3waycrash · 8 years
Crash’s Favorite Albums of 2016
10. Like Torches – Shelter
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For me, finding new bands or artists to listen to comes through connections with current bands I already know and enjoy. I find myself frequently browsing lists titled “Bands Similar to ____” or checking out recommendations from people that like similar music. Like Torches are a pop punk band I found through their involvement with one of my favorite bands, Yellowcard in touring. I learned they had just released a new album, and that it was produced by two of Yellowcard’s members. That was reason enough to give it a listen. What I found was a youthful, but mature album from a fairly new pop punk band. Does Shelter challenge the genre or bring anything new to the table? No, not necessarily, but there’s a sense of confidence felt in the record. From song to song, the lyrics, vocals, and instrumentation, it’s all done so well. It’s easily catchy and punchy, and an album’s worth of songs that are memorable. Shelter is a solid album and contender with other bands in the pop punk genre today, and hopefully a sign of more great things to come from a promising band.
9. Paper Route – Real Emotion 
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This was one that nearly went under my radar seeing as I had almost completely forgotten about this band. I hadn’t forgotten theme for any bad reason, in fact I remember I quite enjoyed their 2009 debut album. For whatever reason I had stopped following the band and completely missed that they had even released an album in 2012. I had no idea that they were still around! Fortunately I was reminded by a friend about the band, and that they had a new album coming out. I share this small story to illustrate that often there are hidden gems that sneak by unnoticed, and Paper Route’s Real Emotion is one of those. Paper Route are a relatively lesser-known band, but listening to them you’d wonder why. Real Emotion is filled with big songs with a variety of electronic-tinged indie rock. There are catchy moments where you’ll be tapping your foot along to, moments where the band rocks out, and moments that are dreamy and atmospheric. Even lead singer, JT Daly, has a nice range to his voice as he sings comfortably and also wails in his falsetto when needed. It’s a well-crafted album that sadly will go under most people’s radars, but anyone that finds it will find a fantastic gem.
8. Weezer – The White Album
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For some bands their prime seems to pass by much too soon. This seemed to be the case for Weezer, who despite releasing a well-received debut were subject to harsh criticism for their follow-up album. While it’s now recognized as an influential album and one of the band’s best, Weezer have never been able to quite get back on track since then. The backlash seemed to cause a rift in Weezer resulting in some subpar albums in the following years. Good songs here and there, but never an album that felt like their original work. Many fans wondered if we’d ever get that old Weezer back. Finally after twenty years, Weezer have seemingly returned.The White Albumrecaptures the essence of Weezer in their prime and feels like the proper sequel to their music in the 90’s. While past efforts tried to recreate The Blue Album or Pinkerton, it sounded forced at moments. Fortunately this sounds natural for the band and ripped straight from their heyday. It’s nerdy, quirky, and even seemingly nonsensical and childish at times, but it’s Weezer back doing what they do. Rivers Cuomo says it himself when he sings, “We had to do it wrong before we could do it right.“The White Album is fun and the perfect soundtrack for carefree summer days or any fun time really.
7. Hammock – Everything and Nothing 
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It’s wonderful to think about the incredible ability music has to transport the listener to new or even familiar places. The list of where music can take you and the emotions you can experience is seemingly endless. It all largely depends on the creativity of the musical artist and their execution of their ideas to their work, but when it’s done right, it’s really something magical. This may sound like a strange compliment, but Everything and Nothing is the perfect music to fall asleep to, and I mean that in the best way I can. Musical duo, Hammock blend post-rock and shoegaze music to craft a very atmospheric and ambient sound. The compositions feel hazy with gentle guitars, echoing vocals, fuzzy distortion, and more to create clouds of sound to float away on. The pace of everything is generally slower, never demanding to grab your attention; rather the minimal, but full sounds slowly lulls you in. Much like falling asleep, Everything and Nothing carries the listener and drifts with a stillness, easing into colorful, dream-like landscapes. There’s a peace and serenity to it, and it’s an uplifting and aurally beautiful experience. 
6. Explosions in the Sky – The Wilderness 
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Progress is something most people seek out in life. There are moments where one may reach comfortable complacency, but eventually something comes along compelling them for further growth. Everyone has those moments in life where they have that desire and motivation to explore new terrains and frontiers in life. Post-rock band, Explosions in the Sky seemed to have followed a similar trend. Throughout their career they’ve released a fair amount of music from albums to soundtracks for films. Early on they were recognized for being able to create emotional and expansive soundscapes with their instrumental music; however, with each new release there grew a stagnant feeling. The music was never bad, but often it’d just be retreads of what the band had already done. Evidently they got the memo, and with The Wilderness, Explosions in the Sky explore a new and refreshing sound. In the past, songs were reliant on taking time to build up to enormous crescendos. The soft-to-loud formula became such a staple it was to be expected and felt tired and old. Here rather than building up within 10-minute long songs, Explosions trim things down for shorter, more concise songs. They get to the point fairly quickly, but still allow for moments to let the music wander. Along with this there are also subtle electronic touches like distorted drums, beats, and sounds to help add to the mix. It’s a welcomed change of sound for the band, and hopefully a sign for more development and growth. Initially it may not be immediately impressive, but give it time to grow. Allow for repeated listens as The Wilderness contains beautiful tones and thought-provoking instrumental music.
5. Jimmy Eat World – Integrity Blues
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There’s a familiar adage that goes something like, “Nothing is as constant as change.” In life we are constantly exposed to changes. Whether large changes that affect us greatly or small changes that we may sometimes not even recognize, we are constantly changing. Sometimes we’re able to choose these major changes in our lives, and other times we aren’t, only how we react to them. Dealing with change is a large focus and theme of Integrity Blues. Jimmy Eat World are no strangers to creating impactful music, having a strong catalogue already under their belt.  Throughout their career they’ve written songs that felt ripe for those defining moments in life, snapshots of those personal and intimate emotions. Aside from writing catchy and engaging songs, a great strength of theirs is having simple, but meaningful lyrics. Singer, Jim Adkins is able to deliver them with such a sense of honesty and earnestness that they can’t help but feel important and meaningful.
If you keep going on like this / I'll be one more thing for you to miss
When you pull away, I say it matters / With a quiet face, I break, I shatter
Got a picture of the look when I knew I'd lost you
Keep in mind, there's a big, big difference / Between letting go and running away
Even with their ninth album Jimmy Eat World sound as fresh as ever. Perhaps it’s this integrity that the band have been able to maintain (for the most part) that strengthens Integrity Blues. In life we’ll always experience changes, ones that will challenge us. What’s important is how we react and choose to act despite them. Will we allow ourselves to break, or will we rise above? While we can’t always choose the circumstances that life brings us, we can choose how we act.
It's all what you do / When no one is there / It's all what you do / When no one cares
4. Thrice – To Be Everywhere Is To Be Nowhere 
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Certain music just clicks for certain people. For me Thrice was one of those bands I became engrossed with while I was in my teens. I found myself growing fond of the songwriting style of lead man, Dustin Kensrue, and I appreciated the band’s creativity put into their music. I enjoyed analyzing each song, and learning the details and concepts behind the songs’ meanings. Unfortunately I only started listening to them later in their career, and was sad to see them go on a hiatus in 2012 unsure when they would reform. Like many I was pleased to hear of their return in 2015 and a new album to be released in 2016. To Be Everywhere Is To Be Nowhere is a consistently strong album brim with energy that shows that Thrice haven't lost their steam. Overall the whole band sounds as great as ever with production that brings out the best of each band member. The music still has heft and vigor, and Kensrue’s gruff vocals carry strong with each song. The songwriting is also still top notch with Kensrue's great penmanship present in lyrics and themes that are very aware and relevant to the modern world. Thrice have been one of the more influential bands not just for me, but also other bands, and it's great to have such an impactful force back. Comebacks are not always a sure or certain thing, but To Be Everywhere Is To Be Nowhere has Thrice right back at it again.
3. The Dear Hunter – Act V: Hymns With the Devil in Confessional 
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In 2015, Casey Crescenzo surprised fans when he announced his musical outfit, The Dear Hunter would be releasing the long-awaited fourth part in its six-part series of albums. Act IV was rich in its sound blending orchestrated pieces and prog rock, and was one of the most notable albums of that year. Perhaps Crescenzo surprised fans even more so when he announced that Act V was written and recorded in the same time frame as Act IV, and would be released in late 2016, just a year later from Act IV. Fortunately this means that this album is just as full in its sound, and is every bit grand in its scope. At times it’s a sound more fit for a symphonic performance than a rock show, but that makes this a stunning piece of work to listen to. There is quite a variety of styles displayed from the guitar-driven rock sections to lush strings, jazzy horns, gently-picked acoustic guitars, and more. There are plenty of beautiful and jaw-dropping moments throughout Act V, with gorgeous instrumentation and soaring vocals. Prior to its release, Crescenzo stated that this would be the “final ‘rock’ record in the Act series.” As to what that exactly means, we don’t quite know, but the band goes out with a bang. From the narrative told, to the music, there’s a sense of climax as it’s all pushed forward. What remains for the final part is unknown, but with Act V Crescenzo continues to prove that he is one of the most creative and ambitious musical forces in modern music.
2. Bon Iver – 22, A Million 
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Creativity can take one to unexpected directions. For Justin Vernon, his musical project, Bon Iver, began with the loneliness and heartache recorded during his stay alone in a log cabin in the dead of winter. It was bare and more or less just him, his guitar, and a few other instruments. From there he grew and recorded a new album with a layered and fleshed out sound that felt like the thawing of winter into spring. Now with his third offering he brings a distinctly new sound. 22, A Million is quite an experimental evolution for Bon Iver that pushes the project’s musical boundaries. Here Vernon dabbles with electronic influences which was something that he only lightly touched on in the past. Distorted and altered vocals, glitchy effects, stream-of-the-consciousness lyrics, weird symbolic song titles. It all seems very different and maybe even off-putting. While it’s unlike anything Vernon has previously done, this is distinctly a Bon Iver album possessing many of the familiar traits of his music. There was a certain warmth present in his music even at its coldest and loneliest, and it’s the same here. Within and underneath the strange there is something to find. It may sound computer-like and robotic, but there is still that feeling of human emotion. Even with unfamiliar sounds and cryptic lyrics he is able to convey such emotion in his music alone. With these new sounds Vernon was able to craft fascinating new canvases for his songs that no one would have ever imagined he’d create in his early days; probably not even him. It’s different, it’s unique, but it’s an unearthly beauty unlike anything I’ve ever heard.
1. Yellowcard – Yellowcard 
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If you know me this should come as no surprise. Let me just make it clear: Yellowcard is one of my favorite bands, if not my favorite. They have been a very impactful part of my life in very crucial moments, and like many I was saddened when they announced that this self-titled album would be their last. I of course looked forward to it with anticipation, but also with fear knowing it’d be their last. Questions arose in my mind: What will it sound like? What if I don’t like it? What if it’s not as good as I hope? How are they properly going to end things off? Or will they? Having now listened to the album numerous of times, I can safely lay aside those fears and questions I had. As a self-titled and final album, Yellowcard is a definitive statement for everything the band has stood for throughout these years, and the perfect swan song to cap off Yellowcard's career.
Themes of heartbreak, grief in losing a loved one, pain in past failures and regrets, letting go and moving on, hope in brighter futures, staying strong, and more are all prevalent. The band addresses moving forward and progressing. If anything, resolution seems to be a central theme, tying up loose ends and leaving things on a good note. Musically it strays from the band's more pop punk roots, but it feels confident in its sound and direction. From upbeat songs with guitars and violin (something signature to the band), to slower paced songs with piano, to softer more subdued songs with acoustic guitars. It sounds and feels like the album that they wanted to make knowing this would be their closing statement.
It’s hard to basically say goodbye to such an important part of your life, but Ryan Key addresses this as he sings “I won’t be with you, but I won’t be far away.” While this is a farewell, Yellowcard’s music will always be there. Yellowcard has a sense of finality and closure, and while it's bittersweet, it's a satisfying last chapter in their book. As the album comes to a close, Key sings, “I don't have much that I can give to you” and I can’t help but smile with a tear, and think of the first line from the first song on the record as my reply. To this album, to all their music throughout the years, and to Yellowcard the band, I say, “It was the best you could be for me.”
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3waycrash · 8 years
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Profile picture vs. tagged photo
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3waycrash · 8 years
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By  @mabuta_1
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3waycrash · 8 years
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Hehehe… hi! 
ルカイト by 草野。
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3waycrash · 8 years
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Zorua Animated Magnet Card!
a mischievous pokemon, Zorua gets away with crime by constantly shifting shapes and evading its foes.
check out this card and my animated Gengar card in my store!
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3waycrash · 8 years
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Inktober #14 Lucario!
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3waycrash · 8 years
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3waycrash · 8 years
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3waycrash · 8 years
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#vaporeon #eevee #eeveelution #pokemon #pokemongo #copicmarkers #blue
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3waycrash · 8 years
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Zootopia Graphic Novel was finally released! I did interior art of the six short comics in this book. It was a blessed time in the wonderful work on exciting project!
The only thing that was unfortunate was that paper quality is newspaper level. Some pages are illegible to the grainy. I wanted you to read  with high-quality.
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3waycrash · 8 years
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3waycrash · 8 years
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Cute socks!!  
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3waycrash · 8 years
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Hale [Lucario] - Pokemon by ShortConcepts
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3waycrash · 8 years
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Day 7: My fav Eeveelution Leafeon used to be my favorite before I saw Sylveon.
Day 6 <—> Day 8, 9, and 10
BTW, you can purchase the original drawing here ;3 See tomorrow’s Inktober today, buy pledging to me here for as little as $1
Please don’t repost, only reblog. Thank you :)
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3waycrash · 8 years
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My illustration of Nick Wilde from Disney’s Zootopia!! :D
I hope you like it!!!
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3waycrash · 8 years
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