novarex · 13 days
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I got this really cool, large, and incredibly detailed map of Menzoberranzan out of the Menzoberranzan City of Intrigue book.
If anyone is interested in some close up shots, send me an ask.
The map is two-sided.
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blues-screenshots · 16 days
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dragongodryss · 19 days
Down in Menzoberranzan, where Eastmyr meets the Braeryn, there was a bar known as the Zurkhwood Shadow. No one with any self-respect ever went there, but it had no shortage of patrons. It was run by five drow; Lyn'Vic, Kelriina, Ereldril, Spirril and Queve. While Ereldril was considered the leader by the patrons, the bar was in fact co-owned by Lyn'Vic and Kelriina, its founders.
Kelriina built the building from scratch, using the stalks of zurkhwoods, while Lyn'Vic ran things from behind the scenes. They agreed that they were equal in standing, but both considered themselves slightly above the other. This conflict never came to a head, however, as Lyn'Vic's idea of being on top was running the place, while Kelriina's was being in the position to laze around. She had built the place after all, so why shouldn't she enjoy it. Besides, she played the lute from time to time, so it wasn't as though she didn't contribute to the bar's meager earnings, likely far more than Lyn'Vic's terrible cooking.
Ereldril believed wholeheartedly that she was the leader. No one truly believed her, not even Queve. The closest to buying it was Spirril, who believed that she was in kahoots with Lyn'Vic, which would prove to be his downfall. Ereldril was a nightmarishly unremarkable woman, arrogant and brutal, a bully by all accounts. She was useful, however. As the bar's bouncer, her nature was more of a boon than a setback, and she left Kelriina alone, likely due to Ereldril's rigid following of drow gender roles. Of course, she still believed herself to be above Kelriina, but the minstrel had yet to see the point in challenging that notion. Spirril too, she left alone, as his brewing skills and polite but firm nature were a good combination of critically necessary to keeping the the bar running and generally inoffensive. She, however, had little qualms when it came to targeting Lyn'Vic and Queve. Lyn'Vic would ignore her when possible and tolerate it when not, fully aware that were he to will it, she would be dead in minutes. But that would require showing his hand, and he did not trust Kelriina or Spirril enough to do that. Queve, meanwhile, had no choice but to deal with Ereldril's bullying, by virtue of being a sickly Braeryn-born with an aggressive curse and nowhere else to go. Ereldril too was Braeryn-born and she had a strong suspicion that Queve aside, none of the others were.
In Spirril's case, that had been confirmed. He'd always lived in Eastmyr, working as a brewer, but he always avoided providing more details regarding that life. He knew damn well that he generated most of the bar's revenue, and that Lyn'Vic ran things behind the scenes. Spirril resented that, given that the man was a terrible chef, so terrible in fact, that it was a coin-toss as to whether or not he gave their patrons food poisoning. Not even Ereldril would touch his food, and she was Braeryn-born. The only person that could stomach that bio-hazard was Queve, who due to his weak constitution often suffered food-poisoning even with regular food. Normally, a person had a primary defense against things like this known as taste-buds, which their waiter seemed to lack. Spirril suspected that he just had ridiculously low standards, since he did seem to be able to enjoy decent tasting food whenever Lyn'Vic miraculously produced it. Another reason Spirril disliked Lyn'Vic was his personality, though it was slightly less egregious than his lack of culinary talent. Lyn'Vic considered himself a prankster, which largely involved making messes for Queve to clean up and calling it a joke. Spirril wouldn't have minded, but Lyn'Vic would occasionally make said messed by spilling the drinks he had painstakingly made. Other 'jokes' involved making 'improvements' to their clothing, which Ereldril, having had a limited amount of clothes to begin with, had decked him in the face for. That was the one time Spirril had actually felt something other than seething hatred for the bouncer. Lyn'Vic had decided to focus those jokes on Queve, who had taken to wearing all of his clothes at the same time as opposed to simply wearing the majority of them.
Queve was strange. His part of the Braeryn had apparently held a large amount of Faerzress, which had left visible changes to his appearance, on top of cursing him. On occasion, the wild magic would burst out, causing anything from chaos to minor inconveniences. And he didn't even get magic out of the deal! If anything, they were doing Queve a favor by letting him work here.
Given Lyn'Vic and Ereldril's terrible behavior, it was no surprise that Spirril wanted them gone, and for that purpose, he intended to rally Kelriina and Queve. Kelriina was intelligent, and pretty, and Spirril definitely didn't have feelings for her. Queve, meanwhile, was desperate enough to tolerate Ereldril and Lyn'Vic's behavior (and desperate in all aspects of his life), so any amount of attention would sway him to Spirril's side.
Spirril's name suited him. Kelriina liked it. It was the only thing she liked about him. It was as though his parents had seen the future when the had named him. He was a shady bastard, but he was good at his job. Too good. He couldn't be replaced. Queve's parents hadn't loved him. Since he was a drow, that was probably a given. The evidence was that they had named him Queve. At least he lived up to it? Lyn'Vic's name was likely more suitable than he let on, which was the reason Kelriina had partnered with him.
Of all her subordinates, she liked Ereldril least. She had felt attraction to her for all of five seconds (She was jacked, okay?) until the bouncer had opened her mouth. At least she was a proficient fighter and had a good sense of when a fight was brewing. But by the forsaken light was she insufferable!
Queve's life had largely improved since coming here. He had a place to stay. He still slept on the floor, but said floor was made out of wood and not stone or dirt, which in turn allowed his clothes to be cleaner. He had reliable access to food, not the worst he'd had either. Ereldril was aggressive, but she kept actual threats at bay. Lyn'Vic was a nightmare, but he was also a retired assassin, so Queve could put up with it. Spirril's crush on Kelriina was embarrassing when she was clearly not interested in men. In the bartender's defense, neither fact was obvious. Queve only knew because he could partially control his magic, when his emotions were stable. His most powerful spell gave him the ability to read minds, and thus he knew of Spirril's attempts to manipulate him. That didn't change the fact that Spirril was right about him. He was at the very least considering joining him as a result. Or he would be if he didn't value his life.
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solvicrafts · 1 month
Drow Glyphs
Some scans from "Drow of the Underdark" (2e) by Ed Greenwood
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I finally got my printer & scanner working and found this book in one of my boxes, so I thought I'd start here.
Next up, I plan on tackling the (GIANT) map of Menzoberranzan supplied by the boxed set. It's gonna be a whopping 32 pages, with 8 per poster section.
Eventually, I plan on cleaning it up and making a printable poster that people can put together piece-by-piece, but that's gonna be a long time away lol.
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lolth when i catch you lolth when i fucking catch you when i- oh. shar when i catch you when i- and vlaakith when i-
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deviltwitching · 3 months
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princefleabitten · 3 months
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Sketches for that one Drizzt book everybody read (Legend of Drizzt: Homeland)
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jarnyaxle · 3 months
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iwantmcdonalds · 3 months
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Drow elf irl 🖤
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defnotjarlaxle · 3 months
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He's just a little guy!
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fromfrollo · 4 months
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My little drow-Tav, whom his mother dressed up as a Christmas tree 💕
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too-many-blorbos · 4 months
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Attended a paint nite. Drew Menzoberranzan.
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Sorcere layout
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aldanil · 4 months
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“ The weapon master threw his swords to the ends of the room and rushed in on Drizzt. He buried him in a hug so intense that it took the young drow a long moment to even realize what had happened.
"You have survived!" Zak said, his voice broken by muffled tears. "Survived the Academy, where all the others died!"”
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tantlisart · 5 months
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reblog tag...
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I found some interesting screenshots of this video game and it bothered me. Sorry Rizzen.
Menzoberranzan (1994)
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tarisbackyard · 5 months
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Menzoberranzan (1994)
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