#paranormal investigation
samandcolbyownme · 4 months
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This story will get dark and contain things that some readers might find unsettling and/or triggering.  PLEASE DONT READ IF THIS IS SOMETHING YOU'RE NOT COMFORTABLE WITH!!
Summary: Things get a little out of hand as you explore the Missouri Farmhouse with Sam and Colby.
Warnings include: talk of death and suicide, mentions of good and evil spirits, mentions of a brothel, reader being touched, spoken to, and tormented by spirits, mentions of being scratched, pushed, shoved, mentions of blood and puking, Estes method and other things some readers might find unsuitable - please read with caution my lovelies!
Disclaimer: everything in this story is completely off the top of my head, meaning I made it all up and also, y/n has a little thing going on with both Sam and Colby, but nothing is official. Enjoy!
Word count: a little over 16k | NOT edited
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"Yeah, okay. Thanks." Sam nods his head, "Alright. See you in a few days." He hangs up and sits down, "So." He ruffles his hair and looks between you and Colby.
"What's up, man?" Colby leans forward, elbows resting on his knees, "Was that Trevor?"
Sam nods, "Yeah it was."
"Who's Trevor?" You ask looking between them. You could tell something was up, but you didn't know what, "Sam. What's going on?"
"So.. Trevor is the owner of the house we're going to in a few days, and he said that we should rethink about bringing you along."
"Bringing.." Colby points to you, "Y/n along? Why?"
Sam leans back, "I guess having a female there just won't be a good idea according to Trevor."
"Why?" You shake your head slightly and sit up. Sam shrugs, "I guess when other female investigators that went, they left pretty banged up."
You raise your brows, "Well it's a good thing I can handle a few bumps and bruises."
Colby pulls on the corner of your sweater and you look at him. You can tell that he is only concerned for your safety right now, so anything you say will just go in one  ear and right out of the other.
You look back at Sam, "So what? I'm just going to be excluded from this?"
Sam sighs, "Trevor said that it's all up to you. If you want to go, no one will stop you."
"Well I wouldn't say no one." Colby chuckles slightly and looks up at you and Sam staring at him. He quickly covers it up, "She's our best friend Sam. Why would we potentially put her in danger? Especially since the owner of the house is telling us not to bring her?"
"He said it's her choice so I mean-"
You cut Sam off, "Yes. Exactly. And I want to go."
"Have you read up on the place we're going to?" Sam raises his brows and you stare at him, "No.. but I can."
He gets up, "Look, I'm all for you going with us y/n. You're a vital part of the team, you see things we can't sometimes, so of course we want you to go." He sighs, "Just read up on it then decide whether or not you want to still go. I'm going to go make sure we have all the equipment we need."
You watch as he walks away and then you turn to Colby, "why am I getting an irritated vibe from Sam?"
Colby shrugs, "Probably because of what Trevor told him, and because he cares about you." He turns towards you, taking your hand in his, "We don't want to put you in any harms way, okay?"
"Colby." You laugh slightly, "Everywhere I go with you guys, well not everywhere but the investigations specifically.. anything could happen. I've be targeted before. I've been scratched before. I honestly think I've been through it all with you guys."
He smiles and nods, "Yeah, no you're right, I just." He pauses and lets out a sigh, "We just don't want you getting permanently affected by anything."
You nod, squeezing his hand, "How about this.. I'll go read up on the Missouri Farmhouse and then I'll get back to you guys after?"
He smirks and nods, "Okay."
"What's that smirk for?" You tilt your head and he shakes his head, "I just.. I just know that you're going to still want to go even after reading up on it."
You purse your lips together and blink a few times.
"I know you so well." Colby smiles and stands up, "I'm going to go help Sam." You watch as he walks away before reaching forward for your laptop.
The keys clack in the silence as you type in Missouri Farmhouse.
You click on a link with the same image that Colby texted you and your eyebrows raise at the first headline.
Uncovered: Multiple Prostitutes Found Dead, Miles From Missouri Farmhouse
Your eyes scan over the paragraph, Arlon Wheeler has been named leader of the satanic rituals involving the sacrifice of female prostitutes.
"Satanic rituals?" You shake your head, scanning back over the old news article, Arlon Wheeler's wife, Cordelia Wheeler, came front with authorities and confessed to everything her husband and others involved have done.
You click back, trying to find a more recent one, mainly one about people investigating it.
"Oh, yes." You click on a link and your eyes widen at the second headline.
Scratching the Surface: Ghost Investigators Leave Missouri Farmhouse Scratched and Bruised.
You scroll down, eyes widening as you read, 'Yeah, we went in knowing that it could get a little wild, but I honestly didn't think that I would be leaving with five scratches and a few bruises. I partially can't recall what happened after entering the barn, but other than that, I can tell you that if you are a female ghost hunter, please proceed with caution.' Lyvie said. I asked her about the barn and she said, 'Oh yeah.. the barn. That's where the brothel - I guess, took place. Along long with the said rituals.'
A chill is sent down your spine as you sit up, taking in what you just read, but it just seems to get worse and worse.
'With further research, it has been found that Arlon and Cordelia Wheeler would plan for Cordelia to go into town and to pick up naive females and return with them for Arlon Wheeler's sadistic needs.'
You pinch the bridge of your nose and let out a sigh.
"That doesn't sound like a sigh of relief." Sam jokes as he sits next to you. He leans over, eyes scanning over your computer, "Mm, I see. Reading up on what you're getting yourself into?" You laugh slightly and look over at him, "Yeah, yeah."
You shake your head, looking back down at your computer, "I just.. That place is full of hatred."
"What do you mean?" Sam leans back against the couch and you point to the screen, "Between Arlon being sold out by his wife to all of those innocent girls being slaughtered for absolutely no reason." You look at Sam, "It's going to be a good video, but at what cost?"
You close your laptop and lean back, "I don't want you guys going in something like that alone." You smirk slightly, "What kind of friend would I be?"
"Friend.." Sam chuckles as he extends his arm over the back of the couch, "I'm just super anxious, because with you being a living female, I just have this weird feeling as to why there's so many reports on other investigators getting injured."
You lean in and rest your head on his shoulder, "Jealousy?" You turn your head to look up at him and he looks down at you, "Oh yeah." You smile, "Why's that, Sam?"
You can see his cheeks turning red as he tries to keep his composure, "Because.. As a pretty girl walking into something like that I-"
Colby cuts him off as he walks down the steps, "I'm looking at plane tickets. How many do I need?"
You sit up, looking from Colby to Sam. He smirks and holds up three fingers, "Three."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
""What's up guys.. It's Sam and Colby." Colby motions to the empty spot where Sam should be. He looks at the camera again and sighs, "What's up guys. It's Colby Brock, And today, we are currently at the airport, waiting to board our flight to Missouri." He tilts his head, giving a confused look, "Now, you're probably wondering, guys why are you at the airport waiting to go to Missouri? Well, we'll tell you."
Sam moves into frame and gives an awkward stare into the camera, "Hi." You laugh quietly, shaking your head as they continue the intro for the video.
"Sam, do you want to tell the people why we're going to Missouri?" Colby motions towards the camera and Sam looks at Colby, leaning in to mumble, "Why are we going to Missouri?"
You and Colby laugh at Sam and he sighs, "We are heading to a massively haunted farmhouse there. It is known for leaving a, figurative and literal mark on the people that go there to investigate."
"We're super nervous about this, considering what Sam says, I will be majorly surprised if we all make it out unscathed." Colby grabs the camera, turning it around on you, "We also have the very risk taking y/n here for this trip."
You smile and wave to the camera, "Nice intro for me, Colby." You laugh and he turns the camera around on himself, "I thought it was pretty bad ass, but okay." He laughs, "See you guys on the plane." He lays his hand on the lense and turns the camera off.
Sam sits down next to you, "Is anyone else actually kind of excited about this?"
You look over at him, "I'm half and half."
He leans forward, and you both look at Colby, "What about you?" Colby leans forward and shrugs, "I'm.. here." He laughs and you nod, "Yeah, that sounds about right."
"Hey, you cou-"
You cut Sam off, "I didn't want to stay home." He raises his hands, "Alright." He laughs, making you smile. He shake his head, "We couldn't get you to stay home even if we tied you to-"
"Oh my gosh!" A girl squeals, inconveniently cutting Sam off, "Are you guys really Sam and Colby? Like is this happening right now?"
Sam points to himself, "Yeah, I'm Colby and that's Sam." He points to Colby and Colby waves with a smile, "Yeah, my hair is a little darker than usual."
You smile and look up at the girl. Her jaw drops, "Oh my g- You're y/n! Are you guys making a video right now?"
You're shocked that she knows who you are, because you don't really get recognized much, "Yeah." You laugh slightly, "It's me." You glance over at Sam and he nods, "Yeah, were actually heading to Missouri right now to shoot a video."
All the girl can do is smile, "That's so freaking cool. Can I get a picture with all of you, please?"
You all agree and stand up as she finds someone to take the picture. You stand next to Colby as the girl stands between him and Sam. Colby wraps his arm around your waist, fingers gently rubbing your side as the stranger takes a few pictures.
"Thank you so much. oh my god, I can't wait to show my friends." She looks up from her phone, "They love you guys so much, they're going to freak."
"Thank you for stopping!" Colby smiles and gives the girl a hug, same with Sam, "Be on the lookout for this video. It's something you're not going to want to miss."
She nods, "I won't I promise." She looks at you, "Can I get a picture with you?" You look from her to Sam and back to her, "Of course, yes." She hands her phone to Sam and moves to stand next to you so Sam can take a few photos.
"Thank you so much, have a good flight!" She waves as she walks away and you turn to look at Colby, "Did that just happen?" He nods with a smile, "It sure did."
"Have you ever gotten stopped like that?" Sam asks as you all sit back down. You shake your head, "Nope. But I love it." You laugh slightly and Colby stands up, "I'm going to go get a drink, do you need anything?" You look over him and shake your head, "I have my water."
He motions to Sam, and Sam nods, "Just get me what you get."
You watch Colbt walk away before looking at Sam, "So what were you saying before all of that?"
He smirks and shakes his head, "About what?"
You smile and sigh, "oh you know, about me not staying home no matter what you did?" He laughs and sighs, "oh that.. Yeah, I was just saying how even if we tied you up at home you'd still find a way to come with." He leans in, "But something tells me that if we were to do that, no one would be going anywhere."
You sit up straight as his words send an intrigued shiver down your spine. You smile and look over at him, "This isn't some sort of I better say what i want now incase we don't make it back kind of thing is it?"
He laughs at your tease and shrugs, "I mean.. if it was.. I wouldn't say that and I definitely wouldn't be saying it here." He looks up as Colby walks back over, reaching up to take his drink.
Colby sits down next to you and sighs, "So what are we talking about over here?"
"Oh you know.." You look over at him, "Sam was just confessing his unprofound love for me, no biggie." You look at Sam and right before he can say anything, your flight is announced over the speakers.
"Oh look at that, perfect timing." Sam smirks and stands up. You look over at Colby and stand up, "Ready to fly into some spook-tacular fun?"
He laughs and points to you as he stands up, "You are definitely saying that on camera."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
The plane ride was quick, considering you fell asleep as soon as the plane took off. You woke up on the shoulder of a sleeping Sam.
"Morning sleepy head." Colby whispers with a smile. You wipe the little amount of drool from the corner of your mouth and smile, "Isn't it like four p.m?" He laughs and nods, "Yeah, I guess you're right."
The flight attendant annouces that you'll be landing shortly so you reach over to nudge Sam, "Hey.. Hey.. Sam. Samuel. Samuel John.." You look at Colby and back to Sam, "Samuel John Golbach."
You laugh slightly, "If you don't wake up, Colby will have no choice but to kiss you."
Colby leans forward, "What now?!"
"I'd like it better.." Sam sits up straight and looks at you, "If you kissed me instead."
You smirk, looking away to hide the blush growing on your cheeks and Colby holds his hand up, "Whoa. I think it'll be fair if she just kisses us both."
"You would like that wouldn't you?" You smirk at him and he nods, "Very much so." You lean back in your seat, the anxiety of going to that house tomorrow sets in.
The news articles flash in your mind, images of the the scratches and bruises people have received slip into the mix as well.
You didn't know your leg was bouncing a mile a minute until Sam lays a hand on your knee, "You good?" He asks with a slight laugh and you look over at him, "Yeah, I just got to thinking about the house."
Sam wants to suggest you staying at the hotel, but he and Colby both know that that isn't going to happen.
"I'm just.. what you told me about what Trevor said, it's just circling in my mind and I mean, maybe.." you shrug,"..I'm having second thoughts but I just can't let you guys go alone."
Sam smiles slightly and nods, "No, I know what you mean."
You all get up and get off the plane, making your way to the baggage claim. You yawn, laying a hand over your mouth, "Thank god we don't have to go until tomorrow."
You walk up, picking up your suitcase. Sam and Colby follow behind you, "Yeah, we all need to rest up before going there." Sam says, looking at Colby, "Do you want me to film or you?"
Colby shrugs, "Doesn't matter to me." Sam nods and you follow him over to a bench before he pulls out the camera, "Well guys. We have landed here in Missouri. Going to head to the hotel now and that's where we'll give you the rundown about everything that's going on tomorrow night."
"Colby, y/n." Sam turns the camera to face you guys, "How are we feeling?"
"Tired." You say with a laugh, "And kinda nervous, because we're only a few hours away from the house and I'm just.." you shrug, "Anticipating the scariness of it, I guess."
Colby nods, pointing his thumb towards you, "Exactly what she said." He laughs and nods, "But I'm ready."
Sam turns the camera back to himself and points, "See you guys in a few." Sam turns the camera off, putting it back in his backpack, "Alright, let's get to the hotel."
You make your way to the car that they rented and throw your stuff in the trunk. You get in and shut the door, waiting as they get in.
"So how far from the house will we he once we reach the hotel?" You lean over and look forward in between them.
"Um.." Colby thinks, "About an hour and a half, two with traffic maybe?"
You nod, "okay." You get on your phone, typing in the house you're going to into the search bar again. You click on a link you haven't looked at yet and rest your head against the headrest as you bring your phone up to read.
We got in contact with a group of ghost hunters to talk about their experiences at The Missouri Farmhouse. One said, 'Yeah, I was walking towards the barn and all of a sudden I was on the ground, almost like something came barreling behind me and I was in the way.'
Another said, 'I was standing on the porch of the home, just looking out over the dark cornfields when I felt something wet on my back and my shirt was kind of sticking to me. We went in the summer so I thought maybe it was just sweat - I was wrong. I had my friend shine her light on my back as I lifted up my shirt and I still can't get the way she gasped in shock out of my mind. I had two scratches going down my back and what I was feeling wasn't sweat - it was blood. My blood. I left right then and there and I don't plan on ever going back.'
"This person said that they were scratched so bad that blood was drawn." You look up and Sam and Colby both glance back at you, "I'm reading more on the house, and everything I'm seeing just gets worse."
"It's not going to be an easy night. That's for sure." Sam shakes his head as he comes to a stop at the red light, "We have to go in with a positive mindset, because if we go in with negative one, all we're going to get is a negative reaction."
Colby nods, "That's why I'm super thankful we came a day early. Just so we can rest up and really prepare ourselves for this."
You go back to reading.
'What would you say to anyone who plans on going to see the house for themselves? Would you try to persuade them from going?'
'Personally..' Darion starts, "..I wouldn't necessarily try to persuade anyone from going, because at the end of the day, if they really want to go, they're going to go. So what I'd say, is go in there with an open mind. Don't expect the worst right off the bat because if you do, you'll get the worse right off the bat. Treat the ground you walk on with as much respect as you humanly can and don't, don't underestimate the spirits that are trapped in that house - especially the barn.'
You lock your phone and look out the window. You don't really say much because of not only being tired, but because you're really thinking about whether or not you want to go.
You wanted to go, of course, but you didn't want to put the burden of being worried about onto Sam and Colby, considering they'll already be worried about each other.
You reach the hotel and make your way inside to check in before going up to the room. You sit down on the bed and fall back, "Finally."
Colby laughs, sitting down and falling back onto the bed next to you, "Tell me about it."
Sam sits down on the other bed and falls back, "So who's sleeping where?"
"I could honestly fall asleep right here." Colby laughs slightly. You nod, "Same." Sam sits up and goes to his backpack, "I forgot. We have to do the backstory stuff."
Colby sits up, "Oh shit, that's right." He gets up, moving over to the other bed, right in front of where Sam set the camera up.
You heave yourself forward with a groan and stand up slowly. You walk over, moving onto the bed behind them.
Sam looks back at you, "You can lay down if you want."
You shake your head, "I'm good."
Colby laughs and looks at you, "You just want to say that spook-tacular line don't you?" You roll your eyes as you laugh, looking at him with a serious look, "Maybe."
He laughs and looks forward as Sam gets the camera on. Sam sighs, "we made it to the hotel." He motions around before clapping his hands together, "We are about an hour and a half, two hours give or take, away from the Missouri Farmhouse."
He motions towards Colby and Colby takes over, "So the Missouri Farmhouse was known for a few things. One thing being that it was owned by two of the richest people in this town at the time, Arlon and Cordelia Wheeler. Second thing, the barn right behind the house."
Sam looks from Colby to you, "Y/n, you were reading up on it on the way here, why don't you fill everyone in?"
You nod, slightly shifting to face the camera, "So over the last few days and even today, I've been reading different articles pertaining to the house itself and the barn." You pull up your phone, unlocking it, "The barn is where a brothel was held for a few years. Multiple people from this town, and even family members to both Arlon and Cordelia, would come and pay them to engage in sexual activity with, as the article stated, naive prostitutes that Cordelia would pick up from town and bring back."
You look at Sam and he smirks slightly, "Keep going."
You smile and shake your head, "Not only did the sexual activity take place, but the same prostitutes would then be sacrificed to bring good fortune to the very greedy couple, and to also try and bring a miracle, or whatever of fertility onto Cordelia."
"Oh yeah, they didn't have any children." Colby snaps and looks at Sam, "I read that they tried multiple times, but nothing worked so I think it was a cousin, maybe, of Cordelia who was big into secretly doing witchcraft, that told her about the human sacrifice thing and yeah."
"So it was the cousin of Cordelia that started it all?" Sam asks and Colby nods, "I'd say so. Because what I was reading, they convinced her, promised her safety after she made a deal with the devil I guess and that's when they started sacrificing everyone, but I don't know how they could have saved her from everything."
Colby shrugs, "Bottom line, this place isn't going to be like any other place we've stepped foot into before."
"Oh!" You snap your fingers, "I also read some other investigator's personal experiences and the one got shoved, knock over on to the ground hard and the other one I read, she had two.. not one, but two scratches on her back.. and they were bleeding."
"I just hope that we leave with our skin in tact." Sam rubs his arms and Colby looks over at him, "I think I would rather leave unpossessed or something of that matter."
He laughs and Sam nods, "Yeah." He laughs, "You have a point with that one." He claps his hands, "Let's just hope that we all leave the same way we go in."
Colby and you nod and he looks back at you, "Anything else you want to add in?"
You stare at him and sigh, "We'll see you tomorrow on this spook-tacular adventure."
Sam and Colby cheer and Sam reaches up to turn off the camera, "That was great. I love that." He looks back at you and you laugh, "alright. I'm going for a shower."
You grab stuff from your suitcase and walk into the bathroom.
Once you're done, you come out to both Sam and Colby asleep on the same bed in positions they probably were expecting to fall asleep in.
You pull out your phone, recording as you walk over to them, "This is how I found them when I came out from the bathroom."
You zoom in on Sam, "I don't know how that's comfortable." You move over to Colby and quietly laugh, "again, I don't even know how that's comfortable."
You stop recording and tap Sam's knee, "Hey." He opens his eyes and smiles up at you, "Hey." You laugh and motion to his position, "How is that comfortable?"
He sits up, almost falling off the bed completely, "I honestly don't even know." He looks over at Colby, "Is he kneeling on the floor?"
You nod, drying your hair with the towel, "That he is." You toss the towel onto the floor and walk over to Colby, "Hey, Colbs." You tap his shoulder and he snorts, "Huh?"
You smile, "I think lying in the bed will be more comfortable.." you laughs slightly, "Better for your knees."
He laughs as he pushes himself back from the bed, "You would know."
Your jaw drops, "Hey now. I've never fell asleep like that." He glances up at you, a smirk comfortable on his lips, "Wasn't talking about that."
You roll your eyes, "Keep it up and you won't know." You make a face at him, smiling as he shakes his head, "Don't say that."
You hold your hands up, "Sorry." You go to walk to the other bed but Sam stops you, "whatcha doin'?"
"Going to bed." You point and pull the covers back. Sam pouts, "All alone?"
You smile at him and glance at Colby, "what? Are you scared or something?"
"Oh yeah, don't you see me shaking in my boots?" Colby pretends to shake and you laugh, "Fine. You've convinced me enough."
Sam grabs your hand and pulls you over him, laying you in the middle between him and Colby.
This wasn't anything new to you guys. You shared toddler beds as kids and it just stuck. You knew the moment you came to live with them that you liked them both.
They both seem to like you, and even though nothing is official, it just works for you guys.
Almost like a well oiled machine with no labels, all three of you just know.
"Goodnight." You roll onto your side and Sam turns the light beside the bed off, "Goodnight." He lays down next to you, laying his arm over your waist.
"Goodnight." Colby turns his light off and lays down facing you. He lays a hand on your hip and with them next to you, it doesn't take long for you to fall asleep at all.
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
You hear talking, but you try to ignore it as you don't really want to get up yet.
"Today is the day we go to the Missouri Farmhouse."
Your eyes snap open the instant those words leave Colby's lips. You lift your head, slowly looking around before sitting up.
"Oh, look. She's finally awake." Sam jokes and you cover your face with a pillow, "No." you groan, "I'm not ready."
Sam goes back to talking as you sneak away to get ready for the day. After a little bit you come back out and see Sam and Colby sitting on the bed talking.
"You still up for today?" Colby looks at you and you nod, "Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?" You set your bag down and walk over, sitting in the chair across from them.
"Just making sure." He smiles and you nod, "I mean, I'm nervous, but I'm trying to shake that away."
"It's normal to be nervous, especially when investigating something like this." Sam starts, "You just need to go in there with knowing that you're in charge of yourself."
You let out a breath, "I'm just.." you shake your head, "When do we have to meet Trevor?"
"He said he'll meet us at noon, but if you want we can go get something to eat." Sam suggests and you nod, "Yes. Please, I'm starving."
You make your way out to the car, debating on whether or not you should tell them about the dream you had last night.
You didn't want to freak them out, but at the same time, it felt so real, like you need to tell them.
"Hey, so.." you start out, laughing slightly when Colby looks at you, "I had a weird dream last night, and I debated on not telling you but it was something about the house."
"The house?" Colby questions and you nod, "Yeah, the farmhouse."
"Do you mind if I record this?" Sam asks holding the camera up and you shake your head, "No because it might be a good thing if you do."
You wait for Sam to do his intro, "We are currently on our way to get something to eat before going to meet, Trevor. He's the owner of the Missouri Farmhouse, but first, y/n here told us that she had a dream about the house so I'm just going to let her take it away."
He turns the camera back to you and you sigh, "Okay, so first off I don't even remember falling asleep so that's kind of weird because usually I do, you know what I mean?"
Sam and Colby both nod and you nod back, "Okay, so once the dream started, it was us, standing on the front porch of the house, it's nighttime mind you."
"Extra creepy." Sam laughs and you nod, "Oh yeah. Definitely. So we go in, and for what ever reason, Colby wanted to split up and I just had this absolute gut feeling that we shouldn't. So I kept telling him no, Colby. No we can't split up and he like got, I don't even want to say mad because it was worse than that."
"Almost like something took over him?" Sam asks and you hear Colby whine from the drivers seat, "Why me!?"
You shrug as Sam puts the camera back on you, "That's what I'm saying, like you were told that you were intimidating to the ghosts, and Sam.. well.." you laugh and he moves the camera to frown into it.
"Anyway, so we stick together, but there's all these shadow things moving around and at this point in the dream, I've had enough I want to go home, I'm clinging to Sam.." you see his lips form into a smirk and you try not to smile, ".. screaming to let me go let me go."
You point to Sam, "You, Sam, You're just looking around, watching these things fly and move around us and then all of a sudden everything goes dark, it feels like you're pulled away from me. I'm pushed backwards, and then I woke up. I don't know what time I woke up, but you guys were still asleep and it was still dark out."
Colby glances back at you in the rearview, giving you a why didn't you wake us up? look.
You frown slightly and sigh, "So I don't know if that has anything to do with what we're about to experience or what but it kinda has me shaking a little bit."
"I honestly don't even know what to say to that." Sam laughs slightly, "We wanted to record that just in case anything like that happens tonight at the actual farmhouse, so."
Sam turns the camera to Colby, "Click that like button if you think it will happen and hit that subscribe button if you think it won't." Colby smirks and winks into the camera and Sam smiles as he nods his head, "I see what you did there. Nice."
You laugh and lean back against the seat, your dream replaying in your mind over and over again as you make your way to the restaurant.
After lunch, you guys head to meet Trevor and Colby starts recording as Sam takes a turn driving.
"We are now on our way to meet up with Trevor. He's going to give us the whole run down." Sam looks over at the camera and back to the road, "My hands are sweaty. I'm actually getting more anxious the closer we get to going to the house, you know?"
"No, man. I know what you mean." Colby laughs and nods. You lean over, "We can just pull up to it, you know. Snap a few pictures then leave, I mean we can still say we seen it, right?" You laugh nervously and sigh, "Fuck. I cannot believe we're doing this."
"Well, believe it. We're here." Sam pulls into a driveway and Colby leans forward, "This doesn't look like the Missouri Farmhouse."
Sam starts laughing, "That's because this is Trevor's house, you fuckin' dummy."
You lay your hand over your mouth and Colby sighs as he nods, "Yeah.." He looks down at the camera and nods, "Okay." He turns it off and looks at Sam, "Thanks for embarrassing me, Sam."
"You did that yourself." Sam laughs and gets out, opening your door for you, "Ready?" You look up at him as he shuts the door, "Yeah. Let's go get some more horrific information." Colby walks around the car and stands next to you, "Did he say if it's alright to record this?"
Sam shakes his head, "I'm going to ask him."
You follow them to the door and Sam knocks. A few seconds later, the door opens and what you assume, Trevor smiles, "Hey, Sam?" He holds his hand out to Sam and he takes it, "Yes sir, I'm Sam." He points to Colby, "That's Colby."
"Hey, how are you?" Colby shakes his hand and steps out of the way as he motions to you, "This is y/n." You step up and shake his hand, "Hi. How are you?"
Trevor nods, "I'm good." He smiles, "I'm good. Please.." He steps out of the way and motions for you all to come in. You walk in, followed by the boys and Trevor closes the door, "So what do you want to know?"
"Oh before we start, do you mind if we film this for our video?" Sam holds up the camera and Trevor shakes his head, "Not a problem at all, whatever you need." He takes you guys into his dining room and Sam sets up the camera so you're all in frame.
"These look.. old." Colby reaches out and slides a paper over towards him, "What are these names?" He looks up at Trevor and Trevor sits down, "So this right here." He points to the paper in front of Colby, "We think these are the names of the prostitutes that were taken to the house."
"Like the ones that were sacrificed?" You lean over and look at the paper. Trevor nods, "Yes. We think this was kept by Cordelia as a way for her to have leverage over Arlon."
"Almost like blackmail?" Sam asks as he looks up and Trevor nods, "Exactly. Now these.." He opens a manilla folder and slides papers next to each other, "Lean in and read this. Tell me what you think it is."
All of you lean in, eyes scanning over the semi blurred words that read;
By signing this, you have gradually acquiesced to the demands of our leader, A.W. You must now obey order. If orders are not obeyed, there will be acts of retribution.
A.W. C.W
"Was this like a contract or something? Something that the women were, I'm assuming, forced to sign so they couldn't run and tell the truth about what was happening?" You ask as you look up at him.
Trevor nods, leaning back in his seat, "Precisely."
"Its such a short contract." Colby shakes his head, "But it actually worked? Like it was a valid thing?" Trevor shrugs, "I don't think there was such thing as a notary back then, but with enough people believing in Arlon, I'm sure that didn't make much of a difference."
"Can we take a picture of this name list? Just so we know who to try and talk to?" Colby taps his finger next to the paper and Trevor nods, "Oh yeah, of course. Take a picture of it all if you'd like."
Colby works on taking pictures while you and Sam talk to Trevor, "Can you tell us about any personal experiences that you or anyone else close to you have had?" Sam asks resting his elbows on the table.
Trevor blows out air, "Gosh, I don't even know where to start." He chuckles and you sit up more, "What about the girl that got scratched so bad she bled?"
Trevor's eyes widen as he nods, "Oh shit. Yeah. The panic in her voice when I got the call about them leaving, was not a call I wanted to receive at two a.m."
You nod, "Oh I can imagine. I was reading up on the house over the last few days, and some of the stuff I've read is just.. horrifying."
Trevor nods, "They're not exaggerating it at all, either. The barn, that's where everything was held for a majority of its time. That is where most of the crazy shit happens."
He shuffles through the folder and slides over a blown up picture of a wooden beam sticking straight up out of the ground, "My brothers and I were working on patching up some of the holes in the roof of the barn one day when I suddenly got this really bad, dizzy feeling. I stepped, maybe three steps, and that beam fell straight down onto the exact spot I was standing."
You all look at Trevor in shock and he nods, "Another time, I was in the house looking around to see what we could really remodel. I was standing on the stairs and it honestly felt like someone was trying to throw me over the banister."
"What the hell." Colby shakes his head, holding up hid pointer finger, "Note to self. don't stand too close to the stairs banister."
You and Sam laugh and Trevor nods, "Another don't you should follow." He looks between the three of you, "If you go into Arlon and the wife's room, don't let the door close on you."
"I know.. I'm probably going to regret asking this.." Sam sighs, "Why?"
"I've never had it happen to me, I even went there to see for myself, but I've had multiple reports about some crazy shit happening if you let the door close. For instance." He sits forward, "Someone called me and told me that their hearing.." He puts air quotes, "Stopped working."
"Oh shit." Colby shakes his head, "Almost like they isolated them." Trevor nods, "Yeah, they also said that they've heard things being screamed into their ear. They could never tell me what they heard. Every time they thought about it, it was on the tip of their tongue but they just couldn't ever say it."
"Now that is really freaking weird." Sam shivers, "I have the goosebumps just thinking about that, like being the only one in a room, a dark room at that, and just having something scream shit into your ear that you definitely make out, but you forget about it even though you know it? Does that make sense?"
You nod, "That would drive me absolutely insane." You lean back, stretching your arms out behind you.
"Did you get pictures of everything?" Sam asks Colby and he nods, "Yes, I did. I'll send them to both of you, just in case something happens to my phone." He sends out the pictures to you and Colby and you swipe through them as they finish up talking.
"Thank you so much for meeting with us." Colby holds his hand out to shake Trevor's hand again, "We truly appreciate all the information." Trevor shakes his hand then moves onto Sam's, "Not a problem at all. Again, call if you need anything and just be cautious around and in the barn if you do go in. You never know what can happen."
You nod and walk over to the door with them, "Wait." You turn to Trevor, "You told Sam on the phone that I shouldn't come? Why is that?"
"I found that the females that come to the house are targeted the most, probably out of the dead being jealous of the living." Trevor opens the door, "Just be extra careful, sweetheart. The pretty ones get more attention."
"Oh.. Okay. Thanks." You look from Trevor and Sam and Colby are both staring at you, "Again. Thank you for the information." Colby walks out, stopping to wait for you.
Trevor hands Sam the key, "This will open the front door. Call if you need anything."
"Thank you." Sam grabs the key, "I'll be sure to let you know how it goes." He lays a hand on your back as you walk in front of him.
"Good luck." Trevor yells before closing the door.
You get in the car after Sam open's your door, "He was fine up until the very end. I didn't like that." Colby looks back at you, "I don't think he meant it in the way that we took it, bu-"
Sam cuts him off, "I still didn't like it."
You laugh slightly, "It's fine. We have something bigger to worry about now." You take a deep breath, "The Missouri Farmhouse."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
"Stop here so we can get a shot of the entrance." Colby points and you lean around, "That's actually very fucking creepy."
Colby nods, "I know, all of the trees and then just this dirt, gravel road." he rolls his window down and holds the camera out, recording as Sam drive onto the long driveway.
Your heart drops into your stomach as the house comes into view.
"There she be." Sam says and you shake your head, "I already don't like this." You laugh nervously and Colby puts the camera on you, "You nervous or something?"
You roll your eyes and clear your throat, "What? Me? No. Not at all." You look at him serious, "Yeah, very much actually."
Colby laughs and turns the camera to Sam, "Well, brother. Now that were here.. how are you feeling?" Sam parks and takes a deep breath, "I honestly don't know." He laughs and looks over, "Y/n's dream kind of has me freaked out."
"Tell me about it." You run a hand through your hair, staring at the house as Colby records it, "Well, guys. This is .. The Missouri Farmhouse."
"We are going to get our things together and we will take you guys on a tour before it gets dark out, just so you can all see how old this house really is." Sam looks into the camera and Colby tilts his head, "You mean to show them how creepy this place actually is?"
Sam nods, "Same thing." He laughs as he turns the car off. Colby shuts the camera off and gets out, opening your door for you. You move at a slow pace, not rushing to get inside. You slip on your jacket, "How cold is it supposed to get?"
"I believe low forties." Sam says as he pops the trunk. You nod as you pull the hood from your sweatshirt out of the back of your jacket. Colby walks up next to you, "You ready?"
"As I can be." You smile up at him and he lays a hand on your hip, "At anytime-"
"You tell me this every time I do an investigation with you guys, and you know that if I absolutely cannot handle it anymore, I'll tell you." You smirk as he smiles and nods, "Just like to remind you."
"I appreciate that." You smile and turn to look at Sam, "So were just going to do a walk through?" He nods, "Yeah, I figured that with it still being daylight, we can get footage of how everything looks normal because I honestly feel everything is going to intensify when the sun goes down."
Colby puts his jacket on and sighs, "Ready?"
You and Sam look at him with a nod, "Ready."
Sam starts rolling, "Alright guys. So we are on our way into the house. This is what it looks like on the outside." Sam turns the camera around, panning it over the huge farmhouse standing before you.
You walk up to the door and Sam hands Colby the camera as he pulls the key from his pocket. He slips the key into the old looking lock and turns it, "Alright." Sam looks back as the door cracks open, "We're in."
"No going back now." Colby chuckles and hands the camera back to Sam so he can walk in first. You follow, Colby right behind you.
You trip on the step and fall into Sam, "I tripped." You announce quickly, "Sorry."
"You okay?" He turns around, laying a hand on your side and you nod, laughing slightly, "Yeah. I'm good." You look away from Sam, eyes scanning over the house.
Sam pans the camera around, "It's so old, yet so beautiful."
"Whoa, look at this." Colby walks over and Sam follows him. Colby points to a portrait on the wall, it's old and kind of ripped, "I think this is Arlon and Cordelia."
As Sam and Colby are talking about the portrait, you get this unsettling feeling that you're being watching, "Guys.." your voice is almost inaudible.
You reach out, tapping Colby's arm and he turns around, "Did you just- what's wrong?"
"Something is watching us." You swallow and turn around.
A shadow moves from the top corner of the doorway and you point, "That door. There was something in the top corner."
"Oh fuck." Sam walks in front of you, camera pointed at the door, "what did it look like?" He looks back at you and you shrug, "It was just a shadow, like a head shaped shadow."
"Jesus Christ." Colby shakes his head, "So we won't be going that way." He laughs and points the other way. You nod, "Yeah, that room.. gives me a bad feeling."
"What kind of feeling?" Sam looks at you and you take a breath, "Dark, evil kind of feeling."
Sam and Colby just stare at you for a second, "Okay." Sam says breaking the silence, "Moving away from that room."
You walk down the hall, staying as close as you can to them while holding your arms around yourself. Sam and Colby explain some backstory while you can't help but continuously look around like someone else is there.
"So there's what? Two three floors to this?" Colby asks.
"Three, but the third is the attic, but I guess it's huge." Sam answers. He looks over at you, "What's going on?"
You shake your head, "It doesn't feel like we're alone. Like don't you feel that weird feeling like someone is standing like right.." you wave your hand up and down behind Sam, "Here."
Sam turns around as Colby walks over, standing right where you motioned to, "Here you said?"
You nod and Colby looks at Sam, "I don't feel-" he moves back, "Whoa." He looks around quick and moves to stand next to you, "swear to god something just pushed me."
"We saw it." Sam looks from you to Colby, "Are you okay?" You lay your hand on his arm, "You were pushed backwards, so whatever that was, it was between us."
"Fuck." Colby shakes his head, "Do you still feel like someone else is here?"
You take a deep breath, shaking your head, "No. it vanished right as you got pushed."
"You moved next to y/n. What if they think that we're trying to -" Sam puts air quotes, "-protect her?" He shrugs, "I mean, we were told that they'll go after her more because she's a girl and the spirits can have some sort of jealousy towards her."
You shiver slightly, "That just send a chill down my spine, Sam. That's honestly so bizarre to hear out loud."
You snap your head to the left, eyes focused on the staircase, "shh." You hold your hand out, frozen for a second until you look at Sam, "There was walking, like heavy footsteps on the stairs."
There's a sudden loud thump only a few feet away from you that causes you all to jump and yell out, "Oh shit."
"What the fuck!?"
It happens again, and this time you jump towards Colby, grabbing onto his arm as you look at Sam, "What the hell was that?"
He shrugs, "I don't know but we should keep moving." He nods towards the hall and you and Colby follow him, making sure to stay extra close to them.
They continue talking about the place, making sure to give you reassuring glances every so often as you explore the rest of the house.
Soon enough, you're face to face with the barn.
"I mean.." Colby starts out as he takes the camera from Sam, "It doesn't really look all the scary in the daylight."
Sam laughs slightly, "It looks, kind of pretty with the light shining down through the beams."
You get dizzy, and it happens quick.
"Oh god." You mumble as you hold your head. Sam is right next to you, arm around your waist and you lean into him.
"What's going on?" Colby asks confused and you feel Sam shrug. You take a deep breath, slowly lifting your head, "I got, really dizzy."
Sam looks up at Colby and back to you, "Are you still dizzy?" You can tell there's concern in his voice, "Do you need to sit down?"
You shake your head, blinking a few times, "No. I think I'm okay." You brush hair from your face, eyes moving past Colby to look into the death filled barn, "That's not a good place."
Colby turns around, pointing the camera at the entrance, "If you wouldn't know anything about this place, it honestly looks like a normal barn that was abandoned, you know?"
Sam nods, arm still around you, "I'm actually kind of scared for when the sun goes down."
Colby nods, "I'm sure we're all feeling that way." He looks at you then to Sam, "I'm going to walk up, get a shot of the inside, you guys stay here."
"Colby." Sam warns, "I wouldn't."
"Yeah, don't go up there alone, please." You practically beg. Colby shrugs, "I'll be fine, I'll just run up and run back."
You tighten your grip on Sam's jacket as you watch Colby walk up towards the barn. You were preparing yourself to run and help him.
You had to be on your toes while here, this place is so unpredictable.
"Yo Colby." Sam yells, "Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I got it." Colby yells back, "Coming."
Your eyes are focused on Colby as he walks towards you and Sam, glancing behind him every so often. He wants up, pointing his thumb behind him, "It sounded like someone, you know those loft spaces in a barn where they store the hay?"
You and Sam nod and Colby looks back before continuing, "It sounded like someone was up there, scuffling around."
"That's not surprising. That's the most active spot out of everything." Sam shakes his head, "alright. So I'm thinking we go get something to eat, calm our nerves and really prepare for what we're going to be facing tonight."
Colby nods, "That's a good idea." His head snaps towards the house, "There's no fucking way."
"What?" Sam takes the camera, "What happened?"
You stay close to Sam, looking to where Colby is staring, "Did you hear something?"
"It sounded like someone yelled back here in the distance, like they were telling someone to get back here? You know what I mean?" He looks at Sam, "We're the only ones out here right?"
"We should be." Sam pans the camera around the old farm, "Take one last look, because when we get back. Everything will be engulfed with darkness."
"Isn't it already?" Colby asks, "With the spirits and all of that?"
Sam sighs, "I mean. Yeah, I guess. But I was trying to make it thrilling." He pouts and shuts the camera off as you and Colby laugh.
"Let's go take a minute." Sam lays his hand on your lower back, "We can go over the plan of where we want to start and where we want to end while we wait for the sun to go down."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
After dinner, you're in the car heading back to the farmhouse and you can't shake the nervous feeling.
All of the news articles pop back up into your head, flipping through like pages in a book.
"Y/n?" Colby's voice makes you jump, "Fuck." You laugh slightly, "Sorry. I was thinking about everything I read."
"Yeah, us too." Colby looks to Sam and back to you, "If things go south, we're getting out of there. No questions asked, no it'll be good content, nothing."
You nod, "Deal."
"If you at anytime don't feel like you can do it anymore.." Sam starts, "Same for you Colby, we're done."
Colby nods and you sit up, "I just can't wrap my mind around the fact that that girl had blood drawn."
"Spirits are powerful things, y/n. If they don't like you, they'll make it known." Colby quickly sighs, "Sorry. I wasn't thinking. I know that's probably something you don't want to hear after-"
"No, Colby." You lay your hand on his shoulder, "You're fine. I'm fine. We're all going to be fine."
You lean back, taking a deep breath as you see a familiar sign that lets you know you're almost to the beginning of the dirt road.
"We're almost there." Sam says, "Do you want to get the camera out Colby? We need to get a shot of this." He motions to the windshield, and you look out at the dark road that's only lit by the headlights of the car.
"Oh fuck me." You breathe out, laying a hand on your forehead, "This is sketchy as hell."
"I'm going to stop and turn the lights off." Sam comes to a slow stop, looking over at Colby, "Ready?"
Colby nods, "Rolling." He points the camera forward and Sam flicks the lights off, leaving the three of you in total darkness.
"Oh m- that is fucking scary." Colby laughs, "What the hell."
"Now imagine I turn the lights on and there's something just sta-"
"Sam!" You yell, tapping his shoulder, "Don't say that!" You laugh, "I'm already peeing my pants back here."
"Are you really?" Sam teases. Even thought you can't see him, you can tell he turns around and you scoff, "No, not really."
He flicks the lights back on and thankfully there's nothing there. You let out a sigh of relief as Sam starts driving again.
Sam and Colby go back and forth about the darkness, laughing and joking like they normally do. You weren't sure if it was your dream keeping a tight hold on you, or the fact that you're a girl going to this no girls allowed club, or what.
But you were scared, and you knew that you had to pretend that you weren't and it was going to be hard.
"Alright." Sam taps the wheel, "We meet again."
"The sun going down has definitely amplified the creepiness by a thousand times." Colby adds, "I have goosebumps."
Your eyes stay on the house and you squint, "Did you guys light that candle when we were in there?"
"What?" Colby turns around and Sam comes to a stop, "I didn't light anything."
You look back up at the house and the light you thought you seen wasn't there anymore, "It's not.. maybe it was just the headlights."
"I wouldn't be surprised if anything was on in there, so maybe you did see something lit." Sam assures you, "Let's get everything ready and take final minute before going in."
Colby shuts the camera off and gets out with Sam. You sit there for a moment before Sam opens your door, leaning down to look at you, "You okay?"
You turn your head to look at him, "Yeah. Yeah. Just taking a minute for myself." You slide over, swinging your legs out, "I'm ready."
You look up at Sam and he grips your chin, "That's our girl." He winks and helps you get out, closing your door behind you.
You walk around, grabbing your backpack from the trunk. You make sure you have everything that you planned on taking, along with the boys.
"I'm good." Sam says zipping up his backpack.
Colby nods, swinging his around to put his arms through the straps, "Me too."
"Yep. Let's go." You put your backpack on and step back so Colby can shut the trunk. He sets the camera on top and turns it on.
He back up, standing on the other side of you, "We are here."
"It's dark." Sam adds before Colby picks up, "It's finally time to explore the famous Missouri Farmhouse."
You look around, nothing but the light from the camera illuminating the short distance around you.
"Did you hear something?" Sam looks at you and you look at him, "No. I'm just looking around." You laugh and look at the camera.
"So we came up with a game plan of where we want to go first, and where we want to go last." Sam claps his hands together, "We all agreed that the barn is the last place we want to go, so stay tuned for that and we'll see you in a second."
Colby walks up, cutting the camera, "alright. Let's head up."
As you walk up to the house, you look behind you, squinting at the sight of a possible figure standing still at the back of the car.
You blink and it's gone.
You shake your head, looking forward as you're met with the farmhouse door. You look up, turning to look out into the darkness.
Colby opens the door and walks on, Sam lays a hand on your back, nudging you slightly so you walk in.
I'm not scared, you think, mind over matter. I'm not scared.
The camera light shines on the dark interior and Colby bumping into you causes you to jump, "Colby!" You yell quietly with a laugh.
"Sorry. Sorry." He laughs and lays a hand on your shoulder. Sam spins around, pointing the camera on you and him, "should we bring out the Epoch box?"
"Yes. That's a good start." Colby says, "Do you have it or do I?"
"I think you do." He points to Colby and Colby nods, "Okay." He pulls his backpack off and you wrap your arms around yourself, feeling a chill creep down between the multiple layers of clothing.
You let out a sigh, stepping closer to Sam.
"You alright?" He whispers looking over at you. You nod, "Just cold. I got a chill standing over there."
"I'll get this thing going." Colby stands up, walking over to the small end table, "So this is called the Epoch box. It isn't motion censored, but it's similar to the Ovilus as it uses a sophisticated algorithm to read the environment and converts the energy into yes or no responses."
"I'm Sam, these are my friends Colby and y/n. We're here to ask some questions and with those we come in peace. We mean absolutely no harm to anyone here so if it's okay with you.." he pauses, looking between you and Colby, "Can we ask you some questions?"
The box flickers a few times before lighting up green for a few seconds then stops.
"Okay. Is Arlon here with us?" Sam keeps the camera on the box as you all wait.
The box lights up red for a few seconds before shutting off. It flickers before going dark and you sigh, "I'm y/n. I mean no harm to anyone here." You step forward, "Is this Cordelia?"
The box flickers before lighting up green for a few seconds.
"So it's her." You look at Sam and then to Colby and he nods. He looks down at the box and furrows his brows, "Sam."
"What?" Sam walks over, making sure you go with him, "did it just turn off?" Sam looks up at Colby with a shocked expression.
Colby lifts it, "That says on, right?"
"So it.. what? Died?" Sam asks confused, "what the fuck?"
A loud thump makes you jump and you look behind you. It catches Sam and Colby's attention too because they turn after you, "What was that?" Colby whispers, "Sounded like a-"
"That." You point, "That sounds-"
Thump! Thump!
"Okay." Sam sighs, "Lets move to the den area." Sam lays his hand on your back and turns back to Colby, "Just switch it off. Maybe we can get it to work somewhere else."
Colby nods, picking it up, "You said the den area?" Sam nods and Colby pulls out his phone. Sam looks at you and you look at him, shrugging before both looking back to Colby.
He holds his phone up, "I knew I remember seeing something about a den. Look." He shows you and Sam his phone and you nod, "so he had favorites."
"Looks like it to me." Sam says as he shows the camera Colby's phone, "Hold on, I'm trying not to get a gla- oh here we go."
Colby puts his phone in his pocket and sighs, "So. To the den we go?"
"The den we go." Sam nods before you all walk towards the end of the hall. Colby opens the door, announcing that it's you guys before walking in.
You get a weird feeling, almost like you're uncomfortable.
You shift around, pulling down your sweatshirt and jacket, "This room feels.. uncomfortable." You look at them, "Like I think I can tell what happened here just by how I'm feeling."
"If he had favorites, I'm sure we can all figure out what happened in this room." Colby points to you, "Do you want to leave? Are you okay?"
You shake your head, "No, I think I'll be fine. Do you have any names?" Colby pulls his phone back out and nods, "Edith Macentire, Daisy Lovell, Lydia?" he zooms in and shakes his head, "I can't read the last one."
"I'll get out the REM pod." Sam hands the camera to Colby before swinging his backpack off. He gets out the pod and looks around, "I'm not going to put it by the door, I'll put it.." he walks over to the small stand that's in front of the window and sets it down.
"Hello, I'm Sam. Just want to ask you a few questions, I mean no harm. I just want to try and figure out what happened in here." He gently claps his hands together, "there's a light on that pod there, if you get close enough to it, a light will flash. If you want to answer any questions, all you have to do is just make that light up, okay?"
A few minutes goes by before the light turns on.
"Okay. Is this Edith Macentire?" Sam keeps his eyes on the pod, "Just touch it once for yes or-"
The light flashes once time and turns off. Sam looks back at you and Colby, "Edith, did bad things happen in this room?"
The pod lights up one time and you move your hand to tap Colby, "don't we have a spirit box?" He nods, "Yeah." You look at Sam and back to Colby, "I think we should use it. I just feel like we need it right now."
"Okay." Colby nods, "I think it's in your bag." Sam walks up behind you and the REM pod goes off constantly.
Sam leans out from behind you, "What the fuck." Colby shrugs, looking back at him, "I don't know, man." Colby keeps the camera on the pod as Sam walks over, "I'm going to shut this off." Sam grabs the REM pod and holds it in his arm as he sets the little radio box on the stand, "You will be able to tell us things through this."
Sam step back, taking the camera from Colby so he can move up, "I'm Colby, I mean absolutely no harm, neither do my friends. Can you tell us what happened in this room?"
The static sounds for a few minutes, "..Man.."
"Man?" Colby questions, "Are you talking about Arlon?"
"Arlon was an evil man." Sam shakes his head, "Are we still talking to Edith?" The static plays in the silence for a minute longer, "..Lydia.."
"Lydia. Can you tell us what the evil man did?" Colby rests his fingers on his chin as he watches the box, "..he said.. wouldn't die.."
"Did he tell them that they wouldn't die?" Sam whispers and you nod, "I think that's what she means. Maybe he promised them a good life since he was-"
Your words are cut short by the box, ".. he wants you.."
Your eyes go wide and your heart sinks into your stomach, "Huh?" Colby looks at you, Sam, then back to the box, "Who wants who, Lydia?"
You can feel your heart starting to race and it feels like something is creeping up behind you. You glance behind you, seeing nothing as you move closer to Sam.
Sam looks down at you and wraps his arm around your shoulder as he holds the camera on Colby. Colby shake his head, "I think she's gone."
Instantly after Colby stops talking, "..run!"
You feel a gently tug on your jacket before it feels like a yank and you're pulled from Sam, both of you yelling at the same time. He grabs your arm pulling you back to him as Colby comes over, "What the fuck just happened?"
You cling to Sam as he hands the camera to Colby. Colby keeps the camera pointed down, "Sam wh-"
"..I told you.."
Colby walks over, shutting off the box, "Okay that's enough for now." He walks back over, camera still down at your guy's feet , "Are you okay?"
You keep your head pressed against Sam's chest, "When it said he wants you.. I got this feeling that there was something, I don't know." You sigh, "Creeping up behind me and then right after run was said, I got yanked backwards."
"I don't.." Colby shakes his head, letting out a sigh, "I don't want to say anything, but I know we're all thinking it.."
"He wants her." Sam says nodding down to you. Colby nods, "Mhm." You lift your head from Sam's chest and sigh as you try not to laugh, "This is insane."
Sam takes the camera back and you walk towards Colby, taking a deep breath, "Okay. Where to next?"
Colby smiles slightly and shakes his head, "You want to keep going?" You nod, "I'm not tapping out yet."
"We hit two of three places down here, I don't really want to go into that room she saw the shadow figure in. Not at night, gives me a very bad feeling." Sam says and you nod, "So, upstairs then?"
"I think we should go into Arlon and Cordelia's room." Colby raises his brows and you nod, "Just please don't let the door shut."
You make your way out of the den and into the hallway. Colby shuts the door and you all freeze as you hear something in the hallway.
You wait a few seconds before starting to walk, "So.." Colby says to the camera, "We are currently making our way up to the bedroom that housed the ring leaders to this whole shabang."
You laugh slightly, "Shabang." Sam smirks and Colby rolls his eyes as he chuckles.
Each creek of the stairs is unsettling to you. You're jumpy, really jumpy. So every little sound causes your body to feel like you're going to jump out of your skin.
"Alright." Sam breathes out, "We have reached Arlon and Cordelia's humble abode." He takes a deep breath, "We should find something heavy to put in front of the door so that way if it moves we can hear it."
Colby reaches for the handle, looking between you and Sam, "Ready?" You and Sam both nod and you walk up behind Colby as he pushes the door open slowly, "Okay. I don't see any-"
Something falls right into the door way and you gasp while jumping back. Sam groans, "Jesus Christ." Colby squeezes his eyes shut and open them, "I may have peed a little bit."
You look down and step towards Sam, "Oh gross."
"I didn't.. actually.." Colby sighs and shakes his head, "Let's just go in." Colby steps in and turns around, "The atmosphere in here is.. different."
You walk in and look at Colby, "You're right." Sam follows you and looks around, "That's actually super fucking crazy."
Colby keeps his hand on the door while you look for something kind of heavy, "Would this work? If we just pull this over in front of it?" You point to a small table and he shrugs, "I can stay by the door just in case."
You push the small table over, freezing as you hear footsteps in the hall.
"Did those come from up here or down there?" Sam whispers and Colby shrugs, shaking his head, "I-I don't-"
What sounds like running in the hall causes you and Sam to move by Colby. Sam leans forward, aiming the camera into the darkened passage, "I don't see any-"
"Did that just move?" You say cutting Sam off as you point to the bed, "The blanket. Wasn't that tucked up by the pillows nice and neat when we came in?"
"I have no idea, I didn't really look." Sam says, "It could have-" he tells jumping slightly, "Fuck."
"What what what!?" Colby yells quickly, "you good?!"
Sam nods, "Yeah, just something like drug up the back of my leg."
"Do you feel like you're scratched?" You take the camera from him and he just stands there staring at the ground, "Sam." You snap your fingers and lean in to look at his face, "Sam. Hey."
He blinks as you wave your hand in front of his face and looks up at you, "No. I'm good."
You look at Colby and Colby shakes his head, "Where'd you go man?" He looks at Colby confused, "What do you mean? I've been right here."
You slowly shake your head, gasping loudly when you see something in the slightly dusty mirror, "Oh my god. The mirror." You aim the camera at it, the light from the camera reflecting off, "A woman, was just standing there."
"Cordelia?" Colby asks and you shrug as you look to Sam, "You with us?" You reach out, wrapping your hand around his wrist.
He slides his hand into yours and squeezes it, "Yeah, no. I just. I'm dizzy. Like really dizzy."
Colby lays a hand on your back, "Let's get out of this room." You hand Colby the camera as you guide Sam out. He walks over to the wall, resting his back against it and you look back at Colby, watching as he closes the door.
"Hey, you alright?" Colby asks walking up, "Did you see anything when you spaced out?"
Sam shakes his head, "No, I just couldn't look up from the floor." He runs a hand over his face, "I could hear you calling for me, but I just-"
"Frozen." You say and he nods, "Literally, yeah. That. I didn't hear anything other than you and Colby." You step towards him and lay your hand on his shoulder.
He tilts his head back, resting it against the glass, "I'm not dizzy anymore."
"Well that's good." Colby sighs, "do you need a water or anything?" Sam shakes his head, moving to stand up straight, "No, I'm alright."
You glance to Colby and he nods, "Let's take a minute. It's been a lot for all of us right now."
"No let's just keep going." Sam insists, "I'm fine."
Colby nods and you sigh quietly, "Okay. Where to next?" Sam points down the hall, "Arlon gave Cordelia an office like room to keep things organized, I guess. We can do that then we can go outside for a minute."
"Whatever you want to do, Sam." Colby says and Sam nods, "I'm good." He smiles, "I promise."
You nod, following him down the hall to one of the doors, "Okay, so." Sam points to the door and Colby shows it to the camera as Sam continues to speak, "This is where all of the information they could get about each prostitute was kept. Cordelia, Arlon's wife was in charge of getting them to come back here."
"Do you think she talked them up wherever she found them or kind of did like an interview situation?" You look from Sam to Colby and Colby points, "That's actually a really good point, we can get the spirit box or something out and ask."
"We can try the Epoch box again. See if downstairs was just a bad spot for it." Sam says before reaching for the doorknob, "it's just us again."
He steps in and turns around, making sure you're behind him. Colby follows and pans the camera around the room, "It really is like an old timey office."
"Look, this is that same list of names, do you think this is the original?" You move over to the desk, looking at the old looking piece of paper. Sam walks over and check it out, "This might be a copy? I mean, it looks pretty real to be a copy, so I don't know."
Colby moves over, shining the light from the camera over the page so you can see it better, "I wouldn't mess with it, you know just, to be on the safe side."
You nod and hold your hand up, "Do you hear that?" Sam and Colby look to you before turning towards the open door.
The sound of a door opening and shutting echos through the hallway.
"What door is that?" Colby whispers and Sam shrugs, "Could it be the bedroom?" Colby walks over, peaking out as he aims the camera.
He leans back in quickly and exhales, "Holy fucking shit." He looks to you and Sam, "Holy. Fucking shit."
"Did you see something?" Sam asks, "Colby. What did you see?"
"The door, to the bedroom, was cracked open and a shadow came up the steps and went into the room then it shut." Colby's breath is shaky.
"No fucking way." Sam lays a hand on his mouth, "Are you serious?" Colby nods, "Swear to fucking god, Sam. I'm not shitting you, it- here." He hands Sam the camera and reenacts what he saw, "It came up the steps like this, slow. Then just turned like this.." he turns his body, "And then just went into the room."
"Jesus Christ." Sam sighs and you lay your hand on your forehead. You feel like you're sweating, "Do you guys, feel.. hot?"
Sam turns to you, "Are you- what's going on?" He feels your forehead, "Colby, she's sweating."
"How? It's like forty degrees outside." He walks over to the other side of you and you lean against him, "I think we need to take a break." 
"Yeah. I agree." Sam nods, taking the camera from Colby before Colby wraps his arm around your waist, "Come on." He walks over to the door, looking out before rounding the corner with you.
The only light you have is from the camera that Sam has behind you. He pulls his phone out, switching on his flashlight as you reach the steps.
"Careful." Sam says as you and Colby step onto the first one. These steps were old, so you had to go up and down with care.
You reach the bottom as just as you are about to make it to the front door, it feels like something grabs your arm and tries to pull you away from Colby.
A faint, "Stay.." is whispered as you pull your arm back.
"Something just grabbed me and told me to stay. It was super quiet." You grip Colby's jacket and he opens the door, "You're good. We got you." 
He walks you outside and Sam shuts the door behind him with a loud, "Holy fuck."
"Yeah. Yeah." Colby nods as he walks you over to the car, "Here." He opens the door, "Sit for a second."
You sit down and let out a sigh, "Sam, are you okay?" You look up at him and he walks over to you, "Yes, sweetheart. I'm fine."
You smile slightly and nod, "Okay." He brushes hair from your face, "Are you?" You nod and he turns to Colby, "Are you okay?"
Colby nods, "Yeah." He shakes his head, "Maybe we should do a recap before anything else." Sam nods, looking back at you, "Stay here."
"You don't have to worry about that." You laugh slightly, watching as Sam walks to the back of the car. You rest your head against the seat, listening to them talk to the camera.
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
You stand up, slinging the back pack over your shoulder, "I know it wasn't really in the plan, but I think we should do the Estes method in between the barn and the house."
Colby looks between you and Sam, "Do you think that that's really a good idea?"
Sam puts his backpack on, moving his hood out, "I mean, it can't hurt to try. Two of us will be able to see and hear."
Colby shakes his head, "I don't know. This place just makes me nervous for something like that." Sam nods, "No I understand, but I was honestly going to say something about doing that too."
Colby chews on his cheek for a few seconds, "Who ever does it, has to be prepared, that's all I'm saying." Sam sighs, "Yeah, Colby. I know."
This place was doing something to them.
To all of you.
Tensions are usually never this high. You knew you all wanted to do this for the video, but you also knew that you all didn't really want to be there anymore.
"Let's just.." Colby sighs and you cut in, getting out of the car, "Let's just take it one step at a time because we really don't know what is going to happen."
"She's right." Sam says, we can just go back, maybe set up flashlights? I don't know where but we can try that?"
Colby nods, "Yeah." He grabs the camera, "Come on." He switches the camera on as you start to walk back towards the house.
Tap. Tap. Tap.
You all stop, looking at each other before the sound of something tapping against the glass catching your attention  again, tap. Tap. Tap.
"Okay.. that's freaky." Sam laughs slightly, "What window is it?" You shrug, "It sounds close." Your eyes scan over the windows that are lit up by the camera light.
You point to the middle window, "The curtains moved in that one." Colby steps towards the window, holding up the camera to see inside when all of a sudden he jumps back after a loud thump on the glass scares him.
"What the fuck!" He yells stepping back, "That was literally right fucking there."
"There's no way that wasn't on video. Holy shit." Sam walks up to the window and looks in, "I don't.. see.. anything.."
He shakes his head and looks back at you, "Lets go around to the back." You and Colby follow him as you walk around to the back.
Colby shines the camera over towards the bar, "There it is." He shivers slightly, "Just looking at it sends a shiver down my spine."
"So what do we want to do?" Sam asks as he looks between you and Colby. You shrug, "I'm all for doing the Estes method."
Sam nods and looks at Colby, "Colby?"
Colby sighs, "I guess we can do that, but who-"
"I'll do it." You raise your hand and they both just look at you with a solid look. Sam sighs, "We can all do it. Take turns."
"I'll go first." Colby says handing Sam the camera. Sam looks at him, "You sure?" Colby nods, swinging his back pack off, "Yeah."
You look at Sam and back to Colby, watching as he digs in his bag to pull out a bandana and the equipment.
You had an eerie feeling creeping in again, maybe it was just your nerves about doing this method with the barn right there.
"Okay. So are we thinking like right in the middle?" Colby asks and Sam reaches out, pointing to a specific spot, "Yeah I'm thinking something like right in here. It looks about halfway."
Colby sets his bag on the ground and sits down next to it. He takes a deep breath, "Okay." He wraps the bandana around his eyes and ties it behind his head.
Sam sets the camera down on top of his backpack, angling it so you're all in frame as you sit on either side of Colby.
Sam leans over, showing the camera how loud the static plays through the headphones. He hands them to Colby, "Here you go."
Colby takes them and puts them on, shaking his head slightly as he gets used to them, "Pain."
You look at Sam with your eyes wide, "What the fuck."
Sam shrugs, "I know you were and still are in a lot of pain. Can you tell my friend, Colby here who is talking to us."
Your eyes move to Colby as he tilts his head, "Why?"
"Are you asking us why we're here?" You ask and Colby answers, "Yes, why?"
"We're here to figure out what to the women Cordelia brought back to this farmhouse." Sam says and Colby taps his knee with his hand, "There was like.. a scream?"
"Who are we talking to?" Sam asks looking around, "Are we talking to one of the girls?"
"In the barn." Colby says, "He wants.. you in the barn."
"Who wants us in the barn?" You ask, "Does Arlon want us to come into the barn?"
"not all." Colby states, "Just one."
Sam points to you and you shake your head, "I'm not going in there alone. I'm not."
"Yes. You are."
As soon as the words leave Colby's lips, the hood on your sweatshirt is pulled back and you slam your hands behind you to catch yourself as you let out a scream, "What the fuck?"
Sam taps Colby and Colby pushes the headphones off, "Right before you tapped me, there was a deep, manly like laugh."
"Right after you said yes you are, she got pulled backwards." Sam looks over at you, "Are you okay?"
You nod, "Yeah." You sigh, "Yeah. That just, I let my guard down for a second." You run a hand through your hair and move closer to Colby, "That barn just.." you glance back at it and your eyes focus on the dark inside.
You can't tell if your brain is playing tricks, or if you actually see things moving.
You look away, trying to focus on Sam filling in Colby on what you and him asked, but you just can't seem to stay focused.
You rest your elbows on your knees, holding your face in your hands.
You feel Colby's hand on your shoulder, but you just can't acknowledge it. You take a deep breath and manage to lift your head, "I just.. couldn't get focused there for a second."
"You good now? What happened?" Sam asks and you nod, "I looked at the barn and I just couldn't look away. It's like I was supposed to be looking at that and only that. So I just rested my head down until the feeling went away."
"Fuck." Sam whispers as he looks to the left, "That place is more powerful than people think."
"Here." You take the bandana from Colby, "I'll go."
He lets you take it, "Are you sure?" You nod as you untie it, "Yes." You wrap the bandana around your head, completely blocking your vision. You take a shaky breath as you feel Colby lay the headphones in your hand.
"Whenever you're ready." He assures and you nod before putting them on, static completely drowning out everything else.
Sam takes a deep breathe, "Can you tell us who we're talking to?"
"Sam." You straighten your back as his name rolls off your tongue, "Colby?"
"What do you want with y/n?" Colby asks, eyes glued to you, "Why do you want her?"
You try and keep your breathing under control as you do your best to listen, "You can't have her."
"No." Sam says sternly, "You're the one who can't have her. She isn't yours to touch or have, just like the innocent women that you killed years ago."
You tighten your hands into fists, "They weren't good."
"Why weren't they good? Can you tell us what was bad about them?" Colby asks as he looks around, "Arlon. Can you tell us why?"
You listen few seconds, "Arlon. He's here. It's him. Help."
Colby takes a deep breath, "Should we pull her out?" Sam shakes his head, "Not yet. Arlon, why are they so scared of you?"
You tilt your head, "Bad things happened. He did it."
"We know he did bad things. We know it was him. Can y-" Sam stops talking as you cut him off.
You speak normally, "It's almost like they're arguing with him."
Sam looks at Colby, "Arguing? Like one do the girls and Arlon?" Colby shrugs, "Can you tell us why he killed those women?" Colby pauses for second, "Why did he kill you?"
Words are shouted loudly in your ear, "He says he had to."
"Was it the cult he ran? Can you tell us about that?" Sam asks, watching you.
You shake your head, " He wanted to."
Sam and Colby look at each other, "Did Cordelia bring you to the house?" Sam runs a hand through his hair, glancing at the camera before snapping his head back to you.
"You don't love her."
"who? Who are you talking about?" Colby asks, "Who doesn't love who?"
"Sam. Colby." You pause for a second, "Y/n."
"Holy shit." Sam sighs, "Why do you want y/n?"
"Not a chance." Colby says looking at Sam, "I'm going to tap her leg."
"Mine. No!"
"Colby. Her hair." Sam points to your hair that's lifting off your shoulder and Colby taps your leg a few times, kinda rough.
You jump as you feel the tapping and you push the headphones off before ripping the bandana off of your head, "Okay. What the fuck?"
Sam has a shocked look on his face and Colby lays a hand on your back, "Did you not feel your hair lifting up?"
You shake your head, "Um. No." You run your hand down over your hair, "I was only focused on the arguing I was hearing, what were you guys asking?"
They fill you in and you raise your brows, "So it makes sense as to why it sounded like it was arguing." You shake your head, "That's.. actually kind of scary, not going to lie."
"I don't think you going any closer to the barn is a good idea." Colby says, "I don't want to risk you getting hurt or anything."
You nod, "No I agree. I don't even like looking at it." You look to the barn and away, shaking your head as you close your eyes, "Anyway. Sam. Are you doing this?"
Sam nods, "Yeah. Yeah." He takes the headphones, sitting down in the same spot you and Colby sat. He ties the blindfold around his head and takes a deep breath before putting on the headphones.
Instantly, his words are loud, "Help.."
"What do you need help with?" Colby asks as he sits down next to him, "Who is asking for help?"
You freeze, eyes moving from Sam to Colby as soon as Sam just starts listing off names non stop, "Kathleen, April, Eloise, Bethany, Rita, Liza, Sarah, Taylor.."
"Are you the girls Arlon sacrificed?" You ask and Sam responds instantly, "Yes, he's evil."
"Is he with us right now?" Colby asks and Sam tilts his head, "He went out."
"Where did he go?" Colby asks, and you'rere frozen with fear as you see a black shadow figure move a little being Colby, "C-Colby."
"Outside." Sam says and Colby looks at you, "Where outside?" He looks back at Sam, "Is he with us?"
Sam doesn't say anything for a few minutes.
You reach over, tapping Colby's leg, "there was a shadow figure behind you." He turns around quickly and looks back at you, "Where?"
"It was like a foot or so back from you. I don't know, I just seen it and then it was gone." You wrap your arms around your tighter, "Mayne we sho-"
"No." Sam says, "Don't go."
"Why?" You ask, "Why do you want us to stay?"
"You know."  Sam says and you shake your head, "we're not staying." You go to tap Sam's leg but it's almost like something grabs your wrist to prevent you from disturbing him.
"I can't.." you try to pull your hand away but it's like stuck there, "Colby."
"They can't help you." Sam says and then he rips the headphones off, throwing them away from him. He pushes the blindfold up and your hand drops, "Fucking no. No fucking way."
"Are you okay?" Colby grabs your hand and your hand goes to wrap around it, "My wrist is burning." Sam crawls forward, grabbing the flashlight from his bag. He shines the light on your skin and you all become shocked when you see finger marks on your wrist.
"I went to tap Sam, get him out of it, and something grabbed my wrist, I couldn't move until Sam threw off the headphones." You explain, pulling your wrist to your chest.
"No, we're done. We're leaving." Colby stands up, grabbing his backpack and it sounds like something heavy falls in the barn, causing all of you to move back a little bit.
"What was that?" Sam asks quietly and you all just stare at the dark opening of the barn, "I don't know and I really don't want to find out." Colby walks over to you, helping you stand up, "We can come back in the daytime, try something then."
"Yeah, right. Okay." Sam gets up, bending down to grab the camera after slinging his backpack on. You start to walk around the way you came, a lot slower than normal, just to be cautious if there was anyone else there.
"Right before I threw the headphones off, it was a loud, clear as day, man voice yelling death like three times in a row, like boom boom boom." Sam explains, "Ive never.. had that happen." He lays a hand on his chest, looking over at you.
He reaches out, grabbing your wrist to inspect it, "Is it still burning?" You shake your head, "No. thankfully."
"Alright. I haven't heard any-" Colby stops talking and instantly switches the light to the camera off when the sound of branches breaking sounds from the woods next to you.
"Should we call out? What if it is people?" Colby whispers leaning in to you and Sam. Sam wraps an arm around you as you huddle next to him, "We should just go."
"we're going, but like.." Colby sighs, "I think we should acknowledge that we hear it, them, you know what I mean?"
"I get what you're saying but like.." Sam pauses and there's a bang on the window, causing you all to jump and move away from the house, "we can just try to make it to the car?"
"Okay." Colby whispers, "Stay close together."
You move along the house more, your grip tightening into Sam's jacket as you see the car in view. Colby stops, "Should we just book it?"
"Yeah, but at least turn the light on." Sam says and Colby switches the light on, but it suddenly goes back out. He tries switching it on a few times, "It's not.. turning back on."
"Fuck, okay." Sam digs into his sweatshirt pocket, pulling out a flashlight. He switches it on and it stays on, "Okay. Lets go."
His arm stays around you as you guys start for the car. Sam's grip is suddenly ripped away from you when he falls to the ground with a groan.
"Sam!" You yell, turning around to go down to him, "Are you okay? What happened?"
Sam gets up as quick as he can, "I tripped or what tripped?" He shakes his head, "Let's just get-"
The door slamming shut on the front door of the farm house causes him to snap his head towards it, "Get in the car."
Colby reaches for the door handle, pulling on it a few times, "Keys. Keys. Keys."
"I thought you had them." Sam yells quietly as he pats his pockets, "Shit." You check your pockets frantically, hoping that some miracle will happen and one of you will find them.
"Backpacks. Check the backpacks." Colby drops his bag to the ground and sets the camera down before digging in his.
You and Sam do the same and you shake your head, "I checked each pocket." You sigh, "What the fuck."
"You didn't drop them in the house did you?" Sam asks as you grab the flash light. You shine it around the car and point with a slightly loud, "Ah ha. There! There."
"How did they get under-" Colby reaches under the car, pulling them out, "The fucking car?"
"We can talk about it when we get in, just unlock it." Sam says as he throws his stuff back into the backpack.
Colby unlocks it, causing the lights to flash. You all rip open the doors and get in, shutting them with a slam.
"Fuck that." Sam says.
"I honestly can't believe we stayed that long." Colby sighs, "What the fuck is that place?"
You take a few deep breathes, trying to remind yourself that you're in the car now. You're safe.
"Okay. Let's just.. Go back to the hotel and we can figure out everything there." Sam turns around to look at you, "You good? You okay?"
You nod, "Yeah. Yeah. I'm good." He nods and turns back around, buckling up as Colby starts to drive, "I just want to know if people were there. That was fucking weird."
"That whole place is fucking weird. You have to be out of your mind to go there at night." Sam pauses before laughing slightly.
You and Colby join in laughing. The feeling of relief settles in the further you drive down the gravel driveway.
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
I'm sorry that it's so long but if you made it to this point, I truly appreciate you so much. Thank you for reading.
I figured this was a good place to stop. When the time comes, I’m thinking of doing a part 2 where they investigate the barn during the day? What is think?
Love you so much 🖤
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cheriladycl01 · 3 months
I'm not scared! Colby Brock x MotoGPDriver! Reader Part 2
Plot: You made a tweet about Sam and Colby and were in a podcast and they brought up Sam and Colby where you talked about the paranormal and how it doesn't really scare you because you drive motorcycles at over 200mph.
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"Sam?" you ask seeing the blonde man behind you.
"Hey!" he exclaims coming forward and pulling you into a hug. You stood there in shock that you were actually meeting these boys and that they were coming to watch you race.
"Hey!" Another voice says from behind Sam, he was taller with dark hair and you knew it was Colby.
"Hey, Colby?" you ask looking over him and he nods.
"Can we post some pictures off us all together?" Sam asks seeing as you guys were all at the airport.
"Yeah sure! I'll drive you guys to the hotel then yeah?" you ask looking over them. You all take a selfie, you stood in the middle of the two of them with a big smile on your face. After taking some more photos you take a rucksack from what was at Sam's feet and he tried to protest but upon seeing how easily you picked up the heavy equipment filled back he let you help out.
"Are you guys doing any filming while you are here, or is this strictly vacationing?" you ask looking over at them while you all clamber into the lift.
"We haven't planned on doing any big filming, just TikTok's at the race and stuff! We want to come back here though as there's so many more places..." Colbly answers glancing over at you.
"Okay, well let's get you guys set up in the hotel and then my treat and I'll take you both out for food" you grin and they both nod eagerly.
You take them to the carpark and they look around trying to find out which car is yours.
As you start to walk all the way towards the back Colby starts to complain as to why you'd park so far away when there's so many available spaces towards the front.
When they walk up to your New Model Ferrari, your question is answered.
"Holy shit, that's a nice car!" Sam exclaims looking over it, not evening daring to touch it. You whip the key out your pocket opening the boot where you strategically place their bags. One of them would have to have a bag or two in the second back seat because of the sport aspect to the car.
"I really should have brought the Audi" you sigh, looking at the bags in the back before you slowly close the boot. Sam and Colby sharing a look with each other.
"I call Shot Gun!" Sam cries going to the front driver's side door.
"You aren't driving my car, Sam!" you giggle knowing he hasn't realized where he's stood.
"Right, yeah I forgot we're in the UK" Sam laughs but see's Colby getting in the passenger side door.
"Snooze you loose buddy!" he exclaims making you laugh.
The drive to the hotel wasn't too long, you guys spoke about anything that came up in conversation. It was all so natural as if you'd known them for years and you felt so comfortable in their presence.
You helped them into their hotel room, while Colby made a little video to put on his Instagram story.
"Hey guys, it's Colby. I'm of course here with Sam and we're here in England again" he shows the camera the outside of the hotel that was in the Hilton on the edge of the Silverstone Race Track. "But we have a very special guest that we are being shown round by today. Y/N Y/L/N!" he says panning the camera to you and showing them you.
"Hey!" you grin before Colby switches the camera back on him and Sam.
"We're going to go live here later, so go comment under my latest twitter post all the questions you guys want to ask and we'll answer any questions you guys have an discuss what is up and coming for the three of us!" he grins before ending it with a little peace out sign.
"That gives us time to discuss over dinner yeah?" Sam asks and you nod.
You guys all head on a train into London to get some food from the city rather than staying around Silverstone.
"So, have you guys thought of any locations you want to investigate?" you ask, knowing there was definitely some in the UK that they hadn't done here in the UK, but you travelled round so much that you were pretty much willing to go anywhere.
"We were thinking of going back to Australia, we did it at the start of the year and we got some really interesting footage while we were there" Sam offers.
"I don't think we've done enough in the UK either, there's some great places in Wales, and Scotland we haven't done too!" Colby suggests, he loved when they visit here, it always had some of the best energy whenever they came here.
"Yeah I feel like you guys don't want to rinse America of its haunted spots, so either of those would be cool! There's so many like haunted places worldwide, I guess it's just an issue of asking permission of whether or not you can get to view it like solo and be able to have the place to yourself!" you admit, understanding why they probably hadn't done the Paris Catacombs or Bangarth Fort in India or Proveglia Island in Italy.
"Well, it's up to you maybe we can ask what the fans think tonight. We have time, I cant imagine Y/N will be free for filming for a while anyway right?" Colby asks, again. He was fully aware of your driving schedule but he knew it was a lot of exhausting travel.
After lots of talking and getting to know them you all went back to the hotel, you set up Colby's phone in their room and started and insta live while you and Sam had the Tweet up that Colby posted earlier in the replies.
"Hey guys!" Colby smiles as he watches fans flood into the chat already starting to ask questions in the chat.
"Okay guys, we'll only be answering questions from the tweet we sent out on the shared account earlier okay?" Sam laughs seeing people asking who you were and what you were doing there.
You were laughing when you saw fans asking if you were Colby's new girlfriend. They were the ones that were obviously Sam and Colby fans and didn't venture into motorsport.
There was others in the live defending you, trying to explain who you were.
"Y/N you wanna introduce yourself?" Sam asks seeing the majority of comments be asking who you were and what you were doing with the boys.
"Okay, so for the Sam and Colby fans I'm a MotoGP driver, so I drive motorbikes around race tracks all over the world, really really quickly! I made a silly drunk tweet saying I wouldn't be scared to collab with these two and here we are!" you grin, as people start flooding the comments.
"Yes, guys she is very fast! We'll be cheering for her at Silverstone!" Sam says looking at the more comments flooding in.
"Okay guys, we are moving onto your twitter questions now. No more answering from here!"
"Okay the first one I found is, is Y/N good at what she does?" Sam says before raising and eyebrow.
"Well, Sam and Colby haven't watched me yet. But you can see all of my races of YouTube!" you smile politely.
"She's a better driver than the both of us, I'll give her that!" Colby exclaims looking at him phone seeing the emoji spam.
"Where are you thinking of investigating next and will it be with Y/N?" you read out, scrolling through the twitter thread trying to find good ones.
"Next one coming out wont be Y/N because we haven't even filmed with her yet, and I think we might be filming with one other person before her depending on schedules. so maybe Y/N can be a hell week guest if the timings right? But... again not sure if we'll want to do something with her before then, incase that's too much for her to ...yano handle!" Colby explains while smirking as you turn to hit him in shock.
"I would be fine on hell week! I'll smash anything, any challenge let me rephrase that you give me and I will do it!" you grin.
"Mmmmm, we'll see!" Sam teases.
"I mean, while we are here in the UK, would you have time to do something. We've got some contacts we could whip something up?" Colby asks reading the instagram chat seeing that everyone's wondering why you aren't doing anything soon as you don't have to be in Austria until August the 16th.
"I mean, I'm down..." you grin, wondering where they could possibly take you.
"Okay, guys you heard Y/N if we can get something sorted we may be filming in the next few days after the race!" Sam exclaims happier.
Once you'd sifted through most of the questions about who you were and why you were with the boys you got onto the more random questions that were just sort of get to know you.
"When do you prefer to work out, morning or evening?" Sam asks, looking from Colby to you.
"I'm definitely an evening guy, I tend to be more proactive around that time and I've never been one to wake up early with a lot of motivation for the day" Colby explains before Sam nods and agrees that he prefers the evening.
"As and athlete I have a set plan and that means I work out in both the morning and the evenings but I honestly prefer the morning because it feels to me like I've got it out the way!" you giggle and Colby looks over at you shocked.
"You work out twice a day?" he asks with a raised brow.
"Yeah, I have to have really good core strength for on the bike" you nod.
"What's your go-to comfort food?" you ask looking between them while they have a thoughtful expression.
"Mmmm probably like my mum's cooking something like her mashed potato or her lasagna" Colby offers when thinking about it for a little bit.
"Oh! I didn't even think of my parents cooking, I went for more of a guilty pleasure and went for Taco Bell Burrito!" Sam nods and then they turn to you.
"Well, comfort food for me has to be healthy so I actually learnt from good friend of mine and F1 driver Lando Norris about this chicken and pineapple wrap that he has and once i tried it ... just stuck in my head 24/7 on a loop" you laugh, before finding a picture of you and Lando eating them.
"Chicken and Pineapple?" Sam asks with a frown on his face and you just chuckle.
"Don't knock it until you try it!" you exclaim.
"Suppose you enjoy pineapple on pizza too!" Colby jokes.
"On cheat day i do yes!" you grin.
You guys answer a few more questions before you agree that you need to go to bed as it's media day tomorrow and you'll have to be up early.
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je-mappelle-el · 2 months
Well if anyone needs a new paranormal investigation show to watch, I offer you a suggestion. @/Detune on both twitch and youtube:
• streams investigations live
• does ~2 investigations a month, each one at least 5 hours long
• gets super solid evidence
• tries to debunk evidence as we go (to ensure quality and credibility)
• is respectful to both the location and the spirits themselves
• investigations have humorous and chaotic moments
• plenty of dashes of fear as well, for spice
• is super cool as a person
• has built a really kind community, you'll be safe in both yt and twitch livestream chats
• you can access the full, unedited investigations on twitch until the vod "expires" and on yt forever (older ones are under @/detuneVOD, new ones get uploaded to @/Detune under "paranormal detour vods" playlist)
• Julien Solomita was the most recent guest, if you're interested in seeing a 3'6" king hang out with ghosts
• will never completely paywall content
They (singular, Detune uses any pronouns) genuinely work so hard and put so much thought and consideration into how they go about these streams. I know it's not the same, but if you're craving ghosty content in the wake of this decision, Detune is definitely worth your time and attention.
Edit: also, another fun thing is that streams after the investigation are spent combing over the evidence together! And they purposely don't let ads run during investigation streams to avoid ruining viewer experience. The thought and consideration is there, through and through.
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cavities-in-reality · 8 months
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sp00kybimb0 · 10 months
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👣Not mine! 👣
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moody-mae · 10 months
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Just a heads up: Afterlife Archive is available for free download on Itch, and its page just got a bit of a redesign yesterday.
BUT— I implore you, if you're interested in trying this game, to wait just a few more days for the update to release. New features will be included. New aesthetics. New art. New writing. So it will be worth the wait. I promise~
And after that, I'll be launching the Kickstarter campaign for the first official print run of the game zine!
Super stoked to share these new features with you! >u<
Soon, soon, soon~
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t-dubber · 11 months
Y’all have no idea how bad I want to make a scrappy group of paranormal/cryptid investigators. Just a rag tag bunch cruising around the country in a beat up van and trying to prove themselves. But:
Their van keeps breaking down (it’s the drivers “baby” tho so don’t tell them it’s done for)
Some weird guys (the government) keep swearing in the background of their videos and as a result they keep getting banned on their own social media accounts for being profane (their very upset media editors has been censoring himself this entire time and is pissed that this keeps happening)
They may or may not have picked up an small spooky hitchhiker along the way
They get pulled into something’s ancient plans and don’t know how to pull themselves out
Most of their late night rest stops are 2:00 am pit stops at 7/11s and Kwik Trips
Probably call themselves something stupid like “boo crew”
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memewhore · 1 year
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This week I'm going to be spending two nights inside the old Ohio State Reformatory (aka Shawshank) in Mansfield. I'm so excited!
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fancykraken · 7 months
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Living for the Dead, “A Haunted Gaycation”, s1x03
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anim-ttrpgs · 1 month
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Final day of crowdfunding for Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy.
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engiespengie · 2 months
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liminally-yours · 8 months
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Ghost hunting aesthetic
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chrismoet · 10 months
The new season of Ghost Files has begun and I’m now spending my evenings now pressing new Ghoul Boys buttons to meet all my orders!
Link for buttons: https://www.etsy.com/ca/listing/1385794267/ghoul-boys-buttons
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This new season is awesome, I’m definitely noticing they’ve upgraded their graphics.
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cavities-in-reality · 8 months
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secondhand-sin · 3 months
hi so fun fact I like to ghost hunt with my dad as a lil hobby, so I thought I’d share some of my favorite pics I’ve taken at spooky locations :)
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Left to right: Yorktown Memorial Hospital (TX), Broken Bow Asylum (OK) and Worley Hospital (TX)
And a bonus pic I took at the broken bow asylum bc I thought it was unsettling, but in the aesthetic way:
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the-sinkmire-symphony · 3 months
Paranormal investigators who want someone to bounce ideas off of, or who want help with investigating, my DMs are open. I am forming a sort of... project. Basically I need people who will help me investigate, people with unconventional ideas about the paranormal are encouraged.
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