Current Mantras:
I trust the changes unfolding in my life. 
I refuse to be a bystander in my own life.
I will endlessly pursue my interests and passions. 
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The past few months I have been stuck in a lull, neither moving forward nor backward. Aspects of my life that were previously places of great comfort and ease have transformed into areas of uncertainty. 
I have found that in the midst of change, I have stood frozen. Instead of adapting and flowing with it, I have let change crash upon me with each of its waves. But I will not be someone who stands idly as an observer in their own life. 
I will be an active participant in my life. I will trust there is reason behind the changes unfolding in my life. I will move forward. 
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Once upon a time, all human beings were gods. But they abused their divinity, so Brahma decided to take it away from them. Brahma called a council of gods to help decide where they should hide it.
“We will bury it deep in the Earth,” said the Gods, but Brahma thought humans will dig into the earth and find it. “We will sink it into the deepest Ocean,” the Gods said. Brahma suggested that would not do because humans will learn to dive into the ocean and find it there. “Then let’s take it to the top of the highest mountain and hide it”. Brahma replied that would not do either, because humans will eventually climb every mountain and take it back. The Gods gave up and agreed they did not know where to hide it because it seemed that there was no place on earth human beings would not eventually reach. Brahma thought for a long time and then said — “Here is what we will do. We will hide their divinity deep in the center of their own being, for humans will never think to look for it there”.
Sometime it is easy to forget, just as Brahma did, that the only place to find divinity is in one’s self
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