a-greater-p3rhaps · 8 years
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a-greater-p3rhaps · 9 years
Self hate
There are finger prints on my stomach. Left there by me tugging and pulling at my fat in the mirror.
I wish so much that it wasn't there, or even that i didn't care or it didn't bother me. 
Unfortunately it does bother me and i wish so much that i didn't hate every inch of my body
all I see is fat, all i see is stretch marks
all i see is that i will never succeed or be good enough.
The body i want is unattainable
I will never be happy
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a-greater-p3rhaps · 9 years
Well, he's gone
My boyfriend came to visit for the day. It was filled with laughs and love and made me so happy. But now it’s over. For 2 weeks and 6 days I’m alone again. I know I’m being dramatic and people have it worse. None of this comforts me. I love seeing him, but I hate goodbyes.
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a-greater-p3rhaps · 9 years
Conventional beauty damages me daily. To my core I feel insignificant. I doll and dress myself up but still I find myself tugging at my fat, pulling at my chin(s), and dreaming of the day I won't want to vomit every meal.
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a-greater-p3rhaps · 9 years
My mind hugely consists of thoughts. They swirl and wind and swallow me up. I seem so small, insignificant, behind all these thoughts. Maybe releasing them will release me? I need more importance
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