ethalon · 1 year
Golden sutra
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There is nothing wrong with this light. This is the world that we created ourselves. There are no divisions between good and evil here. There is no discrimination based on characteristics here. If you want to be evil, then you are evil. If you want to be good, then you are good. No one can become evil or good against their will. Every person has the right to do something in the place where he is. So let's accept this world as it is. There is no need to say that all people are equal. All people are truly equal. Their differences are simply their characteristics. There are people who have the ability to do miracles; There are people who can control consciousness. If they were confident in their own knowledge, they would become rich. If you want to become rich, then you need real value. Your state of mind is a real asset. The value of your state of mind is determined by its quality and the number of people willing to pay for it. Every thing has its value, since it belongs to something and is present there. Since a thing belongs to a specific object, its value also belongs to the same object. The existing world is entirely based on networks of relationships between people and objects, and these relationships exist thanks to the mind. Thus, the mind is the basis of the whole world. If you drop this net, the world will become useless. Only through this network can you benefit from the whole world. Without this world you could not live. Everything you see and hear, including you, happens because of this network of relationships. So if you can change this network, then you can change the entire system of worlds. This means you can change the world you see and hear. How can you change your network of relationships? For example, through meditation. Meditation allows you to change your thoughts, and when you change your thoughts, you change your network of relationships. What does it mean to change the network of relationships? It means changing the world in which you find yourself. Moreover, the mind can create new worlds. As has already been said, the mind is the basis of the whole world. If you change your mind, then you change the world. For example, you can change your mind to see another world, or create a new world that has never existed before. To change your mind, meditation practices are necessary. Meditation helps change the mind and is therefore an essential practice. It allows you to stop being who you think you are and become who you are meant to be.
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lucraven · 6 months
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Fear and Hunger if it was good
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darksidecafe · 5 months
Narrow is the Way: A Journey of Faith and Purpose
In a world filled with endless possibilities and countless paths to choose from, there is a road less traveled, a path that is narrow but leads to fulfillment and purpose. This article explores the concept of the narrow way, its significance in various belief systems, and the transformative power it holds for those who dare to embark on this spiritual journey. Join us as we delve into the depths of faith, self-discovery, and the pursuit of a meaningful life.
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The Symbolism of the Narrow Way
The concept of the narrow way has deep roots in religious and philosophical traditions across the globe. It represents a path that is not easily accessible or widely taken, but one that leads to enlightenment, salvation, or self-realization. The symbolism of the narrow way can be found in various texts, teachings, and parables, each offering its own interpretation and guidance.
In Christianity, the narrow way is prominently mentioned in the teachings of Jesus Christ. In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus says, "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it" (Matthew 7:13-14, NIV).
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This passage emphasizes the importance of choosing the path less traveled, one that requires discipline, sacrifice, and a steadfast commitment to following the teachings of Christ. It is a call to live a life of righteousness, love, and service to others, even when it may be challenging or unpopular.
In Buddhism, the concept of the narrow way is reflected in the Noble Eightfold Path, which serves as a guide to achieving enlightenment and liberation from suffering. The path consists of eight interconnected principles, including right understanding, right intention, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, and right concentration.
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By following this path, individuals strive to cultivate wisdom, ethical conduct, and mental discipline. It requires a deep examination of one's thoughts, actions, and intentions, and a commitment to living a life of compassion, mindfulness, and non-attachment.
In Taoism, the narrow way is embodied in the principle of Wu Wei, which translates to "non-action" or "effortless action." It is a path of harmony with the natural flow of the universe, where one seeks to align their actions with the Tao, the underlying principle of existence.
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By embracing simplicity, spontaneity, and humility, individuals on the narrow way of Taoism aim to live in accordance with the natural rhythms of life. It involves letting go of attachments, ego-driven desires, and the need for control, allowing the Tao to guide their actions and decisions.
The Transformative Power of the Narrow Way
Embarking on the narrow way is not an easy task. It requires courage, self-reflection, and a willingness to let go of societal expectations and personal attachments. However, those who choose this path often find that it leads to profound transformation and a deeper sense of purpose.
Self-Discovery and Authenticity
By embracing the narrow way, individuals embark on a journey of self-discovery and authenticity. They are encouraged to question societal norms, reflect on their values and beliefs, and align their actions with their true selves. This process of self-exploration allows them to shed the layers of conditioning and societal expectations, revealing their authentic essence.
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Spiritual Growth and Enlightenment
The narrow way is a path of spiritual growth and enlightenment. It challenges individuals to confront their fears, overcome obstacles, and cultivate virtues such as compassion, patience, and humility. Through spiritual practices, self-discipline, and a deepening connection with a higher power or universal consciousness, individuals on the narrow way experience spiritual awakening and a greater understanding of the mysteries of life.
Meaning and Purpose
One of the greatest rewards of the narrow way is the discovery of meaning and purpose. As individuals align their lives with their values and pursue a path of service to others, they find fulfillment and a sense of contributing to something greater than themselves. The narrow way provides a roadmap for living a purpose-driven life, where every action is infused with intention and significance.
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1. Is the narrow way limited to religious or spiritual paths?
- No, the concept of the narrow way can be applied to various aspects of life. It represents a path of authenticity, self-discovery, and purpose, which can be pursued in any domain, including personal relationships, career choices, and creative endeavors.
2. Is the narrow way always challenging and difficult?
- Yes, the narrow way often involves challenges and sacrifices. It requires individuals to step out of their comfort zones, confront their fears, and make choices that may not align with societal expectations. However, the rewards ofthe narrow way far outweigh the difficulties, as it leads to personal growth, fulfillment, and a deeper connection with one's true self.
3. How can one find the narrow way in their own life?
- Finding the narrow way requires self-reflection, introspection, and a willingness to question societal norms and personal beliefs. It involves listening to one's inner voice, following one's intuition, and aligning one's actions with one's values and passions. Seeking guidance from mentors, spiritual leaders, or engaging in practices such as meditation or journaling can also aid in discovering the narrow way.
4. Can the narrow way change over time?
- Yes, the narrow way is not a fixed path but rather a journey of continuous growth and evolution. As individuals gain new insights, experiences, and perspectives, their understanding of the narrow way may shift. It is important to remain open-minded and adaptable, allowing the path to unfold organically.
5. What are some practical steps to stay on the narrow way?
- Staying on the narrow way requires discipline, self-awareness, and a commitment to personal growth. Some practical steps include setting clear intentions, practicing self-reflection and mindfulness, surrounding oneself with supportive and like-minded individuals, and regularly evaluating one's actions and choices to ensure they align with one's values and purpose.
The narrow way is a path of courage, self-discovery, and purpose. It transcends religious and philosophical boundaries, offering individuals a roadmap to live an authentic and meaningful life. By embracing the narrow way, individuals embark on a transformative journey that leads to self-realization, spiritual growth, and a deeper connection with the world around them. As you navigate the choices and possibilities of life, remember the words of Robert Frost, "Two roads diverged in a wood, and I - I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference." Choose the narrow way, and let it guide you to a life of fulfillment and purpose.
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goharshahi · 1 year
New Video: Kya Muhammad (s) Ko Ghaib Ka Ilm Tha? | Sufi Master Younus AlGohar | ALRA TV
According to a large faction of Islam, Prophet Muhammad (s) was not aware of the unknown.
Sayyidi Younus AlGohar dissects and then reassembles the tatters of what has been made of our creed. Watch to find out whether the Prophet (s) was actually aware of the unknown or not.
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Watch the live recordings of these lectures every day at 22:00 GMT at: http://www.younusalgohar.com
For Izn e Zikr-e-Qalb (Permission for Awakening of the Spiritual Heart) call Shaykh Amjad Gohar on this number +44 (0) 740 1855 568 via WhatsApp.
📱Social Media Instagram: http://instagram.com/alratv https://www.instagram.com/younus_algohar
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Websites: http://www.goharshahi.us/ http://www.theawaitedone.com/ http://thereligionofgod.com http://www.younusalgohar.org/
*NEW URDU LANGUAGE WEBSITE* http://www.mehdifoundation.com/
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herejusttosufferalong · 2 months
Hi, I want to ask the basic question just to make sure i am not the one who is crazy after watched polin, press tours, and the messy drama right now.
Do you really think L and N have a romantic feeling for each orher?probably endgame?pliss enligtened me.
Bcoz after the messy drama there is a possibility that the ship will sink.
Thank you
Anon, where do you think you are???
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yuzukahibiscus · 1 year
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Dear Yuzuka-san, On July 11 2019, it was announced you would be the next Flower Troupe Top Star. On November 25 2019, you embraced your debut as the Flower Troupe Top Star. And with a vibrant career of 2 years of Takarazuka Music School, 16 years in the Revue, 14 lead performances (musical, revue, concert) as a Top Star, today on August 15 2023, your retirement announcement was released. Yuzuka-san, many of us are saddened by the news. We knew that the inevitable pandemic was harsh on Flower Troupe; we hoped for more performances, and more promising expectations. And we also know, that it would be sad to see you come down the staircase wearing the hakama. But we also want to tell you Yuzuka-san: thank you for all your hard work. We want to let you know your performance in dancing, singing motivated us with energy. Your commitment in acting moves us to tears in sorrow and joy. Your leadership in Flower Troupe interests us to learn more about every member as they shine in their unique qualities apart from knowing about you. Your natural presence of being you makes us fall for your charms. The “Be Shining” concert and “Arc~en~Ciel” are your last performances. Through this time, it will be difficult to adjust and reality hits us every time countdown happens as each day passes by. We will support you till the end and pray that you are doing well, your are performing without regrets and that you shine your brightest in the remaining days to come. From, your fans ♥
My thoughts on Yuzuka Rei's retirement
So… about how I felt the taidan news. I wasn’t surprised. I was anticipating the news to come yesterday, or some day this week.
The obvious change for me was definitely the concert and the national tour announcement. When it’s said that Rei would reprise as Fie, I knew it was a journey looking back her days in Takarazuka, to which sounds very reminiscently beautiful. It’s also an indicator, to which the reason why I did write differently in my captions than I did before.
Then comes the announcement of Mikaze Maira introducing Rei as the Flower Troupe Top Star very rarely before she gives her speech. Rei’s always the one that doesn’t want to be in the sole spotlight and wants to be considered as a member of Flower Troupe rather than titled Top Star (as so may be suggested by her to ask Aoi-san not to say that)
Looking back at the thread I wrote, surely I was less sad to see her go than I thought I would. The decision must be one she thought over so long regards to timing especially how the pandemic affected her Top Star run. I do think it’s cruel to have Bluray announcement and Taidan announcements together hand in hand. But not because I moved on from how I felt about her- it’s because I felt it was fulfilling for her. I don’t want to think how the Arc en Ciel play would have a weird plot, I want to think how fruitful her Takarazuka career has been. Rei in Takarazuka has showed us so much and I’m content with all the performances and roles she’s showed thus far. But with Rei having a positive and forward-looking mindset, I must say, that she has not been lacking in any delivery. Each performance she committed her endeavours to the point of also leading the troupe. Rei has made me feel so proud and enligtened to have known her, that I am looking forward to paths she pursue in the future.
Of course for now, we cherish the remaining days not with sadness, but with pride. Every time seeing her radiate on stage, you want to compliment her, “well done!” “omg!” those are the praises that I’ll give for the rest of her Zuka days to come.
Thank you to those who have reached out to me, knowing that Rei is dear to me and I care for her. This page will continue to update the latest news that follow tomorrow and the upcoming weeks. Let us all stay strong and show support, love and more anticipations to her upcoming shows “Singing Lovebirds”/“Grand Mirage”, “Be Shining” and “Arc~en~Ciel”.
Signing off, Hibiscus.
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spinx-fish · 7 months
Catherine the Great
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Ambition is the growth of every heart
I did this for a debate in my European histories class. a girl boss though and through. A strict and strong despot, but an enligtened soul. Though we didn’t win the debate, she did win a place in my heart.
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kingtrey92 · 1 year
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Everyone has a spirit that can be refined, a body that can be trained in some manner, a suitable path to follow. You are here to realize your inner divinity and manifest your innate enligtenment.
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tuiyla · 2 years
I'll say something that is not the most obvious answer to the "what character am I the authority on" post
I'll say the second most obvious thing and go with Quinn Fabray instead. Maybe it's cause I'm not following much discussion around her but your takes on her character were so enligtening and not something I'd considered as deeply before. Also because her character is much more confusing to me than Santana so girly could really use someone preaching on her behalf
Aww, thank you!
Yeah I feel like it's strange because I'm not that much of a hardcore Quinn fan. I like her very much and find her fascinating, of course, but I guess I just always felt like Quinn was covered in terms of fandom adoration. So is Santana, you could say, and you'd be right, but I have that special kind of love for her so it's different. But despite that I do end up writing about her a lot and I'm glad if that can be enlightening in any way. Quinn was just thrown around so much as a character and the writers made it so hard to make sense of her so I find it funny to untangle that and offer her more sympathy than the show ever did. And that's the thing, she's much more confusing to me too! And I do think everything that needs to be said about Quinn probably has been said before! But she's also a bottomless well of trauma and finding ways to help her get past that, and again the show never did give a shit so it feels nice that I can because why not.
It's just so funny because every time I would quietly disclaim that "oh yeah btw I don't go that hard for Quinn" I'd get an ask about her and write about five thousand words lmaooo. I'd say she's "only" about my sixth favourite Glee ch and yet here we are, second most written about. The girlie just has a lot going for her.
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drumbot-merlin · 2 months
why is it called enligten mint if it's fucking. piss yellow
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agent-of-calamity · 2 months
I am... unaware of what this, remnant, is
could ou enligten me
oh, uh… basically all the bad memories of deleted files incarnate.
he’s an asshole. Kidnapped a bunch of kids..
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nuwanhemal · 4 months
About Course: Explore the depth of Fundamental Analysis as we dissect each economy within the G10. By understanding the macroeconomic factors influencing markets, you gain a comprehensive view of where each economy is heading. Uncover hidden opportunities and potential risks, enabling you to make well-informed investment decisions. ​Dive in to Supply and Demand Concepts, where disciplined trading and meticulous risk management take center stage. Our approach emphasizes a structured framework, instilling discipline in your trading strategy. By adhering to a set of rules, you navigate the markets with precision, ensuring a controlled and strategic approach to risk. Never enter a position half informed again. Know your why, your how, and more importantly your market. Financial Enligtenment Discover a realm where knowledge meets action. Explore the synergy of ZMC x BMO and position your portfolio ready for Q1-24. Power of ZMC Unlock the secrets of true Supply and Demand with ZMC. Decode market trends efficiently, empowering your decisions with the precision of technical analysis. Learn to dance with the noise of the lower time frame. Wisdom of BMO Take pride in your bias through BMO’s institutional insights. Unveil the layers of each economy equipping yourself with live in-depth data and knowledge to master the fundamentals. Know your why. Elevate your Knowledge , Master your risks From the unique blend of institutional and fundamental analysis combined with unseen accuracy , ZMC x BMO is here to elevate you, the trader, and remove the stigma of Technicals vs Fundamentals. Our risk, Your reward. ZMC-BMO In this Package you’ll receive: Beginner Course Intermediary Course Expert Course Archive Kareem’s Course Weekly Analysis Zain’s Course Zohaib Course Please note: The Discord is not included.
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goharshahi · 2 years
New Video: Hazoor (s) Ki Batni Wirasat Kya Hai? | Sufi Master Younus AlGohar | ALRA TV
Certain factions and individuals claim that there existed verses of the Qur'an that were never compiled, however, Sufi Master Younus AlGohar clarifies that in order to know what those verses are and the knowledge they contain - one must gain access to the esoteric legacy of the Prophet (s).
What is the esoteric legacy of the Prophet (s)? Watch to broaden your spiritual horizons and remember to select English CCs if you do not understand the native language of the video.
➡️This video is a clip from Sufi Online with Younus AlGohar, a daily show on ALRA TV streamed LIVE on YouTube at 10 PM GMT - join us here: https://www.youtube.com/alratv/live
❓Have a question for Sufi Master Younus AlGohar? Text your questions to us on WhatsApp: +44 7472 540642 or Facebook messenger:  http://m.me/alratv
Watch the live recordings of these lectures every day at 22:00 GMT at: http://www.younusalgohar.com
🎥 Find this video on Daily Motion and Soundcloud http://www.dailymotion.com/mehdifound... https://soundcloud.com/younusalgohar/
New monthly publications!
The True Mehdi Magazine: http://www.thetruemehdi.com/
Messiah Herald Magazine: http://messiahherald.com/
--- Read more about Sufi Master Younus AlGohar's work against terrorism: www.younusalgohar.org.
📱Social Media Instagram: http://instagram.com/alratv https://www.instagram.com/younus_algohar
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Websites: http://www.goharshahi.us/ http://www.theawaitedone.com/ http://thereligionofgod.com http://www.younusalgohar.org/
*NEW URDU LANGUAGE WEBSITE* http://www.mehdifoundation.com/
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magpiejay1234 · 11 months
So Episode 97.
Yuya's Summoning of Enligtenment Paladin does not really answer Jack, since Tuning Magician was a card given by Sam, and originally belonged to Jack. So he needs to go one step beyond. Enligtenment Paladin restores Smile World, though.
Sora, and Tsukikage realize Security is being brainwashed after their duel with Arrest Corps, and disable the Control Room, releasing Security, who then escape from rioters.
Lancers besides Tsukikage confront the rioters, peacefully.
Nirvana High Paladin appears to Yuya similar to Enlightenment Paladin, who thinks Pendulum is not a power granted to him (he will find out it actually is, by Z-ARC, and technically also Ray), so he manages to Synchro Summon without a Tuner, using Cheer Mole.
So let's talk about Nirvana High Paladin. This card supposedly represents Yuya's own power, but as we discussed in Enligtenment Paladin's debut, Exceed the Pendulum's design shows this card is actually manifestation of Ray's power as well. So Yuya once again did d**k. The animé teases Z-ARC's influence on it, since its attack has the Lovecraftian green colour Z-ARC is famous for, but that is just a tease for the end of the series. This card's waist cape is stylized to look like Z-ARC's arcs, though.
Original effect of this card was a Special Summon condition in the animé (similar to Level 0 Synchros from the 5D's manga, Bishbaalkin, and Tzolkin), but in OCG, it is one of the first self-tuning Synchros that treat specific monsters as Tuners, like Cyber Slash Harpie Lady, or Ib. This card's statline suggests it is the Shooting Star Dragon analogue for Yuya, but it is not an Accel Synchro, unlike Crystal Clear Wing Synchro Dragon. So close, but no dice.
Jack's new monster Tyrant Red Dragon Archfiend is supposed to be a weaker version of Red Nova Dragon. It is a Double Tuning monster like it. Unlike Shinji, and Crow's big monsters, Jack will not have a Level 12 monster, because Yuya can't have one (because of Z-ARC).
Jack Summons this monster by going to a disconnected lane, showing his resolve. Of course, Crimson Dragon famously appears in this Summoning animation, and is mentioned by name in the Summon Chant.
Yuya manages to Summon all of his monsters in a visual homage to both Shooting Star Dragon's usual five attacks, and the final Duel between Yusei vs. Jack. During the montage of Yuya's friends, Sora, and Tsukikage rescue Yuzu.
The duel continues on to the next episode.
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artenlighten · 1 year
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tonkifetish · 2 years
Davmail gateway thunderbird
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#Davmail gateway thunderbird how to#
#Davmail gateway thunderbird install#
You can now use this to interface the mail client(s) of your choice with an Exchange server. Enjoy!Īnd with that, you have davmail running inside a container, with the appropriate port-mappings configured. Complexity avoided is hours of time we get to keep. You can start, stop, kill, abuse, disabuse, etc, the container davmail is running inside without fear of anything more than disrupting communications between your clients and the server. This container is stateless - that is, it only handles translating between standards-compliant and Exchange-compliant tools.
#Davmail gateway thunderbird install#
Now that we have an upstart config file, all that remains is to install the file appropriately (that is, copy it into /etc/init/ and start the service: That is, when you go looking for IMAP, you'll find it accessible at from the cloud instance only this prevents attackers from being able to connect to your davmail instance remotely. binds only to ports on the loopback interface.We additionally tell docker to bind ours such that our cloud instance: Remember nix systems disallow non-privileged process from binding to ports Docker port-forwards are also established from the "trial run" log above we can see that the ports davmail will listen on are: Not surprisingly, the heart is centered around the docker run command that we can see at the core of the upstart config.
#Davmail gateway thunderbird how to#
declares how to start (lines 15-27) and stop (lines 30-35) the service.declares that the service should be relaunched if it terminates unexpectedly (line 11) and establishes safe limits (line 12).declares dependencies on the docker.io service (lines 6 and 7).Note how our upstart config does a couple different things here: It is available by default on recent Ubuntu systems, and is very convienient to our purposes. Upstart is an approach to unix daemon management. Tada! :) Configure a container to run as a system service via upstart If so, you can use this image as a starting point, ADD the changed configuration to the image, and rebuild. You may need to edit the davmail configuration to reflect the specific needs of your Exchange environment. does not run davmail as root inside the container.does not require any bind-mounts or other external volumes to be attached.We're going to use the rsrchboy/davmail-savvis-docker image - for obvious reasons - as it gives us a configured davmail container that: There are a couple davmail images available on the Docker Hub. It's worth mentioning that adding your userid to this group will allow you to interface with the docker service without needing to "sudo" it all the time this is left as an exercise for the reader. On line 33 we see a docker group being created. Our previous tutorial on containing Chef with Vagrant may provide some guidelines, but, as always, this is left as an exercise for the reader. You can fire up basic Ubuntu machine fairly easily. Prerequisitesįor the purposes of this article, we're going to assume that you're an enligtened sort, and are running a Ubuntu 14.04-based cloud instance (or workstation, or.). Even if your mail is boring beyond belief, please, do not access it unencrypted. Common - and well-established - solutions include the use of ssh port forwarding or (for a less ad-hoc approach) stunnel. Security is of utmost concern, particularly in a corporate environment, so please note that securing the connections between your local workstation and the cloud instance. One may find a more satisfying approach in using tools like puppet-git-receiver and Gareth Rushgrove's most excellent docker Puppet Forge module to manage the use of the upstream Docker packages as well as our container's upstart configuration - both of which will be covered in a future tutorial. For simplicity, we're using the docker.io package from Ubuntu and configuring by hand. Provisioning a CenturyLink Cloud instance is left as an exercise for the reader. Install Docker on a CenturyLink Cloud instance, provision a stateless container image running a davmail instance, and have the system manage the container via upstart. It's also standalone, can be used statelessly, and - with apologies - is Java, making it a fantastic candidate for running inside a Docker container. It's a great tool - and one of the only solutions. davmail is a Java application that knows how to translate between standards-compliant clients (like, say, Thunderbird) and an Exchange server that speaks only Exchange. This may pose a problem for you, if you prefer a non-Microsoft mail client: if the compatibility features are enabled, you'll be able to access your mail via IMAP and send over SMTP, as the Internet intended. Love it or hate it, sometimes we have to use an Exchange server to communicate.
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