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Oh! It’s you? Mr. Hoshi told me you were coming! Nice to meet ya! My name is Rodion. I’m helping Harvey running the ‘Two Points’ Camping. A lot of villagers are coming here, all year round to enjoy our place. First of all, let me show you my dedicated spot!
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This is the main area, just before the tent. I’m sorry for the dishes, we just finished eating. This was delicious, by the way. Beau caught us fresh fishes from the river nearby. It was very yummy! Time to clean now...!
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We also have a special place for those who like to have tea in the afternoon. Nothing is better than sharing scones and tea with friends in the middle of the woods.
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And this is my fire place. I do play some guitar in the evening to entertain the clients. I’m happy to say that Tom Nook comes here when he wants to relax and he’s the one paying us this time ;) Joke aside, I really hope you’ll be back! Next time, I’ll show you some activities we have at the camp! See you soon!
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What! Who’s there?! Oh! Pascal! How are you? What, that scallop? You want it that much? Okay, take it! And ‘Bon appétit!’
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Well, finally this scallop made someone happy. And Pascal gave me a furniture to show how much he appreciated it. Let’s head back home together and see what it’s all about!
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WOOOW! A cannon! I really don’t know how I’ll make it match with my decoration... I may send it to Midori. She’s a HHD agent after all. She’ll probably find a client who’ll want it in his or her house! Now, I must change since I’m gonna meet some friends at Harvey’s ‘Two Points’ camp. We are all wearing a special shirt! I’ll meet you there later!
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Hey! Welcome back! It’s fun to meet you here, at night! We are about to gather for a scary story around the fire. Camping is so much fun and Donguri’s is one of the best. Speaking of camping, I’d like to introduce you to my best friend, Rodion. He’s helping Harvey running the place. I’m sure you’ll like him a lot too! See you soon, my friend!
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Hello my friend! I’m so happy you’re back in Donguri! And finally you’ll be able to have a glimpse of the town while it’s sunny! In fact, it’s so sunny today I had to take lunch outside. I found the perfect spot facing the ocean; so gorgeous!
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Speaking of the ocean, the air is so hot and the water looks so fresh, I brought my swimsuit with me so I’ll be able to dive in!
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Swimming in the ocean is much refreshing. My body’s temperature is cooling down. That’s perfect... Oh! I see someting on the bottom... It’s moving!? Let’s check this out!
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Wow! I found a scallop! Should I keep it? I know a delicious scallop soup recipe. but, it’s too hot today to eat soup at dinner. I might just release it back in the water!
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Hey nice to meet you here! This morning, I took the train from Donguri’s station and came in the city for shopping. Wanna join me? First, I need to stop at the florist and then I’ll browse in the haute couture shop.
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The mall is quite big. Did you know Happy Home Designer agency worked on the design? I’m proud to see our designs from the customer point of view today. The agency did such a good job. Well, now... I need to find the flower shop... There!
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I really like flowers. I always try to have fresh picked flowers in my house. And sometimes, paying a little bit more to get a complete bouquet is a treat I dare to offer myself. Oh, those periwinkles are adorable! I’ll take some... Now, the clothing shop!
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This place is absolutely gorgeous! And all the products are rare and pricey! Oh! Do you think I can afford this? And this dress is awesome... I wish I could buy it... Well, shopping does not always mean to buy something. Some times, it’s just about dreaming of it! Well, thank you so much for accompanied me today! I hope we’ll see each other very soon!
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Being a mayor requires to make sure everyone in town is aware of the news and the laws. This bulletin board is the perfect spot to get all the informations you need. Isabelle posts most of the messages, but this morning I did it myself.
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Walking by the plaza, I saw that Redd, a local art seller, is in town. The thing with this guy is that he’s always taking advantage of people’s confidence. Most of the time, customers are paying full price for replicas and false masterpieces... And this is not allowed in Donguri!
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Arrr! This one is obviously a fake! I hate to do this, but I must take serious actions against this shop. A lot of paperwork is ahead of me... I’m sorry Redd... but we warned you so many times! I’ll have to take back your shop licence.
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This day was not as calm as I expected from it. A good night sleep will be the best. And I hope Donguri will get rid of this fraudster! I’ll do all my best as a mayor to make it happen... I swear it!
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This morning was perfect for apple picking! And I assure you, the apples in Donguri are the best! They have this deep red color, so shiny. And they taste like honey. Speaking of honey,  bees are really attracted by the scent of the fruits this time of the year.
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I could not resist the challenge to capture one of those. The one I got was quite big!!! I was impressed by its size, wich made it slower and easier to catch!
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On my way back home, Gaston saw that I was carrying the precious golden nugget of a bee with me and revealed that he was passionate by insects and such. He was jealous of the bee I cought just minutes ago.
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Being the mayor is caring about my villagers happiness and I was very glad to give this honeybee to Gaston. He was so excited, that it warmed my heart. Apple picking, bee hunting and friendship making. I could never ask for more...
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Good day new friend! Thank you Mr. Hoshi for this chance to present myself. My name is Midori. I’m a Happy Home Designer agent. I just opened an HHD office in Donguri. For the moment, I work alone here, but I often go to the HHD headquarter to catch up with my collegues. I’ll do my best to show you some of my most interesting creations in houses and clothes designing.
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First of all, follow me to my apointment. My client will be ready very soon. I’ll go to her house finalizing the design I created before she arrives.
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My customer was hoping for a beach/summer vibe in her house. And I can’t blame her with all the rain we got recently in Donguri. This is what I came up with. Let’s see if she’s happy!
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Rhonda : ‘Oh! Midori, this is so on point! This is perfect. I’m almost feeling the sun on my skin!’
Wow! Great feedback! Thank you for your time! I hope you enjoyed it! Mr. Hoshi and myself will update regularly with news and ideas! See ya!
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Welcome back in Donguri! I’m sorry... it’s still raining today! I wanted to show you a very unique feature of our village under a bright sun, but we can’t do anything about the weather!
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There there! It’s the famous Donguri’s giant oak. We planted it the very same day I was elected mayor. Every day, I pass by to remember myself how much we grew as a village and how much I grew as a simple man. We achieved so much together.
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I really believe this oak inspires all the residents. As you can see, the villagers I meet are always very happy, even when it’s raining like today! I’m so proud of every one! Now, I would like to introduce you to a very special person.
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This is her home. Please, enter. She’s awaiting for you! I know you won’t be disapointed!
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Hello! Welcome in Donguri! Founded in June 2013, this little town is a dream come true for me. My name is Haruto Hoshi. I’ve been proud mayor of this village for all those years. Everyone here calls me Mr. Hoshi. I’d like want to with you our daily life.
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So sad to introduce you Donguri during a rainy day. But, our village needs all the benefits from Mother Nature.
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Here’s the Town hall, my workplace. From here, you can see our beloved town flag. Haven’t you guessed? Donguri means Acorn. The hard shell represents our strenght. The fruit inside represents our heart. Now, let me introduce you to a special person.
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Here’s Isabelle. She’s my devoted assistant. No, she’s so much more than that. Isabelle is a friend and Donguri would have collapsed years ago without her help. As you can see, our office is pretty nice. We are working hard here. Everyday has its own challenge.
Thank you for your time. I can’t wait to show you more of our town!
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