acciosoogyu · 4 years
➴ love like that | taehyun
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➴ i’ll say that you are love yourself    
    i won’t hold you back, yeah
“it’s been a while.”
taehyun buried his face in your neck, inhaling deeply in it as you hugged him. he then laughed softly as he felt your body relax in his embrace. it had been three weeks, and your boy had been waiting for this moment all along. 
and he loved it.
he got drowsy as the happy, almost euphoric feeling that you gave him filled him to the brim. rocking the two of your gently, he hummed to himself, knowing that he didn’t need to ask you if you were happy too. your touch was enough to tell him that you too couldn’t have wanted anything more than to be with him.
taehyun pulled out of the hug to look at your face with that honey filled gaze, his lips only slightly up at the corners.
you snickered as you waved you waved your eyes in front of his face, “earth to taehyun-”
his gaze flickered from your eyes to your lips, and before you could process it, he calmly leaned into you, pressing his lips to yours. there was no heat, no quick movements- just a simple and quick kiss on the lips, yet it managed to say everything he’d wanted to.
taehyun sighed as he smiled after pulling back, admiring you again. he’d wanted to say i love you, but he’d been too tired to put it in words, and the sweet kiss from his mouth had made up for it.
a smile crept onto your lips as he hugged you again. knowing taehyun, you knew that this was going to go on for a while. your boy wanted to give you his love, and you were more than ready to return those feelings to him too.
➴ the more i get to know you you’re overwhelming    
    how are you this perfect
“let me do it for you.”
taehyun held your face gently as he brushed your hair back, running his fingers through them before pinning them back as you wanted them to be.
time seemed to be a fluttering butterfly that taehyun had grasped in his nimble hands, holding the moment in place with his touch. 
with golden and red sparks flying. a lot of them.
“you look so lost.” taehyun snickered.
you simply smiled, admitting it that you were, in fact, lost in this moment.
and in his eyes.
taehyun stroked your hair one last time before finally putting the pin to your hair, admiring you, “you look very pretty.”
you intertwined your fingers with his, allowing him to pull you onto him as he lied down on the bed, “it’s your magic, kang taehyun. the way you play with those cards? the same way, you create this beautiful, magical feeling in my heart.”
taehyun let out a gentle, pretty giggle as he locked you in his arms. this was magic, for sure, he thought to himself. but it wasn’t an illusion. this thing that he had with you, and the feelings, were so very real.
➴you alone are enough, love like that
   just save me a place by your side, love like this
“this place looks fine.”
taehyun sat down on the grass next to you. the sky had cleared up after the rain, and the sun was about to set anytime soon. vibrant hues of red, orange and purple spread across the sky as the cotton like clouds were slowly starting to disappear in the now growing darkness.
you nodded as you lied down, looking up at the sky. taehyun, on the other hand, was still sitting up.
you glanced at him, motioning him to lie down beside you when you saw that he had one hand behind his back.
“what’s that?”
he smiled, “oh, this?”
he brought his hand to the front, only to produce a vivid, red rose. he twirled it in front of your surprised face before kissing it and touching it to your nose.
“this is for you.”
you grinned gratefully as you took the rose from him, making sure that it was carefully kept aside before lunging onto him, pulling him into the biggest hug that the two of you had ever had.
taehyun sighed happily as he hugged you back just as tight, kissing you gently on the neck before smiling at you and saying, “i really like it when you are yourself with me. keep loving my, just like that.”
you nodded as he continued to kiss you softly, “i will, taehyun. i will always love like that.”
his eyelids fluttered as he grinned cheekily before leaning into you, pressing his lips to yours as he whispered, “and i will too.”
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acciosoogyu · 5 years
unexpected | choi soobin
A/N; uhm hii! okay so, this is my first english fic, so please be good :( also this is for @ultsoobins  #rayablueorangeade contest! but if you like i can upload more, sorry for the mistakes, english its not my first language.. okay enjoy this shdsajsas bye 
None expected that Kang Seungmin, the social butterfly, and Choi Soobin, the shy dude that sits in the back, were a couple since a year ago. Actually, it was kinda weird to see these two together. Soobin only had a few friends, and didn’t talk to others in case if it’s something really important. And Seungmin was always surrounded by her friends, being al giggle and helping others in whatever they needed.
So everyone were surprise when, after a really important soccer game, Soobin hugged Seungmin and kissed her in front of everyone. In that moment the tall boy didn’t think about it, when her girl was a crying mess because she could make any score, and the only thing he wanted was to see her beautiful smile again.
“You did your best”
“But we lost! I suck at this” she whined, hiding her face in the boy chest.
Soobin had a little smile in his face; it was just so cute when Seungmin was pouty and whining. He couldn’t care less about that dumb game, but his sporty girl always wanted to win, just because she thinks it makes him proud (more than he already is).
“I really wanted to goal just for you…”
Choi nodded, caressing her hair without saying much. Then he realized all their classmates looking with wide eyes and surprising looks on their faces.
“Minnie, everyone its watching us…”
“I don’t care! Just keep hugging me, I need love”
Soobin giggled, still having the girl between his arms.
“You are so clingy” Seungmin looked up, with pouty lips and he laughed again. Oh boy, he was so whipped for her. And everyone could see that.
The next week, when Seungmin entered the room, some of her classmates looked at her with envy eyes, like, how she could get the cute shy boy for herself this whole time? And when that happened? Since when they were a couple? Did she ask him out? Or he asked her out?
Seungmin was sitting in her usual place, first row, listening to music and ignoring the entire gossip thing that the girls were doing behind her back. Suddenly, a hand took out one of her earphones.
“Your mum told me you left early… I thought I was going to pick you up” Soobin talked pouty, with a worried look.
“Sorry, I went to do something”
“What thing?”
“Can´t tell you” Seungmin said playfully, with a smirk on her lips.
“It’s a surprise, baby!” suddenly she stood up, and give him a peck in his pouty “Sorry for didn’t tell you, can you forgive me?”
“Only if you buy me something”
“Whatever my sunshine needs”
Soobin was a blushing mess, sometimes Seungmin was too much for him. So sweet, so affective and hype.Just the opposite of him, but right what he needs. With a little smile and pinky cheeks, Soobin walked to his seat, trying to avoid everyone glances. It was really that weird to see them together? Yeah, they are right polar opposites. Seungmin was so friendly and cute with everyone, she didn’t have problem to talk to others or said what she thinks. Meanwhile Soobin was so shy to talk to others, barely had friends and talked to strangers. Also he didn’t like to move, he preferred quiet places and staying at home, but since he started dating Seungmin, she drag him outside just to walk Sean and go for ice cream, or even just enjoy the sunny days. Also she was sporty and always motivated to do new stuff.
She was perfect for him.
A memory when they first meet came to his mind, it was rainy day. Soobin forgot his umbrella and Seungmin was passing by, with a cute smile asked if he needed company in his way home. And after a little of persuasive talk, both ended walking down the street, only Seungmin talking how much she enjoys rainy days to listen to music and bake cookies. Soobin at first thought she was trying too hard to be his friend, and she looked kinda fake.
But after a few weeks, she walking next to Soobin and being so nice to him. He ended falling for her charms, her little jumps and giggles, her random singing and innocent soul. Soobin really loves when she calls him pet names, or suddenly kiss him. Soobin loves Seungmin so much and after one year together, he can confirm that he fell in love with the most angelic girl ever.
“You are spacing out again” Yeonjun said, looking at him.
“I know…”
“Eww man, you are so whipped”
“I know…”
Maybe they didn’t have too much things in common, but they worked like that. Soobin completes Seungmin in so many ways, and so does she.
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acciosoogyu · 5 years
hilarious what does even mean WAIT FOR REAL IM ONE OF YOUR FAVS :((( NOOOOO U SO SWEET :((((
Favorite txt accounts?
*cracks knuckles* i’ve got a LONG LIST so thanks for asking
@beomgyutie​ - literally my mother, gif and puns manufacturer, works very hard, gifs stuff literally two seconds after it is posted, cares for everyone, can crack some yeonjun level jokes 
@crownedtxt​ - the person who inspired me to be born make this account, very lovely, doesn’t bite 
@ultsoobins​ - a fantastic writer, great attention to detail, stan raya 
@yeonjunssnacks - heart warming person, writes really cute or interesting stuff, never disappoints 
@sunsetsoobin​ - soobin’s lover, attention grabbing writer, is on crack but still writes good content 
@huening-kaii - legit the cutest fanboy to ever exist, makes gifs and loves kai way more than any of us can imagine 
@lovechois - great gif and content maker, loves everyone 
@ssoobins - also a regular and amazing gif creator
@txtsnoona - been there for the boys since I can remember, pretty gifs 
@waggybeomggy - hilarious and sweet, mostly hilarious  
@booomgyu @tmrw-tog @beomgyu-s @mimitxtghost @soobins-dimples 
 also @euphoria-teal-black incase you’re interested in checking it out lmao
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acciosoogyu · 5 years
wait a little longer, he is gonna be breaking so many hearts I swear my babyboy TaeTae is gonna shine soon
(if not I'm ready to fight everyone)
I'm really happy that I'm getting more Taehyun requests
Boy is finally getting the attention he deserves
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acciosoogyu · 5 years
I'm really that dumb huh
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acciosoogyu · 5 years
Me: Uh, maybe we should hold hands? Yeonjun: Me: ... For safety Yeonjun: You’re right
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acciosoogyu · 5 years
later im gonna send u all the info i got from the zodiac bc i have to translate it :( but its a promise 
well.. im aquarius, my bday its feb 5th, i can explain the little i know about the signs (its not too much but its something lol) if you want ofc asdsjdsaasls im not sweet i just really wanted to talk to you sjdskdsjs
yeah, bubs !! go right ahead, I’m all ears. & nooooo, I’m sure you’re the sweetest bubs 💗 !!
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acciosoogyu · 5 years
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picture perfect | a social media au
part twenty-four- mystery kiss
<prev | next>
taglist: @princesskimnamjoon @lovechois @lovelymultiwrites @rjsmochii @purpleisabela @fairyjiu @goldenchemistry @themikrokosmos @waggybeomggy @karissacranley @skzbbie
vote here for ending, to make sure i write what you guys want i won’t be updating until i get at least three responses <3
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acciosoogyu · 5 years
PLEASE I WANNA CRY NOW I WANT TO CUDDLE HIM SDSJISAKSAS :( we all need a yeonjun in our lifes
i would be so happy just to hold yeonjuns hand, like have u seen him??? he is so cute and cuddleable (is that even a word??) but anyways i think that he has me wrapped aroud his finger, i cant imagine being mad at him and if i am i would just kiss his forehead and tell him "dont do that again" >:( he is my baby sahsadjassa :(
omg baby boy would be such a little brat :((( he would know he has you wrapped around his finger so whenever you would be mad at him he would simply say “you know you can’t be mad at me” with pouty lips. then once you give in he’ll smirk and peck your lips :((((((
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acciosoogyu · 5 years
unexpected | choi soobin
A/N; uhm hii! okay so, this is my first english fic, so please be good :( also this is for @ultsoobins  #rayablueorangeade contest! but if you like i can upload more, sorry for the mistakes, english its not my first language.. okay enjoy this shdsajsas bye 
None expected that Kang Seungmin, the social butterfly, and Choi Soobin, the shy dude that sits in the back, were a couple since a year ago. Actually, it was kinda weird to see these two together. Soobin only had a few friends, and didn’t talk to others in case if it’s something really important. And Seungmin was always surrounded by her friends, being al giggle and helping others in whatever they needed.
So everyone were surprise when, after a really important soccer game, Soobin hugged Seungmin and kissed her in front of everyone. In that moment the tall boy didn’t think about it, when her girl was a crying mess because she could make any score, and the only thing he wanted was to see her beautiful smile again.
“You did your best”
“But we lost! I suck at this” she whined, hiding her face in the boy chest.
Soobin had a little smile in his face; it was just so cute when Seungmin was pouty and whining. He couldn’t care less about that dumb game, but his sporty girl always wanted to win, just because she thinks it makes him proud (more than he already is).
“I really wanted to goal just for you…”
Choi nodded, caressing her hair without saying much. Then he realized all their classmates looking with wide eyes and surprising looks on their faces.
“Minnie, everyone its watching us…”
“I don’t care! Just keep hugging me, I need love”
Soobin giggled, still having the girl between his arms.
“You are so clingy” Seungmin looked up, with pouty lips and he laughed again. Oh boy, he was so whipped for her. And everyone could see that.
The next week, when Seungmin entered the room, some of her classmates looked at her with envy eyes, like, how she could get the cute shy boy for herself this whole time? And when that happened? Since when they were a couple? Did she ask him out? Or he asked her out?
Seungmin was sitting in her usual place, first row, listening to music and ignoring the entire gossip thing that the girls were doing behind her back. Suddenly, a hand took out one of her earphones.
“Your mum told me you left early… I thought I was going to pick you up” Soobin talked pouty, with a worried look.
“Sorry, I went to do something”
“What thing?”
“Can´t tell you” Seungmin said playfully, with a smirk on her lips.
“It’s a surprise, baby!” suddenly she stood up, and give him a peck in his pouty “Sorry for didn’t tell you, can you forgive me?”
“Only if you buy me something”
“Whatever my sunshine needs”
Soobin was a blushing mess, sometimes Seungmin was too much for him. So sweet, so affective and hype.Just the opposite of him, but right what he needs. With a little smile and pinky cheeks, Soobin walked to his seat, trying to avoid everyone glances. It was really that weird to see them together? Yeah, they are right polar opposites. Seungmin was so friendly and cute with everyone, she didn’t have problem to talk to others or said what she thinks. Meanwhile Soobin was so shy to talk to others, barely had friends and talked to strangers. Also he didn’t like to move, he preferred quiet places and staying at home, but since he started dating Seungmin, she drag him outside just to walk Sean and go for ice cream, or even just enjoy the sunny days. Also she was sporty and always motivated to do new stuff.
She was perfect for him.
A memory when they first meet came to his mind, it was rainy day. Soobin forgot his umbrella and Seungmin was passing by, with a cute smile asked if he needed company in his way home. And after a little of persuasive talk, both ended walking down the street, only Seungmin talking how much she enjoys rainy days to listen to music and bake cookies. Soobin at first thought she was trying too hard to be his friend, and she looked kinda fake.
But after a few weeks, she walking next to Soobin and being so nice to him. He ended falling for her charms, her little jumps and giggles, her random singing and innocent soul. Soobin really loves when she calls him pet names, or suddenly kiss him. Soobin loves Seungmin so much and after one year together, he can confirm that he fell in love with the most angelic girl ever.
“You are spacing out again” Yeonjun said, looking at him.
“I know…”
“Eww man, you are so whipped”
“I know…”
Maybe they didn’t have too much things in common, but they worked like that. Soobin completes Seungmin in so many ways, and so does she.
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acciosoogyu · 5 years
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acciosoogyu · 5 years
3RACHA deleted songs
(all of their songs + the 14 deleted ones and Jisung’s and Changbin’s solos)
here 💛
credits to Stray Kids Brasil
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acciosoogyu · 5 years
little blurb request; yeonjun doing readers hair in a ponytail?? idk sorry baby, I hope everything it's alright :(
A/N: Thanku for requesting :( everything is most def not alright but so it goes, I guess.
Small sniffles make their way from you out into the open air of your bedroom, catching the attention of your boyfriend, Yeonjun, every so often.
His current position, behind you, sitting criss-cross applesauce, is aiding him as his fingers trail through your hair lightly. 
“Hey,” He speaks softly, “What did I say about those tears?” 
You wipe your cheeks, eyes closing as he speaks again.
“It’s okay to ask for my help, no matter how small.” He speaks again, voice low and soft.
The truth was that, even though you liked to seem invincible, you weren’t. And your boyfriend was okay with that.
Prior to your current state, you had been struggling to do a multitude of things. Not being able to get your hair right, no matter how lame it sounds, was the last straw. Yeonjun had walked in on you sobbing, and his heart had broken at the very sight.
So, with his gentle voice, and his delicate hands, he had led you to sit on front of the mirror with him as he tried to help you sort out what you couldn’t. Along with this, he’d coo out small sentences through your ragged breathing, those of, “You deserve so much better than this.” And, “Please stop crying, princess. I’m here. I am here.”
Yeonjun is gently weaving your hair around his fingers, skillfully braiding it with light eyes. You remember how excited he got when you taught him how to braid, and now he loved doing it whenever you let him.
“I know you wanted a ponytail,” He leans down and plants a gentle kiss your shoulder, “But I thought a braid would suit you better.”
The braid is messy in the perfect way when he finishes, and looks beautiful. You sniffle one last time and turn to him, pulling him into your arms.
“I love it.” You say.
“I love you.” He replies, running his hand up and down your back. You sigh softly, the tears finally stopping.
“Are you feeling a little better?” He asks, craning his neck down to meet your eyes as your head is tilted forward. You look up and nod.
“A little bit. Thank you.”
He gives you his best smile and then stand, pulling you up by your hand gently.
“You’re welcome, baby. I’ll always be here for you, I promise.”
You giggle as he kisses your cheek.
“Now, let’s go show the world what you’re made of.”
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acciosoogyu · 5 years
i have so much feelings after reading this for the third time I mean yeonjun it's my BABY AND HYUNJIN ITS MY BABY TOOO :(
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• txt thinks y/n has a crush on yeonjun
[[ hello bubs !! thank you for requesting, I tried but idk, I’m not too proud of it. I hope this is kinda what you had in mind bubs :(((( ]]
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acciosoogyu · 5 years
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• txt thinks y/n has a crush on yeonjun
[[ hello bubs !! thank you for requesting, I tried but idk, I’m not too proud of it. I hope this is kinda what you had in mind bubs :(((( ]]
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acciosoogyu · 5 years
thanks now i wanna date yeonjun even MORE AND THATS SAD
night out with yeonjun
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➴ picks an outfit for you
➴”this color looks amazing on you, you should wear it more often”
➴watching a movie at the cinema, then going for dinner
➴yeonjun eats a LOT
➴he doesn’t hesitate to order more food than you could ever handle
➴“I’ll finish it, don’t worry”
➴ yeonjun whining when the food takes too long to come
➴ clapping excitedly when it finally comes
➴ gives you bites from his hand   
➴ tries to drink wine elegantly but ends up dropping it on the table
➴ eating until you’re full
➴ “let’s walk around a bit.”   
➴ holding hands and walking while admiring the night view
➴ “let’s dance”   
➴ twirls you around while laughing and singing
➴ holds your hand even tighter when cars go past you
➴ “people drive very rashly, you need to be careful”   
➴ stares at you shamelessly
➴ “you look very pretty under the night sky”
➴ kisses you on your hand
➴ then on your lips
➴smiles and then hugs you
➴”we should spend more time together”
➴takes you home
➴tells you that he loves you more times than you can remember
➴ “you’re mine”
     gif belongs to @3rachha​
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acciosoogyu · 5 years
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yesterday after a mental breakdown, i did a thread of soobin as puppies and I'm still crying over it
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