acequorthon · 3 years
7th of april, 2021
For once I am writing one of these journal entries earlier before I get too tired hehe, might be fitting since today was one of those zombie mode days because I slept like hell yesterday night, but I managed to pull through today just fine except that I’m gonna try to get to sleep earlier than usual.
My psychologist visit that I had today went pretty well I’d say, we finished a diagnostic interview that has taken a couple of sessions and then we started some pattern exercises that I’d say went pretty well for me too. Another psychologist attended the last part of the diagnostic interview because he is the one who will make the final decision apparently when it comes to if I have autism and/or ADHD. I have the next appointment the same time as always in one week so we’ll see how that goes as well!
When I came home I pretty much did the usual and played some video games, this time Total War: Warhammer II since that game seems to be kinda better than the first one and I had some small gripes with that one. I started a campagin as the Lizardmen and their units totally rock, I got airborn cavalry on pterodactyls that throw bombs on the enemy and giant crocodiles with massive axes that turn the enemy into minced meat, so super cool! After a few hours of that I played some video games with a friend over Discord which was fun! We started with some Hearts Of Iron IV where I played as the Soviet Union while he played as Communist China, it didn’t go super well for us sadly since we failed to take on the japanese in an efficient manner so we quit earlier than expected, it was still a lot of fun though!
This evening I’ve spent just like always by watching The Office and regaining some of that lost energy from all the events of today, right now I am laying in bed and taking it easy. I should. go back to that now I think hahaha. Take good care everyone!
Love, Ace! <3
Song of the day:
0 notes
acequorthon · 3 years
6th of april, 2021
Good evening everyone, I hope you’ve had a great day! :3
My day has been quite alright I’d say, as usual I got up at 7 in the morning and was on my way to work one hour later. Today there were a lot of other temps at work which made it kinda strange to be honest, I never really got to perform a task to its completion before another one came in and took over haha, so it’s been kind of a fight over tasks at work today. When we had some downtime I got to pet and hang out with two super adorable cocker spaniels called Greta and Bella, definitely the best girls I have ever met! We had a big cleaning day at work too which went well for me, despite being my first time participating in one. Sooooo much laundry and soooo much vacuuming haha!
When I got off work I listened to some shoegaze on the bus home and relaxed the best I could, once I got home I took a shower and then heated up some paninis for me, my mom and my sister. After that I played some video games as usual, Total War: Warhammer again just like yesterday. Been watching The Office too of course and I finished eating up all my easter egg candy which is nice, I can now finally get back into a more healthier diet again! Right now I am just laying in bed and relaxing, very tired after a long day and tomorrow I got another appointment with my psychologist who is doing my autism/ADHD investigation.
I hope the rest of the day will be good for whoever reads this, take care!
Love, Ace! <3
Song of the day:
0 notes
acequorthon · 3 years
5th of april, 2021
Good day to y’all who might be reading this, and I hope you’ve had a nice easter celebration! I personally had a pretty nice one, except that one day that my dog died of course. Me and my family have been eating a lot of good food together, everything from herring, salmon, eggs, meatballs, potatoes, sausages, cheese, etc. AND I got a very huge easter egg from my mom that contained almost two and a half kilos of chocolate! After every easter I swear that I will stop eating so much candy but it’s impossible for me!
Since this day is considered a holiday in Sweden I didn’t have to come in for work today so my day has been mostly filled with computer games and music. I decided to play Total War: Warhammer again after a long time and that game is still one of the best Total War games of all time, this time I started a campaign as the dwarves since they are my favorites and I came quite a bit into the game but I might start over since I made some stupid mistakes because I’m so rusty with the game. While I played Total War: Warhammer I also listened to a lot of music since I find it very relaxing to do so, and I listened to some prog rock like Jethro Tull, Emerson Lake & Palmer and King Crimson. And then after all of that I played Left 4 Dead 2 with my sister for three hours or so and that is always fun, I love playing games with her! In the evening as usual I became a bit tired so these last hours have only been filled with even more of The Office, I am a few episodes into season six and it’s still a very fun show that only gets better I think! Now I am laying in bed and relaxing, and I gotta go to sleep soon so I am not too tired for work tomorrow. I hope people who read this will have a great day and take care!
Love, Ace! <3
Song of the day:
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acequorthon · 3 years
4th of april, 2021
Today has been quite alright I must say! I woke up at 7 and stayed lazy until around 10 in the morning by listening to some music and watching a lot of YouTube. After breakfast I played a variety of games like Roblox, Team Fortress 2 and Rimworld. Wasn’t very interested in Roblox or Team Fortress 2 today but Rimworld caught my attention thankfully, I continued on my colony in the desert and got started on cutting some stones for building and I finished some electric windmills. The rest of the day I spent with my family, I watched a movie called Precious from 2009 with my sister and then after I ate pizza for dinner me, my sister, mom and dad watched Oldboy from 2003, all very good movies in my opinion! Now I’m only laying down and relaxing again with some music in my ears. I’m sure I’ll sleep soon, as usual I am very tired this evening after a long day. Take care friends!
Love, Ace <3
Song of the day:
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acequorthon · 3 years
3rd of april, 2021
Today hasn’t had much of anything to it really, I woke up at the usual hour, ate breakfast with my parents and then I did some cleaning to tidy things up. Most of the day was spent laying on my couch honestly, except after breakfast I got an easter egg which was nice so I’ve been eating candy too. I tried to play some games earlier today but I couldn’t be bothered sadly. I’m still just watching a bunch of The Office on Netflix or random YouTube videos to make time go by faster. Sorry if this entry is a bit short but I’ve really not done anything today.
Love, Ace! <3
Song of the day:
0 notes
acequorthon · 3 years
2nd of april, 2021
I really wonder how to start this one, because today has been a very sad day not only for me but for my entire family. My sister woke me up at around 8 because the family dog hasn’t been able to sleep at all tonight because of his terrible terrible coughing. Mom and dad drove to our veterinarian to seek help but there was nothing that could be done, and he was put down. Domino was pretty old, 12 and a half years but it’s still sad to see him gone and I miss him. He suffered from an enlarged heart, poor fluid processing so he was bloated, a testicular tumor and damages to his hind legs, even though he suffered from all of this he was doing okay, but just over night everything became 100 times worse for the poor thing. We buried him in our yard under our tree and he will finally rest peacefully and not have any pain. The rest of the day was nothing extraordinary at all, I just rested all day long after my friends left for home and then watched The Office all evening.
Tomorrow will hopefully be a lot better and not so sad for everyone. Take care now people.
Love, Ace <3
Song of the day:
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acequorthon · 3 years
1st of april, 2021
Hello everyone, greetings from one day later! I am writing this on the 2nd of april morning since I forgot to yesterday hahaha. In my defence it’s because I have some friends over and we got real busy watching movies together and one was so goddamn boring that I fell asleep! x3
Short story long however. Today I woke up early at 7, enjoyed some coffee with my parents and then I was off to work! I work at a dog daycare center and today I got to do activities such as cleaning water bowls, change the mop and bucket, clean the dog enclosures and pet some good bois! Sadly however I got an anxiety attack while at work so I had to sit down and calm myself for a bit, but it went away fairly quickly thank god! After work I took the bus to meet up with my sister and mom so I could take a car ride home with them, my sister was in town because she was donating blood. When I got home I just relaxed a lot, nothing too interesting until my friends showed up. We watched some of The Office together, watched The Witch by Robert Eggers and then Creep (The movie I fell asleep to lmao). But before that we also dined some nice burgers from a good burger place nearby called 7 Sins Burgers, and then we played some Jackbox too!
I’m not too sure if there is anything else to say honestly, I think all this pretty much sums it all up! Take care everyone, and stay tuned for the next post!
Love, Ace <3
Song of the day:
0 notes
acequorthon · 3 years
31st of march, 2021
Well, this is my first post on here. I don’t really know what to say or if I’m gonna stay with it for very long, but I’m gonna try and see where this takes me. Consider this to be my diary, where I post every day (Gonna try to at least lmao) about how my day was and what thoughts I have, maybe I’ll rant too and waste precious space on this site!
Anywayyyy, today I didn’t do too much of anything. I got up at 7 in the morning and enjoyed a cup of coffee with my mom and dad before I had to leave on my bike to see my psychologist who is working on an investigation into if I have autism and/or ADHD, seems like I have at least two more appointments to go to before the investigation is done. When I came home I helped my mom do some shopping before easter and after that we two and my sister had lunch together. The next hours I spent playing some Left 4 Dead 2 with my sister and it was pretty fun, until I got too tired and had to relax some. After that I spent the remainder of the day watching The Office on Netflix, super fun show but I’m sure you all know that already! Now I am laying in bed writing this, and not before too long I will probably go to bed because I got work tomorrow, but that is another story for tomorrow!
Love, Ace! <3
Song of the day:
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