#pandora walks in on him once and he’s like WHAT. YOU SAW NOTHING. NO YOURE WEIRD!!!!!!!!
foursaints · 9 months
barty's inscrutability is so funny just because its like. he's winning the repression olympics without even realizing by wrapping his true self away in endless untraversable turns like a conch shell. having a situationship with him is like volunteering to lock yourself in the torture labyrinth bro you are never making it out of there!! you will spend years trying to unravel his feelings and get absolutely nowhere but still constantly feel like you’re on the verge of getting there!!! (reg lived this #survivor)
but just imagine finally meeting the ONE (1) person who has ever managed to lock barty down. and it’s this tiny utterly demented blonde who dresses in lumpy estate sale cardigans and always smells a little bit like formaldehyde and mothballs and the inside of a hearse. he has the thousand-yard-stare and pop culture references of a feral child raised by coyotes because he didn’t have a single interaction with someone his own age (besides his equally strange sister) until he was like 17. he’ll cut you with zero hesitation 🔪. he's the most autistic person youve ever met in your entire life and whenever Notoriously Unattainable™️ Barty Crouch looks at him he’s like please evan let me lay down to be the ground under your feet so you never have to touch the earth again only me forever PLEASE
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ellecdc · 9 days
Hey elle!! ABSOLUTELY LOVED the grumpy x sunshine with Reggie
But what if McLaggen fucks up so bad that not only do people realise that our sunshine has a whole new side of her just to protect her bf
I mean, the happiest people ARE one of the most terrifying when angry🤷‍♀️
Hope you have a great day/night!! Drink lots of water and stay healthy!!
there's nothing like the moment when the sunshine character snaps, you're so right. thanks for your request!
Regulus Black x Lupin!reader who defends his honour [1.2k words]
p1 // p2
CW: fighting/violence, reader breaks McLaggen's nose, Reg thinks it's kind of hot, Sirius is a proud brother(in-law) and Remus is an exhausted (and secretly proud) big brother
Regulus Black wore a tight fitted mask from the moment he woke up most mornings to the second he went to bed, and generally, that mask fell for no one.
There were some instances that the mask would slip for Sirius, and it fell far more frequently for you, but generally, the mask was air tight.
And to the untrained eye, most people weren’t even aware that there was a mask being worn, but Sirius knew better - Sirius could see the signs.
Which is why when Regulus’ steps faltered ever so slightly as McLaggen leaned over to sneer something into his ear before his jaw clenched and he continued marching forward, Sirius was quick to blurt “what did he say?” once Regulus had made it to where he, Remus, and you were standing in the Central Hall. 
You stopped in your excited ramblings to cut a look to Regulus immediately - expression falling in a way that would be comical if it didn’t look so foreign on your face - asking “who” before he’d even had a chance to answer his brother.
“Nothing.” Regulus grumbled, standing tall and looking just past Sirius’ shoulder; though he couldn’t help but notice Regulus positioning his body directly between Sirius and McLaggen, whilst keeping his arm protectively behind you.
“What did who say?” You asked again looking between the Black brothers when your own didn’t seem to have the answer either.
“McLaggen.” Sirius said, never looking away from his brother who refused to make eye contact with him as he gestured to the sod with his chin . “He just said something to you as you were walking over here and now you’ve got that look on your face.”
“There’s no look on my face.” Regulus spat quickly. “This is just my face.”
“Did he say something to upset you?” You asked softly, and Sirius watched as Regulus’ shoulders fell slightly and he seemed to look at you apologetically.
“No, amour, it’s fine.”
“No it’s not fine, he’s lying.” Sirius accused, causing Remus to groan as he pulled on Sirius’ shirt sleeve, translating roughly to  ‘knock it off’. 
“What did he say about you?” You demanded then, and any signs of the bright, bubbly, effervescent girl you’d been mere moments ago as you excitedly explained the progress you and Pandora had made with the bowtruckles to your brother and his boyfriend were completely gone and overshadowed with worry.
Regulus seemed just as desperate to relieve you of that worry as Sirius was to never see it again. 
“He didn’t say anything about me.”
“About me?” You asked quietly.
“No, amour.”
“No one could possibly find anything bad to say about you, bubs.” Remus complained with a fond eye roll. 
“What’d he say about me, then?” Sirius questioned, causing three sets of eyes to point at Regulus in anticipation.
Regulus sighed and rolled his eyes - very un-Black and aristocratic of him, if you asked Sirius - and spared a look at McLaggen over his shoulder.
“Do you promise not to overreact if I tell you?”
“Absolutely.” Sirius agreed readily - though he knew damn well that what constituted a reasonable reaction was very different to Regulus than it was to himself. 
“He said our parents ought to throw me out like trash as they had with you.” He muttered quietly, and Sirius saw red.
But unfortunately, both Remus and Regulus had been so (correctly) prepared to grab Sirius by the back of the shirt and the arm respectively that he had no chance at enacting his very reasonable reaction to that news. 
Rather fortunately, however, is that both Remus and Regulus had been so prepared in stopping Sirius from storming over to McLaggen to correctly-react to that news, that neither of them even realised you’d gone storming over instead until your fist connected with McLaggen’s nose. 
“What the fuck!?” McLaggen hissed as he cradled his nose protectively with one hand and grabbed you by the arm with the other, though all that managed to do was limit your assault on him to one hand rather than two. 
“You’re a pathetic pile of shite McLaggen!” You screeched as your brother hauled you off of McLaggen (though Sirius was happy to note you got a few more good swings at him before), neither Black brother having realised Remus had left their sides as they both stood there staring at the spectacle dumbly. “Mummy and daddy told you it wasn’t your fault that they split but it is because she should have fucking swallowed you when she had the chance!” 
“Christ, bubs, stop it.” Remus hissed as he wrestled you over to Sirius and Regulus; the latter seeming to be brought back to reality now that you were standing in front of him.
Though, standing was a generous term, seeing as you were still being held captive by your brother as you tried to find a way out of his hold.
“Merlin’s tits, Y/N.” Regulus breathed out in disbelief, and only then did you stop fighting Remus and turned to look at your boyfriend. “What did you do?”
You seemed startled for a moment; eyes darting frantically over Regulus’ face as if looking for any signs of anger or disapproval. 
“You hit him.”
Your face broke out into a beaming smile as your usual bubbling energy vibrated through you and you stood on your toes in front of him. “Did you see that, Reg?” You asked, almost like you couldn’t believe it yourself. “I beat him up!”
A surprised laugh bubbled out of Regulus that surprised both Sirius and Remus just as much as your violent outburst had as he pulled you closer to him by your chin. 
“Did you just defend my honour, amour?”
“I’d rather say she was defending my honour, Reg.” Sirius argued. “You’ve got a wicked right hook, Trouble! Who knew!?”
“I did!” Remus nearly shrilled then. “I’ve been telling you all this; she’s been practising on me for years!”
“It’s not practising on you when you’re the one who taught me, Rem.” You countered as sternly as you could muster, but Sirius could still see that dimple near the corner of your mouth giving away the fact that you were trying really hard not to smile.
And by the way Regulus drew a gentle finger along the side of your face, he knew Regulus could see it too.
“What’s the damage on your hands, hm?” Regulus asked then.
“We’ve got a stash of wraps in our dorm for Moons that you can use.” Sirius added, pausing when Remus made a tentative sound.
“Perhaps we should get out of here before McGonagall starts asking what happened to McLaggen’s face though, yeah?” He muttered as the deputy headmistress came sweeping into the central hall. 
“They’ll never believe it was Y/N.” Sirius scoffed, causing Remus and Regulus to shoot him unimpressed glares.
“Exactly.” They said in unison before Regulus continued. “You’ll end up taking the blame for it.”
Sirius blanched at that. 
“Hey, didn’t she say that you’d be scrubbing toilets with a toothbrush until you’re fifty if you got one more infraction?”
Your question was met with silence, though, as Sirius was nearly half way up to Gryffindor tower before you turned back to look at him.
“Seeing as I’m the next most likely suspect, we should probably go too.” Remus announced, and the rest of you made like Sirius and quickly left the scene of the crime.
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strongheartneteyam · 9 months
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A New Beginning.
Pairing: Neteyam Sully x female!human!reader/female!avatar!reader
cw: lots of fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, slightly sexual language, kissing, hugging, tsaheylu is mentioned, TRIGGER WARNING for brief talk of death (of Reader's human body), Jake and Neytiri being the best in-laws ever
@anika-rose-walker Here's your request after ages lol I'm so sorry, boo 😅
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I changed the plot from what you asked a little bit (Neteyam and Reader are already together, instead of confessing to each other throughout the story) bc I had already written the beginning of it when I went back and read the rest of your request lol I hope you don't mind. I love you sm and I hope you like it, my lovely Kayla 💕
PS: in this story, going through a transference of consciousness from a human body to an Avatar is not as dangerous as it used to be because it has been done many times before. I have no idea if it makes sense but pls just go with it for the sake of it being easier to write 🥲 my wrist hurts so bad 
na'vi words: tsaheylu (neural bond that the na'vi make with their mate), yawne (beloved), yawntu (loved one), paskalin (sweet berry), muntxate (female mate), muntxatan (male mate), oeyä (my, mine), sevin (pretty), tawtute (human)
Not proofread. Sorry if some parts are a bit off but I can't fix it rn lol
The suns of Pandora were shining bright in the sky that day but nothing was brighter than your smile. You were overcome with happiness as what you had been anticipating for so long was finally gonna happen: you were getting your own Avatar, a body that would let you experience Pandora without that damn oxygen mask that held you back, not letting you breathe the fresh air and worse, not letting you kiss your na'vi boyfriend Neteyam unless you two were inside the lab. You were the daughter of one of the best scientists of the laboratory so you always spent a lot of your time there, but Neteyam was a busy young man and he couldn't visit you at the lab everyday which sucked. You were so addicted to him that spending even a single day without feeling his plump blue lips on yours, his soft and wet tongue lapping and sucking on your tongue felt like a kick in the stomach. You truly felt lovesick whenever it happened. Talk about a strong love and being needy for someone.
You were walking through the Omatikaya mainland, where all the people's huts were, and looking for your boyfriend. You hadn't told him you were gonna get an Avatar. You wanted it to be a surprise. Your brain could not comprehend that you would finally be able to make tsaheylu with Neteyam. Tsaheylu, man! Imagining being able to feel his affection for you through the bond, his need and desire, feel the pleasure he was feeling as the two of you mate… that felt otherworldly and so incredibly exciting. It's a connection beyond what your human brain could comprehend, honestly. Only your na'vi brain would be able to fully understand it.
Neteyam ended up finding you before you could find him. There was a sea of tall blue aliens around.
“Sevin tawtute!” He called out to you loudly, his voice excited 
When your ears heard that beautiful voice and your eyes saw his large figure, you ran to his arms and held him tight, your head only reaching his waist, so much taller he was than your human frame. You wondered the height difference you two would have once you were Dreamwalking.
“Oooh! I'm glad you're this happy to see me, muntxate!” Neteyam put his big hands on your head and pet your hair softly.
“Teyam, I got something wonderful to tell you!” You looked at him, as happy as a kid who just got a gift they'd been waiting for ages to get
Neteyam got down on his knees to cut your height difference almost in half.
“What is it?” He smiled, his fangs charmingly touching his lower lip
“My father just told me earlier today that my Avatar is ready.” Your eyes shone like stars in a dark night sky 
“Your what?!” His striped blue face betrayed his surprise
Neteyam's heart started beating fast. Was his yawne truly telling you what he thought she was?
“Are you serious, princess? Why didn't you tell me about it? My Eywa…” he chuckled, still incredulous 
“I wanted it to be a surprise! I wanted to see this beautiful surprised look on your face, muntxatan.” You look so cute. I love you so much.” Your eyes started to water
Neteyam smiled even wider. He took your oxygen mask off and quickly used both his large hands to grab your face and crushed his lips against yours, before putting it back on again.
You opened your eyes and your vision seemed to be better as you tried to get used to the bright white artificial lights of the Avatar first testing room in the lab.
“How are you feeling, (y/n)?” Your hearing was surely much sharper as you heard those words coming from a nurse's lips in a much louder volume than you would in your human body. 
You moved your fingers and raised your hands up next to your face so you could look at them. Your fingers were blue and your wrist had some bioluminescent freckles on it. God, your skin looked much more beautiful now than it did in your human body. You were afraid you were already liking this body much more than your original one.
Your focus was so much on your new experience in your Avatar that you forgot to answer Julia's - the nurse - question.
“Can you hear me, (y/n)?” You got out of your trance and finally looked at her 
“Yes. Yes, I can! Really well, by the way.” You smiled at her. Your fangs touching your lip was a new sensation, a really cool one.
After the scientists and nurses ran some tests with you on your new Avatar, you finally were able to change from your hospital like clothes and went out of that cold room wearing some dark jeans shorts and a simple white sleeveless shirt made of a cotton like material.
You saw Neteyam sitting in one of the brown sofas in the next room. His beautiful face looked tense.
All his tension faded away as soon as he saw you. His pretty yellow eyes shone as he took your appearance in. Neteyam didn't think he could ever fall even deeper in love with you but that had just happened.
“Oeyä muntxate… you look breathtaking. Oeyä sevin yawne…” he walked slowly towards you, still enchanted by the sight of your Avatar body
Neteyam held you by your waist, bring you close to him and gave you the most tender of kisses. You kissed him back, your lips almost trembling with happiness and affection. Neteyam tasted your mouth, his tongue licking not only your tongue but your fangs too, exploring your new na'vi body. He loved how similar you were to him now just as much as he loved the differences between the both of you when you were in your human form.
Some weeks passed and you had never been more happy. A short period of time lived being able to Dreamwalk and kiss Neteyam in the woods, on the Sully's hut and in any other place you wished to brought you much more joy than all the years you lived before.
You and Neteyam were standing in front of the lab. You two were about to say goodbye and you would wake up in your human body. But there was a feeling inside of you that you had been haunted by for some time now and it was getting harder and harder to fight it. You finally spilled it out.
“I think I wanna leave my human life behind and become one of the people. If they will have me. If you will have me…” somehow you felt insecure, as if you forgot how happy Neteyam got whenever you were by his side
Surprise was all over his face.
“Are you sure of what you're saying?”
“Yes, I am. I've never been more sure of anything in my life. I know it seems sudden… I'm tired of being human… I'd much rather be your mate and learn archery, learn to cook na'vi recipes, worship Eywa, participate in the sacred rituals, run free in the woods instead of worrying about human social rules, live among artificial lights, eat junk food - don't get me wrong, you know I love some good hamburgers” Neteyam laughed at your remark “but fresh hunted meat, seasoned with herbs and wild spices tastes much better. Also…” You looked into his large feline eyes “I wanna spend more time with you, I wanna live in our own hut… I wanna be always by your side, my Teyam. I hope you don't find me too needy.”
“Of course not, yawntu. The more you need me, the better ‘cause I need you too. So much.”
He stole a happy smile from you with those words.
“And, yawne… How could you ever doubt if I will have you be na'vi and always be with me, live in our own hut? Darling, that's all I've ever wanted. Only Eywa knows how many nights I've talked to her, wishing that it could happen one day.” His voice was full of heartfelt truth
You breathed out, relieved.
“We can talk to my dad about it. He's been through it himself before, I'm sure he can be of great help.”
You nodded and smiled “Okay.”
After Neteyam took you to talk to the Olo'eyktan of the Omatikaya tribe, his dad Jake, his tired face lit up and he smiled, showing no teeth or fangs at first.
“You sure of it, kid? It's a big deal. Your human body is gonna die and that can be really traumatizing to your head."
“I know, Mr Sully. I've thought about that. I can deal with it if it means getting to live as one of the people forever.” You said sternly 
“You're also gonna make a big commitment by becoming na'vi. You're gonna have to learn to use weapons, to hunt, to be fearless. You're gonna have to prove yourself worthy and go through your Ikinimaya before being truly considered one of the people. Are you up for it?” He looked like a mix of a father giving some life lessons to his kids, like a military chief of some kind and like a fierce leader. All three were indeed a part of him.
“Yes. I will do my best to prove myself worthy of becoming na'vi.”
Neteyam watched the two of you, some tension inside of him, as he felt like maybe his father was being too harsh on you, but he also knew he was doing what he had to as the Olo'eyktan and as someone who had once made the same decision you were making now and knew very well what he was talking about.
“Then you have all my support!” Jake finally smiled wide and opened his arms towards you “give me a hug, kid.”
You gladly walked until you got to where he was squatting - not that far from where you were sitting cross legged before - and hugged your father-in-law.
Neteyam smiled too.
“Thank you, Dad.”
When it came the time to talk to Neytiri, things went smoother than you had imagined. It seemed like a dream, in all honesty.
“You do whatever your heart tells you to do, paskalin.” Neytiri smiled at you “I believe Eywa herself chooses every human who decides to become one of the people. How could you say “no” to a request coming from the Great Mother?”
Your brain could not come up with words to describe how happy and relieved those words coming from your mother-in-law made you.
Talking to your dad broke your heart a little. Your mother had died and you were his only family now.
“I just don't wanna lose my little girl.” Your dad was now sniffing. You felt bad as you never saw him cry.
“I'm not leaving you, Dad! I'm gonna visit you all the time! You're always gonna be my Dad. And you can always visit me when you have some free time, too.” You tried to comfort him by holding his hand as the both of you sit in your bed, in your bedroom
“I know. It's just not gonna be the same. And I'm gonna miss your beautiful human body. I'm gonna miss the girl I've raised since she was a little child.” You felt a stab in your heart. You honestly had not thought how much of a shock it would be to your dad to see your human body die. You felt a little selfish.
“She's still gonna be here.” You touched the place where your heart was, inside your chest “My soul will not change. I'm still gonna be me.” You looked into his eyes, trying to convince him of that
“I know. I just want you to be happy and if that's how you're gonna find your true happiness, I'd never try to be on your away.”
“Thank you, dad. I love you.” You hugged him and he felt a little better
You eventually broke the hug.
“I want you to come to my transferring of consciousness ceremony. Can you try and find some time on your busy scientist schedule to come and see your daughter wake up in her new body?”
“I wouldn't miss it for the world!” He gave you a supportive smile
The next step would be your transferring of consciousness ceremony. Mo'at seemed utterly happy to perform it. She wasn't that affectionate but you could read her feelings in her big amber eyes.
That night you slept in peace, knowing that the next time you would go to sleep again, you would be in your then permanent na'vi body and inside Neteyam's arms, your mate, the love of your life, probably making tsaheylu, as connected as you two could ever be. As one.
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druigsfavwitch · 2 years
My Mate- Neteyam te Suli Tsyeyk’itan x Reader
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Word Count: roughly 1432
Summary: After the sky people return and Quaritch decides to mess with the wrong man and his mate
Warning: just like 3 cuss words 💁🏻‍♀️
The one thing the na’vi really hated was the sky people. They came in their world and tried to do ewya knows what. They killed multiple of the na’vi and the creatures of pandora. To be honest, Jake was embarrassed that he used to be one of them. But, he had changed. He saw the world through Neytiri’s eyes. He saw pandora for what she really was and he loved her. 
After Jake and Neytiri had their children, they did have the lingering worry of ‘what if’. They knew the sky people would return eventually. It was bound to happen. They just didn’t realize that their war with Quaritch wasn’t over. Not yet, anyways
They had so many blissful years of peace, minus Lo’ak getting into trouble every other day. It was peaceful. They had their family. Pandora was calm, safe, beautiful. How it should always be
Neteyam loved a lot of things about pandora. His family. Ewya. Pandora. His clan. You. You and Neteyam had been friends since your early years. He was there for you and you for him. He was there for you when your parents got killed by the sky people. You were there for him after Jakes daily rant. You guys were in love. Completely in love. So in love, the future Olo’eyktan took you to the same place parents mated at the day you turned 18. An act of love under the eye of Ewya.
It was only a few months after you had mated officially that Quaritch attacked. You had been drug along with Lo’ak, Kiri, Tuk and Spider. Quaritch was confused at who you were at first. Let’s be honest, he’s probably still confused. A random girl with the sully kids? Easy prey though. Jake and Neytiri eventually came and saved the day. Neteyam was there too but he was mainly forced to grab you guys as Neytiri and Jake fought the bad guys. He held you extra close that night.
Then, Jake made you all move. For the family. His family. The journey was long but it was worth it when you all arrived. The Metkayina we’rent welcoming at first but nothing that a little learning couldn’t fix. You learned faster then the other sully’s. They could have been a little envious but they saw it as a sign from Ewya that it would all be ok. 
The months of peace were once again interrupted by the sky people. Quaritch, along with spider, were on the hunt for you all. And they were close. After killing Ronal’s spirit sister and her baby, it was practically war. Lo’ak tried to go warn Payakan and found out he was marked for death. You all tried to loosen the device. When it did eventually come out, you grabbed it. “I’ll lead them away. Go back.” You said jumping on your ilu. Neteyam grabbed your shoulder. “No, My Tiyawn. Let me.” He tried to plead with you. You smiled at him and leaned your forehead against his. “I’ll be back, muntxatan.” Then you made Tsaheylu and sped off, leading the sky people away. 
You had managed to lead them away and swam back to the clan when you saw them all gathered around the sky peoples ship with Jake further forward than the rest. You quickly saw that Lo’ak, Tsireya and Tuk where tied up on the ship. You swam to the group and decided to stay hidden for a few. You watched from the back as Payakan slammed into the ship. This caused an opening for Neteyam and he quickly ran in to save the three. You, however had realized you had no weapons. You quickly swam back to the pod and grabbed your bow and arrow. You stashed your knife with you as well. However, instead of taking the ilu back, you called for your ikran. It was now of never
Meanwhile, back on the ship, Quaritch had managed to capture all of the sully’s and tie them up. He walked around them, boots crunching in the water. “Well, Jake, Looks like i won. Checkmate.” Tuk was crying and Neytiri was trying her best to comfort her but it was hard to do while tied up.
None of them were going to mention the fact he left a sully out. That he had forgotten one. The mate of The oldest son. A fierce warrior. The most important piece in this game of chess, The queen.
You flew your ikran around, surveying the area. You saw that Quaritch had them all tied up. Your family. Your mate. You were furious. The kind of rage you’ve never felt. Neytiri had told you she has felt a burning fire of a rage before. The kind that you would hate to be on the receiving end of. This had to be that rage. Regardless, Quaritch was going to pay. With his life
You landed your ikran quietly and swiftly took out the guards outside, wether it was landing and arrow between their eyes or slicing their throat open. They were falling regardless. You made your way towards Quaritch and the Sully’s. He was completely oblivious. You wanted him to feel fear. Pain. You saw a guard standing inches in front of him. You quietly pulled the bow back and took your shot. It landed right between the fools eyes. Quaritch snapped his head around and saw the skxawng’s head fall. The sully’s were freaked out at first. Then Jake, Neytiri and Neteyam looked at the arrow and smirked. Lo’ak took a second to realize who’s arrow it was. He looked at Quaritch. “You’re screwed now, cuz.” Quaritch walked over to him and grabbed him by his queue. “Who is that?!” He screamed. Lo’ak just smirked at him. Neteyam spoke up next. “My mate.” Quaritch looked at him, clearly confused. “You forgot a Sully. A pretty important one.” Jake spoke up. Just then, you walked out of the shadows, bow in hand. The look on your face spoke for it all. Rage. Anger. Revenge. “You. I knew you were related to them somehow.” He spoke, his eyes never leaving yours. He reached down while maintaining eye contact and grabbed a gun. “Now they can watch me kill you.” He smirked. You stopped in your tracks and turned your head. “You have it confused. It’s me who’s killing you.” He threw the first punch so to speak. He pulled the trigger on the gun as you ran to the other side. He may have the training of a marine but he doesn’t have warrior training like you do. You disappeared back into the shadows. Watching. Like a predator. “Come out, bitch. We have unfinished business.” You ran out from behind him and jumped on his back. He hissed and threw you off. You, however, where not fazed. You slid across the floor and maintained  your balance. You bared your teeth at him and let out a loud hiss. He tried to hiss back. It was pathetic really. You rushed at him and started swinging your knife. The battle was pretty even. Until, somehow, he managed to uppercut you and pin you on the ground. Your knife was out of reach. He went to go plunge his through your chest and it took everything in your strength to hold him back. You were struggling and honestly it looked like you were loosing. You prayed to Ewya for something. Anything. Just then, the boat rocked a bit and your knife started falling towards you. You mustered up the courage to grab it and slam into the back of his neck. He gasped. His grip on his knife loosened and you kicked him off. You grabbed your bow and arrow from the guys skull and pulled it back. Quaritch watched, paralyzed. “Checkmate.” You said as you laid the arrow in his face. When he fell for sure, your raced and cut Jake and Neytiri out first. They freed the rest while you went and freed Neteyam.  “Ma Neteyam.” You said as you hugged him. You leaned out of the hug and kissed him. “Oel Ngati Kameie, Neteyam.” He smiled at you. “I see you too, my mate.” You smiled at him and watched at the sully’s started piling together for a hug. You dragged Neteyam and pulled you guys into the hug. Jake ruffled your head. Neytiri just gave your hand a firm squeeze. This is your family and you would protect them forever.
a/n: ok so this is my first official fic in like over a year 😭 but i almost had a mental breakdown because i lost like 3 paragraphs 🧍🏻‍♀️
first avatar fic though so how are we feeling? :)
tiyawn: love
muntxatan: husband
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lola-bunn1 · 2 years
Hey could you please write a Neteyam x reader.
- The reader has strong feelings towards Neteyam and has openly expressed them to him throughout their friendship yet Neteyam has always been too busy with being a warrior or doesn’t realise he loves the reader because he is so used to her.
- Then one day another navi decides to flirt with reader and tries to court reader.
- Neteyam notices, gets jealous and they have an argument.
- Reader says “You had me once but you chose to let me go”, or “I wanted you from the beginning but now that someone else has shown interest you act like you have always loved me”.
- Neteyam confesses, apologises and the reader and him make up to become mates.
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Your best friend, Neteyam might be the dumbest person on Pandora. You've had your ceremony a couple of days ago, and now you were on the hunt for someone to court you.
But what has been wrecking your mind is the fact that the only person you want to court you is Neteyam. You had been in love with him for years and hinted it many times, even one time, you directly said you loved him and he didn't even acknowledge it.
You were getting sick and tired of waiting for him to realize it.
Or maybe...
Maybe he did know, maybe he knew and just didn't see you the way you saw him. Maybe the reason he never said anything is because there's nothing for him to say.
He didn't see you as anything more than a friend.
It was obvious, how were you so stupid to think he'd like you?
Your parents have been nagging on you to pick someone already and you were done with Neteyam. You weren't gonna wait anymore, you're picking someone else just like he probably wants to.
One day your mother came to you, telling you a woman was coming to introduce her son to you, you were gonna deny meeting the boy. But then again, you had nobody waiting for you, so why not?
When they arrived, you were shocked as to who it was. Al'eyo was a boy you've seen multiple times but never really talked to.
Your mother talked to the woman while you two went out into the forest to talk
Not to your knowing, another boy was getting intel on what was happening
"Bro!" Lo'ak yelled as he went inside the tent, Neteyam stopped helping his mother and turned to him
"What is it?" He asked
"Someone went to visit y/n."
"Uh...okay?" He furrowed his eyebrows, wondering what use this would bring him
"No, you're not getting it." Lo'ak grabbed Neteyam by the shoulders, "Someone went to visit y/n to court her!"
"What!" Neteyam and his mother said
"Who is it?" Neytiri asked
"Al'eyo" Lo'ak answered
"Oh, that's nice" Neytiri smiled, "I know his mother! He's a very nice boy, he'd be perfect for her!" She exclaimed, she truly loved you, "Right, Neteyam?" She said, her smile faltering when she saw the look on his face
"Did she say yes?" He said, clenching his teeth
"Not yet, they went out to talk I just walked past them"
Neteyam left in a hurry to look for them, he froze when he saw Al'eyo walking past him alone with a smirk on his face, Neteyam grabbed him
"What's wrong? Mad I stole your girl?" He laughed and Neteyam was about to attack him until he saw you walking around nearby
'Stole your girl' Neteyam kept repeating Al'eyo's words in his head
You said yes, no...it can't be, right?
"y/n!" He called out and you turned to him
He grabbed your hand and went to an empty spot in the forest
"What's going on?" You asked
"What's going on? What's going on with you!" He said
"I can't believe you" He shook his head
"Can't believe what-"
"I can't believe you actually are going to court him."
"Court who!"
"I...wait, are you jealous?" You furrowed your eyebrows
He looked away from you
"No." You said and shook your head
"What do you mean?" He looked back at you, confusion in his eyes
"No, Neteyam! You do not get to act like this! No!" You yelled
He sighed, "After all the time we've been friends don't tell me-"
"You cannot! You cannot act like this-"
"Act like what?!" He snapped
"Act like you've always loved me!" You yelled
"But I have!" He responded
"No you haven't! You-I spent years suffering with the pain of loving you and you never noticed! The second someone else takes the place you clearly had no interest in, you suddenly love me?! I'm sick of you, Neteyam-" You tried to walk away but he kept getting in your way
"Get away from me! Stop!" You said, yelling at him and trying to push him out of your way but he didn't budge
You hit his chest, trying to get him to go away until he grabbed your wrists and forced you to look at him, tears blurred your vision as you cried on his chest
You didn't cry because you were just being dramatic. You cried because of the irriation he's caused you. You cried because of the anger you've had all this time. All the bottled up feelings spilling out of you.
"Please, y/n. I didn't mean to hurt you, I promise. I'm so sorry" He said, hugging you tight as you kept crying, "I don't know how I was so stupid to never notice your love for me."
You didn't say anything, you just melted into his arms, after some time, you stopped crying and finally were calm. You didn't realize how long he's been holding you. And he didn't complain, not at all. He wanted to hold you forever if he could.
"y/n?" You heard him mutter
You hummed in response
"Please tell me, did you really agree?"
It was quiet for a moment, until you finally answered, "No, I'm supposed to give an answer tommorow."
"And what is the answer?" He asked, worry consuming him as he waited for your response, "Will you say yes?" He whispered
You looked up at him, "Why would I say yes when I have you?" You said, and a smile rose upon his lips
"Good, now I can freely kick his skxawng ass when I see him again."
my writing has been so ugly recently i hate this sm
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yamst3rdamctrl · 2 months
When Sexual Desires Clash YN Story
Chapter 4
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As Michael kissed Y/N all she could do was melt and let him overtake her. She has not been touched by a man in so long she did not know how to react. Michael broke the kiss by looking at her. Michael then asked while looking her in her eyes, “I need to know this answer now. Do you give me permission to do whatever I want to you? That includes me being rough and doing whatever I feel the need to.” Y/N looked at him and she thought to herself that she has always been the one to take control and she would love to finally have a break.
“Yes, as long as you make me cum.” Y/N said boldly knowing she was scared out of her damn mind. Michael then said, “I’m going to make you nutt so many times you’re going to cry and be soo sore you can’t walk. Do you understand me, if so lets go to my room?”
Y/N followed Michael like a little lost puppy with a towel wrapped around her, not even knowing what she was getting herself into. Michael opened his room door and let himself come in and opened the door for Y/N. Michael closed and locked the door and then pushed Y/N to the door and kissed her like his life depended on it.. Both of them fought for the dominant place while kissing, but Y/N backed down due to their talk they had just a few moments ago. Michael then started to kiss down Y/N while she was on the door.
Once he got closer to her sweet, sweet nectar, he lifted her leg and kissed her outter lips. Y/N moaned at the kiss, and once he then parted her lips and started to lick on her clit. Michael then spit on her clit and went to work. All she could do was moan while trying to hold her composure. Michael began to get sloppy and add two fingers. "I hear you trying to suppress your moans. Keep doing that, and I'm going to make you scream since you wanna play." Michael then got up and grabbed Y/N by her neck and dragged her to the dresser with a mirror. He then walked up behind her and looked at her in the mirror and made her bend over. "So you wanna play like you don't wanna moan?" Michael questioned with dark, black lustful eyes. Y/N started to speak, "It's nothing lik... FUCK!" Before Y/N could even speak, Michael had shoved his dick inside her pussy and started off at a hard, fast pace.
Michael wanted to wreck her and leave her wanting more. Michael wrapped his hand around her neck and kept pounding into her. Michael did this for the next 10 minutes and before Y/N knew it she had a knot in her stomach. "I feel that Nutt coming back, cum all over my dick." Michael gritted through his teeth. "I'm going to uhhh.." Y/N couldn't finish getting her sentence out when she came due to Michael fucking her into submission and through her orgasm. Michael then moved her to the bed and crawled on top of her while sliding his dick in her slit without any friction.
Michael put his left hand on Y/N hip and his right hand on her throat. When he started, she felt as if he had awaken something in her. Y/N saw the look in his eyes and said, "I need you to cum for me daddy." Michael never had this type of feeling with Lori and when she said that he started fucking her harder. He then said, "I'm going to cum all over your stomach.. omg...". He then nutted all over her. They both laid there out of breath. Michael got up and gave Y/N a warm rag to wipe off her stomach, but to her surprise he did it for her.
They exchanged no words because they were left with no words. Y/N broke the silence and said, " I can't lie that you fucked me up." Michael said, "Good, i enjoyed you and this not the first and last time I hope you know." Y/N laughed and said okay before going to her room. Little did she know she opened a door that she would have never thought it would be.
Y/N opened Pandoras box and would never close it! Her life would forever change after that encounter.
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And boom.... I got more smut to come for yal!
Next Chapter I need 15 likes since yal showing me love
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bri-cheeses · 1 month
Fiercely and obsessively (wrapped around your finger) — Part 8
| Rosekiller Soulmate AU | Previous part is here | Word Count: 767 |
Barty hadn’t figured he’d have to wait very long, but he was starting to have second thoughts by the time the weekend rolled around. Evan had gone back to acting odd again, even more so than he’d been before his birthday. Every time Barty went to knock his shoulder, or to ruffle his hair, or to lean against him on the couch, Evan would shy away from him like his touch was poisonous. And each time, Barty would recoil before attempting to brush it off as a fluke or misunderstanding. But the more times it happened, the harder it was to dismiss.
And so, seeing as this weekend happened to be a Hogsmeade weekend, Barty had vowed to corner Evan and find out just what was making him so skittish this time.
“What are you wearing?” Barty asked Evan from across the dorm, where he was digging through his dresser. Evan looked up.
“Um… a shirt and some shorts,” he said. “Why?”
Barty sighed. “It’s just that Dorcas got me this nice, muggle-style shirt for my birthday, but I’m worried it might look out of place. What do you think?” He held up the shirt, which Dorcas had called a tank top, and showed it to Evan.
Evan took in the tiny sleeves and elastic fabric, and his eyes flicked to Barty’s torso. He was no doubt imagining how it would look on Barty in a throng of wizards and assessing if it was too risqué or not. Why, then, his cheeks filled with color, Barty didn’t know, but he didn’t much care as he waited for Evan to respond.
“Yeah,” Evan rasped, then snapped his mouth shut like he had said something bad. But he didn’t take it back, which was good enough for Barty.
“Okay,” he decided. “I’ll wear it.”
An hour later they were with Regulus, Pandora, Dorcas, and Marlene, walking through the town of Hogsmeade. Dorcas had been delighted when she saw Barty’s choice of outfit, and even Marlene had commented on how she liked the grunge design of it. It was a nice confident boost, especially when Evan hadn’t been saying much to him at all ever since the conversation in their dorm.
“Marlene and I are going to go Zonko’s, if that’s okay,” Dorcas told the group. Behind her, Marlene grinned, clearly excited at the prospect of the joke shop. “See you guys later.”
“Actually,” Pandora interrupted, “Reg and I will walk with you a bit. We’re going to the Three Broomsticks, so we can all walk together until you reach Zonko’s.”
“Sounds good,” Dorcas responded, nodding her head. She turned towards him and Evan. “That leaves you two alone. Try not to burn anything down, please.”
Barty gasped, affronted. He searched the faces of his other friends, because surely one of them had just a little bit of faith them, right?
He found nothing but nods and murmurs of agreement.
“Seriously, you guys?” he asked. Pandora smiled, Dorcas shrugged, and Reg tilted his head. Marlene just laughed.
“I think she’s right to be saying that,” she said, still laughing. “You two are the craziest pair I’ve ever seen. That being said, I really would like to go to Zonko’s now, so please do try not to argue against plain facts too much.”
Next to him, Evan snorted inelegantly.
“I’ll keep him out of trouble,” he promised, and Marlene nodded at him once before turning and hooking her arm in Dorcas’s to pull her along after her. Regulus started to trail after them, and with one last small chuckle, Pandora went, too.
Leaving Barty alone with Evan.
“So, uh,” he began, not entirely sure that this is where he wanted to have this conversation, but if it had to be here then so be it. But Evan stopped him before he could get much farther than that.
“I was thinking we could go to the Shrieking Shack.”
Barty wrinkled his nose. There wasn’t much to do there other than stand at the fence and look at a rundown house with an odd name, and why Evan wanted to go there was lost on him. Except… there probably wouldn’t be anyone there other than them. And if no one was there to overhear, then Barty could ask Evan what was up without worrying what other people might think.
“Yeah, sure,” Barty agreed after only a slight pause. Evan didn’t wait to say anything more before turning and walking off, then looking back with a raised eyebrow as if to say, “You coming?”
Barty immediately hurried to catch up, and off they went.
(Part 9 is here)
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rainystressed247 · 4 months
Ok this one will be long!
“Is not good Phil, the Voices are very insistent that the Egg is getting more powerful now that it has Dream, I can even say that Dream is more powerful too, but the way the vines cling to him… we need to get him out” said Techno bandaging his own injuries as he saw Philza walk around taking books and then going through his comm and then back to what Techno could only compare to a telephone guide. “Phiiiil what are you doing?”
“Oh, sorry mate, just trying to find someone that could help us” informed Phil as he smirked “and I think I found the perfect demon for the job”
“I dont like this plan” complained Techno quietly, he was once again sneaking around Pandora’s, he was barely healed and now he was again in the accursed place.
“You dont have to like the plan but this is going to work, you just need to keep keep distracted whoever is going to be there with him” said Farfadox, a demon of the same race as Bad, he was a friend of Dream from out of the server, and he immediately came once he was explained the situation.
They found Dream closer that what they thought, he was talking to little panicking blobs and both knew they where out of time, Farfa stepped out of the shadow that had been covering for them so long and struck Dream, blood and vines spilling from the wound, repairing the damage as Punz appeared to protect Dream, the mercenary was good but not as good as Techno and Farfa together.
“This is for your own good” said Techno tying Punz down as Farfa made sure to strike Dream again as the vines kept trying to heal the priest.
“We need to go now” said Techno hearing more people coming. Farfa nodded and carried Dream, vines withering as they put more space between them and the Egg.
“You both know that he needs to heal right?” Mused Phil as he saw the floating looking corpse on the main fountain of the church. The silence that followed made him chuckle without humor.
Phil looked at Dream, it was… a terrible thing to see, the once proud fighter was little more of a skeleton at this point, the vines that had been purged out of him had been literally all that had been holding Dream together, he lamented to see him like this, the potions did almost nothing to help until a bigger dose with resistance was added.
“Is going to be ok mate, you are safe now” he said almost fearing that it sounded more like a lie.
Dream was dreaming, so so deep in his mind where the last traces of what he once was had gone hide, now he was hiding in the too, escaping from the pain and the screams of the Egg that wanted him back, but Dream was dreaming, he was a dreamer, he was not to awake soon, not when it was so warm and so quiet and so cold but he could handle this mix of warm and cold that made him remember the feeling of swimming in the ocean during the hot summers, it was wam and cold and quiet like a lush cavern, he like that thought so he dreamed again, not wanting to wake up yet, he was a Dream so he kept dreaming
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This, this is what I have been saying when I say to fill in the blank!!!
So, for context because sometimes it escapes me too. This is not the first time the Egg has appeared, so this is playing into the whole time loop thing. But also, this time loop is not a 100% lore compliance, more like I subsitute with Dream's past life aka tales.
It is not the first time the Egg has approached Dream either. In the past, the red eye war, Sir Billaim's mansion are all instances in which Dream has confronted the Egg. And knowing how the current timeline is still...well here, it is safe to assume that the Egg is defeated in each timeline before this, often with sacrifice on Dream's end as well.
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eyrina-avatar · 11 months
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Gas, Cash, or Ass
prompts: #27 anal
pairing: adult neteyam x fem!reader
warnings: 18+ minors DNI, nsfw, smut, possessive/dom neteyam, anal. proofread once
this was accidentally posted like a month before because tumblr decided to change the scheduling date and posted it without me knowing and I had to run to delete it. So if you saw it the first round, no you didn't🫠
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"Hi Nete!" you waved as the tall Na'vi came to a halt on his direhorse.
"Hey! What's up? " Neteyam watched as you struggled with the jug and basket in your hands.
"Not much... Just on the way to fill this water jug for Mo'at and then I have to catch some fish for the festival later."
He chuckled, "I don't think you'll be able to carry both at the same time."
"Well, it would have been better if I found a pa'li like you did... but I was in a rush and haven't really perfected my mounting skills yet."
"I suppose you need a small favor then?" He smirked as you nodded.
Neteyam saddled the items in place and helped you up the pa'li.
"Thanks," you looked down as your cheeks blushed a light purple.
"No problem," He gave his pa'li a tap before making way to the river.
"Alright, I hope you enjoyed your ride." Neteyam stopped his pa'li by the riverside and handed you the basket and jug after you got yourself down.
"Thanks... I really appreciate it!" You smiled as you got ready to collect some water. Placing the basket on the floor you turned around only to find Neteyam in front of the river, blocking you.
"Pay up," was all he stated as he looked down on you from his seat.
"What?" You cocked your head in confusion, not sure if you heard him right.
"You heard me. Pay up. Gas, cash, or ass." Neteyam crossed his arms, causing you to stare at him dumbfounded.
"The fuck do you mean gas, cash, or ass?" You furrowed your eyebrows together. "Neteyam your pa'li doesn't even use gas! And you don't even know what cash is. How could you possibly know what that phrase means?"
"It's just like that little sticker thing on the sky people's helicopters. Almost all the guys have it."
"And what, you're a sky person now?" You rolled your eyes at him.
"No, but it seems like a good system so I adopted it."
"Yea whatever, you're not getting any." You tried walking away but Neteyam parked his pa'li in front of you again.
"Nu-uh, you heard me. Gas, cash or ass."
"Are you for real? Am I supposed to get food out of no where and feed your pa'li when it can get food itself?" You put the jug down to cross your arms.
"Well then, cash or ass." He responded nonchalantly.
"But I don't have any cash on me!" You exclaimed in frustration. "Plus, what could you possibly need cash for, huh? There's not much use for it here on pandora. The most you could get is some pricey soft toilet paper at the avatar facility, a lolipop for Tuk, or a cigarette that the military guys are always smoking?" You crossed your arms.
"Well I don't need cash for a cigarette when I could just get one from Grace's drawers. From what I saw, she was always puffing like there's no tomorrow." Neteyam shrugged.
"Na'vi's don't smoke. Plus, Kiri wouldn't let you anywhere near Grace's things in the first place."
"You're right, I don't smoke and there's no use for cash here. So... ass." Neteyam gave you a small smirk. "That or I won't be giving you any more free rides."
"Says the one who's asking to be ridden" you murmur in a low voice.
"What was that?" he cocked his head in question.
"Nothing, nothing." You clarify.
"Well, you heard me. Plus, who's going to help you back to home tree after you finish your fishing. Are you just gonna go on that hour long walk carrying that heavy basket and jug?"
"No..." you let out in a small whisper.
"Then you're gonna have to pay up. That or a long burdensome walk."
"But that's not fair! Na'vi's are supposed to help each other out. Do you expect this form of payment every time I ask you to take me somewhere?!" you let out.
"Umm, yes." Neteyam grinned, knowing you had no choice.
"Screw you! You know what?! Next time I'll just ask Tsrüyem to help me out with my hunt! He's kind and strong, and he certainly won't be asking for any of those favors of yours in return." You huffed away, smirking as you got a glimpse of neteyam's slick smile wiped off his face at the mention of Tsrüyem.
"Wait, wait." He hopped off his pa'li and grabbed your arm, stopping you in your tracks.
"How about just this one time, and I'll take you anywhere you want, whenever you want. Want to go to home tree, I'll take you. To the avatar facility, I'll take you. To the hallelujah mountains, I'll take you. It doesn't matter if it's guiding you there, giving you a free ride on my ikran or on a pa'li. Just once and I'll take you anywhere you want." He pleaded with you, eyes looking directly into yours.
You worked hard to hide the smirk that threatened to grow on your face. Perfect, just what you wanted. Neteyam begging and you making him your personal travel man, taking you anywhere you wanted, whenever you wanted.
"Hmm, I don't know... even in the middle of the night?" You questioned, scrunching your face as you pretended to debate within yourself.
"Yes, even at night! Whenever you want." Neteyam let out as his tail swished left and right excitedly.
"Even if I want to trade with the Tayrangi clan, all the way to the seaside, by the cliffs? You'll have to take me there whenever I want..." You cocked your head to one side.
"Yes, yes! I said whenever and wherever, didn't I?"
"Fine. You have yourself a deal." You made your way towards him and trailed your slim fingers over his torso, running them up and down before stopping at the hem of his loincloth and trailing them back up to his neck.
"On one condition, sweetheart..." he let out in a purr.
"Hmm, and what's that?" your warm lips hovered his ear.
"That I'm the one in charge now." And with that, he turned you over and grabbed your wrists behind you with his one hand while he used the other to push you on a nearby rock, causing you to let out a yelp.
Your face and breasts were squished against the low rock as your legs supported you. He gave you a light smack as your ass stuck up.
"Neteyam, what do you think-"
"Don't worry, I won't go all in at once. I'll let you adjust."
"And who said you could be in charge???" you barely managed out as Neteyam gave your ass a nice squeeze, making you whine.
"A deal's a deal, princess." And with that he pulled your beige shorts down, reveling your pretty plump bottom.
"Aha, so that's why you haven't switched to using a loincloth yet. Hiding that cute little butt of yours huh?" Neteyam bent down to give your ass a wet kiss, letting his tongue run sloppily all over your bottom. You couldn't help but moan as his mouth ran wild and his hand played with the hem of your underwear.
"Oh fuck..." you let out in a breathy voice.
"Enjoying that, ma'syulang? Huh? Let's see what's under these cute little panties of yours." His hands let go of your wrists, allowing you to support yourself on the rock as he ran his fingers along your panties, pulling it down while he inched his crotch near your rear. A light hiss escaped his lips as you reached behind you and began rubbing his length through his loincloth.
"Fuck..." he closed his eyes in bliss as you palmed him. You inched your ass closer to him and moved it up and down, rubbing your bottom on his hard member.
"Looks like someone's excited." You couldn't help but chuckle as you pulled his loincloth down, causing it to drop on the floor. Neteyam reached for the red plant next to him and broke it in half, causing a slippery substance to flow out of it. He applied the liquid on himself and wiped his fingers on it before applying some to your hole as well.
"Be easy okay, it's my first time doing... anal." You looked behind, watching as Neteyam almost fingered you.
"I thought you never had sex with anyone before?" He tilted his head in question.
"That too..." You looked down and he couldn't help but chuckle. You were just too cute, Neteyam couldn't decide if he wanted to break you in half or eat you up.
"Alright, I'll go slow. Let me know if it hurts." You nodded at him and he slowly entered his length inside of you.
"Nghh" you couldn't help but whimper at the odd and painful feeling of your ass being stretched out.
"Fuck" Neteyam groaned as he continued pushing himself in until he bottomed out, getting his full length inside.
He paused for a bit, "You good?"
"Mhm," was all you managed as you got used to the feeling. You squirmed a bit in place and moved your ass a little forward then backwards to signal that you were ready. Neteyam pulled out a bit before slowly pumping himself back in.
Your mouth fell open as his hips kept on moving, slightly hitting your ass as he thrust inside of you.
"I think you can go faster." You let out in a breathy voice.
"You sure?" He stopped, making sure he heard you correctly before continuing.
"Yes." That was all he needed for hips to start moving faster. Neteyam repeatedly pulled out before slamming right back inside of you. His hands held onto the rock as his thrusts grew faster and groans escaped from his lips.
"Shit. Baby, you're so tight." His face fell into the crook of your neck. The both of you were now in doggy position and the sound of the few moans that betrayed him only made your core grow in wetness.
"Ah... ah" you couldn't help but whine as Neteyam's thrusts hit you at an ungodly pace. You turned your face around and were met with his, grabbing his cheek with your hand you pulled him in for a kiss while his cock used your poor asshole.
"Fuck..." Neteyam moaned into your mouth as his hips hit your bottom, filling the air with the sound of skin smacking against each other.
"Oh my god!" you dropped your head down as Neteyam's cock hit your insides, making you weak in the knees.
"Fuck, y/n... I think I'm about to burst." He placed wet kisses all over your neck as his hips started moving frantically and sloppily, a sign that he was about to reach his high.
"Fuck... You *thrust* take *thrust* me *thrust* so *thrust* well!" His head dropped onto you the crook of your neck as you felt his cock twitch inside. Neteyam's teeth sank slightly into your shoulders, earning a light hiss from you as felt his his warm liquid ooze inside of you.
As his high washed over him, Neteyam's movements slowed down until he came to a complete halt. Out of breath, the both of you made eye contact, causing you to let out a small chuckle in unison.
"How's that for payment?" You smirked as he grinned.
"More than enough." Neteyam chuckled as he pulled out, making you groan at the lack of warmth.
"Yeah well, you actually have to pay me back." You grinned as you turned yourself over, laying yourself on your back.
"Yea?" He scoffed. "That was pretty much it, no?"
"You're done when I say so." You pushed Neteyam back, causing him to land on the mossy ground.
"Wait hold on, I still need to recover from the orga-"
Untying your top, you seated yourself on his thighs. "Then get to work limp dick."
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
has anyone seen those bumper or window stickers on cars that say gas, cash, or ass? yea, I made this based off of that
as always, comments/reblogs are always much appreciated as they help support and motivate your favorite writers, thank you❤!
tags: @daeneeryss , @eyweveng , @vee1728 , @pandoraslxna
@justonesadlonelymoth @skywonder
do not steal my work and please don't post it on ao3 or wattpad
© eyrina-avatar
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colors used: {29, 157, 238} and {31, 87, 255}
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josiesullysblog · 2 years
would you ever do lo’ak or neteyam smut with a human!reader?
~AGED UP Neteyam x human! Reader
~Contains: Explicit content
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So, to start we're gonna pretend that humans can breathe Pandora’s air.
Neteyam, when he first met you, was always super gentle. Constantly making sure you were able to keep up with him and his siblings.
He’d become obsessed with you, you felt like someone was staring at you? It was Neteyam.
You guys definitely would have met when you were younger, so he wouldn’t have originally looked at you in that light.
But as you got older, so did your body and he was having some thoughts.
He’d sometimes get so aroused just with you being in the room, so he’d have to excuse himself
He would think of all the ways he would be able to manhandle you, how you probably couldn't take all of him, but he would still fuck you. How you would make sound like, when he fucked you.
Spider was the first one to catch on, you guys had been sitting around talking and he noticed how Neteyam’s eyes lingered. Especially on your breasts. He confronted him about it later when it was just him, Neteyam, and Lo’ak.
“Bro, what are you talking about?”
“You can’t lie to us, bro.”
He’d be fighting for his life, but he couldn't hide his attraction.
You, on the other hand, didn't think he liked you.
You were close with all the Sully kids, but your personality matched better with Lo’ak. You both got into trouble which caused Neteyam to take the blame. You heard the way Neteyam would get yelled at, and what we're actually looks of lust, you believed he only looked at you with hatred.
You always tried, key word, tried to behave when you were with Neteyam. You thrived off of when he’d give you words of praise.
“Good girl”
“Pretty little thing”
Whatever praise it was, you were getting off on it.
Literally, you would go home and touch yourself thinking about letting Neteyam have his way with you.
You wondered how hard he’d fuck you if he would dirty talk you. You learned pretty quickly what man he was in bed.
You wandered off like you do all the time, but this time Neteyam was right behind you. You sat by yourself just admiring the stars, till he made himself known to you.
“What are you doing here?” you’d question him but he didn't reply.
Neteyam grew tired of just waiting because he knew if he didn't make the first move, nothing was gonna happen.
“I could ask the same question, little one.”
Your breath picked up after the pet name making you look away from the boy.
Neteyam THRIVESSS off eye contact, so he’d walk right up to you and force you to look into his eyes.
“Is the little human shy?”
He’d tease you, he knew he was turning you on he saw the way you clenched your thighs, how your breathing was uneven.
“I’m not shy!” you attempted to shove his hand away, while he just shoved his fingers in your mouth.
“Wonder how you will look with my dick in your mouth.”
You sucked on his fingers which only made him laugh, “your mouth was made for me.”
He took his fingers out before manhandling you, forcing you to lie down.
“I’m gonna ruin you”
You nodded while you felt his fingers undressing you, once you were finally bare you expected him to touch you, but you were wrong.
“Beg for it”
He’d tease you, having his fingers play with your little button and then ripping away.
“Please Nete, I need you please!”
You would be begging him to touch you, and he would not budge. He wanted you to want him, the way he wanted you.
“Please I'll do anything! Please fuck me!”
Finally, he’d touch you. He would finger you fast, never stopping.
With his other hand, he’d play with your nipples making them nice and hard.
“Don’t cum till I tell you to.”
The noise you made was like music to his ears. The way your pussy made wet sounds for him, every time he went in and out.
“I’m gonna-” you attempt to get him to slow down, but he only grabbed your face forcing eye contact.
“What did I say, slut?” He’d finger you faster while he watch you get lost in pleasure.
“D-don’t c-um till you say” the sentence came out broken
“Good girl, glad to know my toy can still listen.”
You would become close to release before he’d mutter out, “cum for me.”
You definitely had the best orgasm.
He was not done with you, picking you up and forcing you on all fours
“You gonna suck my dick good, huh?”
You nodded grabbing the long thing, and rubbing up and down.
You flattened your tongue, attempting to make room for the already large dick.
Neteyam’s moans made you wetter. You looked up at him and he would have his head rolled back, a hand on your head controlling your movements.
“Just like that doll.”
You sucked up and down, taking his balls in your mouth. His hand on your head made you move faster, letting you know he was close.
“Don’t let a single drop waste, pretty girl.”
He’d come in your mouth which would be a lot, but you still listened. You’d show him your tongue after proving you swallowed it all, which made him purr in satisfaction.
You fell back showing the man your pussy, “please fuck me.”
How could he say no?
He would bend down and kiss in between your thighs before he kissed your pussy.
The moans you let out made him rub his shaft up and down before he came up and kissed your lips.
He shoved himself deep into you, giving long and hard pushes.
“Come on baby, let them know who's fucking you right now.”
He’d pamper you with kisses as he starts going faster.
“Gonna come for me, hm?”
“Yes, please faster!”
As soon as you cum, he’d pull out letting his cum fall on your back.
He’d help you up before kissing you one more time, “I love you [Y/n].”
Heyy!! Sorry, this took so long I've been busy!! I got a couple more requests and I got some stories I've already started so please be patient with me😭! Besides that hope you enjoy!!!
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mschimdt · 1 year
colonel miles quaritch x human reader
2161 words
warnings: too many
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you were part of the military back on earth, they signed you up when you were 16, your parents wanted nothing to do with you, you were 18 when the phoneix project was announced, your parsnts didnt hesitate to sign you up if it meant that youll get sent to a plannet trillions of miles away, they wantes to get rid of you
they provided everything for you on pandora, they had their way with ardmore and made sure you got everything, the only reason they gave you all this stuff is because theyre rich and didnt knoe what to do with their money
you had one of the biggest rooms in bridgehead, your room was basically an apartment
it had 2 bedrooms a kitchen and one luxury bathroom with a living room that could easily fit 20 avatars
you hated everyone, everyone knew you were a brat, everyone knew that ardmore would fuck anyone up if they tried to mess with you, simple because your parents were paying her to keep an eye on you, you didnt know why they bothered because they didnt give a fuck about your existence
you had two friends on bridgehead, seio and mysa, seio was a scientist that specialised in testing samples from around pandora and mysa was part of the pheonix project, you saw mysa more than you saw seio which meant you and mysa were closer
they were the only 2 people on bridgehead that actually cared about you, but they didnt care TOO much, so youre usually left alone with your thoughts in your room
you were hanging out with mysa, you two were yet to get your avatars, some people already got theirs such as the asshole colonel miles quaritch, you hated him, a self centered asshole that only cared about killing jake sully, his friend lyle also got his avatar
lyle was pretty similar to quaritch, both of them were assholes, they always stuck together, atleast lyle never left quaritchs side
there was a huge party happening in bridgehead, to celebrate those that are going to get their avatars such as you and mysa
it was on a saturday, you and mysa were getting ready in your room, you had the closet of your dreams, all the clothes you could wish for, you were looking for a dress, you didnt have anyone to impress but you still wanted to look good, who knows maybe someone will finally like you?
you put a long black silk dress on, and did your makeup, and made sure to wear your favourite gold heels, this wasnt how you usually dressed, usually you walked around in cargo pants and a tanktop, but not today, you needed a change
mysa got ready, but she on the other hand had someone to impress, there was this guy that she noticed was hitting on her, soon they became friends and noe they both clearly like eachother, but they wont admit it
you and mysa walked out of your room making your way to the ballroom that was recently built, it had a bar and a buffet, it opened once a month
you walked inside, everyone stared partying, you looked around and saw the recoms that youll be working with soon, you hated them but you knew if you showed it theyd fuck you up, you sat in a sofa near the door with mysa and her 'crush' he had his arms wrapped around her
suddenly mysa and her crush leave and im left alone, i open my phone because i didnt want to leave just yet, i texted mysa where she went and shr said she'll tell me tomorrow before training, i looked around, saw no one was imterested in me and decided that it was probably time to go back to my room because i couldnt spend any longer in this place, the music was over simulating
you noticed quaritch eyeing you with no shame he was eye fucking you, when he saw youd caught him he just kept staring, raising an eyebrow while both of you made eye contact
it was awkward to say the least but, quaritch was quite attractive and i was surpised he was staring at someone like me. especially because my body isnt really curvy or anything, i wondered why he was staring, there was really no rrason to stare ay me at all, im unattractive and ive accepted it.
you had enough of the eyecontact, you broke it and walked over towards him he noticed it and he smirked a bit, his plan worked, you looked pissed , with full confidence you spat out a "whyre you staring at me?!" you sounded reslly pissed and that was the colonels goal
he stood up towering over you. you were facing his crotch, you stepped back a bit and looked up your neck already in pain from how high you were lifting your head to look at his face
"whyre u talking to me like that, hm?" the colonel grinned at you.
"you know what, i dont know why i even approached you,my necks starting to hurt, im gonna leave, bye" you said turning around to face the door
quaritch grabbed you by your shoulders and spun you around to face him again, this time he was crouching down so he was face level with you
"yr' not leavin' until you explain why you disrespected me like that sweetheart" he said grinning at you again "c'mon, speak up"
"because you were staring at me, what else am i supposed to do when youre staring shamelessly at me?" you say looking way more pissed than before
"sweetheart, i was starin' at ya' because you look stunning, couldnt take my eyes of ya'" he said with a devilish smirk
"well that doesnt explain why you were staring at me for so long, im gonna leave ive had enough of you" you said turnung around again
"stop tryna leave, ya' wont leave until you know how to respect me" he said grabbung your shoulder, this time not lwtting go, anchoring you so u dont leave, "so you gon' tell me or will i have to make you?" you had an idea, you werent scared of him
"then make me" you said grinning at the colonel this time, his expression turned into a pissed one now "look whos laughing now" you laughed at his facr, but then suddenly you were pushed against a wall, you didnt even process it
the colonel spoke "alright then, ill make ya', unless you dont wanna be screaming my name tonight, ya should speak up sweet'eart." your realized he was probably drunk, because hes never sput out anything as filthy as this
"i dont listen to drunk men" you said sliding yourself under his arms trying to get away, although you didnt mind the idea of you sceaming his name in bed.
he grabbed you again, this time throwing you off his shoulders and outside the ballroom, you were heading to his bedroom, so he wasnt lying...
"please- im sorry sir!" panicking because you ddint expect this, "too late cupcake, yr' already in for it"
he pulled his keycard out of his pocket, rushing towards his bedroom and slapping the card on the scanner, the door unlocked and he walked in, tossing you on the bed then locking the door
you were staring at him, he walked over and spun you onto your stomache on his lap. "you gon' be a good girl?" you could hear the smile on his face "y-yes"
"yes what?"
"y-ye-yes sir..."
"good girl, thas one step closer to teaching you manners" he said, he didnt even ask before he slid your dress up, revealing your pink laced panties
you heard him whisper "god damn", he put his hands on your ass, kneading it, then suddenly you heard a slap and felt a sting on your ass, "count, if you mess up we'll start over"
he spanks you again and again, your ass had red hand marks on it. quaritch likes the sight knowing it was his hands that caused this
after he was dome you were crying, not sad type of crying, the type of crying when youre enjoying something, he spun you back onto your back, kissing the tears that fell from your face, "you were so good" he whispered against your cheek, quaritch trailed kisses from your cheek all the way to above your tits then he lifted himself back up, held your chin and pressed a light kiss onto your lips, it was soft, not rough
"since you behaved fr' me, you deserve a reward" at this point your cunt was already dripping wet, quaritchs cock was hard aswell
you sat up and slid your dress off leaving you in just panties, your tits were exposed
quaritch just stared for a few seconds, then unexpectedly he dipped his face down and started kissing and sucking your nipples. he slid his hand under the waist band of your panties and then releasing it making a slapping sound against your skin
you reached your hands down and pulled the panties somewhere on the floor, quaritch seperated from your nipples and stood up he slid up his tanktop and unbuckled his belt sliding his pants down leaving him in boxers
you could see the tent in his boxers, he was huge
he grabbed the waistband and pulled them off discarding everything he was wearing onto the floor, then he lowered back against your tits continuing what he was doing you felt his hand sliwly make its way down your torso, until it reached your throbbing pussy, quaritch teased your thighs before taking both of his hands and opening your legs
he took ome of his fingers and dragged it between your flaps, making you moan, you wanted anything inside you, you heard quaritch speak against your nipples " so wet fr' me hm?"
"y-yes sir.."
he finally plopped a finger into your throbbing cunt, thrusting it into you while bending it, you were a moaning mess, but you knew you werent done, he kept finger fucking you until you said "i-im gonna cumm" he suddenly stopped. pulling his fingers out and lifting his head off your chest
"aww little y_n wants to cum? we'll, youll only be cumming on my cock hm sweetheart"
you were desperate, "please" you kept repeating it "please what? i wanna hear ya say it or it wont happen" "please fuck me" your brain was too foggy to process what you just said, "alright then, remember, you asked for it" he grabbed his cock that was leaking precum from the tip, and dragged it against your clit
he lined himself up and pushed himself in ever so slowly, knowing that he could hurt you if he went too fast, tears formed in your eyes, quaritch noticed it " you okay sweet'eart?" "y-yea kee- going" he nodded and pushrd himself in, he was almost all the way in when he felt his tip hit your cervix, "we can stay like this for a bit if you need a little time to adjust just know that next time i wont be this gentle with ya"
"move, please" you ddint have to ask twice before quaritch started slowly thrusting his cock in and out of you, slowly picking up his pace making sure to not hurt you, just a few seconds later quaritch was full on ramming into you while you moaned, you swore you heard quaritch let out a low moan
your legs started shaking "can -i cu-cum..?" "sure thing cupcake" you came on his cock, youve never felt this good before, your orgasm finally stopped and now you were feeling over simulated
he was fucking you dumb, you could barely let out words when you heart him say something like he was gonna cum, then you left something wsrm load inside of you, quaritch thrusted a few times more before placing his hands on both sides of your body holding himself up from collapsing over your fragile body
you stayed like that for a bit, then quaritch pulled out, you tried closing your legs but he forced them open, seeing his cum leaking from your pussy, he pulled some of it with his fingers and pushed it back inside of your cunt. he grabbed yoyr knees and roughly closed your leg
he layed down on his stomache next to you, wrappung a arm around your fucked out bodyx you could bsrely see things straight or say words
"lets get you cleaned up" he carrued you bridal style to the bathroom, setting you on the counted whike he ran a hot bath for both of you
he washed your hair and your body making sure you were clean before washing himself and wrapping you in a towel, he carried you back to his bed where you both slept the rest of the night holding eachother
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lmk if you want a part two
also lmk of therr ate any typos ive missed
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teyums · 2 years
Stargazing - Ao’nung x fem! na’vi reader
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Ladies and gentleman, i pulled that laptop out 🫡 it’s been years since I wrote fanfic and I’m still figuring out this app, so bare with me here 😅
wc: 2.3k
Pairing: Ao’nung x fem omaticaya reader
includes: minor swearing, fluff
a/n: thoughts or flashbacks are in italics
Hexapede: a six-legged deer that lives on pandora
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A few months had passed since your family trekked across Pandora and arrived at a remote Metkayina village, named Awa’atlu. The journey was tough and becoming accustomed to your new way of life proved to be even more difficult than staying awake on your ikran for eight hours straight. You hated the fact that you had to leave your beloved home behind, and you sure as hell didn’t want to stay here. The people of the clan looked at you odd and made you feel like you weren’t even a real na’vi.
Somewhere along the line, you found solace in the olo’eyktan’s son- Ao’nung. This came as a shock considering you could not stand him when you first met him. He was arrogant, rude, and even more annoying than Lo’ak. Who would have thought.
To be honest, you were the only one out of your siblings who he made fun of the least, aside from Tuk of course. He had never really bullied you and kept his taunting to the others after about two days passed. You still didn’t appreciate your siblings being teased though.
But as you got to know him more, you saw that there was more to him. He was also funny, extremely charming, and sometimes sweet- when he wanted to be at least.
One night he had found you sitting on a wooden deck that stretched out over the ocean, lightly swishing your feet around in the water and staring down at the vast sea. It was breathtaking, even more so at night. The purple and pink bioluminescent hues that illuminated off the ocean floor and vegetation drew you in. It was hypnotizing, almost. It reminded you of your home, your beloved forest. The thought of how long it’s been since you climbed a tree or saw your people sent a pang through your heart.
“What up, tree hugger?” You heard a painfully familiar voice taunt. Ao’nung took it upon himself to intrude on your quiet time and invited himself to sit next to you on the deck.
You sighed, not even bothering to lift your gaze from the small fish that had began to circle your submerged shins. “I thought I told you to stop calling me that.” You responded, clearly agitated.
He tilted his head and looked up to the side at nothing, appearing as if he was genuinely contemplating- just to respond, “Uhh, and I thought I told you I didn’t care?”
You turned to glare at him, causing his cheeky expression to fall off his face once he realized you weren’t in the joking mood. “Sorry,” he shook his head, “I saw you out here and just wanted to see what you were up to.” He spoke in a calm tone and shrugged.
Huh. An apology. That was rare for Ao’nung. He was slowly making progress ever since you had first arrived though. Since your first run in, you’d actively been helping him work on his people skills because honestly, he wasn’t the most pleasant person to be around. Constantly picking fights or insulting others unprovoked was definitely not a quality you had been introduced to before meeting him. You couldn’t believe the clan let him walk around disrespecting others like that and it didn’t sit right with you. Growing up, you were taught to be kind and treat others with grace. Clearly, that was not the case for this knucklehead. They treated him like royalty for obvious reasons, his parents being Tonowari and Ronal, the Olo’eytkan and Tsahik of the clan.
He did try to bully you, but only once, when you first arrived. And it’s safe to say he got humbled- painfully.
You watched as Ao’nung poked fun at Kiri’s tail, stepping in between them and smacking his arm away. He retracted and genuinely looked shocked, almost as if he felt his behavior toward your sister was justified.
“Why must you feel the need to pick on others?” you hissed, “Honestly though, seeing as your ego is so huge I’m guessing it must be making up for a lack of… something else.” You tilted your head down a bit and batted your lashes to hint at what you were referring to, using a cough to cover up the next insult you sent his way. “Shrimp” you muttered, yet clear enough to be heard.
You would definitelyyyy eat these words later, you just didn’t know it yet.
His friends erupted in laughter and slapped his back, causing him to stumble forward a little before he growled at them to shut their mouths. Safe to say he was not amused and glared at you for literally a week straight afterwards, as if he thought looks could really kill.
After that, he started to treat you and your siblings normally. Apparently he had never experienced anyone giving him a taste of his own medicine before you came along. He couldn’t lie though, it made him feel some type of way. You didn’t hold him to a pedestal like everyone else did, and somehow that intrigued him. You treated him just like any na’vi because that’s what he was to you; minus the budding feelings your heart was slowly developing for him of course.
Coming out of your flashback, you remembered you guys were having a conversation. “My family is down at the beach having a bonfire, they asked me to join, but I declined. For some reason I just felt like being alone.” You emphasized the last word of your sentence and let it roll of your tongue, turning your head to face him with a comically slow pace.
“Oh come on” he scoffed. “Don’t act like you don’t enjoy my company.” He sounded so confident and even though he actually was right, you felt the burning need to tease him.
“I don’t.” His signature smirk dropped off his face with record speed. “I’m kidding, Ao’nung” You giggled.
“You’re not funny you know.” He rolled his eyes and averted his gaze from you, now looking out at where the sea met the horizon.
A dorky smile crept onto your face at his behavior and you couldn’t help but stare at him. He looked so cute when he pouted, the way his lips would purse and his jawline would become more defined, which you thought would be impossible until now. You realized he too had small dot like markings splattered on his skin, and they were glowing under the moonlight. You hadn’t noticed them before, seeing as you only saw him in the daytime and due to the metkayina boy’s skin tone being lighter than yours, they were really only visible at night.
Gosh, he’s so pretty.
“Careful forest girl, you’re drooling. You know your face will get stuck like that if you stare too long.” He purred, without even looking in your direction.
His voice snapped you out of your daydream and your face became hot once you noticed you had been ogling him. You thought because he was facing forward that he wouldn’t see you admiring him and his features.
Damn you, peripheral vision.
You looked like a hexapede in headlights. You shook your head and snatched your eyes away from his face, whipping your hands up to cover your flustered expression. “Oh. my. eywa.” You whispered to yourself, resulting in him bursting out in a fit of laughter and doubling over at your reaction.
“Oh my-“ Ao’nung got out only two words before cutting himself off with another laugh that came deep from his gut, his large arms cradling his stomach as if it hurt.
“It’s not funny, you skxawng.” You seethed.
“Look at your face!” He cackled, collapsing backwards onto the deck and continuing to laugh at you when you refused to look up at him. “Wooo, oh man,” he sighed and wiped a fake tear from under his eye, then folded his muscular arms behind his head, now looking up at the sky above. “You’re kinda cute when you’re embarrassed, you know.” You heard him say after a few seconds.
You swore flirting was like breathing for him, it’s like every word that left his lips was meant to make you blush. “What?” You lowered your hands and turned your head over your shoulder to look at him in astonishment, snapping back around like a rubber band to look at the water so fast your head almost spun off your shoulders. You felt the pace of your heart quicken at the sight of the new position he had put himself into.
You have got. To be fucking kidding me.
Could he look any hotter right now? You thanked Eywa that his attention was caught by the twinkling stars above you two, had it not been, you honestly thought you would have sunk into the ocean and let yourself drown right then and there.
You tried to burn the image of his ridiculously toned arms and etched abs out of your mind, quickly pulling your legs up and out of the water and starting to stand up from the deck. “Honestly I think I hear Lo’ak calling me so-“ you spoke rapidly, nearly tripping over your words.
“Ah ah,” With reflexes faster than lightning, he propped himself up on one elbow and grabbed your wrist. “Sit down.” He ordered, looking more serious than ever.
Your breath caught in your throat before it could escape and you froze at the feeling of his hand on your skin. Which was ironic considering your body felt like it was on fire. With a shaky sigh you sat back down, slowly sliding your legs back into the cool water below you.
He released his hold on your wrist and you felt your lungs take the biggest, most embarrassing inhale- not realizing you had been holding your breath for about fifteen seconds. Shit, at least the breathing exercises Tsireya taught you were working.
“Jeez man, you act as if I’m going to eat you or something.” Sliding his arm back below his head, he chuckled at your strange behavior.
Shit, can he already?
Your eyes almost popped out of their sockets at the thought and image that flashed into your mind, like a reflex almost. You felt as if he could damn near read your thoughts right now so you urged your brain to shut up. Upon realizing you hadn’t spoken a word this entire interaction, you forced your voice to form words to distract from how obviously flustered you had just become.
“I’m a bit tired and It’s getting late.” You mumbled. Ao’nung was no fool, he could see right through your facade and it honestly amused him. Someone who usually had so much to say was now speechless at the likes of him.
“Liar, it is not. It’s only seven.” He answered swiftly, nearly cutting you off as if he had been expecting you to come up with another excuse to escape. “Lay down with me.” He said softly.
You dropped your head back and shut your eyes tightly, silently cursing him. It looked like you were inciting a prayer to Eywa, begging her to get this boy to stop talking to you before your heart exploded. You scooted away from him as subtly as possible before hesitantly reclining and pressing your stiff back against the wooden surface of the deck. Your eyes burned into the night sky as if this was your first time ever seeing stars.
He raised an eyebrow at you, obviously in reaction to the stupid amount of space between the two of you.
“You are actually so odd,” he sounded bewildered, eyes searching your face to try and understand you. “Do you think I have cooties or something? For fucks sake come here-“ He grabbed the arm of yours that was farthest from him, pulling it so you rolled over in his direction and fell into his chest.
You inhaled sharply, your face suddenly making contact with his hard chest and your cheek pressing against his warm skin. His arm snaked around your waist and pulled you closer to him, the butterflies in your stomach flapping their wings feverishly and your throat growing a lump in it.
His deep voice snapped you out of your trance and you felt his chest vibrate as he began to speak. “Relax.” He cooed.
“Ao’nung” you started sternly, “It is quite literally impossible for me to relax when you’re touching me like this.”
You huffed out a frustrated breath, but not derived from the kind of frustration you felt when your siblings would steal your leftovers.
This felt… different.
“I know.” You could hear the smirk oozing out of his tone.
You thanked the heavens that he couldn’t see your face right now. To save yourself from further embarrassment, you decided it would be best to keep quiet.
As you two laid there listening to the waves gently crashing against the rocks for who knows how long, you weren’t sure when it had happened but your shoulders were relaxed now. Listening to the steady thumping of his heart against his chest, you suddenly felt the urge to make your feelings known to him.
Of course it was obvious and he definitely knew by now since you were terrible at hiding it. But that didn’t mean you didn’t want to say it out loud yourself.
“Ao’nung,” You bit your lip and searched for the courage to continue. “I have to tell you something-“ You spoke as you sat up and turned your head to look at him.
Your sentence was conveniently interrupted by a loud, obnoxious snore from the boy next to you. You were so deep in your own thoughts that you hadn’t realized how long you guys were laying there quiet for. You blinked at him with a deadpan expression and rolled your eyes, delicately laying your head back down against his chest so not to wake him.
“Skxawng.” You muttered, the corners of your mouth turning up ever so slightly and into a small smile.
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Alright y’all how’d i do? I haven’t written in so long this took forever to draft out LOL. My apologies for any errors i mays have missed! Hope you guys enjoyed 💞
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fanfiction-blep · 2 years
Does anyone else wonder if pandora has the equivalent of weed *cough catnip* for the Navi? Imagine Miles getting some into his system and his senses just kind of go hazy. Loses control of himself a bit and drops the tough guy act long enough to make known how much he cares about you. Bonus points for stoned out sexed up miles 🥵
PLEASE I love this idea, I did google it. I know they have different poisons they can use to hallucinate, but I love this Concept. And I'll do two parts. One where Just Miles get's high and then one where they are both high as it doesn't sit right with me to write smut where one person is under the influence and the other is not.
That's some plant~ Na'vi Miles Quaritch x Fem/Reader
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Warnings: Substance use? fluffy, Quaritch HIGH AS BALLS, soft Quaritch, Quaritch being baby.
Okay I can't think of a specific plot of this would happen so bare with head cannons for now.
Okay so he ingests it as an accident, maybe in the field? Like maybe there is a plant? And you don't have to prepare it, its chemical components can be ingested without any prep and bam. hello 420.
So you know the planet well? And you are teaching the recoms what is safe to eat and what isn't or what will do nothing but taste bad.
Quaritch is down bad okay? he likes you a lot and all this plant stuff isn't his thing he doesn't know how to impress you. Normally he would show off, in whatever way popped into his head but he realised that didn't work for you so he tried to act like he knew what he was doing.
He saw a large plant with a purple stem. large star like leaves five times the size of his head pointing out in every direction the odd flower sprouting. He picked two or three leaves and shoved one into his mouth, it tasted a little bitter but it was damp and once down the aftertaste wasn't bad.
What he didn't know was the best way to take this plant was in a tea, but no big blue simp man wanted to show off, he walzted over to you, already chomping down on the second leaf. Smirking at you. Your eyes went wide trying to grab the remaining leaf from him.
"Please tell me that you didn't eat that" "Ya just saw me eat one, what's the problem sweetheart?" He had pulled his hand into the air and was now lifting his head eating the third leaf. "Quaritch stop!" She wasn't sure whether to laugh or to cry at his impuslive behaviour. A hand resting over you're mouth in shock. It hit him there. You weren't messing around.
"Miles?" You asked placing a hand on his bicep. "How many leaves did you eat?" "Three" He spoke as if he was a child who had gotten caught eating cookies before dinner. "Alright, back to base. Now!" you gestured the rest of the recoms re grouped and headed to the ship in confusion.
"What's wrong did i eat something poisonous?" She stared up at him. "You just ate Pandora's version of cannabis!" "Fuck"
now you would be both mad, but mainly confused, who just randomly eats a plant they have no knowledge on? Miles Quaritch apparently. you would have told the science guys and insisted you would watch over Quaritch yourself.
He would be SO CLUMSY. Imagine him falling into a wall and apologising to it. Or staring at random inanimate objects and having very existential thoughts.
"Do ya ever wonder about the fact we never ask our beds if they want to be laid on?" You would have to stifle your laughter. getting him to his room was a MISSION. Lyle tries to help you. As Miles isn't able to walk by himself. You being a Na'vi you can kinda help him?
But man's is THICCC and even as a Na'vi you struggle to hold his whole weight. Also he doesn't want Lyle helping him. He starts swatting at Lyles hands. Incoherently mumbling at him. "What's the matter Colonel?" "Only want the pretty lady touching me." He would pout and rub his cheek against your head.
he was fucking purring, like actually purring while rubbing his cheek all over your head.
Lyle walked away as soon as you reached your room, you had picked your own room as you had all the medical supplies that you might need in case he has a bad reaction.
Okay so I have this vision in my head off him lifting his arm off your shoulders and trying to walk to the bed and just walking in a zig zag line. and doing a little fist bump in the air when he sits down on the bed.
Okay so you decide to grab him a glass of water, grab a med kit and take his temperature. Imagine him trying to bite the thermometer. Like your trying to put it under his tongue and he's acting like a child. You finally snap at him. "Just let me take care of you!"
"yes ma'am" He would push his legs together and make his back all straight and stare at you with this little goofy grin. You would place two fingers on his neck to check his pulse, and he would lean into your hand!
He's a little goofy baby boy. The whole dom thing melts away, and he just wants to be close to you.
He just wants to feel you, he comes down a little still high off his rocker but he's less toddler like. He gets sensitive to touch. Any fabric starts to irritate him, He starts pulling on his camo and tank top. Overwhelmed by the feeling on his skin yet unable to fully communicate what was happening due to fog in his brain.
You understand and walk over lifting his arms up and pulling off his tank top. You don't feel comfortable with him taking off his trousers due to his situation so you go to his room (Only for a moment) And find him some sweatpants. In hopes that it will make him feel better.
When you re entre the room he gets all excited and smiles at you. "You came back!" He wouldn't get overexcited it was more of a whisper. He would do little grabby hands and pull your hips pressing his face against your torso. Eventually he has wrapped his arms around your waist pulling you into his lap. Face buried in the nape of your neck, breathing in your scent.
"Ya smell soo good" So all his sense are heightened and he has always adored how you smell he has just never talked to you about this. "Miss how ya smell" at this point you give in and you start stroking the hair on his head, Causing him to purr again. The vibrations tickling your chest.
You stayed like this for a while until he fell asleep and you had to lay him down, in a half awake state he would pull you back onto the bed. "Need to hold ya pretty girl" "Don't wanna loose ya"
100% waking up thirty as hell.
Smiles when he sees you left a glass of water next to the bed for him, plus a few fresh fruits.
Fells slightly guilty about his behaviour because he doesn't know you feel the same way about him. He climbs back into the bed because he will be damned if he stumbles back to his room at unholy hours of the morning.
All the guilt melts away when he feels you roll into his side smiling in your sleep nuzzling against the bare skin of his chest.
is going to ask you to try the plant with him for sure, he just has to wait for you to wake up.
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mechformers · 2 years
Ma Miles - Ch. 1
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1.4k words
Masterpost | Chapter 2
Looking up at the bright sunny skies, you thanked the Great Mother for the peace that now lay over your new home. It had been so difficult leaving the Hometree behind, watching it burn and scream for help that could not be given by any of you. You had done what you could for the wounded, helped send the dead back to Eywa and when the dust settled, Jake Sully - Toruk Makto - emerged with Neytiri as the new leader of the Omaticaya clan. When they welcomed their first child, however, everything changed for the better. Neteyamur had been such a well-behaved child, so calm, so kind. The wise women of your clan often liked to comment on how Eywa had blessed the young boy, and how she flowed through his veins. They made a beautiful family, the boy bringing Neytiri joy in every sense of the word. 
Your lives were finally getting back to a semblance of what it once had been. Although the RDA still built their machines, mining away where your Hometree once stood, a relative peace had wrapped itself over your new home. Jake was a good leader to the Omaticaya, bringing victory and pride to your clan when the sky people tried to get closer. The few sky people that were left, guarded by the dreamwalkers, helped in every way possible while doing their peaceful research in tune with Eywa. How they could be the same species was beyond you. 
With no great value to your clan, you were - among others - tasked with helping the sky people and their dreamwalkers to the best of your ability. The small people were kind, although…different than what you had pictured them to be. Most were just in awe over the Great Mother’s abilities, registering her energies, and noting how everything connected, content to do their work to better understand the blessing that Pandora had received for Eywa. The dreamwalkers tried their best to rectify what their sky people had done to the Great Mother, working hard to rebuild and mend what was broken. 
But among those who stayed, a small child was left, orphaned by the tragedies of war. His mother killed in the assault on the Tree of Souls, and his father… the very demon who led the assault - Colonel Miles Quaritch. Born before Neteyam, Miles Socorro was too young to undergo the journey back to his home, although you had always argued that Pandora was his home. Eywa had granted him life, had welcomed the little boy to grow among her children, and so he did. Enamored with the little, odd child you were never far from each other and when the sky people who took him in gave up, you were the only constant left in his life. 
With the nickname Spider, he grew to be a big boy full of joy and curiosity for Eywa and her children. And although you were alerted when he first started calling you mom, the title brought nothing but love and adoration now, something the young boy knew to exploit whenever Lo’ak managed to drag him into trouble. You never stopped worrying when he wasn’t around, but your son was all too quickly growing into an adult. Letting go was a part of motherhood and one you would have to accept to let your son find his own path along Eywa. Luckily he was attached at the hip to Kiri, the brightest of the Sully children. She would always manage to talk sense to him, even if Lo’ak tried his hardest to persuade him otherwise. 
Chuckling to yourself, you bent to collect the last of the dew drops from a floating rock. Although your work wasn’t considered important, you liked helping the sky people collect their samples which in turn made them wonder in awe of the Great Mother’s reach. Getting back on your Ikran, you lazily flew back to the campsite, taking the time to caress his long neck, smiling to yourself as he purred loudly. 
But before you could walk into the research area to deliver your work, you were stopped dead in your tracks. The moment you saw Jake Sully you knew that something was wrong. He looked worried, tired, and bruised. 
“Jake?” You ask carefully, your ears lowering nervously. 
When Neytiri walks up behind him, avoiding eye contact with you, your heart starts beating loudly in your chest. Something was very wrong for the both of them to come to find you while you worked. 
“Where’s Spider?” Your voice doesn’t sound right to your own ears, the tone wrong. 
“Y/n, I’m so sorry,” Jake starts and Neytiri finally looks you in the eyes. 
“The children were playing down at the old shack when Lo’ak called me,” Jake starts, his own ears folding backward as his throat struggles to swallow, “A group of RDA avatars - recombinants - were there and they were caught,”
“What are you saying, Toruk Makto?” You ask gently, your ears lifting hopefully. 
“When we arrived, they were waiting for us and a battle began. In the chaos, we got separated, and… Y/n, they took Spider,” You can hear Jake Sully’s words, you can understand what he’s saying, but at the same time, nothing makes sense to you. 
“The children…” You mumble, not sure what to say as you let it all sink in. 
“Kiri, Lo’ak, and Tuk are safe,” Jake offers gently before continuing, “Spider is a tough kid, Y/n, he will be alright,”
Snapping your eyes to your Toruk Makto, you narrow them dangerously as your tail whips furiously behind you. ‘He would be alright,’ My son is out there, alone, and he will be alright. The anger you feel is unlike anything you’ve ever experienced before and it’s directed at the clan leaders. You haven’t noticed the crowd slowly gathering around you, nor heard their whispers as you try to make sense of everything. Your Ikran screams somewhere behind you, but you can’t turn your eyes away from the couple in front of you. 
“You left my son to be taken,” The sheer venom that filters through your hiss tastes vile as you growl them. 
“We tried to save him, Y/n, but in the chaos, he got away from us,” Jake tries, he really does, but the words sound hollow to your bleeding heart. 
“You are Toruk Makto, you are supposed to protect your people, our children,” You scream at him, your voice so loud it makes your own ears ring uncomfortably. 
“He is not of us,” Neytiri hisses back, ears flat as she protects her mate, hissing angrily when Jake hums disapprovingly at her. 
"You do not speak of him like that," You hiss dangerously as you point to Neytiri, "You have always thought him unworthy because of who his father is, but he is a child of Eywa - my child, and you just left him to be taken," 
Neytiri doesn’t have anything to say to that, her mate trying to calm her down as he gently holds her arm. You can’t stand to hear their excuses any longer. Your son needs you and he’s out there alone somewhere. Turning away from your clan leaders, you quickly make your way to your home, not turning when Jake runs after you, weak protests falling from his lips. He doesn’t dare to enter your home, however, silently standing on the outside, watching as you gather a few essentials, Spider’s songcord, and your weapon. 
“Who?” You sneer at him before passing on your way back to your waiting Ikran. 
“Y/n, I don’t think that -”
“Who!?” You shout this time, snapping your head around to level your Toruk Makto with the darkest glare you have in you. 
“Colonel Miles Quaritch, Spider’s father. He's back to life as a recombinant Na’vi…” 
Freezing at the words you just heard, it takes a moment for your body to let go of the immediate fear you’re experiencing. You never thought you would hear that name like this. One day, you had prepared yourself to have the talk with Spider about who his father really was, but Spider never asked and you never offered more than everyone already knew. Hearing that the demon from the skies was back to life, and in a Na’vi body nonetheless, made something sink deep inside of you. 
At least you knew where to look now. 
Masterpost | Chapter 2
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lina-lovebug · 2 years
You Are Mine, p. 3
Synposis: You and Quaritch are mated but your sister, Neytiri, cannot accept him
Warnings: cussing, Neytiri hating Quaritch
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Usually in a situation like this, Miles Quaritch would be yelling and pissed off.
But him falling into a stream because he tried catching a fish with his bare hands and his mate laughing at him only brought him pure joy.
"Oh, you think this is funny?" Miles questioned, grabbing me by my hands and pulling me in.
I gasped as the cold water hit my skin and hit his chest playfully.
"You skxawng!"
Your laughter was heard from miles around. Neytiris' ears flicked downwards, and she growled under her breath.
"What's wrong?" Kiri questioned.
"She should not have mated with him," Neytiri expressed, "He is a bad man. He is the reason your grandfather is dead."
"Nothing could ever change what he did, mom. But I can see he's trying to make amends-"
"Nothing can-!"
"He loves her, mom!" Kiri stopped Neytiri.
"I can see it. There's a reason they met, and why Aunt (Y/N) fell in love with him. You trust your sister, and I know that my aunt would not be tricked like this," Kiri saw the love between them, and it wasn't fake. Miles Quaritch wasn't deceiving her.
But Neytiri wouldn't believe it.
He's a monster and always would be, in her eyes.
He killed their father.
"He regrets it. I can-"
"Kiri, you are young. You cannot fathom what he has done."
"It wasn't just him! I love dad, but he knew. He knew what was coming and you still love him."
"It was different-!"
"Hey, hey, what's going on?" Jake interrupted, hearing the commotion as he came home with Lo'ak and Neteyam.
"Dad, please, you have to give Miles a chance. You were once one of them, you thought like them, you even thought of us as savages," Now that hurt Jake.
"I swear to you on Eywa that he's changed. He loves (Y/N)."
"I can see it," Lo'ak spoke up.
"The way he watches her was weird, but it wasn't in a creepy way. He looks at her like you look at mom," Lo'ak told Jake, who knew the truth but it was Quaritch. He hated the natives more than anyone.
And yet he mated with one of them.
"Hey, is everything alright?"
Neytiri looked back to see him. He was wearing Na'vi clothing, he looked like Na'vi, but she knows hatred when it's infront of her.
"You will never be one of us," Neytiri sneered before walking away, Neteyam and Lo'ak following after their mother.
Miles ears fell back, knowing this wouldn't be easy.
"I don't give a damn what she tells me, but (Y/N) misses her sister. I can't stand seeing her like this," Despite how hard he's tried, he knew that all his mate wanted was for her sister to forgive her and accept him.
And the problem of the humans. They had to have figured out by now that Miles betrayed them and had to be looking.
Fighting his own spaud was going to be a bitch.
"I don't like you all that much right now either, but I know (Y/N), and she wouldn't choose if she didn't know that you've changed," Maybe she was right. Just like Jake, Miles had grown to see the beauty of Pandora and its people.
"Oh, and Miles?"
Jake had punched him in the face, causing Spider and Tuk to gasp.
"That's for trying to kill me."
"Yeah, I should've seen that coming."
But before anything else, everyone heard a scream. Miles ears folded back, recognizing the voice as his (Y/N).
Him and Jake exchanged a look of worry before running in the direction of the scream.
What happened? Is she okay? Why did I leave her alone?
Thousands of thoughts were racing through his mind, regretting every second he wasn't by your side.
"Tell me who sent you!"
"Let go of me, bitch!"
Only to find (Y/N) holding Corporal Lyle by his queue and with a dagger to his throat. Blood dripped from his nose and mouth, showing that he got a good beat down in the few seconds it took them to get to her.
"Colonel! Tell this bitch to let go of me!" But then he noticed something. . .off. His Corporal wasn't in his gear but instead, he looked like one of them.
"So it's true. You did run off. For what?! Some quick native pussy?!"
Before Miles could beat the living shit out of him, an arrow shot through the brush and into his skull.
That arrow was so fast, and if Neytiri was feeling extra vengeful, she could've easily killed him. She glanced at Miles as she came out of the bush.
"You better be ready to lay down your life for her," Neytiri hissed, and (Y/N) looked towards her mate.
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marymary-diva17 · 1 year
Jake x avatar reader x neytiri
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The family had grown over the years to come for you as you saw your kids grow up over the years, and soon welcome new family and friends as well. Nothing will ever be the same anymore for you and that you have come to terms with the life you made her , by giving up your old life. There was still happiness that had kept your life going, and this happiness is something your cherish so deeply.
Y/n “ almost done just need a few more piece of fruit” you had went out to gather some fruit for the family and friends as well. You are in you own little world, but that was going to me to end very quickly.
???? “ mama” you soon heard someone calling you making you hood the least fruit you were about to drop into a basket, when Tuk the youngest of the family came dash threw the brushes. She soon looked around for you and soon spot you making a run towards you.
Y/n “ hello sweetie” tuk soon hugged you and you hugged her back, she soon step back from you and smiled at you.
Tuk " I came to help you"
y/n " oh did you so where are your siblings and cousin"
????? " tuk don't run ahead like that" soon your three older kids and spider your nephew had shown themselves. Spider is the adopted son of tsu'tey and norm, he had become your nephew right away as you welcome the boy into the home when kiri and lo'ak brought him home, when they were all small and declared him as their friend.
Neteyam " hey mom look I know you told us to keep an eye on tuk but ..."
y/n " I understand my son tuk honey you can't just run off from your siblings and cousins like that it make them worry, and soon make me worried as well with mommy and dada"
tuk " I'm sorry mama"
y/n " it okay you but next time stay close to someone or within view"
tuk " yes mama"
lo'ak " hey mama can we help you there nothing else for us to do at the moment"
y/n " sure you can my boy" the kids smiled as they helped you pick the remaining fruit that was need.
Y/n " neteyam bring that basket to our mom it for us"
neteyam " yes mom"
y/n " kiri and tuk bring that one to your grandmother she asked for some"
kiri and tuk " yes mama"
y/n " loak bring that to the human base they asked for them as well"
lo'ak " yes mom"
y/n " spider that one is for your family bring that one to your home, your father asked me to bring them for him"
spider " yes auntie y/n" you and the kids were handing back to the village when something or someone had crossed your guys path, it was mother viper wolf and her pups.
Neteyam " mom"
y/n " maway kids maway" the mother viper wolf had growled at first but soon stoped and walked off, once you stepped in front of the kids.
kiri " mom how did you do that"
y/n " it was understanding between two mother I was protecting you all and she was protecting her young"
spider " wow"
y/n " remember children pandora is our home it wonderful and beautiful place but can always be a place of fear and danger, that is balance of life everything most balance each other out"
lo'ak " is it okay to be sacred"
y/n " yes honey everyone gets scared I have been scared"
Neteyam " thank you mom" you soon smiled at the kids and went back walking home with them.
tuk " mama is our family a bunch of freaks" everyone had stopped walking and soon looked at tuk who was looking for an answer from you.
y/n " tuk what brought this up"
tuk " well some kids said our family is brunch of freaks, and I want to know if that true are we even family"
y/n " listen here baby our families might be different but we are still a family you have two mom and one dad"
spider " she right tuk I have two dads and they are my family"
tuk " are you sure"
y/n " listen here honey our family is family we have everyone we love in there right"
tuk " yes we do"
y/n " then that make us a family a family is what you make over the years and choice, and I choice your father and mom and they choice me ... soon enough we choose to have all your kids" You had picked up tuk and looked at her.
tuk " you are right mama"
y/n " see we are family so don't listen to this kids we are a family and family does what"
all the kids " family sticks together"
y/n " that right now come on let get us all home before the rest of family comes looking for us" The kids smiled as they followed after you soon reaching the village, where Jake and neytiri were waiting with tsutey and norm for the group return.
tsutey “ spider there are you kiddo”
spider “ hey dad auntie y/n picked us some fruit”
norm “ thank you y/n”
y/n “ your welcome”
Jake “ it seems like you all are being very helpful good job”
y/n “ the children were very helpful today” the kids had to drop of their baskets, while spider went home with his dads you were alone with your mates.
Jake “ finally we have some time with you” Neytiri and Jake are close near you at the moment, enjoying the time they are having.
Neytiri “ it good to have time like these with you” the tiro were trying to get start on dinner, rare moments like these made the couple happy.
???? “ mama we are home” The kids had soon returned back home and soon dash into the home, they all soon started sitting in the common area of the home.
Jake " so kids how was your day" the kids started telling their day to Jake as you were getting done with the last mixture detail of dinner. It seems like the day was going well for everyone, this was your happy family and you will do anything to keep your family safe and happy. You were hoping that these happy time will last forever but, what you didn't know was that these happy times were not meant to last forever as soon dark and sad times will fallen upon your family.
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