[ End. ]
[ Okay, it isn't the end. I sort put that up there to get whoever is still following me's attention. But this was going to happen. My stars lined up for me to rejoin you all, but suddenly some holy being chose to use my stars in their Universal Football Rally. A lot has been happening... A lot that I can't deal with but I know I have to. The biggest reason is the non stop bad luck and those awful storms. The little reasons have been this job? it's one I enjoy, however, it makes me so tired that I don't have the energy to really get off the couch. Not that I'm complaining, I love what I do. But yeah, my reasoning for dropping Sakura is all that and a bit more. So just... For the sake of feed space...
Thank you all. Thank you all for putting up with my awkwardness. Thank you to all the threads you did with me. No one knows how hard it is to leave here... or maybe they do. Who am I to judge? Cause it's really hard. Like, it hurts my heart an I started to cry about twenty words ago. I know I wanna come back. I may be socially weird but thank you?
I want to keep Sakura up for a bit so if you wanna find me somewhere else then cool. Well, I'm only leaving my Discord here now. If you want my Instagram, I'll send it somewhere else or not at all because I post trash pictures of mushrooms. So...
Kanji with 8 a's. Add me and feel free to talk to me any time. Unless I'm sleeping, but that's rare!
Until another time everyone.
Goodbye, FERP. ]
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A Storm Brewing
[ Hey everyone. sorry I haven't been active. this entire week has been me running around looking for a lost puppy, helping my grandparents, and most recently... Preparing for this storm.
now I don't live in NC or SC, but in a state that is VERY prone to flooding. there's creeks all over the place. the house I live in is actually in between two bridges with a creek flowing happily. my state will get anywhere from 8 to 12 inches of rain. you might think "that's not THAT bad, Sakura-mun! man up!" well, it is a big deal. it's been raining here for about two weeks prior to this storm, and the much larger creek that my little creek runs into, is about two foot from the east way put of here. if this hits as hard as they say then I might be stuck. it floods to the east and west of me, and with the run off water from the mountains it could take out both bridges. even if I could make it out the east way (the west is at the flooded mountain base), there's no chance of me making it because the main road floods as well. it is a crap ton to explain.
so what I've been doing is taking a garden tool and digging out from under the bridges to clear out any branches of leaf litter. I do this every six hours. and when I'm not doing that, I'm digging the drainage ditch deeper since it too is backed up. it hasn't flooded this bad like, fathers day a few years ago where a river that's normally 3 to 4 foot deep became a raging torrent that was splashing on the overlook deck that we 15 foot above. i'm scared. not just because of the flooding, but for the wind. lots of trees mean high chances of them being knocked over off the ridge into my house. the mountain behind me becomes a very dangerous part in all this.
so, I'll send replies out tonight. all of this screwed up my plan to reply every few days. I know, I'm all excuses. but really. this is a 90% of happening. so if you do live in the states on the east coast... just evacuate and get to safety. ]
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To her, it looked as if the world turned into a map. One of those that would be hung in a war room, beautiful and used. From here, it was easy to see the transition from their lands. It was different, and the sky was breath taking. Sakura held back the childish impulse to reach towards the darker sky. The last thing she needed was to fall. The last thing Beruka needed was to rush to catch her.
Sakura's grip remained the same. Not tightening but steady enough to keep still. She left her mind wonder towards different things. Like how Beruka's hair reminded her of candy. Color wise of course. Her attention wasn't on the skies in search of other riders, but it wondered if a bird has ever flown into Beruka or her Wyvern. Nothing spoken out loud of course.
Beruka speaking saved her from those thoughts, an with the smile she's known for spreading across her face, Sakura gives a nod in reply. "Thank you, Beruka."
Banquet  [ Sakura & Beruka]
It was different than taking off on a Pegasus. The rise was much more rough than the gentle movements of the prior. Sakura felt as if her body was being thrown into the air for a second. Wyverns didn’t seem to be gentle, but she knew Beruka was trying her best to be smooth. Below them was just a sky view of the massacre. Seeing it from this view didn’t make what happen more any better. People still died for selfish gain. Not that it mattered now. Her own eyes couldn’t pick up any living foe; not like that mattered either.
Riding in the sky would be different than riding behind a horse pulling supplies, that’s for sure. Her arms tightened. Sakura thinks she might fall off.
Beruka wasn’t used to feeling somebody behind her in the saddle, let alone someone gripping tight. Touch usually put her in fight mode, but she tried not to let it shake her. At least it meant she knew Sakura hadn’t fallen. She could focus her gaze on navigating. The battlefield looked little different than countless others she’d left; it had been odd to see from the air the first time she did, the waste so distance and small rather than immediate and primal, but by now it was routine.
The forest disappeared behind them, leaving a stretch of dry and empty ground. Nohr’s dark skies were clear, the weather fair, with no other fliers. That was a good sign. She was avoiding the regular routes of guards so that nobody would see the princess until she could report to the castle.
She owed Sakura some sort of report, too, she felt, though she couldn’t articulate what. “No problems to report so far,” she finally called back. 
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Sakura choked on her tea as his words entered her ears. It dawned on her that she really wasn't in a position to tell him, nor anyone, to rest. After taking a second to recover, she shook her head at him before placing the cup down. " It's true. I find myself working to make sure the people are, um, in fine health. B-But I always know when my body needs to recharge. If y-you push yourself too hard, your body will become more frail and that only g-gets you into more trouble down the line." The answer though is one. She is just as guilty as the king before her. Their tasks may be different, but once job is handed to her, Sakura must complete it.
Her lips curled into a softer smile at those last words. At least those didn't choke her. " Just try? Please?" It was time to play the puppy eyes.
“You’re very flushed- are you feeling well?”
Even the strongest people get sick. The ones that can lead an entire nation to greatness, wade the pain of physical injury, become the diplomatic body of perfection can in fact be brought down by an invisible invader. No one was strong enough to fight those off alone. When Sakura was ill, there was always someone there to care for her. Of course she never though of herself as one of the strong. Never has she seen this in her entire life. Seeing someone with such strength looking like that was never a good sign.
Her big brother’s face was almost as red as his armor. 
Sakura passed him in the hall, and it was very noticeable. Like a beam of red light shining into one’s eyes. Either Ryoma was flirting with someone, or he’s ill. The earlier thought was blown quickly from Sakura’s mind. Ryoma was a very confident person, at least in his little sister’s eyes, it was unlikely to her that love was the issue here. Stopping, she turns around to address the man.
“ Big brother? You’re flushed. V-very flushed… Are you alright?“ 
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"How do you feel about your siblings, little Sakura?"
Oh. This question was one she had thought about many times. Sakura thought for a moment, choosing which one to start with. " I... Um... Each of them are different? I love them all. I respect them." She gives her sister a small nod. " I just wish that Ryoma would take a b-break and for you to come around more often."
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It’s TMI Tuesday! Ask my muse anything you want and they’ll have to answer honestly.
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" Of course." She did make tea after all.
He seemed to be enjoying that tea. Great. Sakura makes a mental note to serve it again if Ryoma is ever down from a nasty cold. Her own cup pressed to her lips, once, twice, before taking his offer up on a seat. Her face turned a light shade of pink though. The compliment was one she was used to hearing, but just recently began to believe in it.
" Y-you're welcome." Her smile flattened for a second before returning. It's as if so,ething clicked in her head. Of course Sakura blurts it out. "You shouldn't push yourself until you get sick. We need you a-at your finest." It came off a bit of a scolding. Sakura knew how her words sounded, quickly taking another sip of tea.
“You’re very flushed- are you feeling well?”
Even the strongest people get sick. The ones that can lead an entire nation to greatness, wade the pain of physical injury, become the diplomatic body of perfection can in fact be brought down by an invisible invader. No one was strong enough to fight those off alone. When Sakura was ill, there was always someone there to care for her. Of course she never though of herself as one of the strong. Never has she seen this in her entire life. Seeing someone with such strength looking like that was never a good sign.
Her big brother’s face was almost as red as his armor. 
Sakura passed him in the hall, and it was very noticeable. Like a beam of red light shining into one’s eyes. Either Ryoma was flirting with someone, or he’s ill. The earlier thought was blown quickly from Sakura’s mind. Ryoma was a very confident person, at least in his little sister’s eyes, it was unlikely to her that love was the issue here. Stopping, she turns around to address the man.
“ Big brother? You’re flushed. V-very flushed… Are you alright?“ 
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Sakura shook her head at the lady, finding a comfortable spot ontop of the rock before shaking her head. " You can stay. I-I don't own this place, so you're free to be here as m-much as anyone else." Plus she wasn't getting back in the water until those demons swam away. That part she kept to herself.
Her body turned to let the newcomer have some privacy to bathe. Not that Sakura planned to actually watch someone bathe. That would be a bit creepy. The young princess was still too meek to even be in the same room as her retainer and sister while they bathed.
" I can swim once you're finished, if th-that's okay."
A Summer Dip.
As hot springs warmed the body in the bitter cold of winter, the safe haven of sore feet and chilly nights for travelers of all kinds; the cool waters from the water holes had to be their sworn enemy. The green trees intertwined their branches to form a shade from the unforgiving heat from the sun, making the water perfect for the masses. Sakura, or all who lived in the castle, had the luxury of having one of these water filled blessing for their own.
That’s where the youngest princess was, toes dipped into the water as she munched on a sweet cake. Summer brought the heat, but it also brought moments of solitude. Mentally, she was kicking herself for not bringing her paper to write on. Not that she was great at making those short stories.
Two bites in, the cake is wrapped up, place behind her, and it’s time to slip into the water. Sakura removed the robe that was covering her body until all she wore was her swimsuit. It was basic, but at least swimming naked was prevented. Standing, the princess climbed down carefully and walked forward until the water was above her hips.
Once the water fell over her shoulders, Sakura took in a deep breath, dipping down to wet her head. Opening her eyes under water was her first mistake. She was met with an interesting frog. It has had big eyes an about four friends floating beside it. As she screamed, she hurried to the surface for air. Yes, she frantically swam backwards until she could stand as she coughed up the water in her lungs.
Yes, the water holes were a blessing. However, the creatures that shared them always seemed to be a curse.
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It was different than taking off on a Pegasus. The rise was much more rough than the gentle movements of the prior. Sakura felt as if her body was being thrown into the air for a second. Wyverns didn't seem to be gentle, but she knew Beruka was trying her best to be smooth. Below them was just a sky view of the massacre. Seeing it from this view didn't make what happen more any better. People still died for selfish gain. Not that it mattered now. Her own eyes couldn't pick up any living foe; not like that mattered either.
Riding in the sky would be different than riding behind a horse pulling supplies, that's for sure. Her arms tightened. Sakura thinks she might fall off.
Banquet  [ Sakura & Beruka]
The name didn’t leave her tongue. To her, she did not see a reason to repeat it. Instead, Sakura used one hand to grip the piece of saddle behind. The remaining hand instinctively went right to Beruka’s waist. Wyverns she figured took off a lot differently than a Pegasus. Better brace yourself than the be jolted off. If she could, she would thank the both of them for their work fighting those goons. Sakura of course found that the words wouldn’t leave her mouth again. This time due to another reason. She shifts again to make sure that the leader has comfort room. Seeing the other pet the wyvern like a horse did ease those nerves over. Sakura wanted to do the same, but kept her hands where they needed to be. The wounds these creatures gave, the ones lucky enough to survive them, made Sakura understand they were not to be toyed with. ‘‘ Ready when you are, Beruka.’‘
Beruka saw no reason for conversation as Sakura got into position behind her. She braced herself for Sakura to lose her balance, or for Paracelsus to react to her, but they all settled as well as could be expected. 
“Hold on tight, milady.” It was her only warning before she ordered Paracelsus to rise. 
At one point, flight had made her sick after a life of skulking in underground shadows. It would never be second nature, as she wondered if it might be for Camilla, but she was well-trained now. She tried to take off as smoothly as possible, gnashing her teeth at every jerking movement. Once in the air, she circled once to survey the scene, and–finding nobody unaccounted for in the area–she began a straight path for the capital.
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Rambles, Updates, and Questions
[ finally got some news.
I got a new tablet, an it hates my guts. Any moment now, im expecting this thing to sprout arms and legs and stab me while i sleep. Annnnd i do NOT know how to turn autocorrect on to save my awful typing and spelling errors. Just gotta look at the good things. Like how fast it is and how there's no need to throw it across the room in a fit of rage when it closes the tumblr app in the middle of typing a reply.
You heard it here first. I'm finally playing it. This tablet can run it. Yay!
Now for the question...
I have some threads out there that have been lost, or forgotten, or maybe ate up by robots... but ixd like to know if there is anything I need to reply to. Anything at all? Cause I know some of them aren't a thing now since people left, but I really need to be more busy.
Sorry for the blog clog. ]
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Sakura turned as she heard the voice, staring as she covered up her body with her arms. It gave her some worry since this place was a 'secret' to most. Maybe this water hole was more popular then she once thought. Her legs moved backwards until her body was pressed against the rock where the princess' clothes rested. It wasn't that she was scared of the stranger. No. Sakura just had an issue with having so much of her skin showing while another human was right there.
" Yes. Everything i-is fine." Well, for the most part. Sakura glanced back at the deeper part of the water. " I just seen a frog." More like an army of slime covered monsters of the deep.
With a deep breath, Sakura made her way back up the rock to get her clothes. It was safe up there. The frogs could have the water and she could have the hard, moss covered uncomfortable lump. The lady clearly wanted privacy. The bag she held in her hand. Oh, an it was easy to smell the soap. It contrasted with the air's dry, yet fresh dirt smell.
" I'm sorry. I-If I knew someone was using this place, I wouldn't have came."
A Summer Dip.
As hot springs warmed the body in the bitter cold of winter, the safe haven of sore feet and chilly nights for travelers of all kinds; the cool waters from the water holes had to be their sworn enemy. The green trees intertwined their branches to form a shade from the unforgiving heat from the sun, making the water perfect for the masses. Sakura, or all who lived in the castle, had the luxury of having one of these water filled blessing for their own.
That’s where the youngest princess was, toes dipped into the water as she munched on a sweet cake. Summer brought the heat, but it also brought moments of solitude. Mentally, she was kicking herself for not bringing her paper to write on. Not that she was great at making those short stories.
Two bites in, the cake is wrapped up, place behind her, and it’s time to slip into the water. Sakura removed the robe that was covering her body until all she wore was her swimsuit. It was basic, but at least swimming naked was prevented. Standing, the princess climbed down carefully and walked forward until the water was above her hips.
Once the water fell over her shoulders, Sakura took in a deep breath, dipping down to wet her head. Opening her eyes under water was her first mistake. She was met with an interesting frog. It has had big eyes an about four friends floating beside it. As she screamed, she hurried to the surface for air. Yes, she frantically swam backwards until she could stand as she coughed up the water in her lungs.
Yes, the water holes were a blessing. However, the creatures that shared them always seemed to be a curse.
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A Summer Dip.
As hot springs warmed the body in the bitter cold of winter, the safe haven of sore feet and chilly nights for travelers of all kinds; the cool waters from the water holes had to be their sworn enemy. The green trees intertwined their branches to form a shade from the unforgiving heat from the sun, making the water perfect for the masses. Sakura, or all who lived in the castle, had the luxury of having one of these water filled blessing for their own.
That's where the youngest princess was, toes dipped into the water as she munched on a sweet cake. Summer brought the heat, but it also brought moments of solitude. Mentally, she was kicking herself for not bringing her paper to write on. Not that she was great at making those short stories.
Two bites in, the cake is wrapped up, place behind her, and it's time to slip into the water. Sakura removed the robe that was covering her body until all she wore was her swimsuit. It was basic, but at least swimming naked was prevented. Standing, the princess climbed down carefully and walked forward until the water was above her hips.
Once the water fell over her shoulders, Sakura took in a deep breath, dipping down to wet her head. Opening her eyes under water was her first mistake. She was met with an interesting frog. It has had big eyes an about four friends floating beside it. As she screamed, she hurried to the surface for air. Yes, she frantically swam backwards until she could stand as she coughed up the water in her lungs.
Yes, the water holes were a blessing. However, the creatures that shared them always seemed to be a curse.
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As L'Arachel speaks, Sakura searches for the quiver. It isn't hard to find, but she questions why it isn't hanging up by the bows. Now though isn't the time for that. With one swift movement, she attempts to fling the strap over her shoulder. It isn't as graceful as she wished. In fact, it tilts and spills some of the arrows. Their downfall almost makes the princess' soul leave her body. The quiver has betrayed her.
Sakura leans down to pick up the stray arrows and hide them back in their quiver like her life depended on it. With her arrows ready, she takes spot close to the pot lowest to the ground. Just a good six feet away. Distance is key. A deep breath, her shoulder now steady so no more will spill onto the ground below... The princess finally takes the first arrow onto her bow. Fingers tighten around the string, and the first arrows flies.
The first pot shatters. Her arm bends to pull another arrow out to reload, hitting the ground below the second pot. Next arrow, third pot is down. For the last pot, the one lone pot off on its own, her arrow is ready. Sakura's body spins, finally finding some grace in her movements, hitting the last pot as well. It wasn't as quick as her brother's training, but at least she can say she actually got more than half.
Now she turns to L'Arachel. Smile so wide and bright it could light up the night sky.
" I did it!"
Not really, but at least she's proud now.
Ah, so she needed to show off her skills with a weapon she still felt was far from mastery. Even as L'Arachel touched her, it filled her with little confidence. Her hand was warm compared to the chilly air. “ I will do my best.”
Sakura nodded, turning on her heel to make way to the rack where her bow rested. It wasn’t exactly her bow, just a training one. Now to find the clay pots to shoot… Right. Those were under the rack. She got two, placed them on two of the four target spots, and repeated with the next two. Three clay pots rested no more than three feet from one another, with each escalating in height from the ground. No more than four foot up. The last pot was off by his own.
It made her feel as if she were a busy bee running like that, but at least it was finish. At least when she turns to L'Arachel, it’s with a smile. “ Do you want t-to sit or stand?” She still needs to grab her quiver.
“I shall stand.” L’Arachel decided. “It will make standing and cheering for your great works much easier.” No need for silly getting up and down and up again. No, she will stand, and she will be appropriately ecstatic. Regardless of Sakura’s achievement, though she doubts that Sakura will do poorly.
She just seems young, and makes L’Arachel think fondly of herself at a young age, longing to leave healing behind in favor of holy light’s more martial forms. Even then she had known that the magic would come easily to her hand. 
Not all were as lucky though. “I will gladly wait for you to find your mark!”
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Why was she alone? It wasn't normal for princesses to sit under trees and daydream. Right? Sakura had to think of an honest answer without looking as if she was a tree stalking weirdo.
" I'm alone because I'm missing home. That's all."
Nailed it.
Back to Sonya's comment on the tree. Her words seemed to have been pulled right off Sakura's lips. The thought made her beam.
" It's funny how w-we can all find a home away from h-home."
Her own hands fisted at the grass was well, careful to not pull any of the blades from their roots. It wasn't the same as the grass at home, but then again all grass feels the same for most. At home, the grass seemed to stay short, minus the over grown fields one would see from time to time. This grass seemed thicker, longer, and maintained mildly. Maybe Sakura can tell the difference.
" Why are you out an about alone?"
camellia | sonya & sakura
“Hello, little one. Mind if I sit down?”
The gardens of Askr were certainly beautiful - it was no surprise to find the Lady Sakura choosing there to spend her free time. The great, flowering tree beneath with she sat was aromatic and serene, and Sonya was certain the young princess frequented it in her visits. She wondered why she loved it so - perhaps it reminded her of her home?
Regardless, she had no intention of leaving the poor dear to be alone.
“Your name is Sakura, isn’t it? I’m Sonya.”
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Find a home away from home wasn't too hard for Sakura. It was mostly finding small common ground in the places she visited. Askr was no different. The tree set her mind at ease, giving a simple comfort to the worries that filled Sakura's heart. Her attention was focused mostly on the flowering beauty above, comparing how some flowers bloomed while others seemed to barely bud. Sure they had time to catch up to the rest before they all bloomed into fruit, right?
It was the question that pulled her attention away, not with any sort of startle or alarm. Sakura knew she wasn't completely alone here. Her eyes looked over the woman, her body scooting to the side to make room for one more. The smile Sakura wore was her best yes.
" Of course. Please sit down." Her words were silent, like they often were. It was no shocking secret that Sonya knew her name either. She knew of Sonya. Or at least her strengths in battle. " It's nice to meet you."
camellia | sonya & sakura
“Hello, little one. Mind if I sit down?”
The gardens of Askr were certainly beautiful - it was no surprise to find the Lady Sakura choosing there to spend her free time. The great, flowering tree beneath with she sat was aromatic and serene, and Sonya was certain the young princess frequented it in her visits. She wondered why she loved it so - perhaps it reminded her of her home?
Regardless, she had no intention of leaving the poor dear to be alone.
“Your name is Sakura, isn’t it? I’m Sonya.”
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Ah, so she needed to show off her skills with a weapon she still felt was far from mastery. Even as L'Arachel touched her, it filled her with little confidence. Her hand was warm compared to the chilly air. " I will do my best."
Sakura nodded, turning on her heel to make way to the rack where her bow rested. It wasn't exactly her bow, just a training one. Now to find the clay pots to shoot... Right. Those were under the rack. She got two, placed them on two of the four target spots, and repeated with the next two. Three clay pots rested no more than three feet from one another, with each escalating in height from the ground. No more than four foot up. The last pot was off by his own.
It made her feel as if she were a busy bee running like that, but at least it was finish. At least when she turns to L'Arachel, it's with a smile. " Do you want t-to sit or stand?" She still needs to grab her quiver.
It seems the tea wasn’t the only thin
g forgotten. With a bow, she asked which the young lady wanted first. “ My apologies. Do you want to see me shoot my bow or tea first? E-Either is fine with me.” Tonight was an odd night if the princess could keep her wits.
“ Please forgive my absent mind tonight.”
“Nothing to forgive my dear, and in fact, already forgotten!” L’Arachel cried out, gleeful. “If you would please, I should greatly like to admire your prowess before we busy ourselves with the tea.”
Eagerly, L’Arachel pressed forward, casually reaching out to touch Sakura’s arm. “I am certain you will be magnificent to watch!”
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[ Hello! After having the Internet cut off here at my friends for a solid four days, I'm finally back! Replies later tonight as well as ask meme thinhs cause, why not? ]
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