#domestic abuse awareness
alwaysbewoke · 4 months
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sp1rit-realm · 5 months
healing <3 (please do not repost without credit!)
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i, for the first time in a very long time, am feeling true happiness. over the course of the last ten years, i felt my joy slowly leave me. i was only a kid when i felt myself start to deteriorate, and thats such a scary feeling. i reached my lowest about four years ago, and for the past three, ive been working to get better. i was in therapy for five days a week at one point, ive tried thousands of different medications, ive gone through hundreds of journals, and ive cried to my therapist about one million times. i have hit rock bottom too many times to count, but im standing here today. i still have bad weeks--bad months, but i smile now. i smile genuinely, and i do so for so long that my cheeks begin to hurt. its gotten better, and it will for you, too <3
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anthroxlove · 2 years
10 Signs of an Abusive Relationship
Psychologically or mentally abusive relationships are especially insidious because the victim becomes accustomed to their partner’s behavior, thinks it’s “normal,” and has started to believe what their abuser says about them. If you think you or a loved one might be in this situation, consider whether one or more of these 10 signs of an abusive relationship are present.
1. You don’t feel free to make your own choices. The other person tells you how to dress and how to act, tries to control who you spend time with, and keeps track of where you go and what you do all the time.
2. You’re always apologizing. You’re afraid of how your partner may react, so you apologize for your actions, even if you’re not sure what you’re sorry for, in order to head off their anger and accusations.
3. You don’t talk about the relationship with friends or family. You avoid discussing the other person, minimize their abusive behavior, or make excuses for it if your friends or family members call it out.
4. Your partner “love bombs” you. They try to make up for abusive behavior with exaggerated compliments, extravagant gifts, or telling you they “can’t live without you.”
5. You feel like everything that’s wrong with the relationship is your fault. Emotional abuse often includes convincing the other person that they need to be criticized and told what to do because of their poor behavior, and if they were “better,” there wouldn’t be a problem.
6. Your disagreements turn into screaming fights. Rather than being productive, arguments escalate into yelling and insults that may feel threatening and scary.
7. You never know which version of your partner you’re going to get. They’re hot and cold by turns, sometimes withdrawn or insulting, and then drawing you back in by being suddenly attentive and loving.
8. You get shut down when you try to communicate. The other person dismisses your needs or concerns, or responds to them with sarcasm or disgust.
9. You’ve lost confidence in your own perspective. You’ve been told so many times that you’re wrong, stupid, or crazy that you’ve started to believe it.
10. You’ve forgotten what you used to be like before the relationship. You spend so little time on your own, doing things you care about, or spending time with close friends that you don’t remember what it felt like to be a strong and independent person.
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chaoticcandle · 3 months
Purple Eyeshadow
Shimmering shades on bruised lids,
Bright colors on cut lips,
Liquid skin covers the touch of death under my eyes,
Dabs of pink cover the hollows on my cheeks,
The stars themselves to hide my crooked nose,
and led to hide my busted brow,
All to look perfect,
For him.
(shimmering shades=purple eyeshadow)
(bright colors=lipstick)
(liquid skin=foundation)
(dabs of pink=blush)
(the stars themselves=highlighter)
(led=eye brow pencil)
Hi! I wrote this poem in like 4 minutes so forgive me if there are any spelling errors. This just kinda flew outta me so I wanted to post it. Criticism wanted and welcome. Have a good day/night!
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skadiofthemountains · 11 months
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Accessibility: If you, or someone you know, want to speak out about the Palestinian genocide, but are afraid to bc of retaliation from Christian zionists in your home, email [email protected] with your name and the name of the people you want us to "pray" for. We will forward your real wishes along. If someone asks, the website www.yourweeklydevotional.com exists now as cover.
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sage-thesimp · 7 months
pop off tubbo
we hate d.a. here
and we hate Wilbur soot too.
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kokoescoto · 1 year
I remember when you said “Please don’t ever leave me.” I held you close and I promised  that the only way I would leave you was only if you left me. 
Fast forward 7 years and it’s a memory of you, filling me up with loving words, proclaiming that I am the love of your life,  that this time you will try to change. 
But in the end, I had to protect myself. I built a wall that not even I could take down. Hoping it would hurt less when I left. 
And for almost 2 years,  the guilt I had carried to leave a person I promised to love forever consumed me. 
Until I finally realized that each time you called me names, screamed in my face, watched me cry, and said I deserved it.
You had already left me. 
By Koko Escoto - I'm still healing Tiktok: Sweet.Naranja Instagram: SweetestNaranja
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iwantmygun · 2 years
I’ve seen a few anti Johnny Depp posts here and it’s pretty disheartening to me lol. Did y’all watch the trial? Do y’all know that women are capable of being mentally ill? Do y’all know that women are capable of being abusers? One argument I saw was a rumor that Johnny MUST be a terf based on how he “abused Turd over her bisexuality”, which there is no proof of besides her word, which has been determined to be meaningless. It’s obvious to me that she used her sexuality to hide amongst and pull on the heartstrings of a vulnerable group of people. SHE WAS CHARGED WITH DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AGAINST HER EX GIRLFRIEND. The fact that she even brought up her sexuality to draw sympathy is horrifying, but adding the layer of her being CONVICTED of domestic violence against her ex girlfriend makes it that much worse. The hypocrisy is unending. Psycho lost the defamation trial and for damn good reason. All of her stories about Depp were straight up lies, her photos were staged and edited and she slipped up/was caught in a lie so many times on the stand, not to mention her demeanor was bone chilling. I could feel her getting angry and it was scary to me. She reminds me of my own abuser and made me very uncomfortable to watch her avoid every direct question. Yes I am a Depp fan but I stayed neutral until I learned all the facts. Once you know the case, it speaks for itself. The defamation trial went on for SIX WEEKS WITH A JURY. Sorry but nah you’re just playing the ignorant devils advocate if you’re siding with Turd after all that. Also not only are you sexist, you’re perpetuating the idea that abusers/narcissists can get away with ruining someone’s life and still walk away a millionaire. She will never admit that she is responsible because that’s what narcissists do. They are always the victim of some great big conspiracy. (Ex: her saying some “rogue agents from the Australian government” created a rouse to incriminate her over her knowingly illegally bringing her dogs into Australia). You are allowing yourself to be manipulated by an abuser. This should have been taken as a lesson to all. You’ve been given a blueprint of what a narcissist looks like. So when one shows up in your real life, you’ll know to run for the hills.
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akumaxeyes-blog · 2 years
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*Secret Intentions*
Intentions are a tricky thing you never know what they mean It touches you here, it touches you there before you know it, it's everywhere
You can't say no, you can't say yes your brain is racing you're a mess
It says it loves you but it lied it doesn't stop even when you cry
You kick and scream with all your might but even you know, you've lost this fight
Your eyes shut tight, afraid to peek you can't even find the will to speak
All because a friendly wave made it realize what it craved
It fed you lies and cured your fear all because it wanted you here
It gave you time and you seemed fine but that is when it crossed the line
Since you trusted so easily it did what it did, deceivingly
Of course you realized way to late you could not stop it and sealed your fate
Now here you lay, cold and motionless empty of hope and happiness
It got up and left, intentions fulfilled while you just lay there completely still
No words came out, your mouth still shut it closed the door in a hush
You stared at yourself lying on the bed and that's when you realized you were dead
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ltsaint020735 · 5 months
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The Fireworks I Saw That Night
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“Why are you wearing that shirt?” Sawyer asked. 
I looked down at my gray t-shirt with a big black alien head printed on it. I shrugged, “What’s the problem with it?” 
Sawyer opened a bag of red plastic cups and put them on the dinner table. “It’s his shirt, Maisie. Why wouldn’t I have a problem with it?” 
“I like this shirt.” 
Sawyer sighed through his nose as his mother approached us with a plate of red, white, and blue cupcakes. “Could one of you get a bag of ice out of the freezer in the garage? I want to start putting the drinks out before everyone gets here.” She said. 
“I got it, Mom,” Sawyer said as he moved around the dinner table to head for the garage.
“I’ll go with you,” I said, a ball of anger burning in my stomach. 
Sawyer’s mom raised an eyebrow at the both of us. “It’s a one-person job, but I guess teamwork makes the dream work...” 
I followed Sawyer into the garage and watched as he opened the lid to the freezer. “I feel like you’re holding onto the whole situation more than me.” I said. 
Sawyer pulled a large bag of ice out of the freezer. “I just don’t want to see you get hurt again, Mai. He really messed you up.” 
“I don’t think a shirt can hurt me that bad.” 
He slammed the lid shut and I jumped. I sighed and he cocked his head to the side, his eyes softening. “Are you sure you’re going to be okay tonight? You don’t have to stay if it’s going to be too much.” 
“No, I want to be here.” I felt my arms wrap themselves around me, like I was trying to slip into a cocoon. 
“You just want to see Ela, don’t you?” 
My arms tightened around my waist, my heart accelerating at the sound of her name. “I want to get out of the house.” I said, looking up to Sawyer to see his cocky smile. 
“She’s a great girl, I think she likes you.” He said. Something in his voice twinged, and I watched skeptically as he moved around me to open the garage door. 
I followed him into the house as the doorbell rang. He handed me the bag of ice and I took it into the living room, almost running into his dad on the way. “Whoa, kiddo! Is that the ice I needed?” He chuckled, his voice rumbling the room around us. 
I held out the bag and he took it. I turned in time to see Sawyer’s friend, Mason, burst through the front door only to stop on a dime at the sight of me. I waved at him awkwardly, Mason avoided eye contact and waved back uncomfortably. “I heard what happened.” Mason said, turning to look at Sawyer. 
“Let’s not talk about it.” I interjected, my chest beginning to cave in on itself as if a black hole had opened in me. “We’re having fun today! Let’s have fun!”
I thought saying that would get them ready to have fun, maybe they’d let the topic drop and shatter onto the tile floor beneath us and run for Sawyer’s room to put on their swimsuits, but somehow the atmosphere became more stagnant. Sawyer looked to me sympathetically as Mason averted his eyes again. I began to quake as a ball of tears rose in my throat. “Please. Let’s have fun today. I really want to have fun.” I pleaded softly. 
Sawyer stared at me for a moment, realization painting his face as he reeled back and punched Mason in the arm. He yelped in pain before turning and punching Sawyer back, the pair sprinted down the hall towards Sawyer’s room. Once they were gone, I sat down on the couch next to the door and took a few calming breaths. “It’s just a pool party, not a bomb. That’s all it is. A pool party.” I told myself as I stared down at my shaking hands in my pale lap. I swallowed the ball of tears hoping it’d be devoured by the black hole. 
The doorbell rang again, and I looked up at the door like it was the biggest mountain in the universe. I took another deep breath and got up. Opening the door.
I met Ela’s eyes. She stared at me wide-eyed before she dropped her teal bag with white flowers on it and grappled me into a hug and began to spin with me, moving us into the house. “You’re here! I’m so happy you came, Mai-mai!” Ela squealed. I hugged her back. She smelled like flowers. “Are you going to go swimming with us?” She pulled away from me, a big smile on her porcelain face. 
“Oh, uh, yeah!” I smiled back, not thinking before I answered. My mind went blank, switching into autopilot mode. 
“Awesome! Where are Sawyer and Mason? Are they changing?” Ela turned to look about the room, taking my hands in hers as she leaned back and used me to support her.
“Ela!” Sawyer exclaimed from down the hall. He and Mason hurried down the hall in their bathing suits to greet her. 
“Sawyer! I feel like I haven’t seen you in a million years!” Ela released me to hug Sawyer. 
His cheeks ignited as he hugged her back. “Funny how time works, huh?” He smiled like an idiot. 
“I’m so excited! I got a new bathing suit just for this, can we go swimming now or do we have to wait for everyone else?”  
“The pool is ready so I don’t see why we can’t go swimming now.” Sawyer replied quickly as he fidgeted with the watch in his wrist. He wouldn’t look her in the eyes. 
“Swimming, now?” A voice asked from the open front door. Tori and Cassedy stood in the doorway, their own swimming bags in hand with their towels. 
“My girls!” Ela exclaimed as she hurried to greet them. Sawyer and I stared at each other, then to Ela, and then back at each other. In that moment we understood the unspoken. “Come on, come on! Let’s go get changed, I want to show you my new bikini!” Ela said as she hurried for the hall. I stood in the middle of the front room like a statue until Ela turned around and took my hand, “Come on, Mai-mai! Girls only!” She pulled me down the hall towards Sawyer’s parents’ room.
Once we were all inside, Ela closed and locked the door. I stood next to the door frame as the three of them took turns changing into their bathing suits. I changed into mine and looked in the mirror in the bathroom. I looked at my skin, where his hands were. I moved closer to the mirror, inspecting my skin and looking for outlines or bruises. “Mai-mai! Are you done?” Ela’s voice called through the bathroom door. 
“We’re going out.” Tori said. 
“Oh, okay. I’ll wait for Mai.” 
All I heard was the door close. “Mai?” Ela called again. I pushed my worries down, concentrating on my new purple one piece with gold constellations. I turned and opened the door, Ela hurrying into the bathroom with me and closing the door behind her. “You look so cute!” Ela exclaimed, running her hands from my upper arms down to my hands and holding them. “Look at my bikini, isn’t it cute?” 
I tried not to blush as I looked at her pastel pink bikini with roses and white polka dots. “It’s adorable.” I replied. I looked away from her, wanting to pull my hands from hers and hug myself, but not wanting to let go of her hands. “Do I look okay?” I asked. 
“You look perfect!” She giggled. She turned me to look in the mirror, putting her arm around my shoulders and smiling. “We look so cute together, don’t we?” She smiled. 
“I think so.” I looked down in an effort to hide my fire engine red cheeks. 
Ela hugged me tight, staying like that for a moment before heading for the door. “Come on, everyone must be waiting for us!” She cheered before skipping out the door. I stood on the cold tile trying to catch my breath for what felt like ten minutes before following her out.  
I followed her out into the backyard. Sawyer’s parent’s friends and his family somehow snuck in while we were all changing. They all sat around the patio and the grill, chatting and laughing. Tori and Cassedy sat on the edge of the pool, kicking water at Mason and giggling as he ducked under water to evade their attack. Ela was busy connecting her phone to the bluetooth on the stereo as the light hit my eyes, making me squint. I forgot how bright it could get outside, it felt unnatural. Sawyer held out a pair of sunglasses to me. “Feeling okay?” He asked. 
“Yeah.” I shook my head at the sunglasses, and he put them back on the table in front of us. One of the women stared at it for a moment and moved it closer to the middle of the table, not stopping her conversation with Sawyer’s aunt. 
“If this all becomes too much just remember it's okay to step away and take a breather. No one is going to judge you.” He told me.
“I know, I’ll be fine.”
Sawyer nodded hesitantly before leaning down closer to me to whisper, “I want you to know I’m proud of you. It took a lot of courage to come to this after what happened on the last day of school.”
I smirked. “Thank you.” I looked behind Sawyer to see Tori and Cassedy staring at us. I could feel Tori’s eyes boring a hole into my brain before I looked away. “How are your hands? They were pretty messed up the last time I saw them.” 
“Most of the blood on them was Dylan’s.” Sawyer said, showing me the backs of his hands, his knuckles still a little bruised. “Wanna get in the pool?” He asked. 
“Only if you go with me.” I replied, my smile growing. 
Sawyer smirked and we sprinted at the pool, jumping in at the same time and creating what we called the Omega Tsunami of Death and Destruction. I could hear Tori and Cassedy screaming and complaining as Mason laughed at the girls. Sawyer and I swam to the surface, high fiving. Ela put her phone on the bar next to the grill and hurried out to the pool, “Watch this!” She exclaimed, getting a running jump into the pool, and almost jumping onto Mason’s head. Her cannonball splashed Tori and Cassedy again, making them get up and move to the lawn chairs a few feet away from the pool. 
Ela resurfaced and giggled as she splashed me. I splashed her back, giggling as Sawyer and Mason began to wrestle. Eventually, the sun stopped being too bright for me. I watched Sawyer, his little cousin, Mason, and Ela play pool chicken with each other from the side of the pool, laughing as I watched Mason and Ela argue over the most mundane of things. I thought of playing pool chicken too, maybe I’d be okay if I did. 
“Are you okay with watching Sawyer hold Ela like that?” Tori asked from beside me, making me jump. 
“Oh, hey.” I breathed, turning to look at her. She was laying on her towel next to me, her black bikini absorbing the sun's rays. “I don’t know why I wouldn’t be okay with it.” 
“Oh, sorry, I thought you and Sawyer were a thing after what happened at school.” 
My heart sank. “I...no…” I mumbled. Cassedy approached, adjusting her bright red bikini and began laying her towel down on the other side of me. 
“That was so crazy!” Cassedy laid down on her stomach next to Tori. “I thought Sawyer beat him to death. It was kind of hot, though.” Cassedy smirked as she nudged her best friend. 
Tori sneered at her. “I can’t believe you kept quiet about Dylan until then. I can’t imagine my boyfriend doing those things to me for like, what, a year it was?” 
“Gosh, a year? And you didn’t say no once? Jeez, Maisie, I would never let my boyfriend do those things to me...how gross!” 
“You’d need a boyfriend first.” Cassedy teased. 
“Shut up, Cassedy. Why don’t you ask out Mason already?” Tori seethed, then directed her attention back at me. “And I don’t mean gross, like you’re gross for letting him do that to you, I mean he’s gross because he’s basically a rapist.” 
“It’s not rape, they were dating.” Cassedy pitched in. 
“That’s not how consent works, Cassedy.” 
“What do you mean? She agreed to it when she started dating him.” 
“You’re a terror to your own kind.” 
I got out of the pool. “It’s okay to step away and take a breather.” I grabbed a towel off the bar and walked out onto the grass. I laid my towel down and laid out in the sun, closing my eyes and letting it dry me off. I started doing the breathing exercises I learned, feeling my lungs get themselves under control before I heard a pair of flip flops approach. I opened my eyes and turned to see Ela lay out her towel next to mine and lay down next to me. 
“Cassedy and Tori can be such bitches sometimes.” Ela said. “I really like your shirt, the one with the alien on it?” 
“Me too.” I mumbled, blushing.
Ela turned completely to me. “Mai, do you…like…” She pursed her lips, her eyes avoiding mine. My heart began to race as her cheeks ignited. “Aliens?” 
“I mean-!” She laid down on her back and covered her face with her hands. “You know what I mean!” 
“I do?” 
“I mean…” She looked towards the pool where Sawyer’s older cousin held Sawyer in a choke hold as Mason slammed a beach ball onto Sawyer’s head, the ball soaring out of the pool and onto one of the tables where the adults sat. The adults let out a simultaneous groan as a few cups fell over, pouring alcohol onto the ground. “They’re mysterious, you know? Uncharted territory. Well, I mean, not like that, I mean...I’ve never seen one. I want to see one. I want to see an alien. I could be friends with one, maybe even more than that. I don’t know. You know?” 
I stared at Ela’s honey blonde hair before she turned her head back to face me. She was close enough I could make out the specks of gold in her forest green eyes. “Have you ever wanted to see an alien, Mai?” She asked. 
“Oh, I’m not sure. I...guess I’ve never thought of it.” I replied. “Stupid, stupid, stupid!” My brain seethed.
She giggled. “Think about it, then!” With that, she got up and ran over to Tori and Cassedy, sitting between the two and talking to them happily. I wanted to see an alien. I stayed on the grass for a while, thinking of what it’d be like to date Ela. I thought of the dates we’d go on, holding hands with her. I closed my eyes again and thought of dancing in the kitchen at midnight, letting the music take us by the shoulders and sway us. I thought of us kissing, and almost jumped when my stomach wrenched. I felt dirty, like someone had poured sewer water on my skin. 
I looked to where Ela sat, I felt my heart skip a beat at the sight of her. I thought of her hands on me, and I wanted to run away. I watched Sawyer get out of the pool and walk towards me. 
“What did you and Ela talk about?” He asked, sitting on Ela’s towel. 
“Aliens.” I replied. 
“Oh, alright.” He said, confusion in his voice. “Are you feeling okay?” 
“I forgot how much I didn’t like Cassedy and Tori.” 
“Yeah...I’m sorry, they’re Ela’s friends and she wanted them to be here. Something about Cassedy liking Mason and if Cassedy is here Tori has to be here…” 
“It’s fine, I’ll get over it.” I said, covering my eyes with my hands as I took a deep breath. “Did you have fun playing pool chicken?” 
I peeked between my fingers to see Sawyer blush. “I did. I wish you would’ve played with us. My little cousin is getting too big for Mason to carry on his shoulders.” 
“He looked like he managed.” 
“Nothing. The sun is going down, you should get back in the pool now if you want to swim any more before the fireworks start.” 
Sawyer got up and ran back to the pool, jumping in and splashing Tori, Cassedy, and Ela. I chuckled a bit before taking a few more deep breaths. After gathering myself, I got up and put my feet in the water. I watched Mason and Sawyer beat each other with pool noodles as Tori and Cassedy sat on the side and whispered to each other. Ela jumped into the pool and began to sword fight Sawyer with a pool noodle. 
Mason swam over to me, a big grin on his face. “Hey, Mai.” He smiled. 
“Hey, we haven’t talked a lot today.” I said. 
“We haven’t! Honestly, I’m not sure how to talk to you.” 
Something in my stomach wrenched, but I forced my smile to stay on. “How do you mean?” 
“I mean, I don’t know. How have you been since, you know, the Dylan Beatdown?” 
I cleared my throat. “Well, to be honest, I’ve been working on myself…” 
Mason looked away from me. “Do you wanna light fireworks in the street later?” He asked. 
I almost got whiplash from how fast he changed the conversation. “Oh, sure.” He swam away, latching onto Sawyer and pulling him under the water. 
The sun set and we all got out of the pool and changed back into our clothes. We all ate our weight in hot dogs, hamburgers, and potato salad until all of the adults were adequately buzzed and either headed home or sat out in the grass to watch the fireworks. We all headed out onto the driveway as Mason began to pull out his fireworks out of his car. “I nabbed my older brother's ID so I could buy these.” He bragged. “He’s going to Yale next year.” 
“That’s so cool!” Cassedy wrapped herself around his arm and giggled. 
Tori glared at Cassedy before pulling on Sawyer’s shirt, “Come on, let’s pick out a song for the stereo!” She giggled, dragging him back to the front door. 
Ela walked out the front door as Tori pulled Sawyer closer to the stereo, as if Ela would infect him with a disease if she touched him. Ela let her eyes wander from Sawyer to me, a smile breaking itself onto her face as she skipped over to me and grabbed my hand, lacing her fingers between mine. “I’m excited!” She said. “The fireworks are the best part of the fourth of July!” 
“Oh, yeah!” I smiled and looked back at Sawyer. He was watching Ela and I as Tori talked to him with her phone in front of her. 
“Oh, oh look!” Ela jumped up and down, bringing my attention to the inky black sky as a big white ball flew up in the air. It exploded into sprinkles of green, followed by another that exploded into petals of blue with showers of gold. 
“Sparkler!” Mason said, lighting a sparkler and handing it to me. I took it as I looked down in the road, a ground sparkler going off in front of us. 
I turned back to Ela, her face about as bright as the fireworks above us. I watched the fireworks paint her face green and blue and red, and realized she looked amazing in all the colors. She was the most beautiful rainbow I’d ever seen. 
She looked back at me; her smile as big as ever. “Have you thought about it?” She asked. 
I blushed, realizing she caught me staring at her. “About what?” 
“Aliens.” Ela giggled. “Do you want to meet an alien?” 
Of course, I did. I wanted to meet aliens so bad. I looked back at Sawyer and saw Tori walk away from him with her arms crossed in front of her. Mason asked her what was wrong, and she swatted him. Sawyer looked at me and Ela and leaned against the pillar outside of his house. 
I wanted to meet an alien, but I knew I couldn’t. I wasn’t ready to meet an alien yet, and I had to let myself recover. I looked down at my shoes as my sparkler went out. “I do...but...I can’t right now.” I mumbled. 
“Oh, I understand.” Ela breathed, squeezing my hand. 
“Maybe...aliens should look around and see what else is looking at them.” I looked to Ela to see the confusion on her face. “Behind them, maybe.” 
Ela looked behind us and smiled. She looked back at me and giggled nervously. “Aliens don’t like men.” 
I giggled too. “Aliens should have a talk with someone then.” 
“Haha, yeah…” Ela squeezed my hand again. “Aliens can wait. When they see a beautiful girl that’s worth it, they’ll wait forever.” 
The fireworks were beautiful that night. 
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alwaysbewoke · 4 months
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just-a-v0id · 11 months
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October: Domestic Abuse Awareness
The fear of not walking away sooner because the thought, "He can change" will always go through my head.
The fear of not finding someone else like him.
The fear of upsetting him.
The fear of saying the wrong thing.
The fear of hugging a dear friend and him getting jealous.
The fear of eating freely because then he'd question my weight.
The fear of gifting the same gift for his birthday.
The fear of saying no to intimacy.
It was always living in fear, but that was love right?
One should not live in fear, especially because of a "loved one"
To think I wanted to marry this boy and have kids with him. All our friends thought we'd end up getting married.
I dodged a bullet!
I will always continue being me and always having my smile on my face because truly... Smiling is my favorite 😊
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anthroxlove · 2 years
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dv-sunrise · 1 year
DV Sunrise is an organization dedicated to ending domestic violence in Western Australia. With your help, we can create a safer future for those affected by domestic violence. By making a domestic violence donation, you can make a difference in the lives of survivors and provide them with the resources they need to escape violence and rebuild their lives. You can also join our domestic violence fundraiser efforts to raise awareness and funds for our cause. Every contribution counts and helps us support survivors of domestic violence in WA. Together, we can create a brighter future for those affected by domestic violence. Join us now!
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Check out the video and find out why Walk With Me Productions' cast and crew for "Cinder" are so passionate about the project.
"Cinder" is a dark retelling of Cinderella which brings awareness to modern day issues such as domestic abuse.
Learn more and support the project on Indiegogo:
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