#actually disabled
genderqueerdykes · 3 days
disabled intersex trans lesbian needs help saving up for rent while preparing for surgery & GI procedures
hello, my name is equinox. i'm a multiply disabled intersex trans lesbian who deals with a lot of different health issues. currently, i'm dealing with a large gallstone that is stuck in my gallbladder, which has been causing a lot of pain, as well as very severe GI issues. it has been virtually impossible to stand, sit upright, or be out of the house for significant periods of time, and even sitting upright to work or use the computer has proven to be painful. i am also struggling to keep down food.
i'm currently awaiting surgery to have my gallbladder removed, as well as an endo/colonoscopy and a gastric emptying study:
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in the mean time, i need to save up for my monthly rent, which is only $178/month thanks to me having subsidized housing. i currently do not make any other income other than my shop, i am applying for disability but am currently in the processing stage. i sell handmade jewelry as well as zines i have written on queerness as well.
if you are interested in helping, you can do so in the following ways:
cash app: $glitterGraphix pay pal: glittergraphicnightmare # gmail .com venmo: $Equinoxian chime: $equinoxian
thank you to everyone who takes the time to read, reblog and support- i appreciate you more than words can ever express. thank you for your generosity and kindness
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janeacular · 3 days
People who have regular body heat don't experience cold the way we do. They apparently have this little heater inside of them that just, keeps their blood and internal organs comfy all the time. Being "cold" to them is just a chill on their skin. "If you're still cold after the first layer, put another layer on!" That doesn't work if you don't have the body heat to warm up those layers!!! it's just cold fabric on top of cold fabric on top of cold fabric on top of cold skin on top of cold fat on top of cold muscle on top of cold bones.
Then of course, even if there are FINALLY enough layers to make our skin warm. That does not mean it will make our bones warm. I could have an electronically heated blanket on me, and start sweating from it, and STILL BE COLD because it takes a lot of time for any amount of heat to pierce the surface level of my body & warm me in any ways that matter. So yeah, anytime you're interacting with somebody who doesn't have temperature regulation issues, and they offhandedly mention that they love the cold, just be aware they are never ever talking about our kind of cold. the kind that feels like an uphill battle. They're talking about something completely different and unique to them and their little internal heater. something some of us may never experience because we're always trapped in that fight with the air around us.
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stellaltumi · 2 days
my chronically ill best friend just said "I feel like the side effects part of a medication commercial" SO FUCKING TRUE BABE
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mewos-laptop · 2 days
Friendly reminder that sometimes mental illnesses are genuinely disabling.
If your mental illness makes it difficult, impossible or harder than it should be to do certain things that would take a non-mentally ill person no effort to do, that's disabling.
If showering is a chore for you, and your ability to function and get it done fluctuates ? That's disabling.
If doing dishes is something your brain won't let you do unless under very specific circumstances ? That's disabling.
If you can't clean your room or throw anything out and so your room or house is messy and/or possibly dangerous at any given time ? That's disabling.
If you have an infinite number of these things that no matter what you try to do you can't get rid of the extreme toll it takes on you, or the time it takes you, or whatever ? You are experiencing things disabled folks experience.
Don't be ashamed to ask for help, or to talk about how your mental illness affects your ability to fuction, or even to call yourself disabled.
I have lived with a severe anxiety disorder for my entire life, and I can say that I have been very hesitant to call myself disabled for the longest time because of internalized abelism. But you know what ? I am disabled. My mental illnesses disable me, and having that term at my disposal helps ME to explain what I have to go through every single day.
I'm sending love and support to my fellow mentally ill folks, especially those who are afraid to call themselves disabled even if their disorder disables them. I hope that one day you can reach a point where you're able to use that term for yourself and not fear what anyone else tries to tell you about your own lived experiences.
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thexie-and-stars · 12 hours
ew I hate bariometric pressure
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pleastrop · 3 days
it kills me a little every time i randomly remember i'll have to live feeling like this for the rest of my life
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st7arlight · 18 hours
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sketch page :) slaps dipper with my disable-inator get chronic pain idiot
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tumble-tv · 2 days
I went to put on eyeliner yesterday for the first time in a few months because I finally got a new pencil eyeliner. I did my left eye fine, but when I went to do my right eye, I literally couldn't tell where my eyelid was or where my eyelashes were. I'm terrified because my uveitis is mainly in my left eye and connected to my arthritis, so if my eye got worse, there's a high chance my arthritis did too. Now I'm just pissed because I wanted to wear eyeliner and I can't do it, not only because of my hands, but because my eyes got worse.
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autville · 3 days
good afternoon from the autistic town of autville!
autumn (or is it autisumn?) is upon us!
the season of quiet coziness and flapping one's hands in long sleeve sweaters is here once more!
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my-midlife-crisis · 3 days
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pinkdovess · 7 months
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this meme is so niche
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bee-fox · 2 months
I think that it's really important for people to realize that being disabled is traumatic. genuinely. your body and brain feel like they are breaking down and wrong. you are in constant heavy stress from stuff like chronic pain. most disabled people i know have a somewhat regular emotional break down from the trauma of it all. and we are expected to just smile through it by society, to not be in the way, to not be an issue.
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siffrin-enthusiast · 5 months
i wish every engineer a “try going around your building in a wheelchair”
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mosspapi · 1 year
It should be illegal to have a bus stop without a bench I am 1000% serious rn
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nightmaretour · 2 months
"Brain damage" only sounds like a harsh and offensive way to describe brain injuries because people constantly use it as an insult. It's a totally neutral descriptor of what it is. I have brain damage. My brain is damaged. It's not ableist to call it that, it's ableist to call people you don't like brain damaged because you think it's an inherently bad thing to be.
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(Yes abled bodied neurodivergents, that includes you)
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coldalbion · 6 months
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As a disabled person who's loved LEVERAGE and LEVERAGE REDEMPTION since the beginning - for the characters but also the whole ethos of performing acts that help people against crap systems, it's wonderful to be reminded that it springs from reality.
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