12-3amproductions · 6 years
True or Dare
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Directed by: Jeff Wadlow
Written by: Michael Reisz, Jillian Jacobs 
Cast:  Lucy Hale, Tyler Posey, Violett Beane
Rating: PG13
Screen Time: 1h 40min
Our Rating:  ★★★☆☆
Ever played the game Truth or Dare? This movie centers around the game and might scare you enough not to play it again, ever. 
A group of friends travel to Mexico for one last getaway before graduation and is convinced by a stranger to play the game with him. Not knowing that they would not be able to get out of it. The game proceeds to awaken an evil force that forces people to speak their friends’ secrets out, causing mishap and dispute. 
If anyone stops playing, they die. 
We feel that the concept of this movie is fresh and interesting, however it contains more gore than horror. 
Link to movie: https://www2.solarmovie.one/movie/truth-or-dare-20767/watching
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12-3amproductions · 6 years
Slapping some sense out of her
Technician, male, 30
This happened about 15 years ago. I have a very good friend and i know most of what happens in his family.
One day his sister was going to work in the factory located behind where my friend lived. It was about noon….
She thought she was the only person and when she heard footsteps behind her on the path, she didn’t bother to turn and look. She just thought it was another worker walking from behind.
It was then she heard her name called softly behind her.
When she turned to see who it was, she was slapped hard on the face. The slap was so hard that she fainted. Luckily she was found by some other workers who knew her. They rushed her back to her home in the village.
She was about 30 years old at the time and just got married. I knew her quite well as the elder sister of my good friend. But i did not recognise this new,strange person that now lived in my friend’s house.
The slap had left the mark of five fingers on her face. She began acting demonically. Have you seen the film, The Exorcist? Well she was just like that. Using abusive language, really foul language at everybody. And she spoke in languages she could not possibly have learned, particularly in Thai language.
She would roll her eyeballs until you could almost see only the whites. Her tongue would go in and out like a serpent and she would scream suddenly in the middle of the night, giving us all a shock.
My poor friend’s family brought different sorts of priests to see her. The priests said prayers and burnt sandalwood and everything but she wa just screaming abusively at them in many languages and yelled at them to get out.
Finally they brought in a Thai priest. He spoke to her in what must have been Thai and she replied in the same language. It turned out that the spirit that possessed her wanted the child that was in her body. The spirit was that of someone from Thailand but there was no explanation why it had been present in the neighbourhood where she lived. The priest tried to appease the spirit and tried to talk it out of her.
I can’t remember exactly what ceremonies he performed, the last thing i know there was a lot of burning joss sticks and he used flowers and everything.
I wasn’t allowed to watch the whole ceremony, but he was the one who finally managed to exorcise her.
Up till today she is well and all right.
Admins: Exorcism is a must to send the dead to the realm of peace. Great story, keep it up!
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12-3amproductions · 6 years
He wasn’t prepared
Former university lecturer, male, 32
I remember when i was in the scouts as a little boy, one day i had to come back home late by myself after scout practice. I got down at the bus stop near my place. Between the bus stop and my home, i would have had to pass by the cemetery.
This was many years ago, about 20 years ago. I was walking alone and there was no one near me. Suddenly for no apparent reason at all, i felt very scared. Then in front of me, i remember i saw a hazy white shadow near a tree.
I stood there and cried.
Later, someone came along and took me home. My parents took me to the priest. I personally don’t think any of that helped. It took me quite a long time to get over that incident.
Admins: Alright we have to ask if you were literally standing there and cry upon seeing it or something else. Not going to deny we actually laughed.
Him: Oh no i actually couldn’t moved at all. Haha
Admins: Now it makes more sense.Well count yourself lucky That you weren’t possessed! Thanks for sharing your story!
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12-3amproductions · 6 years
A national service horror story
Read fully.
It's a new place and I needed time to adapt. Training was fun and camp was not the hell as described. Pulau Tekong was a paradise for me and new friends made every second there joyful. Everything was fine until the sun started to set. As we were released from the parade, we all made our way to our bunks.
My platoon stayed on the fourth floor of the Ninja company building. Climbing till the fourth floor seemed exhausting, but it was all worth it when we reached our rooms. During our free times, we took out our phones and called our loved ones. National Service. Not so bad after all.
As the clock ticked nearer to lights off, I felt nervous. "Would I sleep here? Am I comfortable?" I asked myself. There was no more need for questions. Exhaustion kicked in and I started to doze off at 10.30pm.
Chilly breeze brushed all over me as time passed fast. I slept on the bed above and the wind from the fans were freezing me. I tucked myself into the blanket and snored asleep.
While I was deep in slumber, I could feel somebody holding on to my legs. "Is my leg stuck between bedframes? Or is my buddy trying to wake me up?" I thought to myself. The hands didn't let go and I kicked the hands while my eyes were still closed. I could feel the wrinkled hands and silky fabric on my foot as I kicked. I woke up to see what was going on.
It stood infront of me, grabbing my feet which hung out of the bed, twitching and ticking like a broken doll. It's fringe covered its eyes, leaving only its stained teeth and grin visible to me. It's skin was wrinkled and pale. I could see it floating and glitching, as though it was warping here and there, and within seconds it vanished.
I panicked and sat up to check below my bed. My buddy was sleeping fine and I thought it was just a hallucination. Looking below wasn't the only thing I should have done. I should have looked front first. It had long hair which was only visible from the back or sides. It was staring at the person sleeping directly opposite me. Trying to wake him up.
Before fear took over me, I felt the exhaustion kick in. As I said "Oh god!" I pointed at it and asked for it to go away. "Go disturb someone else! We are too tired!" I told her. It didn't even say a word or show any signs. It just vanished.
It was all a dream and I didn't tell anyone, as I feared everyone would panic. Everything went fine once again. Every other day went with each day having a higher hype. We trained and had fun together. Camp was the perfect place for me. A place I made a new family.
We started socialising with the other three platoons and started working as one whole company instead of various platoons. We learnt about eachother and marched as one where ever we went. That's when I met this malay guy. He was from platoon two and his room was on the third floor. His entrance into my BMT life is what shook me the most.
Rumours about ghostly sightings are common in the military. There are many stories about Pulau Tekong itself. I often let rumours be rumours only. Yet this guy changed it all for me.
"It was night bro. I was sleeping and suddenly I felt the urge to pee. So I made my way to the toilet and as I walked, I felt my senses weakening." he told me. So far so good and I thought to myself "Why is he telling me all these without any link."
"When I came back, I sat on my bed and drank water. Everything seemed dreamy and I couldn't focus my vision. When I managed to lift my chin, I saw it with my own eyes!" he exclaimed. He saw an old lady floating above the tables, staring at him. His description of the entity was eerily similar to the one I saw in my dream.
I have never talked to anyone about the dream I had on the first night. Yet someone saw what I saw. Although I am keen to find out more about the entity, a part of me warns myself not to go too deep. Something about this old lady seems to send a bad vibe around me. It doesn't feel like the "innocent backstory" entity. Thinking about her, I can sense a thirst in it. Trying to feed on the fear of others.
Till I see her again. Good night.
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12-3amproductions · 6 years
The Promise (2017)
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Directed by: Sophon Sakdaphisit
Written by: Sopana Chaowiwatkul, Supalerk Ningsanond 
Cast: Bee Namthip, Apichaya Thongkham, Thunyaphat Pattarateerachaicharoen 
Rating: PG13
Screen Time: 1h 54min
Our Rating:  ★★★★☆
Thailand is a country known to produce good horror films and this is definitely one of them. The film’s storyline basically revolves around 2 best friends which had made a pact to commit suicide together, during a financial crash. This was known in Thailand as the Tom Yum Goong Crisis, a disastrous event that crept over Asia and left millionaires bankrupt overnight. 
Boum and Ib (the 2 best friends as stated above) were devastated at how the crisis had messed with their future plans as the construction of a premium luxury condominium, which their parents jointly invested in, had been suspended. Being unable to face up to reality, the both of them decided to end their lives at the tower together. However, Ib ended up dying alone.
Twenty years later, Boum became a successful real estate entrepreneur and got a chance to visit the abandoned tower with her daughter, Bell. However, Bell was then after found many nights sleepwalking and talking to herself. Her conditioned worsened and what frightened Boum was how her daughter’s actions and words in her unconsciousness reminded her of Ib. 
The haunting follows as we get to experience them from a third person’s perspective that often feels like we’re in the scene itself. And for that, we give the film a pretty high rating as not many horror films nowadays makes a good connection with the audience just like this one does. There are also touching scenes to this movie too.
As usual, Thailand horror films never fail to disappoint us and you should definitely check this one out. 
Link to movie: https://kissasian.es/Drama/The-Promise-2017/Episode-m?id=43741
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12-3amproductions · 6 years
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12-3amproductions · 6 years
“Life is just one breath away from death”
Yeap so cherish the ones around you, spend more time with them, let them know that you care. Put the money down, put your games down and blah blah blah. Even a simple chat with some laugh do MATTER. 
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12-3amproductions · 6 years
Scary beautiful
Office attendant, male, 45
I am quite used to returning home very late at night without incident,but there was one evening at about 11pm, when something happened to me that i will never forget for as long as i live.
I had finished work and had gone to visit a friend in another area before returning home because that evening my wife and the children were going off to her parents’ house so there would have been anybody home anyway.
I got down from a bus and was walking up the path to my house (Which was a little distance away). As it was quite late, i was not surprised to see that there were not too many people around. There was one girl ahead of me with a very long hair and a good figure.
Of course like many other male, i wanted to have a look to see if she was as pretty in the face as she looked from behind. So i walked a little faster to overtake her.
When i passed her, i gave a quick glance backwards to see what she looked like. She was really beautiful. A bit pale but not bad. Since i was in front, i just carried on straight to my house, never planned to look back because i didn’t want to make her nervous by thinking i was acting suspiciously.
By the time i reached,I had lost her. Instead of waiting for the lift, i decided to climb the stairs to the fourth floor.
As i reached the fourth floor and turned the corner from the stairs, i looked up and i saw her!
She smiled.
I ran.
I didn’t stop until i reached the next block where my friend’s family was staying. That night, i refused to go home.
Thank goodness nothing like that ever happened again in my life.
Admins: Hope you learn your lesson yo….
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12-3amproductions · 6 years
Big fan of Snarled
YOOOOO , came across this youtube channel last year. Most of the videos showcase unique horror stories in black and white animation. Fell in love watching all the videos so do check it out!
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12-3amproductions · 6 years
“I am more afraid of humans than supernatural.”
Well agree to a certain extent, sometimes we are unsure of the difference between good and bad. Those who strongly agree must have some experience with bad people....
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12-3amproductions · 6 years
Who’s there?
Hotel PR manager, female, 31
Three of my girlfriends and i booked into a chalet. This was many years ago and those chalets were like the old terrace types. Though they are not there anymore, it still scares us even up till today. We aren’t superstitious people since that incident we have tried to explain away what happened. On that night, no one could ever blame four teenage girls for being scared to be alone in a chalet in some lonely places with hardly anyone else around. I remember that we asked the keeper if the place was haunted because of it looked so creepy from the outside. He never made any reply, making it all the more creepier. It made us a bit more sorry that we hadn’t invited any boys along to stay with us. This was supposed to be a sort of pajama party.
Anyway, we managed to settle in after a while, there was no barbecue so we decided that by consensus. And we were starting to get chatty and beginning to make some noise when one of the girls said she heard the front doorbell ring. From where we were in the living room we could see the porch outside. There was no one there so we thought she must have been mistaken. She too said, yes we were right, she must have imagined it.
We were chatting away again, chewing the cud rather loudly when she mentioned it again. “There it goes again.” This time we were all quiet and looking hard at the porch from where we were. There certainly was no one there. We could see the porch clearly from where we were. If there were anybody out there ringing the doorbell, we should have been able to see the person for sure. So what could she have heard? Then all of us heard it. Loud and clear. It was the door bell.
One of the girls screamed but we quickly hushed her. Then we heard it again and again and again. Each time getting louder and more insistent as it someone was angry and demanding to be let in. We didn’t know what to do, everybody froze and all our eyes were fixed on the empty porch where the buzzer was. After a little more of the insistent ringing, the bell stopped.
Then we hear it again.
The back door was creaking open.
All of us screamed and ran out through the front door. We didn’t stop running until we reached the next chalet. We banged on the door, thumping away without caring about anybody,afraid of what was coming next. The man who opened the door was in his pajamas and he looked a bit nervous. All of us pushed past him and stumbled into the living room. There were four other men there, all of them seated around the table and they clearly had been gambling.
“Uncle, uncle,” we cried, explaining what had happened and begging to be allowed to stay in this chalet with them for the night. They looked at each other as if they thought we were mad, but finally one of them said we could stay.
Let em tell you this, that night we could hardly had any sleep. When one of the girls wanted to go to the loo, she forced me to go along and stand guard outside. From where i was, i could hear her singing Amazing Grace to give herself courage while doing her business!
Admins: Knock knock! Who’s there? It’s 12 to 3 am production! Just joking dont hate us pls. 
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12-3amproductions · 6 years
The Momo Challenge
Whatsup guys! Hope you had an amazing 2018 and will have better 2019. We thought of having this as the first article right at the start of the year for you guys so here we go!
Today we will be covering Momo, a suicide challenge which was trending in 2018.
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What is Momo?
First of all, Momo is a Japanese sculpture created by artist Midori Hayashi, who is known for making bizarre dolls using different parts of animals. The character of the girl, Momo, is inspired from a Japanese light novel, "Ballad of Shinigami", written by Japanese author K-Ske Hasegawa. It centers around a young girl named Momo, who is a "shinigami" (which in Japanese means "the girl god of death").
Momo leads the souls once they leave the bodies, to "the other side". She carries with her a large scythe and tries to "ease suffering of the people" she encounters whether they are living or dead.” - we found this in another article and is by far the closest reliable reason on why the sculpture is made. We are unsure of the current location of Momo right now, but it was once displayed at Toyko’s horror art Vanilla Gallery.
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The Momo Challenge
Apparently somebody decided to take a photo of this scary-looking sculpture and impersonate it in attempt to scare people around the world with threats. The culprit mainly uses Whatsapp to chat with the victims and targets mainly on teenagers.
In the message, players are challenged to perform some tasks, which involves mostly self-harm and are also asked to record it on the phone. If they refuse, they would then be sent disturbing and graphic images and threats that their loved ones will be targeted. Some players even received terrifying phone calls of which all they could hear were screams and other creepy noises. All these negativity was what resulted in a few deaths and injuries of teenagers who took part in the challenge.
Some of the countries affected by Momo are the USA, Argentina, Spain, Mexico, and Germany. According to the Computer Crime Investigation Unit of the state of Tabasco Mexico, the challenge started in Mexico where players are challenged to communicate with an unknown person with a number through Whatsapp.
A 12-year old girl committed suicide by hanging herself from a tree in her family’s backyard in the town of Ingeniero Maschwitz, 48 kilometres from Buenos Aires. The girl’s cellphone was located near her body and police said hacking into the phone revealed “footage and WhatsApp chats,” according to the Buenos Aires Times. Investigators believed the girl intended “to upload the video to social media” as part of a challenge related to the “Momo game.”
Another case was about a 12 year-old girl and a 16 year-old boy in Barbosa, Colombia, which committed suicide 48 hours of each other. Media reported that the boy had died first and he knew the 12 year-old girl before that, of which he had passed the challenge to her.
Last but not least, 18 year-old Manish Sarki from India was found hanging in a pig shed with the words "illuminati", "hanged man" and "devil’s one eye" inscribed on a wall. His mum, Chandra Maya Sarki told the Hindustan times: “My son was sincere, hardworking and innocent. He used to play online games.”
“I strongly believe that Momo challenge took him away from us.”
His cousin, Arjun Ghatani, claimed that he had seen the "hanged man", a drawing that the tragic teen had painted, in a Momo app.
We will go indepth on “The Blue Whales challenge” as it is somewhat similar in terms of cyber threats. First of all, we are devastated by those who lost their lives to the Momo challenge. Youngsters these days are too focused on their electronic devices so cyber threats will easily influence them. People can be really sick in their mind to bring harm to others.
We predict that humans upon taking up any dare would feel that it is some kind of a joke and nothing harmful would be brought to them until something unfortunate really happens. Also nowadays with just knowing your phone number, stalkers are able to track your whereabouts, ip address, your name and many other details. It might not be phone number, it can be just your name to track all the details about you. This is something scary especially for people who want to bring harm to someone.
We have done some research on youtube and saw that many Youtubers actually made videos of themselves trying to communicate with Momo. Other than the views that feeds their rice bowl, they know that pretty much nothing can harm them through some texts or calls. Even if so, they probably have the mentality to ignore it.
Worst case scenario would be a home invasion, which may be rare coming from this challenge. So it is always better to watch others trying it first before you decide to give it a go. ONLY IF YOU REALLY WANT TO TRY IT. Otherwise we would advise you not to waste your time and perhaps chat with us about something more meaningful. Hence, feel free to pm us!
Some may call it stupid or dumb to actually believe in phone calls or messages or even to take part in the challenge, but we hope that this article would bring some insights on how dangerous it can be so that teenagers or even children are able avoid such circumstances. Besides the fact on how not everyone has the courage to deal with threats,  we should all help one another out by communicating with our peers, families , relatives and even online friends. As a saying goes, “Some mistakes can never be recovered, so talking to strangers is a choice.”
Thank you once again for the support, we will see you next time!
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12-3amproductions · 6 years
Insidious: The Last Key (2018)
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Directed by: Adam Robitel
Written by: Leigh Whannell
Cast: Lin Shaye, Leigh Whannell, Angus Sampson
Rating: PG13
Screen Time: 1h 43min
Our Rating:  ★★☆☆☆
This Insidious chapter was pretty much a letdown when compared to the previous chapters. The movie centers around a parapsychologist, Dr. Elise Rainier and her nightmares from childhood. She lived in New Mexico with her brother Christian, her mother Audrey, and her father Gerald who would turn abusive whenever she claimed that she sees ghosts in the house. 
Elise however was called up by Ted Garza, a client, for help after being haunted from moving to a house in New Mexico. Elise turned the request down as she realized that the address of the haunted house was the same one she had lived and spent her childhood in. However, she changed her mind and accepted the job, alongside her assistants Specs and Tucker who then encountered the evil entity - the demon with keys as its fingernails.
We found the plot to be mundane, not as scary and in fact unrealistic as it was more like a monster than a demon. The jump scares were predictable but the audio and visual quality of the film was great - as with all Insidious movies. However, we just did not feel the kick and we expected more. 
Link to the movie: https://www2.solarmovie.one/movie/insidious-the-last-key-19410/watching
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12-3amproductions · 6 years
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