#misogyny cw
punkeropercyjackson · 26 days
You can really tell terfism is just fragile white girl shit because they always say they believe in 'sex based oppression' but never 'race based oppression' lmaoooooooo
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dathen · 1 year
Okay now that we’ve beaten the point of “the text doesn’t portray Lucy as deserving her death or a whore/madonna dichotomy with Mina” to death, now we can actually address what IS in the text: the vampire as the corrupted woman, a whore/madonna dichotomy contrasting with Lucy when she was alive.
Jack’s narration today is a bit “saying the quiet part out loud” in this regard. We drag him for how many times he says ‘voluptuous,’ but almost as many times he mentions purity in contrast: the blood staining the ‘pure white lawn’ of her burial grown as a vivid example. Over and over her corruption is described as a horrifying sexuality, fascinating and attracting and repulsing the suitors much like Jonathan was fascinated and attracted and repulsed by Dracula or the vampire women.
In the rush to victim-blame Lucy for her own death, critics miss the crux of the symbolism, and leave the xenophobia largely unaddressed. It’s especially clear when looking at Lucy’s plot as a whole: threatened by the dark, exotic and dangerous East, which is temporarily held at bay by Strong Western Blood which is praised for its quality of breeding (😬), and how she is unrecognizably evil and twisted once the corruption takes root.
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intermundia · 3 months
the thing that gets me about backlash to the latest episode of the acolyte is that conservatives usually LOVE the right of parents to homeschool their children and bring them up to hold their religious values away from liberal state overreach and brainwashing, except apparently when it's a queer woman of color doing it, in which case they are so distracted by the 'woke' optics that they don't even notice that ideologically they might actually agree with mother aniseya and would've absolutely treated her like their new favorite tragic renegade hero if she were a white male cult leader instead. their engagement with star wars is so superficial and filtered through their reflexive bigotry they don't even notice the story and themes.
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battybiologist · 10 months
James Somerton is a misogynist piece of shit, but the way he speaks about lesbians is an infuriating betrayal of the queer community.
Legally, lesbians were and are treated on the same level of bad as gay men. Gay panic doesn't and has never excluded them, same as convertion therapy, same as anti-sodomy laws, same as police brutality, and many more I could mention.
And socially? Women as a whole are already persecuted, so add homophobia to the mix, and I doubt that'd lead to less discrimination than what gay men suffer from. And that's not even getting into how shittily trans lesbians are treated
But frankly, we all know why he said that. The section where he misgenders Nate Stevenson and Rebecca Sugar and throws them under the bus really says it all: it's because, in his fucked up mind twisted by misogyny, there was more "lesbian representation" in media.
The kind of representation where they're demonized, dehumanized, and erased, where their deaths and hardships are treated shallowly and without a hundredth of the compassion spared for their straight leads, where they're fetishized and objectified for the sole eyes of straight men, sometimes all of the above at the same time.
Fuck this guy.
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fictionkinfessions · 4 days
Everyone who kins a female character from a source where the story or the fandom only focuses on the men, I am buying you candy and hanging out and listening to you talk about yourself for as long as you would like to. Your experiences are still interesting and relevant and you were still a person who mattered, even if the ao3 stats or even the most common kincalls don't reflect that.
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lizardsfromspace · 9 months
A recipe for minutes of fun!!
Find evangelicals discussing how Women Must Be Modest and Not Tempt Men by existing near them
Say "I think instead of making women dress modestly, men who can't stop leering at them should cut out their eyes"
Watch them scream "what the hell, what kind of SICK FUCK would say something like that?"
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sokkastyles · 5 months
zuko stans (especially the z*tara shipper ones) are such cum-guzzling cocksuckers.
if you even slightly criticize his character and suggest he isn't as pure as the fandom makes him out to be, these hoars will have a full-blown meltdown. their male obsession is embarrassing.
the z*tara shippers literally don't give a flying fuck about katara. they just wanna use her as a self-insert for their psychosexual fantasies of choking on zuko's sour, putrid, stinking semen.
that's why their layouts are always zuko and never katara.
what's even more pathetic is when they act like zuko is some feminist icon. like, no, that ugly moid literally had his little sister locked up in a mental hospital, instead of helping her deal with her problems. fuck him.
if he was alive today, zuko would probably be one of those incels/andrew tate stans who schizopost on twt, obsessively browse misogynistic gimmick accounts and complain about women all day.
fuck that ugly, deformed moid.”
I think this confession from the Atla Confessions blog represents you perfect
Do you know what really says feminist icon? Misogynistic slurs.
You are a misogynist and so is the coward running that "confession" blog, but that drama and that blog has been dead for a while. We all know who it is trying to dredge it back up with multiple fake accounts after literally faking their own suicide, though. Good try.
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angorwhosebabyisthis · 6 months
every now and then i remember the time a few years ago, when sdmi fandom first had its revival thanks to netflix, when a wildly popular sdmi blog run by an anti said the words 'perfectly good Black woman' in reference to why you should ship [man you could easily read as white, whose arc she was fridged for] with her instead of [hatesink character whose race is ambiguous due to being a furry, but has a BLISTERINGLY antiblack narrative under a thin layer of fantasy racism, with a fun side of homophobia and holocaust denial the latter of which is directly invoked in the post], which got hundreds of notes, and i grimace my face through the back of my head all over again lmao
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punkeropercyjackson · 6 months
Free my woman,she canonically hates a male character for being a huge asshole but the fandom is convinced she's a tsundere who wants to fix him with her girlhood and thinks it's groundbreaking feminist storytelling and that it's misogynistic to hate it
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abbacchiosbelt · 2 years
M-2 for Johnny Joestar?
CW for yandere content, manipulation, mention of misogynistic behavior, and allusions to violence. 18+ only.
Prompt: “If you leave me now I’ll die. I can’t survive without you.” 
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It hadn't been a mistake to participate in the Steel Ball Run. The money, even outside of first place, would have been life-changing. It had been a mistake, though, to ride alongside Johnny Joestar and Gyro Zeppeli. The two of them attracted trouble like nothing else, and you were forced to become tangled up in their web.
It was you who they turned to after another fight to patch up their wounds. It was you who fielded their fighting and complaining. Despite how much you took care of them, they showed you little respect. Gyro brushed aside your knowledge and would often imply you were the reason for their bad luck... But if you tried to set off on your own, Johnny would beg and plead for you to stay. He'd tell you that Gyro really did appreciate you, and like a fool, you'd believe him. They took advantage of your kindness and used the harsh nature of the race to goad you into staying.
You stayed, then. Convinced yourself that they were right and that their protection was a reward for you taking care of them even though they were perfectly capable of doing it themselves.
You stayed with them and watched Gyro die; watched as Johnny killed Funny Valentine and protected Lucy Steel. You watched, too, as your chance at winning whilst Johnny fought for his life. You don't know why you stayed... you could have taken off in the confusion. Could have potentially placed in the Top 5, but instead, you'd followed Johnny to the end.
You'd followed him home at his request, waiting for him while he returned Gyro to his homeland.
And here you were, 2 months after Johnny had returned. You were standing above your bed, frozen, with your suitcase open in front of you.
Johnny was standing just inside the doorframe, his grip on his cane white-knuckled. His pale, freckled cheeks were flushed pink with frustration, and his lips were downturned into a pout you'd grown very used to.
He'd caught you trying to leave.
"Going somewhere?" Johnny's voice is cold when he speaks. It scared you, honestly, how cool and collected he was when he was angry. You would have liked it more if he had pleaded and cried, but this... This was scary. He takes a step forward, cane tapping against the floor, and you flinch. Johnny scoffs. "Really? Scared a'me?"
You turn to face him, your lips were drawn in a tight line across your face. "No," you lie. "Just startled me. I thought you would be too tired for the cane today." Johnny had been able to regain some strength after the 'miracle' at the end of the race he refused to elaborate about. He'd go until he was tired, though, and you'd encouraged him to use his chair if he needed it. Pride kept him from taking care of himself, and he expected you to keep an eye on him instead.
"Nah." Johnny steps forward until he's directly next to you. Without a word, he sits next to your suitcase on the bed and begins to take what clothes you'd managed to pack out one by one.
His silence unnerves you.
"Johnny, it's not what you think." You start, knowing it was a lie. "I just... I want to see my family. It's been over a year now." You pause, and then continue, hoping to appeal to him. "I need to see them. You get it, right?"
Johnny freezes and slowly turns his head to look at you. "Is that so?" He stares at you and narrows his eyes. "Did you forget? I'm your family now. If you went..." Johnny's expression turns from anger to sorrow. "I'd be all alone again."
"Johnny..." You call his name softly. You knew what he was doing, but you felt powerless to stop it. "I'd come back." Another lie. "It'd just be for a week or so."
It'd be permanent.
Johnny gives you a long, hard look before he stands from the bed. He wraps his arms around your waist and forces you to sit on the bed, stepping in between your legs so he can look down at you. He holds your gaze until you avert your eyes, anxious.
"Look at me." Johnny says. He brings one of his hands up to cup your cheek, calloused fingertips skimming across your skin. There's a look in his eyes now that you can't quite place, and somehow, they look different. "If you leave me now, I'll die. I can't survive without you."
Your stomach drops. Johnny had said many things... but he'd never threatened that. You feel frozen under his touch, his thumb stroking soft lines across your cheek. "I... Johnny..." You struggle with your words, unsure of what to say. What could you say?
"All I need 'ta hear is that you won't leave me." Johhny brings up his other hand so that your face is cupped on both sides. It feels patronizing. "You're not going to go now, right?" Johnny pinches your cheeks and grins. His sudden shift in mood meant that he knew he'd already won. Of course you wouldn't go. How could you, after that?
"I won't leave you." You affirm, leaning away from his touch. Johnny drops his hands from your face and instead sits back on the bed, his body pressed up against yours. His arm comes to wrap around your shoulder, and you're suddenly reminded of the preternatural strength you'd seen from him more than once. A chill runs down your spine. Would he ever hurt you...? You swallow, your throat suddenly dry, and add, "I'm not going to go."
Johnny sighs in contentment, accepting your answer. The arm around you squeezes gently as he leans in to lay his head against your shoulder.
"Glad ya know you're all mine."
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How far must one reach to say that Steph was wrong to beat up her ABUSIVE father because he was being beaten for 10 minutes and was defenseless boo fucking hoo the man did far worse to Steph I'm sure the asshole can handle getting his ass beat for 10 fucking minutes
Just say you hate women and fuck off
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gideonisms · 1 year
because I have gained more followers recently and just had to block a very obvious terf again I would like to emphasize that my personal beliefs are:
All people should have bodily autonomy
This includes the right to fuck with your gender and present how you wish, among many other things
men are not biologically superior or inferior to women, but their place in society is such that they can more often get away with abusing their power, and they frequently do so, as many people with lifelong power over others will be tempted to do
Oh my god I shouldn't have to say this but the reason women in the US are losing their rights isn't because they're losing class consciousness because more people are coming out as nonbinary
and it's bogus to expect you can change society by just making sure women never date or interact with men and they all dress the way you want and no one ever transes their gender. talking points from a christian homeschool convention in 2005.
I try to keep this blog a fun light-hearted place to talk about books I enjoy and vent about personal situations that basically don't matter. which is why I don't get into this stuff a lot. but if any of the above beliefs is a real sticking point for you then we will most likely find ourselves at odds and I don't see what value you could gain from following
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fictionkinfessions · 4 months
Sorry yeah I'm back another thing came to me for canon squicks. The bi erasure goes crazy, honestly. I once saw someone say that they didn't feel right pairing me with women and I just. HUH? And then I saw people agreeing with it???
Like I guess it isn't technically wrong because I'm attracted to men and women in-source but what do you mean you don't want me shipped with women???? You don't... want me to be bisexual??? What's wrong with being bi?? #⛓️🥃
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dogboyboyshorts · 1 year
i think the foundational problem that the transandrophobia crowd cant get past is that transphobes literally dont see us as men. they dont. they dont hate us because of our “manhood” they hate us because we dont conform to the gender binary. 
like yes transphobes dont see trans women as women either, but the way that transphobia affects them is by abusing them for not conforming to standards of female desirability, ie their bodies make them “disgusting” and “unfit for society”, so in the transphobe’s eyes the only other option trans women have available is to be perverts; which is nearly identical to how garden variety misogynists treat cis women (if they’re ugly, they’re a whore, etc). transphobia against trans men doesnt harken back to a wider societal ill against their gender the way transmisogyny does. we aren’t abused for being men, we’re abused for trans men. and since society doesn’t hate men, then, well, we’re really just experiencing transphobia. 
it seems like such a simple equation to me. like if a trans man were cis, he wouldn’t experience any bigotry for being a man. he may get hit with homophobia/toxic masculinity, sure, but his being a man isn’t something society is out to get him for, it would be his “inadequacy” at being one. if a trans woman were cis, she would still experience bigotry for being a woman. because society views women as less than men. NOT THAT DIFFICULT TO UNDERSTAND!
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ladyloveandjustice · 1 year
So my partner was mentioning an anime where Jack the Ripper kills women who've had abortions and says she thinks it was Soul Eater and I was like "what no I would have remembered if Soul Eater did that. Like that plotline sounds too trashy for Soul Eater to have done, especially the anime". Looking it up, Maka and Soul did fight a monster called Jack the Ripper in the first episode, as their brief introductory fight that lasted three minutes, but it was just a monster that was killing random women and eating souls to get more powerful, not anything about abortions.
so then I googled 'anime jack the ripper kills women abortions' (and I hate that I was made to google that) and it's....Black Butler. Of course it is.
And she's a woman who was doing it because she was baby-crazy and jealous of sex workers for 'throwing away their babies'. Sounds about right for that anime.
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sokkastyles · 11 months
Do you think Toph was jealous (that might be a strong word) of Katara natural femininity And how easy being girly was for katara? It’s just that when they argue they do project some of their own insecurities onto each so it got me wondering. Maybe katara was jealous of toph toughness idk?? Thought?
Oh, absolutely. I don't think that's interpretation so much as textual fact.
I see a lot of discussions of this that take one side or the other, but I think Toph and Katara's relationship is a great portrayal of how gender expectations harm girls in multiple ways, and also can turn them against each other, and people who only take Katara's side or Toph's are missing the point.
Toph is jealous of Katara's natural femininity, and that has to do with why she disdains it, but not because she's a misogynist or she hates girls or whatever, but because those are expectations her parents tried to force on her. A lot of what it is popular on the internet to label as "not like other girls" behavior, in a way that implies that being NLOG is a bad thing, are girls who are rebelling against forced gender expectations. Toph is both an abuse victim and a disabled girl whose disability was used in conjunction both to force her to fit a certain gender standard and keep her dependant on parents who were emotionally abusive, and to reinforce how the nature of her disability meant that she would never fit certain gendered standards. I've written about this before, how Toph can't be totally comfortable with makeup because even when she enjoys getting made up and looking pretty, other people can look at her and know that she didn't do it herself, like the girls in the episode who make fun of her for it. Toph enjoys looking pretty but she also has no control over what she looks like and can't even see it for herself, so that also clashes with her trauma over needing to be independent and distance herself from what her parents wanted her to be, a girl who sits still and looks pretty and is there for other people to look at. Makeup as empowerment is all well and good, but it doesn't work that way for people who have certain disabilities, and there is a lot of ableism in makeup culture. Eyeliner that's perfectly on point isn't always possible for women who have vision problems or neurodivergence, and women who wear makeup are supposed to look perfect but make it look effortless at the same time, and that is naturally going to exclude a lot of people, especially disabled people. The show illustrates that beautifully without condemning one way to be a girl or the other.
At the same time, Katara is jealous of Toph for the way she gets to be "one of the boys," and gets respect from Sokka and Aang in ways that she doesn't. See her anxiety over everyone thinking she is no fun and acts like a mom. Katara is a nurturing person and that's one of her stengths, but she also is a kid who wants to have fun, too. And just because being the "mom friend" is natural for her doesn't mean it isn't hard on her. Just because Katara seems to fit gender expectations a little easier than Toph doesn't mean she doesn't feel the weight of those expectations, and even women who fit gender expectations also get derided for them, because patriarchy both tells women they need to be a certain way and then hates them for it. See Sokka making fun of Katara for sewing but absolutely expecting her to mend his pants. I think Katara also thinks that Toph should be on her side, as a fellow girl. Katara is so starved for female companionship and resents it when it appears that Toph is siding against her, because she's feeling the weight of those expectations. And Toph doesn't always understand that, and thinks Katara's attempts to bond with her are trying to force gender expectations on her in the way her parents did.
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