#hazbin hotel rp blog
zestialmorde · 2 days
Spooky excitedly hops over to Zestial. "Spooky apart of Vox harem!"
Zestial gives a shocked cough "H-harem? ...How would that even… on second thought, nevermind."
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seraphim-sarai · 3 days
Okay Ava. You can do this! You can totally make it up to tu hermana! Ya made up with Milan! That was easy!
Ava spoke out loud to himself as he walked through the alleyways. He remembered Sarai's schedule and knew that they would be picking up coffee for Sera at this moment.
Okay, not really. Lots of punching was involved...and Sarai ain't like that.
He worried if Sarai would forgive him after he blew them off. But she had to try. She told Sadie she would.
Sí Ava, ya can do it. Ava El Carbón doesn't run from a fight! -🚬
He was about to walk to Sarai, until he saw the familiar figure of an unfriendly Seraph bump into her.
Uh oh. Looks like they were arguing now. Better hide before she gets caught in the middle, and then she'd apologize.
He hid behind some trash cans and watched Sarai and the other Seraph talk.
Even as a guardian angel, Sarai was still not exempt from picking up coffee for the Council. She ordered the coffees, remembering the god-awful tastes of her superiors, and walked out the door.
She was distracted by a lot of things. One, she still couldn't stop thinking about Milan, who was now probably still with Adina.
((She wants to be with her? I shouldn't be so surprised. I could never compare. I'm not much.))
Second, Lana was bugging her - and not just by ignoring her helpful advice. She reminded her so much of someone - Ava, someone who she had also lost forever.
((They're so much alike. She'll hate me too soon. I know it. Ava already does.))
Lost in her thoughts, she bumps into a tall figure, whom she spills all her coffee over.
Oh, I- -🦢
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exorcist-ray · 2 days
Hey Ray
OOC: mod here, I also play Grace, next time dont try to impersonate me on my own account :)
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exorcist-ava · 3 months
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ask-fat-nuggets · 17 days
Okay here we go Sherlock Nuggets costume.
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Now go on solve the mystery of The Cupcake Caper. The princess cupcakes have gone missing and it's up to you nuggets to solve the mystery.
Oink oink!
(I’m on it!)
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hazbinsponsoredbyvee · 3 months
Be honest has anything like this ever happened
Vaggie: hey what do you think red dress or black dress for tonight?
Charlie: oh I don’t know you look beautiful in whatever you decide
Vaggie: aw well thank you, but I’m actually having a hard time deciding so I’m hoping you could pick.
Charlie: either way you’re gonna be the prettiest one at the party. I love you so much babe
Vaggie: ok no I love you too and I know you think I’m beautiful and this isn’t a test. I just- which dress would you prefer to see me in tonight
Charlie: I prefer you just the way you are
Vaggie: oh my god. Hey Angel red dress or black?
Angel: black, red makes you look like a bitch
Vaggie: thank you
Angel: no problem
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"That has definitely happened a time or two."
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exrosist-armaros · 3 months
(During an Extermination Armaros heard another Exterminator Screaming! He went to go check it out and saw… Them he saw one of the exterminators having a struggle with a Cannibal. From the looks of it this Sinner was about 6”5, had dark brown hair and was covered in Blood… but not His blood, Exterminator Blood. Just as the Exterminator was about to win in a fight The man head-butted Her to the ground and stomped the Helmet off of her. He picked up the Exterminator with one hand and
Just snapped the Exterminator’s Neck with one Hand! The man then dropped the dead Exterminator onto the ground and started laughing like a maniac! And then started to speak to the body. When he spoke it sounded like a more menacing Elvis Presley)
*Armaros Flys down and confronts the Canibal*
Armaros-Aww welly lookie here it's a filthy little demon...
*Armaros wheels his axe*
Armaros-Look little fella you can serender now...or we can do this the hard way.Your choice
*He said in a snarky tone, he was purposely trying to annoy the Demon by using the term little*
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b1ackgh0st · 7 months
I'm looking for a 1x1 rp with any of the following ships:
Charlie x Emily x Vaggie
RadioStatic (Maybe RadioStaticApple)
I can play two characters at a time if needed! Characters I can play include:
Sir Pentious
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no orders yet...hm.
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moth-pimp-val · 7 months
Basil walks into the studio for something important. He didn't understand why he was sent here of all places but he knew it would be useful to the king. He kept a stern look as he walked around, trying not to be put off by anything he saw.
((If you want to learn more about Basil, go to my pinned post and click on the 🐲 emoji to see his bio))
((Answer at your own free will))
Val smirks noticing the handsome man walking into his studio. He lets Travis take over directing while he approaches Basil.
"What can I help you with, hermoso?" he asks with a toothy grin.
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sinner-peyton · 10 days
Hitting tha club again this weekend??
I’m out here already bitch!! Where you at? -💅🏼
[OOC]: I have yet to hear a more PeytonCore song than this and I am absolutely delighted. -Cat 🐱
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zestialmorde · 3 days
So you're the one they call Zesty! Enchanted to finally meet you, darling. It's not often that I meet an Overlord as ancient as you - that's a compliment! How go you Overlords and your politics? -👑 @prince-pruflas
"It's Zest—" He begins to correct before realizing who he's speaking to. "Ahem, your highness. The politics among the overlords proceed favorably, or so I believe. I trust your own affairs are flourishing as well?"
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seraphim-sarai · 1 month
After reluctantly leaving her medbay to attend the beach day, Ray wandered across the sandy landscape, without really knowing where she wanted to go.
The medic zoned out while walking near the shore line, flinching when she accidentally touched the water. She quickly backed up, her gaze now focused on the water. In the water, she saw something blue, that seemed to be a person. Without thinking, she waved at them.
Hey Sarai! Ray said when she recognized the seraph, smiling widely. What are you doing? She tilted her head curiously, while making sure to maintain a safe distance from the water Sarai was in.
- @exorcist-ray
Sarai was lost in thought. She had gone into the water as an escape from the crowds and the judgmental gaze of her colleagues.
Ray calling her had caught their attention. She emerged slightly from the water to meet her gaze.
“Oh, hello Ray.” They said, “I was just enjoying the water. I take it you’re enjoying the beach festivities?”
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exorcist-ray · 3 months
“Hey médica! I need ya help…for somethin’ personal…”
Ray looks up and walks over to Ava, letting her into the medbay.
Greetings. How may I be of assistance? She smiles.
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exorcist-ava · 3 months
[Timpani makes her way through the barracks, training is over and it's time to go home. Before she makes her way to her apartment she notices Ava looking distraught and smoking even more heavily than normal]
A-Ava? Are y-you okay? -🎵
Fuck. Timpani. Just stop thinking about it. Be chill.
Ava tried so hard to just calm himself, but Milan's words kept echoing in his mind.
His cigarette was dwindling fast - he already went through six within an hour. His fingers trembled, and he dropped it.
Fuck. Fuck. Still not calm. Just, stop thinking about it. It doesn't matter.
Damn. Timpani was getting closer. And they looked concerned. Fuck.
Ava forced a grin, feigning his usual bravado.
"Hola Timp," he said, "How you doin'?"
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hazbinsponsoredbyvee · 3 months
Husk, are you supposed to be a Maine Coon? Because you share a few traits with them.
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In case you can’t read my crap handwriting: Ear tufts, grumpy facial expression, fluffy
These types of cats are also a lot bigger than normal! And I did a bunch of math, and apparently your height is somewhere between 5’4” and 6’3”. So… Yeah.
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"How the fuck should I know? I woke up in Hell as a damn cat, and you think I stopped to research what breed?"
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"Oooh, ya know, I kinda see it!"
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