acetraineramelia · 4 days
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acetraineramelia · 10 days
Found an article that illustrates my point on why you need to know how to hold back in order to become a gym leader.
The link is here, but in case you don't want to read the full article, Laverre's old gym leader, before Valerie, pretty terrible guy! Insisted on going full force against any and all challengers, and this led to one challenger getting grievously injured by a fire-type move that was far, far more powerful than necessary.
Even for regular trainers, you need to learn to hold back. Ace Trainer Catherine can't just have their Gyarados use Hyper Beam against Lass Anna's newly-caught Hoothoot, or there's going to be tragedy.
Don't go full-power all the time. Learn to reel it in, and fight at your opponent's level.
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acetraineramelia · 11 days
Victini! They're so cute and with the legends attached they'd make a great mascot for my brand!
If you could only choose one Legendary/Mythical Pokémon to be your partner 'mon, who would you choose?
Self righteous pricks who think Legendaries/Mythicals shouldn't be caught, this HYPOTHETICAL post isn't for you. Stop killing Rotomblr.
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acetraineramelia · 16 days
Did you fight Arceus? Or any other legendaries? What was it like?
#Science Time
Alright, noticed people saying various stuff, and am now curious.
*: society at large, known in general culture myths, religion, and/or science considers relevant in some major context
Sorry, no show results; if you want the data, you have to pay with a data point.
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acetraineramelia · 23 days
This looks cool!
Grand opening ceremony!
As a celebration of our social media-based branch opening, we're having a party, and everyone's invited! Just interact with this post to receive a gift bag from our party with our state-of-the-art porygon mail system! Even faster than a pelipper, with less likelihood of bumps and scratches on the way!
Each gift bag will contain:
1 random pokedoll!
A Multiversal Wonder Trade Network keychain!
1 random specialised pokeball (anything but default, great or ultra!)
Some candies!
A jello cup shaped like a pokeball!
We hope you enjoy our opening event, and enjoy our service for years to come!
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acetraineramelia · 1 month
Koffing! They're cute!
Actually I haven't seen one of these for my favourite type so!
Reblog with your favourite poison type :> ! If you want
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acetraineramelia · 1 month
I'm not disabled but I've gotten injured a lot and I know right? It's so annoying! Sleep is supposed to be good and heal you, why does my body have to make it so hard??
man I think I deserve to do some crime about painsomnia. What do you mean I’m not allowed to sleep because my leg hurts. I took my meds and I did everything right. What do you want from me, blood? That rarely solves anything.
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acetraineramelia · 1 month
I have gone against an alpha Rapidash in a fistfight before
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acetraineramelia · 1 month
Cool! How did you do it with a chair?
I have gone against an alpha Rapidash in a fistfight before
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acetraineramelia · 1 month
Rolled over? Which titan was it? Was it the one in Asado desert?
I have gone against an alpha Rapidash in a fistfight before
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acetraineramelia · 1 month
That's epic!! Both of those fights, actually!
I have gone against an alpha Rapidash in a fistfight before
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acetraineramelia · 2 months
Yeah, I definitely just dyed my Primeape grey and gave him a wacky hairdo.
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Okay so obviously I know jack shit about pokemon.
So uhhh tell me about your favorite pokemon. Provide pictures if you want, or don't I'm not the boss of you. But. It would help
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acetraineramelia · 2 months
Annihilape are so cool! They were so angry they died, but also so angry they come back as ghost types! They channel that rage into epic battling prowess! The more times they get hit, the stronger they get!
Okay so obviously I know jack shit about pokemon.
So uhhh tell me about your favorite pokemon. Provide pictures if you want, or don't I'm not the boss of you. But. It would help
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acetraineramelia · 2 months
Here's a top ace trainer tip to have fun and beat the heat!
Battle someone with water type Pokémon!
Stand behind your Pokémon and wait for your opponent to use Hydro Pump!*
Have your Pokémon dodge it!
Congratulations! You are now soaking wet!
*this probably will work with other water/ice type moves too, but Hydro Pump has a bit more oomph to it.
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acetraineramelia · 2 months
Wait, they have those now??
I guess that's good and all, but it was pretty exciting sitting in the stands, waiting to jump out of your seat to dodge a stray attack. Then when people dynamaxed... That was where the real fun started.
A little-known fact about Former Chairman Rose is that he was an avid opponent of safety regulations in the Galar League circuit.
You know those shields in stadiums that prevent anything on the field from hitting the audience? We had to fight for those. Rose didn't want them, saying they were "too expensive".
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acetraineramelia · 3 months
I don't have time to watch mewtube but my bro just showed me a video of you and I will also be donating all my money!
um...what kind of effect does cute charm multiplied by six have on people?
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acetraineramelia · 3 months
I like to keep in shape by battling Pokémon myself sometimes! Get some sticky globs or whatever, get good at dodging and you can take 'em on Hisui style!
early morning roadwork. I wanna have a fight with someone. Do other trainers not get Jealous upon seeing their pokemon fighting? Like, I know I'm a walking stereotype, but do you people not want to step in the ring and show off?
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