0-miso · 4 years
hey everybody :#)
just logged in to post that (as everybody probably noticed) i’ve been on hiatus for so long, and i don’t really see myself coming back to actively using langblr. i’m leaving my blog up as an archive for my posts though! 
you can unfollow if you want, i probably won’t post on here again! thank you for following me and interacting with my posts! <3 
good luck to everyone with their language learning! 
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0-miso · 5 years
My favourite words in Korean
Just a list of random words that I think have a beautiful sound or meaning. Feel free to add your favourite words or to correct any mistakes I’ve made
금사빠 (금방 사랑에 빠지는 사람) a person who falls in love quickly 꽃길 lit. flower road; life filled with fortune, happiness 꿈꾸다 to dream 노을 glow of the setting or rising sun 눈치 ability to listen and gauge others’ moods 단풍 autumnal tints 답정너 (답은 정해져 있고 너는 대답만 하면 돼) asking a question while already expecting a certain answer  든해 sunlight filling the room through a window 미래 the future 반짝반짝 twinkle twinkle 별 star 보슬보슬 (of rain) drizzling 추억 cherished memories 하늘 sky 햇살 sunlight 영원 eternity 오솔길 forest trail 우주 universe
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0-miso · 5 years
exo, obsession — vocab
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집착 – obsession 
주인 – owner
귓가 – rim of the ear
속삭 – whisper
목소리 – voice
독 – poison
귓속 – inside of an ear
오감 – five senses
흔적 – trace
악몽 – nightmare
소름 – goosebumps
눈이 멀다 – to be blind
숨어들다 – to steal into
핥다 – to lick
쳐다보다 – to stare at
할퀴다 – to scratch, to claw at
웃어대다 – to burst out with laughter
뜨다 – to open one’s eyes 
홀리다 – to be possessed
파고들다 – to burrow into
진실을 덮다 – to cover the truth
헛되다 – to be empty
뱉다 – to spit out
쫓다 – to pursue
스며들다 – to infiltrate
사라지다 – to disappear
혼란스러워 – i’m confused
선명한 – vivid
몰래 – secretly
쓱 – quickly and quietly
자꾸 – repeatedly
제멋대로 – as one pleases 
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0-miso · 5 years
Hey, I just followed and I was wondering what theme you use. It's cute.
thank you! ♡ i use this theme by @astraeacodes !! check out her rules before using it (:
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0-miso · 5 years
귀전구담 — vocab 01
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i started reading the webtoon 귀전구담 on the naver webtoon app to practice korean!
here’s my notes from the prologue: 
예고편 – preview, prologue
세 이상 – over the age of 감상 – appreciation 권장하다 – to recommend
이러면 – if it‘s like this 확실히 – surely, certainly 처리하다 – to handle 행님 = 형님 재수 없다 – unlucky 재수 없는 소리 하다 – to say unlucky things, to jinx it
내려가다 – to go down 저벅 – heavy footsteps 아무것 – anything 하긴 – as a matter of fact 산골짜기 – mountain 들어오다 – to enter 앉아있다 – to perch
귀신 – ghost 살리다 – to save
무서운 – scary 존재 – existence ~라고 말하다 – they say that 의문 – doubt 가지다 – to have, to carry 싸우다 – to fight 해치다 – to damage, to hurt 죽이다 – to kill
포기하다 – to give up, to renounce
과연 – indeed, surely 선하다 – kind 그대로 – as it is 도망 – escape / flight 뜯기다 – to pull out (hair) 다른 – different 거울 – mirror ~을 테니까 – an expression used to indicate the speaker's intention to do the act mentioned in the preceding statement, as a condition for the following statement
쟤 = 저 아이 – that kid 가져다 놔 – put back ( 가지다 = carry 놓다 = put) 이상하다 – strange, unusual 조용히 – quietly ~잖아 – an expression used to check with or correct the listener on something about a certain situation
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0-miso · 5 years
안에 vs 속에
They both mean inside but whats the difference? When should you use 안에 or 속에? Lets find out~
안 has more of a general meaning of inside, it can be used to mean within as well like “within 3 hours” is “세시간 안에”
속 has a stronger meaning to it, meaning more deep within. Something like being in the core, a filling, or enclosed. Heres some examples of 속 to help you get the gist:
마음속 within my heart 가슴속 lit. within my chest, same sort of meaning as 마음속 몸속 in my body 파이속 pie filling 숲속 inside a forest 산속 in the mountains (similar to 숲속, doesnt mean literally the core of the mountain but enclosed in the mountains area)
So lets try out an example sentence and see how the meaning changes with 안에 and 속에
그것을 가방 안에 있어요 its in the bag 그것을 가방 속에 있어요 its deep within the bag, meaning more like you have to dig for it
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0-miso · 5 years
K-Pop Breakdown: Twice - “Feel Special”
안녕 여러분! Hey everyone and welcome to another K-Pop Breakdown! For this lesson, we’re going to be breaking down some of the lines in Twice’s “Feel Special.” Let’s start!
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1. “그런 날이 있어 / 갑자기 혼자인 것만 같은 날 / 어딜 가도 내 자리가 아닌 것만 같고 / 고갠 떨궈지는 날 “ 
Let’s start with the first line: 
그런 날이 있어. = There are those days
그런 = that / that kind of / [something] like that
그렇다 = to be like that / to be so
날 = day(s)
있다 = to be there / to have
Literal translation: There are those kinds of day / There are days like that
갑자기 혼자인 것만 같은 날 = Days when I suddenly feel alone
갑자기 = suddenly
혼자 = alone
혼자이다 = to be alone
같다 = to be like / to be the same / to be similar
혼자인 것 같다 = to seem alone / to think you’re alone / to feel alone
만 means “only” or “just.” You may hear sentences ending in -것만 같다. When used in sentences like those, it gives a stronger feeling to the sentence.
More on -것 같다 here!
어딜 가도 내 자리가 아닌 것만 같고 = Wherever I go, it feels like I don’t belong
어딜 가도 = Wherever I go / No matter where I go 
어딜 = where (with object particle)
가도 = even though [subject] go[es]
가다 = to go
More on 아/어/여도 here!
Adding 아/어/여도 to a verb after an interrogative pronoun (like 뭐, 어디, 누구, etc.), it can mean “no matter what/where/who [verb]” or “whatever/wherever/whoever [verb]”
내 자리 = my place
자리 = place / space / spot / room [for smth]
아닌 것만 같고 = It seems like it’s not
아니다 = to not be / to be not
Adding -고 to the end of a verb stem (even at the end of a sentence) gives it the meaning of “and.” Thus, you could put “and” at the translation of the beginning of this clause.
Literal translation: And it feels like no matter where I go, it’s not my place.
고갠 떨궈지는 날  = Days when my head is lowering
고개 = head 
떨구다 = to lower
Adding -아/어/여지다 to the end of a verb, such as in 떨궈지다, suggests that the verb is happening gradually. 
2. “세상이 아무리 날 주저앉혀도 / 아프고 아픈 말들이 날 찔러도 / 네가 있어 난 다시 웃어”
세상이 아무리 날 주저앉혀도 = No matter how the world brings me down
세상 = world
아무리 doesn’t exactly have a direct translation, but it’s used to essentially mean “no matter how”
주저앉히다 = force (a person) to sit down (according to Naver Dictionary)
Literal translation: No matter how the world forces me to sit down (?) 
More natural translation: No matter how the world brings me down
아프고 아픈 말들이 날 찔러도 = Even when hurtful words stab me
아프고 아픈 말 = hurtful words
Literally means “painful and painful words”
찌르다 = to pierce / to stab
Literal translation: Even though the painful and painful words stab me
네가 있어 난 다시 웃어 = I have you, I smile again
네가 있어 = you’re there / I have you
난 다시 웃어 = I smile again
3. “아무것도 아닌 존재 같다가도 / 사라져도 모를 사람 같다가도 / 날 부르는 네 목소리에”
아무것도 아닌 존재 같다가도 = Even when I feel like I’m nothing
아무것도 = nothing
존재 = existence
아닌 같다가도 = Even when it seems like it’s not
Adding -다가도 to a verb / adjective stem gives it the meaning of “even when [verb / adjective]”
Literal translation: Even when it seems like my existence is nothing
사라져도 모를 사람 같다가도 = Even when it feels like no one would know if I disappeared
사라져도= Even though I disappear / Even if I disappear
사라지다 = to disappear
모를 사람 = people who won’t know / unaware people
모르다 = to not know
More on describing nouns with verbs (past/present tense) here!
사람 = person / people
Literal translation: Even when people seem like they won’t know if I disappear
날 부르는 네 목소리에 = When you call my name
날 부르는 네 목소리 = your voice that calls me
부르다 = to call
네 목소리 = voice
That’s it for this one! I just wanted to break down a few lines, so I hope this helped! Hopefully, you’ll understand more of this song the next time you listen to it! See you in the next lesson! 안녕!
These are the sources I used to help me translate the lyrics:
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0-miso · 5 years
german vocab — misc. 🐌🍄
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die Sorglosigkeit – insouciance 
winzig klein, infinitesimal – infinitesimal 
die Schicklichkeit – comeliness 
das Zugeständnis – concession
zusammenkommend – convening   
die Schärfe, die Härte – acerbity
die Bestürzung – consternation 
die Mücke – gnat  
verächtlich – contemptuously  
das Ableben – demise 
die Neuheit – novelty  
unverschämt – impudently
verstohlen – furtive 
der Ärger – aggravation 
das Gleichgewicht, das Equilibrium – equilibrium  
braggart – der Angeber
herablassend – disdainful 
mürrisch – sullen 
das Aas – carrion  
fälschlich – erroneous 
fromm – pious 
das Bildnis, die Steinplastik – effigy 
die Hebelkraft – leverage  
der Hundezwinger – kennel 
der Lockvogel – shill 
das Baugerüst – scaffolding 
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0-miso · 5 years
Korean Textbooks Master Post
Hello everyone! Here are some textbooks I had time to scan and upload (marked with an asterisk) or had found somewhere online. I hope you find something here that helps you! This post will be updated as I get more time to scan books, purchase more books, or if I happen to find more books online.
Can’t find the textbook you’re looking for on this list? Please feel free to hit up my ask! I may have it, but just haven’t scanned it yet. 
Ewha Korean
Ewha Korean 1-1 Ewha Korean 1-2 Ewha Korean 2-2 Ewha Korean 3-2 Ewha Korean 4 Ewha Korean 5 Ewha Korean 6
KIIP Korean 
KIIP Korean 0 KIIP Korean 1 KIIP Korean 2 KIIP Korean 3 KIIP Korean 4 KIIP Korean 5 KIIP Korean 6
Korean From Zero
Korean From Zero Volume 1 Korean From Zero Volume 2 Korean From Zero Volume 3
Korean Grammar in Use
Korean Grammar in Use Beginner Korean Grammar in Use Intermediate Korean Grammar in Use Advanced
Sejong Korean
Sejong Korean 1 Sejong Korean 2 Sejong Korean 3 Sejong Korean 4 Sejong Korean 5 Sejong Korean 6 Sejong Korean 7 Sejong Korean 8
Sejong Korean Conversation 1 Sejong Korean Conversation 2 Sejong Korean Conversation 3 Sejong Korean Conversation 4
Sogang Korean
Sogang Korean 1A Sogang Korean 1B Sogang Korean 2A Sogang Korean 2B Sogang Korean 3A Sogang Korean 3B
빈도별 토픽 중고급 어휘* 빈도별 토픽 중급 문법* TOPIK Essential Grammar 150 Hot TOPIK 2 Reading
Yonsei Korean
Yonsei Korean Grammar 1-1 Yonsei Korean Grammar 1-2 Yonsei Korean Grammar 2-1 Yonsei Korean Grammar 2-2 Yonsei Korean Grammar 3-1 Yonsei Korean Grammar 3-2 Yonsei Korean Grammar 4-1 Yonsei Korean Grammar 4-2 Yonsei Korean Grammar 5-1 Yonsei Korean Grammar 5-2 Yonsei Korean Grammar 6-1 Yonsei Korean Grammar 6-2
Yonsei Korean Reading 1 Yonsei Korean Reading 2 Yonsei Korean Reading 3 Yonsei Korean Reading 4 Yonsei Korean Reading 5
Korean Stories for Language Learners* TTMIK Real Life Conversations (Intermediate)* Korean Reader for Chinese Characters Korean Slang Expressions Volume 1 Korean Slang Expressions Volume 2 Survival Korean
Last updated: 9/13/2019
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0-miso · 5 years
Hi! I wanted to ask you about the expression 가려고 하는데요! I guess it means to want to do something or that somebody is going to do something, according to Naver dictionary, by can you explain to me where does it come from? Is it a set expression like 고 싶어요? Thank you so much for the work that you’re doing I appreciate it a lot!! You’re a beautiful human being, I send you lots and lots of love from Europe.
Hi! omg thank you so much for your support! Essentially, the sentence 가려고 하는데요 means “I’m trying to go.”
Adding -(으)려고 하다 to a verb stem indicates that you are trying to do that verb. Add -으려고 하다 if the verb ends in a consonant and add -려고 하다 if it ends in a vowel.
Naver Dictionary states that it’s used to mean “with the intention of (doing), with a view to (doing), in order to (do), in order that…, for the purpose of…” It basically means that you are trying to accomplish an action or have the intention of doing something.
I’ll most likely have a full-length lesson on this structure very soon with more details, but I hope this answers your question for now! 화이팅!
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0-miso · 5 years
korean & japanese particles
— a small particle comparison. if you’re studying either korean or japanese 🇯🇵🇰🇷 and want to learn the other language, this might be interesting! 
은/는 ー は 이/가 ー が 을/를 ー を 과/와 ー と 으로/로 ー で (수단 / 手段) 의 ー の 에 ー に (시간 + 장소 / 時間 + 場所) 에서 ー で, から(장소 / 場所) 부터 ー から ( 시간 / 時間) 까지 ー まで 에게 (한테) - に (사람 / 人) 도 ー も 만 ー だけ
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0-miso · 5 years
Vocabulary: Loan / Konglish Words
안녕, 여러분! Hi everyone! In this vocab lesson, we’re going to learn some Korean loan words and Konglish words! Let’s start!
Loan Words
Loan words are essentially Korean words that sound like and have the same meaning as its English translation. Let’s look at some examples!
Bus = 버스 
Cake = 케이크
Camera = 카메라 
Chocolate = 초콜릿
Hot chocolate = 핫 초콜릿
Cola = 콜라
Cup = 컵
Dress = 드레스
Earphones = 이어폰
Fork = 포크
Hamburger = 햄버거
Headphones = 헤드폰
Ice cream = 아이스크림
Juice = 주스
Menu = 메뉴
Orange = 오렌지
Pizza = 피자
Sandwich = 샌드위치
Stocking = 스타킹
Taxi = 택시
Wine = 와인
Konglish words are Korean words that sound similar to an English word, but its English translation might be a little different. Let’s see some examples! 
Air conditioner = 에어컨
short for “air conditioner”
Apartment = 아파트
short for “apartment”
Bandage = 밴드
Cell phone = 핸드폰
“hand phone”
Dress (another word for it) = 원피스
Electrical outlet = 컨센트
“consent” (not sure how this relates to an electrical outlet lol. Some Konglish words have nothing to do with its phonetic English counterpart.)
Free of charge = 서비스
This is used when something is on the house
Group blind date = 미팅
Hot chocolate (another word you could use) = 코코아
Nail polish = 매니큐어
Overdoing / being over-dramatic = 오바
Pantyhose = 팬티스타킹
“panty stocking”
Pool (game) = 포켓볼
“pocket ball”
Promotional event = 이벤트
Used to refer to a sale
Remote control = 리모콘
short for “remote control”
Selfie = 셀카
short for “self camera” (셀프 카메라)
Self-service = 셀프
Signature = 사인
Sprite = 사이다
Trench coat / overcoat = 버버리
Vomiting = 오바이트
Web comic = 웹툰
Window shopping = 아이쇼핑
“eye shopping”
That’s about it for this (not-exhaustive) list of Konglish and loan words! See you in the next lesson! 안녕!
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0-miso · 5 years
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심장  –  heart. the organ. 
심장병  –  heart disease
심장 마비  –  heart attack 
마음  –  heart. feelings. 
마음 속  –  the bottom of one’s heart
마음이 아프다  –  to be heartbroken  
마음에 들다  –  to like [to enter into one’s heart]
하트  –  heart. the symbol.
this one: ♥, also used in card games 
하트의 퀸 – queen of hearts
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0-miso · 5 years
동물 Korean Animals
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동물: animals 늑대: wolf 곰: bear 사슴: deer 여우: fox 원숭이: monkey 기린: giraffe 사자: lion 호랑이: tiger 판다: panda 코끼리: elephant 올빼미: owl 새: bird 펭귄: penguin 오리: duck 소: cow 돼지: pig 말: horse 양: sheep 고양이: cat 개: dog 토끼: rabbit 상어: shark 게: crab 개구리: frog 돌고래: dolphin 물개: seal 거북: turtle
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0-miso · 5 years
indirect quotations — verbs
An indirect quotation basically cites what someone wrote or said. This means the structure of these quotations will be more complex than that of direct quotations, as it all depends on verb tenses, the type of quotation as well as the parts of speech which were used in the sentence we want to quote indirectly. 
Let’s look at some examples first:
여자친구가 헤어지자고 했다. (My girlfriend said we should break up.)
아버지는 늦게 도착한다고 말했다. (Dad said he will arrive late.)
남동생은 냉장고에 남겨져 있는 케이크를 먹었다고 말했다. (My brother said he’s eaten the cake that was left in the refrigerator.)
소녀는 아마 월요일에 죽겠다고 말했가. (The girl said she would probably die on Monday.)
As you can see, this structure is more complicated than the one present in direct quotations. Let’s break it down into chunks:
subject + verb (conjugated into plain form, depending on the tense) + 고 + 하다/말하다/그러다
So, let’s look at it again, filling the chunks with words of our choice:
소녀는 + 죽겠다 + 고 + 말했다 
아버지는 + 도착한다 + 고 + 말했다
남동생은 + (케이크를) 먹었다 + 고 + 말했다
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0-miso · 5 years
I think a very real question everyone on langblr needs to get better at asking themselves is: why do I want to study this language? Is it for vanity? Am I commodifying it? Would it be more respectful to study it without speaking it? And if you’re uncomfortable with posing these questions, then you need to take a massive, massive step back.
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0-miso · 5 years
What is "almost" in korean? Like "I almost cried"
~뻔 했어 is added after a verb to indicate “almost”!
울뻔 했어- I almost cried
망할뻔 했어- I almost failed
비 올뻔했어- It almost rained
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