#settled lawsuit
alwaysbewoke · 4 months
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driftingvoid-155 · 8 months
Hc that burning down fnaf 6 wasn’t in the plan but then Henry saw how many lawsuits they were getting and was like ‘you know what, light the place up. I ain’t going to court again.’ And Michael Arsonist Afton was only too happy to oblige.
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bleachbleachbleach · 3 months
Haphazardly typing into the Notes app all 1500 words of the fanfic thoughts you had while you spent an excessive amount of time driving around is all well and good
but when will there be time to actually write the fanfics
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tinas1469 · 10 months
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Marvel Settles Fight Over Spider-Man, Doctor Strange Rights
The estate of Steve Ditko, who co-created the characters, has reached a deal with the company and ended the last of five battles over copyright termination efforts.
It looks like Marvel won’t be bringing its battle over the rights to Spider-Man and Doctor Strange into the new year. Attorneys for the company and the estate of Steve Ditko on Wednesday notified the court that they’ve reached an amicable settlement and expect a stipulation of dismissal with prejudice to be filed in the coming weeks.
This all started back in 2021, when Marvel filed a series of lawsuits in response to copyright termination notices from Larry Lieber and the estates of Gene Colan, Steve Ditko, Don Heck and Don Rico. A very long list of characters were at issue, including Iron Man, Captain America, Black Widow, Hulk and Thor. In June, all but one of the matters settled.
The last remaining dispute was with the heirs of Ditko, who co-created Spider-Man and Doctor Strange. According to that termination notice, the estate wanted to reclaim rights from comics including Amazing Fantasy (including Spider-Man’s 1962 debut) and Strange Tales (including Doctor Strange’s first appearance in 1963). In addition to the art and stories themselves, the termination notices also targeted “any character, story element, or indicia reasonably associated with the Works.”
Marvel was represented by Dan Petrocelli and Molly Lens of O’Melveny, and Patrick Ditko was represented by Marc Toberoff. Neither party has responded to a request for comment.
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dirtyhecker · 23 days
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i sat on the curb, trying not to cry, with contusions on my chest and a burn from the seatbelt on my neck as i took this picture that i haven't looked at since. it doesn't bother me anymore.
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johnhelliwell · 7 months
Oh i am so mad at Roger. They settled with Rick at least but are still going with Roger.
#supertramp#roger keeps pulling the I did all the work but i promise you his music wouldn't have been as popular without the collective effort of all o#these people#like John wrote all of his own parts and often also made an insane amount of suggestions mostly for the better of songs#now rick isn't involved but his piano solo makes school and he also basically wrote more of it than roger anyway#but like the lawyers arguments also bring rick down again which roger likes to do so much#as if roger is the only reason supertramp even exists and managed this#without rick the band wouldn't even have existed#roger helped with a huge part of it but don't be so damn arrogant man#stupid piece of shit#i was mad about roger and rick about this lawsuit before tbf but it's news they settled with rick but it just seems in character Roger#is not relenting while there's clear proof over the agreements the royalties were not a gift but something in contract#initially only Rick and Roger would get something and the rest would literally just get a barely liveable salary#imagine pouring everything into a band and being met in return with this absolute bullshit#and then dougie accused bob and John for continuing to tour with rick solely cuz of the money cuz he left supertramp cuz of his loyalty to#roger which is insanely hypocritical to me but whatever#just glad the three of them are now coming together to do this#i wonder if John will be asked about it now cuz there's an actual article about it#first it was only court documents
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plaid-n-converse · 17 days
Sorry, but second message because I can't get my head around this shit. I'm already afraid of going to the hospitals here as a trans person, just from working in them and seeing how these people act toward us. How some of these doctors allowed to continue practicing is just another layer of stress. I used to work in an OR and there was a gen surgeon nurses would call the butcher cause he'd just fuck people's GI surgeries up and had very bad complication rates. Like why was that dude still there? We also had a doctor illegally perform under the table cosmetic surgery on his wife in my city. She ended up dying on the table, very suspicious circumstances, but I think he's actually going to jail. I really don't understand how no first assists, nurses, techs, or anyone else didn't step up to stop this man's liver from being removed. It doesnt take a skilled surgeon to identify a liver. I saw some people online saying they thought it could be organ trafficking, but who knows. I'm not one to buy into a conspiracy without evidence. I just don't understand how this could've happened. I get that people are afraid to speak up and question order at times, but if it's this severe of an incident, i would hope that someone would.
Unfortunately I can almost guarantee that someone in the room did say something, but he is one of those surgeons where you Absolutely Cannot Tell him anything, because "he went to medical school and you didn't" and as a tech/nurse there's very little you can actually do, because if you leave it's "patient abandonment" and if you argue the doctor will claim you were trying to act outside your scope of practice
clearly I was not involved in this surgery because he left my hospital a few years ago so I can't say for sure, but that's always the vibes he gave off
for what it's worth i get not wanting to go to the hospital because of being trans, and thankfully most of the surgeons I work with aren't like this at all
update because I apparently skipped over the "illegal plastic surgery" part, but what?? I have several questions about that one
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Not some random freaking anime turboweebvirgins who admit they "still listen to Kanye" accusing Kesha of faking her abuse allegations and Questioning Her Moral Purity TM on her goddamn fucking Vivziepop Character that she voices' only good gifset.. 🤢💀
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lukasdoodles · 2 years
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Should I give context to this? Probably! Will I? No!
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sunset-bridge · 1 year
japan We've come to make an announcement; masayoshi shido's a bitch ass motherfucker, he pissed on our fucking leader. Thats right, he took his prime minister dick out and he pissed on our fucking leader, and he said his dick was "T h i s b i g" and he said that's disgusting, so we're making a callout post here on national news, masayoshi shido, you've got a small dick, it's the size of this life stone except WAY smaller, and guess what? Here's what our dong looks like: PFFFT, THAT'S RIGHT, BABY. ALL REBELLION, NO PSYCHOSIS, NO MENTAL SHUTDOWNS Look at that, it looks like two somas and a makaracorn . He pissed on our leader so guess what? We are going to piss on his government campaign. THAT'S RIGHT THIS IS WHAT YOU GET, OUR SUPER LASER PISS! Except we're not gonna piss just on him. we're gonna go higher. WE'RE PISSING ON THE ENTIRETY OF JAPAN! HOW DO YOU LIKE THAT, OBAMA? WE PISSED ON JAPAN YOU IDIOT! YOU HAVE 23 HOURS BEFORE THE PISS DROPLETS HIT THE FUCKING DIET BUILDING NOW GET OUT OF OUR SIGHT BEFORE WE PISS ON YOU TOO.
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wavesoutbeingtossed · 9 months
#cnn just had a special about the shake it off lawsuit#which I’d never really read up on#and while I absolutely don’t believe that Taylor plagiarized the person’s song#and could absolutely believe she’d never heard of it#(cnn pundits: this song was everywhere! it was a hit! it was always on TRL!)#(me around the same age: legitimately have never heard of these people)#I kinda feel the professional thing for her to do would have been to credit them regardless once it was known#the same way she did right said Fred for lyymmd#or the way OR ended up having to for DV#because I feel like there’s more similarity between the complainant’s song and sio#than there is between CS and DV#(read: not much at all)#especially given the optics of the power dynamic and communities involved#and while I don’t know the details and frankly cnn’s reporting was incredibly flawed and didn’t answer its own thesis#I’m assuming because it was dismissed/settled out of court/NDAs involved etc#and I’m sure Taylor’s team held fast because they don’t want to open the door to future suits for other songs and become a target#for people wanting to make a quick buck and exploit her fame#but the one good point they made was that giving 50% credit or whatever would be a drop in the bucket for her but go a long way to support#artists protecting their work and especially African-American artists whose work has been historically diminished and stolen#especially when she’d later set the precedent for her work herself with lwymmd and on the flip side with OR#idk as a swiftie the obvious angle of the episode was irritating because they definitely had an agenda#but that doesn’t mean that points weren’t made#tag novel
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alwaysbewoke · 4 months
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beyoursledgehammer · 1 year
what do you do when you receive an Amount Of Money but it's not a life changing amount but also it's not a small amount
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harrowharkwife · 2 years
tbh i feel like we're all maybe forgetting that 6A was kind of destined to be a little bit boring or slow-paced from the get-go because of how 5B ended so *perfectly* with everything tied up in a neat little bow. i mean 5x18 was literally called "starting over," and this is a show that (for better or for worse, this specific post is not pro-911s-pacing or anti-911s-pacing but a secret third thing, confused-and-trying-to-make-sense-of 911s-pacing) routinely and consistently takes right around ~10 episodes to cash in on big narrative plot points. not situational or episode specific or more technical plot points, like madney going from unsuccessful house hunting to finding a place within 2 episodes, or buck agreeing to be a sperm donor inside of 1 episode- those are typically resolved pretty quickly, within an episode or two. the show scaffolds these more-quickly-resolved plot points together into larger, more character driven arcs that typically always take around ten episodes for the full emotional fallout and significance to play out. 911 has always been a show where what happens matters a hell of a lot less to the story than how the characters feel about what happens, so because this is such a character driven show, inside of those ten set-up, pawns-on-the-chessboard episodes, it can be pretty difficult at times to figure out what they're angling at, or where they're planning on going (buck! where the hell are you going!), or how any of the plots are going to coalesce into something useful, profound, and cohesive. typically, the B season ends with at least a *couple* of loose threads that carry over into the arc-resolution-conclusion phase in the following A season, giving us an A season that's like 70% setup for new arcs and 30% wrapup of old arcs- but 5B ended on a true blank slate, so almost *everything* in 6A (with the exception of the conclusion to hen's super-drawn-out-but-very-realistically-paced med school arc) has been... scaffolding from the ground up.
and scaffolding looks pretty unimpressive and odd and boring on its own, like a big pile of ugly junk getting in the way of everything, but put it alongside the Sistine chapel ceiling it was built to accomplish, and suddenly it seems a little more worthwhile.
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malenipshadows · 1 year
Two word response, to Murdochs and Fox “News”: keep going.  Hannity, Bartiromo, Ingraham.    Spread the hashtag: keep going. 
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deus-ex-mona · 2 years
congratulations. i am fully invested in sick someya beats. feel free to drop more lore anytime.
thanks for your support, anon enabler~~
stay tuned for more (and infrequent) sick someya beats lore drops!!! but till then…
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