#the faceless one
princefleabitten · 6 months
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Sketches for that one Drizzt book everybody read (Legend of Drizzt: Homeland)
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thatsbelievable · 1 year
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the-king-of-lemons · 21 days
can't help but notice you've been double reblogging nearly everything, is this intentional or just some weird bug?
wait wtf that is a weird bug
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comic-covers · 1 year
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n0rmal-b3an · 1 year
Round 2
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Group A Round 2
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[image ID: the first image is of The Faceless One, a cartoon character. his face is mostly shadowed, but it looks white and skeletal. the robes of his outfit are purple and have skeletal decorations. he has a ragged cape, strong shadowed arms, and floating above one of his palms is a green object that looks like a face or helmet. the second image is of Leila Vernon, a smiling girl with short dark hair, lighting a candle in a witch's shoe. she's wearing a shirt or jacket with sleeves long enough to cover her hands completely. end ID]
The Faceless One
So, MotU likes to do this thing where every time they reboot, revive, or reimagine the franchise, they change Evil-Lyn's backstory. Well, in 2002 they decided to make Evil-Lyn the daughter of a new character: the Faceless One. This man is my emotional support fictional dad and let me tell you why! The Faceless One used to be the ruler of his city. He was a middle aged man who had only one child, late in life: Princess Evelyn (Evil-Lyn). But baby Lyn was captured by the Faceless One's enemies and used as a hostage for Faceless to use his powerful sorcery to revive a Goddess. But no price was to high and no act too insurmountable for him to get his daughter back. So, the Faceless One REVIVED THE PETRIFIED BODY OF THE DEAD GODDESS SERPOS. And he got his daughter back, and everything seemed great. Right? WRONG! The Goddess Serpos, awoken from her slumber went to the Faceless One's city and razed it to the ground. Killed everyone except for Faceless and Lyn. Faceless managed to get Lyn out safely. But as punishment for reviving a dead Goddess and sacrificing an entire civilization for one person, he was cursed to be an immortal ghost that is trapped in the ruins of his city for all eternity. But if given the chance to do things over again, the Faceless One would still do the same thing. Nothing is more important to him than his daughter.   [additional propaganda 1]
Leila Vernon
I LOVE HER shes so cool. its been a while since ive read the books so hopefully i dont get anything wrong but she was an orphan obsessed w magic stunts yknow like houdini and stuff. the orphanage held an event for this magician Dante Vernon for the kiddos but Leila was bullied for being too optimistic so they locked her in a broom closet when he came so she couldnt see it (guys i cried). she managed to escape because she kept lockpicks on her and had practice so she managed to see the last act! then later she got adopted by Dante and his husband and theyre such a wholesome family i love them read the magic misfits please i beg of you
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drondskaath · 1 year
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Avdagata | The Faceless One | 2023
Swedish Melodic Black/Death Metal
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emperorsfoot · 2 years
For the ask box game:
I want you to know that an older fic of yours about Evil-Lyn’s parents, Fall of Zalesia, had some of the most fascinating, meaningful, & sensible societal worldbuilding I have ever read.
The Ram & Shepardess roles as well as the customs between them & everything else about their community in the aftermath of war was something so richly made but with no equal that I have found before or since.
The polyamorous/polygamous(?) nature & rules of their relationships as well as the existence and acceptance of those who do not partake was…brilliant.
I do appreciate the portrayal of respect, concern for safety & consent, & devotion in sympathy with healthy open relationships the characters portray. It is written so well and conscientiously to the many perspectives therein. It’s so honest and refreshing.
((This next part is a bit tmi but, an ex admitted cheating on me & in the same sentence excused the action as stemming from polyam desires. I was blamed for not mending the situation by agreeing to an open relationship. The funny thing is that, before the fact, I would have been open to try & my ex knew that, but after…I couldn’t even if I wanted to.
I would never hold it against polyam ppl & their relationships but I’d be lying if I said it hadn’t made me sensitive to related topics. I have since moved on and hardly recall that past pain anymore when consuming content with polyam themes.))
Fall of Zalesia invokes an unmarred sense of wonder & curiosity to see & understand how others live & love that I had not fully felt since before I was hurt. Thank you for sharing your work so that I may indulge in this experience again. I feel like I have gotten a piece of myself back. :’))
You are a phenomenal writer. 🌻❤️🌻
(P.S.: I know there are many dark and serious themes in this story. I don’t mean to romanticize, I’m just in awe of how cool and thoughtful your writing is. Take care!)
Anon, your story is so moving, I am near tears. I stopped writing "Fall of Zalesia" because I thought I was the only one who was into it. I had no idea that someone else was not only enjoying it but being affected so deeply.
Yes, my headcanon of ancient Zalesia was a sex-positive society and part of sex-positivity is accepting those who don't want to participate in sexual acts, as well as accepting and making space for those who want to explore multiple partners. Rules are build into their society specifically for poly relationships.
The Shepherdess is the head of her household and hold authority over her husbands and sons, as well as he daughters until they achieve the age of adulthood and gain their own independence. If two or more people who do not have a formally recognized union want to sleep together, they must seek permission from the Shepherdess(es) that are the heads of their respective households. (This is why Maligna tells Nick that if he desires another Shepherdess he should tell her before the communion orgy so she can "negotiate" with the other woman and agree on the boundaries of their couplings.)
Before I stoped writing, I also had plans to explore gender identities within Zalesia. I don't recall if I even put it in or not, but in an earlier chapter when I explain that Nick's uncle was Ace I say something along the lines of "Bash-Or is a mischievous goddess and likes to put people in the wrong bodies". I was planning to have one of the younger Rams who returned from the war with Nick, now that the war is over and all the soldiers finally have time to consider other things besides just survival, that they would realize they're not really a Ram, they're a Shepherdess and Maligna would take her on as an apprentice.
I still think about this fic more often than you realize.
Now that I know someone else is interested and it means something to someone, I might try and go back to it. (I hope I can still find my notes.)
Thank you so much for sending this Ask. It really means a lot to me!
To anyone curious, this is the fic we're talking about:
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unrelenting-usurper · 8 hours
hey as a poly person fuck you cunt
Oh hi, I have no idea what this is about actually because I don't have any strong opinions about poly people? Unless your problem is that I'm monogamous? In which case, like, I can't help you with that man. Peace and love on planet earth.
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n0intr0ducti0n · 1 month
Introduction. I need none... You all will know who I am soon enough..
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spilycoris · 23 days
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hop on tf2
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lemaistrechat · 2 years
So in the 2002 lore, we know Evil-Lyn's father was the Faceless One? Was there any speculation on who the mother is?
I don't think there's been any in any official story.
In the comic that made him a contemporary of King Hiss, he mentioned being a widower. No name.
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the-king-of-lemons · 2 months
waterposting today, huh?
it was all over my dash how could i not lol
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onlineviolence · 2 months
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What's it take to get your number?
What's it take to bring you home?
Hurry up, it's time for supper
Order up, I'm HOT TO GO!
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n0rmal-b3an · 1 year
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Group A Round 1
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[image ID: the first image is of Juan Salvo, a man in a dark blue diving-like suit, looking over his shoulder. the second image is of The Faceless One, a cartoon character. his face is mostly shadowed, but it looks white and skeletal. the robes of his outfit are purple and have skeletal decorations. he has a ragged cape, strong shadowed arms, and floating above one of his palms is a green object that looks like a face or helmet. end ID]
Juan Salvo
He's a post-apocalyptic time traveller that came back to the past to warn his family about the mysterious phosphorescent snow that started appearing in the distant future of 1963. 
The Faceless One
So, MotU likes to do this thing where every time they reboot, revive, or reimagine the franchise, they change Evil-Lyn's backstory. Well, in 2002 they decided to make Evil-Lyn the daughter of a new character: the Faceless One. This man is my emotional support fictional dad and let me tell you why! The Faceless One used to be the ruler of his city. He was a middle aged man who had only one child, late in life: Princess Evelyn (Evil-Lyn). But baby Lyn was captured by the Faceless One's enemies and used as a hostage for Faceless to use his powerful sorcery to revive a Goddess. But no price was to high and no act too insurmountable for him to get his daughter back. So, the Faceless One REVIVED THE PETRIFIED BODY OF THE DEAD GODDESS SERPOS. And he got his daughter back, and everything seemed great. Right? WRONG! The Goddess Serpos, awoken from her slumber went to the Faceless One's city and razed it to the ground. Killed everyone except for Faceless and Lyn. Faceless managed to get Lyn out safely. But as punishment for reviving a dead Goddess and sacrificing an entire civilization for one person, he was cursed to be an immortal ghost that is trapped in the ruins of his city for all eternity. But if given the chance to do things over again, the Faceless One would still do the same thing. Nothing is more important to him than his daughter.  
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