acewritessome ¡ 4 years
Secret Santa - Chapter 4
Over the rest of the week Shinsou tasks himself with using the camera he was gifted as best he could. he tried taking photos of the world around him; butterflies, blossoms, trees, birds, anything, but he always found himself looking at Kaminari through the view finder. His collection of images is slowly increasing. Every couple of photos there’s a picture of the electric blonde, eventually, Shinsou stops caring and doesn’t even hide the fact anymore; often calling out to Kaminari to pose for him or look at him. Other times content with taking candid photos. He had made sure to get the blondes permission to take his photo and keep them, saying he wanted something to remember his time at UA. His favourite photo is still the one gifted to him, the confession tied in making it even better.
Yes, Shinsou knew Kaminari had confessed to him, but he wasn’t quite sure how to go about showing the other that his feelings are returned. So instead of confronting him about it, Shinsou leaves it to make it look like he didn’t realise the intention behind it. Kaminari on the other hand, found himself at a loss. What else could he do to make Shinsou realise his feelings? Was the confession not enough?
“Pfft… Hahaha… I’m sorry, but THAT? Was your confession? Dude… That’s literally nothing, you say that him every other day!” He groaned letting his head drop onto the table, “Sero, my buddy, my dude, my good man… What do I do?” Sero take a drink from his cup thoughtfully. “I don’t know dude, I guess just try and show him in other ways?” He pats his shoulder softly as he gets up to put his cup away, “I’m gonna go hang out with Iida, because unlike you, some of us are actually able to speak!” Sero chuckles as his best friend looks up at him in exasperation. He sinks down even further in his seat; he realises just how badly his confession went.
This is how Shinsou finds the electric boy, slumped in his chair and with his head in his hands, he tilts his head when the boy finally acknowledges his presence, “Are you ok, Kaminari?”, Denki quickly pops up from where he’s sitting, “Oh, yeah, I’m fine. What about you?” Everything is said in a somewhat rush, he stumbles to find his footing after practically jumping up out of his seat, he resigns to lean against the counter, hoping he looks suave. Shinsou tries his hardest to stifle a small laugh and replies back, “I’m fine as well,” he moves around the counter so he’s situated next to Kaminari, having overheard the majority of the conversation. “You seem a bit… flustered? Are you sure you’re feeling ok? You seem a bit… hot…” he brings his hand up to press against Kaminari’s forehead, by now Denki is definitely heating up, his face quickly turning red, “You’re hot.” He says without thinking. Shinsou’s face drops into one of shock, not having thought the blonde was brave enough to have said something so blunt, apparently he doesn’t register what he said until a couple moments afterwards, “Uh... I mean… You know, on second thought maybe I’m not? Feeling so good? I might go lie down. Yeah… Uh, see you.” He quickly rushes off without another word, leaving Shinsou standing there in shock, soon chuckling to himself at how stupid the other boy is.
Kaminari tries his hardest to avoid Shinsou after his little slip up, he really does. The odds just aren’t in his favour. They keep getting paired up in sparring class, getting grouped together during hero training and even having to do kitchen duty together. By the end of the week Denki basically gives up on his “Avoid Shinsou At All Costs” plan.
“Hey, Kami, look at me!” he turns as he hears a tired voice call out to him, a small click sounds and Shinsou smiles fondly at the photo that slides out of the camera. Kaminari had grown to love that smile, but he’d also begun to notice it’s most evident when Shinsou was taking photos, specifically photos of him. “Hey… Shinsou? Do you think you could show me all the photos you’ve taken? I mean, there are some of,” he pretends to flip his hair out of the way and gives, what he hopes, is an attractive smile, “yours truly.” Shinsou stops to think for a moment, slipping the just developed photo into his pocket, “Sure, but uhm… Don’t be too disappointed, I’m not that good.”
As they walk back to the dorms that night after classes had finished Kaminari begins to talk, and talk, and talk. He’s speaks about everything and nothing, only cutting himself off once they get to outside Shinsou’s room, the taller boy looks at him, a fond smile on his face, they both look away quickly, their faces’ heating up. “So,” Shinsou clears his throat, “this… Uh…. Come in.” He finally says. If you had asked Kaminari what he thought Shinsou’s room would look like he probably would’ve said cat posters and lots of purple, and he’s not wrong, but also, there’s so much more. The walls are a darker purple, a few posters around his room, fairy lights adorning his roof and a giant pin board above his bed covered in photos. He walks over to the pin board, looking at all the photos he’s taken, “Shinsou… These are beautiful.” His voice is breathless with awe.
They sit down on Shinsou’s bed, Kaminari on his knees to be able to look at the photo board properly and Shinsou sitting next to him, legs crossed, feeling awkward and afraid of judgement. Denki has the biggest smile on his face that does something to Shinsou’s heart and helps calm him. “Shin… They’re so beautiful, what… What’s your inspiration?” Kaminari finally set down and looked at him with the biggest eyes Shinsou has ever seen, he’s quite taken aback by him, “Uhm, I just… take photos of thing I find beautiful? And… Well… Things I like.” Kaminari nods as he thinks, but then stops. “But… There are so many of me?” At this Shinsou can’t help but blush out of embarrassment, his turns to hide his face, “Well… That’s because… I like you.”
There’s silence for a short moment, then, Kaminari does something he’d always wanted to. He kissed Shinsou softly on the cheek, “I like you too.” They can’t help the fond smiles adorning both their faces.
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Art is by Cassiken be sure to follow them
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
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acewritessome ¡ 4 years
Secret Santa - Chapter 3
Denki smiles to himself as he finishes tying the bow on top of the present. In the end he may have a gone a little over board, he laughs to himself as his eyes fall upon the not one, but two gift boxes. The biggest of all being the gift he’s the most anxious about. Not only does it contain Shinsou’s present, but also his confession.
He sighs to himself as he hands the camera to Sero, “Ok, just… take the picture, don’t laugh.” Before he retreated to his room to wrap the presents, he made a plan with Sero, well… Sero made the plan, he just followed along reluctantly.
Thinking about the idea now, he starts to second guess himself, but it’s already done and wrapped, he may as well go ahead and go through with is. He shakes his head, pushing away thoughts of rejection, because, what could possibly go wrong, right?
Apparently, many things could go wrong, take right now for instance, not even 24 hours afterwards and he was doubting himself, he was slowly picking at the tape on the gift, lifting it up slightly only to press it back down and push it away, he repeated this over and over again until finally he pressed the tape down and threw it onto his bed.
He knew he had to stop thinking about it and just leave it, Shinsou would understand, right? Like, even if he didn’t return the feelings, he wouldn’t make it a big deal or make anything awkward? They were best friends, Denki was there when Shinsou first moved in, helping him, even though he said he didn’t need it, but oh well. So, yeah, they weren’t best friends, but they still hung out one-on-one, and yeah, maybe those hang-outs became less and less the more Denki became aware of his own feelings, but they were still pretty good friends.
He sighed, putting the gifts away in a bag he had prepared and putting them just outside his door, sending Iida a text saying he had finished. Tenya had taken it upon himself to be the one to hold all the gifts so they could be given out secretly. He smiled softly as he saw Iida grab the novelty gift bag and carry it away to his own room where everyone else’s gifts for each other were. Now, he thought to himself, it was out of his hands, both figuratively and literally. He threw himself backwards on to his bed, deciding sleep was probably the best option for him right now. The soft patter of snow on the window pane being his lullaby.
Kaminari woke with a start, a loud knock sounding at his door, he gets up with a groan and opens it to see none other than Shinsou. Both look as startled as the other, “Uh… Iida told me to come and wake you… he wanted to get everyone together to do the presents or something…” he trailed off, eyes avoiding looking at the blonde, hand mussing up the back of his hair before he promptly nods and walks away, “Oh, uh, thanks?” Denki calls after him just before he rounds the corner. He smacks a hand to his forehead at how stupidly he’d acted, looking down he’s see’s he’s in nothing more than an oversized shirt and underwear, fucking- no wonder Shinsou couldn’t look at him.
After putting on some pants and making sure he had everything, Kaminari makes his way to go wait in the common room.
After some light conversation with Sero which resulted in him seeing how many phones he could charge at once without going ‘dumb’, Iida finally came downstairs accompanied by Midoriya who had offered to help carry all the presents down. Kaminari swallowed thickly as he saw his own wrapping paper towards the middle of the pile in Iida’s hands. He can’t help the flicker of a glance towards Shinsou; seeing the purple haired boy looking at tired as ever somehow brings a feeling of calmness over Denki.
The whole class moves to sit in a big circle on the floor, all the presents in the centre. They all went up one at a time to grab the gifts marked with their name and open it. Iida was the first to go up, everyone insisted as he had taken it upon himself to plan this whole things, he bashfully picked up a small box, upon opening he found it to be a nice watch, after reading the tag he moved to thank Sero, everyone’s eyes moving on to the next person so as to give the two a sense of privacy. There was no surprise when Kirishima and Bakugou had gotten each other, however the two boys stated that their present was going to be given to each other later that evening, as it was something special, their first Christmas together and such, or at least that’s what Kirishima said, Bakugou just sat there snarling at anyone who went to argue.
It finally got around to Denki’s turn, he found the present with his name quite quickly, it was a bit hard to miss, the lightning bolt gift wrapping giving it away quite quickly, he picked it up and heard a small noise from inside, he looked around the circle confused… what was in the box?
He carefully opened it so as not to disturb whatever was in it, only to find a small jeweller’s box. He opened it with wide eyes and felt himself begin to blush as he pulled it out. Inside was a dog tag style necklace, however instead of the simple reflective surface, one side had a lightning bolt engraved. On the inside of the box was a small message wishing him a Merry Christmas, signed from Shinsou Hitoshi. He gave a wide smile in the direction of said boy before quickly looking away to put the necklace away carefully.
After a couple more classmates they were down to the last gift, Denki noticed with slight nerves that it was his to Shinsou. Shinsou tenderly picked up the two gift boxes. He looked up at Denki having quickly realised he’s the only one left to have given a gift and gives a small smile before getting back to his seat and carefully opening the first box, the smaller of the two. Inside he came across some thin sheets of photograph film, he tilts his head to look at Denki slightly confused as he holds them up, Denki smiles, “Open the other one, you’re not done yet.” His signature grin being on show, no matter the nerves coursing through his body. Shinsou does as instructed and open the next gift box, inside is a black polaroid camera, some cat stickers adorning it. He looks up at Denki once more, beaming at him in thanks for the gift.
One by one, people slowly leave the room to go about their own things, Shinsou included. Denki notices him getting up and quickly goes after him. “Shinsou!” said boy turns around at the mention of his name, “Oh, hello Kaminari. Was there something I could do for you?” he seems to be avoiding the boys eyes, Denki shrugs it off as nothing, “Uh, actually, yes,” he brings out the small box that contains his necklace and holds it out to Shinsou, “could you maybe put this on for me? I don’t exactly have the most careful hands….” He chuckles awkwardly as Shinsou takes the box. He opens it and pulls out the gift he had bought for the boy, he walks behind Kaminari and puts it on, when he moves back to the front of him, he sees a small smile, holding more emotion then his usual grin, he bids Kaminari a good night and goes to leave to his room.
“Shinsou! Wait!” he turns around once more, “Yes?” Denki seems to stumble over his own words, “I... The… The box! Yeah, the box that the um... the camera was in? There’s something at the bottom that you should see, yeah. Ok. Good night.” He quickly turns around, face red, heart beating quickly and hand clutching the small piece of metal hanging from his neck as he rushes off to his own room.
After the sudden outburst, Shinsou stands there dazed for a couple moments before heading to his room to see what just what he had missed that Denki so desperately wanted him to see. Sitting at his desk he put the polaroid camera carefully on show next to his other camera, looking at the two he knew which one was his favourite. He tipped the box upside down and out fell a loose piece of film, he turns it over and smiles to himself.
Kaminari, the class idiot, never failed to surprise him.
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Art is by Cassiken be sure to follow them
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
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acewritessome ¡ 4 years
Secret Santa - Chapter 2
Kaminari looks down at his hands, a heavy sigh leaving his lips, one giant thought keeps him awake; what to get Shinso? He looks around his room for any burst of inspiration, the patterns of his room not helping him at all. He lets out a groan, throwing his head backwards, why does he not have any ideas? He picks up his phone and types out a quick message
[Group Chat: Sero, Mina, Kami]
Pika pika: guys, I need help
Spider-man: how may we be of service?
Pika pika: what. the fuck. am I to get shinso????
Pinky: lover-boy needs some help, huh?
Pika pika: yes, ok, I need help
Pika pika: wtf do I get him?
Spider-man: me and mina were gonna go shopping on the weekend
Pinky: you could come with?
Kaminari sighs as he types a quick ‘ok’. Throwing his phone onto his desk, he slowly makes his way to his bed, hoping that maybe sleep will come easy tonight.
He was wrong. The next morning was hell, one look in the mirror showed just how harsh the night had been on him. He walked into the kitchen, hoping to make himself some coffee to accommodate the energy he missed out on. Lo and behold; Shinso just so happens to be right there, he too was waiting for the coffee machine to finish.
At the sound of incoming footsteps, Shinso looked up, he eyes drifting over Kaminari, taking in his tired appearance. “You look nearly as tired as I do.”
At Shinso’s voice, Kaminari looks up, his mind to foggy with lost sleep to even register any other emotion than being tired, “No one,” he said, “could look as tired as you.” He slumps himself across the counter, slowly watching Shinso laughing as he pulls out another mug.
The bubbling of the kettle soon comes to a stop, Shinso pours out two cups of coffee, one for himself and one for Kaminari. He carefully places the cup in front of the other, watching him as he throws back the coffee in one gulp, apparently burning his mouth in the process.
“Pikachu, what the fuck?” Bakugo moves to avoid Kaminari walking backwards into him, too occupied with fanning his currently burning mouth. Kaminari looks at him with an apologetic expression, one that quickly warps into fear as he sees the intent look of murder on his friend’s face.
“Shinso, save me!” Kaminari yells as he quickly runs behind the taller boy. Shinso looks down at the boy behind him who is tightly clutching onto the back of his shirt… well fuck.
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Bakugo scoffs as he walks out, mumbling something about Pikachu not being worth his time. Shinso turns around to face Kaminari, a blush rising higher on the blonde’s face, “Uh, thanks, bro, for the coffee and the hiding and such… uh… I’ll catch ya’ later.” He quickly slips away and runs out of the room. Shinso looks at his retreating back and smiles softly to himself. What a stupid boy, he thinks to himself.
Denki looks at himself in his mirror, shrugging as he moves to go out the room. Several days had passed since he had made a fool of himself with the coffee in front of Shinso, and it was now the day of going shopping.
He slips on his shoes, rushing outside to catch up with Mina and Sero. As the trio slowly make their way to the train station, thoughts of what he could possibly get Shinso are running through Kaminari’s mind. Maybe something cat related? That would be too simple. Maybe something cute and endearing? No, he wouldn’t like that at all.
These thoughts continue through the train ride and through most of the shopping. He watches on as Mina and Sero get their gifts, Mina getting hers for Jirou and Sero getting his for Iida.
He slowly browses through every shop they enter, each time coming out as empty handed as the last. They go into every kind of shop they come across. The other two are now finished, having bought gifts for their person as well as many more for their close friends and family. Kaminari sighs as he waves them off, having told them to head back to the dorms while he’s going to stay out for a little while longer.
Somewhere along the way, he makes a wrong turn, and instead of ending up at the smoothie bar he had hoped, instead he was in a weird side-street. Instead of turning back however, he continued to make his way down it, wanting to know what he might find on the other end.
It wasn’t the other end that he found something, no, it was in the middle. In the middle of the street, off to one side, was a little hole-in-the-wall store. He carefully walks in, not wanting to make any noise and break the tranquil silence, he nods a greeting to the shop owner, a seemingly nice old man. He was sceptical when looking at it from the outside, but once having gone inside, he found it to be quite a nice place.
While looking around Kaminari found himself quite surprised at the number of things around him. He sees different paintbrushes, so many palettes and canvas. He sees so many different notebooks and parchments with many, many writing pens and pencils.
His eyes land on the photography section, a vivid memory of Shinso once mentioning his passion for the hobby, another memory of going into his room for the first time and seeing all the photos printed out and hanging along his wall. His eyes scan the table and shelves, picking up a couple things here and there that he thinks Shinso might like, until finally, his eyes land on something.
He KNOWS, this is the perfect gift.
Art is by Cassiken be sure to follow them
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
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acewritessome ¡ 4 years
Secret Santa - Chapter 1
“…And so, I looked him in the eyes and answered the question, completely forgetting about his quirk, then I’m under his control and the next thing I know, I’ve taped myself to the goddamn wall.” Sero threw his hands up, slightly annoyed at his friends’ quirk being used against him, though happy to get a funny story out of it.
He turned to Kaminari who had been walking back to the dorms with him - having just come back from sparring practice, only to find his friend completely spaced out. Sero stopped in his tracks, wanting to see how long it would take Kaminari to notice, unsurprisingly, it took him several moments and a sharp turn around a building for him to realise he was alone.
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Kaminari quickly walked back the way he came to find an amused Sero. “Dude, you have GOT to do something about this.” Kaminari played dumb, cheeks turning red, “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Sero didn’t look like he believed it for a minute,, knowing his best bro better than that “Uh-huh so a tall boy... with purple hair... he wasn’t occupying your mind at all? Really?” The redness of Kaminari’s ears betrayed him, the smirk on Sero’s face showing him that he’d been caught.
The two boys walked into the dorms, where Iida’s loud voice greeted them as they entered the building, “Ah, here you two are! We were all just discussing what we’re going to do about the upcoming festivities.” Both Sero and Kaminari exchange a glance, both non the wiser as to what he was talking about Sero hesitantly piped up, “What might that include, exactly?”
The rest of the class sighs in frustration, having already heard Iida’s spiel. Mina standing up to take over from their overly excited class rep. “What Iida is saying, is that he wants us all to do a Secret Santa, apparently the Deku-squad,” she says softly glaring at said group, “was talking about it and didn’t want anyone to be left out.” She rolled her eyes as she finished talking, obviously fed up with the whole situation.
Sero shrugged, “Well, why don’t we?” Kaminari looked over at his friend, the confusion clear on his face, “I mean, yeah, I know you guys don’t wanna have to get people you don’t know presents, so… instead… how about I… dish out the names?” He paused, before explaining himself, “Like, it won’t be entirely so you each get your best friend, but I can make sure we get someone that we know well enough to buy for. That way Bakugo doesn’t have to get a gift for Midoriya, that... that would be hell.” The rest of the class laugh, slowly nodding along in agreement. 
Iida stepped forward, patting Sero on the back, “Good job! Would you like help sorting out who should get who? It must be a tasking job, I would be more than happy to help you-“, “No, it’s fine,” Sero promptly cut Iida off, “I think I already have most of the class sorted out.” Kaminari could hear the mischief in his voice; instantly becoming suspicious of his intentions. Sero could feel the concerned stare on his back and turned to look at Kaminari. He gave him a look that confirmed any suspicions the blonde may have had, and at that moment, Denki knew nothing good could come of this.
For the rest of the day, Sero kept himself occupied, avoiding Kaminari as much as he could, until finally, after their last class, he managed to corner him, “I know you’re up to something, tell me.” He stares into his friend’s eyes as a glint of mischievous sparks across them.
“Well… if you must know… your best friend – me – has come up with the best plan for you to finally do something about your problem.” Sero smiles wide at his own words, thinking himself a genius for the plan unfolding in his mind. Kaminari on the other hand sighs deeply, “And what problem may that be?” Already knowing the answer, but fearing what his friend is planning. Sero pretends to be coy about his answer, taking his time and drawing it out. “Oh just… something… to do with a certain tall boy, namely Shinso.” He laughs at the looks of horror spreading across Denki’s face.
Mina, having walked past, saw the look of joy and horror on her two friends faces and skips right over, “Hey guys, what’s with the faces?” confusion somewhat clear on her face. Soon, she’s laughing and agreeing once Sero has told her of the plan, “Come on Denki, you’ve been pining over him for so long, it’s nearly been a whole year since he joined the class and you still find it difficult to talk to him unprompted.” Although Denki is aware that she’s right, he doesn’t want to admit it, “It’ll look weird if I get him as my Secret Santa, besides, who is he going to get?” by the look of Sero’s face, he regrets asking the question.
“You, of course, but don’t worry,” he’s quick to say when seeing the look on the blonde’s face, “it won’t be too suspicious, you’re not the only pair… I was thinking of putting Kirishima with Bakugo… I think Bakugo would kill me if I didn’t, actually.” Mina laughs at that, then promptly changes the conversation topic. Although Kaminari tries to butt-in and get his friends to change their mind, he’s ignored.
Soon enough, it’s time for curfew, he finds sleep to be difficult and lies there awake, dreading tomorrow.
The next day, after having a horrible sleep Kaminari finds himself in his seat with a white envelope in front of him with his name on the front, Sero having handed them out, explaining that they contain who they have to buy for. Kaminari slowly picks it up, not wanting to open it.
He looks over to Shinso only to find a blank look on his face and the envelope slightly poking out of his bag. A million thoughts run through Denki’s mind, what if Sero had been messing with him and didn’t actually give him and Shinso each other? What if Shinso doesn’t want to participate and drops out? What is he supposed to do then? He looks down at the envelope, carefully flicking it over and seeing the name inside that he knew he was going to get, now another question, bigger and more important floods his mind – What the hell is he going to get Shinso?
Art is by Cassiken be sure to follow them
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acewritessome ¡ 4 years
Hi everyone!!!
My name is Ace and I go by any pronouns.
So as you can tell, this is a writing blog; i’ll be posting fanfics, original character content, and much more!! Any requests can go straight to my ask or inbox. I also have a twitter in which I will post teasers and little snippets that may preview before my tumblr, so be sure to follow that too!!
I hope you all like what I post and stay tuned for some fun stuff.
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