acomaf4life · 6 years
I agree with these choices.
Throne of Glass Characters as MCU Characters
Aelin: Captain Marvel- Leader, super powerful, kicks ass on a daily basis
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Dorian: Iron Man- Billionaire playboy, protective of others, smarter than you’d expect
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Chaol: Captain America- Does what he thinks is right, that bod 👀, has been there since the beginning 
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Kaltain: Gamora- Way more hardcore than you EVER guessed, moral compass is shifty but overall her heart is in the right place, heartbreaking stories
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Elide: Scarlet Witch- Bitch has got some MAD POWER but you’d never know, doesn’t let her guard down easily, underestimated
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Manon: Black Widow- Could kill you in the blink of an eye, keeps her (big) heart hidden, ICONIC
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Rowan: Thor- Hot as fuck, a living legend, gets a haircut and OH BOY WAS IT WORTH IT
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Sartaq: Black Panther- His country is his priority, calm demeanor but can destroy you if needed, motivated by his heart
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Lorcan: The Hulk- fighting between two sides of himself, can wreak havoc like no other, soft at his core
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Nox: Spiderman- young, way too pure for the world, can hold his own if he needs to
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Maeve: Hela- queen of darkness and destruction, really just a horrible person, but hey she looks damn good 
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Aedion: Vision- lowkey soft, damn good fighter, not entirely himself all the time
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Lysandra: Loki- shape shifting, unsure about their loyalties at one point, slytherin king and queen (with beautiful hair ngl)
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Asterin: Okoye- a warrior through and through, loyal to her cause to the end, second in command to their respective leaders
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Erawan: Thanos- Will do anything to achieve their goal, think they’re in the right, THE VILLAIN TO END ALL OTHERS
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Yrene: Valkyrie- Not here for your bullshit, will not bend to the will of others, suffered immense trauma in her past
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Nesryn: Hawkeye- Arrows, duh??, strong despite obstacles in their way, trustworthy
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The King of Adarlan: Ultron- Still a bad dude but nothing compared to what’s to come, not entirely in control, satisfying ending
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Fenrys: The Winter Soldier- Fighting for himself, beautiful man, very strong in battle
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Gavriel: Starlord- His heart is his downfall, complicated family situation, loyal to people he trusts
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acomaf4life · 6 years
deku: [something inconvenient happens]
todoroki, nowhere near the inconvenient situation:
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acomaf4life · 7 years
Gundham: Sonia Tanaka! Kazuichi: Sonia Soda! Gundham: Sonia Tanaka! Kazuichi: Kazuichi Nevermind! I’ll take her name. I don’t care.
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acomaf4life · 7 years
I’m team Gundam. Not because…I like him or anything…but because Kazuichi is a loser. By choice.
Sonia Nevermind (via incorrectdanganronpaquotez)
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acomaf4life · 7 years
So emotional
Elorcan baby headcanons
requested by @a-court-of-throne-of-glass literally months ago sorry hun xxx
For more baby Elorcan stuff, I would recommend reading this first!
-They are both thrilled to be parents. Scared shitless but happy all the same.
-Lorcan may be a fierce Ass warrior, but he has no idea how to take care of children. He has no parents to model himself off. He knows Elide will be a good enough mother to make up for it.
-Lorcan loves his son so much, and insists on taking him everywhere. The only problem is people also like to steal his child. An excited female (AELIN) or a lonely warrior (FENRYS FOR FUCKS SAKE) will just whisk him away without asking and it infuriates Lorcan. He hates not knowing where his son is. He’ll go to Elide all panicked and she’ll know where the boy is, and he’ll be bitter for the rest of the afternoon because he didn’t know.
-Elide has a lot to do as a Lady of Perranth, so Lorcan often takes the baby out on adventures with him. The baby is still young and only can say garbled words, and Lorcan has him sitting in a high chair watching him and Rowan train. The baby laughs at the spectacle, and it’s hard for both Lorcan and Rowan to concentrate when they can hear his cute little snickers, but they try to continue on anyway. They stop suddenly though, when the baby’s laughs turn to a long winded continuous ‘Papapapapapapa’ and it’s his first real word. Lorcan’s son just called him Papa. He races to his sons and snatches him up and runs to Elide, hoping his son continues long enough for him to show his wife. They just make it, and Elide cries when she hears it.
-Elide and Lorcan are playing with him one day, just relaxing in between the huge amounts of meetings they have, when their baby pulls himself up with the table. He had been doing this for a month now and every time he did they oohed and ahhed but this time THIS TIME he takes a tentative step towards his mother, and then another and then another and everyone is cheering and he’s walking to a fro between his parents and it’s just a very good day.
-When he’s six, Lorcan takes it upon himself to start training him to wield a sword. The boy is still rather little and struggles to keep up sometimes, but he wants to make his father and uncles and aunts proud. He’s small for his age though, and he struggles a little bit. Lorcan is the most patient teacher though, and helps him every step of the way. Rowan constantly asks why he was never like that when they had to train younglings and soldiers in the army.
-The boy is quite the mischievous devil and goes out of his way to pull pranks on his family members. This includes making Elide think he’s deathly ill (luckly aunty Yrene is there to sooth any fears) making his uncle Fenrys think he’s been stabbed, and tricking his Aunt Aelin into giving him extra cake.
-He doesn’t have a lot of friends, so by age ten he starts sneaking out to play with the kids in the streets. Orynth was a prosperous city, but all cities had their version of slums. He would run around and play the most inventive games, and with the charm of his mother and the magic from his father, kids would swarm to him. He was their elected leader, and they even made a little flag for themselves. The only problem? His parents would have no idea where he was when he was doing this. It freaked the hell out of everyone, and they combed through the castle and city trying to find him, worried that some extremist fae that had supported Maeve had taken him. You can imagine Lorcan’s surprise when he found his boy rolling around in the mud with the humans, having the time of his life. And you can certainly imagine the revere and slight bit of fear that was in the children when they saw one of Queen Aelin’s high commanders storming towards them. Lorcan has a look of pure fury on his face when he approached his son, but as soon as he was in arms-length he just scooped him up and hugged him.
-After that, Lorcan insisted that the children he play with simply come to the castle. Where, if they wanted, they could receive free food and baths as well as training, courtesy of Fenrys.
-The boy was a lot like Lorcan was as a teenager – driven by his dick. At the age of 18, he had well and truly explored himself in every way possible. Elide got Yrene to sneak herbs into his food that would prevent him from catching diseases.
- He was incredibly loyal to his family, especially his mother. He would do anything to make her proud of him, including making the decision to train in Wendlyn when he was 22 so he could become the best possible solider and protect his family to the best of his ability. Lorcan raged and Elide cried when he told them he planned to go. It would only be for two years, and he would miss them dearly.
- while he was away, he settled, and Elide was overjoyed. She was always scared about what would happen to Lorcan once she passed, fearing her husband would find a way to join her in the afterlife. Now, she could rest assured that if their child was there with him, then Lorcan would always remain.
- when he came back he was the most refined yet savage solider. He was clean shaven, his hair short and neat, and he had the posture and composure of a prince. The first time he fought though, Lorcan was cowed by the power his son had accumulated. He was so powerful, in fact, that it drew the attention of Aelin herself, who gave him a chance to show her that not only was he powerful in body, but also in mind.
- while he was away proving himself to Aelin, Elide got sick. Very sick. Sick to the point that Yrene had to come as fast as she could from Adarlan. He sat by her side all hours of the day, abandoning all his duties so he could be with his mother. He held her frail, mortal hand in his and cried every time she coughed.
- at one point, both he and Lorcan had to leave, and when Yrene came out she shook her head, and told them there wasn’t much more she could do, and they should probably say their goodbyes.
- When they came in to see her, Elide had the biggest smile on her face. Both her men burst into tears at the sight, thinking it was the last time they might ever see it. Luckily for them all, Elide pulled through, and her son decided to decline any further offers from Aelin. One day, he would be the Lord of Perranth, and he needed to start staying home and acting like it.
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acomaf4life · 7 years
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Lorcan or Cassian
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acomaf4life · 7 years
Dorian: *Kisses Manon*
Manon: What is this?
Dorian: Affection?
Manon: Disgusting
Manon: …
Manon: Do it again.
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acomaf4life · 7 years
Have you ever
Have you ever finished the fifth book of the throne of Glass series? And then thought about theories about the next book. Not Tower of Dawn. And then you hoped that your theories come true. Because I sure have.
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acomaf4life · 7 years
How do you make a good Lorcan x Rowan one shot.
Omg I love you. Number one this ask implies that I have in fact made good rowcan when the possibility is very real that mine only seems good because ITS THE ONLY ROWCAN 😂😂😂😂 (// that I’ve seen at least? Are there more? Link me?)
Anyways. Angst is a key factor I think. Rowan acts like during the those years with Maeve that he just kind of shut his brain off, but we know from hof that he’s filled with so so much anger. So he’s just a mess all the time.
Lorcan is also a mess but he’s the older one and the more idgaf of the two. The thing that I love about Lorcan during that time is that he’s all asshole but it’s clear he has genuine care for Rowan because of how mad he was that he left (😂) and the whole mistward thing.
So basically I add those two things together with some smartassery and a whole lot of smut with a dash of Commander Lorcan in the mix and call it a day 😆😆
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acomaf4life · 7 years
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acomaf4life · 7 years
I mean, like if the Nesta and Cassian we knew had different personalities. Like Nesta being nice to everyone and Cassian being timid and soft spoken.
If you saw Nessian in a alternative universe where Nesta is nice and Cassian is less cocky. What would you do?
I’m sorry my friend I’m not sure what you mean? What would I do?
… Smile?
… Wish them on their happy way?
… Try to be friends with them?
Do you mean that they are usually only painted in that way? Like they are typecasted into The Mean One™ and The Cocky One? Because that does happen a little bit.
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acomaf4life · 7 years
Friend: what's with the shocked face?
Me: I just realized something.
Friend: what?
Me: that the baby bats were shipping with all of the Archeon sisters.
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acomaf4life · 7 years
Elorcan college AU fanfic
This fanfic was made by me so don’t judge me since this is my first one. I hope you guys like it.
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Elide Lochan was a college student at Erilea Academy. There were different types of groups at this college. The Cadre were followers of Maeve who was one of the most scary and powerful student at the college. The blackbeak group which consists of 14 members and the leader's name was Manon Blackbeak. lastly, there were followers of Aelin and supported her were Rowan, Lysandra, Aedion, and Dorian.
Elide was capable of taking care of herself but she was protected too much. Her protectors were Aelin and Manon. They would fight to see who would take care of her for the day. Both of them had boyfriends to back them up, Dorian and Rowan.
There was this one person that Manon and Aelin tried to make Elide the other direction. Lorcan Salvaterre. He was one of the members of Maeve's cadre and was loyal to her.
Elide couldn't speak to him because Aelin and Manon. Aelin had two classes with Elide and Manon had 3 classes with Elide. There was one class that she didn't have either of them. It was the class about the magical creatures and she sat next to Lorcan.
The teacher said"your assignment is to write a 3 page essay and a project based on that essay."
Dorian raised his hand"so we choose any creature we want, right?"
"That is correct, Dorian. This assignment is due next Wednesday."
Elide knew what she was going to do on her project and essay. Her paper was going to be on the wyverns since she can ask Manon about them. She was about to head out to class when she heard the teacher said"Also you have to do this with a partner in this class."
Elide froze and thought' a partner? Aedion is with Dorian and everyone else is taken. That means that the only one left is Lorcan. If Aelin and Manon find out about this, I'm dead.'
Dorian touched Elide on the shoulder lightly and whispered to her"Don't worry, Elide. I won't say a word to Manon or Aelin. You just need to work in secret with him though."
Elide felt comfort with Dorian's words and knew she could do this. Elide knew that she was going to do the essay part while Lorcan does the project portion. She just needed to find the best way to contact with him without being caught.
It was lunch time and Elide was hungry for some hot dogs. There were 3 different lines for lunch. The vegan line, the meat line, and the both lime.
Elide usually took the both line but today she decide to take the both line. She was getting her tray and behind her was Lorcan. Elide tried not to turn her back towards him and was putting hot dogs and a salad on her tray.
Lorcan watched Elide and slipped a piece of paper into her backpack pocket and acted like he didn't do anything. Lorcan knew that Maeve was watching him and walked to their table silently.
Elide sat next to Aelin and Manon since she always sat by them for lunch. Rowan and Dorian sat in front of Manon and Aelin and Lysandra sat by Aedion.
Elide asked Manon"hey, Manon. Can you help me with my essay paper in mythical creature class?"
"Yeah, but what creature?"
"And you choose the best girl for the job."
Elide was happy about that part covered for her assignment but she was worried about the other part. Lorcan being her partner.
When Elide finished all of her classes for the day, she walked to her dorm. Her roommate was Lysandra and she was reading a magazine while listening to music.
Elide was going through her stuff so she can start working on her project. She saw a piece of paper that she didn't recognize and unfolded it. It had Lorcan's number on it and said' we can talk through this number so we work on our project.'
Elide was happy to work on her project but she couldn't talk to him. She hasn't talk to Lorcan in her life and was scared to. So she put Lorcan's number in her phone and started texting to him.
Elide: is anyone there?
Lorcan: I'm here. Who is this?
Elide sighs and keeps texting him.
Elide: this is Elide. Your classmate in Mythical creature class.
Lorcan: oh, so this is your number. So what part of the project am I going to be doing?
Elide: you're doing the project portion.
Lorcan: what mythical creature are we doing?
Elide: the wyverns.
Lorcan: I'll text you when I get done.
Elide was glad that that part was over. Elide was scared of texting him but she was brave while doing it. Elide called Manon so she could get her information on the essay.
A few days later............
Elide hasn't heard Lorcan ever since she texted about him about the project. The project was due tomorrow and she was worried that Lorcan didn't do it. Elide was worried in all of her classes and Aelin and Manon were worried for her.
Before Elide walked into her mythical creatures class, Dorian stopped her. "So what's got under your skin?"
Elide looked at Dorian"just the assignment."
"Okay, I hoped you can get yours done." Dorian walked into their class and sat in his seat. Dorian knew that he had to get Elide and Lorcan together so they can talk about their project.
The teacher said"remember class that your essays and projects are due tomorrow." The bell rang and everyone was heading at lunch.
Dorian didn't want to take her notebook but he had to. He didn't want Manon to get mad at Elide for not passing this assignment that she helped Elide with.
At lunch, Elide was eating her lunch in silence and just looking at her food. Her thoughts were only on the assignment due tomorrow.
Dorian watched Elide and quickly and quietly stole her phone. He texted Lorcan about meeting Elide in the Mythical Creatures class at 8 at night. He quickly put her phone back where it was before.
After the last class of the day, Dorian put Elide's notebook on her desk in Mythical Creatures class. Dorian thought' I hope my plan works.'
Elide was walking to her dorm room and opened the door and saw Lysandra not there. Elide thought' she's probably with Aedion for the moment.' Elide went through her stuff to see if she has everything. She didn't see her notebook as she went through every item in her bag. Elide thought' maybe my notebook is in Mythical creature class.'
Elide sighed and started headed back to campus. Elide thought' it's so much nicer in the dark. You can't tell between the shadows and the darkness.'
Lorcan started walking to the campus from the opposite direction. Lorcan thought' why did she want us to meet the last day before the assignment was due.' Lorcan brought the project that he worked on and hoped that it was good enough.
Elide and Lorcan arrived at the same time and were walking to the classroom. All they could see was darkness and there was no light to be seen. Elide entered the room first and then Lorcan did. After he entered both doors to the classroom locked themselves.
Elide looked around to see if anyone was there and she saw Lorcan by the door. Elide said quietly"did you close the door?"
Lorcan stared at her"i didn't lock the door." Lorcan tried opening the door but the door wouldn't budge. "Both doors are locked."
"What are we going to do?"
"We just have to stay here until the doors are unlocked again."
Elide held her breath and thought' this is the best time to talk about project tomorrow.'  Elide sighed and spoke"how is the project going, Lorcan?"
"I got it done but I was hoping that it was okay for the assignment tomorrow."
Elide got out her phone and put the flashlight on it. The project was a perfect image of the wyvern but the detail of its teeth, claws, scales, and so much more.
"The model is perfect, Lorcan. It has all the details that it needs."
Lorcan slightly smiled at that"what about the essay, Elide?"
Elide went to her desk and got her notebook and went through the pages to grab the essay."I have it right here. It's all there and typed."
"That's good to hear. We will be able to pass this assignment."
"Yeah, we will." Elide felt a little confidence about their project and him. Elide started talking to him like nothing could hurt the moment and felt safe and free.
They talked through half the night and slept peacefully. Elide felt asleep on Lorcan's shoulder with a smile on her face. Lorcan thought' this was nice. Maybe we can do this more often.'
The next morning, Dorian walked into the classroom and saw Elide by herself. Elide was sleeping on two desks and she was sleeping peacefully. Dorian thought' I think that my plan worked after all.'
Elide woke up and saw her stuff on the ground and remembered the night before. Elide thought' today's the day where I'll pass the assignment without Manon and Aelin knowing who was helping me.'
Elide got her stuff and met Aelin in her first class. Elide wasn't really paying attention to the classes that she was in. She was really anxious to get to her Mythical creature class.
When she entered she saw Lorcan's model on the teacher's desk and waiting for her. Elide put her stuff down and started talking about their project. When Elide was explaining, Lorcan was pointing at the features of the model.
After their presentation, Elide and Lorcan handed in their assignment with victory on their faces. The teacher looked at them after reading the essay. "Well done you two. You get an A.
They both smiled at that and thought' maybe we can hang out more some day. I hope that day can someday come.'
I hope you guys like that. This was my first Sarah J. Maas one shot. The next one is Mandorian punk and nerd AU. See you guys next time and tell me what you think of it.
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acomaf4life · 7 years
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acomaf4life · 7 years
Lorcan: Mirrors don't lie
Elide: Lucky for you they don't laugh either
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acomaf4life · 7 years
Manon: How much do you love Elide?
Lorcan: A lot
Manon: Would you take an arrow for her?
Lorcan: Of course
Manon: Good. Meet me in the back in ten minutes.
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acomaf4life · 7 years
TOG Characters
Puts the laughter in slaughter: Manon
Puts the hot in psychotic: Elide
Puts the cute in electricute: Lysandra
Puts the sass in assassin: Aelin
puts the Oo in blood: Rowan
Puts the fun in funeral: the Cadre
puts the ay in slay: Aedion & Dorian
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