zestialmorde · 6 hours
Get your bunny she's terrorizing the town
"I doth not control Spooky. She simply lives in mine walls"
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zestialmorde · 6 hours
Zestial stands and gives a grand bow once beside the still-sitting Vox, their faces mere inches apart. "I shall look forward to it," he murmurs before gliding outside of the café, waiting until he is out of view before disappearing into the shadows.
Later, he will kick himself for being so bold. Later, he will calculate how to proceed. Later, he will ponder the implications of his actions. But for now... now he will allow himself to get lost in the fantasy—in the privacy of his own quarters, of course.
Spooky excitedly hops over to Zestial. "Spooky apart of Vox harem!"
Zestial gives a shocked cough "H-harem? ...How would that even… on second thought, nevermind."
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zestialmorde · 8 hours
"I... I know not how to respond... I..." Zestial seems broken
Zestial. Heheheheheheh -🏡 @ask-peter
"...peculiar fellow?"
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zestialmorde · 8 hours
Zestial. Heheheheheheh -🏡 @ask-peter
"...peculiar fellow?"
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zestialmorde · 8 hours
Wait … doesn’t Vox also like Jenn? Zestial, you are aware of this right?
"Thou dost raise a most intriguing point, and to that, I shall respond thusly..." Zestial teleports you across the pride ring before disappearing somewhere himself.
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zestialmorde · 8 hours
Nah Zesty is based. W Rizz. 💯 Skibidi Sigma Rizzler.
(Writing this hurt my soul)
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zestialmorde · 9 hours
You're not sigma bro you gyatt to get some rizz
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Zestial has stopped responding
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zestialmorde · 10 hours
Zestial takes a too-large swallow of tea, mostly to hide his expression. He's used to these games, of course, but this time might be the first time he's lost. Perhaps he should consider it winning... He’ll ponder the implications of the phrasing later. "Mayhaps I could grant thee a decade or two... if thou art able to keep pace with me." He raises his cup and tinks it against the awaiting one. "I shall consume thee entirely," he murmurs, never breaking eye contact as his dangling foot rubs up and down Vox's inner calf—a subtle yet unmistakably suggestive gesture.
He knows he needs to slow down. If this were a common sinner, or even another overlord, he would've stopped himself ages ago. What's becoming of him? Perhaps centuries of loneliness have truly carved a hole in him... He’ll ponder those implications later as well. With a soft sigh he grabs a small cupcake along with a brownie and vanishes them somewhere unseen.
"Whilst I would loathe to sever such a ravishing conversation so short, I must confess that prior obligations do summon me henceforth."
Spooky excitedly hops over to Zestial. "Spooky apart of Vox harem!"
Zestial gives a shocked cough "H-harem? ...How would that even… on second thought, nevermind."
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zestialmorde · 12 hours
what is the most recent console you enjoyed using/playing games on, if you even like that sorta thing?
(decided to use anon for mod asks)
🕸️ I play on PC :3 I’m a Cozy Gamer ™️, so I mostly enjoy games like Stardew Valley or dating simulators! 🕸️
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zestialmorde · 15 hours
Zestial pauses, his composure slipping slightly at the callout—but only slightly. "I believe 'twas not I who did offer a quick dalliance beneath the table ere we had even placed our order." He tries a crumpet, dry as sand. What else can one expect from hell? He causes it to vanish, and the yelps heard from the kitchen give a clue as to where it went.
"I have tarried here for many an age, dear Vox, longer than most would deem fitting. Through the years, I have weathered many a drought in the realm of companionship. Now, though I count friends among my company, I find myself yearning for a different kind of companionship—a thirst that friendship alone cannot quench."
He shifts his leg, raising it slightly at the knee, his dress shoe ghosting over Vox's pant leg. "As I hath said before, I seek not the fleeting company of a single night. I play for keeps, and I do so with the intent to win."
Spooky excitedly hops over to Zestial. "Spooky apart of Vox harem!"
Zestial gives a shocked cough "H-harem? ...How would that even… on second thought, nevermind."
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zestialmorde · 1 day
Zestial perks up almost imperceptibly as he hears the workers moving about. “I suppose I ought to thank thee. It usually takes the waitstaff an age to muster the courage to approach me and take mine order.” He rests his head on the back of his hand, tilting his head up slightly, yet never breaking eye contact with the other overlord. A multitude of things he could be doing, things he should be doing, dance through his mind, but he finds himself intrigued by this Casanova suave businessman before him.
Before he can respond, the tea and trays are set down, the waitress shaking so violently that a drop of water from the teapot splashes out. Zestial makes a small approving sound as he notices the tea that was ordered for him, using his powers to begin preparing his cup. “Thou hast remembered,” he remarks smoothly, a hint of warmth in his voice. “Thou claimest not to be easily deterred, yet I ponder how far thou canst venture before being drawn back by thine own hubris.” He shifts in his seat as he raises his teacup, causing his foot to rest against Vox's under the table. He makes no comment on the contact, simply remaining with the subtle pressure.
Spooky excitedly hops over to Zestial. "Spooky apart of Vox harem!"
Zestial gives a shocked cough "H-harem? ...How would that even… on second thought, nevermind."
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zestialmorde · 2 days
Zestial's eyes narrow as Vox leans in, his smirk deepening at the brazen confidence displayed. He remains composed, yet the air thickens with an unspoken tension, a game of power unfolding in real time. "Thou art bold, Vox, as always," Zestial replies, his voice smooth, but edged with a dangerous undercurrent. "But boldness alone doth not a lasting bond make."
He shifts slightly in his seat, the flicker of amusement never leaving his gaze as he lets Vox’s words settle between them. “I find it most intriguing,” he continues, his voice low, yet commanding, “that thou wouldst claim to seek more than a passing dalliance. ’Tis no small feat to maintain both business and... other pursuits. Most would falter under such pressure, yet thou speakest as if ’tis but another day in thy empire.”
Zestial leans forward, his fingers lightly drumming against the table. “Still,” he muses, his tone growing more thoughtful, “one must wonder if thine ambitions are truly enough to withstand the weight of this game. For while I admire thy tenacity—” he pauses, eyes locking with Vox’s, “—I care not for idle promises.”
His voice drops, taking on a seductive undertone as he leans ever so slightly closer. “Thou speakest of going the distance, yet I wonder... canst thou truly match my stride, Vox? For if thou art to taste of that ‘aged wine,’ as thou so poetically put it, know this—I am not easily impressed. Nor am I easily kept.”
Spooky excitedly hops over to Zestial. "Spooky apart of Vox harem!"
Zestial gives a shocked cough "H-harem? ...How would that even… on second thought, nevermind."
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zestialmorde · 2 days
So yesterday or the otherday im not sure, but I was texting my step cousin and she asked what I was doing and I was like checking out a Zestiel Morde rp/ask blog and she was like who? ohhhhhh wait Mr Hot Man!
"I know not what manner of response is expected of me to that."
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zestialmorde · 2 days
Zestial watches Vox gesture toward the corner table, his discerning eyes taking in the subtle maneuvering. A quiet hum of approval escapes him as he nods, appreciating the restraint Vox shows in this moment. “A wise choice, indeed. Subtlety oft yields more than grand displays,” Zestial remarks, his tone low, but carrying the weight of one who has mastered the art of control.
He glides toward the table with an air of effortless grace, every step deliberate, unhurried. As they sit, Zestial reclines slightly, his lithe form radiating both comfort and command. His eyes flicker across the room, absorbing the glances sent their way before settling back on Vox with a knowing gaze. “Thou art clever to temper thy natural inclination toward spectacle,” he observes, his voice tinged with approval. “In a game such as this, attention must be earned, not merely demanded.”
There’s a pause, Zestial’s focus now fully on Vox, as if the room has melted away. His lips curl into a faint smirk. “And as for having me to thyself, well, thou dost know how to tempt an old soul. But tell me, Vox—” his voice drops, a note of intrigue threading through it, “—how far art thou willing to go to truly keep my attention?”
Spooky excitedly hops over to Zestial. "Spooky apart of Vox harem!"
Zestial gives a shocked cough "H-harem? ...How would that even… on second thought, nevermind."
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zestialmorde · 2 days
Zestial’s eyes gleam with amusement as he watches the sparks flicker between Vox's fingers, the display of power drawing a soft chuckle. "Ah, thou dost not disappoint," he replies smoothly, his voice rich with appreciation. "Bold, intelligent, and ever so eager for mischief—qualities I find most... compelling."
As they near the café, Zestial pauses just before the door, gazing sidelong at Vox with a mischievous glint in his eyes. “Very well, I shall hold thee to that claim. But be warned, once a challenge is issued, I expect nothing short of... excellence.”
When Vox opens the door with a bow, Zestial inclines his head gracefully, the faintest hint of a smirk playing on his lips. “As ever, the perfect gentleman. I shall look forward to seeing how thou dost perform.” He steps inside, his presence radiating both intrigue and anticipation as the game between them begins in earnest.
Spooky excitedly hops over to Zestial. "Spooky apart of Vox harem!"
Zestial gives a shocked cough "H-harem? ...How would that even… on second thought, nevermind."
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zestialmorde · 2 days
Zestial’s lips curl into a knowing smile as he gracefully takes Vox’s arm, their connection a subtle thrill. “Ah, a most intriguing question! To capture my gaze, one must possess a spark—an essence that ignites curiosity and compels attention.”
He leans in slightly, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. “It is not merely beauty that enchants, though that holds its allure. A soul that exhibits boldness, intelligence, or a touch of mischief often lingers in my thoughts. The dance of wit and charm is a potent draw, indeed. Tell me, Vox, dost thou possess such qualities, or art thou simply a mirage in the shadows?”
Spooky excitedly hops over to Zestial. "Spooky apart of Vox harem!"
Zestial gives a shocked cough "H-harem? ...How would that even… on second thought, nevermind."
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zestialmorde · 2 days
Zestial tilts his head, a glimmer of amusement dancing in his eyes. “Ah, a hearty appetite! I find that rather refreshing. Pray, do indulge; I assure thee, my offerings are most satisfying.”
He allows a playful smirk to spread across his face. “I would be equally honored to share thy company beyond this repast. A meal accompanied by engaging discourse is a rare delight, is it not?”
Spooky excitedly hops over to Zestial. "Spooky apart of Vox harem!"
Zestial gives a shocked cough "H-harem? ...How would that even… on second thought, nevermind."
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