6teen-as-max · 4 years
When you see this message, you are lucky to have a famous glasses holiday promotion for as little as $24.99.
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6teen-as-max · 4 years
Ray Ban glasses 90%off will only need $24.99 and will donate $2.40 to COVID-19 epidemic prevention department.
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6teen-as-max · 4 years
Ray Ban glasses 90%off will only need $24.99 and will donate $2.40 to COVID-19 epidemic prevention department.
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6teen-as-max · 4 years
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6teen-as-max · 11 years
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6teen-as-max · 11 years
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6teen-as-max · 11 years
April 17th, 2013
Finally I "Come out" with my father, I feel so great, and he acepted me and said that he loves me. Thanks dad I love you. If someone sees this, and want to come out with his parents and don't know how, he can ask me, it will be our secret... well, I don't think that anybody see my diary...
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6teen-as-max · 11 years
April 16th, 2013
my morning started with a fight, mi father was still fucking me up about the cellphone, and that was when i was drinkin the tea from my breakfast, whe he was talking, I stoped him and told him that he was being like a child, and he have to stop, then I took my backpack and i went out from my house to the school.
In the school I cried all the classes, and in the last one, i was going to mi chair, and Philip said to me "when you are here, you mess up the crew", and nobody said nothing to him, and again, I took my things and went to another place, after that, i took my bottle of water, went to bathroom and started to cry. In all the day that I was crying, any of my friends went to calm me down, the only thing they saud was from Philip in the third period, that he asked me if something was wrong. 
In the evening after school I met with a boy called Aldo, and I fucked him really hard in the bethrooms from a shopping center.
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6teen-as-max · 11 years
April 15th, 2013
Today was an awful day, I was on the bus with some friends, and suddenly a man came took my new cellphone and five seconds later he was like 10 meters away. My father screamed so much when I told him that and then he punished me and say a lot of stupid things and I was like god please stop. Philip was there and he said that he had to go out now or he was going to punch my father or something, so he went to his house. John and Clarissa stayed with me on my house.
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6teen-as-max · 11 years
April 13th, 2013
Today I went to the mall with my friend Jonah. It was late and we started to kiss each other. I think that now he is my "just friends" haha, well Philip was my just friend in the past, but now I think that Johna will be.
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6teen-as-max · 11 years
April 9th, 2013
Today was my birthday and my fathers met Jhon, my mother thinks that he is a good boy.
My friends in school sing to me happy birthday and they came with a brownie with a lighter on the centre.
It was a happy day.
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6teen-as-max · 11 years
April 8th, 2013
Tomorrow is my birthday. And yesterday I went with my parents to buy my gift, I bought a new cellphone, the Samgung Galaxy S3 mini. Is totally perfect, is so cute and is full of things that are just "wow".
Today I feel perfect, excepting when my father found my condoms and a sleep pill on my wallet, at least he doesn't know that is a sleep pill, he think that is a pill for headache.
I hope that tomorrow will be perfect, my only preocupation is go to school and find that any of my friends will do anything for celebrate my birthday, that would be sad.
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6teen-as-max · 11 years
April 6th, 2013
I feel as bad as someone can feel with himself, I ate a Big Mac and I feel nasty. I feel my whole body bigger and fatter, it's just like crap. My face is so ugly, some friends tell me that I'm not, but I just can't believe in them, I think that they say that because they are trying to make me feel better or something.
I can't do nothing more than fuck up things. At least, I'm good in one thing, screw things up.
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6teen-as-max · 11 years
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6teen-as-max · 11 years
April 4th, 2013
This day was better than last few weeks, I mean, this afternoon my friends and I (Me, Khloe, Philip and Vincent) went to my house and "study" chemistry. It was really funny everything, excepting whe my mother came to my bedroom and she started to make me feel ashamed with some things she said. But it doesn't matter, I won't mees up this beautiful afternoon with some stupid things that my mom said or did.
P.s: I noticed that always  I say "I mean", it's funny to notice this lol.
P.P.s: Tomorrow I have to go to Chris house, it will be funny and maybe sexy or hot. I hope that tomorrow can be a better day than today <3
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6teen-as-max · 11 years
April 3rd, 2013
Today was a better day than last ones. I went to the psychologist, and she said that I have to go to the psychiatrist, and do 3 test. She thinks that i need anxiolitycs and maybe some sleep pills. Aldo we talk about my friends, and about Philip, and she felt that he was overwhelming me in some way.
After this I met up with Jonah at a park near from my house, but far from my school, so I get late. I had a good afternoon, until I saw that Mark (I preffer to call him seagull) has added Sean as a friend in facebook, this made me felt so jealous, I really hate Seagull. Now my biggest fear is Sean and Seagull as a couple, if they at least kiss each other, i will suicide, but seriously.
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6teen-as-max · 11 years
April 2nd, 2013
I feel hopeless. Today I had a language test, and another of maths. The first was easy, it was on the first period, but the math one was on the 4 period, after lunch, at that hour my fears started to appear, I think that at least a half of the test is wrong.
Again I didn't eat my lunch, I think that in this way i can get thin faster.
It's 21:30, and i finally can cry again. I mean, I feel worse than worst, all about seeing my body on the mirror, the thing about Sean, my friends can understand what I'm feeling, but the last thing is my father telling me that I'm lazy, lazy for don't study for any test and getting bad grades.
I think that this is the final push that I was waiting. I don't know if I should talk about this t my psychologist
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