#peach shepard
elfcollector · 1 year
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3K notes · View notes
phatkochi · 1 month
Get tickled fool
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129 notes · View notes
sbeep · 1 year
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Chicken and bacon sandwich (the cheap one not the Tesco’s Finest(tm))
Vimto (stay healthy)
Wotsits (stay cheesy)
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flowerbetweenfangs · 5 months
Cream Filling: Chapter One
Warning: Use of drugs and dubcon.
(MC is dosed with an aphrodisiac and is all too willing... But you know)
This was originally posted on A03 and is my most popular work, so I thought I'd put it here.
I hope you enjoy.
Lightning flashed overhead, lighting up pitch black streets for an instant. Elle Shepard nearly slipped on a horribly placed patch of mud. Windmilling, she caught a streetlight and came to a stop. A crack of thunder made her let go. Another bolt struck, enveloping the buildings and pavement in a brightness that was almost blinding, before a loud boom shook the windows.
Finally, she came upon a neon sign, showing a drink being shaken, then poured into a martini glass. The glass then changed to a coffee mug, the shaker into a pitcher. The words read: Ramses Brew, Bar and Café.
Pushing open the door, Elle stepped inside and pulled down the hood of her raincoat. Closing her umbrella, she stuck it in the container with the rest. Music played, pool balls cracked, conversations blurred together in one continuous hum. A bartender passed out drinks, moving with inhuman speed.
Walking up to the bar, Elle took a seat on the stool near the end. Reaching into her bag, she pulled out a stack of papers and set them on the polished wood.
“What will it-” The bartender flinched at her, their nostrils flaring. Their voice sounded like many people talking at once.
“Oh, you’re the human.” They reached into their pocket and pulled out a phone. Tapping on the screen, they sent a quick message and put it away. They dropped their voice and leaned in closer to her. “Sorry, our drinks are a little too strong for your kind.”
They were most likely a demon, with horizontal lined pupils and a pair of antlers. Their sunken face showed a skeletal structure that was more deer than human, with a slight brown fuzz instead of fur. Their hands were coal black, their fingers tapering off to a clawed end.
“Can I just have water?” She swallowed, her mouth suddenly dry, her heart fluttering. Focus! The job was more important than a one night stand.
“Of course.” They bowed their head, before going to a new arrival at the bar.
Sighing, Elle debated pulling her hood back up when she felt the eyes on her. No, she’d have to get used to the stares if she wanted to get this job. A human woman, with dark hair and hazel eyes, wearing dress pants and a button up peach blouse. No horns, fangs, scales, or a tail. Not even markings that would signal she was a mage or tied to someone with magic. 
Swinging her leg back and forth, Elle sipped at her water, looking around the bar. There was a pair of trolls playing pool. A pair of drow were in the corner, looking like they were discussing more… Intimate plans. A human looking man sat on the couch, a cane between his legs. A spread of cards were on the table in front of him, small black wisps curling around them. He seemed to be the shortest occupant, he was probably a head and shoulders taller than her. 
“Ms. Elodie Shepard?” The voice made her turn.
An angular face stared at her. It was human in appearance, but black scales appeared like freckles, shimmering in the low light. A pair of ram horns curled around cheeks, the ends sharpened and looking ready to puncture anything that got near them. He was dressed in a white button up shirt and a red vest, with a black tie. He was young, appearing to only be in his early to mid 30s.
“Yes!” Elle held out her hand. The speaker took it in shimmering black hands that were very large compared to his body. They left a residue on her skin that she tried to discreetly wipe off when he turned around, looking at the loft above. "But please, call me Elle." 
“Let’s go talk more privately.” He walked to the bottom of the stairs, unclipping a chain that indicated the area was closed until the morning.
Elle nodded and followed him. Stepping aside, he allowed her to go first and clipped the sign back in place. Once the links were formed, a small bit of magic rumbled through the floor, making Elle’s knees weak. Gripping the handrail, she kept herself from falling and quickly climbed up.
Once they were in the loft, Ramses clapped his hands and a few candles lit. The light was warm and calming. There were a few couches set up, with a coffee table between each pair facing one another.
Taking a seat, Elle set her papers on the table and cleared her throat. Even with the water, there was still a tickle in her throat.
“Alright,” The man sat down. “So, as you may know, this is my business. Ramses Sesbrun.” He pushed his glasses up his nose. “I appreciate you coming out so late, but since demons don’t do so well in sunlight…” He shook his hand back and forth like he was tipping a scale. “I still have a limited staff, so I don’t have much of a day shift.”
Elle nodded. “It’s fine. I’ve got this.” She reached into her shirt and pulled out a silver chain, with wire wrapped around an obsidian stone.
Ramses flinched at the charm, before clearing his throat. Elle quickly stuffed it into her shirt and shuffled her papers.
“Alright. So as you may have noticed, we have a bit of a uniform.” He gestured to his attire. “It doesn’t matter if you prefer skirts or pants, just make sure it’s got a white button up shirt under your apron and a tie or scarf.” Inhaling sharply, he adjusted his glasses again. “We have a very diverse staff. If you do get the job, expect to work with all kinds of people.”
Elle simply nodded. “I know it is probably a strange thing, getting a human to apply.” The thought of being around so many demons and patrons of the “other side”, it was somewhat exhilarating.
“A little. But your safety is promised here,” Ramses insisted. “I’ll do what I can to make sure that you and your fellow employees are comfortable in this environment. Everyone here is just looking for a place to unwind.” He smiled at her, showing his teeth were fangs.
Shifting uncomfortably, Elle gave a smile. Those fangs looked like they could leave some decent hickeys. Wait, no, she had to remain professional. “Erm, not to sound too forward, but the job posting mentioned pay?” Right. Stay professional.
“Oh, right.” Ramses picked up a staff of his own papers from a table next to the couch. Flipping through the stack, he left small black thumbprints on each page. No wonder he needed help with the kitchen and other places. He probably couldn’t even touch the food he served his customers.
Finally, he stopped at what he was looking for. “I know the pay is high, but that means I’ll be expecting more from you. But if what I’ve heard about humans is correct…” His cheeks flushed. “Sorry. I don’t mean to rely on stereotypes, but I know humans are known for getting things done faster.” He clicked his mouth closed, not wanting to insert his foot into his mouth.
“Then you’ll be happy to know I fall into that!” Elle said quickly, hoping her tone didn’t sound too desperate. “I promise I’ll be fast and get the work done!” She clasped her hands together. “I just really… Need a job.” A job that seemed to offer a lot of eye candy...
Ramses nodded, taking her papers and flipping through them. “I’ve already read what you sent me, but I just want to make sure…”
He made a couple more noises of affirmation, before setting the now spotted pile down. “I don’t know if you’ll have a uniform on standby, but I think we might have something in your size. If you are willing to come in tomorrow, then I can have Wrecks and Horac show you the ropes.” Tapping a finger to his lips, Ramses’ brows knit together. “You don’t have Arachnophobia, do you?”
*** “Welcome to Ramses!” Elle called out, bowing her head. When she straightened, she ignored the look of befuddlement from the new arrivals. “Just two?”
After seating the pair, she bid farewell to some patrons as they left. They acknowledged her, but seemed more confused than anything else in her presence. When the door closed behind them, she went to quickly clean their table.
Despite looking bulky, the maid outfit they had provided her was light and cool, with a long skirt, deep pockets in the apron. She’d brought her own tights and comfortable shoes. Her hair was tied into a pair of buns to keep it out of her face.
The morning rush was a surprise. Most demons were supposed to be unable to walk in sunlight, but that didn’t stop the clientele from coming in, carrying parasols, charms to protect them, and even wrapping themselves in bandages.
The newly arrived pair were dragonborn, who had quickly fallen into an in depth discussion about maidens and maids. When she approached them with her notepad, pencil to the paper, they quickly quieted.
“Can I recommend one of our Ashburnt Scones?” She asked. “They’ve got an arsenic glaze!”
After taking down their order, Elle quickly scampered to the kitchen and placed the paper on the counter.
“A pair of Coalpressed Muffins with Ashen Dustings!” She called out.
The Drider at the stove nodded, pulling out some blood red pancakes with a tar like topping that he set on plates, the two smaller legs at his waist doing small clean up details. A pair of triple lens spectacles balanced on his nose, which he was constantly adjusting to allow a different pair of eyes to see. Despite his name being “Wrecks” he actually seemed rather dexterous and nimble.
The second was the boarman, Horac, who was frying several cuts of meat and eggs. He seemed immune to the open flames, casually reaching across them to turn over a large slice of ham. Elle tried to not think too hard about the implications.
“Breakfast rush is almost over, rookie.” He said, his voice barely audible over the chaos of the kitchen.
“Thanks!” She took the plates and lined them up on trays, before rushing back out to the main room with the orders.
“I can’t believe a real life human is here,” A goat headed man said as she passed.
“I know. And so fast, too.” Their companion appeared human, but their teeth were too sharp. Enough to pass the line from sexy to frightening.
Just smiling, Elle passed over their food, which they quickly began to ravenously tear into. The remarks, while strange, seemed mostly positive.
By the time the morning rush was over, Elle’s feet were killing her. She collapsed into a chair once the last customer left.
“Elle, can you tell Ram I’m coming in late tomorrow?” Horac said, not giving further details as he went out the back. The bell chimed as he left.
“Sure.” She merely lifted her hand to give a wave he wouldn’t see.
“I’m going out for a smoke,” Wrecks said, his voice jolting through her. He hadn’t spoken all morning, only cooked and passed the orders to Elle. The dishes and counters were clean, so she wasn’t going to complain.
Once the ache had mostly gone, she got up and went to change the menus over. The bell chimed again when her back was turned, and she quickly turned back around.
The newcomer had silvery hair, a pair of fox ears twitching on his head. His eyes were closed, his mouth pulled into a vulpine grin.
“Welcome to Ramses!” She tried to pour in the sugary sweetness that customers loved. “I’ll be with you in just a moment.” Hopefully, Wrecks wouldn’t mind serving up breakfast still. “So, he did have a human on his payroll.” The new patron muttered to himself. “How quaint.” A bushy silver tail waved behind him.
Elle felt herself blushing. “Can I get you anything? Our Blasterjelly rolls are a customer favorite, along with our Hadesfire Pomegranate Tea.” She reached for a menu to shove in his hands. His gaze seemed focused on her, despite his eyes being closed.
“No,” He held up his hand. “Thank you. You served my friend earlier.” Reaching into his sash, he pulled out a box about the length of his hand, the width of two put together. “He’s too shy to show his gratitude in person, so he sent me in his stead.”
Setting the box on the podium, he turned on his heel and gave a backward wave, the bell chiming as he left.
Frowning, Elle used her pen to open the corner of the box. Inside, she saw a small flat pastry, the side of one showing a beet colored paste. Picking it up, she realized they were covered with powdered sugar. Setting it back down, she closed the box and stuffed it under the podium. How odd she’d been given a human friendly dessert.
“Ready for round two?” Wrecks asked when he came back in, wiping his hands on a towel.
“You know it!” She brushed back her hair, pushing the fox man out of her mind.
The bell chimed, a trio of trolls coming through, looking like they’d gotten off a construction job. A goat headed woman burst through the door behind them, looking frazzled. By the end of the second shift, Elle was nearly laying on the table. Her feet and back ached, her hair was a mess, and the uniform was rumpled.
“And my favorite part of the day…” Wrecks said, flipping the sign to indicate they were closed until the bar opened. He laughed to himself as he went to tally up the totals.
“Count this for me to make sure my math is right.” Taking the cash from the drawer, Wrecks slid it to her. He poured himself a sludge looking coffee, enough steam and heat coming off it to fog up his spectacles. Sweat trickled down his brow.
Elle’s stomach growled, and she found herself blushing. While his lower half made her nervous, his upper half was certainly handsome.
Right. Focus.
“Oh, right.” Wrecks paused. “You can’t…” He struggled to find the words. “Eat anything on our menu, can you?”
“Not without getting violently ill,” Elle admitted, before remembering the podium. “Oh! Right!” Rushing to it, she pulled out the box. “I was going to pack my lunch, but I woke up late!” She’d actually slept in her car because she was terrified of missing her first shift. It wasn’t like there was anyone waiting for her at home. And driving nearly half an hour both ways seemed like a poor use of her time.
Sitting next to the money, she took out one of the cakes and took a bite. Powdered sugar flew around her in a cloud, sending residue all over the uniform.
Keeping the cake in her mouth, she nursed at the paste and counted out the cash, keeping notes. Once she finished, she paused over the calculations and finished eating. Then, she quickly ate a second, barely tasting it as it went down.
“Get some actual food,” Wrecks chided. “I can smell the sweetness from here. Where did you get that if you didn’t pack your lunch?”
“Apparently one of the customers really liked my service and gave me a gift.” Elle shrugged. She looked down at her tips for the day, her breath catching in her throat. How much money did this damned clientele have!? Pulling out her wallet, she quickly signed off on the amount and collected it. Looking down at her uniform, she excused herself to the bathroom.
There was no way she was going to risk getting it dirty and looking unprofessional. If she was going to be making money like this every day, she was going to take this job seriously. Going to the restroom, she did what she could to clean up her uniform. No way was she going to take a dock in her pay to pay for the outfit.
Her face felt hot. Slipping off the apron, she unbuttoned her blouse and splashed water on herself. Looking in the mirror, she saw her cheeks and neck were crimson. The blush spread even further, hidden by her shirt.
Slipping off her blouse, she stared at the sleeveless shirt, which only showed off more of her flushed skin. It was still hot, but more bearable. And she was NOT undressing more. Splashing her face again, she got her hair damp. Slicking back her loose bangs, Elle took in a deep breath.
When she walked out, she saw Wrecks looking at the cakes. Holding one between his thumb and forefinger, he squeezed it. The paste oozed out, dripping onto his fingers. He had his phone to his ear, waiting for someone to answer.
Elle was about to complain he’d ruined part of her gift, but his expression was serious. It sent a twinge of worry through her, followed by another hot flash. This one made her head spin, and she quickly sat down.
“Where did you get these?” His voice was sharp.
“Some guy dropped them off. Um… Foxy.” She started to recall his face, but all it did was cloud her mind with other details she’d overlooked. The way his collar bone peeked out over his robe. How veiny and strong his hands looked. His lips, perfectly glossy, the fangs peeking out with his grin.
“Shepard?” Wrecks asked.
“Hmm?” She smacked her cheeks to try and refocus. “Where was I again?”
Before Wrecks could answer, the person on the other end picked up.
“Yeah.” Wrecks tossed her a damp towel.
Wiping it across her sweaty skin, Elle began to inhale deeply. She felt hot all over, her body starting to shake. Every fiber of her clothing brushed against her, scraping her raw.
“I’m sure it was him,” Wrecks’ voice sounded like it was coming from the other end of a tunnel. “Bet my first born on it. I could smell fuckery on the box.” He looked over to Elle, licking his lips nervously. “She seems fine now, but I don’t want to touch her, could you get a hold of a human doctor?” He paused, nodding along with the speaker, small grunts escaping his mouth.
“Alright.” He hung up, inching closer to Elle.
“That was Ramses. He’s on his way.” He pulled another towel off the counter and soaked it in icy water, before passing it to Elle. “Those cakes were laced with… Something.” He frowned, brows coming together.
“I guess it was Tanpopo’s way of saying hello…”
“Who?” Although Elle was sure she had a good idea who the Drider spoke of. Her insides twitched, needing to be filled. Sweat trickled down her neck and back. Slowly, she laid down in the booth, her legs facing the wall.
“An asshole who runs the bakery down the road.” Wrecks jerked his thumb behind him. “He thought it would be funny to “prank,” He added air quotes. “Some of our staff last year by spiking some cakes and tea with Hellfire Mint.” Three pairs of eyes watered at the memory. “Most of them were fine, but one of our hosts got sent into early labor and had to go to the hospital.”
Fanning herself with a menu, Elle panted. “I wish I’d been warned.”
“Well, there hadn’t been any problems since then,” Wrecks explained. “Horac was a pretty decent deterrent.”
Elle’s mouth was suddenly dry. The heat was becoming unbearable. Her legs refused to budge, each breath making another flash of arousal go through her. “I’ll get you some water.” Wrecks excused himself, quickly coming back with a glass. He passed it to her. “Now, I’m not sure how long this is supposed to last, but Ramses seemed pretty sure he knew what it was.”
Their hands touched. Elle let out a cry, dropping the glass. She shook, nearly convulsing as the need seized her.
Wrecks jumped back, his legs skittering across the floor, unable to gain traction.
Elle was on her feet, grabbing the front of his vest and pulling him to her. Their lips nearly brushed.
“No no no no no no!” He said rapidly, using his front legs and arms to push her away. “It’s flattering, but you are in no condition to be initiating this!”
His skin was scalding hot against hers. She grabbed his clothing so tight she thought it would rip. Pulling him close again, she ignored the impact of his front legs against her skirt.
“I’m terribly sorry, Shepard.” Wrecks said, before she suddenly couldn’t move.
Looking down, she saw she was covered with white bindings. Webbing kept her still, binding her legs together below the knees, and her arms below the elbows. He then pushed her back into the booth.
The bell chimed. Nostrils flaring, Elle thrashed around to try and sit up as the scent of Demon hit her.
“Oh, thank Arachne.” Wrecks backed away. “You made good time.”
“Of course.” Ramses' voice thundered in her ears. Elle’s lips parted slightly as she continued to wriggle around, trying to get free of her bindings. “Leave us. This is easier if there’s only one target.”
Wrecks didn’t have to be told twice. He picked up his scant belongings and quickly scampered out the door.
Ramses stood in front of the booth, his crotch the perfect height for-
And he was gone.
The door locked.
Then, he was back.
“You’ve ingested Asmodeus Fruit,” He explained, pulling out a knife. “Better known as Lustberries.” Looking at the blade, he set it down on the table. “Hold still.” His visible skin was wrapped in bandages. To protect him from the sun?
The order made Elle still, the only movement was her shaking with desire.
“I’m going to cut you loose. But you have to promise me you’re not going to jump on me. Okay?”
Despite the words barely registering, Elle nodded, her body still trembling.
Ramses cut the bindings, his bandaged hands brushing against her. Unlike with Wrecks, it didn’t send a jolt through her. But his scent, the way he panted with exertion… She found herself leaning forward.
“KNIFE!” He yelled, shoving her back. His hand hit her protective charm, and both of them went flying back. She hit the wall hard, and he slid into the front counter in front of the kitchen. Wincing, he slowly got back up, rubbing the back of his head.
“Are you okay?” Her legs were still bound. She started to climb out of the booth.
“Stay!” He commanded, getting up.
Elle’s legs became weak, and she nearly face planted on the floor. Catching herself, Elle held onto the corner of the table. Her charm hung low. 
Ramses rushed over, cutting her legs free.
“Now. Listen.” He shook his finger in her face.
Nodding, Elle leaned forward.
“Go to the loft.”
She rose up, the charm snagging on the corner of the table, the wire wrapping coming undone and the stone falling to the ground, sliding under the booth. 
Her feet slapped against the floor, she nearly tripped over the chained sign as she ran. But she was up the stairs, lungs and chest heaving. Collapsing onto the couch, she felt the heat rolling over again, almost unbearable. Clothes continued to rake against her skin so roughly she thought it would make her bleed. Her hands went to her top, trying to pull it off.
“Okay, Elle. I need you to listen to me.” Ramses said, coming up in the loft. “Normally this stuff wears off after a few hours. But it’s demon fruit, so humans suffer-” He let out a surprised noise as Elle rushed over to him.
When her hands touched his shirt, she realized he wasn’t wrapped under his clothes. Working her fingers through the gaps between his buttons, she touched her fingertips to his bare chest. The heat of his skin made her shudder.
Dropping to her knees, she started to unbuckle his belt.
“Elle!” He said sharply. “Hold on!” Grabbing one of her buns, he held her head in place. Lips parted, she looked up. Panting, she reached for him. Despite denying her advances, his erection was growing quickly.
“Here.” He pulled out a vial, a white liquid inside. “Drink this first. I know it’ll be nasty, but-” As he spoke, the white liquid suddenly yellowed and seemed to become crusty.
She grimaced.
“I know. But the other cure is… Not ideal.” He offered her the vial. Uncorking the top, he pressed the glass to her lips.
Slowly, he tilted it. Once the liquid touched Elle’s lips, foul gelatinous sludge tried to worm its way into her mouth. Pulling back, she sputtered and coughed. Eyes watering, she shook her head.
There was glass breaking, and the liquid spilled all over the floor. The fog was gone, but Elle suddenly felt so hot she started to claw at her clothes.
“You’re going to hurt yourself!” Ramses grabbed her arms, straddling her. His erection dug into her as he pinned her to the floor.
“Elle, listen to me.” His breath was warm against her skin, caressing skin, the wetness from it sliding down her body. 
Closing her eyes, Elle thrust against him. Ramses let out a distressed yelp, before gripping her tighter.
“Fuck me…” She moaned, rubbing against him. A wet spot was left on Ramses pants, although she wasn’t sure if it was from him or her.
It was getting so hot she felt like she was going to pass out, black spots filling her vision. Her clothes felt like they were tearing large chunks of her skin off.
“I’m… So sorry.” Ramses picked her up off the floor, setting her down on the couch.
“For what?” She grabbed his shirt, pulling him down. Their lips almost touched, but he turned his face so she kissed his horn.
“You’re in no state of mind…” He knelt between her legs. “Just let me try something.” Taking her tights, he clumsily pulled them down. Catching the waist of Elle’s panties, Ramses left her completely bare. At the sight, averting his eyes, Ramses cheeks turned crimson.
“Yep…” He struggled to find the words. “That’s certainly Asmodeus fruit.”
Elle touched herself, spreading the soaking lips wide. Grinding against the couch, she felt herself drenching the fabric.
“Okay.” Ramses draped her legs over his shoulders. “I’m going to try something. If it doesn’t work, then we have one option left.”
Elle nodded, but her mind was buzzing. Grabbing Ramses by the hair, she shoved him into her drenched folds. Whatever response he had was muffled, making her shiver.
His tongue began to trace her lower lips, before he slipped it inside. Ellen held his head in place, biting her lips as he continued to lick. Reaching up, he seized her thighs and spread her legs wider. His breath made her tingle.
Closing her eyes, Elle focused on the sensation, the heat now concentrating in her lower half. Ramses’ head bobbed back and forth, the sounds of licking and sucking so loud in the empty loft. She let out several moans, trying to lock her legs around his head.
Keeping her legs open, Ramses continued to lick, before exposing her clit and swirling his tongue around it. Elle moaned, releasing his hair and grinding against his face. “Come for me, Elle.” He groaned into her, his breath so warm. “Come for me, please.”
Letting her head lull back, Elle moaned and grabbed the couch tight enough to feel the fabric start to rip. She felt the orgasm start to build, each lick eliciting another cry from her. Eyes watering, she nearly screamed when Ramses plunged his tongue inside.
But before she could release, it was like slamming into a brick wall. White filled her vision as the heat became a searing pain. A scream escaped her and she shuddered, falling to the side.
“S-stop…” She panted, tears streaming down her face. “It… It hurts.”
Ramses pulled back, his bandages around the lower half of his face now loose. They were soaked with Elle. Small bits of skin were visible. Despite the pain in her lower half, Elle grabbed Ramses by the shirt. She then climbed on top of him, rubbing her aching groin over his crotch.
“Fuck me, please.” She begged, continuing to grind against his hardness.
“Hold on.” Ramses pushed the table to the other couch, his glasses askew. Picking Elle up, he placed her on the couch. Unzipping his pants, he let them fall to the ground. His fully erect cock came forth, beads of precum dripping from the tip. Elle leaned forward, wrapping her lips around it.
Ramses let out a surprised moan, knees nearly giving out as Elle sucked. Once the few drops of precum were swallowed, the heat drastically reduced. Panting, Elle pulled back and let her tongue swirl around the tip.
Then, she felt herself blushing. The reality of the situation began to crash around her. Pulling her head back, she quickly let go of Ramses cock and put her hands at her side.
“Um…” The wetness between her legs was almost unbearable. “I’m… Sorry.”
“It’s fine.” Ramses panted, sitting down on the table. “It wasn’t your fault. I understand if you want to leave now.”
Elle stared at his cock, swallowing hard. It was glistening with her saliva. She should leave. This was not only inappropriate, but they were both in a bad spot. But her body was literally hurting with need.
“Ramses.” Her face was probably tomato red. What had she just done? Ramses probably thought… “This wasn’t your fault.”
“I know. But I should have warned you.” He was attempting to put his dick back in his pants, which seemed to be a challenge.
“Erm…” She prodded her forefingers against one another, biting her lower lip. “This is super inappropriate. But is the antidote for this fruit…” Her voice trailed off as she became more flustered. “You know, demon semen?”
Mutely, Ramses nodded. “I didn’t want you to either get too excited or too disgusted.” He looked up at her when she stood over him. “Because I’ve been told it can be rather potent.”
“So, are you sure you gave me enough of a dose?” She lifted her skirt, showing him her wetness. “Because I would, uh, prefer not to go back to how I was.” Her legs shook, the blush filled her entire body.
Ramses’ eyes went wide, and he took off his glasses, setting them down on the table. “I’m not sure. It’s not an exact science. But…” He was cut off when Elle kissed him, straddling his lap.
“Oh.” He kissed her back, looping his hands around her waist.
“Elle,” He said, his voice muffled by her mouth. His pupils dilated slightly, the blood vessels thickening.
“Hm?” She pulled back, her arms around his neck.
“If you want to wait, the lust will wear off.”
Elle thought about it, but shook her head, “I want to do this.” She nibbled at his exposed skin, hands running up and down the nape of his neck.
“Very well.” He stood, keeping her legs wrapped around his waist.
Setting her back onto the couch, Ramses straddled her, pinning her arms above her head against the armrest.
“Are you still hot?”
She nodded.
Taking Elle’s shirt, he slid it off and let it fall to the floor, leaving her in only her skirt.
“Aren’t you?”
“Sunlight.” He gestured to the windows.
“Consider this… Paid overtime.” Nudging her legs open, Ramses lined himself up, prodding against her slit. Each touch made Elle gasp, grinding against him.
Then, he slid inside. Elle gasped, instantly clenching around him. Ramses gripped the back of the couch, letting out a surprised whimper. Leaning down, he wrapped his arms around her and began to thrust. Once her arms were free, she let her hands explore him.
The touch seemed to encourage him further and he hilted himself.
Elle screamed in pleasure, digging her nails into Ramses’ shirt. Covering her mouth with his, Ramses began to pound into her, each thrust making her see a flash of color.
“God,” He said between thrusts. “You’re so tight.” His breath was warm against her face and neck. Leaning down, he nibbled her neck. “I…” The blush returned to his face.
Elle pulled him back, their lips meeting again. Pushing her tongue into his mouth, she let them dance as he found his rhythm and continued to pump back and forth. Each moan encouraged him, and he went harder.
As the thrusts went deeper, Elle cried out, her back arching. She ran her hands down Ramses shirt and vest, the fabric chafing against her skin. Unlike her own clothing, it pushed her closer to the edge, but she felt herself hitting the wall again.
Her breasts began to bounce, and Ramses groaned, his legs and buttock suddenly clenching.
“Please!” She begged, squeezing him tightly. “Finish inside me!”
“Fuck!” Ramses yelped, before he released, the fluid spilling out of Elle. Panting, he shuddered, placing his hands on either side of her head. Sweat trickled down his face. Clenching, he thrust against her as he emptied everything inside.
The orgasm finally came, and Elle clenched, wrapping her legs around his and pulling Ramses close. Shivering, she panted and closed her eyes.
“I think… That’s enough.” He slipped out of her and sat up on the couch, his softening cock still shimmering with her wetness.
Elle shuddered, then slowly sat up, rescuing her shirt from the floor and holding it up to her chest. She was covered with the strange black residue from his hands.
“I am very sorry about that.” Ramses zipped his pants up and buckled his belt. “I completely understand if you want to quit.”
“Umm…” Elle worried at her lower lip. “You see, I didn’t exactly dislike it and I really need this job.” She couldn’t even look at him without blushing.
“I could tell.” Ramses eyes went wide and he put his glasses back on. “Although I’m not sure how much of that was me or the Fruit.” He rubbed his face. “I’m going to kill that fox the next time I see him.”
Elle swallowed hard, thinking of the cakes. “Um, before you get all worked up, shouldn’t you get ready to open the bar?”
Ramses rubbed his face with a sigh. “I’ve got some time.” He looked her over. “I know you live farther away, but do you want to get cleaned up at my place? Er, not that I’m inviting you back over for...” He let the silence hang in the air. 
Sighing, Elle nodded. “One thing at a time. I need to get this ‘antidote’ off me before it leaves a stink.” The scent of sex was already making her dizzy and flushed.
Helping her up, Ramses helped her dress and helped her back down to the main gathering area, collecting the charm from the floor. Stopping at the umbrella holder, he pulled out a parasol and opened it. When he took a few steps outside, he suddenly staggered.
Wrapping his arm around her, Elle helped him walk.
“It’s not too far," Ramses explained. “Erm, so, about what happened.”
“My lips are sealed,” Elle mimed locking her lips and throwing away a key. “As long as you don’t tell the others about me trying to blow you. And everything else.”
Ramses stifled a noise and looked away. “It’s fine. Just erm… Expect a bonus on your first check.”
“A bonus?” Now she was starting to feel like it was some sort of hush money.
“I take… Very good care of my employees.” Ramses frowned. “It’s hard to keep them on.” Swallowing hard, he sighed. “Elle, what I did back there, I promise I’m not normally like that. I know demons have a reputation for being sinners, but I don’t want you to feel I took advantage.”
“Too bad, I had a lot of fun.” Elle blushed at her words. “Sorry, was that too much?”
Ramses bit at his lip. “No, but I am your boss. I don’t want rumors to spread.”
“I understand.” She felt the rest of the heat finally leave her body, leaving her head clear. “But don’t… ever be afraid to ask. I um, headed after this job for a reason. Not just for the pay.”
Ramses hid his face and nodded.
If every day was going to be like this, then this new job was going to be interesting. She’d have to apologize to Wrecks tomorrow.
At least there was hazard pay.
(You can read part 02 here!)
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lilmissnatcat24 · 6 months
for no other reason than i worked at an ice cream shop for eight years, here's what ice cream the mass effect characters would eat
shepard: neapolitan, strawberry for their paragon side, chocolate for their renegade, vanilla to balance
garrus: moose tracks, but will pick it apart just for the peanut butter cups and give shepard the leftovers
tali: literally any booze flavored ice cream
liara: mint chocolate chip because she secretly kind've fucks with the taste of toothpaste but will never admit it out loud
kaidan: butter pecan. it's not everyone's favorite, but it's his, and he's totally cool with it
ashley: whatever the 2183 equivalent to the tonight dough. cookie dough chunks, brownie chunks, butterscotch, chocolate chips, malt chunks, everything
wrex: this man is old as balls!!!!!! rum raisin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
joker: lemon sherbet. you cannot tell me that man is not lactose intolerant
miranda: cherries garcia, little bit sweet, little bit tart
jack: the most sickening sweet shit you can think of. cotton candy with marshmallow superman with a side of sugar
jacob: some sort of dark chocolate peanut butter ice cream that sounds good in theory but in reality you can only take like 3 bites of before you get a tummy ache
zaeed: banana splits that he likes to mash together with a spoon and eat like some deconstructed milkshake
kasumi: the weird avant gard shit you see in hipster vegan shops, like some bacon sweet potato rosebud ice cream
mordin: coffee ice cream, because he likes the taste of coffee but if he were to actually drink it he would spontaneously combust
grunt: those froyo shops that were everywhere in 2014 where you could make a bowl with like 5% froyo and 95% other toppings and it cost 14 dollars
thane: doesn't like ice cream because it reminds him of how he abandoned his child and how his wife is dead and he could never go back to the life he left behind, the life of stability, because his body is engineered for a deadly purpose and he can never atone for his sins rocky road
samara: this woman is old as balls!!!!!!!!!!!!! pistachio!!!!!!!!!!!
legion: tried vanilla ice cream. too sticky, got stuck in his wiring.
james: one of those brownie sundaes that weighs approximately 5 pounds and is majority whipped cream
steve: chocolate chip. classy, just like him ;)
traynor: something smooth and rich and velvety and inexplicably sexy, like raspberry chocolate chunk
edi: takes the idea of ice cream a little too literally and just has a bowl of heavy cream with ice cubes. is confused why everyone is disgusted.
javik: ice cream is for primitives (peaches and cream)
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pupsmailbox · 7 months
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NAMES ⌇ ace. affen. affie. aidi. airendale. akita. aksaray. alano. alex. alfie. annie. apollo. archie. aries. armant. artemis. artois. ash. asher. aurora. badulf. bailey. bandit. barbet. barkley. basenji. bear. beau. bella. beowulf. biewer. blue. bluey. bolt. boris. boxer. brad. brenard. brittany. brutus. bud. buddie. buddy. buster. buttercup. buzz. cailean. cain. cairn. caleb. canaan. cane. canid. canis. carlo. carol. catellus. celeste. charles. charlie. chase. chewie. chip. cliff. clifford. coco. collie. conall. conan. cooper. daisy. dale. darwin. dash. daxie. dexter. diana. dire. dixie. duke. dylan. echo. emory. eros. eskie. ester. fang. fenrir. fido. finn. ford. fox. frankie. ghan. glen. gold. gordon. gray. grey. griffon. grim. grimmwolf. hamilton. harley. havana. hero. hound. howl. hunter. indie. indy. jack. joey. kai. kaleb. kalev. kelpie. ken. kerry. kibble. kibs. kit. lady. leo. leon. llewelyn. lola. lowell. lucine. lucy. luna. lupin. lyca. lycro. lycus. mace. maisie. mal. malinois. marley. max. mia. miles. milo. mingan. mob. molly. mudd. mutt. nala. night. noire. noiresse. noirette. nova. nugget. nyx. oliver. ollie. orion. oscar. paxton. peach. pebble. phoebe. picard. pila. pluto. poppy. puff. pup. ralph. randy. red. redd. remus. rex. rhys. riley. rocky. rolfo. roman. romulus. rosie. rover. rowdy. roxie. roxy. ruby. rudy. ruff. rufus. ruppell. russel. russell. sadie. scottie. scout. scruff. scruffy. selena. shep. shepard. shepherd. silver. sophie. spike. spitz. spot. stafford. star. stella. stick. storm. stormy. suki. teddy. terry. tiger. tosa. venerie. walker. will. wolf. wolfgang. zip. zoey.
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PRONOUNS ⌇ arf/arf. awoo/awoo. ba/ball. ba/bark. bark/bark. bite/bite. ble/blep. bo/bone. bo/bork. bork/bork. cae/canine. can/cani. cani/cani. canin/canine. canine/canine. cha/chase. chew/chew. claw/claw. co/collar. coll/collar. cute/cute. dig/dig. dog/dog. drool/drool. en/energy. fang/fang. fe/fetch. floof/floof. fluff/fluff. fluff/fluffy. fur/fur. fur/furry. ga/game. grey/grey. grim/grim. gro/growl. growl/growl. grr/grr. guard/guard. ho/howl. houn/hound. hound/hound. howl/howl. hunt/hunt. jump/jump. lea/leash. leash/leash. lo/loyal. loyal/loyal. lu/lupi. moon/moon. mutt/mutt. muz/muzzle. night/night. pa/paw. paw/paw. pawprint/pawprit. pet/pet. pla/play. pla/playful. play/play. pooch/pooch. predator/predator. pro/protect. pup/pup. puppy/puppy. ri/rir. ri/ruff. roll/roll. rough/rough. ru/run. ruff/ruff. run/run. slob/slober. snarl/snarl. sni/sniff. snout/snout. soft/soft. squi/squirrel. star/star. star/starry. sti/stick. tai/tail. tail/tail. teeth/teeth. teeth/teething. tre/treat. tre/tree. wa/wag. wa/walk. wag/wag. walk/walk. wolf/wolf. wolf/wolve. wolv/wolve. woof/woof. yap/yap. yip/yip. ❤ . 🌳 . 🎀 . 🎾 . 🐕 . 🐕‍🦺 . 🐩 . 🐶 . 🐺 . 🐾 . 🐿 . 👀 . 👅 . 💗 . 📢 . 📣 . 🔆 . 🔊 . 🔍 . 🗯 . 🥎 . 🦮 . 🦴 . 🧸 .
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monbons · 3 months
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Stitch Sunday
Today's post will be fast because the little bons and I are traveling to spend the day with Jenny Lemon and her little lemons. Without further ado, an update on all of my most recent sewing projects.
The Mage - I did in fact finish making him—complete with weird little stache and beard—before my son and I decapitated him together and I finished his Link. The Mage's severed head is now pinned to the bulletin board at my desk. Justice served.
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Penny - Hands down, she is the best doll I have ever made. I literally can't pick my favorite thing about her because every detail is so special. Have multiple angles so you can admire the craftsmanship. (Not pictured: the bead buckles on her Mary Janes.)
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Shepard - He is still very much a work in progress. Although I have also been trying to take my time with him to get the same quality as Penny, it has been a rough go. I have learned several things in his construction. Namely, the quality of the felt matters so much and, quite frankly, craft stores tend to have pretty crappy felt and my local fabric stores have poor stock in felt. Also, finding a variety of REAL skin tones is hard, especially in darker tones. I ordered a pack of quality "skin tone" felt online the other day and got LITERALLY 11 shades of white people (pink, peach, golden, antique white, etc) and only 3 shades of brown people---one of which was too marbled to realistically be skin. Very upsetting. All of this to say, I am working with what I've got and will keep searching for quality Shep felt.
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Thanks for the tag @shrekgogurt. Cannot wait to read your update. The snippet was excellent!
Hellos and high-fives: @thewholelemon, @raenestee, @roomwithanopenfire, @cutestkilla, @bookish-bogwitch
@hushed-chorus, @artsyunderstudy, @rimeswithpurple, @valeffelees, @drowninginships
@talentpiper11, @emeryhall, @brilla-brilla-estrellita, @thehoneyedhufflepuff, @beastmonstertitan
@you-remind-me-of-the-babe, @youarenevertooold, @larkral, @mooncello, @theearlgreymage
@iamamythologicalcreature, @aristocratic-otter, @blackberrysummerblog, @run-for-chamo-miles, @facewithoutheart
@ic3-que3n, @best--dress, @rbkzz, @supercutedinosaurs, @messofthejess
@skee3000, @arthurkko, @fiend-for-culture, @orange-peony, @martsonmars
@onepintobean, @palimpsessed, @moodandmist, @ileadacharmedlife, @theimpossibledemon
@fatalfangirl, @technetiumai, @katatsumuli, @stitchyqueer, @comesitintheclover
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demetera-kaziaik · 3 months
stobotnik head cannons?
oooh i have SO MANY so buckle up
Rob is near-sighted but refuses to wear prescription glasses, Stone has one with his exact specifications in his suit's pocket just in case
Stone has two siamese cats, Robot and Nik (Lee himself chose the names when answering an Instagram ask) and a retired German Shepard K-9 called Pebbles (this was me). Rob gets along well with Nik. With Robot and Pebbles, not so much.
Stone's favorite drink is peach tea, Rob can't drink anything with less than 3 spoons of sugar.
Stone gets moody and snappish when he's sick, Rob makes fun of him for it most of the time.
They switch constantly being the little spoon.
Stone dyes and cuts Rob's hair every three weeks.
Despite being a genius in so many ways, Rob can't cook for shit - the only thing he can make perfectly every single time is pancakes. Stone bakes when stressed and they always end up with way too many cupcakes and cookies the next day.
Rob is extremely touch-starved, and Stone consciously decides not to touch him without his permission so he doesn't get overwhelmed. Rob has to verbally tell him, or initiate the touch himself. Of course, there are a few exceptions, when in danger or in a haste to leave, but they are few and spaced out.
Rob gets annoyed every February 14th. Not because it's Valentine's Day, but because Stone was born on that day and any gift he could give the man could be interpreted as something else (after some years, it was the exact intention.)
Stone wakes up with the sunrise, drags Rob from the lab and into the bed, and promptly falls asleep again all while trapping Rob in a hug so he will sleep. He knows he's stronger and will take advantage of it. A sleep-deprived Rob isn't too difficult to trap, anyway.
Stone is the only person to ever see Robotnik's bare hands.
Stone caught Rob drinking pickle juice once, made a face, sighed loudly, and turned back like nothing happened. Robotnik then went on a tangent about electrolytes and how pickle juice is good for a dehydrated organism.
The first "I love you" came from Robotnik in the form of an aggressive compliment in which he slipped up. Instead of saying "I love the way you make them!" he shouted a very loud and clear "I love you!" Stone couldn't stop smiling for the rest of the week.
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demilypyro · 10 months
Are there any alternate outfits you’d like to be drawn in? I’d like to do a series of Demilys in the style of the new Princess Peach: Showtime! but I’m not sure what outfits would best suit you
Oh there's like a bunch of costumes I'd be commissioning if I had the money. Lady Maria, Commander Shepard, Chell, maybe something more pushy like Morrigan from Darkstalkers. Heck, the new Elphelt design is totally my style.
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elfcollector · 6 months
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First date.
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sillybigbird · 2 months
OKAY, SO. Silvie here, before starting I'd like to remind you my IC accounts is @babsggordon and its the only one I mannage.
Previous recaps:
This are are the events of the past week (In order from I remember):
Lazarus Pit
Gothamites started to randomly sip them, encouraged by the numerous PSA's saying to not to.
Alzhul discovers that his pit is being used underground by a lot of other organizations including the court of owls. But also he discovers the experimental additions to the pit are making people expell their organs off, he decided to work on a antidote to add at the pit because theres no way to get gothamites away from it (LMAO). Hes having a lil redention arc
Theres a lot of alternative versions appearing, the most popular are more Dick Grayson's appearing out of nowhere and a lot of there people crashing, so far this are the ones that I know.
Spiderman everywhere, it started with our lovely Peach.
Tommy Shepard
Deadpool and one of his variants
Julian Gordon
This is not multiverse but since we're talking of additions we should mention Lux and his initial arc who consisted in dating Crimson, Deadpool, Nightwing by Circus-champion, Kyle, and John Constantine (who also joined this week).
Duke also joined us. (Hi Duke o//)
Helena also joined us
This was a popular topic this week, this were the kidnaps and consecuences:
Jason: A guy named Evangeline claiming being Jason's original partner appears in our universes Dick Graysons Anons with threats of kidnap Jason, and he does but Constantine, help us rescue him. And they're chilling with Hinata, Deadpool, and Crimson in there where Giovanna Talon appears to attack everyone. Lux f*cking kills her and revives him
Giovanna: That attack was useful to kidnap her and so, Hinata, Crimson, Lux and Babs are trying to debrainwash her.
Dick Grayson: Babs and Wally kidnaps Renegade and retrieve them back to the "Bat's army" (idk how to call it).
Random and pending events
Damian and Jon Start dating
Hinata and Tommy start Dating
Aswell Bart but I missed with who
JJ is apparently fine!
Blackhawk (Hal Jordan) is kinda having his redemption arc but as Talon where he just stopped pushing g everyone away lmao
An apple, TWO faces and joker are fighting for gothams mayor elections
Update on Babs events
She and Dick adopted a new kitty
James Gordon Jr is back and she's losing her head everytime he's around
She's also trying to protect Julian not only from the pit and Talon mess, but now James can find him and she's kinda stressed out
Food poisoning :(
Current events I know of but there still going on and it's not mostly of common canon knowledge
Deadpool did an feather errand for the coos (oh boy)
Jason is getting an ultrasound 👍
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If I missed something feel free to add
By @why-rock-look-tasty-if-no-eat
(Bart got with Jamie. Jason and Roy adopted Damians little brother (Yao I think?) not to long ago to. Jason, Liang, and Joker also had an arc or are still going with it I don't remember. Dick "notnotnightwing" got bought by the COO apparently because he asked them out as a joke so that he wouldn't get killed. Damian got another animal, RR totally got mauled by a (different) cat. Another Nightwing "officialnightwing" is like, flirting(?) with a reporter whose trying to prove that the Waynes are the Bats.)
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whatevertheweather · 2 months
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I have a lot to say about this but I'm not going to say most of it because I'm actually so so sleepy, but it's very important that I post anyway because guess who finally has a full draft of Musical Chairs.
It's all there. All the pieces. Have been connected. Edits need to be made but none of them are 'oh god why won't this work I need to rewrite this whole thing oh god,' they're just normal goddamn edits. I've thrown it at the betas, and now to conclude the cherished tradition of me endlessly posting about this fic almost being done, y'all get one last such WIP snippet, and then I'm going to bed and no one's seeing another word until the fic is posted.
“You’re a peach,” Shepard said as Baz agreed to split the last shot on the tray with him, and Baz rolled his eyes up to the ceiling. ”Why have you chosen comparing me to food as the hill you want to die on?” “Sorry,” Shepard answered with a furrowed brow. “I think I’m hungry.” Baz took the full shot himself. Shepard wailed. Their relationship was a fascinating study all on its own, though admittedly Penny was only looking at it so hard in search of cracks through which Shepard might be reachable.
Tags under the cut <3
@you-remind-me-of-the-babe @fatalfangirl @moodandmist @cutestkilla @artsyunderstudy
@aristocratic-otter @martsonmars @facewithoutheart @ivelovedhimthroughworse @bookish-bogwitch
@mooncello @monbons @iamamythologicalcreature @ionlydrinkhotwater @alexalexinii
@run-for-chamo-miles @forabeatofadrum @thewholelemon @rimeswithpurple @noblecorgi
@youarenevertooold @ileadacharmedlife @nightimedreamersworld
Some of those are thank you tags for those who've kept tagging me in things, I hope to look at stuff when I'm not about to fall asleep, and also I'm sorry to the people I've not tagged because of the aforementioned falling asleep, I love you all bye <3
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names-for-alters · 8 months
Hello one and all, alters and headmates! I am Charlie! I like to make lists! I also hoard names! Are you looking for a name? GREAT! You can send an ask and request a specific aesthetic or origin of name, or you can look at my list!
With that said…
…Cracks knuckles…
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Findo Tach Tails Flicker Tracer Kat Iris Blu Brick Arlo Sammy Artie Finn Stein Aleksandr Vora Olive Luna Nyx Cyrus Qrow Orian Cello Onyx Skye Grim Opal Dawn Azure Fish Bones Poppy Bronze Eggs Sparky Specs Snickers Trout Navi Bingo Chili Bandit Stripe Busker Socks Brandy Frisky Winston Lucky Chucky Bently Judo Rusty Max Honey Indie Calypso Striker Merle Moxxie Vex Ant Bugger Bee Spider Tails Hook Indigo Amber Coco Coral Scarlet Ivory Jade Ruby Emerald Chuck Loden Copper Hamelin Neo Shepard Cinnamon Visor Macalister Soul Hack Hiccup Flynn Rider Astrid Jay Raven Robyn Bolt Dagger Viper Tracer Cornwall Flock Sapphire Crystal Ghost Mochi Trick Catra Rose Raven Flip Chani Racket Red Crimson Dragon Runt Scotch Tellie Gator Croc Crow Goat Duck Creeper Kuma Jet Jeep Draco Poppy Sombra Raine Squish Spike Blaze Ender Drake Sandy MK PJ DJ CJ MJ King Creak Shadow Clay Dusty Miles Dart Willow Antonius Husk Moth Cypher Jin Yin Yang Daisy Gray / Grey Alistair Halo Angel Cake Fennec Fox Null Lull Bastion Lucky Sun Star Cosmo Tweety Vox Nerys Sonic Bark Birch Oak Cherry Blossom Peaches Velvet Shell Coffee Valley Fang Moot Redpath Pudding X V Jr Ether Fig Trunk Joy Frogger Snowflake Snowball Snow Jumper Racket Flare Vendetta Loonie Coin Six Eleven Tropica Stelina Mojave Ink Sud Fender Zero Pollen Wysteria Page Ozias Rex Tortch Buck Nickel Stripe Lynch Tramp Wolf Pup Tank Jhariah Kharma Zenith Sparrow Prism Lemon Mune Lamb Pyke Diamond Parker Graves Fizz Nugget Melody Tink Blight Fangless Ambress Vulture Eclipse Luka Bangle Constance Constantine Sommar Babble Clank Bobble Chipper Aidan Slate Tin Twire Zephyr Silver Misty Faunus Atlas Birdie Brook Cedar Chip Coal Daisy Ember Faye Fate Fern Flint Harmony Helios Ivy Junx Kit Lyria Phoebe Piper Lady Beacon Elos Rumble Ida Cross Zed Scootie Smidge Clauger Happy Sonny Hath Soldier River Song Clawtor Videl Legen Onen Chunk Reid Pop Cobra Cash Clover Saris Volante Donna Belladonna Gale Chopper Morphias Vidia Loft Kape Levi Licker Howl Dustin Newt Creek Breezy Polaris Blight Archer Sirius Warren Dream Goon Cookie Ranger Amity Jericho Viggo Besko Asra Alice Olaf Mossfeld Issic Missy Rascal Creasy Nonya Hex Pita Miguel Manuel Rayburn Daisy Dash Lucky Becky Steele Cylo Featherstone Kingston Netherfield Reacher Saltburn Quick Rubble Dust Brimstone Humble Ado Grover Norvanos Leshy Blade Cooper Calcium
Pierre Rosemary
Kikos Wathel
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pumpkinsy0 · 2 months
the shepards r like the waluigi, wapeach, and wario to the curtis’ mario, luigi, and peach
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eyeslikewatercoolers · 4 months
Peaches with sashnetra for writing please?
I don't remember which one of my friends had a pet named Peaches (it was a hamster iirc) but that memory sparked inspo for this drabble
also partially inspired by ria telling me her cats are named after food heehee :3
"Yes, hello to you too," Sasha said as she barely acknowledged the cat at the apartment's front door. She took off her jacket and work heels as she felt the cat's soft fur circling her calves.
"I'll feed you in a moment," She answered the cat as she took her cell phone from her purse. Sasha was exhausted from a long day at work, all she wanted was to get in some comfortable clothes and have greasy delivery pizza with her girlfriend.
The cat jumped on the back of the nearby recliner, making its presence known to Sasha, meowing again. "Okay, let's get you some food,"
Sasha scratched the cat's head before heading towards the kitchen. It was only when she made it past the threshold that the realization hit her.
They didn't have any cat food in the apartment.
They didn't even have a cat.
As Sasha stared at the cat in shock, she mustered herself enough to call out down the hall.
"In the bedroom!" her girlfriend's voice called back.
Sasha picked the orange cat up, realizing it was a female. She had a collar with printed blossoms on it.
"What is this?" Sasha said as soon as she entered the bedroom. She held out the cat to show Anetra.
"That's Peaches," Anetra simply said as she searched through the documentary options on Netflix. A relaxed white cat sat in her lap, she mindlessly stroked its fur.
"Okay...then what is that?" She asked apprehensively. Anetra did not seem concerned that there was not one, but two cats in their living space all of a sudden.
"This is Cream." She rubbed one finger under the white cat's chin, purring loudly.
"So why are Peaches and Cream here?" She asked before Anetra settled on something to watch.
Anetra sighed, "Mirage. She does things like this all the time." she explained.
"Like what?" Sasha met Anetra's lifelong best friend a few times since they started dating, but didn't know much more about her.
"She gets a cute animal, takes care of it until she gets bored, and then gives it to me," Anetra said. "She's had so many pets. Hamsters, turtles, parakeets, everything."
"And she just hands them off to you?" Sasha asked.
"Yup, she knows I hate seeing animals get abandoned," Anetra said with a shrug. "She tried to give me a German Shepard puppy before, but we ended up finding a nice farmhouse for her,"
Sasha looked at Cream who happily fell asleep in Anetra's lap. She looked down to see Peaches purring in her arms. Maybe having two cats wouldn't be such a bad thing.
"Should we keep them?" Sasha asked as she sat on the bed next to Anetra. She always wanted a pet but was usually too busy to put in the love and care needed on her own.
"They are already here, aren't they?" Anetra joked as they settled in to watch the nature docuseries.
Peaches and Cream settled at the other end of the bed curled up together. Luckily Mirage left food and bowls for the cats when she dropped them off.
"At least Mirage picked out good names," Sasha pointed out.
"Oh, actually I renamed them," Anetra said. "The names she picked out were...something else,"
"What were they?" Sasha asked with a raised eyebrow.
Anetra pointed at Peaches, "Dream," she moved to point at Cream, "and Sicle"
"Now you know why she gave them to me,"
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swiftyswithin · 8 months
carry on but fruit names??
so a while back, me and @mentallyillraincloud (mostly him) made up a nickname for Penelope, "Pineapple Blueberry"
So today, we went through all the characters we could think of and fruit name them.
so here we go: Simon - Sour Cherry Salmonberry Baz - Tropicana Blackberry Grape-Peach Penny - Pineapple Blueberry Agatha - Apple Watermelon Shepard - Starfruit Lemon Ebb - elderberry Pomegranate the Mage - Mandrin Orange OR Dewberry Cantaloupe Malcolm - Mangosteen Grape Daphne - Dekopong Grape Mordelia - Marionberry Grape Petra - Plum grape Sophie - Sarviberry Grape Swithin - Sugar apple Grape Fiona - Fig Peach Natasha - Nannyberry Grape Peach Lucy - Lucuma Salak Fruit Lady Salisbury - Lady raspberry Salak fruit Jamie - Jas apple salak fruit Dev - Durian Peach (or Grape) Niall - Natal Plum Kiwi
Now obviously, these were just for the silly, and I missed quite a few people lamb, Braden, Smith Richards, the list goes on!
My favorite part of this is that i did relation last names for all except Simon, Because what i did with Simon is i did Snow, and not Salisbury.
Anyway, enjoy the fruity names!!
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