kropotkindersurprise · 6 months
On April 8 we celebrate the death of Margaret Thatcher, and remember all the lives she destroyed.
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mysharona1987 · 4 months
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animentality · 6 months
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odinsblog · 2 months
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👉🏿 https://amp.theguardian.com/technology/article/2024/jul/15/elon-musk-trump-super-pac
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politijohn · 3 months
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quasi-normalcy · 4 months
When I say "We didn't used to call it 'neoliberalism' when I was a kid, it was just common sense", understand that I'm not saying "Neoliberalism is good and I miss the pre-lapsarian days of youth when people just accepted self-evident 'truths' about the efficiency of the private sector," or whatever; I'm saying "'Common sense' is hegemonic and informed by the interests of power, and the fact that huge numbers of people are even in a position to question neoliberalism now means that capital's grip on power has actually weakened considerably since the 1990s and that's good."
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PSA baby leftists:
"Scratch a liberal and a fascist bleeds" was a Black Panther slogan for a reason.
The Crooked politicians in the government are working with the Negro civil rights leaders, but not to solve the race problem. The greedy politicians who run this government give lip-service to the civil rights struggle only to further their own selfish interests. And their main interest as politicians is to stay in power. In this deceitful American game of power politics, the Negroes (i.e., the race problem, the integration and civil rights issues) are nothing but tools, used by one group of whites called Liberals against another group of whites called Conservatives, either to get into power or to remain in power. Among whites here in America, the political teams are no longer divided into Democrats and Republicans. The whites who are now struggling for control of the American political throne are divided into "liberal" and "conservative" camps. The white liberals from both parties cross party lines to work together toward the same goal, and white conservatives from both parties do likewise. The white liberal differs from the white conservative only in one way: the liberal is more deceitful than the conservative. The liberal is more hypocritical than the conservative. Both want power, but the white liberal is the one who has perfected the art of posing as the Negro's friend and benefactor; and by winning the friendship, allegiance, and support of the Negro, the white liberal is able to use the Negro as a pawn or tool in this political "football game" that is constantly raging between the white liberals and white conservatives. Politically the American Negro is nothing but a football and the white liberals control this mentally dead ball through tricks of tokenism: false promises of integration and civil rights. In this profitable game of deceiving and exploiting the political politician of the American Negro, those white liberals have the willing cooperation of the Negro civil rights leaders. These "leaders" sell out our people for just a few crumbs of token recognition and token gains. These "leaders" are satisfied with token victories and token progress because they themselves are nothing but token leaders.
-Malcolm X
The conservative, who does not dispute the validity of revolutions deeply buried in history, invokes visions of impending anarchy in order to legitimize his demand for absolute obedience. Law and order, with the major emphasis on order, is his watchword. The liberal articulates his sensitiveness to certain of society's intolerable details, but will almost never prescribe methods of resistance which exceed the limits of legality - redress through electoral channels is the liberal's panacea.
- Angela Davis, If They Come in the Morning: Voices of Resistance
Since I know liberals like him so much:
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"But Weber’s argument was carefully grounded in history. Price controls, she argued, had been an essential element of the U.S. mobilization strategy during the Second World War. And there were several striking similarities between the economy of the nineteen-forties and that of the present day, including very high consumer demand for goods, record corporate profits, and production bottlenecks in important areas. Back then, the Office of Price Administration simply prohibited companies from raising prices above certain levels. Violators could be sued, or worse. In 1944, Montgomery Ward, the department-store chain, refused to accept the terms of a collective-bargaining agreement—a cap on the price of labor—brokered by the government. President Roosevelt ordered the National Guard to seize the business and remove Sewell Avery, its chairman, from its headquarters." (source)
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whereserpentswalk · 11 months
Imagine what neoliberal propaganda articles look like in various evil empires.
"Women in Sauron's army. How female orcs have helped create a more inclusive global conquest." - The Mordor Examiner
"How the death star program is revitalizing the galactic economy." - The Coruscant Times
"Despite progressive cries to "Free Arrakis" situation with House Harkonnen more complicated then most people think." - The Corrino Fund
"How the anti imperial rabbit hole can easily lead to people to pro choas views." - Ultramar Today
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As more Canadians find themselves struggling to afford or find housing, the country's smallest province is the only one that can point to legislation recognizing housing as a human right.
The Canadian Press asked every province whether it agreed with the federal housing advocate that shelter is a human right, and if it intends to introduce legislation upholding that right.
Most did not answer the questions directly and responded with a laundry list of initiatives launched to address the housing crises brewing in their jurisdictions.
In Quebec, the government's lack of interest in addressing the question was revealed in an errant email sent to a reporter.
When prodded for a response one week after an initial request, a spokesperson for Quebec's housing minister mistakenly sent a reply intended for a government colleague.
"Do I ghost her again?" she wrote Thursday. "Otherwise, a general response that doesn't answer, to say housing is a priority for our government?" By Friday afternoon, Quebec had not provided a response. [...]
Continue Reading.
Tagging: @newsfromstolenland, @vague-humanoid
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elierlick · 9 months
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There are actually only 2 types of transsexuals.
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fursasaida · 22 days
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1. next time somebody wants to make fun of Foucault for saying schools are prisons just know this thread is full of teachers saying this sounds so great, they do the same kind of work and love it, or they "always wanted to work in a correctional facility" and will look into this line of work
2. slightly more sympathetically, this is a demonstration of the abolitionist argument that in a neoliberal carceral society, prisons become the only government institution that the state is willing to direct resources to, and so what should be generalized social service programs like mental health treatment or continuing education get hung on its framework like ornaments on a christmas tree. this is how you get proposals for new prisons that include things like community meeting rooms in the building, because no one will find a community center but they will fund "amenity designed to sell a prison to a community." that is 100% a big part of what these teachers are responding to: having actual resources and a system that doesn't expect them to be an entire family, community, supply closet, and institution in one human body. but like, how is your response "prison school rules!" rather than "hold the fuck up"
(of course there's some talk about learning about how the other half lives and not being so quick to judge etc etc but. come on)
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mysharona1987 · 2 months
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animentality · 2 years
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odinsblog · 5 months
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“The great enemy of justice are those moderates who feign outrage at societal injustice, but whose outrage conveniently disappears when real change threatens their status. These moderates are more comfortable leaving unchallenged the assumed moral authority of certain institutions, traditions and practices that are the purveyors of injustice rather than confronting their own role in maintaining these institutions. The hard truth is that the comfort of the status quo is always preferable to pursuing the demands of justice.”
Despite what moderates (centrists, neoliberals, etc.)—who are more devoted to order than justice—might be saying, there should be no doubt that Martin Luther King, Jr. would be on the side of the student protesters who are standing up for Palestine 🇵🇸
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politijohn · 5 days
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