aciecakes · 2 months
Krel: In light of what you did for me, you can hug me for four to five sektons.
Krel: No! Four to five sektons!
Aja: Too late!!!
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aciecakes · 4 months
Douxie: I’ve come to a point in my life where I need a stronger word than ‘fuzzbuckets’.
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aciecakes · 5 months
TH: A House Divided or Jimhunters (No need for an explanation)
3B: A Glorious End Pt 2 (their parents sacrificing themselves to help their kids end Morando)
W: Our Final Act (bittersweet episode seeing that Jim is human again and Douxie gets to see Merlin and Morgana one last time)
toa fans, reblog with the single top episode/ top episode of each series that caused you the most pain
rott doesn't count because it's too easy
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aciecakes · 5 months
Merlin: Bad things keep happening to me, like I have bad luck or something.
Arthur: Merlin, you don’t have bad luck. The reason bad things happen to you is because you're a dumbass.
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aciecakes · 6 months
Jim: You know those things will kill you, right?
Douxie, pouring another glass of whiskey: That’s the point.
Steve, smoking a cigarette: We’re trying to speed up the process.
Toby: *nods while eating raw cookie dough*
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aciecakes · 1 year
We’re the same age but I’m like 3 months older than him. 😁🥳
Happy Birthday James.
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aciecakes · 1 year
Jim: Hey, calm down.
Claire: Never tell a girl to calm down!
Claire: Guys always tell girls to calm down and it never works, it just gets us all whipped up! You see me all whipped up now? It’s because you told me to calm down! (hits Jim twice)
Jim: You know, most guys have to get married to suffer this kind of abuse.
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aciecakes · 1 year
[Merlin shuts his eyes]
Douxie: No! Master! No, no, no! Don’t die, Merlin, please!
Merlin: I’m not dying, you idiot- uh, Master Wizard. I am simply at peace… finally.
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aciecakes · 2 years
Chris: Anything that comes out of your mouth is stupid!
Carrie: Chris Hargensen.
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aciecakes · 2 years
[Douxie crashes from the sky]
Claire: Oh! That’s gotta hurt.
Steve: Do it again, I wasn’t looking!
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aciecakes · 2 years
Enid: I’m sorry I left you.
Wednesday: I’m sorry I pushed you off the bench.
Enid: It’s okay.
Enid: Wait. When did you-
Wednesday: *pushes Enid off the bench*
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aciecakes · 2 years
Jim: Thanks, but I’ve gotta go to sleep because I have a big day of… misery ahead of me.
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aciecakes · 2 years
Krel: (voiceover) My sister tended to look on the bright side of things.
Aja: (rolling around the grass) Yay, grass!
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aciecakes · 2 years
Steve: I’ve never been in Aja’s room before. Have you?
Krel: Once when she was 5.
Steve: And?
Krel: She pushed me out the window and told mom I fell.
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aciecakes · 3 years
Snow: I love you guys, BUT YOU’RE IDIOTS!
The F7: But we’re your idiots!
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