aconfusedbee · 7 months
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that’s my dearest emma
willow - taylor swift
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aconfusedbee · 7 months
emma and knightley are soooooo elle x emmett coded and vice versa omg you guys
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aconfusedbee · 7 months
robert walton laid down in his bed and wrote every letter gushing about victor to margaret in this pose
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aconfusedbee · 7 months
Me when someone tells me that they absolutely DESPISE Amy March and/or Emma Woodhouse:
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aconfusedbee · 7 months
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and she's the kind of book that you can't put down
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aconfusedbee · 8 months
I wish adaptations kept Victor Frankenstein's actual age. I want the modern audience to see this goth kid who looks like he has to ask older people to buy him Monster, and realize, oh, oh, THAT'S why he's not the best father figure. Like Victor Frankenstein is a mad science version of "16 and pregnant" and I want more stuff on that.
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aconfusedbee · 8 months
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aconfusedbee · 8 months
fuck dating apps i want to meet someone the old fashioned way (i’m on an arctic expedition and we rescue you from being trapped on an ice floe after attempting to kill a monster of your own creation)
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aconfusedbee · 8 months
I find it so funny how adaptations and pop culture for Frankenstein feel the need to paint “Dr. Frankenstein” as either a batshit crazy old man or a hot mentally unstable guy in his 30s, when in reality Victor Frankenstein in the original novel is just a sickly gay autistic teenager, who does definitely not have a doctorate, written by a 17-year-old goth girl who created the genre of science fiction.
It’s just so funny to me how pop culture is just like, “yeah, Dr. Frankenstein, the ‘ooOoh my peers criticised my science but I’ll show them!’ And ‘it’s alive!’ guy.” when in reality Victor Frankenstein just shows up to class fully “uhm, achtually 🤓☝️” style, then proceeds to rant about his boyfriend best buddy and how hot and amazing he is for pages and pages and pages. What peers? His classmates who probably just know him as “oh, that one.”??? The man is a twink who dropped out of university and due to his avoidance of consequences (not his “whining”, bad character analysis, I see you) by the end he’s driven himself so far to his own demise that he’s just an absolute sopping wet cat of a man. Stop trying to age him up at the beginning or make him hotter or “more mature”, the public deserves to know this twink like we do. And please stop making the creature an inarticulate mess with literally no character to him whatsoever, give us our edgy “i just read this Bible fanfic and Satan is just like me fr” lad we know and love
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aconfusedbee · 8 months
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aconfusedbee · 2 years
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whats yall headcanon bout michael’s appearance? i imagine him as a biblically accurate angel, with the thousand eyes and stuff, he doesnt speak but for some reason everyone knows what he’s saying
sum shit like:
simeon: i wonder what the brothers are up to now
michael: *loud pitch and flapping noises*
simeon: i think so too
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aconfusedbee · 2 years
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i will never forget that feeling, always hated celebrated my own birthdays knowing damn well no one else cared enough to shower me with love that day, and i knew this year wouldnt be different and after all you knew how much i hated that day, supposed to be dedicated to me and to be grateful im alive, yet you put salt in my wound and made what you knew was more effective towards me, sadly i had to smile and pretend life was good and perfect yet every step i would take felt like the utmost of hell, i feel unreal and like i wanted to explode and scream untuk my throat aches. i did things i was not proud of and the pain was there still, yet no repercutions for you nor any care from your part was there, was it love if it vanished the moment i stopped being yours? it was not a moment to celebrate after all the damage you did to me yet you were there, prompting and showing around like you did nothing wrong and i was a dramatic witch who was was to blame, i havent been myself since what you did and tho i tried to look my best even in my worst i still hated you, hated how much i loved you and how much i went through being with you for all of that to happen, unfairness at its finest isn’t? i played the part quite well tho, no one else deserves to know how much you affected me and how much of me i lost those time because of you and your actions, such a hypocrite claiming to be the love of my life and then hurting me in ways i never knew i could be hurt, no one did it the way you did and i must praise you for that, you made me feel a new type of pain that i hope to never sense again, but of course deep wound lead to scars dont they? scars that take long to heal and ache every shower you take, scars that i will heal myself so one else has the luxury of seeing them. no one saw the mess i was around you, before during and after, and i intend to keep it that way forever because you do not deserve my pain nor the pleasure of knowing how much you made me suffer, no one saw me weeping every night and day making the passing by meaninglessly since i made sure to never let it affect me academically, no, you wouldnt fuck me over that way, i wouldnt let you have that advantage over me, ever. i cried, i screamed, countless nights with an enormous pain in my stomach, an emptiness that yearns your love, was it even love? what we had was it ever love? or was me accepting what i had because there was nothing left for me to hold onto. so i grew dependant on you, i had no one else but you so i loweres my standards and allowed all the things you did and said to me, i loved you because i had nothing else to love and with time it became something so big because i needed it, i loved you and lost myself in the process but frankly there was not much to begin with. didnt realize how much you affected me until it was gone, then i yearned for you because it was all i knew, all i’ve been having for so long so it just felt weird not having ir but what you did was not ok, it was not correct not right, you were so unfair i wanted to break, did you know how much advantage you had? putting me against the sword and the wall and isolating me to the point where i couldnt leave. then leaving me yourself so i felt like i was at fault and then let me to rot, let me to rot on my birthday and before, and then forcing us to seem perfect in front of everyone else because you knew i had no other choice no other option. you were such a mastermind, or was my demeanor that betrayed me into it? maybe both, i had such a soft spot for you for so long that frankly breaking your heart worried me more than the fact that i was breaking mine every day i was around you, i would wish you the worst and insult you but theres no point now, youre suffering the consequences of your own actions and i hope you wake up one day and realize your wrongs
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aconfusedbee · 3 years
you thought it was an intruder, but it was me, barbatos!
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aconfusedbee · 3 years
i had a vision, now one thing is it being a good one or not
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aconfusedbee · 3 years
They way yall reacted when thirteen called MC ordinary like she insulted your entire bloodline is fucking embarrassing. Get off my beautiful bi gf's back your misogyny is showing
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People are still hating on female characters like they're feeling threatened or afraid for their precious pixel dick yall sad
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aconfusedbee · 3 years
the bros once they see all the tweets i made about thirteen
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aconfusedbee · 3 years
Its been such a long time and a lot of things have happened.
I broke up with my boyfriend so i didn't have to come out to him and a few more things because deep down i know he wouldn't understand me in that way and honestly i don't need anymore judgement than myself right now.
I realized that i might be more genderfluid than nonbinary, because the way i see certain pronouns and also how it changes the ways i perceive myself in the mirror. I could be okay with being called a girl some days an even act feminine, wear make up to accentuate my femininity and clothes that show more figure, but some days when someone just calls me a she i just dont feel myself, i don't see that as me and makes me feel angry because that's what im supposed to be, i wear baggy tshirts and big pants so i dont have to deal with my body and try to keep my hair in a ponytail but it's just not the same, i would like to have shorter hair but im not allowed to a little but more than the shoulders and im not good enough with makeup tu masculinize my face. Also the feeling of not knowing how to tell people how im feeling at the moment without sounding mean is just,,,,tiring.
I told my best friend i felt like i wasn't comfortable with my gender and how i perceive myself but he just said i need time and im still young and i'll realize in the future. But he still uses solely she/her pronouns with mr although i told him i would prefer using more, i hate, honestly i hate those pronouns nowadays just because i feel trapped in that. I feel trapped as a girl and im afraid i'll have to be seen as that for the rest of my life and was expecting the only person i know would understand, to understand me.
I know what label fits me more, i know what i like and what i wanna be, i don't need time to figure things out, i just need someone to tell me im valid and actually consider how i feel without saying that I'll eventually grow out of it.
He said that at his old school everything was about pronouns, everyone was so open and diverse and fuck, what i would give to have that experience. What i would give for someone to ask me my pronouns and actually use them with me and treat me as a person and not just a girl. What i would give to be accepted and treated as a genderfluid person by friends, to wear bracelets that show my preferred pronouns and people actually referring to me in that way. But i guess things wont be that easy for now
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