alone in his office.
something is wrong
the air around him is tense, you can tell from the frown present on his face, and the slight rigidity of his movement confirms your suspicion that something is wrong.
you are debating whether or not to ask him when he sit on the bed, you blink and tilt your head, the question lingers in the air, you ask nonetheless “is something bothering you?”
he looks at you, you hold his stare, your frown mirrors his, it deepens when he sighs, he looks to the side.
this is new, he is usually…well, straightforward, blunt.
you sit upright when he mumble a “it’s nothing”
“katakuri…, what is it?”
he looks at you, off to the side again, back at you, closes his eyes, then sighs.
“I may be a monster, but I will always protect you, you may find it unpleasant, many before you have, however that won’t deter my affection for you…”
you are confused as fuck.
his eyes are on you, watching you as if you’re the only one that matters, and in that instant you feel like you are.
“it’s an unsightly matter, I will not put the blame on you, if you may wish not to view.”
what the hell does he mean?
he stops, and makes his way into the bed adjusting himself so that his face is near yours, and then he continues.
“this mark of shame that is constantly on me, i will not be saddened if you may not require to view it, again…”
you can see the intensity of emotions in his eyes, and despite all the words spewing out of his mouth, you think that you can get lost in the pretty amber.
“after all it is the reminder of my failure, a-as a brother, my imperfection…”
his hands go up into his face, you feel obliged not to look away, as if you owe him this, grips his scarf with one large hand, stays there, waits.
his breathing is hard, like he has been waiting for this moment, knows how it will end.
…and in one swift movement the barrier between the both of you is broken.
his eyes scan your face, as you do the same.
you want to laugh, honestly.
scoff at his face, and laugh at him.
for thinking all of that, and making a speech over some fangs.
it’s laughable, but you don’t.
laugh that is.
what you do is scan his face, his lips are kissable, his fangs are nice, gives him a charm about him, you wonder how they feel, are they pointy? or soft? could a nip penetrate the skin? you want to touch them, no you want them to touch you.
you want to feel them, really feel them, want to kiss them, want to feel them running down your body, want them to go up and down, want to feel them between your legs, nipping at your—
his scar stretches all the way up to his ears, and you never thought a scar could looks so attractive before, you want to kiss it, every inch of it, you want to run your hand through it, you wonder if the skin feels different there? would the texture feel different than his skin, his lips? how far is he willing to let you explore him?
you intake a sharp breath, his eyes flicker to you, right now though, right now, with his heated cheeks, laboured breath and flickering eyes, he looks so, so…
he blinks, you do too.
a blush.
“you’re so cute, katakuri”
your hand goes to his cheek, his eyes follows.
your thumb runs over his scar, it does feel different.
not bad…, just different.
he blinks at you, you can feel the heat rising to his cheek, when you look at him, he holds your stare for no more than a second then immediately invades it, you swore you saw a glimmer of tears there.
a few more beats and breaths, his hand stops you from touching his fangs, his eyes still haven’t caught yours.
“s-stop, it’s not—you may hurt yourse—”
his words are cut off by your hum, you can almost feel his doubt, guilt, he’s nervous, anxious, and you never wanted him more.
you slip your hands out of his, you take a large hand into your tiny ones and begin pulling it towards you as your words fill the air between you both
“you don’t believe me, hm? well, you can use your whatever haki, or…”
your eyes goes up, up, up, as the hand that you captured goes down, down, down.
“you can check for yourself…”
until it reaches below your nightgown and presses his enormous fingers into the damp spot, leaves them there.
you take a deep breath, consider your choices, this man is the one who took you, forced himself on you, you feared him for the longest time, he left you alone multiple times, felt like you were abandoned, but…
his eyes speaks volumes, there are tears and disbelief present, and that speech that left his mouth still makes it so that he is open, vulnerable
you want to take care of him, eventhough….
ah, fuck it, you think and then speak.
“…my dear husband”
he intake a sharp breath, and stills, you swear you could see his eyes darken, his fingers push where you left them, which makes a surprised moan leave your lips.
and then you pull yourself up into him, your hands are on his cheek, a few beats then he looks at you, a frown on his face.
you pay it no mind as your lips crash into his.
a beat, then another, and another, then he responds, and oh, does he respond.
its inexperienced, messy, your lips don’t mold together, but god is it satisfying.
you don’t think you have been kissed like this before, you don’t think you will ever be kissed like this again, and in that moment you don’t think you mind it so much.
at first it's slow, then escalates and escalates, and then there is tongue, and spit, and drool, and teeth, and fangs.
you find out that the fangs do break skin, well at least the ones on your lips.
a beat, and a second, then a third, your heart throbs against your ribcage, and escalates until you are almost sure that he can hear it, you want to stay there forever, trapped into an infinite kiss but alas you are a human and you need oxygen.
you pull back, he chases after you, trapping you again against him, you smile, pull back, want to tease him yet his hand pushes your head pressing into him, he wants more and more and more.
he is greedy.
he is insatiable.
he is selfish.
but only with you.
only for you.
you put your hand on his jaw, he jolts, you break free, with only a string of spit trapping you to him.
pants escapes you, making you breathe harder, and harder, he isn’t in a better state than you, in fact you would say he is in a worse state.
drool escaping from the side of his open mouth, face flushed till his neck, you can swear there are hearts in his eyes, along with unshed tears—your heart clenches at the sight.
your lips brush against his, and he almost captures you again, if not for the grip you have on his hair, one tangled in his now messy hair, another grabbing at the nape of his neck, he groans as the grip you have on him causes you to pull on his hair. 
he presses his fingers into you, both of you are playing a dangerous game.
none of you mind.
“wait, kata…lay on your back.”
his eyes that were previously glazed with a haze clear a bit, yet there is a confused frown on his face.
“huh? b-but you—”
“shh, kata, let your wife take care of you for a split second, and relax.”
“come on, katakuri…” a peck on his lips, “be a good husband and lay on your back” another peck, this time near his fangs, “let me make you feel good” another peck, this time on his nose, his eyes flutter close at the contact.
with a groan he gets off you, and lays on his back on the bed, you follow after him, straddling his heaving chest.
your hands slowly travel along his abdomen, towards his pecks, slowly trace over each nipple, lingering there and then escalate towards his neck, to his jaw which is slack open for you, his eyes continue to follow each movement as your hands stay at his jaw a bit further.
you dully note that a past you would call you ridiculous, what you are doing is ridiculous, would probably shout at you, tell you that you shouldn’t do this with your kidnapper, the man who strike so much fear inside you, the man who hurt you for far too much, that you should hurt him just as much, and even if it was a lie call him ugly, disgusting, a monster.
you leave that part behind you whenever you press your lips to his jaw, trailing pecks over there, he jerks in your hands, you guess he is pretty sensitive there.
you hum, with a smile, and whisper in his ear “what’s wrong kata? did i hit a spot?” he shudders in response, and you get more wet at the thought that a man so big, powerful, and beefy is reduced to a shuddering and blushing mess with just a few touches.
Katakuri has no idea how to feel, or process the situation before him.
He didn’t expect your response in a million years, and the mere thought that you not only said those words but continued to mark him with your wet kisses and wandering hands makes his head spin.
and while surprise and bashfulness full him and heat his cheeks at the way you called him your husband—the tone, the hidden emotion, and the way you looked at him—he can’t deny that it turned him on, immensely.
perhaps he should feel more grateful for you and your reaction, however he can’t help feeling that maybe you do deserve to feel some level of disgust at viewing his face, that maybe you should have screamed, or that maybe you should have—oh
“Hmm? now tell me dear husband of mine—” he almost whines “—where have i lost you”
he flushes more under your gaze that captures him feels like it will swallow him whole, it's lustful and full of want, he duly notes the effect you have on him, and that a past him wouldn’t be so appreciative that he is allowing himself to be weak and vulnerable.
but that’s ok.
because the past him doesn’t have you around.
because the past him doesn’t have you kissing down his tattoos.
because the past him doesn’t have you whispering hushed praises about him.
because the past him doesn’t have your lips kissing and licking down his body.
because the past him doesn’t have you willingly blushing and fumbling as you ascend his body.
because the past him doesn’t have you, just you, so tiny, and exposed to him.
his hands flex at his sides as you kiss down his happy trail, leading you to his prominent bulge that's straining against his leather pants.
you hum and look at him through your lashes, his breath catches in his throat, god he’s so weak for you, its almost pathetic.
your tiny fingers go to his belt, trying to free him, yet as you fumble with the skull on his belt, his hands come to join you, he’s hesitant, you note “can you help me?” you encourage him and the blush is consistently increasing down his neck as he whispers a “yes”
you let go and watch in fascination the way his hands quickly and masterfully unbuckle his belt, then proceeds to remove his pants, your hands flies to his, “take those off too” you motion to his gloves.
he nodes then does as he is told, and you inspect them, you know how they feel, but seeing every little detail in them? appreciating how his hands are much bigger than yours? how are his fingers longer? knowing they could reach spots you never dreamed of experiencing?
god, they were pretty, looked calloused and rough, like they have texture, and the veins that ran down them, you could drool.
your thighs unconsciously rub against each other to gain some friction, but you remind yourself that this isn’t about you, it's about him.
“kata, kata, you’re so pretty..”
his closes his palms at that, and flexes them open, you can’t help it, your hands go to grab his fingers and bring them to your lips “can i?”
“yeah.” he says the word breathless, and you don’t wait a second before you put two fingers into your mouth, both of you groan at the contacts. Your hands goes to hold his hand and guide more of his fingers into your wet cavern, you suck on them and run your tongue under them, as response he presses on your tongue, weighing it down, you moan at the feeling, dragging his fingers backwards and forth, a few more times until you feel harsh breaths blowing into your face, you open your eyes that you haven’t even realised you closed, to meet amber ones.
Katakuri’s eyes were wide blown, watching the way your mouth sucks his fingers off like its a cock, and the way you seem like the simple act of having his fingers in your mouth has brought you pleasure, he couldn’t help it, he normally has enough self-restraint, but it was like his fingers had a mind of their own.
you are taken aback by the taste of a mochi-like substance that suddenly erupts in your mouth, and you stare at him yet find his gaze distracted at the way his fingers escape your mouth to make the liquid dribble down your chin and into his leather pants.
You swallow what you could of the liquid, and he watches with eyes of a predator as it gobbles down your throat, you lose yourself for a moment in his face, and once again you are captured by the beauty of the man infront of you.
Katakuri can feel the heat of your cunt on him, and the realization that he is the one who got you all hot and bothered turn him on more than he cares to admit, he can feel the weight of your gaze on him, and when his eyes flicker to you, he is stunned by you for a second, and just when he is about to be captured in your spell again its broken by your small “hi”, and he thinks you never looked more adorable than this, so flustered and tiny, cute little gasps escaping you, and the way you keep fidgeting around.
“Hey” his voice rumbles, a rare smile crossing his face, and the giggle that you let escape warms his heart a bit more.
The wholesome moment is yet again interrupted, by the gasp he lets out as you adjust yourself directly into his bulge, and the shocked expression, followed on by the smirk on your face lets him know that he’s in for real.
You continue your previous actions, and pull down your kata’s pants, he helps you by raising his hips and then continuing to pull them down further down, and yet again you are infatuated with the man below you. The way his thighs are flexing and twitching, they looked so muscular and you find yourself wanting to bite them, kiss them, and worship them, yet the only thing that you find more delicious is the way the now much larger bulge is wet, you’re not even sure if a man can spare that much pre, without cuming.
You wont lie, you are intimidated by his size, that isn’t fully revealed, yet you find yourself strangely aroused, you’re not even sure why, thus before you can back out, you pull down his boxers, and your jaw drops.
The way he almost slaps your face as he springs up, only to be hung down by the sheer weight of him, the way he has veins running up and down his shaft, the way he is continuously twitching and the way he throbs, the angry red tip that is all but leaking delicious pre, all that and more makes a second rapidly fast heartbeat in you awaken, and all you can think is that you want him i– no.
you need him inside you.
“Darling, y-you don’t have to do this if you–oh fuck” he is cut off by your mouth leaching on his tip, and sucking on him, you can’t fit him inside you, yet you hollow your cheeks and push more of him into you.
Katakuri is convinced he has died and ascended to a heaven-like place for monsters like him, not only is he feeling toe-curling pleasure, he is receiving it all from you, and katakuri has never felt more loved as he does now.
Laying on his back, with you pleasuring him, and both of you having such a vulnerable yet intimate moment, he would have never imagined this the day that you came into his life, not by the way you reacted at first, screaming and thrashing all around.
No, he was fully prepared to live all his life loving you while you hated him and despised him, you are his everything, and as he gasps at the way you littered him with kisses, all wet and sloppy, he can swear that he has never felt more loved and in love than in this moment.
You lick up the pre from the underside of his cock all the the way to his tip, where you kiss it, before smearing some on your lips, you lick your lips as you watch the way your hands continue to pump him, he’s so big, both your hands can’t even fit around him.
“You taste so good kata, like mochi” you giggle at the sound that escapes him at that statement, before going back to licking and sucking him, one hand goes to his balls, while the other sneaks its way to rub at your embarrassingly wet panties.
You close your eyes shut, as you hear the few groans that he lets out, his mouth otherwise covered by his hand, you would have told him to let you hear him, if you couldn’t feel that he was close.
You try your best to relax your throat, its painful you won’t deny but you know you will be rewarded with the sight of him cumming, so you push through, you force your muscles to relax, to fight the discomfort, you bring both hands to stroke his twitching length, you try what you know, your drool and his previous pre helps serve as lube.
Your eyes snap to him, intent on watching him climax, katakuri’s chest is rising and falling rapidly, his mouth is covered by one hand, drool escaping the side of it, his other hand gripping the pillow beside his head so hard that you worry about it for a moment, yet the best treat of all is his eyes, rolled to the back, and if the light focused just right you could see the tears mark down his flushed cheeks.
it’s all too much for you, and yet it proves the same for him as his hips suddenly jolts, with a keen moan–more like a whimper of your name–and then he cums, it’s sweet, yet thick and is too much, your eyes water trying to swallow as much as you possibly can, however it proves futile as after a few seconds you’re getting off him, choking and gasping for air, you try to get your breathing under control, and when you do, it’s when he just finished cumming.
Katakuri does not recall what happened the moment his orgasm has him, all he know is that the pleasure was too much, and then he was seeing stars, he barely registers the sound of choking, nothing but pleasure that he never has felt before registers in his veins, it’s as if every fibre of his being is experiencing it, and he thinks he passed out for a few moments, he cannot recall.
All katakuri knows is that by the time his eyes are opened again, he feels at easy yet so ridiculously sensitive for the first time in his life he doesn’t have the words to describe how he feels, only that he was feeling an after-glow of pleasure he can’t comprehend however that was contracting the look on your face, your eyebrows are crossed in a frown, and you had your hands holding the side of his face.
your thumb rubbing his cheek, which was a weird sensation, not unpleasant…just different; he feels exposed, like he is showing something meant to be a secret to everyone and everything around him, yet he never more close to you than at that moment, and he quite liked that, he liked having you and him alone, intimate, vulnerable together, to be able to indulge in each other like this has to be a blessing, or divine intervention to have an angel like you gifted to him.
“You’re drooling, kata”
He didn’t think he had the energy to blush even more, nevertheless you prove him wrong once again in the same night, yet the sound of your laughter makes it worth the temporary embarrassment, without him noticing a smile stretch into his face, he feels safe and content with you.
But then he remembers, “darling?”
“Kata” he can hear the smile in your voice, he takes both hands in his, and your smile flatters a bit, “what’s wrong? Did you not like it?”
He shakes his head, before pressing his lips to your palms, he’s careful not to graze you with his fangs. “No, i did, i enjoyed it quite a lot, frankly”
“Then what's wrong, do you-”
“Darling, rest, i just…”
“Well, i–you, i want to return the favour…i need to make you feel good” he feels like a fool, stumbling over his words like that.
“...you don’t have to do that”
“No, I want to, I need to bring you pleasure, as the one you have brought upon me, only if you are comfortable with that too. darling , do you want this?”
“Yeah” it's breathless, the way you say it, just like he previously did and the way your lips are, it’s like every movement you make is to tempt him, tease him, it feels like a trap, and even if it was, he would gladly fall into one, if it's for you but now, now he wants to kiss you.
So he does.
You’re surprised for a moment, and he thinks that he did something wrong, before you respond back, with the same intensity. It's passionate, full of electricity and emotion, it's like two lovers have met after a long time. It's pleasant, but then it’s not. It quickly escalates, until it’s all drool, teeth and tongues clashing with each other, it’s like taking a bite out of a forbidden fruit, something that you know is wrong yet feels good, too good, both of you want more, so more you take of each other, until the moment you can’t go longer with oxygen is reached.
God, this must be the millionth time you kissed him tonight, yet you can’t get enough; you want to makeout with him forever, his lips are addicting, and the way his fangs feed that addiction is unmeasurable.
Somehow during that process katakuri managed to get rid of your nightgown, you don’t even notice until you feel one of his hands creeping up your back, and that sends signals down your spine.
The way his fingers are delicately running up and down your back, and fiddling with the strap of your bra leaves goosebumps down their path that you are sure he can feel, you would be too occupied with the thought of that if it weren’t for his lips that are moulding against yours.
You let out a gasp that is swallowed by his tongue, as he manages to get you out of your bra, he keeps a hand on your hips, holding you still with one and the other one goes to your cheek pulling you away but not before ending it with a peck on your lips, you try to deepen it drunk off the taste of him but he doesn’t let you, instead he chuckles at the whine you let out and the sound goes straight to your core.
“patience, pretty…” his voice is sharp, deep, and sends tingles all over your body, the ability of his voice and the entirety of him that has a hold on you can’t be denied any longer, no matter what you try it always catches up to you.
katakuri ‘s thumb rub over your bottom lip, teasing you, everything stalls for a moment, it's like there’s only you and him, he looks majestic like this, almost heavenly, the way his amber eyes are gazing at you, almost devouring you, and then the cold air hits you, and you realize your bra has abandoned you, almost instantaneously his eyes widen with an emotion your brain cannot decipher.
Your hands go to cover yourself, suddenly feeling shy and bashful under his intense gaze, he doesn’t say anything for what felt like forever, until he grasps both of your wrists in one broad hand, and rubs circles into the back of your hand.
The other hand still trapping you against him, almost like he needs you two to be close, intertwined with each other, desiring you, becoming selfish and indulging himself for once, and yet he will be selfish, if it's with you, never once daring to think of a warm embrace, a chance to rest, to be vulnerable with no judgement, he needs you, and you need him. It’s a simple fact, yet one that seems as a sin, and yet, yet…if a monster like him is to be able to serve you, bring you pleasure, will it be less of a sin?
“Darling, don’t hide from me..” he sounds almost hurt, as if the mere thought of you thinking you’re undesirable brings him pain, as if you’re anything less than perfect, the mere thought of you not seeing yourself as he sees you, not being treated like you deserve to be makes a flame lit inside of him, he needs to show what he sees through his eyes when he dares lay his gaze on you, and he starts by pulling your hands away.
The hand on your hips brings you further into his chest while the other lets go of your hands, not before placing a kiss on each of them, your hands land uselessly into his pecs, as his mouth graze the tender flesh on your breast, hesitantly he begins placing kisses there before taking a nipple into his mouth, the euphoria you feel from such a simple act causes your hands to press down on him, and such a simple act makes you feel a heartbeat raising under your touch.
He gains courage the longer he keeps nursing on you, one hand is already playing with your other nipple, teasing you as he rolls it in-between his fingers, he’s good at this, almost too good. A choked moan escapes you at a particularly hard twist accompanied by sharp fangs scraping your skin, it’s too much and yet not enough, your hands somehow found their way into his hair, pulling at him, and you feel rather than hear the growl that follows your actions.
“katakuri, please” your voice comes out more pathetic than you would like, yet you don’t have time to dwell on it, as he releases the bud from his mouth with a ‘pop’.
He leaves a wet kiss into your other nub before whispering against it “no one else likes seeing me like this” Your hands grips his hair harder, pulling him away from your chest, his eyes unhoded and hazed with lust takes a moment to adjust to yours, ignoring the way his saliva and cool air makes your nipples stand hard you took in a shaky breath to arrange your thoughts.
“…stop” you don’t know what else to say, this is the same man who kidnapped you, and took you by force, and yeah sure your feelings for him developed into something, but it’s complicated.
it’s within your right to be upset at him, you should curse him and after all the things he had done to you, be ingratiated to be within his vacenitg yet you can’t bring yourself to do it, you look at him and his eyes stare back at you.
There it is again, that look in his eyes, it makes you want to scream, why? why? why?
You can feel tears brim near your eyes, he blinks at that once, twice, “stop, just stop!” it comes out more than a sob than you would like, yet you can’t do anything about it, you don’t want this, you don’t—
Katakuri’s lips are on yours, his knuckles brushing against your cheeks, other hand on your back, pushing you more into him, fitting like two pieces of a puzzle, connected, pulling away just to whisper sweet nothings against your lips, apologizes spill from him, and continue doing so as his kisses trail down your jaw and into your neck, his fangs scraping along them, neither painful nor pleasurable, just applying pleasure.
You gasp as wet kisses are being planted into your collarbone and descending further downwards, yet not fast enough, large large hands busy themselves by pushing you into him, other hand hovering on your thighs, hesitant, before grabbing a handful of them.
“kata, please…” It's amazing how a couple of words can make your husband snap, as soon as these words are let out into the air, his grip on you tightens where it can almost be considered painful.
He drags you closer to him, and the feeling of countless hard years of training runs deliciously against your clothed cunt. Your moan is wet and full of sound as the first real friction of the night is received by you. Familiar fingers push your ruined panties to the side before proding against your entrance, they move slowly coating themselves in your juices before plunging into you.
The wanted touch of his makes your back arch, and suddenly your back hits the mattress, and his mouth is on your nipples again, it’s all too much stimulation, the way his fingers is constantly moving in and out of you, the way his tongue leaves marks and kisses everywhere, the hold he has on your hip bone preventing you from running away from his ministrations.
Too much.
Too much pleasure, it's almost painful.
And yet.
Yet you want more.
Need more.
Your thoughts are in a jumbled mess, and it takes way more effort than you would care to admit to speak, still you do; because as his desire for you is insatiable, so is yours for him.
“W-wait, wait, please stop!” his hands stall almost immediately, he detaches his lips from your body, and his hand is again in your cheek rubbing soothing circles into your cheek, which you lean into, before meeting his gaze.
It’s full of worry, his brows furrowed, a pout on his flushed lips—really all of him is— before asking in a whisper, as to not startle you “are you alright, darling? have I gone too much? Do you want to stop? We don’t have to–”
You feel bashful under his gaze, and the way he is so concerned for you, you try to regulate your breath, but you want it so bad, need it in you. “Hah- god no…no, no, I-I wanna cum on your cock…”
“Darling.., I–We can’t…”
Katakuri feels bad for the frown on your face, he doesn’t want to deny you it saddens him and as he watches a frown settles on your face, your lower lips wobbles, it pains him to see you like this and he is ready to apologize again, offer you another option to bring you pleasure as the one you brought him, yet his thoughts are interrupted again by you.
“We– you don't have to put it in…” your voice is small, mumbled but he is sure that he had heard you, he is confused for a moment before you say again, your voice wavering “you.., I can just rub it against me..” your hands immediately goes to your face.
He doesn't say anything, too stunned to say anything, his mind is running around trying to figure out how that will be possible.”We–we don’t have to do it…it’s ok, just forget I said anything” God, he really is terrible at this whole thing, however he won’t let his inability to express himself to you get in his way.
“Yes.” you sniffle and peek between your fingers to look at him “Whatever you want, just show me how to please you and I will.” The way he says those words makes your heart skip a beat and butterflies erupt in your stomach.
You whine as he pulls your hands away from your face, he kisses them as an apology, before his breath hits your face, “whatever you want…” he whispers, so genuine and full of emotion that you almost burst out crying, but you don’t, and the only thing that manages to slip out of you is a tiny “uh-huh”
He pecks your lips, and looks at you expectantly “lay back” he does as he is told, slowly manoeuvring his way so he is sitting with his back to the headboard. His cock is semi hard, laying on his stomach twitching every other second.
Katakuri watches you intently as you fix yourself on top of him, keeping a hand near your hips to support you whenever you need it.
Your hands go to grab his cock, coaxing a bead of pre from him, his groan makes you clench, impatiently wanting to have him against you.
“Hah, you can touch katakuri, help g-guide me” you say breathing harshly, it’s not like you can go around his whole length by yourself, you need some form of assistance.
His hands grab your hips, thighs spreading widely to accompany his size, helping you align yourself with his cock. Your clit is swollen and twitching, desperate for some sort of stimulation, his precum serves as lube mixing in with both of your juices.
Your hands are on his abdomen searching for stability before you make contact with him, an embarrassingly large moan a result of that
The drag of him feels heavenly, your eyes don’t tear away from the sight of where the both of you are mixed, your lips are spread open, you can feel every vein on his shaft, every throb of him, the entirely of him, you slid easily against him, the pre of him helping you in accomplishing that.
Your breathing is harsh, biting your lips to conceal your moans before wet lips press against yours, you gasp unsuspecting of your husband's actions, before reciprocating trying to shove and mold your tongue against him
He pulls away just just for you to chase after him missing the familiar warmth, he doesn’t let you, capturing your jaw in his hands, cupping them before breathing into them, you’re practically breathing each into each other and sharing the same breath.
“Please…” you’re not above begging and thus you find yourself with a thumb in your mouth and his dark voice whispers into your ear “don’t hide, darling, speak to me, let me hear you…” you don’t think, you just nod, desperate to have him against you again “i need to hear you say it darling…”
“I-I won’t hide…just please” He can never deny you, your head is thrown back yet you can feel his gaze on you, moans escape both of you—an indicator and reassurance of the pure bliss and ecstasy you both are feeling.
He guides your hips making you feel the drag of your clit, so puffy and desperate against his cock, feels like paradise to you, the only thing that would feel better is having him inside of you—but that’s for another time.
You’re enthralled to have him like this, countless nights you have been spending thinking of a moment like this, with him, charlotte katakuri.
Your husband.
You can feel the coil in your stomach reappearing, you won’t last long—that you know, yet as you look down on your panting husband you feel the need to hold off your orgasm a bit longer, in hopes of seeing him cum.
His face is concentrated, and all scrunched up, the warmth of your cunt against his frustrated cock is nothing like he had imagined, and he distinctly notes that he can’t go back to a mochi cushion after feeling you since he can never replicate the feel of your pussy, something so divine.
Any sense of rationality katakuri has disperse as he hears your voice, high pitched, whiny and desperate—so heavenly to him “I’m gonna cum, please, wan’a cum, fe—ah!—feels good”
Your hands dig into his skin, and his speeds up, frustrated desire accompanies him, intent on watching you unfold before his eyes, he can feel his end too, never imagining something like this could feel so good.
“Go ahead and let go” and just like that with a broken moan the coil in your stomach snaps, it feels beyond heavenly to be rewarded after such a long time, and katakuri keeps you upright with a hand while the other still stimulates you, makes you ride off your orgasm and he keeps going even your orgasm washes over you in waves, it’s too much stimulation for your brain and body, no coherent thoughts are present in your body “too much, ‘s moree pleaseee….”
“Fuck.” with a curse word that seems too improper for your husband, he manages to cum for the second time of the night, semen splattering all over his stomach, his grip on your is the only thing keeping you stable from falling into his heaving chest.
The afterglow of your orgasm basks you into sleep, you’re sure when you wake up in the morning your body will be filled with bruises and an ache in your muscles, but you can’t seem to focus on that with the way your husband’s voice lures you to sleep, baking you and consuming you whole.
“Darling, you did so good, I didn’t hurt you, did I? Was I too rough? Do you require a—“
“Mhmm, want you..please, don’t leaveee…”
_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
current status: unedited
©ruris-world 2022 — do not copy, plagiarize, repost or translate my works to any platform! reblogs, likes and comments are very much appreciated
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punkpandapatrixk · 7 months
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Full Snow Moon in Virgo ♦︎ Moon Magick Pick A Card
The last Full Moon of the astrological year was on 24 Feb🌝Before we delve into the exciting new astrological year, the Snow Moon in Virgo invites us to take stock of how we feel about areas of Life ruled by the 6th House of health and routine; House of public service and how we fare at the workplace🧘🏻‍♀️
There’s a need to change up some aspects of our routines so that our physical health can be in balance with our mental health. When the body is healthy (and pretty✨) the mind is at ease. All tasks become easier to navigate and thus we produce higher-quality work. Before the new astrological year begins, let’s get shinin’, from the inside and outside✨✨
Earlier this year, Pluto moved to Aquarius (finally!), signalling the start of an era that will be super exciting for the next 20 years. The year 2024 is a truly significant one for all people resonating with being a Lightworker, Starseed, and even Mystic. It’s also the year many real Twin Flames and Starseeds are going to awaken to the Truth of their reason for being born. Older Twin Flames are even going to begin moving into Union starting this year. Honestly, the year 2024 is going to be a fun ride for many that are more spiritually-based—those of you who know from deep within yourself that you’re meant to be of service to the world🌷
Virgo is the sister sign of Pisces. Virgo represents self-undoing and Pisces represents self-sacrifice—or maybe it’s the other way around LMAO Ultimately, this axis is all about sacrificing oneself for the service of another and it is essentially such a beautiful concept because it is fundamentally, Love. However, to express this aenergy properly, your body needs to be strong and healthy so your mental faculty functions sanely and reasonably. Virgo is the Body that performs service; Pisces is the Soul that fuels service.
Virgo is quite notorious for its preoccupation with perfection, so we will need to learn to be gentler with ourselves and to be more free in our pursuit of high quality. In many ways, this Full Snow Moon in Virgo could also be significant for those of you who have Chiron or Saturn in Virgo/6th House, as well as Chiron or Saturn conjunct Venus, for these placements could make a person super critical of certain aspects of their physical appearance.
If you have any of these placements/aspects, there’s a need to learn to understand where these preoccupations stem from and to transmute any senses of a body image issue back into compassionate acceptance of the normalcy of your body🧜🏻‍♀️This FM is prime time for releasing thoughts of what’s wrong with your perfectly functioning body. If you’re gonna work on yourself, work with Love with what you already have and improve healthily with Love and respect towards that body that’s working hard to hold your Soul together🤪
Healthy improvements come from full acceptance and that probably requires a great deal of self-awareness—awareness of what’s reasonable and what’s not😊This FM until the upcoming Spring Equinox, learn to be of genuine service to yourself by loving every aspect of your body and current state of being, wherever you may be in the world and whatever stage of Life you’re at, at the moment. You’ll feel like a brand-new person with a renewed sense of confidence by the time the Sun moves into Aries🐏
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Pile 1 – Let the Stream Take You Where You’re Meant to Be
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h a b i t – 7 of Wands Rx
It seems to me you’ve come from quite a harsh background when it comes to human interactions/relations. But you’re such a gentle soul and this makes you rather prone to solitude and avoiding conflicts. Basically, you can’t stand bearing witness to people being ugly to each other. To some extent, you can be quite terrified of scolding, even constructive criticism, because it triggers so much trauma response in you, or at a minimum, it’s giving war flashbacks.
In that sense, you’re quite the pacifist at the workplace or in your friend groups. The right people appreciate that you’re calm and collected and cooperative, but the wrong ones tend to take advantage of your penchant for harmony. In some sense, some really evil souls could even be triggered by your sheer presence because they can smell your ‘weakness’.
These evil ones notice that you’re inauthentic—because you’re anxious all the time—and can’t stand your ground, so this becomes an ‘invitation’ for them to be a menace to you.
r o u t i n e – 5 of Pentacles
The way I see it, you’re only gonna fight back when you’re already cornered to the max. Like that proverb that says something along the lines of ‘even a mouse that’s cornered will try to kill the cat’ or something. But it didn’t sit right with you whenever that happened in the past, right? Or at least, just the idea of it is not very pleasant. Being too patient with others doesn’t serve you well if you’re inauthentic and can’t state your case.
This FM in Virgo is inviting you to release any desperate need to be liked and perceived as a people-pleasing entity. You have such a strong mind and you have it in you to become a leader. So, if you can, and if it matters, use this period, this aenergy to assist you in healing parts of your personality that you’ve perceived as lacking or bad or terrible or plain wrong.
Taking from your aenergy, I don’t think that’s true at all. I think you were gaslit into believing that your strength of character and your assertive voice are too much.
r i t u a l – Ace of Wands Rx
Ace of Wands is a highly charged aenergy. It’s full of motivation and inspiration. In reverse, this is saying you first need to calm your nerves down before you get on with your day. It would be a good idea to practice breathing meditation first thing in the morning, perhaps just 2-3 mins, before you start the day. And if it’s your style, you could try hyping yourself up in the mirror LMAO ‘You’re a bad bitch and there’s nothing you can’t achieve. You’ve got this, bitch.’
This FM in Virgo, try not to run away from conflicts anymore if you know you’re not in the wrong. Stand your ground. Stop letting people walk all over you. Speak clearly and authoritatively. And get grinding at the things that truly matter to you. And if you need a change of environment for the sake of your development, do it. This is the time for that—Spring Equinox is just around the corner!
Ugly people stressing you out are only making your skin look bad, hon~ You deserve a prettier environment, ugh.
full moon self-care🔻🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗🌘
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Pile 2 – You Belong Where It’s Easy for You to Love
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h a b i t – VI The Lovers Rx
You’ve been disappointed in people more than anybody else you could think of. The heaviness in your heart is not easy to verbalise and others can’t even begin to imagine. The scars of past terrible relations—whether professional or romantic or whatever—take a lot longer to heal than most others not because you’re lame or weak. You get hurt more by this sort of thing because your heart is pure—when you trust, you trust with ALL of your heart and soul.
You’re intense like that and yeah, this could be to your detriment or whatever, but because I’m a selfish bitch, lemme tell you that being intense like that isn’t a downfall of yours; if anything, it’s a superpower to feel so much. It’s your environment that’s not deserving of all your affection. So it’s a good idea to learn from the past and exercise discernment—discrimination, even.
Know that you belong in a beautiful pond of consciousness with other flowers who are just as soft and kind as yourself and not in a battlefield sprinkled with hard eggshells around which you tippy-toe like a stupid bitch😏
r o u t i n e – 6 of Cups
For quite a while now, you’ve been yearning to be in a more beautiful spectrum of Reality. There’s this feeling of always wanting to run away from ugly, conflicty situations and you’re right to feel so. These nudges are coming from your Higher Self, telling you it’s time to move realities. Like birds migrating to a warmer, more abundant place when it’s time to do so. Your Higher Self has been reminding you of your innate power to shift realities.
I sense many of you who have chosen this Pile resonate with being a witch? Or at least you’re big on spiritual technologies like tarot, astrology, subliminals, reiki, frequency healing, reality-shifting potions and some such? This Snow Moon is inviting you to invite a more positively loving Reality for yourself through the conscious choice of calling that Reality to be yours.
It has to be conscious followed by practical actions, no matter how small, because your Higher Self is training you to become a Wizard! One day you will be helping those you love to manifest the way you do~ WOW, who are you, bro? ksksksksk
r i t u a l – 2 of Cups
Hmm…you’re such a magical being, am I sure I’m tapping into a Human consciousness here? LOL You have a very high-level Soulmate guiding you from the aethers in terms of your navigating physical Reality. I feel like, around and during the time of the Snow Moon on 24 Feb you were probably feeling some sort of a calling for something higher, more pure, more spiritual, you’re meant to pursue in this lifetime. I do sense there’s a feeling like you need to move locations as well (for some) or perhaps simply change up some aspects of your home environment.
Perhaps, some of you felt the need to change up something about your diet and exercise routines. Well, that’s most in alignment with the intro of this PAC so this is your confirmation that you’re on track already. What else can I give you? hahah You’re well on your way to balancing every aspect of your beingness—mind body and soul as ONE—and this is literally the foundation of high-quality positive manifestations.
You’re so loved and protected, and your Spirit Guides are tremendously proud of how far you’ve made it~
full moon self-care🔻🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗🌘
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Pile 3 – You’ve Got Impactful Stories You Haven’t Even Begun to Whisper to Anybody~
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h a b i t – Ace of Cups Rx
Are you happy with the version of yourself you’re showing to the world? Do you love that persona yourself? Is this an ideal portrayal of who you truly are?
I don’t think you’re a sneaky bitch trying to accomplish something sinister in the world—because if that were the case I’d love this aenergy so much LMAO Rather, you’re simply hiding a lot of true colours—your real thoughts and emotions that are actually quite substantial—because you’re afraid of getting rejected. You don’t so much fear getting mocked or teased; you fear that internalised feeling of being denied your true personality.
Doing this to yourself hurts more than others rejecting you, if you really think about it, because you’re the one person who’s rejecting yourself before anybody else even gets the chance to do that. You’re already telling yourself that your ideas and everything important you have to say to contribute to a cause or a discussion wouldn’t be accepted, wouldn’t matter…
r o u t i n e – Page of Wands
This FM in Virgo is inviting you to take a real deep look into these psychological imbalances, so you can unravel the threads of fear… aaand… self-gossip… sooo you can transform yourself for the next couple of decades that are promised to be incredibly exciting!
Sometimes, people who are only learning to voice their thoughts/opinions/ideas convincingly can come across as rude. Presumptuous, at the minimum. You know how children are with their bold honesty hahah But don’t be afraid of making these ‘mistakes’ no matter your age; you are finally in the learning phase of your Life to know how to take up space in the world. You’ll mellow out when you’re older LOL The most important thing is that you make the effort to learn to tell your stories.
No more biting your tongue when it matters. Let’s say you’ll be in this awkward teenage phase when it comes to speaking up and mingling. You’re learning what being part of a society is all about, carrying yourself out at public functions with weird fervour AHAHAH Let’s not be afraid of making a fool out of yourself because after all, you’re incredibly intelligent. You’ll get the hang of it in no time at all~
r i t u a l – 8 of Swords
Ultimately, every silly scenario you’ve been afraid of, all of this impostor syndrome, is all a prison of your own mind. Maybe you can’t see it now but one day when you’ve calmed down and can see things for what they truly are, you’ll see just how much people do actually like you :D
You’re like the only person who’s keenly observant of all your failings and imperfections, again, actually because you’re intelligent. But you’re just being too harsh on yourself. So much so that often you’re quite numb to the presence of admirers. I do sense this self-image issue may have stemmed from a childhood in which adults were punishingly critical of your smallest mistakes. They didn’t know how to value you, so now you don’t know how to value you.
This calm and serene Snow Moon in Virgo is inviting you to release all of these false narratives that weren’t even created by you. Forgive yourself and promise yourself you’re gonna do great in the future in a manner that’s faithful to your true personal values. Your daydreams matter and they can manifest if you give yourself a chance to try. Focus instead on the praises you receive from those who do truly see your good because those views are a lot closer to the truth of your loveliness~
full moon self-care🔻🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗🌘
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weirdsht · 2 months
Disillusioned 3 . Abandoned, Adopted (2) - Cale/Reader
tags: abuse as the norm, reader sees nothing wrong with what they've experienced
English isn’t my first language so there will be grammatical errors
Pls don't repost my work anywhere without my permission
Constructive criticisms and any kind of interaction are more than welcome
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“I was gonna reveal him later while we’re talking but might as well.”
Cale casually stated as he handed _____ a towel. It sounded as if he was describing the menu for lunch. As if he didn't let out an exasperated sigh before speaking. Contrary to his nonchalant voice and demeanour, Cale is actually a bit worried. He is worried at the high possibility of the healer not being able to compose themself at the sight of a dragon.
“I am the great Raon Miru and my great self is now 4 years old!”
“Hello Raon Miru-nim, it’s nice to meet such a great and mighty existence.”
_____ bowed respectfully at the cute dragon that Cale is currently drying with a towel. The bow only lasted two seconds before the healer grabbed a new and unused towel.
“You dried Hong but didn’t dry yourself On.”
Their gaze asked On if it was okay to dry them to which the silver kitten nodded before moving closer to _____.
Cale finds this development unexpected, but good unexpected. In fact, he likes it so much. He likes _____’s calmness despite the visible surprise in their eyes.
Some minutes and towels later the two can finally get to the main topic of today’s conversation.
“Your adoptive family has proclaimed you dead, what is your plan now?”
“Uhm, honestly young master Cale-nim-”
“Just Cale is fine, even if that shitty family of yours proclaimed you dead you are still a noble. We are still equal in status.”
“Huh? Uh uhm, okay…”
_____ was flabbergasted as this was the first time someone said they were a noble. Well, not that they have much reference as most of their conversations are with their adoptive family, but it was still shocking to the healer.
“Then Cale-ssi..? No? Uhm, Cale-sunbae[1]..? I have no concrete plan. I knew that someday I was gonna be thrown away when I was deemed useless. I just didn’t expect my usefulness to end this early.”
The healer was hesitant in their new way to address the young master. However, Cale looked more relaxed being called sunbae so _____ deemed it okay to call him as such.
“Then you just have to find a new place that will see you as useful right? I think this is the perfect place for that.”
_____ looked at Cale in disbelief. They may not know much information about… well almost everything, but they have also heard about the rumours of Cale being trash.
Whether that was real or Cale was faking it didn’t matter. 
The point still stands that someone who made a name for themself as trash would not need someone like _____. Not with all the burdens and hard work that comes with them as a package. Not only that but the young master seems to have some sort of power that lets him have full vitality at all times.
So why would such a person take in _____ who is only good at healing others?
“Cale-sunbae taking someone in like me is bound to cause trouble. I am aware that taking me in means hiding me as I cannot reveal myself right now. I am also aware that requires a lot of effort to do.”
“Don’t worry about that, I’m not the son of a rich noble for nothing. All you have to think of is whether you’ll accept my offer and what you want to do. Do you want to take revenge?”
The black dragon that’s lying down on Cale’s bed with the kittens perked its head up at the mention of revenge. He may not know what _____’s story is but he feels a kinship with them at the known fact that the human his human is talking to also had a hard life before meeting Cale.
“Revenge? Oh no that has never crossed my mind. Why would I when they provided for me? It’s not like they did anything wrong?”
“THAT’S NOT TRUE LITTLE _____!!! This great and mighty being that has lived for 4 years could tell what they did was not right!!”
Everyone else in the room got a whiplash while the black dragon was enraged. Cale was confused at how such a thing could be considered normal.
“In any case, if you don’t want to make them pay it’s fine. If you ever change your mind just tell me.”
Cale Henituse is now responsible for this person, and that responsibility includes supporting them in their endeavours. 
So Cale lets it be… at least for now.
A silver kitten taps Cale’s arm using her paw. It was nighttime, and the children averaging seven years old were already lying in bed with Cale. The other two children are already asleep, leaving only the redhead and the silver kitten awake.
“What is it? Can’t sleep?”
“No that’s not it. About _____…”
The half-asleep Cale woke up at the mention of the newest addition to their group. Cale is pretty sure the healer is harmless but if the children say otherwise then further evaluation is due.
“Well, they’ve been adjusting well here in Harris Village and get along with everyone.”
Cale agrees with On’s evaluation. It has been a few days since came back to Harris Village and _____ has been doing well so far. Actually, they’ve been thriving as everyone seems to like them. 
They’re shy and don't speak unless someone else initiates the conversation. However, they are respectful and helpful to everyone. Because of that, they get along well with Cale’s people.
If that’s the case then why does On’s face say that there seems to be a problem?
“There’s something weird about their body- no I think it’s their ability. We don’t know how it exactly works right?”
On had been the closest to _____ during these past few days along with the other two children. Partly because the three have taken it upon themselves to observe the healer more, and partly because their mere presence comforts the children.
The healer doesn’t smile or laugh but everyone can tell that they truly enjoy themselves whenever they are out playing or exploring with the kids and Mary.
Even though they can’t see a physical smile on the healer’s face, them being happy still lifts everyone’s moods. 
Even Cale’s
He may try to deny it, but On has caught him a couple of times already.
Speaking of the man, he is just currently petting On’s fur while waiting for her to tell him more.
“At first I thought it was just their old wounds. They were hurt pretty badly so it wouldn’t be surprising if it takes a long time to heal since they can’t heal themself. But the wounds seem to be changing places.
I’m not so sure about that one because they wear long sleeves so it's hard to see, but I also noticed that their mood seems to drastically falter when they heal someone. More than any healer I’ve seen during our travels. It’s almost as if they seem to be in pain.”
It was true, it’s hard to see any part of _____’s body because they wear a hooded robe like Mary. The healer even went as far as covering everything but their eyes with cloth[2]. This was because they didn’t want to bother Raon with a disguise.
“We can’t be sure yet about the wounds but the other things might just be because they aren’t in optimal condition yet. They have always had a weak body. For now, I’ll them to lessen their use of their healing powers.”
With that On’s mind was put to ease and she finally fell asleep.
However, another person’s mind is not at ease.
Cale who was supposed to be slacking off felt a sense of worry. Experience from reading so many fantasy novels gave him an inkling as to how _____’s ability might work.
But nothing is confirmed yet so he set his worries aside for now and resorted to observing.
While they were in Harris Village nothing seemed out of place. Well, honestly how could there be when everything is so peaceful? The only things they were healing were minor scratches and wounds that mostly stemmed from accidents or training.
When they got to the main territory though…
To be precise it was during the festival when they were looking for hidden experts in the territory. _____ noticed the scratches and wounds on Lily’s body from training and wanted to heal them.
Of course, they didn’t say anything but at this point, Cale knows them well enough to see what they want.
So Cale told the healer to go ahead and heal Lily, and replenish her energy while they were at it too.
They did and Cale didn’t see anything unusual. But then again it’s not like Lily was badly injured. The worst thing she got was this long scratch-like wound from her forearm to below her elbow. Therefore Cale that would be the end of it and he’d have to find another chance to see if his suspicions were correct.
“Healer-nim are you okay? That scratch looks pretty fresh.”
Hans’ voice made Cale turn around to see what he was talking about.
All of them are currently roaming around the night market. _____ in particular was looking at a stall that sells hand-made stuffed toys. It ranges from fluffy teddy bears to cute crocheted dolls. 
When Cale turned to see what was going on, he did so in a way that looked as if he was just looking around the market and not listening to their conversation. He could see the healer midway to reaching a red teddy bear that was holding some kind of silver shield. 
Is it just him or does that toy oddly look like him?
Anyways ignoring the cute but oddly designed teddy bear, Cale could see that the healer’s sleeves rolled down because the placement of the teddy bear was pretty high. Because of that, their arm could be seen, and that arm was full of scars.
“Ah yes, Hans-ssi- I mean Hans. I got this earlier but it doesn’t hurt.”
“I see, but it would still be better to put some bandages over it.”
“Yes, I’ll make sure to do that when we get home.”
The scars kind of look like Lily’s scratches but one could argue that it was from _____’s wounds a few weeks ago.
However, there was no denying that a big scratch looked just like Lily’s wound from earlier.
Sure it looks better than what Lily had but Cale knows it’s the same thing.
But accusations are just accusations, Cale still doesn’t have solid proof. It could be that it wasn’t actually Lily’s wound and they just got injured earlier as there were a lot of people.
Cale also doesn’t think he should suddenly just bring it up. He doesn’t want to cause unwarranted worry and panic when he and On are still speculating things.
So he lets it go for now.
He continued strolling at the night market to look for hidden experts and buy whatever the kids wanted.
And if that shopping haul included that one red teddy bear with a shield that’s current in Raon’s spacial dimension so they could give it later to _____ even though they didn’t ask for it?
Let’s just go with Cale’s reasoning that the kids persuaded him to buy it.
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[1] was gonna use -ssi at first but the rules for using ssi confuse the more I read about it. I didn't want to use Cale-nim because it's Choi Han's signature. Anyways just think of their relationship as like a sunbae and hoobae at work since reader is working for Cale now.
[2] kinda like alberu's appearance when he went to the jungle as a dark elf.
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carmen-is-away · 8 months
angsty elliott headcanons.
content warnings: self harm, toxic relationships, mental illness, violence?, mentions of abuse
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He gets attached very quickly to people he’s interested in romantically and will ignore red flags and/or try extremely hard to make them fit them into the idealized narrative he’s created of them in his head
He tends to isolate himself from others once he’s in a romantic relationship and hardly ever spends time with people besides his partner
He worships his partner, I’m talking devoting his whole life to making them happy and ignoring his own wants most times
Loves his partner wholeheartedly and is willing to do almost anything for them, even if they’re not always the best to him
He very desperately wants to be loved
He begrudgingly disowned his parents, they were terrible towards him and never supported him along with being horribly neglectful and abusive albeit having more than enough time and money to do so
He gets violently angry and destructive when his writer’s block is at its peak.
I’m talking throwing his journal across the room and shoving everything off of his desk. He’s pulling his hair and yelling and destroying his surroundings and probably hurting himself
He makes sure to not let his partner or anyone see this though. He hates when people worry about him.
It’s usually followed up by a long and sob and horrible depression episode that lasts somewhere from a few weeks to months.
What can I say? He feels his work very strongly
That also goes for the opposite
He’s running to read you his latest poem because he’s fallen in love with it and he expects you to as well
He may have even brought himself to tears
He will be all over you and ready to jump over the moon if you love it as much as he does
If you aren’t as tender as enthused as he hopes you’ll be or you judge his work harshly with less than constructive criticism, it will be a large blow to his ego and it will break his heart a little
He will understand if you’re busy or tired or not able to put your full focus on it, but if you can and you aren’t, or you're being an asshole, he’s super hurt and he may not always admit or display that in front of you
He craves validation, please give it to him, he might actually go insane without it
He also needs affection. He’s very insecure and will begin to wonder if you’re not attracted to him if you haven’t been affectionate with him in a while. He’s been quite touch starved for a long time
Elliott’s a very broken man and he requires a lot of patience and attention
He needs security and stability and someone who won’t take advantage of him
Please give him the space to make decisions and be accepting of him and give him your attention
Despite his terrible mental health, he’s a wonderful partner and father. Even when he’s doing terribly, he’s all ears and open arms for his family
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13thedream · 3 months
Characters: (Lee) Sunday, (Ler) Kafka
a/n: this is based off of the Idea that Sunday joined the Stellaron Hunters. I have not done the most recent quest yet - only partially proofread, and my first fic, so do not make fun of it, please. But constructive criticism is encouraged
words: 1,5k
Sunday has had a headache all day today, and his eyes felt sore.
It was no doubt the fault of him staying up for most of the night tearfully, but he was sure that these people played a part in it.
They are unfamiliar; they hardly know him and he hardly knows them. And yet, here they are behaving as if he’d always been a part of the “family”. Arms slung over his shoulders, going out to places as well… Aren’t they meant to be an elite group, the feared and despised Stellaron Hunters? No doubt powerful, and yet, they had so much time on their hands to still be silly.
It is safe to say he is not used to such treatment. Relaxing, sitting back and doing nothing, having fun - yet he is neither relaxed or having fun. The thought of his sister laid heavy in his mind - the way she looked so tired on the television, and it tugged at his big brother instincts to sometimes see her wings not preened.
Sunday sighed quietly, his face buried in gloved hands as he leaned back against the sofa he sat on. He regrets now not bringing any of his books, or his journal; then again, he had to leave in such a rush, there simply was no time.
A tiny breeze fluttered the feathers of his left wing, and it twitched. He ignored it, groaning as he burdened himself with thoughts of his sister. What if she’s not feeding herself properly? What if she’s spending her nights crying?
Another breeze, another twitch.
Maybe she hates him. No- Robin would never, yet he found himself wishing she would. He hates himself so much, and he’s just pulling her down with him.
“...day.. Sunday.-” Something delicately traced down his wing, and Sunday would forever deny the startled, squeaky “eep!” He had let out. He whipped around, golden eyes wide, meeting the even and somewhat curious gaze of Kafka.
She was smirking; he felt his cheeks heat up at his own embarrassing reaction - and his damned wings were now curling around his cheeks too, as if he were some shy child hiding his face.
Clearing his throat, Sunday spoke, “..Good afternoon, Miss Kafka,” A polite greeting, choosing to move past what had just happened.
“Hey, angel,” she replied, that stupid smirk never leaving, and he felt his skin prick from the nickname. Angel? Audacious to call him anything other than his own name - yet, he held no power here, so he may as well accept it.
Kafka continued to speak casually, “I’ve been calling your name for a while. D’you wanna have dinner with us later?”
Sunday huffed quietly at the thought alone. Dinner with that barbaric swordsman, the moving suit of armor, a literal cat, and the girl who can’t put her phone down? Forget it. The most normally behaving person there would be Kafka, and that’s saying a lot.
“No.” Sunday grumbled, before clearing his throat once more and fixing himself, “...No, thank you. I will get my own.”
Kafka merely shrugged one shoulder, propping up her face on a hand as she observed him. When had she sat down beside him? Sunday met her gaze for a couple of seconds before glancing away, feathers puffing up. What does she still want?
“No problem. You seem tense,” the woman commented offhandedly, and he looked back out of politeness.
“How could I not be?” Sunday replied, tone cool and curt. Kafka shrugged again, raising one eyebrow as she observed him a moment longer.
“Fair point. But no one’s coming after you here, y’know?” She pointed out, and he huffed; of course he knew that. They’re in the middle of Xipe-Knows-What, in Xipe-Knows-Where.
“I appreciate the concern, but I’m more worried about the company here than anybody looking for me.” Sunday watched reproachfully as Kafka’s expression turned into one of amusement, as well as a mischievousness which had him tensing up further.
“Ah? How come? We’re a loving family here.” She replied, and they could both tell that she was just messing around now. They both knew why.
Sunday sighed, “Well, I don’t feel the slightest bit safe with that swordsman - constantly looking as though he'd strike me down if he had the chance. And that girl is a nuisance. It feels as though her entire personality is just, “Games this,” And “Hacking that,”.” He snorted out - and he felt himself lighten a bit at Kafka’s huffed out laugh.
“...Sam is most likely the most tolerable person,” Her smirk never left for the entire conversation - does this woman even know any other facial expressions..?
“And you are… Hm.” She looked even more smug than usual for a moment at his hesitance, and he grumbled out, “..Mysterious, I suppose. I dislike how unpredictable you get.”
Kafka was silent for a good long moment, just staring at him, before she chuckled, “Might I remind you, Birdie, that you are not so normal for yourself.”
She reached out again, while he was looking elsewhere, and dragged a finger down one of his wings lazily.
Sunday yelped.
His wing flapped, and he whipped around to face her again, cheeks on fire. “Would you please stop that?” He politely snapped, eyebrows furrowing.
She observed, he shifted, trying to cool down his cheeks.
“You’re ticklish,” Kafka finally mused out, tone thoughtful. Sunday sputtered, cheeks ablaze, a huge difference from his usually stoic, cool demeanor.
“What? No. What-? I was just caught of guard.” He replied, shifting away from her on the sofa. Perhaps he should try to respectfully make his leave-
“You laughed a little bit,” Kafka hummed, her eyes narrowing, a nearly predatory look behind them.
“I did not,” Sunday denied, frowning.
“You did.” Kafka’s already smirking lips began curving upwards even further.
“I am not ticklish. Where did you even get that from? Your claim makes little to no se–”
“Alright. Let’s prove it.” Kafka said, and before his brain could even process her words, two hands were firmly gripping his sides, fingertips digging into the flesh.
Sunday let out a surprised, “Aah-ha!” Falling back onto the sofa and attempting to squirm away. It did not tickle so terribly - yet single nerve felt as though it was on fire, and his embarrassment worsened with every little squeak which escaped his lips. He hated his laugh, and he was now sure he hated this damned woman, and her damned smirk, and her damned hands.
“Wait- Wait! Wahahait!” He cursed himself, giggles slipping into his words. His body was jumping, hands reaching down to try and push her’s away, but to no avail. She easily dodged all of his attempts, hands squishing at the sides of his stomach now, only worsening the sensations.
“Gah! Ahahaa! Wahait!” Kafka was smirking, watching the usually uptight Halovian fall apart just from a few touches. His body spasmed when she got closer to his belly, and she chuckled.
“So much for not ticklish, hm?” She hummed out, that predatory glint still in her eyes. He was blushing hard, his laugh a bit awkward - probably from not being genuinely used in so long - and his smaller pair of wings were busy trying to cover up his face.
What an adorable sight.
Her hands teased his belly for a few moments longer, before lowering down on it. Sunday squealed, blushing a dark red now as he lowered his hands to block his sensitive stomach, panting. He heard Kafka click her tongue.
“K-Kafka, thahat’s–!” Suddenly, her hands were in his underarms, those horrid nails scratching at the exposed skin.
“AAah! Kahafka!” He cried out loudly, tone becoming more and more high pitched the longer this went on. His arms slammed down, trying to fruitlessly guard his vulnerable underarms, but that just pushed her hands in deeper, digging into the centers.
His wings were quivering, both sets, and he bucked up wildly. His hair was becoming a mess and his clothing ruffled. Mirthful tears sprung up in his eyes, threatening to fall down his red cheeks, and his chest heaved.
Kafka scratched in his underarms a moment longer before removing her hands altogether, recognizing his limit. She was still smirking, and he breathlessly glared at her.
“...Ruhude.” He panted out, titters still escaping every here and there.
Kafka only smirked, “You had many chances to say stop. You didn’t.”
His cheeks lit up again - Great Xipe, he’d never get over this embarrassment. What’s worse is that she is absolutely correct.
Sitting up, Sunday muttered a quick, “Be quiet..” as he tried to smooth down his clothes. He felt much lighter now, he realized. Not so tense anymore - yet despite that, he still glared at Kafka before moving off of the sofa.
Well. Now he has to go hide in the bathroom for a couple of hours. And possibly die from the embarrassment.
“Excuse me,” he grunted out, and hid his tiny smile in his wing as he left. Kafka replied casually, as if she hadn’t just tickled him senseless, “Seeya.”
Weird - his headache is gone too.
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Paring: Dino x fem!reader
Requested: no
Genre: angst, fluff
Warning(s): cheating, angst, sadness, mentions of pregnancy (do inform me if there's more)
Summary: You were the light guiding Chan for the most of his life. now that you are not there anymore, he cant help but feel your absence as he reminisces his past and all those times you were there to ground him no matter what.
Word count: 6k
Other works
disclaimer: this is not the exact representation of the subjects in real life. I just use them for my inspiration.
special thanks to @spamgyu for helping me out 😭
a/n: I would greatly appreciate it if all of you could take a moment to comment on this fic. As an author, I find great value in your feedback, as it allows me to better comprehend my readers, and I thoroughly enjoy interacting with all of you. Constructive criticism is always welcome, so don't hesitate to talk about this fic or send me an ask.
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Chan's life was determined before he had a chance to consider it. His family wasn't well-off. They struggled from early on to get food on their plates. He knew from when he was a child that he had to support his siblings because his parents refused to do so.
So that’s exactly what he did. He got into SNU with a full scholarship, secured a good job, and built a stable life with six figures coming in annually to his bank account, providing enough money to support his siblings’ dreams.
But what did it all get him?
He sacrificed his teens and his twenties because his father felt the need to be a raging alcoholic, and now he stands in the middle of Gangnam in his beautiful flat with its polished floors. But he lacks the most important thing in life: happiness.
To be truthful, he lacks a lot of things, but happiness takes the cake. If someone asks him, he lacks friends too. But our dearest Boo Seungkwan would like to disagree about that. In Chan’s defense, friends are absolutely not equal to friend (just a difference of ‘s’, as our dear ‘Kwanie’ said. Plus, his multiple personalities make up for the said lack of ’s’, which further raises the question as to why the man does not go for a checkup, as it seems he has self-diagnosed DID. We shall never know).
Chan is happy about his brothers doing what they like, though. It’s not that hard to not be happy when he literally raised them. Sacrifices need to be made, he has realized; some just make more than others, and there is nothing one can do about that. He accepts that he is indeed grateful for the friend he has made, the one who has stayed with him and accepted him as he is.
Now, it may sound sappy, and Chan swears he will never tell this to Seungkwan, but he has indeed helped him through the thick and thin of life. All those late-night drinking sessions and ugly crying have brought him to this stage in life where he thinks of the boy as more of a family than anyone else. He helped him when Chan’s life was falling apart, and he also was there to scold him back to the right track when no one believed in him, not even himself.
Although he lacks happiness, he is fine with that (he at least has Boo Seungkwan). He can live with being sad; he already has!
This is where you came in, the reason for Chan’s genuine smiles, from back in college to five years ago. It was a pretty serious relationship that you both had. Chan loved you. He had plans of making you his wife. For God’s sake, he was in a relationship with you for almost ten years! But somewhere along the way, he messed up. He became the exact thing he had hated all his life.
He became a person like his father.
You, being the nice kind, tried your best to stop him from spiraling down the rabbit hole of bad habits. But alas, it takes two to tango, and if he didn’t want to be better, no one, not even God himself, could do it for him.
It took losing you to realize how messed up his life had become.
“Chan, I’m heading out. Dinner’s in the fridge—please actually eat it this time. We don’t need two meal skippers in this household,” you quipped, watching as Chan chuckled and gave you a quick giggle inducing peck before returned his attention to the document he’d been typing for the past hour.
“Sure thing, Your Majesty. Your command shall be dutifully followed!” he exclaimed with a mock salute, drawing out another laugh from you. With a playful ruffle of his hair and another peck on his cheek, you left the apartment to begin your night shift at the hospital.
Chan, unlike you, has just started his new job after completing his MBA. It’s been tough, but he’s persevered, and soon enough, you both will be able to enjoy the luxuries he could only dream of growing up.
Your fifth anniversary is approaching faster than ever, and now Chan finally has the means to fulfill your dream of a trip to Europe. The pressure of this new job is more than the last one, but getting those tickets would be a walk in the park now.
Quickly finishing his document and mailing it to the head of the department, he immediately goes to check those flight ticket prices and hotel prices. He releases a happy sigh the minute he realizes that it’s exactly what he had expected the prices to be. So, without wasting a single moment, he buys those tickets. He knew this gift would make you happier than ever.
The next month, you had been notified about the expensive purchase only because you had to get a leave from your job, and you obviously can’t disappear for two weeks unannounced. He, in reality, had no plans to inform you about anything, but he couldn’t interfere with your job either.
But at the end it was worth it, the look on your face the minute you were informed about the trip. Oh, if only Chan could frame it and keep it away from the world, only if he could keep you near him and never let you go. But he didn’t think of that then. No, he was happy he had told you earlier.
The happiness radiating off you as you kept going on and on about the clothes you needed to buy, all the foods you were going to try once there. It was what helped him keep going throughout the day, even though the work became tiring with every passing minute.
If only he could have stopped time and lived in that moment forever.
One thing he never realized is how demanding his job would be once he got into a higher position. The calls kept him up at night; they came at the most ungodly of times, and Chan was expected to pick them up, because he always did.
You never complained; it was fine by you. If anyone understood him, it was you. Both of you had highly demanding jobs, and nothing could beat the expectations your colleagues had on you both.
But what he had not counted on was those calls interrupting your trip. During the entirety of your anniversary, he was glued to that phone of his, never once able to leave it. It was one problem at the office or the other.
Again, you kept your mouth shut, enjoying your own company as your boyfriend busied himself with work in the hotel room.
That was the last trip you both had gone on. You figured that it was too much to ask from someone who had so much work to do. But still, you understood his hunger to do better in life. You understood that someone had to compromise in the relationship and wholeheartedly accepted that it had to be you.
Coming to think of it, it was not supposed to be like this. Never! Both of you were supposed to communicate and figure out what your relationship was supposed to mean. But somewhere along the line, it just became regular sex and nothing else. When you talked about this with your friends, all of them had the same reaction.
‘Leave him!’ they had told you, ‘he wouldn’t change, he prefers his job more than you.’
It was a regular thing now. But you were scared. All the years you had invested in the relationship, you never wanted it to become what it had. You had held out hope that one day Chan would notice you. He would realize he had a girlfriend who also needs his attention as much as his job.
It didn’t take too long for those dreams to come true, though.
One night, you sat down with the man, asking him about the changes in his life. You begged him to look your way beyond the times he made love to you. It was an intense conversation, filled with words that neither of you actually meant, but hurt you both equally.
That night brought you both another few years, or that’s what you think. It became better, both your lives and the relationship. You both would talk more, spend time with each other, laugh with each other, and go about your days with lovesick smiles on your faces. Although none of your jobs became less hectic, it still was as painstaking as ever, but the scenery in your shared home was peaceful. It was both of your comfort zones.
What neither of you realized, this peace that you both had brought back into your lives, was fickle. In order to keep it like that, both of you had to put in some effort.
It slowly became visible to both of you how much more effort this relation of yours needed. Both of you saw the way your paradise was crumbling down bit by bit. Nights became lonely for you. Chan, being the perfectionist he is, would be stuck up in his office until the rays of sun hit the glass windows, reminding him of the fact that he indeed had stayed the night in his office. The hectic job took everything away from him. It stripped him of his identity, and slowly it was also stripping his happiness and sanity away. It was like the darker times had hit both of you again.
It was then that he suddenly passed out on the streets due to extreme fatigue and was brought immediately into the nearest hospital, which was the one you worked at. Lo and behold, you were the nurse on emergency room duty that day. This was the first time you saw the love of your life in that state; you saw what this new job had done to him. How it had taken this happy and healthy person you knew and turned him into this sick, unhappy, and overworked person. Your helplessness mocked you in your face. At night, you stayed by his side after the doctors had given their verdict about him being too overworked. You took care of him like never before, making sure to make him take an ample amount of rest.
Sadly, the industry is ruthless. As soon as the employers became aware that their once highly valuable employee’s usefulness had diminished, they ultimately opted to terminate him. Although Chan claims there were some more internal politics involved in this sacking, there was no way he could have evaded it.
Both of you soon realized it was the best thing that could have happened to him. While being the worst experience he could ever go through in his corporate career.
You stayed by his side through every hurdle though. You never once let him feel the need to be more than what he already was. But life was giving both of you a hard time.
It took Chan another month to get a new job. But only this time, it was a better, more important position in a better company. This is when life took off for both of you again. With Chan back on track, equipped with the newfound knowledge of not working more than necessary, he was on a roll. Almost unstoppable.
This change also affected your relationship, but positively this time. Chan and you would go on constant dates and enjoy each other’s company way more than ever.
It was nearing your seventh anniversary. Both of you had talked about getting married and starting a family enough times for him to know this was the perfect time for him to propose.
So, on the day of your seventh anniversary, he had planned to take you to this fancy Italian place. He claimed that you deserved only the best. No one could ever argue with him about that. You, along with Seungkwan, had been by his side for so long that he had forgotten the time when he didn’t have you both. Nothing, absolutely nothing, would change that fact. With that it brought him to the most important question of that year.
“But what ring do I buy her?” the stressed boy asked his best friend.
“Wow, I wasn’t informed about the fact that y/n suddenly had become my girlfriend!” Seungkwan exclaimed sassily.
“Dude, you can calm down. She is still my girl, ain’t no way you are getting her. Find a girl of your own,” the shorter boy retorted back.
Why am I being asked about her preference for a ring then, huh?”
“Because she said, and I quote, ‘if you buy me an expensive engagement ring that I can’t even wear out because it looks too expensive, I will castrate you’,” Chan said seriously, bringing out a seal-like laugh from the back of Seungkwan’s throat.
“Do something meaningful for her then, you dumb fuck,” making Chan almost cringe at the scolding. Without letting the boy talk, his best friend continued, “Put in some effort and do something that shows you care, without having to spend a copious amount of money. I have no idea what you should do, but bro, if it were up to me, a girl would for sure get a ring no matter what!”
Now, this made him think. It made him think hard. But even after all that thinking, he couldn’t come up with a good idea for an alternative for an engagement ring.
It was not until the next Saturday when he was sitting on the couch waiting for you to choose a movie for the weekly movie night, did he stumble upon the perfect idea for a ring? Like any usual person, the man was scrolling through TikTok when he found out that one could make rings out of clay.
If you didn’t want a diamond ring, you shall get a clay ring. For you might catch the sun lacking one day, but not Chan, never Chan!
This kick-started the learner phase of Chan’s life once again. He would visit the pottery classes every week because he needed to excel at the art to mold the perfect ring. One suitable for daily wear and also because this hobby brought him more peace than ever.
He made some friends here; they were fun to hang out with. You had met all these new people flooding into his life. He would parade about the with his hand on you showing you off proudly.
“Who wouldn’t?” he would ask whenever someone pointed it out. This question had the power to make him start ranting about you at any given point. So much so that after a point, people stopped asking him about you, no matter the context.
Because, oh boy, was he in love.
It took him one year and some friendships to finally complete learning everything there was to learn about pottery. In the course of that time, he had littered your shared house with his creations.
Oh, you wanted to buy a new bowl because you saw it on Instagram? No fear, Chan shall make it this instant. Oops, your favorite coffee mug broke? Chan has come to your rescue with a better, scientifically cute, usable, and overall better mug for you.
The creative spark of the boy never dimmed down, nor did his extroverted nature. Every other day, he would be out with his new friends, so much so that even Boo Seungkwan noticed. You both had chats with each other about the changes in Chan’s life over a cup of tea whenever Seungkwan would come over.
To say that you both were happy about him enjoying life would be an understatement. You had seen the pain the man had gone through in his life. It only made sense for him to have the best of the best experiences when he had the opportunities.
But again, as people say, one should do everything in moderation. It seems that Chan could do nothing in moderation. He would work himself half to death. In this case too, he started drinking and partying himself half to death. The outings that were done to unwind after a long hard day became parties that were making the day even longer.
The friends that helped him overcome the pressuring environment of his office became the ones who would pressure him to go way out of his comfort zone, all for the wrong reasons. People say twenties are times when people experiment with their life and gain new experiences.
The same was applicable for Chan too, the only difference being he was learning different ways of spiraling down holes that are hard to climb up from. The hilarious part being, these were the holes that he had carefully dug out himself.
It’s not like you never stopped him, because you did. The minute you realized these new friends were pushing Chan’s limits in the wrong way, you didn’t waste a second to tell him.
“I think you should calm down with this partying and stuff. It’s unbelievably bad for your health,” you had told him one night when he had come home drunk out of his wits.
“I know how to have fun, not my fault you don’t!”
The boy had shouted at you before collapsing on the couch. Realizing it was a waste of time to even try and talk to him in this state, you tried again the next day when he was far more sober.
“Do you remember what happened yesterday?” you ask Chan, to which he shakes his still-hungover head and winces. Sighing, you continue, “Chan, you can’t let them get to you like this. Moderation is the key here. Please don’t overdo anything, I beg you!” You hugged him, trying to coax him to understand where you were coming from. He obviously hugged you back and promised you to keep your advice in mind the next time they asked him out.
He didn’t. He swears he tried to. But the peer pressure got to him. Before he could even back off, they had already hauled his ass to the bar. He never wanted to disappoint you. So he chose to accept the most coherent plan his drunk mind could formulate: the plan to lie to you.
Your seventh anniversary had come and gone a year ago. The only gifts he could provide you that day were a fancy dinner and a solid promise that he would indeed get you the greatest ring you will have ever seen in your whole life. Now the time had come. The time to prove his skills. Those skills he spent an entire year honing.
During this cute date at home, he produced a small wooden box from his pocket. After you had enjoyed the homemade meal he had whipped up for you and you both were cuddling on the balcony, he proposed to you with stars in his eyes and hope in his heart.
He shocked you with the ring. Like your relationship, it was delicate, yet made with lots of love and care. You obviously said yes without hesitation. After all, you loved this man, and he loved you too. Nothing, absolutely nothing, could ever go wrong if he was with you.
It seems that no matter how hard you try, life always seems to have other plans for you.
The month right after you accepted his proposal, you received an invitation for a two-year-long workshop in Germany. Such opportunities don’t come every day, so you were elated.
Without wasting any time, you called Chan, informing him about the opportunity you had received. But like every coin, this great opportunity had its drawbacks too.
With the prospect of studying and learning under some of the greatest doctors and nurses came the hardship of leaving your fiancé behind. Chan didn’t like this one bit. He could barely stand to be away from you for a second, let alone two years.
But seeing the excitement on your face and hearing the joy in your voice, he couldn’t bring himself to ask you to stay back. He knew you had sacrificed a lot for him, compromised at times when you could have been happy if he hadn’t made decisions that ruined his life.
So he put on a happy smile and told you that if you didn’t take this opportunity, he would pack your bags himself and kick you out of the house. This assurance gave you the confidence you needed. Without wasting any time, you sent an email accepting the proposition to join the workshop.
The next five months passed in a whim. During this time, he had asked you to marry him before you went away, but with a peaceful and determined smile, you had told him, “I will marry you once I come back, like that, we won’t have to spend too much time as newlyweds. Plus, I will be smarter than you too.”
“You are always smarter than me. I can never surpass you,” was the answer you had received, along with a sweet kiss, making your heart swell like a balloon.
Life was starting to feel better again.
Chan had finally made his boundaries very clear. The boy felt extremely guilty for lying to you, though he never confessed to you about doing so. He made sure his actions proved his redemption. He ensured to let these new friends of his know that going out too much with them was affecting him in ways that he didn’t appreciate. Although they did sometimes win against him and force him to go out, it was not as bad as it was before.
Soon the day came when you had to fly away to Germany. To say that Chan was sad would be an understatement. He was devastated when he saw you off at the airport with Seungkwan. He had cried the whole way home, making Seungkwan scold him as if he were a baby.
“Now if you keep behaving like this, do you think she would be happy?” the older boy questioned him.
“No, but I miss her already,” Chan replied in a whisper while wiping his tears harshly.
“Be nice, be happy for her. You can talk to her all the time. It’s not the Stone Age,” Seungkwan said with an exasperated sigh, making the younger one stop his sad boy antics at once.
But it was not like Chan was okay. He started working overtime at the office, desperately waiting for you to call him when you got free. And call you did, religiously at six o’clock in the evening.
You both made the decision to talk at that time, regardless of any circumstances. This went on for six months. He tried his best to follow the routine of overworking himself before you would call and save him from killing himself with work.
But with all these works, his willpower also started to crumble down. The old ways came back to him. Before he realized it, he became a party animal. He made new friends at these clubs and bars he started frequenting. He thought you wouldn’t pick up. But you did. You saw how your boyfriend was slowly changing. It was not that obvious at first, but slowly you realized he was getting drowned with work.
Being the lovely girlfriend you were, you asked Seungkwan to take care of him. The boy tried his best to do so. But alas, he was not that successful.
It seemed to both of you that Chan had spiraled back into his overworking session. What you both were unaware of was that it was more than that.
Chan was not just overworking; he was over-drinking and over partying too.
One faithful night; he met Eva, his pottery class instructor. She was pretty. They talked the whole night, catching up like old buddies and having fun.
She brought a change to his life again. She started being there for him during times when he would lose himself. She was a great friend, so great that in no time you had the chance to meet her.
You had come back for a week’s vacation. Seungkwan thought it was important for all the friends to meet up because it had been a long time since he had seen you. This meeting was supposed to consist of only you, Chan, and Seungkwan. But Chan asked to bring in another friend he would like you to meet. It was Eva.
You liked her; she was nice. You wanted to be friends with her. Her sweet personality was something no one could resist, a great example of a sweetheart through and through.
For once, you were actually proud of your boyfriend’s choices in life. Your visit was over even before it had started. Suddenly, the week was over, and you were packing your bags to return to Germany.
This time, Chan was not as scared of things going downhill anymore. He knew that within a few more months, you would come back, and he could happily start the wedding preparations. He also knew he had a solid group of friends to have his back. Most importantly, he had learned the art of living without you. Not that it was happy, but now he could enjoy spending time by himself.
Time flew faster than ever. In no time, it was Chan’s birthday. Your program would finish that same month, so sadly you couldn’t visit him. All you could do was video call him that morning and congratulate him for hitting thirty before you, to which he grumpily replied, “Your birthday is in six months; I’m gonna make it hell for you.”
“Whatever, old man, get dressed. Don’t you have a job to go to?” You laughed at his grumpy face while teasing him even more.
“I miss you,” Chan suddenly called out, pouting.
“You will meet me next month, Channie. Don’t be this sad now.” Although that did make him happy, the thought of spending yet another birthday without you was saddening. But it’s not like it was going to last. You would be back in no time.
That thought put a smile on his face. Soon enough, he was skipping around the house cooking breakfast and answering numerous calls from his friends and family for being a thirty-year-old now.
Seungkwan and Eva had also planned a not-so-surprise party for him. It consisted of meeting in front of his office and dragging his ass to the bar to drink and have fun. Although the day was spent slaving away in front of the computer, that night he had a lot of fun. He talked to Seungkwan and Eva for hours, and the three of them were pretty intoxicated when they left.
The only thing he remembered from that night was the fact that Eva, being the one out of the three with the most alcohol tolerance, was the one who had made sure that all of them returned home safely.
There was just one slight problem. Eva started to avoid him. Now, in any other situation, he would not have noticed it, but the text the next morning asking him if he remembered anything from the night before had him confused. When he asked her what it was all about, she refused to answer him, opting to ignore him instead.
He had no recollection of the night before, and Seungkwan didn’t either, so it was a mystery to both of them. But then again, his gut told him the problem was bigger than what he thought it was and might come to haunt him if not solved now.
So he did the most sane thing he could think of: He asked her to talk to him about it. He knew the wedding preparations would start the minute you came back, so he wanted to make sure to fix any problem that might affect you both before it blasted out of proportion.
“You kissed me,” was the first thing Eva told him after sitting down, making Chan’s heart drop to his stomach.
“Huh, but I don’t remember anything,” Chan retorted.
“It’s not about you remembering or not, it really happened, Chan, and I hate it,” she said, her voice almost breaking.
“Hey, calm down. We were both intoxicated, and we didn’t do it on purpose. Any other time and we wouldn’t have done it,” this seemed to have little to no effect on improving the girl’s mood.
On the other hand, Chan’s blood pressure was rising. The last thing he needed was a big mistake from which he could never turn back. With you coming back from Germany in less than a week, he needed everything in his life to be sorted out, especially something that could jeopardize a relationship with so much love in it.
“Chan, I think I like you. I’m not sure when it happened, or how it did. But I like you. So please don’t tell me I wouldn’t have done it if we weren’t intoxicated.”
The impact of this statement was so immense that it completely shattered his world, leaving him in disarray. It was true that he liked Eva. What kind of feelings he actually held for her was a mystery to him.
So, in the spur of the moment, he kissed her.
Just a few minutes ago, it was bothering him, but once he took the step, he didn’t feel what he was supposed to. He didn’t feel the disgust and hatred towards himself he should have. It felt like sneaking out of his house when he was not supposed to. It made a rush of excitement run through his body. He could feel the adrenaline rush through him.
He felt alive. maybe it was the feeling of doing something forbidden or it was something else, he didn’t know.
But, that night, they did more than kissing.
Once you were back, it was all sunshine and rainbows in the first few weeks. You both were happy, spending all your time together and having fun relishing in each other’s presence.
But it didn’t take you long to notice the changes. He would be stuck late at the office but come back home surprisingly lively, or those random texts from his brother late at night asking him to come over, or even the most obvious of them all, the vibrant smell of floral perfume that you never wear.
But you held out. You had promised to give him a chance to explain himself if he came clean to you. But that day never came. You asked him about these odd behaviors, but somehow he would always evade the topic altogether.
All those questions of ‘where were you last night’, ‘when will you come home’, or ‘shall we go on a date sometime soon’, all went unanswered.
He outright ignored your presence at home. But this didn’t stop the wedding preparations. Because his siblings and your parents alike loved him, they had taken the responsibility to take care of the wedding plans.
Before he could continue with his little escapades, Seungkwan caught and confronted him. Not by you but by Seungkwan. The older boy’s disappointment was beyond words. He screamed at him for an hour straight and then he had sat Chan down and calmly said,
“Either you tell her or I will.”
“But I can’t; she will leave me if I ever tell her.”
“Then she will be right in doing so.”
“Chan, I love you to death, but either you stop this and tell your girlfriend the whole truth, or I will take matters into my own hands. She has put up with enough of your shit. Don’t hurt her more,” he had said.
“Give me some time; I will do it as soon as possible,” the younger one had strained out, fisting his hair.
“She better know about it all before the wedding,” Seungkwan had warned him before seeing himself out.
Chan had cut off Eva after that. He tried to change everything before actually marrying you. Then, being the kind person you are, you tried to understand your boyfriend. You really did. But this was the first time in ten years you considered leaving him.
This relationship didn’t make you happy anymore. But you had gone through so many troubles together. The effort to hold each other upright was taking a toll on you.
But you were a fighter. You had fought many battles with him by your side. You couldn’t give up on those years either. Your internal dilemma was killing you. But all of this came to a halt one day when you had come back from your night shift, only to find your boyfriend and the girl he oh so diligently claimed to be his good friend, talking in the living room.
It was not like they were trying to be quiet because you could hear every single word spoken by them.
“Chan, it’s yours.”
“Eva, I have a fiancé. I will never leave her. I already told you, I love her.”
“Oh, so you didn’t think about that before fucking me”
“It was a mistake”, Chan shouted.
“No, it wasn’t, we both were very sober”, came another shout
The conversation hit you like a truck, and with each sentence, you felt your heart shattering. The decision suddenly seemed a bit too easy to make.
You walked out of the chaos, leaving the ring behind on the shoe rack. That night, you stayed at your friend’s place.
Following that event, you called Seungkwan, informing him that you won’t talk to Chan anymore. He simply asked if you wanted any help moving out, to which you answered with a simple no.
That was the end of the relationship for you. You refused to talk or see Chan ever again.
Now, five years later, Chan is to be married again. Not with you; no, he missed his chance. It's with Eva. They figured the best way to raise Minhan was to be together. In a county like theirs, it wasn’t the best idea to raise a kid with two unmarried parents.
Chan loved Minhan to death. But he could never show the same love for Eva. Looking at her reminded him of the mistakes he made in life. It reminded him of the happiness he could have attained, but he lost due to his own faults.
He is happy Seungkwan is still beside him. He knows he doesn’t deserve a friend like him, so the fact that Seungkwan stayed beside him makes him feel grateful.
He knew that his wife and child would move in with him soon, but he didn’t have the courage to let them into the house yet. The house that held both your memories was a bit too precious to let go of so easily.
The next day came faster than he anticipated. As Chan stood there waiting for his bride, he saw a face that he had been longing to see for the last five years.
He saw your face, sitting there on the benches, a sad smile adorning your face. Your eyes filled with emotions and stories of the years you had spent together.
Oh, how badly Chan wanted to abandon everything and run to you. Apologize a hundred times and ask you to take him back. But he couldn’t; he had children to take care of and shoes to fill.
As he stood there saying his vows, hoping it’s you he saw walking down the aisle and it’s you he kissed, but they are called dreams for a reason. And not all dreams come true.
As he kissed his bride, he saw a glimpse of your teary eyes amongst the crowd, and a tear of his own fell. Wishing for a future he was never destined to have.
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the end
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froggyfics · 1 year
The Deadliest Poisons Are The Sweetest - 5
Your wedding day arrives.
Note: (09/15/23) PLEASE READ THE PREVIOUS CHAPTER. If you have read this series before this date, please note that I have combined chapters 1 and 2 together. This may seem confusing, but I have decided that as a creative approach, I would like the chapters to be longer. Therefore, the original chapter 4 is now chapter 3. Chapter 4 is new. This chapter and beyond are up to date.
Btw y'all it's gonna get saucy in the next chapter lmao
Feedback is always appreciated. Feel free to message me privately or comment below to let me know what you think. Constructive criticism is always welcome!
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Word Count: 4,844
This is the closest you’ve been with him in weeks. The intimacy of the moment is warped however, with underlying feelings of inadequacy. 
This is your wedding day. Yet, you feel as though you are imposter. You can feel the red-hot glares of the jealous maidens in the crowd. After all, you are marrying the most eligible bachelor in the entire realm. If only they knew that you felt sick to your stomach, and you wished that they were in your place. 
You don’t even look him in the eyes. You stare at his mouth, as if you needed to do so in order to understand the vows.
“I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love you and honor you all the days of my life.”
No, you won’t, you say to yourself. You led me to believe that we could be more, but you tricked me! 
He places a ring on your finger. Your hand suddenly feels like it’s weighed down by a ton of bricks. You nearly choke on your vows as they stumble out of you. When you arrived in Gotham a month ago, you were admittedly excited for this day. However, Damian’s icy demeanor as of late has left you bitter. How could it be possible to be so close with someone one day, and then completely cold the next. It befuddled you. Damianbefuddled you. 
Your vows were sealed with a chaste kiss. Cheers and whoops erupted from the crowd. Through the noise, you could distinctly hear your father’s booming claps and mother’s animated laughs. Of course they were happy! Their daughter was married off – to a prince no less. Your marriage ensured a lifetime of stability and wealth for them. Not bad for a baron and baroness. 
You wobble to the great hall for the wedding banquet with Damian’s hand clasped in your own. It wasn’t your choice to make physical contact – he was the one that initiated.
“Weddings are the end of their lives as they know it. The beginning of a prison sentence. The end of youth.”
This is an act. You must admit, if acting was a respectable career choice, Damian would be a top-notch performer. The vows meant nothing. The kiss was expected. The hand holding was necessary for the performance. 
You sat right next to your husband. Aristocrats, both strangers and now familiar faces, approach to wish glad tidings upon you and Damian. You accept their kind words as politely as you can. All the while, you twist your ring, round and round, underneath the table. 
You light up when Rachel approaches the table. A genuine smile finally crosses your face.
“Lady Rachel!” you call out excitedly. 
You jump when you feel Damian’s presence near your ear.
“How do you know of Lady Rachel?” he asks.
You gape at him while Rachel curtsies shyly. His question is not shocking – you chalk it up to mere curiosity. It’s the fact that he’s talking…to you! Willingly. And the conversation does not revolve around simple greetings or pleasantries. 
You can’t even answer him. Anger bubbles inside of you. He almost completely ignores you for four weeks and now suddenly acts like you should be receptive to his conversation. You have half a mind to ignore him in favor of speaking to Rachel. However, the ring sits heavy on your finger, and you suddenly remember your place. 
He is now your husband. He is the heir to the throne. If there is anyone you should hold your tongue towards, it’s him. 
“We met one week ago,” you reply. Rachel beams at you while you recount how you met her. 
“We’ve only become closer and closer, day by day.” You hold your hand towards her, and she takes it affectionately. 
“The princess is right,” Rachel adds. “It is almost like we have known each other our entire lives.”
Damian speaks only after he gulps his entire drink quickly. “Well, wife,” he emphasizes when he grabs your hand, “I am glad you have made a friend in Gotham.”
He smiles menacingly. You can tell by the way his lips unnaturally stretch over his teeth and the reddening of his face. 
Rachel glances at your conjoined hands and clears her throat. “Well, I just wanted to say that I wish for the two of you to be happy.” She raises her cup and you raise yours with your other hand in support.
“To the happy couple,” she concludes. The edge of the cup reaches her lips, but she does not drink. She instead curtsies once more and disappears among the crowd of people.
As soon as she leaves, Damian releases your hand, wiping his palm on his pants as if you were a leper. You clench your teeth so hard that they squeak in retaliation. You manage to take deep breaths to calm yourself – in and out, in and out, in and out. It’s truly an act for him. 
Everyone looks to be so happy. Not for you, of course not. They are happy for their own selfish reasons. Guests are fed the most delicious food and drink that the realm has to offer. Your parents rub elbows with highly ranked aristocrats. Your siblings dance merrily along the aisles. King R’as laughs heartedly a few seats away from Damian while speaking to his friends. Even Talia seems to be in a cheerful mood, scarfing down her food. 
Perhaps you can attempt to be happy, too. It is your wedding day after all. You inhale deeply to gather confidence.
Damian doesn’t acknowledge you.
You clear your throat and repeat yourself once more.
He doesn’t even look up from his plate.
“Damain!” you half-shout.
His head shoots up immediately. “Yes, wife?”
You want to punch him in the throat. His polite tone seems genuine, but it sounds fake to your ears. 
“Are you…” You scan the great hall. “Are you enjoying the festivities?”
He nods his head slowly like he has trouble understanding your question. “Quite.” He returns to his plate.
You growl, but say no more. After all, there is no point making a concerted effort at conversation now when you apparently have the rest of your life to do so. You might as well take what little enjoyment you have now and ignore the glaring loneliness that dwells within you. 
The wedding took place at noon, but the reception continues well past sunset. You did not even know that there existed so much food in the entire city. Drinks flowed like a river all night long. Some people fell asleep in their seats, despite the rambunctious behaviors of others. Some people danced and danced until you thought their feet would fall off. 
You remain glued to your seat nearly the entire reception. There were a few moments where you stretched your feet, such as when the guests stacked cakes on top one another, so that you and Damian could kiss over them. You managed to peck each other’s lips without the cakes collapsing to the ground, which made the audience break out into cheers. After all, if the cakes fell, it symbolized bad luck for your marriage. 
As if you needed any more of that already. 
The reception seemed like it would never end. Your posture slowly deteriorated over the hours, until you were slumped in your chair. Muscle aches began to surface for sitting for so long. You wanted the night to be over. 
“Damian!” R’as called.
Damian pushes the table to make room to get up. He travels just a few feet farther to his grandfather who whispers something in his ear. Whatever was said made Damian stiffen and glance at you.
You suddenly develop that prickly feeling when you feel like someone is talking about you. Damian’s glance made you certain that you were the subject of their conversation. The realization made you shift in your seat. You decide to study the wooden table to distract yourself from your insecurity. 
A tap on your shoulder breaks your concentration. You find Damian looking down at you with a stoic expression. As usual, you can never determine what he’s thinking.
“Follow me,” he bluntly says. 
He doesn’t move an inch and you don’t realize until a few moments later that he expects you to get up first. You push yourself from the table and slowly stand up. You’ve been sitting for so long that your knees crack upon straightening. 
Damian maneuvers you so that you remain in front of him. He’s mere inches behind you and his hands fix themselves to your waist. He pushes you forward, directing you towards the door. 
The once lively room suddenly quiets down, until cheers are erupted once more.
You peer behind you to see that nearly everyone is looking directly at you. Men are jeering, throwing their hands in the air. Your father kisses your mother’s forehead while she blows a kiss towards you. Women are clapping obnoxiously. You face forward once again in mortification when you realize that they are cheering for your consummation. Everyone knows that you are walking out the hall a virgin – only to become a true wife by tomorrow. 
You look back again, scanning the crowd for Rachel. She has been one of the few sources of support you’ve had as of late. You just want to look at her, to search for comfort in her eyes. You find her violet eyes eventually, only for your humiliation to turn into sadness. Her eyes do not necessarily brim with tears, but they are certainly glossy. 
You give her a comforting smile as the door to the hall opens. 
Don’t be sad for me, you want to say to her, but the door of the hall closes before your message can be relayed through your eyes. 
Damian continues pushing you from behind through the castle. You are eventually brought to an all-too familiar, yet unfamiliar room. 
It certainly has changed since you were in here last, all those years ago. Damian’s room still exudes extravagance, worthy of an heir. However, small details have changed.
There are several arms-related items laying around. A full armor suit sits at the corner of the room. Several weapons – swords, axes, morning stars – are hung on the walls. Papers are strewn across the room. They’re on his desk and dresser and end tables. Most importantly, the room feels larger than it did when you were a child. Well, that was probably due to the fact that you felt smaller now than you did then. 
The door behind you slams shut. You jump in surprise at the loud noise and see Damian leaning on the door.
You hate it. You hate that you feel so nervous. It’s all too much. This room brings back happy memories that you cannot – should not – dredge up in fear of living in the past. You stand in a room, alone, for the first with someone known as your husband. Someone who is actually a stranger to you still. You can’t help but look down. It may be due to submission or shyness; you’re not entirely sure. All you know is that your girlhood has officially ended, and adulthood is crashing upon you.
You see his shoes from your peripheral. He stands toe-to-toe with you. You can’t bear to look him in the face. No good could come from falling for those green eyes. 
He cautiously raises his hands to your waist. You grow numb as he removes your belt. Your dress puffs out into a shapeless blob. 
He grabs your shoulder and turns you around, your back facing him. You can feel your dress loosening as he undoes your corset, one string at a time. Your breathing quickens at the intimacy of the act. You’ve had maybe two decent conversations with this man, and now, he has full access to your body. The discomfort makes you twitch.
“Raise your arms,” he commands. And you listen. He reaches down to hem of your dress, and pulls upward. You become blind momentarily until your dress is fully removed, and all that remains is your paltry smock. You feel overexposed. Your shoulders, arms, and legs are bare. Bare! You instinctively cover yourself the best you can with your arms, but Damian, while still behind you, firmly grabs your forearms to place them at your side. You gasp when he places a quick kiss on the back of your head.
You remain stuck in place despite hearing the crumpling of clothes behind you and await for Damian to direct you. There’s a creak, and several more creaks, and the crinkling of sheets.
You turn around and are met with a shirtless Damian, already beneath the sheets. He pats the unoccupied space next to him, and you follow his orders. You slink underneath the sheets and lay flat on your back, burning holes into the ceiling. The only sounds that could be heard is your breathing and the crackle of the fireplace. 
You await for his orders once more. And wait. And wait. And wait some more, even as he slips completely underneath the sheets completely. From your peripheral vision, you can see that he turns his back towards you. You bite your lips nervously and you dare lift your arm up in an attempt to touch him.
“Good night.”
His words make your arm drop back down onto the mattress. The finality of his words make you close your eyes. There is nothing to do, nothing to expect. He is an actor, and you are at the whim of his play.
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The extinguished fire from the fireplace doesn’t wake you. Neither does the blearing sun peeking from behind the curtains. What does wake you are the stomps of your ladies-in-waiting. 
Your eyelids instantly open, the crust that developed during the night making it difficult at first. 
“Princess, it is time to wake,” Matilda says in a voice that it all too loud this early in the morning. She wretches the curtains open and sunlight streams in. You hiss at the light, still walking the line between unconsciousness and alertness.
Joan grabs your shoulders and heaves you into a sitting position. In a militaristic approach, Joan, Matilda, and Honora perform your morning routine. You’ve had a month to adjust to their “help”, but it has only become slightly easier to tolerate their grubby hands and rude shoves. You can only say – Ouch! – so many times until you realize they do not care if they cause you pain. You are a job for them. They may be your household staff, but they are certainly still Talia’s minions. 
The hubbub of the morning almost makes you forget where you are and what had happened the night before. You glance at the spot Damian was sleeping just a few hours prior. In his place is the outline of his body on the mattress.
“Where has my husband gone?” You wince when Joan tugs your hair particularly hard while brushing it. 
“You have been summoned by Lady Talia.”
It hangs in the air, but you don’t expect them to answer your original question. It’s the nature of your relationship with them. It only reminds you to formally add Rachel to your household staff. Perhaps an ally in the mornings would improve your days. 
You’re prodded and shoved and squeezed until you are dressed. A green and black gown once again. An emblem of the house that you married into. You are no longer a daughter of a baron – you are now a princess of the House Al Ghul.
You’re led to Talia’s room within the castle. A guard stands upright outside her door, and opens it for you and your brood. Within, you find your now mother-in-law with a table full of assorted small plates. Fruits, cheeses, bread. Your stomach grumbles in hunger, but you doubt you’ll be able to enjoy your meal. Not with Talia. 
“Lady Talia,” you politely greet. 
She waves you over without looking up. As you approach her, she finally glances at you, but now before grunting in disapproval.
She is now your mother-in-law. You must remain polite. You repeat the mantra to yourself several times as you become situated in the seat across from her. Your ladies-in-waiting stand off the side, along with Talia’s servants.
A moment passes. Then two. Then several. Talia says nothing and continues to eat. You recognize that she will not speak to you first, and that you must initiate the conversation. You desperately want to your roll your eyes, but you remember your mantra. 
“Ahem, Lady Talia,” you start. “I have heard that you summoned me. Might I ask why?”
She sharply glares at you. “Do I need a reason to call upon you? After all, you are now my daughter.”
“Of course not.” You smile as sweetly as you can while simultaneously wanting to burst. You stomach rumbles again to remind you that it is empty, so you swiftly gather some items to make your plate full. 
“Will Damian be joining us for this –”
“No,” Talia interjects. 
“Oh.” Silence befalls the room except for the occasional chewing of food. “Is it possible for my mother to come join us? She will be leaving –”
“No. Is my presence not satisfactory to you?”
“Of course it is, Lady Talia,” you grit. She feigns a smile at you, and her eyes sparkle.
She knows that she’s irking you. She loves it.
“Are you close with Lady Rachel of House Azarath?” you inquire. The best use of your time here with Talia is to at least introduce the idea of Rachel as an additional lady-in-waiting. 
Talia sips her tea generously before answering. “Yes, she used to be quite close to my son.”
“Well, her and I have only recently met, but we have become incredibly close. She honestly feels like a sister to me –”
“You’re talking about Lady Rachel?” 
You gulp and shakingly nod your head. “Yes, I am. Erm – like I was saying, she has become a true friend. Since my family will return to my birthplace soon, and I have left behind my childhood friends, I was thinking about having Lady Rachel join my household staff. As a lady-in-waiting.”
Talia stares blankly at you, her green eyes burrowing into your soul. Her façade soon begins to break as her lips twitch and her eyes crinkles. Soon, she releases out a howling cackle. She laughs and laughs, holding her stomach to support herself. 
Joan, Matilda, Honora, and the remaining servants in the room look to one another curiously before they begin to laugh as well. Their laughs start as awkward chuckles until they are bellowing to match their master.
You sit in utter disbelief at the situation unfurling in front of you. There’s a joke hidden in Talia’s laugh, but you remain oblivious to it.
“Oh, oh, my.” Talia wipes a tear from the corner of her eye. “Why, yes, of course! Lady Rachel is free to join your household staff.”
Your face is red with embarrassment as the laughs finally die down. You’re not sure what the joke was, and you so desperately want to know. 
The food no longer looks appetizing to you. The measly few bites you had appease your stomach for the time being. Desperate for the attention to be off of you, the course of the conversation is redirected.
“Erm – thank you, Lady Talia. Say, how did you enjoy the festivities yesterday?”
“Ahem, yes, it was fine.” Her joyful tone suddenly reverts to its malicious nature. “I presume you enjoyed your wedding night, especially. How very lucky you are to bed a prince when you are…” She points in your general direction. “Well, when you are…you.”
A forced chuckle exits your mouth. Never have you ever met someone as blatantly, yet simultaneously subtly, rude. It dawns on you that her status allows her to speak however she wants, and that social graces are only for those inferior to her. 
“I am eternally grateful that Prince Damian chose me to be his wife.”
She waves your pleasantry off. “Yes, yes. After all, he chose you out of…every maiden. I am certain you will do your duties as a wife to ensure his happiness. As long as you bear him heirs, I suppose that is all I can ask for.”
The conversation feels unpleasant to you. After all, shouldn’t your marital relations with Damian be kept between you and him? Admittedly, you’re not sure whether you should alert Talia to the fact that you did notbed Damian last night. Sure, you slept in the same bed, but you are certain that is not what she cares about.
The question that she was dancing around finally is brought to the forefront. “Last night was…successful, correct?”
Your hunger has not yet returned, but you abruptly feel the urge to stuff food into your mouth to avoid answering her. 
She leans in dangerously close. She remains across the table, but it seems like she will pounce on you if you dare utter one wrong word.
“Did you bed Damian?”
You breathe in deeply, having had enough of the intrusion. “Lady Talia, I feel as though my relations with your son –”
“This is a yes or no question, dear,” she seethes. “Did you or did not do your duty as the wife of Prince Damian?” She slowly stands as she asks you her question, her anger palpable. 
“Does it matter?” you counter. “Why is that any of your business?”
“So, you did not bed him.”
You eye twitches in annoyance. “Lady Talia, I did not say that.”
“You don’t have to.” She slams her hands on the table, shaking it. You jump in surprise and grab hold onto the arms of the seat. The other women in the room hold their breath in frightened anticipation. 
“What was the point then? What was it?” She places her hands on her waist and circles you. “There were so many others – richer, prettier, friendlier. Some of them he grew up with. Why you if he doesn’t even want to bed you?”
You remain glued to your seat. Talia looks down at you with rage in her eyes, while you look back with confusion. You don’t know how to answer her question, because ultimately, you’re unsure of the answers yourself. If she had asked you a month prior when you first arrived in Gotham, you probably could have answered that you and Damian shared a sweet encounter from many years past, and that encounter led to your marriage. However, with Damian’s aloofness, you also are uncertain as to why you were chosen to be his bride.
Talia groans in frustration at your muteness. She stomps towards the door, but not before a servant rushes over to open it for her. You watch as she disappears into the hallway, presumably to confront Damian. 
You let out a shaky breath that you didn’t know you were holding. 
“Take me back to my quarters,” you order your ladies-in-waiting. “And send for Lady Rachel.”
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You pace back and forth in your room, practically burning a hole into the floor. A loud knock disrupts your fervent strides, and in comes your rescuer, Rachel.
“Rachel,” you whimper as your nearly run into her open arms.
Her arms wrap around you tightly, like how a snake suffocates its victims, except her hug was full of love instead.
You’re shaken up by your encounter with Talia, but the culmination of the previous 24 hours bears down upon you. You sink to the floor, Rachel helplessly attempting to lift you back to your feet, but the energy is no longer within you.
“Everything is wrong.”
“What is?” Rachel finally sinks to the floor next to you, holding your head to her bosom, holding you like a mother would do to console her child. 
“Everything. This cursed family has brought me nothing but misery. I will be miserable until the end of my days, I fear.”
Rachel gently quiets you and strokes your hair. “No, that will not happen. I will not allow that to happen.”
“It will!” you exclaim. “Damian hates me!”
“He does not hate you.”
“Yes, he does!” Embarrassment sinks into your bones when Rachel asks you to explain.
“Last night was a disaster,” you murmur into her chest.
Rachel stops stroking your head momentarily. “Hmm? How so?” She starts once more playing with your hair.
“I am…still a virgin.”
She pulls your head backwards so that her eyes meet yours. “Do you mean…he has not bedded you yet?”
You cringe in embarrassment. Her shock has only solidified your insecurity – something must be wrong with you. That’s the only explanation! 
“No, no, darling,” Rachel clucks. “Do not hide your face from me. It is not your fault – hey – look at me. It. Is. Not. Your. Fault.”
“Then, what is wrong?” You swiftly get to your feet and resume your pacing. “If not me, then what? It’s silly to think that there is another issue at play here.”
Rachel grabs hold of your shoulders and firmly shakes you. “Listen to yourself! You sound mad.” She looks around the room as if it isn’t empty and leans in close to whisper. “Understand that there may be other factors at play. The emotions of man can certainly affect his…libido. Take it from me, I should know.” 
She releases her grip, but remains planted in front of your face. “I have had…prior relations.”
You nod at her wide-eyed. This is the first you’ve heard of Rachel speaking about her romantic life. 
“Certain emotions can make it hard for a man to perform his husbandly duties. I do not think it wise to push the issue, as to not cause any embarrassment for him.”
You nod your head emphatically, whole-heartedly internalizing her speech. “But – what if he doesn’t bed me tonight either? Lady Talia is already speaking about heirs.”
“Again, do not push the issue. You would rather not face Damian’s wrath.”
A singular, harsh knock interrupts your discussion. In stomps in the subject of the conversation, the man of the hour, your lifeline and your ruin – Damian.
Rachel immediately curtsies out of respect and lowers her head. He opens his mouth to speak, but is seemingly stunned by the presence of another human in your room. He looks back and forth between you and Rachel.
“Husband,” you greet.
The sound of your voice brings Damian back from his trance. He nods his head towards the door and several servants, including your ladies-in-waiting, pile into the room.
“Wife,” he starts. He strides over to you and plants a kiss on your forehead. His lips leave a burning sensation on you, as his sudden display of affection jars you. “Pack your essentials. We leave soon for my father’s.”
“Damian,” you whisper. His face reveals his agitation: his lips are stretched into a scowl and his forehead wrinkles deeply. “Is everything alright?”
His palm reaches to your face, his thumb stroking your cheek. You want to believe he does it lovingly, but your heart can’t take that risk. 
“You should have called upon me,” he murmurs. “As soon as my mother disrespected you, you should have come to me.”
You look down in shame. So, he’s heard of your interaction with Talia earlier that day. “I did not think that was an option. I did not even know where you were.”
He lifts your head up with his index finger on your chin. He bends as best as he could to meet you at eye-level. “Of course, that is an option. You are my wife.”
You swallow hard. The way he’s looking at you, and comforting you – it’s too much. It’s too sudden. You shimmy your way out of his grasp and look to Rachel for support, only to find her back facing towards you and Damian.
“Lady Rachel has been consoling me.”
Damian stiffens and his jaw tightens. “Thank you, Lady Rachel,” he starts. He looks over his shoulder her, and she does so too ever so slightly. Neither face each other completely, however. “You may now take your leave.”
Rachel nods her head and without turning to say goodbye to you, she starts heading towards the door.
“Wait, no!” you call out. You circle around Damian to reach Rachel’s arm. “Lady Rachel is to be my lady-in-waiting. She must remain by my side.”
Damian’s eyes bulge out of his head. “Your lady-in-waiting?” he repeats brashly. 
You huff in irritation. You’re not sure why everyone seems to be so astonished that you want Rachel to be a part of your household staff. “Yes,” you reply. 
Damian clicks his tongue in disapproval. The amorous façade he performed just moments prior is now gone. It’s been replaced with the real Damian – the stoic one. 
“Fine.” He pushes back you to reach the exit before stopping by the door. He doesn’t even turn around. “Remember, just the essentials. 
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anistarrose · 8 months
So I have only my two cents to give on the "curing disabilities in fantasy/sci-fi stories" trope, as just one disabled person among many disabled people, but here are my two cents nonetheless.
One defense of the trope is that it's simply a form of escapism, and moreover, a fantasy that disabled people themselves can quite reasonably find joy in — as a feel-good story, a break from all the pain of real life. Many — not all by a long shot, but many — of us would jump at the chance for a cure, after all, and it's not like we're not valid to do so. Lots of us take pride in being disabled, but nevertheless, sometimes it really fucking sucks.
The counterargument to the above is this: that this isn't a realistic trope, and that particularly in combination with the suffocating frequency that this trope is used, this becomes the opposite of a hopeful fantasy. When you have an incurable condition, and the only happy endings you see represented for people like you in fiction are inevitably only achieved once the characters stop being like you — that can be indescribably upsetting.
Disabled characters do not get happy endings while remaining disabled — and fiction is fiction and all, but I'm not going to pretend like this doesn't have gradual, accumulative real-life effects on the amount of effort people/society are willing to put into accessibility and acceptance, because of beliefs like "aren't you going to be cured someday anyway?" Or "isn't this disability just going to stop existing, someday? one way or another?"
I hope I don't have to explain how damaging it is to think the above way, or to imagine a future where disability doesn't exist. (Yes, even though disability is partially socially constructed. That's a load-bearing "partially".)
So, if you couldn't tell, I do generally relate a lot more to the harsher, more critical view of this trope — but I certainly don't want to judge actual disabled people for writing it either (and especially not people with progressive conditions), not when there is genuine catharsis and escapist joy that can be wrung from it. I obviously don't trust non-disabled folks with writing "cure" stories any further than I could throw them, due to a long fucking history of non-disabled people fucking it up — but also, no one should be forced to reveal personal details, let alone medical history, to justify their choice to write something.
This is the paradox that I am willing to come to terms with, by throwing up my hands and saying, "okay, so some of the time I sure don't like it, but it's technically none of my business."
That said: if you're non-disabled, or you're writing about a disability much different from your own (a physical disability when you're autistic, for example), and you want to write an escapist feel-good story featuring disabled characters: I also want to stress that "escapist themes" versus "no one's disability gets cured ever" is very much a false binary. You can have both.
I've never written a "curing a disability" story. But I've both written and enjoyed some extremely escapist, unashamedly hopeful stories revolving around disabled characters — and it's all about accommodation.
A story of any genre where society is more accepting of — and willing to collectively help care for — chronic illnesses and chronic pain? That's escapist, and if it's something that characters once fought tooth and nail for, it's pretty damn cathartic. A fantasy or sci-fi story where medicines are still required to treat a condition, but the medicines are more accessible, more effective, et cetera, may also be escapist depending on the context.
Fantasy service animals, high-tech service robots, magical or indistinguishable-from-magic mobility devices? They're all possibly escapist too. (Just note that a lot of disabled people may still maintain a personal preference for seeing the "real world" versions, and that's that's also perfectly reasonable. Remember that the gripe with the original trope has a lot to do with a lack of variety in representation, justified by arbitrary rules about how fantasy/sci-fi "should" look, and the goal should be not to replicate that.)
So, in conclusion: if you find yourself writing a disabled character, and want to give them a happy ending, I urge you not to jump to "their disability is cured now" without at least thinking through the alternatives. Do your research regardless, and accept that disabled people will likely have a wide range of opinions on whatever you decide to go with — but accept that disabilities themselves are varied, and should not inherently have to consign either characters or real human beings to tragic lives by their mere existence.
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