#anti homophobia
nando161mando · 11 months
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Pro-homosexual forces stay winning
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dark-nymph3t · 11 months
You terfs in the coquette tag are just proving Ethel’s point.
REAL COQUETTES DO NOT WANT TERFS IN COQUETTE, LEAVE WE DO NOT WANT YOU HERE, YOU ARE MISREPRESENTING WHO WE ARE. You have taken our community, once a safe place for all, and turned into a conservative hellscape.
You are not coquette, you are just transphobic
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justnone88 · 9 days
I don’t know why, but these two white women Chappell Roan and Taylor Swift give off the same vibes to me, they seemed homophobic and racist. I feel, and heavy on feel, that they are very opportunistic and they know that supporting the LGBTQ+ community (appropriating terms and styles) is a good PR move as well as making people believe that they care about POC people when in their daily day lives (outside the media) they only care about their own white womanhood.
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lgbtqtext · 5 days
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alyceinwonderland777 · 9 months
The tweet:
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Definition of "fujoshi":
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In simple terms, "fujoshis" are a bunch of freaks who treat gay men as sex toys.
My responses and the clown's responses 🤡:
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Could y'all please report this shitty account? It's disgusting and spreads homophobic retoric.
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lesbianformadison · 9 months
“Let people have different opinions” no, this isn’t Marvel vs DC or Barbie vs Oppenheimer or something. This is human rights. You either want everybody to have them or you don’t. And I won’t just live with the fact that you don’t want everyone to have BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS.
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catmadeofsalad · 4 months
MC: *calls Lucifer from the human realm* Lucifer can you come pick me up? My religious family is being homophobic.
Lucifer: Yes, I'll be there in a moment.
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hadesoftheladies · 4 months
the main prerequisite to being an ally for women, poc, disabled or same-sex attracted people is to literally just practice de-centering yourself. like you are raised assuming you, your experiences, culture and history are the default.
this is the biggest handicap to your thinking.
tackle it and no one will have to hold your hand for everything including theory. you'll automatically know how to behave and what not to say and learn how to consider the plight of others outside yourself. it's that simple.
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The insinuation that Tommy fans are racist is so wild to me. "You don't like Eddie so that means you're racist" my sibling in christ, first of all, Eddie is my special little character. Don't you dare question my love for him. Second of all that implies that you're only allowed to dislike a character if they're white and cishet because otherwise you're "racist, transphobic, homophobic". It's not like when I dislike a character it's about their personality and not their looks. Since all you can do is make any argument about race, I wonder who's the racist here, hm?
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sharp-rosee · 3 months
I keep seeing posts about fellow het women defending their relationships and claiming that infighting is bad between lesbians and hets...
... but then I see het women go on to mock separatism as if it couldn't exist because we have disagreements on here, or say that women who choose to marry and have children with men and enjoyed marriage before things went wrong in their marriage to warrant a divorce can still somehow be lesbian and not bisexual.
Wanting to believe that separatism can't work is just perpetuating the misogynistic "Women are catty" stereotype.
Wanting to desperately believe that women who enjoyed marriage with men who later go on to date exclusively women are lesbian is homophobic. For someone who has issues with lesbians criticizing male partnerships, it sure is interesting that you want to cling to the idea that lesbianism can exist even if a woman previously was attracted to a male. Even moreso hypocritical when some of you have called lesbians who have been victims of rape by men bisexual and have then harrassed the victims of said rape for saying they are lesbians. As if the concept of a man making a woman straight through rape hasn't been a constant occurrence for years and a heavy porn theme/motivation for rape in general amongst men.
I can't ignore the contradictions I see here, and it's disgusting.
As a het woman in a relationship myself, a lot of you are very good at masquerading as radfems on the surface but then go on to talk over women more marginalized than you about their experiences and end up peddling the same homophobic, misogynistic stereotypes and rhetoric with no self-awareness. It's incredible how many of you cannot do basic introspection.
And the fact I have to state that I, too, am het and male partnered because this has a chance of being brushed off as one of the "evil meanie lesbians hating het women," is not lost on me either. And if that was your immediate assumption while reading this, then that should say a lot to you as well.
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saturns-emotes · 28 days
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Left to right:
Anti-Endogenic Systems
Anti-Homophobic Heterosexual
Anti-S*per Stra*ght
Anti-Autism Speaks
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nando161mando · 9 months
absolutely based king shuts down queerphobic irritant
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lovertm · 4 months
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magnets by CunningLinguistCo
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TERFs would not be the witches that where hunted.
They are the women that would sellout their neighbors for being different. Of course you won't burn you were never suspected in the first place because you rat out those around you to an angry mob that accumulates in your wake.
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lgbtqtext · 5 months
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hchollym · 2 years
Percy Weasley & the Weasley's Homophobia/Transphobia
I wrote about Percy having Oldest Daughter Syndrome in this post, but that got me thinking, and I realized something - out of all the Weasley siblings, Percy is the only one that doesn't fit into gender norms.
So I started going back and rereading to double check, and I was blown away by just how many traditionally feminine traits Percy has in the books that I didn't notice the first time I read them! 😱
It has me wondering if that was subconsciously - or purposely - a major contributor of why the Weasley children disliked Percy so much (given how homophobic/transphobic the Wizarding World is in general).
The Basics/Personality Traits
Percy doesn't play Quidditch (i.e. sports).
He enjoys Divination - a subject that is seen as silly by the popular characters & only people like Lavender and Parvati (i.e. "dumb" girls) enjoy it.
He's not great at chess: "He [Harry] suspected he wouldn’t have lost so badly if Percy hadn’t tried to help him so much." According to many studies, there is a stereotype that boys are better at playing chess than girls.
Percy is more organized and clean: ""Ron hasn't put all his new things in his trunk yet," said Percy, in a long-suffering voice. "He's dumped them on my bed."" This is a common stereotype for women, while men tend to be thought of as messier.
Descriptions/Word Choice
Percy is said to be, "fussy about rule-breaking and fond of bossing everyone around." Fussy and bossy are both sexist phrases that are commonly used to describe women who aren't accommodating enough.
Book 2 said, "Percy swelled in a manner that reminded Harry forcefully of Mrs. Weasley. “Get — away — from — there —” Percy said, striding toward them and starting to bustle them along, flapping his arms." It's not a coincidence that the other Weasley brothers are never compared to their mother.
In Book 4, it stated, "“Mr. Crouch!” said Percy breathlessly, sunk into a kind of halfbow that made him look like a hunchback. “Would you like a cup of tea?”" He is portrayed as being quite submissive and eager to please in his job (traits traditionally used to describe the ideal woman, particularly in the religious sectors).
Later in Book 4, there's this conversation: "“Maybe Percy’s poisoning him,” said Ron. “Probably thinks if Crouch snuffs it he’ll be made head of the Department of International Magical Cooperation.”" Poisoning is most often done by women, whereas men tend to kill someone in more aggressive ways.
His Job
Percy worked as an assistant/secretary to Mr. Crouch and then for the Minister of Magic - both of which are considered "women's jobs." This dates back to the Industrial Revolution, when more than 1.7 million women began working in this career, and it is still predominantly held by women (who make up almost 90% of secretaries and assistants).
Even his research was feminine:
“What are you working on?” said Harry. “A report for the Department of International Magical Cooperation,” said Percy smugly. “We’re trying to standardize cauldron thickness.
Cauldrons are generally associated with women because they were also used for cooking, and in paintings, it is almost always witches (women) depicted with cauldrons.
Then, there's this:
“I don’t reckon he’d come home if Dad didn’t make him. He’s obsessed. Just don’t get him onto the subject of his boss. According to Mr. Crouch . . . as I was saying to Mr. Crouch . . . Mr. Crouch is of the opinion . . . Mr. Crouch was telling me . . . They’ll be announcing their engagement any day now.”
A secretary falling in love with their boss and becoming obsessed... hmm, where have I heard this stereotype before? 🙄
A research study on parental discipline found that, "“When it comes to disciplining the kids, there’s been a role reversal in the modern home,” the study concluded, with moms being more consistent in discipline than dads. The researchers found that dads are no longer the strict disciplinarians that they were in the ’50s and ’60s, and are more likely to let children get away with wrong behavior and less likely to talk through discipline issues with the kids.""
We certainly see that dynamic in the Weasley household with Molly & Arthur, and we continue that trend with most of the Weasley sons - Bill & Charlie definitely aren't disciplining anyone; they're the cool, "chill" brothers who contribute to the problem by smashing tables around in the air for fun.
Percy is the only one who disciplines the younger kids - especially at school and in the role of a prefect:
“Five points from Gryffindor!” Percy said tersely, fingering his prefect badge. “And I hope it teaches you a lesson! No more detective work, or I’ll write to Mum!”
Fred and George were going the wrong way about cheering her up. They were taking turns covering themselves with fur or boils and jumping out at her from behind statues. They only stopped when Percy, apoplectic with rage, told them he was going to write to Mrs. Weasley and tell her Ginny was having nightmares.
Lack of Humor
“Yeah, well, Percy wouldn’t want to work for anyone with a sense of humor, would he?” said Ron, now starting on a chocolate eclair. “Percy wouldn’t recognize a joke if it danced naked in front of him wearing Dobby’s tea cozy.”
It is repeated regularly throughout the books that Percy isn't funny and can't take a joke, which correlates to the sexist idea that women aren't funny (or that men are much funnier).
Mother-Hen Tendencies
Percy has so many instances of looking out for his siblings (or noticing when something is wrong) and worrying about them (i.e. fussing over them):
Her Pepperup potion worked instantly, though it left the drinker smoking at the ears for several hours afterward. Ginny Weasley, who had been looking pale, was bullied into taking some by Percy.
Dear Tom, Percy keeps telling me I’m pale and I’m not myself. I think he suspects me…
& After the Second Task in Book 4:
Percy seized Ron and was dragging him back to the bank (“Gerroff, Percy, I’m all right!”)
Compare this to Fleur's reaction only a few sentences later:
Fleur had broken free of Madame Maxime and was hugging her sister.
(In fact, Percy & Fleur share a lot of characteristics, but that's a topic for a different time.)
Percy had a girlfriend, but he still broke the gender norms by writing love letters to her all summer and keeping a photograph of her. This type of romantic personality isn't stereotypically common of most teenage boys (especially in these books), but it is common of characters like Lavender, who bought Ron a gold necklace (and Ron was appalled at the idea of wearing it).
His Brothers
To compare, the only other Weasley brother who shows any traditionally feminine traits is Bill with his long hair (and I guess his one earring, but that became very popular among guys during the 80's/90's). This is a physical characteristic as opposed to an emotional/behavioral one, and Bill doesn't get any negative reaction, because he is masculine in every other way - He had a dangerous, exciting job for many years; he has a career working with money (74% of people working in finance are men); he married a much younger, attractive woman (think about Leonardo DiCaprio not dating women over the age of 25); and he had a completely heteronormative marriage.
To Summarize
Percy has an abundance of traditionally feminine characteristics in the books, as opposed to his brothers, who definitely do not. Given how society is in the Wizarding World, it is very likely that this contributed to his strained relationship with his family. 😥
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