chase two girls,lose the one
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Among many others tbh
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This is not a theory, this is Karlie Kloss’ hand. End of story.
This isn’t Taylor’s hand, and it is 100000000% not a man’s hand either… It’s Karlie’s hand, and she’s petting her and Taylor Swift’s new love kitten, Benjamin. 
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Here are some photos of Karlie’s hands to compare:
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Aside from the visual evidence, we must acknowledge that the kitten’s name is Benjamin…
Taylor has stated multiple times that she is a huge fan of musician couple James Taylor and Carly Simon… a power couple we could refer to as hmmm i dUNNO Caylor, right?? Well… Caylor has a son, and his name is Ben.
In other words… BENjamin is a Kaylor love child kitten
and here is a photo of him with his parents, Taylor and Karlie.
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@taylorswift @karliekloss we see you.
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swifties: mhhmm cruel summer mv maybe? cornelia street, perhaps? mother, we are starving
taylor: lmao here's a a new album bon appetite children
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lady gaga was right. stop telephoning me.
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buckle up ladies i’m taking back what’s mine 
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Scott never fucking wanted money from Taylor. He wanted power over her. He wanted to own her. He wouldn’t let her buy her own music bc he wanted leverage to be able to control her and that’s a fucking disgusting move. Scott you fucking disgust me
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for those confused, here is a v simplified run down. scooter's company ithaca holdings has received previous investments courtesy of the carlyle group. the carlyle group, a private investment firm, has been a big player in previous projects/deals w kushner companies. this company was previously run by charles kushner, who was convicted of tax evasion and witness tampering and served time for it lmao, bc of that the entire company was passed down to his son, jared kushner (yes! trump's son in law). jared kushner is the brother of who???? josh kushner. i know what u are thinking, ok so some investments mean nothing right??? this happened 10 years ago w the kushners and several years ago w scooter right??? well the carlyle group made investments (fat ones at that) in scooter's company as recent as this year. as in earlier this year. as in within the past few months. scooter is also now the manager of karlie, as u all know. josh's "wife". even attended the original photoshoot "wedding". they are all far too connected to say that this isn't a coincidence, especially when scooter probably didn't even have the money to acquire big machine on his own. we know that scooter has wanted to work w taylor for years and that it was never mutual. acquiring her music is nothing but a power move over her (and karlie). this is literally the only thing big machine had of value, otherwise the label wasn't worth shit. he already has control over her personal life (karlie), and now he has control over part of her business. and it gets even more vile when u remember that todrick said he was homophobic,,,,,when her and karlie are both closeted..,when taylor is clearly trying to come out,,this power move almost seems like a warning
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Y’all come talk!! I’ll be here all week :)
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taylor if you can hear me please add a nineteenth track to this album and go the absolute fuck off
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Allie Evans, I don’t know you but I love you
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if i hear ‘taylor swift’ come out of your mouth it better be followed by ‘deserves to own her own music’
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For years I asked, pleaded for a chance to own my work. Instead I was given an opportunity to sign back up to Big Machine Records and ‘earn’ one album back at a time, one for every new one I turned in. I walked away because I knew once I signed that contract, Scott Borchetta would sell the label, thereby selling me and my future. I had to make the excruciating choice to leave behind my past. Music I wrote on my bedroom floor and videos I dreamed up and paid for from the money I earned playing in bars, then clubs, then arenas, then stadiums. 
Some fun facts about today’s news: I learned about Scooter Braun’s purchase of my masters as it was announced to the world. All I could think about was the incessant, manipulative bullying I’ve received at his hands for years. 
Like when Kim Kardashian orchestrated an illegally recorded snippet of a phone call to be leaked and then Scooter got his two clients together to bully me online about it. (See photo) Or when his client, Kanye West, organized a revenge porn music video which strips my body naked. Now Scooter has stripped me of my life’s work, that I wasn’t given an opportunity to buy. Essentially, my musical legacy is about to lie in the hands of someone who tried to dismantle it.
This is my worst case scenario. This is what happens when you sign a deal at fifteen to someone for whom the term ‘loyalty’ is clearly just a contractual concept. And when that man says ‘Music has value’, he means its value is beholden to men who had no part in creating it. 
When I left my masters in Scott’s hands, I made peace with the fact that eventually he would sell them. Never in my worst nightmares did I imagine the buyer would be Scooter. Any time Scott Borchetta has heard the words ‘Scooter Braun’ escape my lips, it was when I was either crying or trying not to. He knew what he was doing; they both did. Controlling a woman who didn’t want to be associated with them. In perpetuity. That means forever. 
Thankfully, I am now signed to a label that believes I should own anything I create. Thankfully, I left my past in Scott’s hands and not my future. And hopefully, young artists or kids with musical dreams will read this and learn about how to better protect themselves in a negotiation. You deserve to own the art you make.
I will always be proud of my past work. But for a healthier option, Lover will be out August 23. 
Sad and grossed out,
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