theconcealedweapon · 3 days
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It's ridiculous that welfare is being treated as the comparison here.
Welfare recipients had to jump through hoops in order to receive the assistance they need. They know and are constantly reminded that they can lose their assistance at any time, such as if something happens that causes them to not qualify anymore or if enough people vote to remove the program. It's pretty much impossible for someone to become dependent on welfare who would otherwise be capable of surviving without it.
Meanwhile, landlords, CEOs, and billionaires actually think they deserve their vast wealth. They actually think they earned the profits that other people work hard to produce for them. They genuinely believe that they're being wronged whenever anyone attempts to help the working class. And they plan on continuing to live like this for their entire lives and raising their children to live like this.
If you're angry about handouts making people dependent and lazy, you're blaming the wrong people. You should be angry at the capitalist class, not at poor people.
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apenitentialprayer · 22 hours
The poverty of the world is a scandal. In a world where there is such great wealth, so many resources for giving food to everyone, it is impossible to understand how there could be so many hungry children, so many children without education, so many poor people! Poverty today is a cry. We must all think about whether we can become a little poorer. This is something we must all do.
- Pope Francis (Q&A With the Students of the Jesuit Schools of Italy and Albania)
I do not believe one can settle how much we ought to give. I am afraid the only safe rule is to give more than we can spare. In other words, if our expenditure on comforts, luxuries, amusements, etc., is up to the standard common among those of the same income of our own, we are probably giving away too little. If our charities do not at all pinch or hamper us, I should say they are too small. There ought to be things we should like to do and cannot do because our charitable expenditure excludes them.
- C.S. Lewis (Mere Christianity, page 86).
You might say: "Who do I harm by keeping my own property?" […] Isn't God just, equally dividing what is necessary for life? Why are you wealthy while that other man is poor? Is it, perhaps, in order that he may be honored with great prizes for his endurance? But, as for you, when you hoard all these things in the insatiable bosom of greed, do you suppose you do no wrong in cheating so many people? Who is a man of greed? Someone who does not rest content with what is sufficient. Who is a cheater? Someone who takes away what belongs to others. And are you not a man of greed? Are you not a cheater? [...] Now, someone who takes a man who is clothed and renders him naked would be termed a robber; but when someone fails to clothe the naked, while he is able to do this, is such a man deserving of any other appellation? The bread which you hold back belongs to the hungry; the coat, which you guard in your locked storage chests, belongs to the naked; the footwear moldering in your closet belongs to those without shoes.
Saint Basel the Great, Homily to the Wealthy.
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tasia-reader · 2 days
Juneteenth greetings!
That’s a great excuse to help me out! I paid my phone bill before my loan payment come out. I MEANT to take the money out again after repaying it and use it for my phone. It’s a lot, about $160 once the charge reverses and the $48 nonsufficient funds fee goes through, so anything is welcome. anything more is needed for food 🙏🏾🥹
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ADDITIONALLY my headphones broke, i super glued them but that didn't last. They have a built in mic and text to speech is a major spoon saver! So if anyone has $30 I would SO appreciate a replacement pair
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radfem-polls · 11 hours
i am really curious about this
how often did you eat meat in your childhood as a meal? (the focus of the meal was on meat or meat was an important part of it, this includes stews, pizzas, breakfast bacon, seafood and white meat) (really cheap supermarket meats -like chicken nuggets, cheap salami, turkey- doesnt count) (meat broth doesnt count)
more than 3 times a week
1-2 times a week
7-10 times a month
a few times a month
7-15 times a year
a few times a year
Thank you for your submission!
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nando161mando · 2 months
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There are now over 15 million empty homes in the US, and 650,000 homeless per the very bias official numbers, or 23 houses per person
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kuchipatch1 · 6 months
yall have got to be more normal about Southern people and I'm not kidding. enough of the Sweet Home Alabama incest jokes, enough of the idea that all Southerners are bigots and rednecks, and enough of the idea that the South has bad food. shut up about "trailer trash" and our accents and our hobbies!
do yall know how fucking nauseating it is to hear people only bring up my state to make jokes about people in poverty and incestuous relationships? how much shame I feel that I wasn't born up north like the Good Queers and Good Leftists with all the Civilised Folk with actual houses instead of small cramped trailers that have paper thin walls that I know won't protect me in a bad enough storm?
do yall know how frustrating it is to be trans in a place that wants to kill you and whenever you bring it up to people they say "well just move out" instead of sympathizing with you or offering help?
do yall understand how alienating it is to see huge masterposts of queer and mental health resources but none of them are in your state because theyre all up north? and nobody seems to want to fix this glaring issue because "they're all hicks anyways"
Southern people deserve better. we deserve to be taken seriously and given a voice in the queer community and the mental health space and leftist talks in general.
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liberalsarecool · 6 months
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Republicans spread trauma.
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batboyblog · 5 months
Things Biden and the Democrats did, this week.
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau put forward a new regulation to limit bank overdraft fees. The CFPB pointed out that the average overdraft fee is $35 even though majority of overdrafts are under $26 and paid back with-in 3 days. The new regulation will push overdraft fees down to as little as $3 and not more than $14, saving the American public collectively 3.5 billion dollars a year.
The Environmental Protection Agency put forward a regulation to fine oil and gas companies for emitting methane. Methane is the second most abundant greenhouse gas, after CO2 and is responsible for 30% of the rise of global temperatures. This represents the first time the federal government has taxed a greenhouse gas. The EPA believes this rule will help reduce methane emissions by 80%
The Energy Department has awarded $104 million in grants to support clean energy projects at federal buildings, including solar panels at the Pentagon. The federal government is the biggest consumer of energy in the nation. The project is part Biden's goal of reducing the federal government's greenhouse gas emissions by 65% by 2030. The Energy Department estimates it'll save taxpayers $29 million in the first year alone and will have the same impact on emissions as taking over 23,000 gas powered cars off the road.
The Education Department has cancelled 5 billion more dollars of student loan debt. This will effect 74,000 more borrowers, this brings the total number of people who've had their student loan debt forgiven under Biden through different programs to 3.7 Million
U.S. Agency for International Development has launched a program to combat lead exposure in developing countries like South Africa and India. Lead kills 1.6 million people every year, more than malaria and AIDS put together.
Congressional Democrats have reached a deal with their Republican counter parts to revive the expanded the Child Tax Credit. The bill will benefit 16 million children in its first year and is expected to lift 400,000 children out of poverty in its first year. The proposed deal also has a housing provision that could see 200,000 new affordable rental units
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lilithism1848 · 2 months
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politijohn · 1 year
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theconcealedweapon · 10 months
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They just want there to always be a class of people who are forever in debt. Whether it's chattel slavery, prison, student loan debt, medical debt, renters who will never be able to own a house, etc.
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anarchoposting · 9 months
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left-reminders · 2 years
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thoughtportal · 1 year
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nando161mando · 9 months
If you want to know why people have lost faith in capitalism, this might help
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titleknown · 2 years
So, we now know on a direct statistical level that Dollar General is literally making the Vimes Boots Theory of Economic Unfairness into a part of its core business model.
Sweet jesus...
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