No :)
This is a reminder. I am adamantly against allowing your cat to roam freely outside. I'm very for indoor only, leash trained, catios, or escape proofed back yards for cats. But if your cat is physically capable of leaving your property on its own where it will face predators, cars, poisons, people with pellet/bb guns, diseases, etc, you are an irresponsible owner of that cat.
I don't care what country you're from. No country is completely magically free of any danger to or from your cat. Indoor outdoor cats may be the norm there, but that doesn't mean it's safe. If your indoor outdoor cat made it to old age, congrats it's an outlier. As a vet tech both in general practice and in a shelter I see what happens to most indoor outdoor cats regularly. I have photos I can share, and stories.
You will not change my mind.
I will die on this hill.
If you are upset or angry about this, block me. If you send me messages to say your situation is different, I will block you. If you comment about how x country really is safe, I will block you. I'm sick of this shit.
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i always feel completely normal and fine and on the verge of spontaneously combusting
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Sleep paralysis is weird… you’re awake but your body literally can’t fucking do anything, your brain is going “back to sleeeeeep” but your survival instincts are saying “DON’T GO BACK TO SLEEP OR YOU’LL FUCKING DIE” you end up being this creature that’s half way to an anxiety attack but literally can’t do anything about it… mother nature why did you design this shitty animal
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being in your twenties is literally so fucking inhumane. and during a pandemic. Oh my god
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“Sometimes we need someone to simply be there. Not to fix anything, or to do anything in particular, but just to let us know we are cared for and supported.”
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The human spine is a joke why do my shoes effect how much my back hurts I'm gonna kill you
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Nobody is easy to date. Everyone has their insecurities, flaws, and certain ways of doing things that makes us who we are. Perfect people and relationships only exist on TV. The most important thing is finding someone who loves you on your worst days and will fight through the hard times.
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the hardest task is always forgiving ourselves. letting go of grudges against our past selves, of what we “could have been”. often we don’t think we’re worthy of redemption, or maybe we trick ourselves into thinking we’re way beyond redemption, but if you’re reading this… it’s not too late. it’s not too late to become the person you want to. but most importantly, it’s not too late to let go of the person you were. to forgive that person. to move on.
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masterpost of spongebob moments that dealt psionic damage to my 7 year old self (absolutely non-comprehensive)
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Anybody know a good jewelry site? One that’s not going to make me go broke and also is pretty and not run by a bunch of squares. Like Idgaf about diamonds. My point is I want a cute ring for my girlfriend. Her favorite color is CSP720. Yes the code is her literal answer. Love that for her. Anyways please help I can’t find anything that isn’t gross or a scam.
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self care tip: forgive yourself for the mistakes you've made. stop punishing yourself for not knowing then what you know now. you have grown, that's a good thing.
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What's your biggest turn on?
Reassurance…I like knowing I’m wanted
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why are some people’s sketchbooks so prefect and pretty like mine is literally like an unfinished drawing here, a badly drawn circle, a cookie crumb ??, a drawing of what, communism? and what the fuck is on tHIS page
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i hate when rich people condescend with the whole 'money can't buy happiness' argument like listen. just because buying your fourth car didn't fill the void in your deluded disconnected-from-reality life doesn't mean not having to worry about food/ bills/medicine wouldn't greatly improve the mental health of literally everyone else on the planet
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