123whocanyoube · 1 year
cute things I notice as someone that speaks their second language on a daily basis
having to google the translation to this word from your native language and than being kinda dissapointed because the translation does not portray the vibe of the word fully
doing the same thing other way around
talking in different tone of voice when you're speaking the other language
I used to cry in my english classes feeling that I will NEVER be able to speak this language. I do not cry anymore
the first poem in another language! how strange it sounds, how unexpected and different your voice as a creator sounds with different words
speaking your native language and getting the sensation of going back home. as if home is not a physical place anymore, but something that travels with me everywhere, all the time
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123whocanyoube · 1 year
my body is a temple and I'm always praying. as I'm walking, as I'm dancing, as I'm making love. It's all prayers to this strange cluster of atoms that I am
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123whocanyoube · 1 year
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A group of curious preschoolers visits some beehives in Stockholm
Submit your cute pet here | Source: https://bit.ly/3qre7V4
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123whocanyoube · 2 years
a guide of how not to be so lost in this world
accept that the messines is not a 0 or 1 phenomenon, much rather a scale and that to fluctuate in this scale is a normal, even intriguing experience
take care of your body. does it feel tired? did you drink enough today? did you eat? take a moment to thank the body for taking you everywhere you desire. the body is doing an amazing job here, do not underestimate it
what do you think is the main thing that makes you a mess today? think of three small steps of how to reduce it
breath, do not forget to breath
begin to implement things you thought of in the step 3
trust the life to bring you to a time and space when you feel more collected
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123whocanyoube · 2 years
HOW CAN YOU NOT???????????????????????????????
It took about three hours today for my mother to take my dog to the vet.
We were preparing for the exams and one of my friends came to my table and asked to dance with me. We went to another space in the library, set the music and danced for a while just to move our bodies. 
There is a girl in my class that I sit together with. We ask each other what is a good thing that has happened to us every day. EVERY DAY. 
Like, how can you not love people? HOW IS IT POSSIBLE TO NOT LOVE PEOPLE. Wonderful, silly, goofy people. Good people to be around. Caring people that take your dog to the vet. People that dance with you in the library. People that ask whats good happened to me.
ARFAOIFJIOSOIDJIODJAOI. There is so much love to give. So much love to receive. 
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123whocanyoube · 3 years
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these photos remind me of Heidi 🥺🌸👒
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123whocanyoube · 3 years
I want details when I ask you about your day
Unknown (via perfectquote)
tell me everything, okay?
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123whocanyoube · 3 years
There’s a corner of my heart that is yours. And I don’t mean for now, or until I’ve found somebody else, I mean forever. I mean to say that whether I fall in love a thousand times over or once or never again, there’ll always be a small quiet place in my heart that belongs only to you.
Beau Taplin (via sunsetquotes)
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123whocanyoube · 3 years
Do you ever realize how badly you’re going to miss a moment while you’re living it? Like wow, these are the good days. I am here and I am happy and I am alive.
Unknown (via sunsetquotes)
every day. every single day
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123whocanyoube · 3 years
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“Mayakovsky’s Poetry” by Alexander Deyneka (1955)
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123whocanyoube · 3 years
you don���t know it yet
You look like a poem
You sound like a song
I think when I thought
That I couldn’t survive
I think I was wrong
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123whocanyoube · 3 years
things like these... they make me so excited to live to find my magic to fall in love with life.
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Let's run through the medow and never look back
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123whocanyoube · 3 years
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to get into the thick of it again
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123whocanyoube · 3 years
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cottage life in the early days of fall
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123whocanyoube · 3 years
a few days ago i woke up thinking: snails are cute, but what if they had legs?
so i made this, and i was like "aww yeahhh such a funny animal"
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and then a second image popped up in my head
what if they acted like dogs?
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123whocanyoube · 3 years
god, I am asking you again
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123whocanyoube · 3 years
I love this so much
While putting your favorite condiment on a sandwich, you accidentally make a magical occult symbol and summon a demon.
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