a-simple-mineded-rose · 11 years
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a-simple-mineded-rose · 11 years
(( night everybody I'll see if I can get up earlier just to post stuff for munday / RPs but we will have to see it's 2AM and I feel like 3/4 awake.))
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a-simple-mineded-rose · 11 years
*remembers that I have homework at 1AM*
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a-simple-mineded-rose · 11 years
(( no problem and thanks for teaching me something about M!As they really should have a book with stuff you need to know about RPing))
M!A - You are now part orange tabby cat for a week. Ears, tail, and cat mannerisms are NOT an option. Have fun!
"I…. What?"
-orange cloud of smoke-
-coughs- “I….” -mews softly-
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a-simple-mineded-rose · 11 years
I won't let you go Chapter 1 [FULL]
Chapter 1
Hi guys so chapter 1 YAY!!
 I’m so excited to get this out to all of you. This chapter is shorter than the first so I hpe it’s awesome to make up for it.
Review, favourite and follow if you want!
Happy reading
Watanuki looked at the small piece of paper Kohane had given him before he left “4 Fremont Street” this was the address of the bookstore. Watanuki decided to talk to Jake and Jess about the strange sounds that way he could be closer to banishing them.
“Maru! Moro!” He called. The two soulless bodies came running to him. He patted their heads and gave them a soft smile.
“Take good care of the store while I’m out; make sure Mokona doesn’t go sake hunting again”
“Mokona!” they cheered in unison while running off to find the black fur ball and play with her.
    Watanuki slipped on a red and blue kimono then stepped outside. He took the piece of paper and folded it four times. In a flash it turned into a fully functioning paper bird flying to the address hidden in its folds. After 5 minutes of steady walking along Tokyo’s many streets the bird turned back into its true form and floated to the floor. It was 1PM and the so the shop was open. He picked up the paper and headed inside the urban looking building. Watanuki headed straight to the cashier.
“Hello, are you Jess?” he asked the lady behind the silver cash register and computer screen.
    “Y-yes” she fumbled nervous and confused she didn’t know why someone wanted to know her name.
“I’m Watanuki Kimihiro; one of my friends told me about your problem at this store” He put his hand hovering over the counter wafting for her to shake it as a greeting.  She shook it she was glad he was coming to help. She put the lunch break sign up on the counter and showed Watanuki upstairs. “Jake!” Jess called as a Brown haired boy came to her direction to meet the dishwasher blonde and kiss her check softly.
“Take a seat “Jess gestured towards one of the square wooden chairs at a matching table in the corner of a hall leading to their kitchen and bedroom. 
“So tell me about the noises”
“Well umm.... they come late at night and they always sound like screaming or opening doors of sorts they scare me so much” Jess stated. Watanuki was fascinated he never knew spirits could open doors.
“Want some tea?” Jake asked smiling he really didn’t hear the noises at all because he slept so deeply but he knew if they troubled Jess he should be concerned.
“Tea would be lovely thank you” Watanuki replied. His eyes got distracted for a moment he swore he saw through the doorway a woman opening a fridge door.
“Is someone else living with you?” Watanuki asked
“No” Jess replied he voice slid up at the end of the word as if it was a question she was so confused. She wasn’t good at talking with strange unfamiliar people.
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a-simple-mineded-rose · 11 years
"whoa that's awesome my eyes are just boring brown" 
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a-simple-mineded-rose · 11 years
And here comes the never ending fan girl debate in my brain "What colour are Patrick's eyes?"
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a-simple-mineded-rose · 11 years
I won't let you go: Chapter 1 TEASER! TUMBLR EXCLUSIVE!
“Tea would be lovely thank you” Watanuki replied. His eyes got distracted for a moment he swore he saw through the doorway a woman opening a fridge door.
“Is someone else living with you?” Watanuki asked
“No” Jess replied he voice slid up at the end of the word as if it was a question she was so confused. She wasn’t good at talking with strange unfamiliar people.
  Chapter 1 released tomorrow on fanfiction.net  and tumblr.com. What is the woman? Is she a homeless hobo? Does it have anything to do with the strange sounds? Find out tomorrow!
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a-simple-mineded-rose · 11 years
shizuka doumeki
shizzcool domhack
shinguard donthate
shamwow daggakey
sasuke damnecchi
shihtzu downtonabbey
shipshape dammalamma
princezuko domecha
shutup doohickey
slipnslide dopamine
shittyuke dogmeat
sizzlin doughnut
sickfuck danganronpa
shishi duelme
shacklez dualmark
schnitzel donghumper
shodoff domehugger
sheez dude
yazuka dormmate
shizzle doormetal
shoesache duhmack
shoddyzeus daman
swimming anime
shimsham homestuck
shirley duggie
shoprite deuceman
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a-simple-mineded-rose · 11 years
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after two paragraphs I get writers block YAY
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a-simple-mineded-rose · 11 years
yay I can actually start chapter two! So excited!!
If you haven't already read the first chapter read it here: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/9685526/1/I-wont-let-you-go 
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a-simple-mineded-rose · 11 years
I'm so scared sending asks to people I have do idea why and I really should stop posting my thoughts on this blog my god. I should be writing fanfiction but it's late so sleepy I need a Saturday to write fanfiction it's one of the only spare days I have if I didn't spend everyday procrastinating I could actually write fanfiction but I'm way to dumb for that
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a-simple-mineded-rose · 11 years
Melissa Atkins (OC)
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a-simple-mineded-rose · 11 years
*inhales* I think I'm actually going to do it, it may not be very successful but I'll try
(I know some of you are thinking dirty thoughts and don't this has nothing to do with that stuff btw)
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a-simple-mineded-rose · 11 years
I think I'm beginging to mesh a blog for fanfiction with my own life and stuff
So about 18 hours ago I don't know how but I stumbled on an RPG blog on someone RPing as Patrick Stump for about the first 3 hours of reading it....
I thought it was the actual Patrick actually more like for the first 10 hours. After realising I still have homework which I will fail at to do I decided to look up the terms like "muse" and "mun" etc.. and now I want to start RPing in the FOB fandom but I would much rather like to create an Original Character instead of RP as Patrick or Pete RPing as them just I don't know wouldn't feel right. I had questions that just floated out of my head due to my over tiredness (it's like 1AM WOOO)
and FYI yes I am a FOB fangirl if it wasn't obvious enough I don't know if I "ship" anyone though SO TIRED AFHDSGHFDFGHBGFD
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a-simple-mineded-rose · 11 years
((Oh Candy Crush, you insatiable whore.))
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a-simple-mineded-rose · 11 years
Any form of bullying, big or small, from light teasing to full on hazing.
I have a debate on bullying in school and to what extent it is present next week and this would help.
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