13scenarios · 4 years
When Dean Winchester spent years fantastizing about being a cowboy and his life playing out like a western movie, he was NOT anticipating for that movie to be Brokeback Mountain
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13scenarios · 4 years
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Look at him. HE IS SHOCKED. HE HAS TEARS IN HIS EYES. His best friend told him in less than 2 minutes that he‘s gonna die and that he loves him + the death is pounding at the door.
+ He doesn’t even had the time to realize what Cas just told him.
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He literally had a damn breakdown after Cas was gone. He cried. He was sobbing.
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He his desperate. He lost Cas because he sacrificed himself for Dean.
Dean was never someone who showed his emotions. He never knew how to react to people’s emotions.
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13scenarios · 5 years
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When Harry Met Sally (1989) dir. Rob Reiner Good Omens (2019-) dir. Douglas Mackinnon
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13scenarios · 5 years
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13scenarios · 5 years
new tumblr users:
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old tumblr users:
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13scenarios · 5 years
You know what Good Omens does NOT get enough credit for? How it never, not once, makes gender presentation the butt of a joke.
Crowley presenting as female to be Warlock’s Nanny? The way this was filmed, acted, and written wasn’t made to be funny whatsoever. She was stunning, I loved the hat!
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Pollution using they/them pronouns while the postman used the gender neutral honorific of sir for them? What’s there to make fun of? They’re royalty.
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Archangel Michael, who has a traditionally male name, played by a female actress? Never questioned.
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Lord Beelzebub’s androgyny? Only respect for the Lord of Hell.
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Aziraphale sharing Madame Tracy’s body? Crowley recognized his angel and accepted it no problem. He was right about the dress too, it did suit him!
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Crowley’s pure, unfiltered non-binary/gender-fluid energy in general? Fucking fabulous. Who could seriously make fun of this demon’s style? As someone once pointed out to me, you could swap him with Tilda Swinton and I’d see no difference. What an icon.
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Good Omens is the first big show I’ve seen to basically avoid transphobia all together when the opportunity presented itself, and even say fuck you to the gender binary as a bonus. If the biggest binary in all the universe, Heaven and Hell, don’t give a damn about it then why should you? 
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13scenarios · 5 years
I miss you.
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13scenarios · 5 years
#goodomens #headcanon
There is a little theory going around tumblr about who Crowley was before the Fall. About how he was most likely the Archangel Raphael. As I was going through the Good Omens tag (like ya do) and someone suggested that Aziraphale (or Aziraphael) was “And again Raphael”. Meaning he was Raphael not Crowley.
Here’s my thought on it though:
We know three things about Crowley’s Fall. He know he didn’t mean Fall. We know that he hung out with the Wrong Crowd. And we know that he was kicked out from asking too many questions.
We know one other thing about Crowley, he literally hung the stars. Not all of them, but enough of them.
You’ll pardon me if I mess anything up, but from what I recall from my own study on the issue and from what Neilhimself has said, there are Archangels, principalities, archangels, and cherubim. We know that Aziarphale is a principality, ranked just below the main four. The main four Archangels are Michael, Gabriel, Uriel, and Raphael. But in the show we see Uriel, Michael, Gabriel, and Sandalphon? Where’s Raphael?
So if he was once Raphael, that would mean that he was demoted. But he doesn’t act like someone who has been demoted. Like you would expect him to be more bitter. But Aziraphale is nervous guarding the Eastern Gate. Like it’s his first major job. So I think that rules him out as being Raphael.
But Crowley is a different kettle of fish. As it has been pointed out Raphael is a healer and his symbol is a snake on a stick. Now if Crowley was a low level angel I don’t believe God is cruel enough to throw him out for asking questions, (the Flood aside). But if it was Raphael, though…that’s a different story. Lucifer was a favored son after all, so it stands to reason God would be more angry about one of the Archangels siding with Lucifer and asking all the right wrong questions. And honestly what better punishment then to turn him into an actual snake.
So if he was Raphael and he did create stars and nebulae that would explain why he’s a field agent even though he doesn’t really doing any major tempting. It would explain how he could get away with doing “miracles”. How he could straight up STOP time. He was an Archangel.
On a side note, I think that Aziraphale was created (or whatever happens to make more angels) AFTER the Fall. It’s why he was named Aziraphale. After Raphael. And I think that’s what first draws Crowley to the angel. Here is this being that was named after his former self, he just has to meet him. And when he does, Arizaphale is exactly everything Crowley hoped he would be and more.
Also God soooo set them up.
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13scenarios · 5 years
I know u don’t take requests but I just wanted to say, you know how in a lot of art Crowley is a snake and wrapped around azi? Yeah imagine that but normal Crowley
Lord, show me how to say no to this……I don’t know how to say no to this………
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13scenarios · 5 years
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Michael Sheen being a literal angel
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13scenarios · 5 years
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Three times Aziraphale broke Crowley’s heart. The last one was the worst.
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13scenarios · 5 years
#goodomens #crowley #sherlock #headcanon accepted
Ok but Crowley is the reason Sherlock Holmes is so enduring.
No no, bear with me.
The first stories come out in The Strand. Crowley, newly woken from his near-century of sleep, reads them in Aziraphale’s copy, and really likes them. Aziraphale, who moves in literary circles, offers to introduce him to Doyle.
Crowley is very excited, and when they meet wrings Doyle’s hand and go on about how much he likes the stories.
Doyle, of course, is a rude bastard, and dismisses Crowley’s praise. He doesn’t like the character, he’s not interested in what people like Crowley think to him.
Crowley is initially tempted to destroy him, and ruin his career, but then realises he can get better revenge than that. He makes the popularity of the stories and books blow up. He puts them everywhere. He makes Sherlock Holmes the talk of London. He finances the backstreet presses printing spin-off stories.
And he keeps it going, firing up Holmes’ popularity until Doyle is driven out of his mind, believing in fairies and hating his own work. Until Arthur Conan Doyle is only ever remembered for Sherlock Holmes, and Crowley gets unending adaptations for himself.
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13scenarios · 5 years
#goodomens #fanart #crowley
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As usual, I don’t know what I’m doing but I’m loving Good Omens so… have another portrait XD
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13scenarios · 5 years
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“We’re on our own side.” - Good Omens (2019)
(send help it’s been a week and a half and the levels of feels are still rising)
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13scenarios · 5 years
Wow Gaiman and Pratchett predicted all my fandoms back in 1990
“‘I wrote a book once. It was a triffic book. It was nearly eight pages long. It was about this pirate who was a famous detective.
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And I drew pictures.’ And then in a flash of largess, he added, ‘If you like I’ll let you read it. I bet it was a lot more exciting than any book you’ve lost. ‘Specially the bit in the spaceship where the dinosaur comes out
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and fights with the cowboys…”
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 -Good Omens
They must have received an omen or something….
Guys it’s time to get off tumblr
Hope you think this is as awesome as I do
“You haven’t seen two men in a big black car?”
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13scenarios · 7 years
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Harry Potter rolled over inside his blankets without waking up. One small hand closed on the letter beside him and he slept on, not knowing he was special, not knowing he was famous, not knowing he would be woken in a few hours’ time by Mrs. Dursley’s scream as she opened the front door to put out the milk bottles, nor that he would spend the next few weeks being prodded and pinched by his cousin Dudley… He couldn’t know that at this very moment, people meeting in secret all over the country were holding up their glasses and saying in hushed voices: “To Harry Potter - the boy who lived!”
Happy Birthday, Harry James Potter! (July 31, 1980)
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13scenarios · 7 years
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Introducing Jodie Whittaker.
The Thirteenth Doctor.
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