achaveles · 9 months
Avian!Impulse for the hermit fanon swap?
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Gave him the plumage of a yellow-shouldered blackbird.
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achaveles · 9 months
Vex!Rendog for the hermit fanon swap?
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achaveles · 9 months
Fox!Pearl for the hermit fanon swap!
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achaveles · 9 months
Avian!Beef for the hermit fanon swap?
beef is one of those hermits i dont really keep up with, so i was pleasantly surprised to look him up as a reference and promptly discover that he looks exactly like his minecraft skin irl. exact opposite reaction to mumbo as in you go, "oh, his beard is even more impressive in real life!"
also, since ive never drawn him before, i did a quick doodle of normal beef to warm up :] i love a bovine hybrid
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achaveles · 9 months
Oh my gosh! Thank you so much this is so good!
MCYTblr Holiday Exchange: Elsewhere
surprise, achaveles, i was your gifter! i had a blast coming up with this fic for you, and i really hope you enjoy it! happy holidays! :]
It was an accident when Tango had stumbled into the interdimensional frozen crypt in the middle of the woods, but it’s beginning to feel more intentional now that he keeps willingly returning to it. But who can blame him, when the dungeon is calling out to him and Tango becomes more and more enamored with it? So when the dungeon starts changing, it shouldn’t surprise him when he starts changing with it. written for @achaveles for the @mcytblrholidayexchange (11k words)
It started when Impulse declared that they were going camping over the summer. He’d purchased a summer pass for a local campsite and planned on actually using it this year, unlike a couple summers ago when he and Skizz made huge plans but didn’t go once. Skizz and Zed had been over the moon about the idea, but Tango? Not so much.
He’d never been an outdoorsy person in the slightest, preferring to stay inside and work on his code or whatever project he’d gotten caught up in at the time. There was a week last spring where he only left his bedroom to use the bathroom because he’d gotten so invested in tearing apart an old radio and putting it back together without any instructions. It wasn’t until Skizz dragged him out of the house and forced him to go for a walk that Tango finally saw the sun again. So, suffice it to say, Tango was less than pleased about being forced into the middle of the woods with no access to his computer for three days straight.
read the rest on ao3!
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achaveles · 9 months
Blazeborn!Grian for the hermit fanon swap?
Grian hovered in boredom. He inhaled, concentrating on the pressure in his chest, and exhaled a plume of smoke. 
"Heyyy, G-man!" Scar called out. He fumbled into Grian's peripheral. Their comms beeped simultaneously. 
Grian checked his while Scar sorted out his tangled elytra. His eyes widened, flames flickering on his skin in excitement. "Scar, you busy?" 
"Well of course! But I could be persuaded to venture elsewhere for a little while," Scar said. 
"Impulse is helping Zed with some achievement in the nether. He's not at his base, let's go prank it." Grian glowed, hair a ball of flames that undoubtedly were going wild. 
Scar's smile widened. "Ohoho, I do love a good prank!" 
"Yeah, yeah, come on!" Grian gently pushed his blazerods out of the way as he rifled through his inventory, searching for rockets. "No time to waste!" 
The blazerods circled merrily. Scar winked, expertly invading Grian's space while avoiding touching the rods. "Race you there!" 
Grian cackled as the two of them took off. 
From the ground, Pearl squinted upwards. Grian glowed so brightly he looked almost like a shooting star. 
Well, at least her base is safe. 
For now.
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achaveles · 9 months
Fae!Zedaph for the hermit swap?
I'm so sorry but
1. I've never drawn zedaph before
2. I've never drawn nor seen someone draw a fae before
3. I can't figure out how to draw either because no images I've seen of them look anything like each other so I can't figure out what their supposed to look like in the eyes of the fandom
Under the cut
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I'm sorry
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achaveles · 9 months
Zombie!Xisuma for the hermit fanon swap!
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my son zombie xisuma, who has every disease
Fanon Swap
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achaveles · 9 months
Moth!Tango for the hermit fanon swap?
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Aaaaaaa this was so much fun to do! I’m definitely going to be drawing more moth wings in the future :D
Thank you so much for the request, @achaveles!
For this post here!
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achaveles · 9 months
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Here's my gift to @handstotheskye for the @mcytblrholidayexchange for 2023! Hope you like it!
(Original sketch under cut)
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achaveles · 9 months
oooo warden or voidwalker pearl? or watcher/moss gem?
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Gem can have a spore blossom, as a treat :)
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achaveles · 9 months
Just going through the notes on InkGhouls latest prompt and sending art requests on mass >:3 I will revive ask culture with my cold dead hands
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achaveles · 9 months
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hermit fanon swap - an art game!
Reblog this to let your followers know they can send art requests to your ask box
if you are a writer you can also reblog this and make little snippets about hermits and their new traits
Vex!Grian and Avian!Mumbo as fun examples
Artless version behind the cut:
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achaveles · 9 months
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I'm alive I promise (meme template under cut)
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achaveles · 10 months
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ultimate flex baby
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Was opening my creo cards shipment this morning and this happened lol, my sibling pulled a signed rare and I didn't notice
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achaveles · 10 months
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Was opening my creo cards shipment this morning and this happened lol, my sibling pulled a signed rare and I didn't notice
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achaveles · 10 months
Double life pearl 👉👈
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Ask and ye shall receive
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