8butterflyboy8 · 8 years
OOC: Move Almost Complete
Uh, yeah -- that took a LOT longer than I was expecting. Blame me:
Being perhaps a little overambitious in how many AUs I put on the new account
Having a full-time job with a commute that makes updating a little tricky sometimes
And being very easily distracted, particularly on weekends
But a chat with a friend last night made me realize that, basically, if I didn’t put up those replies I had drafted NOW, I was never going to do so. So replies to all the threads I was actively in the middle of before my leaving this account are now up at The Valice Multiverse! Please let me know ON THAT ACCOUNT if you want to continue or not, as I have not been checking this account for messages and will probably not do so at any point in the future. Also let me know if there’s a reply I have missed (a link to it would be much appreciated).
Please note: the new RP blog is still technically under construction, as I’m trying to get full “explanatory” posts up for all the verses on offer, plus finalize the graphical elements. I won’t be starting any new threads just yet, simply continuing old ones.
Thanks for your patience, and have a great day!
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8butterflyboy8 · 8 years
OOC: Move Almost Complete
Uh, yeah -- that took a LOT longer than I was expecting. Blame me:
Being perhaps a little overambitious in how many AUs I put on the new account
Having a full-time job with a commute that makes updating a little tricky sometimes
And being very easily distracted, particularly on weekends
But a chat with a friend last night made me realize that, basically, if I didn’t put up those replies I had drafted NOW, I was never going to do so. So replies to all the threads I was actively in the middle of before my leaving this account are now up at The Valice Multiverse! Please let me know ON THAT ACCOUNT if you want to continue or not, as I have not been checking this account for messages and will probably not do so at any point in the future. Also let me know if there’s a reply I have missed (a link to it would be much appreciated).
Please note: the new RP blog is still technically under construction, as I’m trying to get full “explanatory” posts up for all the verses on offer, plus finalize the graphical elements. I won’t be starting any new threads just yet, simply continuing old ones.
Thanks for your patience, and have a great day!
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8butterflyboy8 · 8 years
OOC: Move Almost Complete
Uh, yeah -- that took a LOT longer than I was expecting. Blame me:
Being perhaps a little overambitious in how many AUs I put on the new account
Having a full-time job with a commute that makes updating a little tricky sometimes
And being very easily distracted, particularly on weekends
But a chat with a friend last night made me realize that, basically, if I didn’t put up those replies I had drafted NOW, I was never going to do so. So replies to all the threads I was actively in the middle of before my leaving this account are now up at The Valice Multiverse! Please let me know ON THAT ACCOUNT if you want to continue or not, as I have not been checking this account for messages and will probably not do so at any point in the future. Also let me know if there’s a reply I have missed (a link to it would be much appreciated).
Please note: the new RP blog is still technically under construction, as I’m trying to get full “explanatory” posts up for all the verses on offer, plus finalize the graphical elements. I won’t be starting any new threads just yet, simply continuing old ones.
Thanks for your patience, and have a great day!
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8butterflyboy8 · 8 years
OOC: Move Almost Complete
Uh, yeah -- that took a LOT longer than I was expecting. Blame me:
Being perhaps a little overambitious in how many AUs I put on the new account
Having a full-time job with a commute that makes updating a little tricky sometimes
And being very easily distracted, particularly on weekends
But a chat with a friend last night made me realize that, basically, if I didn’t put up those replies I had drafted NOW, I was never going to do so. So replies to all the threads I was actively in the middle of before my leaving this account are now up at The Valice Multiverse! Please let me know ON THAT ACCOUNT if you want to continue or not, as I have not been checking this account for messages and will probably not do so at any point in the future. Also let me know if there’s a reply I have missed (a link to it would be much appreciated).
Please note: the new RP blog is still technically under construction, as I’m trying to get full “explanatory” posts up for all the verses on offer, plus finalize the graphical elements. I won’t be starting any new threads just yet, simply continuing old ones.
Thanks for your patience, and have a great day!
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8butterflyboy8 · 8 years
OOC: Sorry For The Silence This Weekend (HIATUS NOTICE)
I’m afraid I spent the weekend in a very-much-not-RP-ready mood thanks to one of my usual partners posting a rant on her personal blog. A rant that left me with a knotted stomach all weekend because certain key points I disagreed so strongly with that I didn’t feel I could, in good conscience, continue interacting or RPing with this partner.
The problem is, this partner has been part of my RP landscape for a while, and Butterfly Boy’s history is tied up pretty close with a lot of her characters. So now I am faced with the eternal question “what do?”
Well, to be honest, I’ve been considering consolidating Forgotten Vows and Butterfly Boy into one blog for a little while now, since it might be easier on me to have just one RP blog and Butterfly Boy here in particular is moving into more of a multiverse situation with different versions of Victor. (Hell, I don’t think most of my threads currently are ‘mainverse’ right now.) In light of recent events, I think this is the path I’m going to take.
So, for now, this blog is going to be on hiatus while I get what I want to get squared away. I will try to salvage what threads I can from this account! I will let you know when he’s moved and what’ll be happening later in the week. Thank you for bearing with me.
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8butterflyboy8 · 8 years
OOC: Sorry For The Silence This Weekend (HIATUS NOTICE)
I’m afraid I spent the weekend in a very-much-not-RP-ready mood thanks to one of my usual partners posting a rant on her personal blog. A rant that left me with a knotted stomach all weekend because certain key points I disagreed so strongly with that I didn’t feel I could, in good conscience, continue interacting or RPing with this partner.
The problem is, this partner has been part of my RP landscape for a while, and Butterfly Boy’s history is tied up pretty close with a lot of her characters. So now I am faced with the eternal question “what do?”
Well, to be honest, I’ve been considering consolidating Forgotten Vows and Butterfly Boy into one blog for a little while now, since it might be easier on me to have just one RP blog and Butterfly Boy here in particular is moving into more of a multiverse situation with different versions of Victor. (Hell, I don’t think most of my threads currently are ‘mainverse’ right now.) In light of recent events, I think this is the path I’m going to take.
So, for now, this blog is going to be on hiatus while I get what I want to get squared away. I will try to salvage what threads I can from this account! I will let you know when he’s moved and what’ll be happening later in the week. Thank you for bearing with me.
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8butterflyboy8 · 8 years
ourstarswillburnon replied to your post:
                   [leaning on the counter with a pondering look]                
   Sam: I dunno, binkies and footie pjs or some shit? Toys that make sounds fucked if i know good luck man.   
He has pajamas already. . .and I’m not sure what a binkie is? Toys, though. . .he does like grabbing things. Perhaps I could get him some soft squeezy animals for his crib?
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8butterflyboy8 · 8 years
Sly: And because of that, she makes people wish they were completely deaf, right? Well good thing too, who knows what would’ve happened if those two got together?
Marty: You ain’t kidding. [snort] I don’t think there was any danger of that -- Edna’s about my age. And I can’t see Doc falling for her even if he was the same.
Victor: It’s hard to imagine Doc in a romantic relationship in general. If he’s in love with anything, it’s the train.
Sly:*currently reading the latest Gears & Grind* Say, have any of you guys ever read the Etiquette column in this? It's pretty fascinating! It's like those Penny Dreadfuls if they tried to pretend they weren't Penny Dreadfuls.
Victor: Oh, I have. Most of the time it’s nonsensical fluff, but every so often she’ll start going on about this person who burns down pubs and taverns as if they’re some sort of superhero. I try to make sure it’s either clipped or scribbled out before Alice sees the paper those days.
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8butterflyboy8 · 8 years
A small sigh of relief poured out of Alia when Lewis said she could talk to Adam when he woke up. Knowing it wouldn’t be long before she could hear his voice again… Just hearing him would make her happy. She hadn’t heard his voice in so long, it’s begun to fade. The sound of his lullabies becoming muffled in her memories…
“O-okay… will it h-hurt him..? T-the ele… el… eel-eye-trip-city..?” She asked nervously, “Will it s-scar..? Will he g-get burned..? Is Daddy gonna b-be okay..?”
She couldn’t help the swell of anxiety inside her chest. What if it doesn’t work? What if something goes wrong? What if something bad happens, and he wakes up in pain or scared? What if he wakes up too soon and he’s still being shocked? She didn’t know how any of this worked, and she does trust Lewis, but… Accidents DO happen from time to time…
Alia hugged herself tightly and whimpered a little as all the negative thoughts ran circles in her head. She felt nauseous… She took a few steps back, then sat on the floor again, squeezing her eyes shut. She couldn’t help remembering what Cheshire said about the tables turning… It was all just so much… She wished he was here so she could pet him and feel better. Cats always made her feel better. Cats…
“J-Jaguar..!” She suddenly gasped, eyes filling with tears, her whole body erupting with panic. “Daddy g-gave him to me, D-Drew still has it, a-at his house..! What if D-Daddy gets mad that I lost it? What if h-he burned it?! Oh god oh g-god oh god I’m the worst he’s g-gonna be so mad how could I l-let this happen oh god oh g-god..!”
“E-lec-tri-cit-y,” Lewis sounds out for her. “And no, it shouldn’t. That’s what’s going to bring him back to life, in fact -- we’re all a bit electrical. That’s what makes our nerves and brains work! So we have to put some back into him so his nerves and brains will work.” His voice softens a bit. “Dr. Finklestein has done this for a long, long time, Alia. And he has a lot of personal pride invested in making sure your father comes back to life in as good of condition as possible. We’ll do this right, I swear.”
Of course, that’s easier for the person who isn’t right next to Alia, watching her getting more anxious by the second, to say. Doc crouches down beside her. “It’s okay,” he reassures her gently. “It really shouldn’t be long now--”
He can’t help a little jump back at her sudden gasp -- Jaguar? Who or what. . .fortunately he manages to quickly get the gist of the situation from her resultant panicked rambling. “It’s all right,” he repeats, a little louder. “Your father won’t be upset. He’ll know it’s not your fault.”
“Yes, of course,” Lewis agrees, concern radiating through the telephonic speaker. “He’ll understand -- he’s your father. And there’s a chance Jaguar’s still safe and sound over there. I’m needed for the resurrection, but Doc -- one of you could head over and fetch him, right?”
“Absolutely,” Doc says with a firm nod.
Press ❤️ to RESTART
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8butterflyboy8 · 8 years
Happy December! As we inch closer and closer to the big day, have another shot of Secundus Christmas – this one a simple little comedy piece inspired by the big climax of Shrek 2. Run run run as fast as you can…
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8butterflyboy8 · 8 years
Hey Doc, guess who I am! "How dare you have an opinion!" *slaps you*
Doc: Ow! [rubs his face] Look, the verbal component of an Edna Strickland imitation is more than enough to convince me.
Victor: [goes to get him a cold cloth for his cheek]
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8butterflyboy8 · 8 years
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The Butterflies of Brookfield
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8butterflyboy8 · 8 years
[leaning on the counter with a pondering look]
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"So -- what is a good Christmas gift for someone who's only a month old?"
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8butterflyboy8 · 8 years
Pick up a spider, put it down again and tell it to walk. It will walk. Pick it up again, put it down again and tell it to walk again. It will walk. Pick it up again, pull its legs off, put it down again and tell it to walk. It will stay where it is. This proves that pulling the legs off a spider causes it to go deaf.
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. . .astounding logical deduction.
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8butterflyboy8 · 8 years
Infectious Abuse
(( long comic under the cut! mostly for @8butterflyboy8 but feel free to read it if you’re not! ))
Keep reading
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8butterflyboy8 · 8 years
There was an absurd moment, not as short as it should have been, where the response left him even more confused. Victoria? Fortunately it passed, and, from context, he was pretty sure something else had happened here.
Now he thought about it, it sort of sounded familiar…
Some boasting declaring voice, and everyone, everyone out on the streets everyone and their pet project and he and his rifle and it’s coming from Wonderland Park-…
He quickly stopped thinking about it.
“Well, she did have to kidnap you.” He pointed out. “And caused-…”
What part of ‘stopped thinking about it’?
He shook his head, giving a ‘nevermind’ wave. “I wouldn’t worry, unless your goal was taking over the world with what’s in your lab… All depends on who you call the ‘damned fools’ that you’d be ‘showing them all’.” He let his hands drop from the finger-quoting.  Also depended on just how severe Victor’s condition inherently was… But being so seemingly completely and drastically overwritten was one of those rare cases, that showed up all the time in arguments about the topic. “I’d probably guess the one behind all of this would be a prime candidate for that.” 
All these baffled looks and stop-starts are getting Victor rather worried. Just how much has his friend forgotten? How can he not remember the bitch who killed him? Who killed. . . But then again, he has no experience with death and the trauma thereof, no matter how much he’s wanted to sometimes. . .
He manages a smile. “I don’t think I’d do a very good job with butterflies. I mean, I do have the acid ones, and the flame ones. . .but -- do you remember at all those dreams I had before? The ones with the glowing butterflies? I finally figured them out! In fact, that was -- well -- more or less what pushed me over the edge.” He can still remember the shift in his thinking, the way pain suddenly transformed into pleasure, into a swirling storm of knowledge and wonder and I can do whatever I want, the laws of physics and biology bow down before me. . . Funny how losing his mind laughing in front of a bathroom mirror is one of the last happy memories he has.
He takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly. "You have no idea how many times I’ve wished you all were still around. How many times I’ve longed to show you what I’ve made. The Queen of Hearts took everything from me.” His expression sours. “Least I can do is repay the favor.”
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8butterflyboy8 · 8 years
Marty: [making a face] Oh, her…she set up a stand outside once preaching about the evils of liquor and all that. Her and her accordion. [shudders]
Sly: Ooooooo. An accordion. How scary….
Marty: The way she plays it, it is! She’s completely tone-deaf. I mean, completely. [shakes his head] She really liked Doc for a while ‘cause he can’t drink, but once he said he didn’t care if anybody else did so long as they weren’t making assholes of themselves, well, the honeymoon was over.
Sly:*currently reading the latest Gears & Grind* Say, have any of you guys ever read the Etiquette column in this? It's pretty fascinating! It's like those Penny Dreadfuls if they tried to pretend they weren't Penny Dreadfuls.
Victor: Oh, I have. Most of the time it’s nonsensical fluff, but every so often she’ll start going on about this person who burns down pubs and taverns as if they’re some sort of superhero. I try to make sure it’s either clipped or scribbled out before Alice sees the paper those days.
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