Set after the events of Pokémon BW and during Pokémon BW2, the protagonists of BW travel to different regions together in search of N.
A collection of short one-shots/moments/shenanigans that the two get up to on their journey.
Or you can read this on Wattpad too! Just click here!
Snippet below:
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Celestic Town, Sinnoh
Hilda: N is not gonna be in any of these houses! Why do we have to knock on each door? We just keep getting rejected!
Hilbert: Oh come on it’s not that bad! Hey, how about I give you a fun fact? This is the hometown of one of the Sinnoh region’s past champion!
Hilda: Who would’ve thought huh? This is such a tiny town! Funny if we bumped into them.
Hilbert: Haha, I know right? I’m sure they’d be out training or something though. Doing champion stuff, you know?
Hilda: Yeah, true. Alright! Last house and then let’s get lunch okay?
Hilbert (knocking on the door and it opens): …
Hilda: Hilbert? You okay? You don’t look so great. Your beautiful face just turned super pale and it’s kinda ugly now.
Hilbert: I’m getting PTSD from Undella Town.
Hilda (looking toward the person in the doorway): What? Oh my Arceus. You know what, I’ll leave you guys to catch up, I’m heading to the uhh Pokémon Center hahaha bye…
Cynthia (in the doorway): Oh, what’s this? How terrific to see you again, Hilbert! Told you I’d remember your name.
Hilbert: Hey Cynthia, long time no see…
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Postwick, Galar
Hilbert: Hilda, we have to get a move on! You can’t just spend all day braiding the wool of every single Wooloo you see!
Hilda (kneeling beside a Wooloo amongst many other Wooloo): That’s not what you said yesterday when we spent all day looking at old buildings!
Hilbert: Oh, come on! The architecture is so unique compared to back home, and each building is actually different! On the other hand, each Wooloo looks exactly the same and even more now because of what you’re doing! Besides, we have Mareep back at home, they’re cute too.
Hilda: Yes, cute to look at, but not so much to touch… Trust me I know.
Leon (from out of nowhere): Ye’v sure made they Wooloo pure cute! Anyway, see ye twae aroond!
Hilda: Hahaha, yeah…!
Hilbert: …
Hilda: What did he say?
Hilbert: I don’t even know.
• • •
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Consider this:
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Wayward Son thoughts and things... (spoilers)
So I’ve just finished reading Wayward Son and I NEED ANSWERS! It also does not help that Rainbow Rowell just posted that teaser image of the next book!
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But anyway as I try to calm down, here are some thoughts and things (particularly about Shepard) I had about Wayward Son.
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So it’s obvious that Shepard has got a dark secret, but what is it? Or rather who cursed him, who does his soul technically belong to, what is his fate? 
Should have known something was odd when it was foreshadowed here on page 264! Shepard would probably jump on any chance (like we saw in the Renaissance Faire where he shouted spells to Baz) to get involved in a spell but he seems to hesitate here!
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Anyway, I was thinking about this and I just noticed the possible symbolism in Shepard’s name, with Lamb particularly. That is, a shepherd and a lamb.  While a shepherd is “a person who herds, tends, and guards sheep”, they’re also “a person who protects, guides, or watches over a person or group of people”. 
Yes, you could argue that Shepard is named Shepard because he kinda watches over and protects beings such as Margaret the mountain/dragon, or Blue at the Hoover Dam. You could argue that Lamb is called Lamb as a cover up that he actually is not innocent but pulling the wool over your eyes.
But for me, I think surely these name choices couldn’t have been a coincidence and there’s a much deeper and darker reason...
Well, that’s just some food for thought if you’re impatiently waiting for more like me!
(Also, apologies if anyone else had made this point, I’ve been avoiding spoilers or any posts about Wayward Son completely until I finished reading it!)
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Been thinking about Midna and...
I kinda want a TLoZ game where Midna somehow returns to Hyrule from the Twilight Realm after many, many years (not sure how the Twili age...) since the events of Twilight Princess to meet again with Link, however, she realises that the Link and Zelda she once knew are long gone.
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Yeah, I’m feeling kinda tragic...
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(one last) breath of the wild
or a tale of three friends, 10000 years ago
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MORE BoTW Sequel Thoughts and Theories
YES the BoTW Sequel trailer came out awhile ago.
So I was just messing about in BoTW, finding Korok Seeds and such, and I came across some things that just got me thinking about the sequel and I wanted to share them. 
So here they are...
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Juannelle (Snowfield Stable I think) talks about the Typhlo Ruins in this and I kinda didn’t really think much about this when I first came across her, but now, her mention of “mysterious power” really got me thinking. 
We can assume the Typhlo Ruins were once important to the Zonai due to the similar structures seen within the ruins and Faron Region.  So the Zonai as wielders of “mysterious power”? 
I like to think that the Zonai are the Interlopers, and later the Twili, mentioned in Twilight Princess, who “excelled at dark magic”, “wielding powerful sorcery”, but I don’t think the producers would do this for the sake of the (already messy) timeline. Would be super cool if they did though.
The only plausible thing I can think of would be linking this “mysterious power” to this:
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Yes, this has already been theorised many times to be the Zonai Tribe’s doing but I guess this could be evidence further supporting this idea.
This “mysterious power” holds so powerfully and for so long in the Typhlo Ruins to the point where no one remembers its origins anymore. Much like hand on what is assumed to be Ganondorf in the trailer, no one knows about it or what it is (also assuming here that the more recent members of the Royal Family of Hyrule don’t/didn’t know about the body underneath the castle based on Zelda appearing seemingly surprised about finding it in the trailer).
I’ll be referencing Zonai structures in the next couple of points so here’s an example of one found at Floria Bridge in the West Necluda near the Faron Region:
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The entrance to the To Quomo Shrine and Hebra Great Skeleton appears to be the works of the Zonai again:
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Location here in the Hebra Region:
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It was bad weather and nighttime in the first image so maybe the structures are more clear with Stasis:
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The thing I found interesting about this was that this was a seemingly random place for Zonai structures to be found, especially since the Zonai Ruins are largely in the Faron Region. Yes, there are the Labyrinth Ruins in the corners of the map (Also assuming here they belong to the Zonai) but they’re HUGE, as though the producers know you would find them easily and question them. This though, is a lot more subtle. It makes me wonder about how many more hidden places the Zonai Tribe have influenced and maybe there are more underneath the snow. Could this be a sneak peek into future dungeons?
Similarly to Interesting Thing 2, I came across this entrance at the Gee Ha’rah Shrine:
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Also located in the Hebra Region:
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Once again, seems to be the work of the Zonai Tribe.  This makes me wonder even more about how many Zonai structures could be hidden underneath the snow, and I believe finding more could be a thing in BoTW 2 as dungeon entrances.
Another interesting thing to note is that within the two Zonai structured entrances I’ve mentioned is that they both contained a shrine within, shrines which we know are relating to the Sheikah.  Did the Zonai and Sheikah collectively work together on this? Or did one come after the other, perhaps the Sheikah built their shrines within the Zonai structures or vice versa? This is similar to what I mentioned before in a past post about links between the Sheikah and Zonai.
Once again, there are probably flaws to this, but these are all just some thoughts.
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thank you for your attention
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everyone is making beautiful botw2 fanart and all i have is this
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Some Breath of The Wild Sequel Thoughts and Theories
I haven’t been able to stop thinking about the Breath of The Wild Sequel it’s like I desperately have to solve whatever was happening in that first look trailer.
So here’s a brain dump of things I’ve been thinking of. A lot of this I’m saying is kinda a lot of little theories, but make of it what you will.
Also this is may be quite long…
Brain Dump 1:
So at the moment I’m assuming that the Ancient Barbarian Tribe is closely associated, if not the same as the Zonai Tribe. Note that the Ancient Barbarian Tribe are from the Faron region and the Zonai Ruins are also found in the Faron region. The Zonai Tribe were also said to worship a dragon which is likely to be Farosh due to the region, and of the other dragons Farosh is associated with courage.
The Zonai Ruins also show structures of animals which symbolise different parts of the Triforce, pointing out that dragons in general represent courage, and boars/pigs represent power. (Should also mention that they have structures of owls which represent wisdom, but this won’t be my focus since I feel that the other two have been more prominent for the tribe(s), or for what I’ve seen at least)
But I’ll talk more about this later.
Brain Dump 2:
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Just a random thing, this kinda looks like those long structures are Guardian legs haha. I guess this could sorta be linked to the idea that Guardians are stored in the pillars that once rested beneath Hyrule Castle (which we know have risen from the ground now), given that this place we see is in fact underneath Hyrule Castle.
Anyway, this overall structure also kinda reminds me of
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this one, and it may be the Ancient Barbarian Tribe’s/Zonai Tribe’s own sort of Shrine of Resurrection?
Brain Dump 3:
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As amazing as it would be that this hand could be associated with the Twili (would totally love to see Midna again!!!), it sorta does seem to have Aztec-like designs on it which we also see on Zonai structures. Could be a bit of a stretch though if no one else sees it.
Also wanna raise the idea that the hand is green, commonly associated with courage within TLoZ games.
Brain Dump 4:
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The Barbarian helm kinda reminds me of Ganon with the red hair and the horns. Particularly OoT Ganon. This one could be a stretch, probably just from thinking about the teaser trailer too much and trying to make sense of it.
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Also OoT Phantom Ganon rode a horse and wielded a trident and we also see a figure wielding a trident and riding a horse in the paintings on the wall in the teaser video.
Bringing these brain dumps together:
I think the symbolism of the colours could be quite important. Honestly, I don’t think the green hand is bad and when we see Link’s hand turn green in the teaser trailer it could be to do with the Triforce of Courage.
I personally had interpreted the teaser trailer as the green hand (courage) preventing the red malice (power) emanating from the body, presumably Ganondorf, to spread further. We also see Link’s hand turn the same green. Maybe he obtains some sort of power from the green hand. Maybe this is Link truly awakening his powers, just like we had seen Zelda do before.
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As for the stuff about the Ancient Barbarian Tribe and the Zonai Tribe, this is what is making myself confused. Assuming they are the same, why would they appear to largely worship dragons (once again noting that they represent courage), yet also pigs/boars (also noting again that they represent power) as seen by an entire armour set (Barbarian Armour) being created possibly with this animal in mind?
Honestly, I don’t have an overarching theory of this, but for the moment, I do believe that the chosen hero we see in the tapestry depicting The Legend of the Calamity 10,000 years ago is Ganondorf (I mean not just the reddish hair colour but that’s definitely a Gerudo nose too!), and this could be part of the plot of the Breath of The Wild Sequel as I think we would have to learn things that went wrong with the Ancient Barbarian Tribe/Zonai Tribe. Perhaps there was confusion and conflict between tribe members in regard to the Triforce of Courage and the Triforce of Power that caused a rift in their relations and led to their downfall? Maybe the Ancient Barbarian Tribe are a small group who were once of the Zonai Tribe but established themselves due to different values, similar to how the Yiga were once Sheikah?
Obviously, there are flaws with all this but just some thoughts.
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forget hydrating, youre not like you when youre hungy, ganon
why, why did i make this
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“Robbie has restored mobility to many of the Guardians we've excavated... But we have still yet to find all of the Guardians. Records mention a greater number of them - and even other types. They are said to be stored in five giant columns that rest beneath Hyrule Castle. The thing is... No matter how I search beneath the castle, I can't seem to locate these columns. They must be buried deep. Were they perhaps designed to sense the appearance of Calamity Ganon and to only activate upon his return?”
- Zelda’s Research Notes
So it has been awhile since I played BoTW but if I remember correctly, once Calamity Ganon is gone the columns are still surrounding Hyrule Castle?
So the threat of evil is still present and Zelda and Link are probably trying to find this source which is maybe the reason why we see them on an excavation possibly underneath Hyrule Castle? (Also cute nerdy Zelda can continue her research on Guardians)
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I’m glad that Link has got more armour and warmer looking underclothing, he and Zelda have gone through SO MUCH SHIT THEY DESERVE TO BE SAFE AND WARM
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Can the Breath of the Wild sequel begin with Link and Zelda just doing nice domestic shit in Link’s Hateno house please I just want them to be happy
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If the old man outside of the Celadon Gym can learn to respect women, so can you.
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Listen up you emo fucking rats
2019 is just around the corner and we know everyone is excited for it BUT
Just over all killjoys respect the boys and everyone else in our year BUT WITH THAT BEING SAID GRAB YOUR BOOTS AND MASKS AND HAVE FUN OUT THERE YA FUCKIN’ CRAZY ANIMALS
Killjoys make some fucking noise
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