5t4r1i9ht · 2 months
I think that so many people get scared that they spotted team rocket’s Jessie near Delia’s house that she had to put up signs around her house probably with a picture of Jessie and the words “not dangerous “ under it
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thank you for putting the funniest possible image in my head
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5t4r1i9ht · 2 months
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Ima tell my kids this was the last supper.
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5t4r1i9ht · 2 months
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5t4r1i9ht · 3 months
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I've moved for place to place trying to find a place that truly enchants me, I get word of Romania a beautiful country known for its castles and landscapes after studying the language for a while only to get partially fluent I decide it's time to move out, I've enjoyed Florida with the warmth and it's beaches but it truly isn't for me. Grabbing my leather Swiss army bag and a duffle bag and a pack pack I set out. I get on a train heading to Vâlvea County, on this trip I take out my laptop and begin to message the person I plan to stay with for the first few months till I get on my feet, he was the reason I planned to move to Romania anyways. He and I have been friends since I was little, we met at my middle school both of us were Cuban and we bonded over our interests in art. 'Andrew' though my nickname for him was 'Scot' somehow and he called me 'Nyx' I've always been enthralled by the stars and night sky.
"Hey how many more hours do you have till your here" -'Scotty <3'
"About and hour and 30 mins now"-'Nyxxypoo'
"I know your..different but some of the stuff here is intense, you won't be able to leave after coming here Nyx. It's your decision but I want you to be sure.- 'Scotty <3'
"I'm certain Scot, don't worry about me remember I may be older now but I'm just as skilled or more!"-'Nyxxypoo'
"I know I know, I'll see you soon<3"-'Scotty <3'
I smile and prepare some designs of jewelry I'd like to make before arriving at the village, a piece of amber that has a fly infused in it  is what I hope to be my first finished project after moving in.
-Time skip-
I got off the train, Scot said he'd be here soon to pick me up. When a Dacia 1300 pulled up that was purple with pale green accents I knew it was him "Hop in loser I got a lot to tell you" I roll my eyes putting my bags in the trunk and pulling out an Amethyst necklace that I made for him. I go to the front seat accidentally slamming the door warning me a glare from Scot, I pull out the necklace smiling oddly making his glare soften. Taking it from my calloused hands he smiles softly "thank you Nyx" I smile proudly seeing it fit his vibe. Off we go, he began to ramble about the village I signed myself off for, cold, a god? That's a woman? 4 lords?, huh? I blanked out a bit and after dumping enough information to fit inside the sun he turns to me "did you get that?" I nod awkwardly 'no' he sighs "you'll see anyways it should be fine." Now that concerned me. I raise an eyebrow "we're hereeeee!" He bursts out with a grin. I sigh opening my sides door and walking to the open trunk taking out my bags we head to the door as he fumbles with his keys. "I split the garage in half so now you'll be able to do your stuff and I'll do mine. you can put your stuff here" he motions to the now open side of the door. 
This is real.
And definitely happening.
I need a drink.
This is my first time making a comic like this so I apologize for the messiness but I added the fic I based it on, it is my work so there’s no need to tag another creator but I do hope you enjoy this silly comic I plan on posting more here, I just got over a years worth art block so I hope it’s no problem. Eventually I’ll move to digital media but my drawing tablets cable broke so I need to wait to buy a replacement ❤️
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5t4r1i9ht · 3 months
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Girlboss and malewife
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5t4r1i9ht · 3 months
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attempt to return to normalcy
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5t4r1i9ht · 4 months
Anonymous: Hello!! Can I request the Dimetrescu’s? Y/N being extremely possessive :) Like so possessive to the point that if any of the maids even glanced at them with any sort of intention Y/N just goes fucking apeshit? Better yet, Heisenberg says something at a meeting (or whatever they do) about the dimetrescu’s and Y/N Legit threatens him? Lmao, I just see it being a funny concept of Y/N having the personality of a feral dog and the ladies are just: “Awe, they’re so adorable 🥰🥰🥰”
Yeah! Feral Y/N is a funny idea. I’ve definitely gotten into a few physical fights defending girlfriends (And being jealous) before. I got this. I went in a more protective direction for some, though. Let’s get into it!
Alcina is quite possessive of you, that’s for sure. However, what she doesn’t know is that you are also very possessive of her.
When Alcina has to go to family meetings, she occasionally takes you along.
One time, Karl was starting his usual insults and ragging on Alcina, but you weren’t having it.
You marched straight over to him and got up in his face. “You got a problem with my girl, Karl?” You ask, pissed.
Karl was surprised to see you getting so angry at him. He thought you two were good friends.
“Well, I was just-” Karl begins.
“You were just what, huh?” You say pushing him pretty hard.
Karl was caught off guard and fell on his ass from you shoving him.
You stand over him and hold him down with your foot on his chest. “Are we gonna have any more problems, Karl? I think you should apologize to Alcina, now.” You tell him and grind your foot harder on his chest.
Karl coughs and splutters from the weight of your foot on him, but manages to wheeze out “Sorry!”
You’re satisfied and take your foot off his chest. “Great!” You say and happily go back to snuggle with Alcina.
Alcina is blushing like mad and feels a little bit aroused from your display. She’ll make sure to “Thank you” later.
You and Bela enjoy going for walks around the village. It’s usually peaceful, but sometimes villagers approach to insult Bela and blame the Lords for all of the problems in the village.
Bela is incredibly upset when this happens. She’s unsure of what to do, but you have no problem standing up for her.
On one walk, a villager sneers at you and Bela and starts spouting vitriol. Bela begins to shut down. You’re pissed.
“Hey, why don’t you look in the fucking mirror and realize that your life sucks because of you. Quit blaming others for your problems, idiot!” You yell and protectively push Bela behind you.
The villager is livid and comes over to sock you in the face. You beat him to it. You punch the ever loving shit out of him and he goes falling over, yelping in pain.
“Try it again, asshole!” You scream and lean over him.
Bela, sensing that you’re getting even angrier, frantically tugs you away and guides you back to the castle.
Once you two are a safe distance away, you turn to Bela. “Are you okay? He didn’t hurt you, did he?”
Bela giggles and cups your face with her hands. “I’m fine, Y/N. But it is nice to know that I have my own bodyguard now.” She says and kisses you.
You’d be her bodyguard anytime. You love her so much.
Cass hates when she has to meet with prospective clients for the wine business. Typically, this is Bela’s job, but her older sister is helping Alcina with something else today so here she is.
The only upside is that you’re here with her. As you two wait for the client, she talks to you and gives you little pecks on the cheek. It’s nice.
When the client does show up, 15 minutes late, Cass adopts an air of professionalism (Which is kinda hot to see) and welcomes the sleazy guy in.
You don’t like the way he’s looking at Cass and you shoot daggers at him the whole time.
Towards the end of the meeting, it’s clear the guy doesn’t want to do business but rather wants to take Cass on a date.
“I’d be honored if you would join me for dinner tonight.” He tells her. Cass just scoffs, but you see red.
“Actually, she’s taken, buddy.” You say standing up and escorting the guy out.
“Thanks for wasting our time today. Don’t ever come back or we’re gonna have a problem, understand?” You threaten and literally push him out the door. The guy looks like a deer in headlights as you close the door in his face.
You turn to Cass… Who looks really turned on.
“Bedroom… Now.” She says, breathing heavily.
Hell yeah, this day isn’t turning out to be bad at all.
Dani is so sweet. Sometimes, she has difficulty standing up for herself. That’s why it’s good she has you.
Certain maids, who have been employed at the castle for a while, feel that they shouldn’t have to do as much for Dani because she always “Makes the worst messes”. However, they’re often pretty rude about it.
One morning, Dani comes across a maid that she has known for years. You just happen to be with her.
“Hello, Ingrid! Would you mind changing the sheets on my bed and just straightening up my room a bit? I’d really appreciate it!” She says in her usual cheery voice.
Ingrid just rolls her eyes and huffs. “You know, Lady Daniela, it might be good for you to start doing your own chores for once. Either way, I don’t have time today.” She says and walks off with a grunt.
Dani is close to tears at the rude way Ingrid just spoke to her. That makes you extremely angry.
“Hey, Ingrid. Come back over here.” You order between clenched teeth.
The maid groans and walks back over. “What?” She spits.
“I don’t know who the hell you think you are, but you’re employed in the castle as a maid. In fact, you are assigned to Daniela personally, right? So why don’t you suck it up and go do your job before I report you to the Countess for insubordination. Got it?” You seethe.
At the mention of Alcina, the maid stands up straight and nods her head before hurrying to clean Daniela’s room.
You roll your eyes at the little chicken shit, but Dani tackles you and covers your face in kisses.
“My hero!” Dani exclaims. You’re happy you were able to help.
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5t4r1i9ht · 4 months
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I forgot to post these lmao
Mlp as wof dragons!!!!
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5t4r1i9ht · 4 months
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5t4r1i9ht · 11 months
Alcina's New Maid | Lady Dimitrescu x Reader
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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
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5t4r1i9ht · 11 months
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5t4r1i9ht · 11 months
Simili - Prologue
Professor!Agatha Harkness/Student!Female Reader
Fanfic Chapter List
Summary: A series of murders start to scare the small town of Westview when young university students turn up dead on campus, soon Y/N seems to be connected to the victims somehow. Daterminated to find the author of these atrocities, she can trust no one, not her family, friends, and even less the local police, except the only person really willing to help her, the professor Agatha.
Warnings: Blood, emotional pain, a bit dark compared to what I usual write
Word count: +1900
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"My childish and watery eyes struggle to not shed any more tears, they have told me to shut up, depriving me of the first instinct, of pain, of being able to feel and manifest it as a normal child. At this point sounds like a privilege, which this, despite all the privileges life has afforded me, I don't have. Facing the reflection of the bathroom mirror I sigh, face flushed and sore, all I can do is wipe away the tears with the back of the hand. Pull myself together, that's what we do..." 
The beams of light are sneaky, walking slowly through the gaps in the heavy doors as the sun rises and perches majestically in the sky. Beating against the young faces that cross the campus, walking fast to escape the heat or late for the next class. Everyone seems to be in a hurry, stressed as they stand with energy drinks or disposable coffee cups, sometimes aspirin. The light also hits inside the buildings, reflecting in the large windows and reaching the cold floors of the halls, mimicking the shapes of the windows, small dust floating in the glow. That's what Y/N focuses on, eyes focused on the tiny particles, struggling to get away from the foolish conversation of her friends, better, classmates who are almost friends, all sitting at the end of the east side hallway. Not that they were boring or uninteresting, just the opposite, each one has peculiarities, talents and intelligence that made them well-known personalities at Westview University. All have something to stand out in a group so distinguished. PhD in astrophysics, two club presidents, one of the top student program interns and then her. There is nothing she stands out in academically, her grades are good, above average and she is enrolled in extra classes, but still no trophies on the dormitory shelves, no certificates signed by the dean and even less honorable mentions at events. It's as if the gold stars have adopted her as part of them.That smallest little star behind all the others.  
"A coin for your thoughts." Wanda whispers, leaning in close to her. 
"Oh..." in a jolt she breaks out of the trance, turning to find the four of them staring at her in confusion "I'm not thinking about anything important, just a exam this week. We have only two weeks and the new teacher is already going to administer one."  
"Let's pretend that you don't already know all the questions, I'm sure you'll get a new maximum. Again." Monica shrugged and went back to talking about something with Jimmy, both law students and members of the same club. 
"She's being a little salty because they lost the debate last weekend." was the first time Darcy spoke up after minutes of conversation, just so distracted as she was in her thick books "Maybe it's the new class you're worried about? Mythology, right? Cosmogony or origin?"  
"Cosmogony, it complements the other classes. And it's easier." 
The brunette laughs and nods negatively, turning to the book without giving further explanation, only to be stared at until she feels uncomfortable enough to say something more 
"The teacher is a executioner. I've thought about signing up for extra credit, good thing I attended a class before that, the content is great, but she's strict and even the brightest are having some trouble keeping up. They say that someone has already fainted in class from being so nervous," she relates the last part in a whisper, not doubting the veracity of the event after witnessing an entire class "You're getting into a jam."  
"We're getting in a jam!" Wanda lets out a yelp and straightens her posture, staring at Y/N in disbelief "You! You talked me into this class, I'm screwed, I don't know how to handle pressure well..." her eyes widen and she starts rambling on about how they could get rid of these extra classes.  
"I'm sorry." is all the youth can say, receiving a sympathetic look from Lewis, for the situation and also for what she will face in the semester that had just started. 
After a few long and torturous minutes Wanda is finally calmed down and soon forgets the subject when asked about her next project, starting to talk fervently about the script, costumes and all the inspirations. Monica and Jimmy continue on their own business, trying to come to a consensus about something, Darcy pretends to pay attention to the friend, a podcast playing in her headset at full volume, while Y/N tries to really pay attention. It's the least she can do after getting her into a university jam. The mythology class was chosen precisely for ease and practicality, for being complementary she swore it would be the piece of cake. And her friend joined the idea to complement the grade. And now they both might be screwed in the hands of a executioner teacher who managed to scare away even Darcy Lewis, one of the most intelligent and persistent people she has ever met, this is a very bad sign. The only bright side is that the two will face this together. 
"Have you ever watched “The Truman Show”? It's my biggest inspiration for this play, but instead of not knowing the protagonist will be super-aware about everything that happens..." she rambles on barely noticing the commotion of students running through the halls towards one of the exits of the building, the back one that leads to a garden, an area almost abandoned because it's far away from the others.  
"What the hell..." Darcy whispers getting up, trying to follow what happens with eyes, unsuccessfully as soon a small group comes together limiting the view.  
"Let's see what happens, the last time a group got together like this was when two professors had a fight in the yard." Monica says already gathering her things, she runs into the crowd as she zips up the backpack, then looks back facing her friends "Let's go before we lose the gossip. Sounds like a big one." 
Jimmy follows her, running side by side, Wanda is the next to join in, perhaps it was one of those scandals so big and/or complex that it could use and cause a commotion, either in the faculty or audience. The brunette helps Y/N to get up and together they walk nonchalantly, a background of curiosity leading them to the others, but they don't usually show it as much as their friends. Darcy slips the arm around Y/N's waist as they walk past the riot so they don't lose each other, soft fingers gripping the skin under the thin blouse, which causes shivers and makes her feel warm, completely awkward to the touch. Some guys from the football team push everyone around trying to squeeze in to see, at the same time a group of freshmen run in the opposite direction, indecipherable expressions on their faces, something close to fear or disgust, maybe a mixture of both. A girl crashes into one of the players and falls at the feet of the two university girls, she tries to get up, but before being able to, the body betrays her and soon the entire contents of the breakfast are on the floor. Y/N's eyes widen and she takes a step backwards in pure shock, behind the new girl other students fall. 
Everything happens so fast to assimilate even though the images form in slow motion in her attentive eyes, a space opens up between the crowd like the sea opened up and all she finds is red. Red... in the green of the freshly cut grass... in the gray of the perfectly carved marble of the fountain in the center of the garden. The poet, that woman created by human hands and who gives life to the majestic decoration, holds a book in one hand while the other holds a jug where the water flows, filling and entering every space with the limpid liquidity, which beats against the structure and can be heard even amidst the confusion. Murmurs that slowly become desperate cries when witnessing such a scene, the clear flowing water is equally red to the fat drops that drip from the head of the man resting on the poet's lap, similar to a painting in which two lovers share an artistically intimate moment. If it weren't for the blood and the visible wound anyone could tell that he, with closed eyes and neutral expression, even though wearing an expensive suit, is deeply asleep. The sun beats against the aged face and she is sure that she knows him, her gaze narrows in the direction of the scene, steps guide her closer without even realizing it and she ignores Darcy's calls to come back, as well as the curious friends and the other students on the way. Next thing she knows she is just a few feet from the fountain, the red water almost reaching over the rounded edges and falling to her shoes. It doesn't matter, not now.  
The chancellor of the university... is dead. 
Jareth Redd is dead. 
She resists the urge to touch him or pinch herself just to verify that it's nothing but a dream, imagining that she might have fallen asleep between Wanda's speech about costumes, head lying on Darcy's shoulder, passed out deeply into another dream she would never in life dare tell anyone about. Her hands tremble in nervousness and eyes turn opaque as she realizes that above the tall man's lifeless body is something rectangular, thin and patterned. A traditional tarot card, the king sitting on a throne, a raised sword in hand. Justice.   
Y/N knows what no one else knows and for a millisecond she has to control herself not to show any emotions, compressing lips in an attempt, avoiding a small smile to form. 
At the same moment a loud, shrill and primal noise is heard, someone screaming at the top of thei lungs expressing the most genuine pain and shock. When turn around she finds a middle-aged woman kneeling on the grass, wearing dark clothes in shades of purple and black, her dark hair a mess and blue eyes filled with tears that soon run down the pale face behind thick glasses. She has never seen her before, but she is sure that was someone close to him, because among dozens of people she is the only one to show any kind of reaction other than fear or disgust at the sight of horror. And when the woman's throat dries up there is no more voice for screams, her pain becomes muted, visually excruciating. Without a second thought the girl takes a tissue from her purse and approaches, extending the cloth in hand to the woman.  
"Ma'am..." she whispers trying to get her attention, who lifts her tearful gaze staring deep into the soul. 
And before she can realize Y/N is in the arms of the unknown woman, in a tight embrace, nails digging in her back, face hidden against neck, hot tears wetting skin and the collar of the t-shirt, loud sobs, low cries and many whispers denying to herself what she has just seen. Although she can't sympathize with the pain, the student hugs her back. Her fingers enter the dark brown hair and they hold each other even tighter, soon she is crying together. For a completely different reason. At least there would be someone to cry and mourn Jareth Redd's death, more than that bastard really deserved.  
"He's gone..." 
taglist: @tryingmybest233333 @wastdstime @scarr0713 @dvrkhcld @heidss @xvyzxx @minszhuo @quailbagutte @imaginesmultifandoms @ctrlamira @milffilm @taurus-baby-34 @Starbucks-06 @Willow_Nox @grandtacoranchnickel @multifandomlesbianic @louderfortheback
Join my taglist here ^^
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5t4r1i9ht · 11 months
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me n the boys
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5t4r1i9ht · 1 year
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Lady Dimitrescu x maid office AU
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5t4r1i9ht · 1 year
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I entered this for an art competition 😎
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5t4r1i9ht · 2 years
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This is some of my art ^^
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