#im sorry okay it looks like a gecko
unsurebazookacore · 9 months
watching percy pet that white gecko in ep2 with the biggest fricken grin on his face single-handedly cured my depression for the rest of the calendar year
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royjamierot · 1 year
Roy and Jamie sharing a cold peach on their front steps on a hot summer day. (On the intimacy of sharing fruit)
this has been in my inbox foreverrr thank you for sending it because ive been thinking about it literally constantly. i wrote this and im so tired so im sorry if it's terrible hope you enjoy though!
Roy doesn't know how he ended up here, staring at Jamie, who's laughing with him on his front stoop. They had finished with practice, and grabbed some fruit from Roy's kitchen before walking outside to enjoy the weather as it cooled in the evening. They were talking about Jamie's stint on Lust Conquers All, and now Jamie is laughing at a comment Roy made about one of his costars.
"You know, people still come up to me to tell me they think me and Amy shoulda gotten married," Jamie and Roy both laugh at the absurdity. "I don't think I even have her number. I don't know her last name."
"The yoga mums always said that. They're always going on and on about how you and Amy just clicked. I never understood any of that shit, they told me it was- what is that dumb fucking-"
"Body science?" Jamie finishes for him smugly.
"Body science." Roy growls. "I don't understand what the fuck that means."
"Well, I'm fucking fit right?" Roy sees Jamie extend his arms in a questioning movement, and for a moment Roy doesn't realize Jamie is looking for a response. Roy glares at him. He doesn't answer seriously, too afraid of revealing something he shouldn't.
"You know what I think of your looks." Roy says, and Jamie laughs. It's a fucking lovely sight. Jamie's laugh is loud and unabashed, just like the man it belongs to. Roy feels his own lips lilt without his permission. Roy looks down at the soft peach in his hands, and murmurs something about Jamie's ugly hair. He doesn't mean it. He knows he doesn't.
"Everyone thinks I'm fit, you're just contrarian." Jamie nudges him, his eyebrows raised, and Roy looks back up at him. The sun catches his eyes and Roy notices flecks of yellow he's never seen before. He freezes slightly, something in Roy's body taken off guard. The skin of the peach is molded under the pressure of his hand tensing.
"Big word for a prat like you." Roy snipes back, hand relaxing, the marks from his grip left behind in the ripe fruit.
"Fuck off." Jamie says it offhandedly, without hesitation, and he fucking smiles too. Roy wonders when they got to the point that they both know he doesn't mean it.
"Anyways, body science. No matter what your dark-ages gecko brain tells you, I'm fit as fuck, and so was Amy. That's body science. Two fit people existing in the same room." Jamie illustrates his point with a nod at the end of his sentence, and a half serious look, like he's really educating Roy on something.
"That cannot be it." Roy almost laughs at the absurdity.
"Nah, it is mate. Isaac explained it to me." Jamie assures.
"I've heard Isaac talk about it and he did not fucking say that."
"Okay maybe that's my explanation of it, but that's what body science is on a show like Lust Conquers All. The whole show is based on body science."
"Do you mean sexual tension?"
"No, that's different, I have that with everyone." Jamie grins at him, and Roy rolls his eyes.
"You're a right twat." Roy says.
"You still have me around." Jamie tells him, like they're not sitting around hanging around even though their practice has been done for over an hour.
"I'm not sure why." He says it, but he does know why.
"Who would you take your anger out on every morning?"
"Some other dickhead who deserved it."
"Aw, don't say that, I thought we had something special." Jamie makes eyes at him that would look somehow more in place on a puppy, but also somehow fit Jamie.
Roy just looks at him, and shakes his head. Jamie takes a bite of his own peach, undented and orange and ripe.
He takes a big bite out of the side of the peach, and Roy watches him chew for a moment before he notices everything about Jamie and has to look away.
"Fuck, that's good." Jamie basically fucking moans and Roy isn't a strong enough man to not look back.
The juice of the peach drips down Jamie's well sculpted jaw as he takes another bite. It almost drips off entirely but instead falls on his jawline. Roy's fingers crave to reach out and wipe it off. They don't. Instead, he runs his fingers over the indents in his own fruit.
Jamie takes another bite, and notices Roy just watching him.
"This peach is fucking lush, you should have yours." Jamie advises through a mouthful. It does nothing to help the situation on his chin and his lips, suddenly shiny and sticky with the juice of the fruit. Roy can't find it within himself to look away, or to stop holding his own peach too tightly, damaging the skin ever so slightly.
It takes him aback, how much he notices the juice on his face.
Jamie hums after his bite is finished. Roy looks away when Jamie almost catches him staring. He looks down at the peach in his hand and the marks he's made in it. Holding it up to his lips, he takes a bit. His face scrunches. It's too soft, and slightly sour.
"Mine's no good. Overripe." He turns the peach over in his hands, the deep marks from little pressure making sense. The fruit is almost mush in his hands. He sets it on the concrete knowing he can't eat anymore.
"Shit. Try mine." Jamie holds his peach out, and Roy can't look at it. Why would he? Jamie is right here in front of him.
"I'm not eating your half eaten scraps."
"No, you don't get it, it's the best peach I've had in my life, you gotta try it." Jamie insists, shiny juice still coating his lips and chin. Roy wants to lick it off.
His brain goes fuzzy, the way it does when his body overrides his ever working mind, and does something stupid. There's one thought in his head, and it's Jamie.
"Okay." Roy murmurs. His hands move of their own accord, and one finds itself cupping Jamie's chin, pulling him closer to Roy. Jamie goes with his hand.
"Tell me to fuck off again. Tell me you don't want this." Roy tells Jamie, their breath mingling from their few inches of space, their noses almost bumping.
"I want this." Jamie says, and Roy is gone. He kisses Jamie like he's trying to consume him whole, trying to taste him. He bites Jamie's bottom lip like it's the fruit itself. Jamie smiles against him. It's so good he doesn't think the fruit could possibly be better. His thumb rubs Jamie's chin, and he pulls away. Jamie instinctively chases him, and Roy smiles.
Roy's thumb collects the dripping juice from Jamie's chin, and he tastes it.
"Mm. Good."
Jamie stares at him, shaky grin occupying his face, and he holds up the peach.
"Try it." Roy takes a bite, and it's good but he was right. It's not comparable to the taste of Jamie.
"Good. Not you though." He murmers though half lidded eyes, diving in for another kiss.
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crazysodomite · 1 year
my thoughts on fallout 2: fo1 was definitely better
ultimately it was. okay. it wasn't so bad i wanted to quit but there wasn't really anything gripping or memorable.
the beginning of it was ASS. it all went downhill after the starting cutscene which i liked.
i genuinely wish the whole tribal aspect wasn't there entirely because it makes me so uncomfortable and it feels out of place. i enjoyed myself way more when i pretended it didn't exist at all and that's pretty bad considering it's the main quest.
the whole 'chosen one' thing wasn't enjoyable to me at all. i liked that in the first game it was more down to earth and realistic. you weren't the most awesome or strongest or chosen, you were probably just the only one who agreed to go out or just looked like you could survive outside...
the geck thing is goofy. sorry. I didn't like it. Whats with this game and geckos? The gecko enemies also felt cartoony and out of place to me…
i would say the game feels scattered and confusing. a lot of the areas felt forgettable. its hard for me to even structure what i think because i don't know where to start.
arroyo: im glad i never had to go there after the start of the game. BORING AND BAD! ugly location with boring quests and unlikeable npcs.
klamath: boring. i barely remember anything about it and couldn't name any npc from there if you put a gun to my head. i severely dislike sulik. so so so so so uncomfortable. though i liked that toxic caves had a secret not accessible at the start!
mordoc: it was okay. once again the npcs are forgettable but i do remember when i saw the fake corpses and was shocked. i liked that a lot.
im writing this from memory so if i forget a location it was just so bad that i completely forgot…
vault city and gecko: i actually liked the quests here and it's where things picked up a bit. i liked lenny and his interaction with marcus later on. i liked harold too but there's not much to do with him.
uhhh…. the den i think?: i already forgot all about it. boring…
broken hills: i liked this location and the quest. marcus is one of my favorite npcs and i enjoyed having him as a follower. i wish there was more though…
redding: pretty boring and i really, really dislike the alien enemies. there was potential in the whole miner rivalry but in the end it was just. give it to one or the other person.
new reno: i didn't like it and pretty much didn't do any quests there but that's my personal opinion i guess. it was mostly because there was just too much going on and too many people and i dont want tofuck or do drugs so im leaving… i liked when they stole my car and i talked the guy into giving me upgrades and free batteries though!
NCR: it was fine. i didn't spend much time there except the bazaar to buy weapons. i enjoyed the fact tandi was there! i also liked talking down the guy with the bomb.
it was annoying having to leave my companions or tell them all to holster their weapons so that's why i rarely went inside. it definitely has potential
vault 15: i liked it!
vault 13: i really liked it, and i wish there was more to do there… the concept is pretty awesome
military base: i really really enjoyed this location. it was so fun to explore and get all the holodiscs. it was exciting.
san francisco: hands down the ugliest location in the game in my opinion. it had such great potential that i feel was wasted. it felt extremely out of place and like it didn't belong in the game. i WISH it was better because the concept of the location was great with the big ship and all. the girl i saved from the alien also got me stuck in a corner and i had to load a save. i couldn't name any npc from there if you put a gun to my head. though i liked seeing the big shuttle outside.
navarro: i liked it. getting there was fun and the side quests were okay. i hated that there were only 2 ways to get to the fob without fighting, and both of them were really stupid in my opinion.
i love the enclave soldiers talking heads. they look like adorable little critters to me.
the enclave: it was okay. i hated the electric floor puzzle. i hated how many npcs were there and i could only talk to like. 3 of them. it felt unrewarding when i talked a scientist into killing everybody with toxins and it looked weird when everybody except the important npcs died. the dialogue with the scientist was written really weirdly. the president is just boring and pointless? vice president even more boring and more pointless. the president is basically just there for you to kill him and get the card, and there's no way to talk him into giving it to you or stealing it or doing it any other way. you can only kill him which is annoying.
the end boss is just. okay… i don't remember him being foreshadowed or mentioned prior. you can't talk to him. killing him is surprisingly easy if you get the key card and talk the other guys into helping you. hes boring and forgettable as a final baddie especially compared to the master. i already forgot what his name was. to be entirely honest. he also looks like a cute little thing to me
i loved the cutscene of the ship taking off though. it was really good.
NPCs: idk if it's just me. This game is SEVERELY lacking in talking heads. There's WAY way more npcs but they're just completely forgettable and boring. There's a lot more 'flavor' npcs which is annoying because i can't always see who i can actually talk with. its really annoying to click through a whole room just to realize no one has anything useful to say. i know unique npcs usually have a unique description but hovering over each npc in a HUGE map is frustrating.
the speech options rarely made me felt like i accomplished something by choosing the right options and usually felt like "oh. i passed a check. how boring.."
in fo1 almost all locations had a talking head who was a pretty developed character with a lot to say and ask. here i can pretty much count them on my fingers which was disappointing… i can remember most important npcs in fo1 which is not the case in fo2
maps: maps are bigger and usually uglier to be completely honest. a lot of useless houses and useless npcs. a lot of maps also don't even label shops and look very similar so i have to run around aimlessly until i stumble on the one building i need. i would have preferred smaller maps with more condensed content. some maps felt cool and enjoyable and some were so bad i was kind of shocked.
in general. it was Okay. i wasn't ripping my hair out from how bad it was but there's really not much i want to replay the game for. there definitely were some fun moments but not A Lot. my favorite locations were probably the military base, vault 13 and vault 15.
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possessedartist · 3 years
*looking u in the eyes* 👁👁 tell me your ygo blorbos
okayd okay first on da list
honestly??? unsurprisingly it’s probably a tie between joey and chazz they’re so asnbdnfjfkfnfnfjfjg fucked up little guys!!!! jo’s got a place in my heart w his sad tboy gambler swag.,., and chazz has teen angst galore i could talk abt them all day *looks at the chazz essay in my notes app* i will rant abt this two sm i have so many thoughts. kaiba is probably my third fav but you didn’t hear that from me. but joey’s probably my fav fav believe it or not.
SCRUNGKLY.,., prolly yugi he is just shaped like a little guy.,,, OH AND BAKURA HE IS LIKE SCRUNGLED AND SOMETIMES EVIL AND FUCKED UP I LOVE HIM SO,,. he has the shape of neutral evil
UNDERRATED FAV IS CHAZZ FOR SUREEE IM SORRY img always feeling like i’m the only appreciator of him around here (but maybe that’s bc i kin) OH AND ATTICUS AS WELL i think they’re severely underrated both fanbase and show wise they’re just fuckrd up dramatic hilarious little guys it’s actually so funny *hides my atticus analysis essay behind my back*
OBSCURE FAV.,. hrm bg characters i lik,,., that’s pretty much like every dm minor antag tbh 😭 like especially espa roba and mako tsunami/ryota i think they’re fun in their own ways.,. non dm character would definitely be bastion though i wish ygo gx did him right he could’ve been the next tenya iida.,.,, HE HAD SOO MUCH GOING FOR HIM WHYD THEY TOSS HIM AWAY 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
OKAY THIS ONE actually kinda took a minute cuz i think most ygo characters are kinda at least mildly liked.. i suppose it’s probably edo/aster phoenix? i never see ppl talk about him so it’s just more on the unpopular side- including sartorious/saiou as well lmaoooo i think they’re interesting tho ig i understand why bc the major of their shit was resolved in the s2 finale but stilanfendjdjdjdj my scrimblos my umbrella guys,,,,,
genuinely trying to think but i don’t think i have a problematic or weird fav bwhaha like maybeeee yubel??? but i think most ppl like them at this point lmaoo
wait actually i do he’s not a fav bc i hate the ever living shit out him but adrian fucking gecko/amon. if i saw him i would fucking punt him idc if he can lift steel chairs and he has a six pack and ultra rich i will send this guy to super hell. however the manga version of him can stay and that’s why he technically fits this
honestly would torment the shit out of zane for fun i just think he’s silly tho i get why he’s like that. but like still who wouldn’t want to mess w him (thisjf is my inner atticus rhodes kin jumping out)
i’m sending gozaburo kaiba to a special kind of super hell he’s not coming back from.
anyways here enjoy the chazz
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milkybonya · 2 years
Hi Milky!! I hope you had/are having a nice day today! Last night I finally told myself that I was going to TAKE A BREAK and it was so nice! I ended up watching all the T-Talk videos from that Twitter masterlist you gave me and omggg I was both laughing and awing the entire time!! The first one I watched was Jeongwoo and Haruto and I was straight up like wait when was this filmed why are they so awkward together 😭😭?? I was like.. Has treasure box even been filmed?? I got context later that it had but omg Haruto was a MENACE to Jeongwoo man was literally just trying to make convo and he was giving one word responses im so dead I can see why you'd bias him he's so funny!! But I also wanted to give Jeongwoo the biggest hug after that video and the other one he was in with yoshi. Sweetest boy truly 🥺 also these videos made me get slightly bias wrecked by Asahi 🥴 he's so iconic I literally can't I ended up watching a fan video afterwards of him "proving he is not human but instead a robot" and I Was ROLLING I also found two videos or treasure vs their editors and oh my gosh they were so funny jdndjsjs back in my treasure feels that's for sure!! I still think I'm Hyunsuk and Yoshi biased but maybe Asahi will become an official bias wrecker... Not sure yet! I'll keep you posted lol
Also I'm so so so glad you liked the songs!! Fallen Star and Illusion were written entirely by two of the members (Mujin and Dann!) so I love that they are my two favorite b sides!! Makes it feel extra special yanno?? And then Promise is such a kdrama vibe omg it's the first b side to get an MV actually!! It's a whole kdrama smashed into 3 minutes. Dann acted so well in the MV too!! Man killed it (as he should). You'll have to let me know what you think of the videos when you get the chance to watch them!! But I know you have a ton of midterms coming up so no rush and I am wishing you the best of luck!! I had a bunch of midterms two weeks ago but I'm in the home stretch now until finals. I only have 2 more weeks of classes 😮 I literally graduate in less than a month.. I can't believe it jdjsjs I'm taking an additional year to pursue a certificate so it doesn't really feel like I'm graduating but 🥴 scary nonetheless!
Also my gecko!! Yes he is the sweetest boy. I'm not sure if I've mentioned this before or not but I am studying Russian! I really love hockey and my fav player is Russian so... Gosh almost 8 years ago I started learning Russian bc I was interested in learning more about him and his culture. I actually got his Russian Olympic hockey jersey to wear to school but one of my friends called me a Communist bc of it (this is going somewhere I promise nfnsns). I was like bestie where lol and he said bc it was Russian I am a Communist so I was like.. I mean okay go off I guess. And so when I got my gecko he was like well since you're a Communist you definitely have to name him Stalin. And I was like lol dope sure. I like prefacing his name with the story of how it came about bc it can be jarring to some people and especially now with the invasion I don't want to give off the vibe that I actually support it 😭😭 especially since it all started with a silly joke about me being a Communist lol. But yes his name is stalin! A long roundabout way of telling you but ☺️ despite the name he is a total sweetheart
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I look forward to hearing from you again soon! 💙
hello my love omg i'm so sorry i'm late :< i've had midterms aH as you know :( and today,, i'm going to see stray kids!! 4 hours left.. T.T
omg the T-talks are so chaotic hh they go from funny to therapeutic to wholesome,, :") Haruto can be jokingly cold sometimes hehe i love him ^3^ oH have you seen treasure's webdramas?? they have 2 ! in their first one, Haruto plays a very cold character but honestly he does it so well?? ahh
Asahi is seriously so cute but he's also such a genius ??? like the fact that he writes/composes masterpieces like orange and also paints/does art,,, king !
omg i love songs written by members thats so iconic?? and a kdrama-like mv? yes pls i can't wait to watch it later hehe
also you're so sweet?? thank you for being so kind with me and my midterms aHH i'm done them now thankfully! you have 2 weeks of classes left omg that's so exciting >.< maybe only one week left now by the time you see this??? AHH do you have any summer plans?! i hope all of your exams and your last days of class go well~
omg ,, yikes insensitive communist jokes are the worst :( i'm glad though that you were able to make something good out of it if that makes sense? and that it wasn't incredibly upsetting.
but wow you love hockey?! thats so cool!!! do you also play?!
also i'm so worried about the Ukraine situation,, a youtuber i love is living there and gives us updates, i also have a friend there and of course every persom living there is precious and does not deserve any of this :( ah it's so sad
have a lovely day/night and thank you for the cute pic hehe
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lostnfinding · 4 years
hi! i thought id do a little intro to me and my blog
please take a moment to read if you can :)
about me:
im astro/solstice/winter! you can call me sol if you want to. im nonbinary/genderfluid and currently use they/xe/it pronouns (tho im okay with any other neo pronouns, these are the ones i preffer). im pan oriented aroace. im 15, which means im a minor and you should treat me like one. also heres a list of labels i go by
i am extremely s*x averse and anything slightly s*xual makes me very uncomfortable at best. if you make any s*xual comment towards me you will be blocked.
i have ehlers danlos syndrome and pots, and mental illnesses, one of them possibly being DID/OSDD. im the host of a system, and from time to time youll see my headmates around.
i like history, musicals, cinema, music, books and animations. my favourite musical is watt, my favourite series are the owl house and shera, my favourite books are sick kids in love and aristotle and dante discover the secrets of the universe. my current favourite bands are sleeping at last and waterparks, and my favourite singers are dodie and cavetown.
i have a very song related memory and thinking, i associate things, memories, feelings and people with songs, so if we chatted for a bit ill probably end up associating you with a song. if you wanna know what it is just send me an ask!
im pagan, brazilian, white and im fluent in portuguese (native language) and english (second language)
i have a discord server! join if you want to, id love to have you there! but please be patient if all channels dont automatically show up, i have to verify you in order for that to happen.
my profile picture is a picrew that can be found here! amazing picrew, really recomend it, gave me a lot of gender euphoria. also it has cute animals so thats a plus, and pride flags! i always love pride flags in picrews
(i tend to ramble. a lot. sorry about that.)
anti blm, anti vax/anti mask, transmed/transcum, terfs, are/support p*dophiles/whatever theyre calling themselves today, lgbtqia+ phobic, anti mogai, anti neopronouns, pro life, exclusionist, climate change denier, prejudist agaisnt any religion, pro ana/ed, anti-anti, xenophobic, over 18 (unless i interact first), make content of/is/says anything on my triggers list (but the christian thing, i dont mind if youre christian just dont talk shit about other religions)
tag system:
posts that are okay to reblog unless stated otherwise in the tags: #astro rambles, #astros covers, #astros art, #theo writes
posts that you have to check the tags before rebloging: #astro rants
posts that are not okay to reblog unless stated otherwise in the tags: #*stress ball gets more stressed*, #astro vents
extra tags: #astro being soft n gay (usually my interactions with my qpp), #cute lil reptiles, #cute lil animals
extra info: i tag triggers "[trigger] tw"; my mutuals get their own tags based on their personality/inside jokes, if you want one, tell me; ask me to tag triggers if i forget to
my triggers:
(general tag is "geckos dni" or "dragon system don't look")
the phrases "you're faking it", "its all in your head", "its just anxiety", "you just have to have faith", "faith heals" and variations; someone being told they dont have an illness they do have; christianity/catholicism (especially saying theyre the "only right religion" or that they are persecuted); parent figts and divorce; money problems; any kind of abuse; nsfw and s#x; mentions of fathers/parents (specially if they are being bad parents); the song "every breath you take" by the police; the movie "the truman show"; conspiracy theories/mandela effect; bone marrow transplants; calling me (astro) a pet name when i dont let you, altho somethings/nicknames are okay; bitmojis; food/ed/weight/calories stuff; breaking promises, loud noises/yelling; being watched; having people we dont know/trust invading our space/privacy; "adults doing bad things"; repetitive pings; passive agressivness; maroon 5 songs from before 2016 (all but she will be loved and payphone); the words papai/papa/pai/variants; glasses with a half frame and strings holding it up; any mentions including jokes about dictatorships, specially taking peoples rights and people going missing; the A.I.5 and similar stuff; the military abusing power; elections being interrupted/blocked; nightmares/fantasy dreams (meeting fairies, flying, etc); being called s*xy or anything of sorts.
side blogs:
@maybeatiger - fandom blog
@theos-writing - writing blog
@our-welkin-world - system blog
@solsgalaxy - thoughts/aesthetic blog
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pizza-soup · 3 years
Sorry I went quiet on here, been busy doing some spring cleaning and repainting the house doors, they really needed it. I finally ordered my new laptop and it should get here by the end of the month. I settled on a basic one for 475 and I'm going to use one of my bro's hard drives that he used for his photography.
Meanwhile locally, it's gotten warm enough to take evening walks now, cutting through the open field and to the convenience store before closing time at 8pm. They're stocking peach milk soda and crispy cold aloe vera noodles now, a sure sign of early summer. But it's not truly summer to me until the trees start screaming, it's supposed to be especially loud this year. Im ready for it, but I'm never ready for the snakeipedes and children of the earth, the latter who invade the restareas looking for water. My bro likes bothering them though, he likes how they're basically living bobble heads that hiss at you. They creep me out with those beady little eyes.
Firework stands are everywhere right now and people are setting them off. That's such a waste of money imo. I buy them but wait to use them til it's closer to June/July and then save a few for bonfire season. But I guess these people have a ton of extra money to burn. Speaking of burning, I almost burned a few geckos in the firepit yesterday, poor things were probably overwintering in there, they escaped unharmed and stayed by the water facet, perfect place too, that's where all the crickets are.
My mom is ready is go back home now that she knows I'll be fine now, but she's not going til after Mother's Day. I really want to treat her to something nice as a thank you for being there for me during that whole ordeal. It would've been hard for just my brother to care for me, I mean he can keep up the house and cooking, but it would've been awkward to help me with more personal tasks. I appreciate her help so much and I think it helped us bond more. I've never really been close to my mom for a variety of reasons, so that was a nice thing to come out of this nightmare.
And I think this made me understand that I shouldn't be scared to be vulnerable. I had to faint a few times to learn that it's okay to let others care for me and that being cared for doesn't mean I cease being strong.
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wat3r-w1tch · 5 years
how about herobine, steve, and alex? id love to see your headcanons for them! :D
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Alright so we’re gonna start of the requests with these 3! so
Steve--I made him friend shaped okay nyall cant stop me-also kinda bearish-zhats his pet cow and her name is Tulip!-he’s very strong, so he can lift up babey cows and horses-Hes the sweetest person you will met but god he will throw down if you hurt his friends
Alex--freckles!!! goode!!!!-im sorry im weak for buff ladies...-She has such fluffy hair, it could kill a beast-will only let steve braid it-Will also throw down for her friends but like, she always ready to throw down-Loves shovels-doesnt really like animals but loves wolves and sea turtles
Herobrine--hes totally shapeshifter -loves shifting into random big animals (bear, huge ass snake, A DRAGON)-lets alex and steve fall asleep on his dragon form because hes nice and warm-he has glowy phantom parts, mainly on his hair, hands and feet-occasional has a cool glowy phantom tail (itz like a leopard gecko tail)-Hes a asshole but is also a soft bitch when hes around steve and alex-and much like the others he will kill for his friends, but will go absolutely feral if you even touch steve or alex-looks at a ravanger and says “what a weird dog” and keeps one as a pet
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spiceloutte · 4 years
Your top 5 emojis (I think I know number 1 already) and your top 5 animals, please 💖
Can I be bad and say I next to never use emojis? I never really have but I’ll try!
1. 🌹 the rose!! Very specifically my baby I get on my Samsung tablet. Isn't she pretty? All other rose emojis pale in comparison.
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2. 💙 I like the hearts but blue heart is the one I gravitate to. Its just prettier.
3. 👌 It was in my recents so I assume I use it here and there. Mainly just? To say nice? It's on point? It's top 5 in use but also I know would use it regardless if I used a lot of emojis.
4. 🏳️‍🌈 Uh.. we gay. Just- we gay. And I couldn't find the rainbow arch version.
5. 🐑 because.. Sheep?
Top 5 animals really puts me on the spot because so many animals are so amazing and pretty so im going to be rather broad and maybe add a few subspecies I like within it? This counts, it counts. I... Genuinely am struggling to only choose 5 and you can see it and I'm not ashamed to be so bad at this.
3. Foxes! I just think they're neat. They're just fluffy kids and I tend to binge on fox videos every so often. I know a rescue who posts a lot of videos and its so nice to watch all the "hehehehe" babies. There's a fox village in Japan and I need need need to go there like oh!!! Sweethearts!!!! We have a few varieties in Aus but it's illegal to own them, I don't know what's happened to all the old rescues (it used to be legal) and old pet foxes? So I don't think I could work with them or anything. They're labelled as a pest to native wildlife, apparently. Big disappointment.
1. Wolves. I just love wolves okay. Think I was 10 and drawing ugly looking wolves with bad anatomy but I loved drawing then regardless. I don't really have a favourite but can I mention how weird looking maned wolves look? It's not Actually a wolf so I'm being cheeky talking about it but I want to say what is this lanky dude? If I had the chance, and it wasnt illegal in Australia for there to be wolves, much less an any-content wolf-dog, I'd be helping out at a rescue with all those giant guys because you can't necessarily release them when they've been in human care for so long. There's Australia's equivalent, dingos, which I met and got to pet one! They were very fluffy.
2. Horses. I've always been a horse kid. Theyre just so majestic? I was horse riding for a few years when I was a kid and it was always the best time, I want to get back into it but it's just so expensive. I don't necessarily have a favourite breed but draft horses are big fluffy kids. The more manageable gypsy vanner is somewhat similar with the big fluffy legs but I'm an excited kid when I see piebald horses. Gorgeous. So gorgeous.
4. Probably dogs! We have a little puppy and she's a little kelpie mix, she's adorable. I'll go sit down and she'll come over and either sit on or lay part way over my lap. I know a lot of dog breeds off the top of my head but I have to say sighthounds are my favourite. Borzoi's? Silken windhounds? Salukis? Yes please! But I do like German shepherds, aussie shepherds, NSDTR, basically any medium-large fluffy dog (as long as they don't have big, floppy jowls.. sorry but im not the biggest fan of the long jowls).
5. I know I can't group reptiles all in one category, its unfortunate.. Honourable mentions are snakes, geckos, dwarf caimans. But my favourite is ackie monitors! You normally think of monitor lizards as these huge komodo dragons or big lace monitors, the size of a human laying down. Ackies are little versions! Grow about the size of your forearm. I first learnt about Ackies in a Larry fic, believe it or not, an abo! They're so cute!!
Ask me my top 5 :)
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fbwzoo · 5 years
(1/?) Anxious about pets anon here! Thank you for your reply, I adapted all your tips and already feel better :) In my first ask I almost talked about my situation sounding a bit hoarderish but didn't to keep it short but I realized I prolly should've! So I'm gonna explain myself a bit better now that I'm calm, I'll try to keep this short but I have a tendency to ramble so I apologize for the length in advance. Also gonna call myself 🌱 from now on since Anxious about pets anon is a bit long!!
(2/?) Normally getting two geckos and turts in a couple weeks is definitely a red flag and if I saw someone do that I'd definitely side-eye them. I do not support getting so many animals this fast at all which is why it freaked me out so badly and it's something I never want to do/experience again. I find preparing and caring for a new (species of) pet for the first few weeks very stressful to begin with, so doing so for multiple species simultaneously with little to no warning has been awful.
(3/?) However the reason I ended up in the situation at all was because I had seen a post online about a leopard gecko that was for sale enclosure & supplies included for fairly cheap, so I opened it for fun. Turned out the geck was actually in my area and the set up was not... Very good. So I talked with the seller and came to the conclusion I could take him as my own leo struggles to keep up with the phase my feeders breed anyway so I had the means to do so
(4/?) All is good, I'm getting a leo (picking him up this weekend). No biggie, except oh no. I find a morph of created gecko I have been looking for & I've had an empty set up waiting for this moment for ages. I'm a bit put off by the timing as I don't really like the idea of buying two pets in such a little amount of time, but it's too late for I have fallen in love and I justify getting him bc I've been prepared for this for a long time and it also happened to be my birthday that day. 
(5/?) Still, took a bit of a hit from it and looking back I would still classify it as an impulse buy as I had not expected to run into the crestie that day even if I had been prepared for a while. This has also been the first time I haven't waited 12+ months between purchasing animals which planted the seed of anxiety in me and the word "hoarder" did cross my mind a couple times but I ignored it, mostly because I knew I'm not one and thought it was silly to think that, but also cuz it scared me 
(6/?) Fast forward a few days I'm talking with the leo seller again. I ask why they're getting rid of it and they tell me they're quitting the hobby so they're rehoming everyone. In curiosity I ask what other animals do they keep and we talk about it for a bit till they say "everyone else already has a home except this baby turtle, no one wants him". I have no interest in getting a turtle, but like a fool & out of wanting to be educated I ask about the species as I'm not very familiar with turts
(7/?) I thought I made it clear I'm not going to take him before the chat but as the 'educational' convo went on the seller was actually picking apart my reasons why not & as pets are a special interest of mine I engaged very enthusiasticly w/o realising. At the end of the chat they said "I'm glad they're both going to a good home". I had missed two of my latest therapy sessions & have severe difficulty telling people no so I replied with "I'm just trying to help" & had a panic attack.
(8/?) It was too late to back down now so I'm getting a turtle. But with that what I was getting as well was more anxious and I spent the next day in bed, which helped. I opened up about it to a close friend, and instead of them reassuring me they told me they've been meaning to ask me if I could take a tortoise (that turned out to be a turtle as well) out of their friends hands. I said Im not sure if this is the right time, and my friend asked me to think about
(9/?) I ask my friend why does this turtle need a home anyway, he tells me the owners travel a lot and that the turtle is loved but neglected. I felt sad. My friend knows how I'm gonna react if someone comes to me directly to ask for help, especially if it's about a suffering animal. I grind my teeth & talk with the owners telling them I'll see what I can do, then I get a text telling me my friend has already made a plan how to deliver the 100g aquarium to my apartment.
(10/?) Even when I may not have wanted the turtles I'm glad if I get to make their lives more enjoyable. I will give them my everything and do my best to provide a good home for them. Tho it does hurt me my discomfort is secondary to other people when they know I will agree to things as long as they apply enough pressure, especially when I'm already vulnerable, but I suppose it's my fault too for not communicating well enough and for allowing them to take advantage of my difficulties
(11/11) Sorry this turned out a LOT longer than expected!! You don't have to post it I just wanted to let you know I didn't just wake up one day and decide to expand my family by half, but that it was more of a gradual process that I found myself unable to stop even when I wanted to, & will work with my therapist so I can be prepared for these situations in the future. Thank you again for the advice, it has helped me feel better! Ps. I will update when all the pets are here and settled down! -🌱
I hope you don’t mind me posting, I wanted to share your story with others, especially in case anyone was still worrying about the situation!
I’m sorry that you had so many people stomp all over your boundaries, especially your friend. That was super not cool of them. :/ I understand having difficulty saying no, especially when you’re wanting to help animals - I have issues with that too. I’m glad that you’re so aware of the problem & that you have a plan to work on it though!
Also I wanted to add one more bit of advice - keep in mind that you do not have to be the forever home for every one of these animals. Especially if you find yourself getting overwhelmed or having difficulty with care. You have to take care of yourself as well as the animals. I know turtles can be a fair amount of work and money to set up well, and while I know you said you’re up for the challenge, I just want to make sure you give yourself some room to breathe. If you do find that you’ve taken on more than you can deal with, it’s okay to look into options for rehoming some of the animals, and that doesn’t make you a bad person. I can definitely vouch for the experience of finding yourself in over your head & needing to take a step back and find a better place for a pet, even when it’s really hard! I know these words might not be necessary, but I just wanted to make sure someone said them, in case you needed to hear it. ♥
Thank you for the update and further explanation, and I hope everyone settles in well! I look forward to more updates if/once you’re able to do so. :) 
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jungkookio · 7 years
bias tag game
hoooooooo boy so i was tagged by @hoodiejungkook​ @literally-just-yoongi-trash​ @aragyeom​ to do this... y do u want me to expose myself like this
Rules: write down the last 15 associated tags with your bias.  
#take his belt and choke me with it
#not to be nsfw buti have an undying need to fucking hug this man 
#when wiwllhe start capitalising on his sweat as a highlight tbh #i wna tthtta glowhgngnnfngngnghhggghhg #why is my grandpa man so hot ti rlly wanan dfckkin d8 him
#omfg fuck off #look at him hes a dumpling #a soot ball #he owns the key to m heart #honestly im rlly soft over my boys tonight #im cryign in th club
#im sorry but he looks like that sailor moon 'but you didnt do anything' meme #but like hot
#im... rlly out here loving this loser i cannot believe myself #i fell in love with some grandpa infant hybrid #look at this pingu lookin ass god i love him so much
#who let this emo kid out the house #wheres his mum
#c hoke #what the fuck wjat the fuck #when will he fucking spit on me #whatthehfuxuckgoddddddddddddddd he #what the fuck i swear everyone wants me to roll into a coma and fucking die #i hope ifkckng choke seriously what thejfuck is thsi #what is his problem why is he like this
#thsi is the begsat theing to evr hapoenr yi me shsudjrnshjsjrbndkansb pleaese
#ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh my god you own my fucking heart #u cld own my kidney too if u ever need it just ask
#i want him to tuck him in n kiss his forehead but i also want him to spit in my mouth u feel? #probably not #kinkshame me
#okay... he gettin thicker #i love my man's pancake ass okay #im eatin well tonight !!/1!!1/! #nourished !! #acvdhdjsjbdbsjsj hav i evr mntiond i hte mslf
#i love him so much ohmygod  #!! fuck !! #m heart went nyooooooooooooom  #💟💖💗💕💓💝💟💓💕💖💞💗💟💖💕💞💓💝💟💕💞💓💝💟💗💞💕💗💟💓💝💕💗💟💖💖💟💕💞💓💖💗
#m heart just launched outta m chest #idk wht t doabout it tbh #i... need that
#ohmygodohmyogogododdoohohoh #hooh my fuckicjg n god #im fucking malfunctioning btixch #bwaht the fuck he looks so fucking goood #hes rlly rpepin the gays again inhis flannel #an icon #he looks like a billion fckng dollars bitxchm im rlly choking #im gna eat a fucking shoe i love him so mcuh #godthey rlly mad ehim blond again #i dk what to domblond yoongs has always been m favourtei #n im alwaysh fucking screaming about it and bitch x hes rlly blodn n im rlly crying because fuck #hhes in his fckckng prime okay #hes th mc of m heartmcnncnnnnnggggggggggggggjhsbdhjbfhbnj
#i wanna punch him in th face #but with lovecause i love him so much  #i cld never hurt him #honestly i'd much rather him sucker punch me in the jaw #look at him he's such a shit but he's my favourite #eugghhdghhdhhhhjjhhjhj 
#he cld crush a bitxch with those thighs #(its me) #(im the bitxch) #(please crush me)
#fucking b e a n me #rightin th fckn skull #just straight up fucking murder me #what kinda zoom #its all so shiny #hes fckng gleaming #his shirt is fcking gleaming #meanwhile im constructing my coffin while i wait for him to b e a n me #the fuck
#biyxch his tiddies bigger than mine
#its always th lasttwo gufs that tip me over the edge #m reachign fr th mfing gun bitxch #i hate this shirt n its aphrodisiac bullshit #oyster juice #it had to have been soaked in fckng ousyetr juice #can u hear my inner turmoil sis............. this shirt has victimised me #the shirt #it strikes again
#wow look its my emo boyfriend
#ggggggggggggggno the shirt can fuck off #whoever manufactured it #you know what no it wasnt manufactured #it was hand crafted by satan himself to fucking tempt me to evil #show me a single fancam of mr jeon fucking jungkook in that shirt where he doesnt look at one with the fucking devil #find me one! #i can guarantee u wont find any bitxch #possessed #absolute blasphemy #i hope i fckign burn in hell
#the second gif is him throwing my heart out the fucking window
#ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh my gohd how can he be this cute while literally drnched in sweat #ion kno but hes gleaming #shining #glowing even #he hsa no faults #look at his smile it cld make flwers grow fck off #n the stars are in his eyes #all of them #im real emo tonight #hes so bright #the most beautiful boy #a baby #my best baby boy in th whole wrld #i wld gv hm m everythng #i love hm so mch m heart is so full #im nourished
#this era makes m choke on air #he was so rude the entire time i really hsatge bjgbnkgjbnfdkjbdfj bjbngnbkgnbkgfkbng #...gotta go #i hope he *** **** ******** ** *** ***** ** *** **********
#jungkook is so cute i love him so much what the fuck #he is the purest mostwholesome lil fella ive ever seen #his gecko friend :(((( #bitxch #search: how to be a gecko #hes so excited wgdhjb #'this one is a different guy!" #what the actual fuck jungkook rip m heart out y dont u #he saved m life wow #bad day who? dont know her #m never gna b sad again
#oh my god someone get me out of his ass #i'm too far #so far up his ass
#ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm????? #i want him to dropkick me down a flight of stairs
#i want to fuxjckxking die and be dead get this photo away from me #what the ever loving fuck #are you seeing jungkooks arm??? are u seei g it #cause biyxch i am and i choxked #i hope i die #ababsbndnenjabsbsjjsnsl ouc h
#hes like my age in these photos whahat the fuck #why do noboys near me look exactly like this with this exact personality and this exact dna
#he looks like a sad puppy and im not having it #ill fight the fucking rain #ill punch a cloud i dont give a fuck 
#i wld step on a lego brick for u
#omg hs lilcrooked tooth #im ugly cryign bitxch #thats it im cryign in th club fr real
#im screamign outta my ass #what the fuck jimin #what kinda extra ass #he did a fuckin split to try and kick a golden glittering pompom #this is gay culture
#he looks like a rich housewife #please step on me
#his fucking n e c k #look at it fuck #what the fuckim..... #im rlly reaching fr th fckng gun sis jesus hcirst
#@nasa i will pay you to launch me into th fckng sun bitxch 
#can he maybe... jump like that again... on m fuckin head 
#i swear hes like... made of gold and honey and stardust or smth what th e fuck
#i literally just said oh my god under m breath #buyt i cldnt get th words right so i just sorta went ohgghg #what the fuck
#this is some chaotic evil behaviour right here what the fuck jimin
#perfection? on my dash? its morelikely than u think!
#i hope i die immediately right now this very second
#can he punch me in th fucking throatplease #i will pay him to straight up fucking deck me
#oh my fucking god im #he #whatthe actual fuck is this?????? #what the fuck is thsi ?!??!?!?! #no #ihave truly had e nough of this shit ajshdbjdbnjfkfl #i become a fckcng jimin stan and this is th shit i get in return???????? #chronic agonising pain #yes thnk u jimin thts rlly what i fuckcing signed up for #this was not part of th fucking contract #i just wanted a cute squishy boy with a lil button nose #n mybe a bit of sad contemplation #i did not want !!!! sin !!!!!! #in my christian household????????? #blasphemy #this is fucking blasphemy #the power of christ compels you #fuck wheres the holy water bitxch #this boysjhdbfjhbfjbjgbjbfbflk #u kno what fuck it if this is what death feels like sign me th fuck up #guess ill just die bitxch
do u ever just look back at your past self and think... is she okay
im tagging: @namjoonsgalaxy @blumiin @minsuga--genius @velvethoseok @hobisnovia @gukiee @itskimtaehyung @parkjiminivan @jiminyoongs (if u want !!)
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goldencoin · 7 years
OKAY I’M GONNA COME OFF OF ANON BUT ANYWAYS— gel pen / ballpoint pen / fineliner / highlighter / greylead / felt-tip / sketching pad / notebook / paper / stapler / glue stick / tape / ruler / eraser / scissors / calculator / protractor / sticky note / stamp / bookmark / folder / whiteboard / blackboard / pinboard / tablet / stencil / envelope
haha gay
im gonna answer the other two in this ask too for convenience
gel pen: when are you most comfortable?
im most comfortable. in my mcfuckin bed. jk maybe that and also w friends in a chill setting
ballpoint pen: tell me about the day you’ve just had
uh i felt like shit as soon as i woke up. i chilled for a bit and felt kind of better but still lowkey like shit so i. took 5 hour nap, and you know my ass is gonna complain abt it later :)
fineliner: what’s your greatest achievement?
bumping into a girl i hate and hearing something fall :))))
highlighter: what are your best qualities?
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh im gay and love my friends and sometimes laugh really hard at thing that arent tht funny
greylead: what is something you want to try for the first time?
i wanna be in one of the school plays but also im terrified of everything so lol
felt-tip: describe your aesthetic
maybe nostalgic? 
crayon: your earliest childhood memory
uhhh i remember crawlin out my crib as a kid haha #savage
scrapbook: something from your childhood that makes you smile
laughing abt dumb shit w my step brother (but i honestly cant remember what the dumb shit was) and even having to contain my laughter when i was thinking abt that shit
sketching pad: describe yourself from a stranger’s point of view
wow this guy has nice hair and looks p cool. hes seems to have an ok style but he also looks like he doesnt know what hes doin. i wonder whats hes- oh thats a girl sorry
notebook: what’s your favourite quote?
this sounds emo but“i love the things you hate about yourself” from hallelujah by panic at the disco
paper: what kind of book would you write?
a book that fucks ya mind. hella symbolism. where if ur discussin it w someone, theyre like “i thought this line meant this” and youre like “oh fuck i thought it meant this”
stapler: out of all the people you know, who do you think you are closest to?
uhhhhhhh @glutamines ?? @avariciosa 
glue stick: what do you look for in a lasting relationship/friendship?
understanding, trust, communication. ik thats like... cliche but im deadass.
tape: tell me about your longest friendship
@gentlelance we’ve been friends since the dreaded...longlasting... Homestuck Phase. and we both suffered through a joey graceffa phase hhhhhh hfuck i still get fuckin. war flashbacks. lowkey tho i miss those days... they were much simpler times. wihfoqihefiuwhughksjdg
ruler: what line will you never cross?
uhhhhhh being an ass to someone if they were never an ass to me?
eraser: what do you consider to be your biggest mistake?
hhhhhhhhhhh coming out to my mom
scissors: ever had a bad break-up?
nah boy
calculator: list fifteen things that make you happy
1. my dogs2. my friends lmao3. nice stationery4. skincare5. lighting candles that shit is. somehow therapeutic to me6. nice lookin shoes7. my hair LMAO8. the guarantee i made to myself that i will leave this god forsaken town 9. nice socks (like the designs)10. my ocs11. my plants12. alternative r&b13. shane dawson videos and spooky videos in general14. crested geckos15. buying stuff... thats so fuckin materialistic but look......i like owning pretty things
protractor: an unpopular opinion/angle you have on an issue
mmm???? i dont. think i have an unpopular opinion??? or at least i cant think of one rn
sticky note: something about yourself you’d like to change
uhhhhhhhhh everythin cept my hair :))))))
stamp: a date that’s special for you and why
seein a movie or somethin of that sort together kinda just bc ur bein quiet together. i just find comfortable silence really nice.also just. goin to the store like any store. bc its a normal thing but for some reason the thought of it is !!!
bookmark: a book that means a lot to you and why
uh there no book that means a lot to me but i really like my copy of the book thief bc theres somethin written in french on one of the front pages and i just find it cool
folder: describe your family
assholes. theyre nice but the majority of the time i hate them and i just. wanna be left alone.
whiteboard: tell me your plans for tomorrow
- school....ofc- gay club- get home somehow and continue sulking abt my mom bein an ass as i do hw- my life is boring im sorry
blackboard: tell me about a memory that has affected who you are today
uh i uh. ive got nothin man
pinboard: what are you focusing on in your life right now?
tryin to not die also not bein an asshole w my hw this year
tablet: tell me your plans for the future
- move to california and try to not die- either go to college there or just go fuck myself and find a way to work AND live
stencil: who are your role models?
hhhhhh miles and wen
envelope: tell me a secret
im gay
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eclare-logan · 5 years
Ofc it was okay to share - also please share YOUR STORIES, IM DYING TO HEAR THEM
1. This one is more like Marinette than Adrien, but it's still awkward and I hate it
So I grew up in the church because my dad is a pastor, yadda yadda, don't run with that crowd anymore, you get the picture.
Anyways, there was this guy I had a HUGE crush on in middle school. Like... huge.
He was a couple years older than me, so I looked up to him, but we were also like... really good friends. We played pocket frogs together and he sent me daily pictures of his geckos. What more could a 12yo girl want?
So we went to jesus camp together in the mountains a couple times a year, and one time, after hours, he told me to meet him outside because he wanted to show me something. So he drags me into the woods and we start chatting and I was like, "YES I'M GONNA HAVE MY FIRST KISS!!!" Because we were sitting close (it was winter camp, I was cold)! And then he pulls out a laser pointer (like a really fancy one) and starts gushing about it. The conversation moves to talking about relationships, and he gets to the point of, "Guys and girls can just be friends, y'know? Like... everyone thinks we're dating, but we aren't... you don't even like me like that, right?" And I was like "lol God no" and we moved on.
A few months later, he invited me to his birthday party at boomers, and we went up on the ferris wheel together and it got stuck at the top! Oh no! The sun had just set and lights were twinkling and he'd seen me in my swimsuit by this point, so I figured he could like me. We sat there for thirty minutes and he didn't even lean in to kiss me.
I ran into him at church over winter break last year, and he asked me if we could talk and I agreed. He took my hand and pulled me away and he's like, "I just wanted you to know that I'm really grateful we were such good friends when we were younger. You're a really sweet girl, and I think I realized a little too late that we had crushes on one another. Sorry I didn't act on it when it made sense, because, I mean... you go to school in oregon and i don't regularly attend this church anymore. But i just wanted to thank you." And I smiled and we hugged and I haven't seen him since (he travels a lot and I spend 9 months of the year 1,000 miles away from our hometown).
2. In high school, I had a different best guy friend in band, and, apparently, he tried to ask me out on multiple occasions but I would always invite other people to come with or something of that matter. For 4 years.
I wanted friends there because I thought he didn't like me like that (even though I liked him like that) and didn't want to be alone with him. He invited me to dances, meals, project work, shopping, and sport games. We spent hours together after school every day my junior year, using flag club as an excuse to hang out and chat (we were in charge of taking down that week's flag every day) and usually ended up in a practice room sitting really close or at his house doing homework and baking.
One time he caught me singing and he told me I could be a disney princess with that voice. He was also going to ask me to prom, but my other friend asked me literally an hour before he'd planned to.
I just ASSUMED he didn't like me, so I made it easier for me. After graduation, he told me he had the biggest crush on me since we first met at band camp before freshman year (should've figured that out on the last day of that band camp when I told him i was nervous and he responded with, "Why? You're very talented and more than beautiful, you have no reason to be nervous. If you do, I'm right behind you, cheering you on." With a wink, which I attributed to the fact that we started talking because he hit me on the head with his trombone slide first day.).
3. In college, there was this guy (J) who lived in my hall freshman year who I got pretty close to and considered him a good friend. He was pretty quiet, but reminded me a little of my brother (but better), so I didn't mind hanging out with him.
One day in January, he did that thing where you flirt by letting your hand linger on someone's back when they move past you and I freaked out a little and later asked my other friend (N) if he thought this guy had a crush on me. He looked at me and said, "Elizabeth. Really? You're just now figuring it out? Dude's been in love with you since week one. Everyone in the hall ships it. Why not just give him a shot?"
And little did N know, but I was in love with him, so I couldn't do that! Go out with my brother equivalent when one of my best friends, confidantes, and partners in life was so close? No! So I gave J some distance, but I get the feeling he's not entirely over me.
There might be more, but I can't remember rn, @spooderham
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midnigtartist · 7 years
I might just be being annoying and assuming things, but it looks like your geckos are living in the same tank? I follow some reptiblr blogs that said you shouldn't put leopard geckos together because they'll eat each other, and I heard a person say they work at petco and one leopard gecko ate a baby leo's head, so I wanted to warn you. Again, no idea if you did the research and it's okay, and I haven't researched it, I just wanted to warn you in case you hadn't. Sorry if I bothered you!
Got it thank you!!!! Again they've been alright so far but im keeping a very close eye on them! If any issues arise i will separate them immediately. The sources i read said two females should be fine together but i'm observing them closely for the next 24-48 hours
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musicmanic00 · 8 years
multiples of 3!!
@lightofsunrise so answering on mobile is dumb af cause I have to screenshot the questions and keep looking back to get them, and it took 5 min for me to be smart enough to pull out the computer3) 3 artists who inspire me?well first off is an asshole named Toh Kay, I say asshole cause hes kinda crazy and sucks at concerts, doenst remember lyrics, doesnt come prepared (I mean I still want to go to a concert) but being the punk ass bitch that I am, I relate to the lyrics in his music, most specifically 'with any sort of certainty' actually getting it tattooed on my arm. (look it up, long song, but the bridge is life)I also am inspired by another artist, Leigh Daniel Avidan (yeah Danny Sexbang) dude gives zero fucks, makes funny music, and shit his voice is epic in my opinionat the moment I cant think of a third, sorry6) favorite dog breed?WOLF HUSKY MIX!!!!! because holy shit they are beautiful and just yes all the doggo and love, and also will kill anyone who tries to hurt you9)reptiles as pets??fuck yeah bruh, they are the best, I've had snakes and lizards and geckos. they are cute and cuddly and full of love, they deserve as much respect as furry pets!12)indoor or outdoor garden?both, not necessarily for flowers, but to grow fruits and veggies and herbs and stuff for cooking and other things..15)most surreal thing that has ever happened to me?well shit, lets see. to be honest, its my best friends mom texting me one day that Im part of the family and I can always count on them. people caring is so strange to me18)pro freckle?well fuck I better be, I have so many god damn freckles that they have actually blended together to just look like a horrible tan. the inside of my arms are whiter than paper, but the outside of my arms are relatively dark for a ginger. and you cant even tell there are freckles on my face anymore...21) best dream Ive ever had? N/A, I generally only have nightmares24) how many languages?well completely? english. but I can slightly comprehend a tiny bit of a few dialects of arabic and can sorta read and understand spanish. also if you give me enough time I probably can speak esperanto and klingon (weird story lol)27) superpower?I hate to be that guy but itd be a villains power, scarecrow from batman controls fear, (I know its not super and is just advanced science but fuck it) he has no fear because of it, and to get rid of anxiety would be enough for me30) favorite feeling? sitting around with people I care about, nto thinking, just enjoying existance with them. its rare, but those are the times my anxiety isnt killing me and that peace is great.33) highlight of my week?idk I am between jobs and have no money and nowhere to go, I kinda can just sit around till my new job starts. highlight has been a few asks on here (like this!)36)my asthetic?Punk as fuck, very punk.....39) nicest thing someone has ever said? you see idk whats real in that. cause, several people have come to me saying I am the kindest person in the world when you can get past my lack of knowing the right words, and how shy and shut out I am, but those people also hate me later on for those same reasons they called me the nicest personOkay that was hella long! here you go, more questions peoples!!
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pannil · 6 years
time for a rant about recent events
mentions of drugs and sex
idek if i posted about this but i found out on 1/14 that i am on academic suspension, aka i flunked out of school and cant come back for a year. the same day that i found out we had to move everything out of my dorm. im living with my sibling and their partner and their partner’s parents. we are still near my (former) school. i am still not sure if i have processed this completely. i felt a little relieved though. i dont have to worry about school work. i do feel a lot of guilt and shame and just bad in general. it took a lot to tell my dad but he accepted it even though he said hes disappointed. i dont rlly care about what he thinks tho.
i found a new doctor since my psych was on campus and she changed a bunch of my meds so now im on 5 dif meds plus birth control. im experiencing side effects of exhaustion though and i hate it so much, i dont have the energy to do anything these days :/ i feel sooooo drained 100% of the time, worse than usual. its so hard for me to stay awake and do things, the only time i can really get myself to draw or make art is when im high
. i have been smoking almost every night but i dont rlly feel bad about it bc it isnnt rlly messing up my life right now. i did buy two acid tabs tho. im looking to buy shrooms from someone soon. im so disappointed though bc some of my meds counteract the effects of the drugs.
i keep procrastinating finding a therapist, i need to do that rlly bad. i do feel proud becuase i uave done some adult things that i never thought id be able to do alone, aka make a doctors appt, go to the appt alone, etc. 
whenever im on campus it feels bittersweet. i am so sad about not living on campus but it makes me happy to be there. i hate the cold though, its so awful. 
i also dislike my job a lot. i would like to find a new one or a second job so i can make a lot of money and be set with rent when my lease starts. i am excited to get my gecko when i finally move in.
i feel very numb these days. idk, i feel like im in a trance much of the time, dissociating.
ive been trying to fuck so many guys recently. i feel insatiable. the last guy i had sex with was rather unpleasant. i didnt really want to continue after i walked into his room but i felt weird being like “wow i just suddenly feel like i dont want to have sex with you anymore, sorry.” Idk, thats probably bad but its not like i told him i didnt want to continue, i was the one that asked him to hook up. so its not his fault. i dont plan on seeing him again, hes really bad at sex and esoecially kissing. he put his entire mouth over mine and i hated it so much. anyways, i might be hooking up with this guy on thursday. ive been using condoms and stuff and i started birth control about 3 weeks ago so i should be okay i think.
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