encisthings · 1 day
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pen-pain-poetry · 1 day
and after all this time, i still think about you, in middle of the night, or in middle of June, whenever i close my eyes, I still dream of you, my knees goes weak, still, at mere thought of you, and after all this time, my poem's are still, inspired by you. ©Pen_Pain_Poetry
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crowhoonter · 2 days
KotOR's Sith vs SWtOR's Empire
It's rather interesting to look at the "True Sith" as described by Kreia in KotOR 2 vs the Sith Empire we got in SWtOR. Back in KotOR, the True Sith were implied to be something near cosmic horror. Beings that had been changed by the Dark Side beyond any convention of human understanding, things that could no longer be reasoned or compromised with in any fashion, and would very possibly pose a threat to all life when they returned. Granted, what we know of them from KotOR is part conjecture and most of it comes from Kreia, who is an untrustworthy source at the best of times.
Then SWtOR roles around with the Sith Empire and they are... very much not that. They are a functioning, if dystopian, society with actual values and culture. They have wants and desires, goals outside just blind slaughter and killing. Y'know, like real people. Granted, I suppose the threat to all life did carry over with Vitiate and his whole deal, but he hardly is representative of everyone in the Empire. He is just a freak like that.
This drastic change in portrayal does make sense when you look at the writing teams goals with the faction. Obsidian and Chris Avellone in particular wanted to make a major big bad for what they thought would be the upcoming KotOR 3 (may it rest in peace), and wanted that threat to be something different than the typical Star Wars fanfare. As we know however, KotOR 3 never got made and instead became SWtOR, and Bioware wanted to make it palatable to more general audiences so they copy-pasted the Galactic Empire over into the past with some minor changes.
Of course, in doing this, they could no longer follow with the original idea of the True Sith. Making an entire society innately evil and desiring to wipe out all life has some... icky implications. So instead we got the Sith Empire, a still terrible and evil state, but one that is an actual society. The True Sith of KotOR were just made into one man, Vitiate, and everyone else in the empire is a mostly normal person, or as close as they can be to being normal.
While I would have loved to see the original vision of the True Sith, I can't help but believe the Sith Empire is the better than what we would've gotten. Vitiate, being honest, sucks as an antagonist. He's boring, uninspired, and lacks the charisma that made Palpatine fun. He got a bit better in Knights of the Fallen Empire, but still was overall underwhelming. I can't imagine something where legions of people like him are the main antagonist. The conflict would probably be reminiscent of the Fate of the Jedi books once Abeloth got introduced. Boring, impersonal, and just tedious to get through.
Granted, a villain like that can be done well, as exemplified by KotOR 2's own Darth Nihilus. He works because he is completely void. Nihilus' discerning feature is his lack of personality, being subsumed into his own hunger. Power has destroyed and reduced him, but even in such a state, you can make out the faint outline of the man he once was. His last shred of humanity showing through when he spared Visas Marr. A twisted sense of compassion, but compassion nonetheless. He is tragic, but still thoroughly inhuman and evil. The problem would arise in trying to make legions of characters like this. It would wear thin fast.
Side tangent aside, I really love the Sith Empire we got. It is, as of now, maybe the most complex view we have gotten of the Sith outside of books. They are still thoroughly evil, but it gives some insight into what made them into that. Whether it be trauma, ambition, grief, or even a sense of duty, the Sith have actual motivations besides kill and rule. It demonstrates that at their core, they are still people, not just evil caricatures.
This got longer than I expected, sorry about that. Just have a lot of thoughts about these fellas.
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isat-drawing-kid · 2 days
( You clear your throat.. )
hey hey! this blog is run by jasper/eirene, i do have another blog with my normal stuff but i rather just share my discord instead: @/only_jasper._
all i do here is post silly little doodles made by the isat drawing kid! ( or me actually. because i’m literally the isat drawing kid. right )
i use they/them
you can ask me stuff, ask me to draw stuff ( i am more than happy to! ) or even just say something nice about my art ( or something mean if you’re feeling a little mean )
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( Is that all? That’s gotta be all.. ok yeah phewwwwww )
edit: jasper here! im still happy to do asks but i have no idea how to handle a lot so maybe just slowww dooowwwnnnnn guuuuuuuuyssss
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fontanacollymore · 2 days
MHA fandom, I have a perplexing question. How did All Might never accidentally give OFA to someone?
I am editing this post to say one thing.
Plus Ultra cumshots
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originalaccountname · 2 hours
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I know it's because Dead Apple is an anime original that got inserted after the Guild arc, but the fact that the ADA says they're burned-out from the war against the Guild while failing to mention the event of Dead Apple is so funny.
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lovestereo · 2 days
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gayvampyr · 1 year
i am a firm supporter of changing your name to whatever you want regardless of your gender. if a woman wants to go by matt then matt she shall be. godspeed
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h0e-y · 7 months
making myself cum 🫱🏻‍🫲🏽 thinking of you
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occudo · 4 months
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Tall Jon -finished this post
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aulerean · 3 months
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gem's angler fish? pretty cool.
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0x-x8x-x0 · 24 days
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Rampo Noir (2005) Suguru Takeuchi, Jissoji Akio, Hisayasu Sato, Atsushi Kaneko
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rob-pattinson · 3 months
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MIKE FAIST “Challengers” | 2024, dir. Luca Guadagnino
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thepersassiest · 5 months
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percabeth and textposts for my friends (you)
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ryuki-draws · 11 months
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I could not be a Fazbear technician
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magicalflowerlight · 1 year
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The Sopranos〡S4E9
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