1dunsolved · 2 years
ok so i saw this tiktok and after sending it to @bluewinnerangel we went down the absolute hell spiral that is the monsters inc. parallel to the larryverse. yeah you read that sentence just now
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sounds familiar. oh yeah it reminds me of
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the restaurant where mike wazowski treats his date in monsters inc. oh wait what’s that
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that reminds me of
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so then like… what other parallels are there?
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oh yeah the key element of the fucking movie.
add to the mix these fans who were right on the dot. had prophetic vision. 
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of course this is the menace behind it.
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my conclusion: louis’s universe is centered around green orbs
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1dunsolved · 4 years
Why are London Harry and LA Harry two different people?
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1dunsolved · 4 years
this might sound crazy like i hope i don’t sound ridiculous but i’m starting to think one direction are british? i’m not sure maybe it’s just me being silly again
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1dunsolved · 4 years
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As requested, here is my full slide presentation about Harry Styles and his secret pregnancies! Open your eyes, sheeple!
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1dunsolved · 5 years
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thank you for coming to my ted talk. :>
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1dunsolved · 6 years
The Indiana Jones Conspiracy.
Hello folks, long time no conspiracy. In our time of absence, we have been investigating deep into our next theory... one that will blow your mind.
Niall Horan, arguably the biggest One Direction fan in the world, has been taking the fashion industry by storm recently. Parting ways with his chunky white sneakers and white muscle tanks, Niall has been looking clean and classy with his recent fashion choices. 
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Maybe he’s still wearing that “Crazy Mofos” shirt under these fashion-forward outfits.
When it comes to more casual attire, one of his favorite articles of clothing appears to be a hat. The cabbie hat and baseball hats are both cute, but there’s one hat in particular that have our eyebrows raised. This one to be exact:
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Niall Horan, pictured on the Today Show, singing ‘On The Loose’ from his new album. Speaking of, what happened to the lyric video?
Many fans have speculated that Niall is trying to embrace his country side with this wide brimmed hat, looking similar to ones cowboys wear. He has been seen on a tractor recently, so this wouldn’t have been a surprise.
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She thinks my tractor’s sexy, it really turns her on.
However, we like surprises here at 1DUnsolved, and boy, are we surprised. As you can see, Niall’s hat from the Today Show looks nothing like the cowboy hat Niall is wearing in the picture above. Therefore, Country Star Niall isn’t coming to grace us anytime soon. Upon closer examination of The Hat, we noticed an uncanny resemblance to someone else’s... 
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Indiana Jones, exposing his bare chest.. and perhaps the hidden truth?
To put it simply, the Irish lad is not who we think he is. Living a double life isn’t unheard of, and Niall has been doing it under our noses this entire time. The truth is... Niall Horan is actually Indiana Jones, archaeology expert and badass vigilante. 
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Slow Hands would not be beneficial in this situation.
In case you’re not fully convinced, let’s lay down a couple more facts that might change your skeptic minds.
By now, I’m sure you all have seen the “On the Loose” music video by Niall Horan, which has accumulated almost 10 million views. In the video, Niall is seen driving through the desert. Who else frequents the desert looking for artifacts? I’ll give you a hint.
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Who would willingly drive through a desert? I can think of two people...
Indiana Jones, a man who appears to be unafraid in the face of danger, has a fear that he just can’t seem to shake. What is it, you may ask? Snakes. Those slithery, scaled creatures scare Dr. Jones pretty badly.
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#1 Snake Hater. I heard he isn’t a fan of Taylor Swift’s music for this reason.
Liam, fellow bandmate in One Direction, tweeted about snakes back in September of 2013. This wasn’t a tweet of appreciation, but a tweet of warning. Was he really trying to warn fans about a snake habitat, or was he trying to warn Niall about his biggest fear?
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Not shown: Niall turning around and running for his dear life.
Niall Horan claims to be from Ireland, but he has proven over the years that he can master many accents. Here’s a clip of him speaking in an American accent:
A hard accent to master, the American accent comes a little too naturally to Niall.
Indiana Jones is American born, so perhaps Niall has truly been impersonating an Irish accent all these years to cover up the truth...
Even with all of these facts, there has been no confirmation by Niall or his representatives that he is actually Dr. Indiana Jones. We tried to reach out to him on twitter, but he blocked us... Awkward. 
Therefore, this mystery of Indiana Jones and Niall Horan remains
-The Expired Kiwi
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1dunsolved · 7 years
One Direction isn’t a band it’s a conspiracy theory
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1dunsolved · 7 years
The RoboHarry Conspiracy
At this point you have probably heard about the infamous HarrDuck conspiracy. The revelation shook the fandom, and today, I come to you with yet another conspiracy surrounding our quirky (quacky) young boybander.
Buckle up, friends, because this is going to be a bumpy ride.
Based upon the evidence we have compiled, we have come to the conclusion that the infamous HarrDuck has a robo double. I know, I know, it sounds odd at first, but take a look. 
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The resemblance here is uncanny. 
Obviously RoboHarry has had a bit more work done to perfect his appearance - some of which is CLEARLY depicted in Harry’s recent BTA film. 
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Ahh, the mask. They had us all believing that it was only to be used for a stunt double in a music video, when really, it was being used to update RoboHarry’s hardware. 
 But enough of that - we have hard facts to cover. Let’s begin. 
 Exhibit A: Our beloved “Harry” has regularly been seen out and about on coffee runs. And in the past, the cups he’s been spotted carrying have contained normal enough drinks - smoothies, iced tea, etc. He was even seen with the occasional frappucino.
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 However, in more recent photos, the only drink he’s been seen carrying is an ominous, dark liquid. 
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Now, some might say it’s just iced coffee, but a trained eye can obviously see that the liquid in these cups is, in fact, oil. I know, it sounds odd - but if you take a look at these photo of a similar type of oil, you can see how easy it would be to mistake it for iced coffee if it were poured into a cup over ice. 
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 There have even been instances in which “Harry” has been directly questioned about the liquid in his mug: 
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 Is it tea, though? Really? 
 Moving on. 
 Exhibit B: We all know the beloved LiLo water fights very well. It didn’t take long at all for them to become a staple in 1D’s onstage activity. But have you ever stopped to ask yourself why Harry would never take part in these playful water wars? I bet you haven’t. 
 Here, we can clearly see LiLo having a bit of carefree fun on several different occasions (no Harry in sight, of course). 
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And here, on one occasion, we have Louis tossing a bit of water in Harry’s direction, but seemingly hesitating at the last minute. 
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Why? The answer is simple: water would rust RoboHarry’s body and fry his circuit boards. And they couldn’t have that. 
 That brings me to Exhibit C: The regular glitches that RoboHarry seems to display, both in speech and functionality. I mean, the footage speaks for itself, really. 
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 And all of that aside, I’m sure you’ve all noticed that “Harry” will occasionally blurt something out that seemingly has no context at all; as he does here 
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 and here. 
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 Sometimes the boys will make light of it as an effort to cover up the glitches in RoboHarry’s speech components, and other times our quirky robot will fumble to make sense of what he’s just said. Either way, the fact remains that these are not the actions of a human being. 
 So, does HarrDuck truly have a robo double? However much evidence we think we have, there is no confirmation of this theory by Harry, his reps, or the Starbucks that serves him his “coffee”. We tried calling multiple times and they blocked our number… Awkward. 
 Therefore, this mystery of “RoboHarry” remains 
 -The Bitter Latte
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1dunsolved · 7 years
What a shame ... I was SO looking forward to your post!! ... but stopped reading at "rotten sack of tangerines." Hate is hate whether it's the nasty and pervasive fandom hate or political hate. Life's too short to deal with haters and negative people.
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This is the heart of a person who believes hate is hate.
As the disease corrupts the heart, they begin to believe that mocking violent, corrupt authorities is equivalent to the violence against Muslim, Black, LGBT+, immigrant, poor, and female populations that those same authorities commit. Tragically hideous.
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- The Mystery Gang.
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1dunsolved · 7 years
The Home Conspiracy.
A reoccurring theme in One Direction’s lyrics is the feeling of being home. Louis Tomlinson, on August 12, 2015, tweeted an emoji of a home. On October 21, 2015, the song “Home” was released as part of an EP on iTunes, separate from One Direction’s fifth album, Made In The AM.
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Was he hinting about the song to us? Well that’s what we here at 1DUNSOLVED are trying to find out.
Home. What do you think of when you hear this word? Do you think of your place of residence? Your family? Your loved ones? The town where you grew up? These can all be considered homes, but we have a different “HOMES” in mind.
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The United States, home to 321.4 million people. Also home to the rotten sack of tangerines they call their president.
The United States can be considered a home to the boys of One Direction, right? They toured there for many years and own houses in California, which they live in while they are visiting the United States. We aren’t thinking about California though. Look closely at the northern border between Canada and the United States:
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Here we can see The Great Lakes. The Great Lakes include: Lake Huron, Lake Ontario, Lake Michigan, Lake Erie, and Lake Superior. The first letter of each lake spells out: HOMES. Coincidence? I think not. As mentioned earlier, Louis wrote a song named "Home" which makes an obvious connection to the Great Lakes as previously described.
An amazing song written by an amazing boy sang by an amazing boyband. It’s amazing.
Louis Tomlinson is a fan of water. He has been spotted drinking it on numerous occasions, almost as if he needs it for survival.
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Louis drinking copious amounts of water. Who… or what… needs this much water on a daily basis?
Speaking of water, Louis has been known to get into water fights with bandmate, Liam Payne. Louis has also been seen retaliating against Liam’s advances with a water gun.
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Louis and Liam in a full on water battle.
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Louis preparing his water weapon during the battle.
Now that we’ve covered Louis’ fascination with water, let’s explore another topic. Wet Louis. Louis has been seen soaking wet on many occasions. Why is he wet? 
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Someone get this boy a towel.
Most people would believe that Louis is soaking wet due to rain, or perhaps a water fight with his BFF Liam. However, this is not the case. We have sufficient reasoning to believe that Louis emerged from the water. And not just any water; the Great Lakes. It can be concluded that Louis Tomlinson, member of the boyband One Direction, is actually a freshwater mermaid residing in the HOMES Lakes.
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Louis showing off his majestic blue tail fins. 
Looking at the lyrics of Home, this line looks rather suspicious:
“When you’re lost, I’ll find the way I’ll be your light”
Mermaids, the ones with the good intentions of course, are well known for aiding sailors when they are lost in the treacherous waters, often times saving their lives, as opposed to sirens, who seduce sailors to their death. We can’t deny that Louis may have seduced sailors in the past, but someone that adorable cannot be evil like that.
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Louis saving Prince Eric, who almost drowned in one of the Great Lakes.
In order to lead these sailors to safety, Louis needs to know his way around the waters. So he doesn’t get lost, he has a tattoo of a compass. One of the directions on the compass leads to HOME(S), AKA The Great Lakes.
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Even mermaids get lost sometimes.
In conclusion, there are two aquatic creatures in One Direction: HarrDuck and Mermaid Louis. But.. however much evidence we think we have, there is no confirmation of this theory by Louis or the school of fish we spotted in the water in which he frequents. We tried speaking FINglish but the fish weren’t willing to communicate back… Awkward.
Therefore, this mystery of “Home” and Mermaid Louis remains
-The Expired Kiwi
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1dunsolved · 7 years
Heyy MikeMatt... please bring back the bears..
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- The Mystery Gang.
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1dunsolved · 7 years
The Chonce Conspiracy.
On One Direction’s 4th album, Four, we were blessed once again by Ed Sheeran’s writing abilities with the song “18.” Ed Sheeran has helped One Direction with their albums in the past, credited with writing “Moments,” “Little Things,” “Over Again,” and “Summer Love.” “18″ is about being in love, starting from a young age. The song is truly beautiful, but there is something suspicious about it.
Niall Horan singing his part in “18.” Did he mess up on the lyrics, or was that intentional?
If you watch the video, you can clearly hear Niall sing the line “We took a chonce.” In the English language, the “a” in “chance” does not sound like an “o.” We tested this out with a text to speech generator, utilizing the Irish accent option. 
Moira, a very real person, proving that the Irish can still pronounce “chance” properly. She’s a very reliable source.
Due to this, we can confirm that “chonce” is it’s own word, not a variation of “chance.” We’ve never heard of this word before. Upon further Googling, we were unable to find anything. It can be deduced that this word did not exist before Niall Horan. So why did Niall make up this word? What does it actually mean? 
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We knew One Direction invented music, but when did they begin inventing words?
We feel the same way. What the fuck IS a chonce?
As we all know, triangles are infamous for being associated with the Illuminati. However, they are not the only shape associated with this organization. The pyramid eye can be seen on American currency, and guess what shape it is located inside? That’s right. A circle.
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A circle surrounding the Illuminati symbol. Circles represent perfection, totality, and timelessness, all qualities shown by the Illuminati.
The letter “O” is a circle. The word “chonce” has an “O” in it. That’s right guys… Niall is #IlluminatiConfirmed. Don’t act so shocked though, because we totally saw it coming. The One Direction star has shown his dedication to the Illuminati many times.
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Niall Horan has an eye. So does the Illuminati symbol. Also pictured: Niall making a public display of his involvement with a fashionable triangle crew neck sweatshirt. Notice the shades hiding his eye.
We here at 1DUnsolved have discovered even more evidence demonstrating Niall AND One Direction’s allegiance to the Illuminati. Let’s break things down:
Niall Horan. Chonce.
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Harry Styles, during a performance of “18,” sang, “I have loved you since we were 16.” Coincidence? I think not.
Harry Styles presenting on stage a shocking connection the number 16 while singing like an angel.
Do you remember that singing group No Doubt from the 90s? No? Alright well they have a song titled “Sixteen” on their album Tragic Kingdom. The lead singer of No Doubt was Gwen Stefani. Gwen Stefani has been photographed making an Illuminati hand gesture.
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Is your mind blown yet?
Notice the red nail polish and red lipstick? Well in One Direction’s song, “Night Changes,” one of the lyrics is “Going out tonight, changes into something RED.” The Illuminati has used the color red in the entertainment industry as a symbol to further their agenda. The most well known figure for this? The snake herself.
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Taylor Swift promoting her Illuminati album in her Illuminati dress.
This isn’t the only connection to Taylor Swift, however…
18. Four.
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Taylor Swift has a song called “22,” which shows blatant symbolism to the Illuminati through the use of triangles.
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TWO triangles. She’s really dedicated.
Harry, on February 1, 2016, tweeted this:
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Harry pledged his allegiance to the Illuminati as well through this tweet. Therefore it’s safe to assume that Narry (Niall Horan and Harry Styles) are indeed members of the Illuminati. 
However much evidence we think we have, there is no confirmation of this theory by Niall, Harry, or their reps. We tried calling multiple times and they blocked our number… Awkward.
Therefore, this mystery of “Chonce” and its connection to the Illuminati remains
-The Expired Kiwi
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1dunsolved · 7 years
Who runs this blog? 👀
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- The Mystery Gang.
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1dunsolved · 7 years
Great detective work on simple Simon A++
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- The Mystery Gang.
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1dunsolved · 7 years
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- The Mystery Gang.
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1dunsolved · 7 years
The Loutten Conspiracy.
You’ve all heard about HarrDuck, but have you taken the time to consider Loutten, AKA Louis the Kitten? This conspiracy might just be one of, if not, the most plausible conspiracy we’ve ever covered on this blog. Let’s get into it.
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Most widely popularized by James Corden of the Late Late show (seen above), the conspiracy that Louis Tomlinson is in fact a kitten began when James himself requested a member of One Direction to stand in as his Bond Villain cat. Who would he happen to chose? Without any hesitation? None other than Louis William Tomlinson. While this was a shock to some people, to see him so effortlessly “impersonate” a feline, this conspiracy actually has quite the background of substantial evidence, each piece of proof getting more and more convincing as we move along…
Proof #1: The scrunchy face
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Quite the resemblance for someone just “squinting”
The comparison between Louis Tomlinson in his natural state of joyful detestation and that of a cat in a similar state are eerily similar, right down to the whiskers. Does this mean that Louis has been a feline all along?
Proof #2: Sweaterpaws
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Sweaterpaws. PAWS. P A W S.
While many a human can control themselves when presented or robed in a baggy/oversized garment, it would appear that one Louis Tomlinson could not do the same. Is it because he’s youthful at heart? Or, more plausibly, because kittens love to paw at floppy fabrics/strings/knits/anything that dangles? 
Here’s where things get really real for this conspiracy…
Proof #3: Exclusive candid photo of HarrDuck and Loutten sharing a smooch
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Compared to a photoshopped picture of what “human” Louis and Harry would look like kissing, the resemblance? Uncanny.
This is one of the more startling pieces of evidence in favour of Loutten and HarrDuck. The fact that this piece of proof reflects consistency in both conspiracies is what truly makes this piece of evidence feel more meaningful and important. Still not convinced? Well…
Proof #4: Exclusive footage of other members of One Direction holding “unknown” kittens while Louis remains out of frame or “absent”
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Both Tabby cats…blue collars…seems…odd.
Sure, we can look at these pieces of evidence as mere oversights, maybe those are other kittens, they can’t possibly be Louis how absurd! …Or is it? In the first picture, Zayn Malik is pictured with an unidentified kitten. As we know, Louis and Zayn used to be particularly close (we’ve all seen the “joint lit, happy days” leaked footage) so it wouldn’t be out of character for them to have been hanging out outside of work-related obligations. “Human” Louis has no alibi to explain his whereabouts at the time of the picture, which only further pushes the idea that Louis is that kitten.
The second piece with band member Liam Payne seems to come with an alibi, Louis was also on stage at this point (just out of frame of this gif) however because Jimmy Kimmel is pre-recorded who knows what kind of editing techniques could’ve been used here. The fact that there’s exclusive cutting and quick camera work when we get a full picture of all the boys leads us here at 1Dunsolved to believe the “porno background” Harry spoke of was more than likely a green screen to allow a projection of “human” Louis while kitten Louis was cradled in a teacup.
This brings us to our most relevant and shocking piece of evidence. If you weren’t convinced yet, this HAS to do the trick…!
Proof #5: Even Google believes Louis is a kitten
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In this case, 2+2=4
So what is the truth? Will we ever know? If this is true, what does this mean for Louis’ future solo career? With 2/4 members potentially existing as human/animal hybrids of sorts, what does the future look like for One Direction? However much evidence we think we have, there is no confirmation of this theory by Louis or his reps. We tried calling multiple times and they blocked our number… Awkward.
Therefore, this mystery of “The Loutten” remains
-The First Ghost
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1dunsolved · 7 years
Is niall a bread ? And if yes, what kind of bread ?
Irish soda bread.
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- The Mystery Gang.
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