divorcedwife · 2 days
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BUNNY misses her old friends
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potatoebrain · 2 days
The White Bread Recipe for planning yet another generic disability event
So you and your organization (school, university, place of employment, etc.) want to plan a generic disability support event? Wonderful! Make sure to follow the steps below for ensuring that it is as generic and undisruptive to systems of power as possible:
Start with an opening presentation of an extremely long PowerPoint which covers all of the essentials that you can then ignore for the rest of the event. You've probably heard words like ableism, intersectionality, equity, justice, maybe even colonialism or the 10 principles of disability justice? Design your slideshow like a checklist, making sure you define each of those terms, underscore their importance, and then move on from them for the rest of the event. Talking about neurodiversity later on, for instance? Make absolutely sure you do not return to intersectionality here, for instance.
Make sure to emphasize: Everyone is equal and faces equal oppression. Avoid by any means necessary talking about how conditions of oppression and injustice marginalize Black or trans disabled people while often privileging White disabled people within those same systems or institutions.
Remember: this is the one space where White people get to be the oppressed.
Under no circumstances may you ever mention or discuss principle 2 of disability justice - leadership of most impacted.
Make sure every presenter is a cis White woman. (A White cis man as keynote is the only exception here.)
Something something medical model always bad diagnosis bad.
Application should solely focus on individual responsibilities like joining next year's generic disability event (exactly the same as the first), or developing inclusive language. Inclusive language should be highly watered down and make sure to contradict the language severely disabled people use about themselves.
Have you followed each step above in planning your generic disability event? Congratulations! You get a gold star for DEI and can now return to your day job until the next annual generic disability event.
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shxttherapy · 2 days
People who defend Israel l love to play the Holocaust card to prove why they’re “right”.
It’s funny how they don’t seem so see the similarities in what they are doing to the Palestinians and what the Nazi’s did to Jews…
How about we take a little read about what the Nazi Regime did to the Poles. Sounds an awfully lot like what Israel is doing to the rightful citizens of the COUNTRY, Palestine.
Can you find any differences between Nazi’s v Poland and IDF v Palestine? No? That’s because what Netanyahu is doing to innocent people, is EXACTLY what the Nazi regime did. Don’t cry for sympathy, when you’re taking a page out of the book, of the people you’re using to excuse your behaviour.
This isn’t just re-writing history, it’s plagiarism. Copying every single thing the Nazi’s did. People against you, trying to fight for the real victims… attack them. When you single out minorities and control every aspect of their lives, you are not a victim.
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comparativetarot · 3 days
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Justice. Art by Klaus Piechocki, from The Hierophanies Tarot.
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one-time-i-dreamt · 8 months
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On May 19 Sgt. Michael Kunovich deemed him suspicious while outside the Super 8 motel parking lot. Aguilar Mendez was sitting down eating but started to walk away when the officer approached in his patrol vehicle. Kunovich began to question him, but Aguilar Mendez couldn't understand him or communicate well and repeated that he was sorry. That's when Kunovich decided to search him, and Aguilar Mendez resisted. Two other deputies arrived to assist in taking the 5-foot-4, 115-pound teen to the ground as Kunovich repeatedly stunned him with his taser, all seen on body-worn camera video. Aguilar Mendez can be heard screaming for his family and is seen trying to gain control of the taser as the officers note in the video. Toward the end of the 6-minute scuffle, the deputies saw that their handcuffed suspect had a small folding knife and disarmed him. Kunovich collapsed a short time later in medical distress and died at the hospital, the Sheriff's Office said. Aguilar Mendez, who came here from Guatemala, was staying with other farmworkers at the hotel. He is being detained without bail, which is the subject of another hearing as yet to be decided. (source)
I'm going to need you all to start spreading awareness about this case and sign the petition. I'm a 5'4 woman and I weigh more than him. He's only 18, indigenous and doesn't understand English nor Spanish really. I can't imagine how confused and scared he was. Tased 6 times and apologizing repeatedly and calling out for his family... he is not responsible for the police officer's death. The fact he's been held for 8 months without bail is disgusting.
Virgilio looks so small, sad and defeated in all of the images I've seen of him.
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c1nnam00n · 6 months
how it feels trying to find a fanfic/imagine about a fandom that’s dead and dry
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agentfascinateur · 7 months
A reminder about Palestine:
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Firstly, the existence of the country of Palestine was never in question. And secondly, as per the UK's own words in the oft-referred to "foundational" "Balfour Declaration":
Plain as day.
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goldyke · 1 year
Ok but like actually DNI if you support the death penalty. Yes there are people who deserve to die for their crimes. No there isn’t a court in existence that should be given the power to decide who those people are
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fernandamaya · 6 months
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One of the Fortune Cards recently commissioned Thank you Aurora for allowing me to share ♥
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Rather proud of the post I made for JVP Boston for Holocaust Remembrance Day!
Antizionist Jewish Shoah survivors have always been some of my heroes.
And every one of them has been attacked and discredited by Zionists.
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epellucid · 1 year
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beauty-funny-trippy · 5 months
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shadows-spire · 13 days
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Anders and Justice ⚖️
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blondietauren · 1 month
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sunbeamedskies · 4 months
“Noa Argamani was treated well!”
She was kept as a hostage slave in a wealthy family’s apartment, forced to clean it whenever they knocked without warning, for EIGHT MONTHS. Just because they fed her does not mean she wasn’t a hostage and a slave. Her mother also has terminal cancer and was afraid she was never going to see her again.
If you start justifying human rights abuses against women, Jews, and Asians (she is half Chinese) because they are Israeli, you were never against antisemitism, misogyny, or wanted to stop Asian hate.
You can support both Palestinian and Israeli civilian lives.
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cosmic-wonders-series · 3 months
If I was able to develop games,
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Boy would I make a spiritual successor to Valkyrie Profile’s combat
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