a-noelle-m · 3 years
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Where does the time go?!?! 4 years together!! 4 years ago my life changed for the better....it went from 2 friends meeting for some tacos to forever after all real quick. You were absolutely worth the wait! You remind me every day how a man should treat a woman, how you are not only my husband, but also my best friend. You support me on my good and bad days, calm me when I am anxious and on edge, love and have patience with me through it all. This year has thrown us a lot of curveballs and it continues to throw curveballs our way. But there is no one else on this earth I would want to sail through these uncharted waters with. You amaze me every day and I am forever grateful that out of the 7 billion people in the world....you chose me!! I love you forever and always! ❤🍞😘
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a-noelle-m · 3 years
🎶They say nothing lasts forever but they ain't seen us together or the way the moonlight dances in your eyes. And I know there'll be that moment, the Good Lord calls one of us home and one won't have the other by their side. But Heaven knows that won't last too long. Maybe somethings last forever after all!🎶
Happy 1st Anniversary to my husband, best friend, and love of my life! 365 days since we said I do. 365 days of falling more and more in love with you every day. 365 days of you choosing me every day! This first year of marriage has flown by so quickly and we have made some of the best memories (even through a pandemic). Almost 4 years of being together and I am still in awe that you chose to be with me and love me! You are my greatest support and I cannot wait to see what the future holds for us. Here's to many many more anniversaries to celebrate and many many more memories to make with my favorite person in the world! I love you forever and always! 😘🍞
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a-noelle-m · 3 years
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🎶They say nothing lasts forever but they ain't seen us together or the way the moonlight dances in your eyes. And I know they'll be that moment the Good Lord calls one of us home and one won't have the other by their side. But heaven knows that won't last too long. Maybe somethings last forever after all🎶......❤😘🍞
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a-noelle-m · 3 years
Nobody I would rather go on adventures with than you. You make everything better!! I love you forever and always!! ❤
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a-noelle-m · 4 years
Happy Happy Birthday to my favorite person in the whole wide world!! You make me so happy and I couldn't imagine doing this crazy life with anyone else but you!! 😘🍞
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a-noelle-m · 4 years
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I am a perfectionist. I know I am, I always have been. I'm convinced it's a trauma response for me. I have put getting my CWP off for a very long time b/c I thought I wouldn't qualify. I practiced, practiced, practiced, and practiced some more. I honestly wasn't confident going in to the range for the shooting qualification part of the test. At least my husband had faith in me and was my cheerleader via text. I stood there and shot when instructed to do so and this was the end result!! I almost cried out of pure happiness. Being a perfectionist is a blessing and a curse. I embrace it and hate it all at the same time. I doubt myself more than I should. For now, this was what gave me confidence that I can do anything I put my mind too. I freaked out about the written test too. I hate written tests, even in high school and college I hated written tests. Give me a verbal test all day long and I will do just fine....well again, I worried over nothing b/c I aced the written test too!! I am better and stronger than my demons!! I know it, I just don't always feel it. It's a work in progress!
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a-noelle-m · 4 years
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a-noelle-m · 4 years
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My favorite goober!!! 💙
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a-noelle-m · 4 years
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He's my favorite and I love him more and more every single day!! 💕
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a-noelle-m · 4 years
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This man ceases to amaze me and I fall in love with him more every day. I found out this past week that I am borderline diabetic. Diabetes runs in my family so I have no idea how long I have been borderline. I have some other health issues that have also come to light and waiting on being referred to specialists for more testing. Trying to stay positive in a very negative world right now is hard. But this was my wake up call. I gained a lot of weight 4 years ago due to a death in the family and then I fell at work and broke 2 places in my foot, so I was off that foot for about 12 weeks. I was doing better but then last year when I moved in with Brice, his mother was living with him and it was not a good living situation (and I will leave it at that). I stress ate A LOT! Brice was still an LEO so every other month, he worked nights and I was home alone with his mother. I ate my feelings....all of my feelings!! He finally made his Mom move out (she is a semi healthy 54 year old woman who was more than capable of taking care of herself but she depends on her sons for EVERYTHING). Things started to get better when she moved out but I knew all the stress she put on me, took its toll on my body. I ignored it for too long but glad I have a starting point for answers. Although there are more questions than there are answers at this point. This was my wake up call to get serious about losing weight. When I told Brice, we both cried together, not so much about me possibly being diabetic but more of the other unknown issues and the range of possibilities it could be. I told him I was serious about losing weight, I need to get my weight under control. He didn't hesitate, he told me he would lose weight with me, eat what I eat, no more eating out with his coworkers unless it was for a meeting....Y'all he is so supportive!! I don't know what on God's green earth I did to deserve such an amazing husband BUT I am forever grateful God allowed us to come together start a friendship, fall in love, and get married! I never have to question his love for me, I never have to question if he supports me, b/c he does! He shows it each and every day. 💙
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a-noelle-m · 4 years
Everyone has their "Love Languages" mine have always been "Words of affirmation" "Physical Touch" and "Quality Time" but I LOVE doing acts of service and GIVING gifts rather than receiving. It's honestly why I love Christmas so much. I love shopping and buying for others and never expect anything in return.
My husband loves doing "Acts of Service" for me, which honestly I have never really liked. I always feel like anyone that does an "act pf service" for me, they will hold it over my head and EXPECT something in return. Maybe that is wrong of me, but I have been taken advantage of one too many times in the past, so call me a skeptic if you wish....unless you know my past, don't pass judgement on my skepticism....
Anyway, since the start of all this COVID-19 craziness, I have struggled, I work longer and much harder at home than I do in an office setting (mostly b/c I never want anyone to question if I am doing enough while working from home). I still try to keep up with cleaning the house, laundry, meals, etc. My husband went back to work in his office 2 weeks ago. It's been an adjustment. I am home with all 3 dogs, plus my work, plus trying to be an attentive wife and housekeeper (don't get me wrong....my husband and I are a team and we help each with the daily chores). Recently I have been dealing with some health issues/concerns....it has taken its toll on me emotionally, so many "what ifs" this past week, Dr appts have been back to back to back (also trying to keep up with my work). The other night, I was exhausted...thinking of what to cook for dinner was exhausting...let alone actually cooking the meal. My husband came home and knew right away, I wasn't having the best day. So we did a simple dinner of bratwurst, rice, and veggies. I was still making phone calls and answering emails, even though I heard from the kitchen "dinner's ready" I kept going and mumbled "Ok let me finish this email." The next thing I hear is "I made your plate and cut up your bratwurst for you, it's ready when you are". Something as simple as that as an act of service spoke volumes to me, he wasn't trying to rush me, he didn't complain I was still trying to get some work finished it. He saved me a few minutes and made everything for me. I don't ask him to do much, I usually never have to ask him to do anything, he just does it. I could not have asked for a better husband, best friend, and love of my life. Some days I feel I don't deserve him. But I am beyond grateful he waited for me, he was my friend before anything else happened. Even though I was ready for him back when we met in 2015, he waited until I was ready and 2 years later. The timing was beyond perfect!! I love and appreciate him more than he will ever know! 💙
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a-noelle-m · 4 years
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Two weeks of marriage down......forever to go!! 💙💙💙
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a-noelle-m · 4 years
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There are no words 💙💙💙
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a-noelle-m · 4 years
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Today is the day I get to say "I do" to my best friend and forever love!!! No it's not what we originally planned, no it's not our "ideal" wedding....but none of that matters....all that matters is we will be married, I finally get to take your last name! When all of the COVID-19 craziness is over....we will celebrate big with our friends and family at a late reception!! We are making the best of this situation and there is no one else I would rather go through life with!! I love you more than you will ever know!! 💙💙💙
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a-noelle-m · 4 years
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I love your love the most! I can't wait to be your wife! 51 days to go!! 💙
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a-noelle-m · 4 years
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There ain't nothin that I wouldn't do....go to the ends of the earth for you....Make you happy, make your dreams come true...To make you feel my LOVE!!! ❤
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a-noelle-m · 4 years
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OBSESSED with this pic my Fiance took while we were at the gun range over the weekend!! That ring tho!!! 😍😍😍
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